Tour Program of Debswarup Rath

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Tour program of Debswarup Rath & Aditya Nanda

Places to cover:eg-!:-Balugaon, Banpur, Jatni, Khurda. eg-":-Balangir, Sonepur, Boudh, Phulbani, Bhawanipatna. eg-#:- Karanjia, Rairangpur, Baripada, Udala. The proposed tour program of me & adit a nanda is as follows. !"tober ##$% Trip to Balugaon & Banpur to &isit &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Balugaon & Banpur is atta"hed in a separate sheet. !"tober #($% Trip to Jatni, Khurda. This trip is intended towards &isit to &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges & "oa"hing "enters in Khurda is atta"hed in a separate sheet. !"tober #)$% *o&e to Balangir to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Balangir is atta"hed in a separate sheet. +ight halt at Balangir. !"tober #,$% *o&e to Sonepur from Balangir in afternoon to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Sonepur is atta"hed in a separate sheet. +ight halt at Sonepur. !"tober #-$% *o&e to Boudh from Sonepur in morning to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Boudh is atta"hed in a separate sheet. .fter "ompletion of wor/ at Boudh then mo&e to Phulbani. +ight halt at Phulbani. !"tober #0$% *o&e in to &arious "oa"hing "enters in Phulbani. 1t being a Sunda +o 2olleges "an be "onta"ted. +ight halt at Phulbani. !"tober #3$% *o&e to Bhawanipatna from Phulbani in night to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Bhawanipatna is atta"hed in a separate sheet. !"tober #4$% *o&e in Bhawanipatna to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Bhawanipatna is atta"hed in a separate sheet. Then mo&e to Bhubaneswar to report in "ollege at !"tober (5. +o&ember )$% *o&e to Karanjia to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Karanjia is atta"hed in a separate sheet, night 6alt at Baripada. +o&ember ,$% *o&e to Rairangpur in morning from Baripada to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. The 'etails of "olleges in Rairangpur is atta"hed in a separate sheet. *o&e to Baripada after "ompletion of wor/ at Rairangpur. +o&ember -,0$% *o&e in Baripada in morning to "onta"t &arious "olleges & "oa"hing "enters. 1f possible /eeping in mind the "olleges7 timings in !disha a night sta at Baripada will be re8uired. Then mo&e to Udala in ne9t morning to "onta"t &arious "olleges. The 'etails of "olleges in Baripada is atta"hed in a separate sheet. .fter "ompletion of wor/ at Udala return to Bhubaneswar. +o&ember 3$% Report at "ollege.

Tour Advances
eg-!:-Balugaon, Banpur, Jatni, Khurda$%.n .d&an"e of Rupees (,555:% ;Three Thousand Rupees < is sought for hiring a ta9i & mo&ing to the abo&e pla"es. eg-":-Balangir, Sonepur, Boudh, Phulbani, Bhawanipatna$%.n .d&an"es of rupees ==,555:%;>le&en thousand Rupees< is sought for tra&eling e9pense to the abo&e lo"ations and also for e9tensi&e tra&eling inside the abo&e "ities. The ad&an"e Sought also in"ludes fooding & hotel e9penses. eg-#:- Karanjia, Rairangpur, Baripada, Udala$%.n .d&an"e of rupees -,555:% is sought for mo&ing to &arious pla"es asso"iated in this leg.

'ebswarup Rath ?e"t. >.>.>.

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