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ICC Classification of Official Cricket

With effect from March 2010 The following matches shall be classified as Official Cricket: 1. MENS CRICKET TEST M TC!ES Test matches are those which: a. b. Are played in accordance with the ICC Standard Test Match Playing Conditions and other ICC reg lations pertaining to Test matches! and Are between: i" ii" Teams selected by # ll Members of the ICC as representati$e of the Member Co ntries %# ll Member Teams". A # ll Member Team and a composite team selected by the ICC as representati$e of the best players from the rest of the world. %The &ohnnie 'alker S per Series Test Match wo ld fall into this category".

Note ( Matches in$ol$ing an )A) team or age(gro p team shall not be classified as Test matches. ONE " # INTERN TION $S %O"I& O*I matches are those which: a. b. Are played in accordance with the ICC Standard One *ay International Playing Conditions and other ICC reg lations pertaining to O*I Matches! and Are between: i" ii" iii" i$" $" Any teams participating in and as part of the ICC Cricket 'orld C p or ICC Champions Trophy! or # ll Member Teams! or A # ll Member Team and any of the )top +) Associate,Affiliate teams or Any of the )top +) Associate,Affiliate teams! or A # ll Member Team %or )top +) Associate,Affiliate" and a composite team selected by the ICC as representati$e of the best players from the rest of the world %The &ohnnie 'alker S per Series one day matches wo ld fall into this category"


The identity of the -top +. Associate,Affiliate teams will be determined thro gh the ICC 'orld C p / alifier to rnament. ICC will determine the precise point d ring the to rnament at which the new -top +. shall take effect. Matches in$ol$ing an )A) team or age(gro p team shall not be classified as O*I matches.

TWENT#20 INTERN TION $ M TC!ES Twenty01 International Matches are those which: a. Are played in accordance with the ICC Standard Twenty01 International Playing Conditions and other ICC reg lations pertaining to Twenty01 Matches!


Are between: i" ii" iii" i$" Any teams participating in and as part of the ICC Twenty01 Championship! or # ll Member Teams! or A # ll Member Team and any of the Associate,Affiliate Member teams whose matches ha$e been granted O*I stat s %i.e. the top + Associates,Affiliates". Matches between any of the Associate,Affiliate Member teams whose matches ha$e been granted O*I stat s %i.e. the top + Associates,Affiliates".

Note ( Matches in$ol$ing an )A) team or age(gro p team shall not be classified as Twenty01 international matches OT!ER O''ICI $ INTERN TION $S Any limited o$ers match between Associate,Affiliate international teams other than those already classified as O*Is,T01Is. S ch matches are only other official internationals if played as part of a global or

regional ICC e$ent or competition! or agreed with and nder the a spices of the ICC *e$elopment Programme , 2igh Performance Programme %e.g. matches agreed by ICC with Members to be added on to the sched ling of an Intercontinental Shield match for which the IShield match officials. arrangements may be tilised". 3ote 4 these matches5 inter alia5 will always be s b6ect to ICC officials. arrangements5 7 alification r les and the ICC appro$ed Code of Cond ct and playing conditions.
'IRST(C$ SS M TC!ES #irst(Class Matches are those matches of three or more days) d ration between two sides of ele$en players played on nat ral t rf pitches and s bstantially conforming to ICC standard playing conditions. A # ll member may5 if it wishes5 introd ce playing reg lations allowing the 88 playing members of a side to be changed after the start of a match witho t the match forgoing its first(class stat s5 pro$ided any s ch changes relate solely to a player)s call( p to or release from international d ty. 2owe$er5 no playing members of a side in a first(class match may be replaced for reasons of tactics or in6 ry. In the following 9 les the term ):o$erning ;ody) is restricted to # ll Members. R)les a. b. c. The stat s of all matches in an official ICC competition shall be decided by ICC. #or matches o tside of official ICC competitions5 b. and c. below shall apply. # ll Members of the International Cricket Co ncil shall decide the stat s of matches of three or more days) d ration played in their co ntries. In matches of three or more days) d ration played in co ntries which are not # ll Members of the International Cricket Co ncil: i" ii" iii" If only one team comes from a # ll Member co ntry or both teams come from the same # ll Member co ntry then that co ntry shall decide the stat s! otherwise If both teams come from different # ll Member co ntries then the stat s shall be decided by agreement between those co ntries if possible! otherwise ICC shall decide.

Notes :o$erning ;odies agree that the interest of #irst(Class cricket will be ser$ed by ens ring that #irst( Class stat s is not accorded to any match in which one or other of the teams taking part cannot on a strict interpretation of the definitions be ad6 dged #irst(Class. Matches in$ol$ing age(gro p teams p to and incl ding <8= shall not be classified as #irst(Class matches *ecisions regarding the awarding a match #irst(Class stat s sho ld whene$er possible be taken prior to its commencement5 failing which as soon as possible thereafter. 'here a decision regarding #irst(Class stat s has already been made5 incl ding in respect of all matches played prior to these classifications taking effect5 any s bse7 ent re$ersal of a decision %i.e. to pgrade a match to #irst(Class stat s or downgrade it from #irst(Class stat s" shall be permitted only in e>ceptional circ mstances5 and then only with the appro$al of ICC.

'IRST(C$ SS ST T*S The following matches of three or more days. d ration shall be regarded as #irst(Class5 s b6ect to the pro$isions of the #irst(Class match definition being complied with. The list below is not e>ha sti$e and is merely indicati$e of the matches which wo ld fall into the #irst Class definition. i" ii" iii" i$" $" $i" $ii" Test matches ICC Intercontinental C p matches Matches by )A) teams of # ll Member co ntries against teams ad6 dged #irst(Class %incl ding the )A) team of another # ll Member co ntry" In all # ll Member Co ntries Matches against teams ad6 dged #irst(Class played by official to ring teams In A stralia P ra C p matches between states In ;angladesh 3ational Cricket ?eag e matches between di$isions In @ngland and 'ales Co nty Championship matches between co nties MCC $ any #irst(Class co nty O>ford <ni$ersity $ Cambridge <ni$ersity Cambridge5 * rham5 ?o ghboro gh and O>ford <ni$ersity Centres of Cricketing @>cellence $ any #irst(Class co nty In India 9an6i Trophy matches between states * leep Trophy matches between Aones Irani Trophy match %winner of pre$io s 9an6i Trophy against 9est of India" In 3ew Bealand State Championship matches between pro$inces In Pakistan / aid(e(AAam Trophy %:rade I" matches between regions Patron)s Trophy %:rade I" matches between departments Pentang lar C p matches between leading teams from the other first(class to rnaments In So th Africa S perSport Series matches between franchises


i>" >"


CSA Pro$incial C p matches between pro$inces >ii" In Sri ?anka Premier ?eag e *i$ision I matches between cl bs Inter Pro$incial To rnament matches between pro$inces In 'est Indies Carib ;eer C p,International Series matches between co ntries In Bimbabwe ?ogan C p between areas

>iii" >i$"

?IST A ?IMIT@* OC@9S MATC2@S Any O*I5 or any limited o$ers cricket match sched led for one day.s d ration and of one innings per side with a minim m of D1 o$ers per side played at least at State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el in a # ll Member co ntry or official matches of a to ring Test team against at least State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el teams and accorded the stat s of ?ist A ?imited O$ers Match by the rele$ant :o$erning ;odies. A match will still be regarded as ?ist A ?imited O$ers e$en if red ced by bad weather or for other reasons to fewer than D1 o$ers per side. ?IST A T'@3TE01 MATC2@S Any Twenty01 International match5 or any limited o$ers cricket match sched led for one day.s d ration and of one innings per side with a limit of 01 o$ers per side played at least at State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el in a # ll Member co ntry or official matches of a to ring Test team against at least State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el teams and accorded the stat s of ?ist A Twenty01 Match by the rele$ant :o$erning ;odies. 9 les for ?ist A limited o$ers matches and ?ist A Twenty01 matches a. b. c. The stat s of all matches in an official ICC competition shall be decided by ICC. #or matches o tside of official ICC competitions5 b. and c. below shall apply. # ll Members of the ICC shall decide the stat s of matches of one day.s d ration played in their co ntries or in to rnaments nder their 6 risdiction. In matches of one day.s d ration played in co ntries which are not # ll Members of ICC: i" ii" If only one team comes from a # ll Member co ntry or both teams come from the same # ll Member co ntry then that co ntry shall decide the stat s! otherwise If both teams come from different # ll Member co ntries then the stat s shall be decided by agreement between those co ntries if possible! otherwise

iii" ICC shall decide. 3ote: It is intended that ?ist A matches will be those one day matches played at the highest domestic le$el. Matches that are primarily arranged as festi$al5 friendly or practice matches and o tside of any competiti$e str ct re sho ld not 7 alify as ?ist A matches. The creation of ?ist A5 the definition of ?ist A matches and the application of this definition to all limited o$ers cricket worldwide has all been the work of Philip ;ailey of the Association of Cricket Statisticians. Prior to 011F5 all decisions regarding the classification of limited o$ers matches as the one(day co nterpart to first(class stat s were ndertaken by the ACS5 with no pre$io s in$ol$ement from ICC or national :o$erning ;odies. Since 011F5 ICC has been responsible for the definition of ?ist A and has placed f t re classification decisions in the hands of its # ll Members.

Therefore # ll Members are re7 ired to determine which limited(o$ers matches played nder their 6 risdiction sho ld be accorded ?ist A stat s. 2owe$er5 the ACS will contin e to maintain the list of matches it belie$es f lfil the criteria for ?ist A with # ll members ad$ising by e>ception sho ld they wish to add or remo$e any matches from this list. In order to preser$e the integrity of past efforts of the ACS and to ens re the ongoing maintenance of a thoritati$e and consistent records5 the following shall apply: a. 3o attempt will be made by :o$erning ;odies or ICC to amend retrospecti$ely the stat s of limited(o$ers matches5 i.e. the catalog e of past ?ist A matches compiled o$er the years by the ACS will be allowed to stand. :o$erning ;odies will wish to ens re that their f t re ?ist A classifications are consistent with %a" each other5 %b" past decisions and %c" the definition of ?ist A as written by the ACS and adopted by ICC.


OT!ER M TC!ES Other cricket played nder the a spices of a Member co ntry may be classified by s ch Member co ntry as Official Cricket. Incl ding b t not limited to: a. b. Matches between the )A) Teams5 3ational Academy or Age :ro p Teams of Member co ntries. All other matches played as part of a competition or to rnament held nder the a spices of a Member incl ding cl b cricket5 schools5 age gro ps and ni$ersity cricket.


Matches between Members that are not co$ered in the reg lations abo$e relating to Test Matches5 One *ay Internationals5 T01 Internationals or Other Official Internationals %these matches are not s b6ect to ICC officials. arrangements5 7 alification r les and,or the ICC appro$ed Code of Cond ct and playing conditions".
Any senior or 6 nior national teams playing in matches as prescribed in c" abo$e shall be known as5 and affi>ed with5 an -GI.5 -A Team.5 -9epresentati$e Side. or similar title.

d. 2

WOMENS CRICKET TEST M TC!ES Test matches are those which: a. b. Are played in accordance with the ICC Standard 'omen.s Test Match Playing Conditions and other ICC reg lations pertaining to 'omen.s Test matches! and Are played between teams selected by and representati$e of5 the top 81 ranked Members of the ICC in terms of women.s cricket.

Note ( Matches in$ol$ing an )A) team or age(gro p team shall not be classified as Test matches. ONE " # INTERN TION $ M TC!ES One *ay International Matches are those which: a. b. Are played in accordance with the ICC Standard 'omen.s One *ay International Playing Conditions and other ICC reg lations pertaining to 'omen.s O*I Matches! and Are between: i" ii" Any teams participating in and as part of the ICC 'omen.s 'orld C p! or Teams from the top 81 ranked co ntries of the ICC in terms of women.s cricket.

Note: Matches in$ol$ing an )A) team or age(gro p team shall not be classified as O*I matches WOMENS TWENT#20 INTERN TION $ M TC!ES 'omen.s Twenty01 International Matches are those which: a. b. Are played in accordance with the ICC Standard 'omen.s Twenty01 International Playing Conditions and other ICC reg lations pertaining to 'omen.s Twenty01 Matches! and5 Are between Teams from the top 81 ranked co ntries of the ICC in terms of women.s cricket.

Note ( Matches in$ol$ing an )A) team or age(gro p team shall not be classified as Twenty01 international matches COM+ETITI,E WOMENS CRICKET +$ #E" T ST TE- CO*NT# OR +RO,INCI $ $E,E$. Competiti$e 'omen.s Cricket matches are those: a. 'omen.s cricket matches of H or D days. sched led d ration and of two innings per side played at least at State5 Co nty or Pro$incial ?e$el5 s bstantially conforming to ICC standard playing conditions and accorded the stat s of Competiti$e 'omen.s Cricket by the rele$ant :o$erning ;odies! or ?imited o$ers women.s cricket matches sched led for one days d ration and of one innings per side played either at State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el or official matches of a to ring Test team against State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el teams5 s bstantially conforming to ICC standard playing conditions and accorded the stat s of Competiti$e 'omen.s Cricket by the rele$ant :o$erning ;odies. Twenty01 women.s cricket matches played either at State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el or official matches of a to ring Test team against State5 Co nty or Pro$incial le$el teams5 s bstantially conforming to ICC standard playing conditions and accorded the stat s of Competiti$e 'omen.s Cricket by the rele$ant :o$erning ;odies.



Note: It is intended that Competiti$e 'omen.s Cricket will be the highest le$el of domestic women.s cricket. OT!ER WOMENS CRICKET M TC!ES Other women.s cricket played nder the a spices of an ICC Member may be classified by s ch Member as Official Cricket. Incl ding b t not limited to: a. b. Matches between the )A) Teams5 3ational Academy or Age :ro p Teams of Member co ntries. All other women.s cricket matches played as part of a competition or to rnament held nder the a spices of a Member incl ding cl b cricket5 schools5 age gro ps and ni$ersity cricket

"IS+*TES In case of any disp tes arising from these 9 les5 failing nanimo s agreement being reached between the disp ting parties5 the Chief @>ec ti$e of the ICC shall refer the matter to the ICC *isp tes 9esol tion Committee for its final and binding determination.

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