Entreship Notes 2013-2014

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In India Entrepreneurs are offered a number of incentives because they fulfil two main objectives of economic development. Firstly, they facilitate decentralization of industries. They assist in the dispersal of industries over the entire geographical area of the country. Secondly, they facilitate the transformation of a traditional techni ue into modern techni ue characterized by improved s!ills, high production and higher standard of living. INCENTIVES It is the financial and promotional assistance provided by the government to the industries for boosting up industrial development in all regions particularly in bac!ward areas. Incentives include concession, subsidies and bounties. Subsidy denotes a single lump"sum which is given by a government to an entrepreneur to cover the cost. It is granted to an industry which is considered essential in the national interest. The term Bounty denotes bonus or financial aid which is given by a government to an industry to help it compete with other units in home mar!et or in a foreign mar!et. #ounty offers benefits on a particular industry$ while a subsidy is given in the interest of the nation. The object of incentives is to motivate an entrepreneur to start new ventures in the larger interest of the nation and the society. ADVANTAGES OF INCENTIVES AND SUBSIDIES They offer following advantages% They act as a motivational force which ma!es the potential entrepreneur to enter into business activities. They encourage the entrepreneur to start industries in the bac!ward areas. They help the government to get a balanced regional development. They help to develop new enterprises which lead to economic development.

They ma!e the entrepreneur to face competition successfully. They help to reduce the overall problems of small scale entrepreneurs. NEED FOR INCENTIVES AND SUBSIDIES The need for incentives and subsidies arises for the following reasons% &' To Remove Regional Disparities in Development% Industries may be concentrated and overcrowded in some regions, in order to correct this regional balance, incentives are provided to entrepreneurs. They will start new ventures in such bac!ward areas. Thus the bac!ward areas become developed and regional imbalances are corrected. () To Provi e Competitive Strengt!" S#rvival an Gro$t!% several other incentives are provided for the survival and growth of industries. For e)ample, reservation of products, price preference etc. will improve the competitive strength. *ther concessions li!e concessional finance, ta) relief etc., contribute their survival and growth. +' To Generate %ore Emplo&ment an Remove Unemplo&ment% ,ar!et adjustments and e)ternal economies play a significant role in the economic development of a country. Subsidies

cause movement of entrepreneurs from developed areas to developing or bac!ward areas. In short, incentives and subsidies serve as a catalyst to start a dynamic process of development. -' To Promote Entreprene#rs!ip% Industrial estates, availability of power, concessional finance, capital investment subsidy, transport subsidy etc, are few e)amples of subsidies which are aimed at encouraging entrepreneurs to ta!e up new ventures. PROB'E%S RE'ATING TO SUBSIDIES Some problems may arise in devising and implementing a subsidy system. They are as follows. . subsidy may remain unutilized. If the administration is inefficient or corrupt, subsidy will not produce the desired results. It is very difficult to measure the impact of subsidies. Subsidies may lead to inefficiency in the long run. Subsidies once introduced are difficult to withdraw. The administrative procedure must be effective. The cost of administering a subsidy should be considered. The subsidy scheme should be communicated to prospective beneficiaries. The uantum of subsidy should be ade uate to produce the desired results. The target groups to whom the subsidy is to benefit should be clearly determined. S%A'' INDUSTRIA' DEVE'OP%ENT ORGANISATION (SIDO) The SI/* was formed under the ,inistry of Industry. It is a policy ma!ing, co"ordinating and monitoring agency for the development of small scale industries. It maintains a close liaison with the government, financial institutions and other agencies which are involved in the promotion and development of small scale units. It provides a comprehensive range of consultancy services and technical, managerial, economic and mar!eting assistance to the small scale units. It has launched various technology support programmes for the benefit of small scale industries in the country through a number of steps. The steps include establishment of 0a' process"cum"product development centres, 0b' tool rooms and training centres. 0c' specialized institutes and 0d' regional testing centres with its field testing stations.

S%A'' INDUSTRIES SERVICE INSTITUTES (SISIs) Small Industries Service Institutes have been established in each state in &123 as agencies of SI/*. The objective is to develop small scale industries. The functions performed may be summarized as follows% &' It promotes entrepreneurship and development of SSIs in rural and other underdeveloped areas. (' It supplies mar!et information in selected cases and underta!es mar!et distribution surveys for industrial enterprises.

+' It conducts various programmes for wor!ers in other organizations as well as in small industry in certain trades. -' It assesses the capacities of small units for imported4controlled materials. 2' It provides technical guidance on the efficient use of wastages and scraps. 3' It prepares designs and drawing for production e uipment and accessories. 5' It ensures that small industry development in India is being done in right lines. 6' It provides wor!shop common facilities to industrialists at reasonable charges. 1' It conducts detailed plant studies to locate production and other problems. It initiates and coordinates modernization of selected industries. &7' The institute assists in rehabilitation of sic! units. &&' It helps to develop ancillary industries. It registers SSI units with 8SI9 to supply their products to government. &(' The institute conducts modernization studies for technology upgradation. &+' It underta!es uality control, energy conservation and pollution control, specialized training programmes on e)port mar!eting. &-' The institutes also conduct surveys and studies for identification of industries having scope of promotion and development.

&2' It advises the :ovt. of India and state government on policy matters relating to small industry development. )*ADI AND VI''AGE INDUSTRIES CO%%ISSION ;<I9 ma!es finance available to the implementing agencies in the form of capital e)penditure loans. It also e)tends assistance for setting up of retail sales outlets and also for strengthening of the capital base of the registered institutions and cooperatives. It also assists individual artisans besides formulating liberal pattern of assistance for identified hill, border and wea!er sections. The loans for ;hadi are interest free, while those for village industries have an interest at the rate of -= per annum. FUNCTIONS OF )VIC 0&' To train the artisans. 0(' To assist village industries in procuring raw materials. 0+' To assist and support through mar!eting of finished products of village industries. 0-' To provide e uipment and machinery to producers on concessional terms. 02' To underta!e > and / programmes for improved implements for sil! reeling, more efficient e)traction of oil in power ghanis, manufacture of panel boards from banana stems and improved ?char!a@ and looms. The main thrust of ;<I9 is to alleviate rural poverty and to ma!e the village artisan more productive through improved technology and mar!et support. SCIENCE AND TEC*NO'OG+ ENTREPRENEUR PAR)S (STEP)

STEA is an area where applied research on high tech projects is conducted with the collaboration of multinational companies, universities, technological and research institutes. In &15( a conventional ?Techno Aar!@ was set up by the #irla Institute of Scientific >esearch. S%A'' INDUSTRIES DEVE'OP%ENT BAN) OF INDIA (SIDBI) SI/#I was set up on .pril (, &117 as a wholly owned subsidiary of I/#I. It is operating through its Bead *ffice at Cuc!now and a networ! of 2 >egional *ffices and (2 #ranch *ffices in all the states. It is an ape) institution for promotion, financing and development of industries in small scale sector and co"ordination of functions of other institutions engaged in similar activities. FUNCTIONS OF SIDBI &' Ta!ing steps for technological upgradation and modernization of e)isting units. (' Aroviding services li!e factoring, leasing etc. to industrial concerns in the small scale sector. +' E)tending financial support to 8ational Small Industries 9orporation for providing leasing hirepurchase and mar!eting support to SSI units. -' E)panding the channels for mar!eting the products of SSI sector in domestic and international mar!ets.

2' Aromoting employment oriented industries especially in semi"urban areas to create more employment opportunities and thereby chec!ing migration of people to urban areas. 3' >efinancing of loans and advances e)tended by the primary lending institutions to industrial concerns in the small scale sector and also providing resource support to them. It also offers bills discounting and rediscounting facilities. It also has a few schemes of direct assistance. T*E NATIONA' INSTITUTE FOR ENTREPRENEURS*IP AND S%A'' BUSINESS DEVE'OP%ENT (NIESBUD) It is an ape) body established in &16+ by the ministry of Industries, :overnment of India, for coordinating, training and overseeing the activities of various institutions4agencies engaged in entrepreneurship development, particularly in the area of small industry and small business. The Institute which is registered as a society under :overnment of India Societies .ct started functioning from 3th Duly, &16+.The policy, direction and guidance to the institute is provided by its governing council whose chairman is the minister of SSI. It has an e)ecutive committee. OB,ECTIVES OF NIESBUD The objectives of the institute include the following% To evolve standardized materials and processes for selection, training, support and sustenance of entrepreneurs, potential and e)isting. To share internationally, its e)perience and e)pertise in entrepreneurship development. To train the trainers, promoters and consultants in various areas of entrepreneurship development. To provide national4international forums for the interaction and e)change of e)periences helpful for policy formulation and modification at various levels. To provide vital information and support to trainers, promoters and entrepreneurs by organizing research and documentation relevant to entrepreneurship development. FUNCTIONS OF NIESBUD

0a' Evolving effective training strategies and methodology. 0b' Standardizing model syllabi for training various target groups. 0c' Formulating scientific selection procedures. 0d' /eveloping training aids, manuals and tools. 0e' Facilitating and supporting central4state4other agencies in organizing entrepreneurship development programmes. 0f' 9onducting training programmes for promoters, trainers and entrepreneurs. CO%%ERCIA' BAN)S It plays an important role in the growth and development of economy in general and enterprise sector in particular. 9ommercial #an! in India comprises the State #an! of India 0S#I'

and its subsidiaries, nationalized #an!s, foreign ban!s and other scheduled commercial ban!s, regional rural ban!s and non"scheduled commercial ban!s. The period for which loan is granted varies from 5 to &7 years. These loans are repayable in half yearly or yearly installments. ,ost commercial ban!s have got specialized units in their administrative structure to ta!e care of the financial needs of the small scale industrial units. The fi)ed capital needs or the long and medium term needs of the small scale industrial units are presently being ta!en care by the ban!s under their integrated scheme of credit for the small entrepreneurs. The rate of interest charged normally from the small scale industrial units is between &(= and &2= against &6= from the large scale units. BRIDGE CAPITA'-FINANCE #ridge capital is the advance given to cover the finance re uirement during the time lag between the sanctioning and disbursement of term loan by financial institutions. It is an assistance given for a short period to help borrower for overcoming the delay in disbursement of a sanctioned term loan or in getting the proceeds of a public issue. It is provided by commercial ban!s.

)ERA'A STATE S%A'' INDUSTRIES DEVE'OP%ENT CORPORATION 'I%ITED (SIDCO) The SI/9* too! shape in &152 with the merger of two other corporations, namely, the ;erala State Small Industries 9orporation 0;SSI9' and the ;erala Employment Aromotion 9orporation 0;EA9*'. It was incorporated under the 9ompany@s .ct on 3th 8ovember &152. RESPONSIBI'ITIES 0a' It underta!es construction of industrial sheds and development of infrastructure. 0b' It implements sic! unit@s rehabilitation programmes jointly with I>#I. 0c' It provides technical consultancy services. 0d' It allots sheds4industrial plots in industrial estates. 0e' It assists in selecting and procuring machinery. 0f' It supplies scarce and imported raw material for the benefit of SSI through sales depots in all districts.

0g' The corporation provides mar!eting assistance to SSI units. The above responsibilities of the corporation are handled by the following &( divisions% 0&' >esearch and development /ivision. 0(' Industrial Estate and Infrastructure /ivisions. 0+' Aroduction /ivision. 0-' >aw ,aterial /ivision. 02' ,achinery /ivision. 03' Finance /ivision. 05' Technical 9onsultancy /ivision. 06' Entrepreneur /evelopment /ivision. 01' Imports and E)ports /ivision. 0&7' ,ar!eting /ivision. 0&&' Sic! Enit >ehabilitation /ivision. 0&(' Information and Aublicity /ivision. It brings out a monthly journal"? Vyavasaya Keralam.

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