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The project entails sit at home primary research in the areas of Employment/Marketing/Psychological/IR/HR, need gap study for low cost workers analyze the data and provide solutions for the different challenges. The projects would entail talking to employers and candidates directly and analyzing the data gathered.

Current Challenges
Challenges on candidates front: Candidates addressed by AchhiNaukri are not required to have prior knowledge of Internet, they do not have a traditional CV, access to mainstream job opportunities and confidence to appear in front of mainstream companies. AchhiNaukri Job alerts are perfect way to let them know relevant job opportunities in their area, in a transparent manner, and keep track of their application, candidature and post employment status. Every opportunity ensures atleast minimum wages as applicable in each state. Social security like ESI-PF is also provided. Candidates are given jobs relevant to their skill sets. Objective-1: Understand what will entice a candidate to appear for the job interview and, if selected, join the job and then remain in job for at least 9-12 months

Challenges on companies front: Companies do not want to come online to hire entry level workers, the recruitment process in this segment is outsourced to 95% and the success is determined by number of candidates finallly joining the company at the end of the effort. Objective-1: Understand the challenges and pain areas (cost centres) a company faces in blue collar worker recruitment? Objective-2: Understand employers priority Skill / Min. Education / Documentation / Geography / Time for recruitment / Time for on-boarding or any other factor

Challenges on skill training front: Every training institute in the blue collar segment has a geographic niche, they source candidates from interiors and liaison with government. They are funded via fees, donations, funding and sponsoring by companies and still look to make revenue from candidate placement thus making consultants their competitor. Objective-1: Analyze Institutes costing for training and find Revenue break-up in terms of revenue from training and placements. What is more important for revenue - Training or placement? Objective-2: Understand why Despite training the candidates for 2-3 months, candidates still dont turn up for job interviews, is there a lag in training curriculum or relationship building with candidates Or focus is too much in selling jobs rather than career?

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