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Integrating the TIBCO-based portal with our business systems has made access to information convenient throughout our extended enterprise. As a result, employees, distributors, and suppliers all of our constituents are equipped to make the best possible tactical and strategic business decisions.
Kent Kushar, CIO, E. & J. Gallo Winery

E. & J. Gallo Winery A leading winery with world-class expertise in the art and science of grape growing and winemaking.

E. & J. Gallo Uses Robust TIBCO Portal to Cultivate Personalized, Real-Time Information Access
During the past 70 years, the E. & J. Gallo Winery has become a world leader in the art and science of grape growing and winemaking. Finding the most innovative methods of distributing and marketing the wines it produces is the E. & J. Gallo mission. The company cultivates a variety of strategies to meet this goal, such as expanding and strengthening its distribution network, increasing the performance of its organization, and improving the quality of its products to ensure that customers receive the highest possible value. To meet these organizational objectives, E. & J. Gallo launched an initiative to increase productivity, promote brand loyalty, and make information more easily available to employees and business partners. This initiative christened the Grapevine Portal sought to accomplish these goals through enhancements to both internal and external web environments. In the past, our company intranet and extranet had largely been onesize-fits-all systems that offered only limited personalization to users, says Kent Kushar, CIO at E. & J. Gallo. This lack of fine-grained customizability negatively affected user acceptance and productivity. By deploying a highly customizable portal, we planned to address these inefficiencies. TIBCO Portal Offers Ease of Deployment to Speed Time-to-market E. & J. Gallo deployed the new Grapevine Portal to integrate multiple business systems and enhance application access. The company wanted a single login and customized content including production control, shipment tracking, and discussion forums. The company selected TIBCO for the project because of the breadth and depth of TIBCOs product offerings, which include messaging, business integration, portals, and workflow. The Grapevine Portal, built using TIBCOs enterprise portal software, is designed to provide one internal view and four external views of company systems and information. The internal view, EmployeeWeb, provides a central location for employee-related information, applications, and task status all accessible through a single login. The four external views SalesWeb, DistributorWeb, SupplierWeb, and TradeWeb are designed to enrich brand intimacy and loyalty with external constituencies

Industry: Manufacturing Geographies: Global Deployment Summary TIBCOs enterprise portal software provides E. & J. Gallo with a common infrastructure to create one internal and four external web views: SalesWeb, DistributorWeb, SupplierWeb, and TradeWeb. The portal is the foundation of E. & J. Gallos Grapevine Portal initiative to increase productivity, promote brand loyalty, and make information more easily available to employees and business partners. TIBCOs business integration and business process management software links more than 20 web-based applications, including a production control system, a shipment tracking application, and various discussion forums, to enable real-time workflow.

Benefits Single login and highly customized personal access to real-time information improve employee productivity and acceptance. DistributorWeb view reduces costs by automating 90 percent of orders from distributors. Centralized administration increases security, making it easier for administrators to assign proper access rights to individual employees.


by delivering timely and innovative content. Our approach was to leverage a single portal infrastructure to provide appropriate information to all elements of our supply chain from grape growers to distributors to retail stores to restaurants, Kushar says. The first phase of the project, EmployeeWeb, took six months to complete from project initiation to production. Subsequent phases have taken only one month each to develop and deploy. As we move forward, the deployments are getting faster because we can leverage work from the earlier phases, which enables accelerated time-to-market, Kushar says. For each new deployment, we simply reconfigure content presentation and access control, and include any necessary additional content. Customizable Portal Enhances Productivity and Improves User Acceptance With the TIBCO-based Grapevine Portal, E. & J. Gallo achieved two primary objectives: increased employee productivity and increased acceptance of the intranet. Employees now routinely use the portal to access a broad range of information concerning bottling schedules, cellar operations, warehouse operations, marketing programs, finance reports, and more all from one centralized location. More than 20 webbased applications are served through EmployeeWeb and the extranet portals, including a production control system, shipment tracking application, and various discussion forums.

TIBCO enables a single, web-based login, so users log on only once to access all of the information and applications available through the portal. This feature provides greater convenience for employees and improves security by centralizing the management of access privileges making it easier for administrators to assign proper access rights to individual employees. E. & J. Gallo is also rolling out a real-time workflow infrastructure for the Grapevine Portal using TIBCOs business process management software. A My Tasks portal category consolidates workflow from individual applications and presents each user with a personalized task management interface, providing a visual reminder of each tasks status. Multiple Portal Views Keep All Constituents of the Supply Chain Informed E. & J. Gallo employees are not alone in enjoying greatly improved access to information and services. Distributors now save time by processing 90 percent of their orders online using the Web Distributor Order Entry (WebDOE) system available through DistributorWeb, one of the four E. & J. Gallo external portal views, which also includes useful distributor reporting and reimbursement applications. Both DistributorWeb and SalesWeb offer access to Brand Central, a central relational database containing a wealth of point-ofsale and marketing-related information for all of the E. & J. Gallo Winery brands. Brand Central provides distributors and the E. & J. Gallo sales force with access to critical information to aid sales and marketing efforts.

The flexibility of TIBCOs portal software allows us to support a very diverse user base, Kushar says. For example, TIBCO enables centralized user administration and access control through our corporate lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) directory, which greatly reduces the administrative burden. From an IT perspective, TIBCO lets us do more with less. At present, the user base for the E. & J. Gallo Winery Grapevine Portal is 6,200 users, but that number is expected to grow to more than 8,500 when the final TradeWeb portal view goes live. TIBCO-based Grapevine Portal Brings Award to E. & J. Gallo The benefits of the new portal infrastructure were not limited to an increase in employee productivity and easier employee and partner access to information. The E. & J. Gallo Winery Grapevine Portal won the 4th Annual Portal Excellence award for Best Business Integration Project at DCIs Portals, Collaboration, and Content Management Conference. No longer is it a challenge to get the right information and application functionality to the right people at the right place and time, Kushar says. Integrating the TIBCO-based portal with our business systems has made access to information convenient throughout our extended enterprise. As a result, employees, distributors, and suppliers all of our constituents are equipped to make the best possible tactical and strategic business decisions. Global Headquarters 3303 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: +1 650-846-1000 +1 800-420-8450 Fax: +1 650-846-1005

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