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Aeneid book 4 vocab alit venis multamultus lampade umentem polo dimoverat degeneres arguit iugali pertaesum + genitive

taeda uni sensus adigat violo resolvo carpere flexere desaevit delubra exquirunt bidentis legiferae pinguis instaurat consulit exta volatile saltus vicissim maret stratis propugnacula minae dotalis abnuat probat titan venatum radiis alae indagine saltus iubare retia

nourish, feed, nurse? veins over and over lamp damp pole remove ignoble, degenerate show nuptial come to hate, weary pine wedding torch one - feminine acc, feeling, will drive dishonour loosen, void, destroy 2nd pass s, consumed influence rage shrine, temple seek 2 teethed i.e. animals law giving rich (aras) established consult (a deity) organs flying woods again lament cloth, couch ramparts pinnacles of a dowry decline subjunctive approve sun god hunt, supine rays wings, i.e likes for hunting encircling - i.e. nets woodland radience nets

rara venabula odora sonipes chlamydem limbo subnectit fibula invisit instaurat choros fingens implicat segnior lustra pulverulenta pronuba viget adquirit multiplici aggerat excubias pingue florentia solum sertis epulata subnexus mitra madentem mentum invidet struit resignat tranat apicem fulcit piscosos humilis secabat alatis plantis fundantem novantem iaspide stellatus murice

thin hunting spears keen scented sounding feet state cloak border fasten, bind below clasp visit establish dance arrange, adorns enfold, entangle more slugglishly, slowly den full of dust, covered with dust, dusty she who prepares the bride, bride's-woman, matron of honour to be lively or vigorous; to thrive, flourish, bloom acquire, gains (ever new and greater) strength in her course inconstant, changeable, various, increase lying out on guard, a watching, keeping watch fat shining, glistening, glittering, bright floor, ground garlands dine to bind or tie under, bind on beneath headband, coif, turban flowing chin grudge plan, devise open to go, sail, fly, or pierce through, penetrate summit, top to prop up, keep up by props, stay, support full of fishes, abounding in fish flies low cut divide furnished with wings, winged foot, sole of foot lay the bottom, make a foundation, found, begin renew green - colored precious stone, jasper sparkling, glittering purple dye, purple

laena telas discreverat invadit uxorius teris heredis ambire dissimulent facessunt trieterica adibam moribundam suboles suscepta obnixus promeritam pigebit praetendi taedas sortes operit pererrat cautibus reservo hausurum seduxit uncta natat Migrantis ruentis formicae farris acervum populant calle grandia trudunt castigant semita carbasus arcanos exscindere revelli cumulatam tractabilis eruere

lined upper garment, a cloak, mantle web interweave, divide To assail with words, accost excessively fond of one's wife, uxorious waste (time) heir solicit one for something, for his favor, friendship, etc., to strive for, seek to gain to dissemble, disguise; to hide, conceal, keep secret complete, perform recurring every three years, triennialthe festival of Bacchus go to Dying offspring, progeny, posterity, issue, stock, race, lineage to get, beget, or bear strenuous, firm, resolute to acquire, gain, earn, get, part winsg perf pass fem acc regret To put forward, hold out, allege, assert, pretend nuptial torch the oracles of the Lycian Apollo cover survey crag keep back drain put asunder, separate, divide resinous float leave, depart rush ant grain heap ruin, destroy, spoil track path full-grown, large, great, full, abundant thrust, push, shove; to crowd or shove forward set right, correct ways or paths linen, sail Hidden, concealed, secret, private destroy disturb, violate shall abundantly reward yielding uproot

flatibus tunditur taedet turicremis latices revinctum velleribus festa culminibus ferali bubo queri exigit gratare papaver ornos accingier exuvias mola carpebant quierant dumis ingeminant fluctuat volutat procos dedignata ovantes stipata obicis degere expertem rite immiscuit considite transtris Adsis retinacula speculis aequatis advena inluserit expedient deripientque impellite remos memet

gust beat, strike buffet weary incenseburning fluid, milk reboound fleece festive the top, summit, roof, gable of or belonging to the dead or to corpses owl, the horned owl lament deliberate make joy, congratulate poppy the wild mountain-ash arm, gird round clothing, equipments, arms Grits or grains of spelt coarsely ground and mixed with salt pluck enjoy rest thorn-bush, bramble redouble, repeat, reiterate, increase be restless, unquiet, uncertain, doubtful; to rage, swell; to waver, hesitate, vacillate, fluctuate. consider suitor deem unworthy to reject as unworthy, disdain, scorn, refuse exultant, triumphant crowd round expose offer to spend, pass free from, devoid of without fitly, duly, rightly, aright, well to mix in, intermix, intermingle, blend sit, settle a cross-beam, crossbank, bank for rowers be with us rope, cable watch tower level stranger, foreigner, immigrant pour scorn to hold in readiness to tear off, tear away, snatch away, remove violently, pull down to strike against, push, drive, smite, strike, reach oars I

extorris exercete ater piacula rogum anili trepida effera aciem Hauriat concussam foedans unguibus ambas evaserat semianimemque nexosque roscida

driven out of the country, exiled, banished work at, pursue black, offerings pyre of an old woman anxious agitated very wild, fierce, savage pupil of eyes drain, swallow agitate mar, disfigure nail both climb half-alive captive

, etc., to strive for, seek to gain

swell; to waver, hesitate, vacillate, fluctuate.

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