Notes Chap#17 Engr Farrukh Tahir Telecommunication Engineer

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Notes Chap#17

Engr Farrukh Tahir Telecommunication Engineer

Q1. What is the direction of magnetic line of force for a straight current carrying conductor? If the conductor is straight wire the direction of magnetic line of force would be in the form of concentric circles. This direction can be found by right hand rule. Q2. How to determine the direction of the lines of force for straight current carrying conductor. The direction of lines of force can be found by right hand rule. If we hold the current carrying conductor in our right hand with the thumb in the direction of current, then fingers would curl in the direction of lines of force. Q3. out? State the rule by which the polarity of current carrying conductor can be find

The polarity of current carrying conductor can be determine by the following rule. Hold the solenoid in your right hand by curling the fingers in the direction of current the stretch thumb would indicate the north pole. Q4. State the rule by which the direction of force on current carrying conductor can be found out? The direction of force on a current carrying conductor placed in magnetic field can be determine by the Fleming left Hand rule. According to which Stretch the thumb, forefinger, and the middle finger of left hand mutually at right angles to each other. If the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field, the middle finger in the direction of current, then thumb would indicate the direction of force acting on the conductor. Q5. When the force on a current carrying conductor placed in magnetic field is maximum and when it is minimum? When a current carrying conductor make an angle on 900 with the magnetic field or it is perpendicular to field, then force will be maximum. If the conductor is placed parallel to the magnetic field then force will be minimum or zero. Q6. What does the () and (.) stands for?

The cross () shows that current is flowing into the plane of the paper, and the do means (.) Current is directed out of the plane of paper. Q7. What is a dc motor?

A DC motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy it works on the principle that when current passes through a coil it experience a force. Q8. What is the function of split rings in dc motor?

Split rings connect the coil to the battery through carbon brushes. When coil rotates in between the pole pieces of a magnet, split rings keep the current in the coil in the same direction hence coil rotates in the same direction.

Notes Chap#17

Engr Farrukh Tahir Telecommunication Engineer


What is the function of carbon brushes in dc motor?

Two brushes are caused to press lightly against the split rings by means of springs and give continuous passage of current to the coil. Q10. What is meant by electromagnetic induction? If a current is induced in a circuit due to change of current in another circuit, this phenomenon is known as mutual induction. Q11. State the faradays law of electromagnetic induction. The value of the induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. This is knows as Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. Q13. What is an A.C generator? An Ac generator converts mechanical energy in to electrical energy. Q14. What is the principle for A.C generator? A.C generator works on the principle of faradays law of electromagnetic induction. i.e. when a coil rotates in the magnetic field the flux through it continuously changes. This change of flux induced an emf in the coil. Q15. Is it possible that a constant current flowing in a coil produces an induced current in another coil? No, a constant current flowing in one coil cannot produce induced current in another coil. In order to induce current in the other coil, the current in the first coil must be changing continuously. So that magnetic flux will be produced through the coil. Q16. What is meant by self-induction? If the current through a coil or circuit is changes and this induces an emf in the circuit itself, the phenomenon is known as self-induction. Q17. What is a transformer also describe it principle of working? A transformer is an electrical device which is used to increase or decrease the value of the alternating voltage. Transformer works on the principal of mutual induction. Q18. What is a step-up transformer and why it is used? If the number of turns of secondary coil is more than the number of turns in primary coil then the transformer is said to be step up transformer. Step-up transformer is used to increase the value of the primary voltage. Q19. What is a step down transformer and why it is used? A step down transformer is a transformer in which the number turns of secondary coil is less than the number of turn of primary. A step down transformer is used to decrease the value of the primary voltage.

Notes Chap#17

Engr Farrukh Tahir Telecommunication Engineer

Q20. What is the function of iron core in the transformer? The iron core enhances the magnetic flux produced in the primary coil and the magnetic flux linked to the secondary coil through iron core. Logical reasoning questions Q1. A freely suspended magnet always stays in the N-S direction. Why?

It is because earth also behave like a magnet. Earths South Pole attract the north pole of the magnet and Earths North Pole attracts the south pole of the magnet towards its self. Q2. Why does the picture on a tv screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen? When a magnet is brought near the screen of a t.v then electrons reaching their show deflection due to magnetic force. Therefore the picture formed is distorted. Q3. How a current carrying conductor buried in the earth can be detected?

A current carrying wire/conductor buried in the earth or concealed in the wall can be detected by its magnetic effects. If the compass is brought near that place, then it shows deflection indicating the presence of some current carrying conductor under the earth.

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