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Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Network to Next Work

presented by Career Focus Fridays Emily Giacomini February 3, 2012

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

People get jobs through other people, not computers., Dan Schawbel

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Workshop Flow
WHAT is networking? WHY network? WHO is my network? WHERE do I network? HOW do I network effectively?

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

WHAT is networking?
How do you define networking?

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

WHAT is networking?
Building relationships Developing a support system Obtaining information, advice, referrals Exchanging information, ideas, contacts

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Overcoming Challenges
Networking takes too much time. Im an introvert.

Tips for Success

Work it into your job search plan, weigh the pay-offs. Set a goal of # people to approach at each event. Find a style that suits you!
People want to help. Give them the opportunity! Practice your pitch. Seek out fascinating people.

It feels like manipulation. I dont know what to say.

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Benefits of Networking
Advice: Gain from others experience Knowledge: Learn about companies, industries, positions, trends Relationships: Link with others Direction: Narrow a job search from general to specific Practice: hone self-marketing skills

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

How Companies Fill Positions

50.3% ALL hires filled internally 27.5% externals filled by referrals 24.9% externals filled by job boards 18.8% externals filled from companys career site
10th Annual CareerXroads Source of Hire Report Survey Authors: Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehler

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Who comprises your network? Make a list or draw out the categories. 3 min.
Share with a neighbor what you found and say which groups are your Tier I or closest to you. 4 min.

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Build Your Network

3rd tier Decision makers & hiring managers 2nd tier Bridge you to your target companies

1st tier People you know best

Brainstorm Exercise: A contacts


Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Who are your A contacts?

Current classmates Alumni

Parents, relatives 2nd year MBA students Former classmates Guest speakers Student associations Former co-workers Physician, dentist

Parents of classmates Faculty, staff Current, former employers Religious community Volunteer organizations Former customers, clients Family friends

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Six Streams of Network Contacts






Penn State Smeal MBA Program

WHERE do/could I network?

Brainstorm a list of the locations/events where you could network, 3 min. Compare notes with a new partner, 4 min.


Penn State Smeal MBA Program

WHERE to network

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Penn State Smeal MBA Program

HOW do I network?
Prepare your pitch for in-person or overthe-phone occasions Craft a brief email to request info interviews Refine your on-line presence Breathe deeply, smile and Reach out!

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Practice your pitch

Im am MBA Candidate at Penn State, studying ____________. I have _____ # years experience in _________ and am targeting companies in ______________ industry for a FT role/summer internship. Who would be a good person for me to speak with?

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Practice your pitch

Write out your pitch, 3 min. Practice it with a partner, 4 min.


Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Excogitate* an email
Write out a brief email to: Introduce who you are (MBA student) Describe your fields of interest Express an interest in the individual, company, and industry Say why youre writing (ask for info interview) Offer your availability for the next 10 days *excogitate \ eks-KOJ-i-teyt \ , verb; 1. To think out; devise; invent.


Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Excogitate an email
Draft an email to someone youve been wanting to approach for your full-time role or internship search, 5 min. Volunteers will share with the class for feedback, 5 min.

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Refine your online presence

On which social networking sites do you have a presence? When did you last update your profile? How does your online presence mesh with your hard-copy marketing tools? How have you found social media helpful in networking?

Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Social Networking Sites

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Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Noodling your Network Plan

Target Company eg. Intel Target Contact Donna Martin Liaison/ Intermediary Josh Howell Approach Method his email address from LinkedIn By When? Wed. Feb. 8th


Penn State Smeal MBA Program

Carpe Diem
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. C. S. Lewis Make the most of it!!

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