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Sakina A.

Lampari Banga South Cotabato,Philippines Email addresss:ayazethe03@yahoo. om

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9"!6(#0 E2PE!(E#CE:
$ugust 3, *00.;present 6ing $bdulaziz )ospital #ational 0uard )ealth $<<airs Eastern !egion,Saudi $rabia ;Patient Care &e hni ian; 9ard =;>ale >edi al


?ob %es ription @$ssists :ith the admistrati,e dis harge and dis harge and o< patients. @$ssists pro<essional nursing sta<< :ith sele ted patient are a ti,ities. @$ssists :ith the monitoring the and repenishing o< all supplies and eAuipment. @>aintain a lean and sa<e :orB en,ironment <or patient and sta<<. @Pro,ides supportatu,e relationship :ith patientC<amilies and o;:orBer. @$ssumes responsibility and a ountable <or o:n a tons,de isions and beha,iors. @%emostrates initiati,es in the per<orman e o< duties reAuiring a minimum amount o< super,ision or guidan e. @&aBes dire t and appropriate a tion in urgent and emergen y situations. @9orBs :ith others in a manner that promotes ooperation and team:orB. @5ses the hain o< ommand appropriately to ommuni ate and resol,e problems. @Parti ipates in tea hing and monitoring o< #ursing,>edi al and Paramedi al students,(nterns and !esidents. @Complies :ith and parti ipates in Duality (mpro,ement pro ess and a ti,ities. @Per<orms other related duties as assigned.

6ing $bdulaziz is a tertiary are hospital by ?oint Commission o< (nternational 7?C($8.(t is a primier postgraduate medi al institute o< Saudi $rabia :ith a ,ery a ti,e medi al and surgi al training programe.&his institute prepare postgraduate <or Saudi Board,>!CP,>!CS,and >!C"0.(t onsist o< 3+0 bed apa ity. $ military hospital,that pro,ides the highest le,el o< health are to Saudi $rabian #ational 0uard 7S$#08 military personnel 7either retired or a ti,e8 and their eligible dependents,#on;Saudi member o< the >ilitary >ission and their eligible dependents.

>ar h *00+;$pril *00/


Comprehenssi,e !ehabililation Center <or the )andi apped Saudi $rabia ;Patient $ttendant

?ob %es ription @$ssist patient in bath and other personal hygiene a ti,ities. @'eeds the patients their maels and sna Bs. @)elps the nurses i< any patient medi ation. @!eport to the nurse i< any patient si B. @Ser,e as patient :at her i< one o< the patient is si B. @Bring the patients to physiotherapy department o< treatment. @$ ompanies the patients to outsides the enter <or their so ial intera tion a ti,ities. @Changes the patient soiled lothing the bedding as o<ten as needed. @>aintain the leanliness o< patients room. )andles patients :ith elebral palsy,mental retardation,%o:nEs syndrome,Beha,ioral problems,epilepsy and other othopedi s abnormalities

'eb. *003;#o,.*003 Position

$l;Sahab, 6u:ait ;Pri,ate duty nurse $ttendant

?ob %es ription @&ea h the mother ho: to handle her ne:bornFliBe ho: to <eed,ho: to taBe the ,itals signs,monitor the <luid input and output bo:el mo,ement. @$ ompnies the mother and ne:born to the do tor <or regular he B;up. @$lso are a debilitated geriatri :oman.'eeds,monitors the ,ital sign,turn patient e,ery t:o hours and a ompanies her to the do tor <or regural he B;up.

'ebruary *003;?uly *003 Cotabato,Philippines

South Cotabato Pro,in ial )ospital 6oronadal South

Position #ursing $ttendant7relie,erC,oluteer8C"perating !oom ?ob %es ription @$ssists the nurse prepare the operating room <or maGor and minor surgery, lean the area a<ter surgery. @$ssists :ith the monitoring and replinishng o< all supplies and eAuipment. @>onitors the patient ,ital signs. @Che Bs the inter,enous <luid drip.

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