SPA Center

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SPA Center-

The SPA Center-La mosie are the perfect refuge for those who wish to take care of their body and replenish their minds through the most naturals remedies and beauty treatments. In a tranquil atmosphere, our SPA treatments such as massage, heat therapy, and other body treatments can impro e your health, blood circulation and regulate blood pressure. !e use only natural oils and creams which we prepare in our cosmetic laboratory.

The beauty of making your own products is in knowing e"actly what ingredients are being used and in being able to use only pure, natural ingredients combined so our clients can be spoiled and treat how they deser e. #atural remedies used in treatment are$ raw food, herbs, air and water%assisted e"ercise.


!e also use medicinal plants which we culti ate, so we try to bring di ersity throw our SPA center, by ha ing only natural ingredients. 'ur Spa SPA Center-La mosie offer a arious treatments like$

aromatherapy( deto"ification with medicinal plants like chamomile, chanterelle, milfoil celandine( bath salts, body wraps, massages, sauna, pilates, yoga(

We have 4 massage rooms and we provide different types of massage like: ) ) ) ) Aromatherapy 'il *assage Sportmassage +io ,nergy treatment +ody Shaping *assage

Aromatherapy Oil massage stimulates blood circulation and uses essential oils deri ed from plants to restore the energetic balance of the body. Bath salts open the pores to purify the skin, cleansing away dirt, sweat, and to"ins. They aid in the healing of dry skin, making skin softer and can help impro e common irritations such as insect bites, minor rashes, and calluses on feet, as well as more serious skin conditions like athlete-s foot, ec.ema, and psoriasis. eto!ifi"ation is the process purge to"ins and e"cess fluids in the body( it can help eliminate bloating and water retention which will definitely make you feels great.

Body Shaping #assage it is a high%intensity, technical massage and it makes the cellulite lithe and helps with the e"cretas. Sportmassage it is recommended before and after doing sport acti ities to rela" muscles and stimulate the blood supply in muscles. Bio-$nergy %reatment is about locating problem areas in the body, using gentle hand mo ements, then correcting or rebalancing the area so the body0s own healing process can begin to work. 'ur SPA Center-La mosie it is opened to e eryone that has a chaotic life and need to rela". 'ur SPA surrounded by mountains in this beautiful area of 1omania waits his customers to came and free out from tension and stress, and to redisco er the power of nature, the fresh air, the natural plants and creams, the simple things that can make us happy, beautiful and full of 2oy$ nature. 3ust one isit in our SPA Center - La mosie is enough to make the most of the benefits combining some rela"ing holidays with a health and all the interesting acti ities that we prepared for our customers at our tourism comple" 4a *osie.

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