Fatalism Alexa and Vincent S StoryFatalism: Alexa and Vincent's Story (Life. Destiny. Fate #1) by L.K. Collins

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Chapter 1 BirthdayChapter 2 VincentChapter 3 FateChapter 4 KaneChapter 5 Avoidan ceChapter 6 MistakeChapter 7 RulesChapter 8 Give a ChanceChapter 9 BugattiChapte r 10 AbelChapter 11 WorkChapter 12 VivianChapter

13 The PastChapter 14 My LoveCh apter 15 LiesChapter 16 AngelaChapter 17 Letting GoChapter 18 GoodbyeChapter 19 ConnectionsChapter 20 Moving OnChapter 21 LincolnChapter 22 SurpriseEpilogue Vin centAcknowledgements To my amazing husband William.Thank you for pushing me, believing in me, encoura ging me, and never doubting my abilities. As I drove home after work, the sun was setting on the skyline of the Rocky Moun tains. It was my favorite time of day, evening. It was August, and I loved the w eather this time of year, especially because I could put the top down on my new Mercedes and just drive. It was still eighty degrees outside at almost six o'clock at night. The warm evenings were few and far between with Colorado's erratic weat her, but I enjoyed them while they were here.Normally I dreaded the highway traf fic congestion, but I didn't mind it tonight as I needed some alone time to unwind . The week was long, and my work was stressful, but I loved my job, making the l ong days worthwhile.I was a senior paralegal at Smith and Brown; having worked f or years to move my way up from being a peon to doing my dream job. Finally I wa s there, working hard every day and loving it.I turned up the song playing throu gh my sound system. Gotye was singing `Somebody That I Used To Know'. I threw my Guc ci shades on and rested my arm on the open window. I couldn't wait to get home and relax with my roommate, Cara. Some cheap take-out was definitely in order.With the weekend ahead, there was no work, alarm clock, or attorneys to answer to. Ma ybe we could work out at Red Rock's Amphitheater one day; God knows I needed to. W ith work being so busy lately, I hadn't had the energy or the time.I pulled off th e highway and took the exit towards our condo. I turned into Tipsy's, the local li quor store, to grab a bottle of wine. Sadly, I was a regular there.Jay, the skin ny emo kid behind the counter, was playing a video game.Hey, Alexa, he said withou t taking his eyes off the game.Hi, Jay. Did you get my Riesling in?Yup, it's on the b ottom shelf, that way no one else can see it. If anyone asks, I tell them we are all sold out.I laughed to myself. He was sweet. Ah thanks, Jay. But really, if yo u run out again, it will probably be better for me.Jay finally took his eyes off the game as I walked around to the cooler.What are you talking about?I looked at h im with a small smile on my face. I just meant the extra calories.Jay laughed and rolled his eyes at me. I grabbed a six-pack of beer for Cara and three bottles o f lime juice to go with it. That girl would drink any beer as long as it was hal f lime juice. She would smuggle those bottles into wherever she was drinking to ensure her beer tasted disgusting.I paid Jay, deciding to ignore his earlier lau gh; I really didn't feel like probing into what he meant. I knew that I wasn't overw eight, but I was not in the best of shape of my life. My mother always told me I needed to keep an eye on my weight if I ever wanted to find a man that would st ick around longer than my father had.I pulled into the gated community where our Tuscan-style condo lay nestled in the Cherry Creek District, a high-end area of Denver. There is so much to do around the condo, and with Colorado's beautiful we ather, we have over three hundred days of sunshine a year. Most days, when I ven tured out, I would walk. I loved to shop the little boutiques that lined First A venue. The grocery store and Starbucks were around the corner as well as one of the best shopping malls around. This was all surrounded by a mixture of large an d small restaurants with eclectic food, as well as other homes.My Grandfather ca me across the condo a few years back and purchased it as a rental property. Tena nts were in and out as the years passed. He recently passed away and left it to me. He knew how much I loved this condo since the day he bought it.I unlocked th

e front door and yelled for Cara; normally, she was lounging on the couch watchi ng TV or playing with her iPad. Cara was a nurse and worked earlier than me, whi ch normally ensured she made it home first.I set my bags on the counter, put the alcohol in the fridge, and grabbed us two beers, squeezing lime juice in Cara's b efore making my way up the stairs to the second floor.I could hear Cara's music as I approached her room. No wonder she didn't hear me yell when I came in. I opened the door to her modern all-white room. This was her zen; a place where she coul d relax and unwind away from the hospital. She had done well for herself at the age of thirty.Cara was in her closet. I plopped down on her bed and sat her beer on the night stand while taking a drink of mine. Yuck. Why didn't I just open my bottle of wine? Cara came out of her closet holding two tiny dresses, one in sil ver and one in teal.She saw me and smiled, Hey, I didn't hear you come in.Maybe it's be cause you have that God awful music on so loud.She laughed, It's not God awful Alexa , it's vintage Madonna.Mmm-kay, whatever you say. Here, I got you your favorite and put tons of lime juice in it. Now, let's cheers.I handed the beer to Cara, I could see the confusion on her face.Cheers to what?I smirked at her. Here's to a relaxing w eekend?Cara laughed at me, and I glared at her. Finally stopping, she looked at m e again with confusion still on her face.Relaxing? Really Lex? If that's what you w ant to call tomorrow, because after tonight, all the relaxing you will be doing is nursing your hangover and sleeping till Monday.What was she talking about?Oh my God. Don't tell me you forgot?Now who had the confused look on their face?First of all, forgot about what? Secondly, will you please stop saying `oh my God,' like you're from the South?Alexa Lauren Schaefer! Do not tell me you forgot about Bridgette's b irthday party tonight!Sonofabitch!I did forget. How could I have forgotten my own sister's birthday?Shit, I didn't even call Bridgette today, and I don't have a gift fo r her.Cara sat next to me and rubbed my back. Don't worry. I sent her flowers from b oth of us.Cara always had my back no matter what.Come on, it'll be okay. We'll go to d inner and celebrate with her, she'll never know about this.I gave her a small smile .Now will you please help me pick a dress and then go get yourself ready? Like, r eally fast?Cara, God bless her. How was I so lucky to find such an amazing friend ? She had been there for me through so much. She was there when I stopped talkin g to Vivian, my mother, and when my grandfather passed. I couldn't have made it th rough those times without her. I looked over at her perfect complexion, long blo nde hair and aqua eyes. I couldn't help the tears of gratitude that overcame me wh en I thought of her.Oh no Lex, don't please don't cry. I told you Bridgette doesn't eve n know.No, it's not that. I just love you. I mean I really love you. I'm so lucky to h ave you, you always have my back. I'm sorry. I cannot believe I forgot Bridgette's b irthday. As much as I try to be a good sister, I always feel like I've failed.Cara pulled me into a hug, embracing me like that for a few moments. You're a great sist er, so stop being so hard on yourself. You always do this, and there is no reaso n for it.She always made me smile, and had a way of making me feel better. Thank y ou, I said and got off of the bed.Cara asked, What dress? Silver or teal?Teal, defin itely teal. With your eyes, that will make the guys go crazy.I walked downstairs to my room, which was on the main floor. I grabbed my cell phone on the way and checked it. I had a text from Bridgette.Haven't seen you in so long. I'm so ready to get to party for my birthday. Love you.I quickly texted her back.I c an't wait. Just finishing up getting ready now.I ran into my bathroom and stared a t my reflection in the mirror. My skin was blotchy and my green eyes were red fr om crying. Crap. Okay, this was not going to work. I put on as much powder as I could and added a black smoky eye.One thing about me getting ready was that I co uld improvise well, and I could do so quickly. I put on more mascara, eyeliner, and nude lip-gloss. I pulled my chocolate brown hair over to one shoulder and di d my best to tame it all together, then I braided it down my right shoulder.Ther e that was better.I walked into my massive overly-stuffed closet. I loved to sho p, for shoes and purses, but clothes, not so much. I didn't like the way anything seemed to fit. I knew I would wear something dark, not only to match my smoky ey es, but to make myself feel more comfortable with my body. I searched feverously through my clothes; they all seemed so bland I needed to add color. I found a p air of gold high wasted shorts and a long black lacey tank. I put the clothes on with a pair of gold and black wedge sandals; I grabbed a black clutch and poppe

d my cell phone and lip-gloss into it.I looked at my reflection in the full-leng th mirror on my way into the living room; I stopped and noticed I looked really pretty. Yes, I was a little curvy, but this outfit complimented my features. The wide cuffed shorts and wedge shoes made my legs look long and lean, not to ment ion the long black lacey tank elongated my torso.I needed to remind myself more often; that I was beautiful, no matter what my mother had said about me. I grabb ed my I.D. and cash from my wallet and put them into my clutch.Cara came down th e stairs in that teal piece of fabric she called a dress. Her long legs, nude pe ep toe patent leather pumps, and messy hair made her look like a rock star. I me an, the girlfriend of a rock star.Oh, shit. You look amazing. I don't think you'll be paying for a drink all night.She twirled around. Right back at cha, friend. You l ook sexy as hell.Thanks. That was the look I was going for. We hopped from bar to bar, paying a ridiculous amount of money each time for cov er. We were wandering around, looking for our next spot to hit, when I spotted a place called 9th Door. I had heard some of the people at work talking about it and thought it would be fun.The night had started out exciting with my sister ge tting spanked at this random piano bar and things went downhill from there. The last place we were at was Wicked Garden. It was in an underground basement with stripper poles, hardcore rap music, and far too many people then safe for fire c ode.Hey, girls. Let's check this place out.I batted my lashes, feeling a little tips y while Cara laughed at me. Bridgette grabbed my arm and was well on her way to being wasted. Sure thing, sis, but you're buying since I never get to see you.I love d my sister, I really did, but spending time with her was hard. My job had becom e my life and was one of the only places I felt at peace. Burying myself in my w ork was a release. Hanging out with Bridgette brought up a lot of the past issue s from our childhood, as well as the fact that I hadn't spoken to our mother in th ree years. Plus, Bridgette went to school in Fort Collins, which is almost two h ours away. That made it difficult; I couldn't just meet her for lunch or drive up after work for a quick visit. I always had to make a weekend of it.We were so cl ose as kids, especially since our father wasn't around. He left when I was eight a nd Bridgette was two. Vivian was there, if that's what you could call it, but she struggled with depression and therefore leaving Bridgette and myself to fend for ourselves most of the time. We spent the summers with our grandparents and thos e are some of the best memories I have.This place is beautiful, Riley said as we w alked into 9th Door.The dcor was modern, warm, and all different shades of red. T o the right was a long row of plush red booths that lined the wall with a view o f the dance floor. To the left was a long bar. The floors were a dark wood and r ed curtains hung throughout with extensive greenery. The music was eclectic and funky, which I totally loved.Let's order some drinks and grab a table. I heard they have the best Sangrias here, I said.I'd danced so much I felt like my feet were go ing to fall off. I yelled to Cara, who was dancing with her typical tattoo-cover ed meathead.I'm going to take a break and grab a drink. Do you need anything?She smi led from ear to ear and pointed at herself. Who me? Need anything? Nah, I'm good. I have everything I need right here.I laughed and made my way out the front door. I needed to sit, and fast. I found a bench right out the front doors. I pulled o ut my cell phone and checked my texts. There were no new messages.I could see th e girls inside the open walls of the club. They all looked so happy and carefree . I wished that could be me, I wanted to just let go and have fun with no stress . I did love to let go as long as I had a few drinks in me. The liquid courage m ade the bar scene tolerable. I rested my head on the rough wooden bench looking up into the clear night sky. The stars were bright. As a kid I was always fascin ated with them and as I got older that love had grown.I went back inside and the girls were still on the dance floor. I smiled at their silliness as I headed to the bathroom.I rolled my ankle when I turned the corner. Damn shoes. I was abou t to fall to the floor before a pair of large hands caught me. I yelped in surpr ise when his hands kept me steady from falling.I craned my neck to look up into his eyes. Shit, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened, but this is the last time I'l l wear these shoes.He smirked down at me with a panty-dropping smile spread acros s his perfect face; he had bright hazel eyes and dark hair.Don't be sorry. I'm glad I caught you. Are you all right?I nodded my head. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tried

from too much dancing.I hadn't realized he was still holding onto my arms, I looke d down at his hands and he ran his fingers down the backs of my arms. I shivered with pleasure.God, that felt good!I smiled and squeezed around him, I didn't let men touch me in public regardless of how good it felt. I was all for a one-night stand, but PDA was something I didn't do. Once I was in the bathroom and a safe d istance away from that smile, his piercing eyes, and those strong hands, I brace d myself on the sink. What was happening to me? I stood there in a strangers arm s feeling completely awestruck. I'm sure he thought there was something wrong with me. I took my time when I went into the stall to pee. As I washed my hands, I t old myself to pull it together. I walked out of the bathroom on a mission to get another drink but was immediately stopped dead in my tracks. He was still there . His back was to me as he looked out into the dark club.He was tall. Damn was h e tall. His hair was dark brown, almost black; it was longer on top and cut clos e around the sides. It was a disheveled mess, and I itched to run my fingers thr ough it. He wore dark jeans that hugged his perfect ass, and a grey button up dr ess shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I imagined myself removing his clothes wit h my teeth.What was going on with me? I didn't let men control my thoughts. I forc ed myself to stop staring and start walking; he must have sensed I was behind hi m, because as I started to move, he turned around. When he smiled at me, I lost my words.Glad to see you made it out okay. I was getting worried. I thought maybe I would have to send in a search party.I looked down at the floor and shook my h ead.Pull yourself together, Alexa!I took in a deep breath before meeting his gaz e.No search party required. I needed to rest my feet. I'm surprised to see you stil l out here. I'm sure you have other things you would rather be doing with your tim e.He stepped closer and was mere inches away from my face. I could feel his sweet breath on my skin.How would you know what I would rather be doing with my time?My breathing became rapid.It's just a guess. I mean, waiting outside of a bathroom fo r some girl who can't even walk, doesn't seem like it would be on the top of anybody's list.He shook his head and rubbed his neck with his hand. First of all, you're not a girl, you're a woman, and secondlyI lunged at him, I couldn't stop myself. My mouth was on his instantly before he could finish his sentence. I could feel him smile , and his arms wrapped tightly around me. I was immediately on fire from his mou th. I moved my lips over his with hunger and need. A growl escaped his throat, a nd his tongue parted my lips. He explored my mouth, and the feeling was pure bli ss. I was blazing with need. It had been so long since I had been with a man. I needed to feel this again, I began sucking and caressing his tongue. My hands re ached for the back of his hair, as a small moan escaped my lips while he pressed me against the wall. I felt his erection pressing in to my pelvis, and I pushed back against him.As we kissed I thought about his deep seductive voice and him calling me a woman. I felt myself losing control, and I wanted to wrap my legs a round him. I knew I had to stop myself. What was I doing? I was in public, and I didn't even know his name.Hmm, but he feels so amazing.I slowed the kiss, and he lustfully worshiped and nibbled on my bottom lip. I pulled my tongue away and tr ied to control my breathing. He continued to peck my lips, as if he couldn't stop. I rested my forehead against his chin, and when I opened my eyes, I looked up i nto his beautiful hazel gaze staring at me with wantonness while I was tucked ti ghtly in his arms.I took a deep breath before speaking. Hi, I'm Alexa.He smiled down at me and shook his head. Everything within me yearned for him, the affect he h ad on my body sent me into extreme mania. I apparently had the same effect on hi m because I could still feel his erection pushing against me.Hi, I'm Vincent.I beame d at him with infatuation. It's nice to meet you, Vincent.He kissed me again. And the same to you, Alexa.Alexa, oh my God! Are you okay?Oh Cara, perfect timing. Yes, I'm f ine. Why?She looked from me to Vincent and back again with clear confusion writte n on her face. I felt the need to erase the confusion and introduce the two.Cara this is Vincent. Vincent this is my best friend, Cara.He gave her a slight nod, a nd smiled. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cara.Cara scowled at him as I was wrapped up in his arms.Cara, Vincent was helping me out, I rolled my ankle in these wedges and he caught my fall.Cara wasn't buying it as she crossed her arms and smirked at us both.Well thankfully you're okay. Are you ready Lex? Bridgette is hammered, so I called cabs to get us all out of here.I didn't want to go, I felt so comfortable a

nd at peace in his arms. Something I never allowed myself to feel when I was wit h a man.Yeah, sure.At that moment, Cara pulled me out of Vincent's arms, and dragged me off. I looked back to Vincent and he ran his hands through his hair clearly frustrated. Our eyes stayed connected, and I gave him a small wave. Oh my God. My head is throbbing.I struggled to wake and gather my bearings on wher e I was as well as the events that had taken place the night before. I rolled ov er to find Cara face down in bed next to me.Cara, what the hell are you doing in here?She spoke into the pillow, I couldn't make it upstairs last night; it would've be en unsafe for my health.I slapped her arm and she screeched.Hey, what was that for ?Sleeping in my bed uninvited and saying `oh my God' in that damn Southern accent.Cara snorted and her hand flew to slap me.You better knock it off, or I'll kick your ass out of here. Better yet, why don't you go and get us some Starbucks? I said.Cara r olled over and propped herself up on her elbows. Not until you tell me what reall y happened between you and that Vincent guy last night? It didn't look like you ro lled your ankle to me.I kept my eyes closed and thought about the events from las t night, especially of Vincent. I missed the way it felt to be in his arms, the safety I experienced was like nothing I had even known when I'd been with a man. H is smile and those lips, I thought about what I wanted him to do to me with thos e lips.I don't know what you're talking about, Cara. I rolled my ankle as I turned th e corner, he was there and, thankfully, caught me before I fell.Cara narrowed her eyes at me. You honestly expect me to believe that you rolled your ankle and he caught you? End of story? You two were inches apart and wrapped up in each other's arms. I've never seen you with a man before. When you introduced us he didn't budge . Don't you find it strange that he didn't shake my hand? He held onto you like his next breath depended on it. I mean, I know I was drunk, but I saw what I saw, an d there was no denying the lust between the two of you.I sighed in frustration, s he was right. Something was different with Vincent and as much as I wanted to av oid the topic and sweep it under the rug to mull over on another day, I needed t o talk to her about what had happened not only with Vincent, but the feelings I was experiencing.All right, there is more to the story, but I need coffee first. Can we go get breakfast and talk things over there?Sure thing, but you're buying.Fine. Let's get dressed and go.The food here was always delicious; Caf Lux was my all-tim e favorite breakfast place in Colorado. And the coffee was to die for, literally . I sipped on mine and looked at the surroundings; we were seated outside on the garden patio made up of natural stones and wrought iron tables looking out onto First Avenue. The people were flowing all around; most were going in and out of the shops with a leisurely pace. Some were capturing pictures of the far off mo untains while others were biking down the river.I picked at my croissant contemp lating how to bring up these feelings I was having without sounding crazy.Do you believe in fate? I mean do you believe that no matter what you do in life your d estiny is already planned? I asked.She looked at me with an empty expression on h er face, and thought about what I was saying.I guess so. You mean, kind of like k arma? You steal something, then the next thing you know you can't find it and spen d days on end searching but it never shows up?I thought about her statement. Fate was kind of like karma.Yeah, I guess like that too. I just mean, maybe I was sup posed to meet Vincent, and that is why I felt so connected to him, it was like t here was a tether pulling us towards one another. Maybe it was fate.Although that sounded crazy considering I had just met him. But it was how I felt.I can see wh ere you're coming from, but it is a little extreme to feel so connected to someone you don't know.I did kiss him, and the minute our lips touched it was as if everyth ing felt right.Her mouth dropped open. You did what? You kissed him? You kissed Vi ncent in public?I nodded my head. I couldn't stop myself. Honestly, I rolled my ankl e, and he caught me. I went into the restroom a complete and utter mess of desir e. Everything inside of me wanted him. Cara, I've never wanted a man the way I wan ted him, and it scared the shit out of me. You know me, I don't do PDA. Normally, I would've hooked up with him and then ended it. But I couldn't, the attraction was too strong for one hook-up and that's not like me.She stared off into the distance and was not making eye contact. My words had clearly floored her.I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. You have always made it clear that you don't date, and now h ere you are, after meeting a guy one time, you're off in la-la land, dreaming of a

relationship. Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds coming from your mouth ? You have never dated anyone.I took a deep cleansing breath and put my face in m y hands. I know it sounds crazy, and the shitty part about all of this is, none o f it matters. I don't know who he is; I don't know his last name or anything about h im. And I'm never going to see him again.Good Morning Sunshine.I moaned into my pillo w. I forgot that Cara and I were going to work out at Red Rocks this morning. I really wanted to sleep in, but there was no way Cara was going to let me. Red Ro cks was a tradition for us. We loved going to the world renowned amphitheater th at has held some of the biggest names in music for concerts. During the day time it was a popular place to run the massive stairs that acted as the seating and was nestled in between large Red Rock formations.Uhh, what time is it?She laughed at me. It's five a.m., you asked me to wake you up remember? If you continue to bit ch we're not going to see the sunrise.She was right, as much as I was not an early bird, I wanted to see the sunrise. There was something about watching the sun mo ve that started my day off right.I hurried out of bed and threw on some yoga pan ts, a hoodie, and my running shoes. Cara was waiting for me at the front door be fore we loaded into my car and headed off into the mountains.We pulled into the empty dirt lot. You could smell the fresh mountain air. It was still dark outsid e, but I've been there so many times that I could find my way around even if the m oon wasn't out.I liked to park in the lower lot because it made the workout that m uch more strenuous. The workout here was brutal, not only was the air thinner up here, but you had to hike up almost one hundred stairs to get into the amphithe ater. Once inside there was another sixty-nine rows of wooden benches expanding the length of the inside of the amphitheater. That was the real challenge; it wa s almost like doing lunges up the side of a mountain.Cara smacked my ass. You rea dy to head up, girl?I winked at her. We always raced from the car to inside of th e amphitheater.Loser buys breakfast, she said.As always, that will be you, I teased. She put her hands on her hips and gave me a dirty look as I blew her a kiss. Wit h that, we were both off sprinting across the dirt parking lot and up the long c urved, paved road to the bottom of the stairs. The stairs were wide and had mult iple railings running up and down the middles of them.Cara tackled them by grabb ing the bar and taking two at a time. Myself on the other hand, I took one at a time but with ferocious speed, my tiny steps always got me the win. Cara was ahe ad of me but quickly lost her momentum; I kept my short strides intact and didn't look back.When I got to the top of the stairs, I looked down at my friend as she gave me the finger. I laughed so hard I had to bend over. Once I caught my brea th and I stood up, she was still glaring at me.Oh come on Cara, I told you last t ime to change up your strategy. She reached the top of the steps and spoke inches from my face. You better not want to eat anywhere expensive. I can't afford it.I la ughed again, I think this time I really pissed her off. Cara lived with me rent free so she could definitely afford to splurge on breakfast.You better believe yo u're going to take me somewhere expensive.She chuckled and elbowed me, Oh fine, Lex. Expensive it is. I squealed, and we started to head up the stairs.Once we reache d the top, the sun was just peaking over the horizon. It was incredible. This wa s by far the most beautiful place to watch the sunrise. It was worth waking up a t five a.m. I stood there and looked at the sky that was a menagerie of pinks, o ranges, and red, I suddenly saw hazel. Thoughts of Vincent began to creep into m y mind and I couldn't help but picture myself back in his arms. The week seemed to fly by. It was already Thursday when I finally got to sit dow n and watch my DVR. I sank into the plush couch, nuzzled into my soft throw, and got lost in one of my favorite television shows. I spent the week preparing for the arrival of Kane, my new boss and partner at the firm. It was nice, knowing we would have a full team again especially with the Albertson case going to tria l soon. Cara flew down the stairs and sat next to me.Are you hungry? I asked witho ut looking at her as I was too consumed in my show.Yeah, a little. Do you want to go out?Was she crazy? There was no way I was leaving this house or my couch. Thi s was the first night I didn't work late. I paused the DVR and sat up. Why in the w orld would you ask me if I wanted to go out?She shrugged her shoulders like it wa s no big deal. I want to celebrate.I rolled my eyes at her. And what do you want to celebrate?She turned towards me. Do you remember that guy I was dancing with at 9

th Door? We've been texting, and he asked if I wanted to go out to dinner next wee k.I plastered the best fake smile I could on my face.I'm happy he called, but you kn ow your track record with guys like that.She sighed and slouched back into the co uch. I knew you were going to say that, but he seems different. He really does. W e had a great time dancing, and he didn't try to take me home. He gave me his numb er, and I got to know him better this week. He's different. He's really genuine; you can't judge him just because he has tattoos.She was right. I was the last person t o be judging anyone, especially to judge someone because they had tattoos.Fine, i f you like him and really believe he has good intentions, I'll give him the benefi t of the doubt. But no going out tonight. Let's order in and open a bottle of wine . Then we can discuss a game plan to keep your heart safe.She smiled at me and ho pped up off of the couch. I got up after her and grabbed my favorite wine from t he fridge. I poured us each a glass while Cara ordered dinner. She knew me so we ll; she didn't have to ask what I wanted to eat. We'd been friends for years, and ev ery detail about each other came as second nature. I felt like being bad tonight and the normal order of brown rice and steamed veggies was not going to satisfy my craving.I yelled up to her, Will you add some egg rolls and crab rangoons, pl ease?She laughed and said, Yeah, sure thing.She came downstairs and snatched the wi ne out of my hand. We retreated back to the couch, and both of us sat down to di scuss her date as we waited for dinner.So, tell me what his name is, I said.She to ok a deep breath, and leaned into the couch. His name is Jon. He's a real estate ag ent and just moved here from Florida.Hmm, a real estate agent with tattoos, now t hat was a first. But it was possible, I needed to stop judging and give him a ch ance.Okay, where is Jon, the real estate agent, taking you for dinner?He said I cou ld pick anywhere since he is new in town and doesn't know a lot of good places. Th e first place I thought of was Elway's.Elway's was a nice restaurant owned by John El way of the Denver Broncos.Okay, I like Elway's. So just dinner?She shrugged her shou lders at me. Yeah, I think so. If it goes well maybe we will go out for a drink a nd dance afterwards.I hope that's all that happens. Cara was known for falling fast and falling hard. If she drank too much then there would definitely be sex invo lved, and as soon as she slept with someone, she was in love.Well, good. I'm happy for you. I gave her the most genuine smile I could muster up. But if he so much as harms a hair on your body or even thinks of making you cry I'll cut his balls off.L aughing, she hopped off the couch to get the doorbell, which just rang. She igno red my comment. She was good at avoiding things like I was.That night, I laid in bed restless, unable to fall asleep. Sleep normally came easily to me, but toni ght it didn't, not even with the wine. My mind was racing while images of Vincent's face, flashed before my closed eyes. My body yearned for him. I needed to know h im; to see if what I was feeling was real. But I knew I would never see him agai n; I should have slept with him that night. Now all I would ever have was the on e kiss that we shared.I stared at the ceiling in my bedroom and sighed heavily, letting the exhaustion take me over. I turned on my side and closed my eyes for the last time that night.Out of nowhere, I felt a warm hand rest on my hip. I kn ew who the touch belonged to without needing to look. He slowly slid his large w arm hand across my stomach, pulling me close against his body.I could feel every detail of his body entangled with mine. He was immense and warm, immediately co mforting me and washing away my prior aghast. He brushed my hair off my neck, wi th his smooth fingers and gently kissed behind my ear.He whispered into my skin, You're so beautiful, Alexa.He left a trail of sweet kisses down my neck, sucking an d nipping along my shoulder, and pushing his bulging erection into me. I moaned with pleasure, rolling onto my back, wanting to touch his face and have his hair knotted in my fingers, swiftly he moved to cover me.Pressing his full body into mine, we fit like a puzzle, all of our body parts locking together like they we re made for each other. I stared into his alluring eyes, and his mouth curved in to a mischievous grin.How did you find me? I asked.He rubbed my cheek with the bac k of his hand. Shh, that's not important right now. Close your eyes, beautiful.I did as he asked; as if I had a choice. I leaned up into him with my mouth, feeling his breath on my skin. It was sweet and hot, a heady combination.The moment our lips touched, the spark was instant. I felt electricity move through my entire b ody, the desire I felt for him was unlike anything I had ever experienced before

. I was sure he felt it too, intensifying the kiss, a growl from deep within his throat escaped.Heat radiated off of his ample body, and he pressed me into the mattress. Slowly, he moved one of his hands and cupped my breast firmly in his g rip. My body bowed off the bed pushing into his touch as his fingers teased my r aised nipple. I greedily moved my hands into his hair and gripped the satin stra nds while he moved his mouth from my lips to assault my waiting nipple. He sucke d and flicked the hard peak, back and forth in his mouth. I moaned with lust.My alarm clock went off; I smacked the top and read the time, 6:00 a.m.I turned bac k to Vincent, but he was gone. What had just happened? Where did he go, he was j ust here? I mean, he was here with me, wasn't he? I could still feel his touch and smell his scent. My mind raced back through the events that just taken place, a nd now I lie there confused and pissed off.What the hell?I drove to work still h eated and angry. Why was I dreaming about someone that I didn't even know? I had t o pull myself together today, and it was extremely important that I did so.With Kane starting today, I wanted to make a good impression. We had been in constant contact via email, and thankfully, he seems really great. He didn't ask a lot of me, unlike the last attorney who I worked for had. Kane sent over a simple reque st of supplies to have for his office. I had to order stationary and business ca rds along with getting the IT team out to ensure his office was all set up with his laptop, computer, and blackberry.He offered to get me Starbucks this morning , which was a shock to me since Trent, the last attorney I worked for, made me g o every day, twice a day to get it for him. And if it didn't taste right, I had to take it back and get him another one.I pulled into the parking lot and parked i n my normal spot. I made my way into the office building that was home to Smith and Brown. The firm was now staffed at capacity, and I hoped things would run sm oothly going forward. With all the buzz going around about Kane's track record tha t he had never lost a case, I think we were in for smooth sailing.The office bui lding was in the heart of the Denver Tech Center just south of downtown Denver. It was thirty stories high, and I worked on the twenty-ninth floor. I moved thro ugh the lobby, which was marble and gold, with large pillars throughout, and mad e my way to the bank of elevators.I caught the elevator with Portia, one of the other paralegals on my team. I put my best smile on, considering I was still in a foul mood.Morning, Portia. How are you today?Portia smiled back at me, she was b eautiful. She was Latino with perfectly tanned skin, long dark hair, and the blu est of eyes. She hit the jackpot on the gene pool.Hey, Alexa. I'm great, thanks for asking. How are you doing? Are you excited for Kane to start today?I leaned my h ead to the side, contemplating the question. Yeah, he seems great.She scooted clos er to me and whispered in a low voice. I talked to a friend in Phoenix last night who knows of him. She said Kane is not only a gentleman, but he's extremely easy on the eyes.Well good thing for me, I had rules. One of those rules was that I di dn't date attorneys, but I didn't mind a little office flirting now and then. I need ed a distraction, and hopefully Kane would be just that. He seemed great enough through our emails this week, and if he was as good-looking as Portia says, then I'm sure I wouldn't think about Vincent again.Well I am sure he can't be any worse tha n Trent, so it's a win-win for me.She winked at me, and I laughed. Portia was very outgoing and didn't hold much back. Her mouth didn't come with a filter, but I liked that about her.The elevator opened and we walked in sync down the hall to our d esks. Our desks were cubicles that lined the east side of the wall. Portia and I shared a cubicle wall, which was fun. I was glad to have her on the other side, and I thankfully had an end cubicle so no one was on the other side of me.On th e corresponding side from our desks, and with a spectacular mountain view, were the offices of our Attorney's: C.J Smith and Liam Brown. They had the two end offi ces and Kane, my new boss, would take over the middle one.I booted up my compute r and checked my voicemail in the meantime. We had an eight o'clock. staff meeting , and I didn't want to be late, so I grabbed my iPad and headed into the conferenc e room. I was in desperate need of coffee, but didn't want to offend Kane and his offer to bring me some today; I opted for a bottle of water from the mini fridge as I waited for my Starbucks and to meet Kane.Portia came in and sat down next to me, Have you seen him yet?I shook my head no. He must have just gotten here.Well to say he is easy on the eyes is an understatement; he's drop-dead fucking gorgeo

us.I smacked her arm. Will you keep your voice down?She laughed, unable to control her non-existent filter was something everyone had become used to. No one looked in our direction as our other co-workers entered the conference room.Sorry, but I wish that he was going to be my boss, she said.I rolled my eyes. Please, C.J. ha s it bad for you. If you would just give him the time of day, you wouldn't be out looking for a boyfriend. And good thing for you, I don't date attorneys. So now yo u have your pick.She laughed again until. C.J. and Liam came into the conference room, quieting her immature fit. We all turned our attention to Liam, who spoke first.Good Morning, team. As you know Kane, our newest attorney, is joining us to day. He just got in from Phoenix, so go easy on him, and please make him feel we lcome. Alexa, I expect that you have everything in order for his arrival?I nodded my head and gave him a reassuring smile.Good. In case you need help, I expect ev eryone to pull together and assist you in any way possible. We have the Albertso n case to get Kane up to speed on.Just then he came into the conference room and everyone's attention turned from Liam to the man standing before us.What the fuck, Vincent?C.J. spoke up next. Kane, welcome. We were just getting started. How abo ut we go around and do introductions before diving into next week's agenda?Kane smi led, Sure, but I have a coffee for Alexa.He looked right at me and my heart was po unding so hard in my chest I swear the whole room could hear it. C.J. looked fro m Kane to me and back again.I'm sorry. Have you two already met?Kane's smiled widened. FUCK, that smile.I felt everything below my waist tighten, and I didn't know what to do. Before he could speak, I jumped up.No, of course not. I'm obviously the only one here without coffee.I reached out to take the Starbucks from his hand and fo rced a smile on my face.What can I say, Alexa is the only one without coffee, enj oy. And it's truly a pleasure to meet you in person, and that goes for all of you. I'm looking forward to being part of the team.How was this even possible? I've been talking to him all week, preparing for his arrival, and filling him on things he re. All the while, I'm having wet dreams about him and having to take cold showers to calm my libido. I was royally screwed and had no idea how I was going to han dle this.I sank back into my chair, but not before Kane ran his tongue across hi s lower lip, or should I say Vincent.As the meeting progressed, I couldn't focus o n anything that Liam or C.J. said. My mind was racing through a thousand differe nt scenarios as to how I ended up in this situation. What was I going to do abou t working so closely with him, when I had this lust for him I couldn't control?I k ept looking at Vincent who was three seats next to me; I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off of him. My mind drifted back to the dream I had this morning. My finger s itched to touch his hair. He looked so different than he had the night I met h im at 9th Door. He was now dressed in a charcoal gray suit with a white shirt an d black tie.The meeting seemed to abruptly come to an end; I hadn't taken notes th e entire time. My iPad lay untouched in front of me, and that was not like me. T he room disbursed and Vincent approached me.Alexa, may I see you in my office ple ase? We have a lot to go over, so I would like to get started as soon as possibl e?Portia sat frozen next to me, and for the first time, she looked star-struck.Of course, let me run to the restroom, and I'll be in. I kept it calm, cool, and profe ssional. I gathered my things and walked away, leaving Vincent alone with Portia . I'm sure five minutes alone with her would have his mind down a path of Latino l ove and far away from any thoughts he may have had of me. I sat my things on my desk and headed to the restroom.On the way, I ran into C.J.Crap.Hey, Alexa. Are y ou okay today? You seemed rather quite this morning.I rubbed my neck with one han d. Yah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking. I had a long weekend, and I think I may be get ting sick, that's all.He frowned with concern. Oh, I'm sorry. Well, please let myself or Kane know if it gets worse and you need to leave early.That was my out, I shou ld tell him I had to go now. That way I wouldn't have to face Kane and hear his bu llshit excuse for why he lied to me when we met. Why he didn't tell me his real na me. I'm sure all week, when we were talking, he knew it was me.Here I am, so consu med with thoughts of him that I am unable to close my eyes without seeing his fa ce, and he can't even be honest with me and tell me his real name. No, I wasn't goin g to leave, not yet anyways. I was going to call him out on his bullshit game.Tha nks C.J. I'll let you know if I start to feel worse, but hopefully I can fight thr ough this today and get some rest this weekend.He smiled at me, and I walked past

him and continued to the restroom. I opened the door, and thankfully it was emp ty. I opted for a stall rather than stand and stare at myself in the mirror.I le aned up against the cold tile wall and immediately sank down to the floor. I had n't had feelings for a man in years, and the one time I do, the one time I let mys elf have feelings, he ends up being a liar and my boss.I had avoided these kinds of situations for years and for this reason. I didn't like the feeling I had in t he pit of my stomach. I needed to handle the situation with Kane. He was my new boss, and I did not date attorneys. End of story.There really was no point in ta lking to him to find out why he lied about his name, or if he had known. I neede d to keep it professional and act as though he and the kiss we shared meant noth ing to me, I had to keep my feelings for him tucked away and eventually they wou ld disappear.He was probably interested in someone like Portia anyways. She was gorgeous: skinny, tan, and her long dark hair reminded me of Pocahontas. She was an exotic package compared to me, which was just plain.I'm sure the only reason h e even kissed me is because I threw myself at him like a drunken fool. I pulled myself off of the bathroom floor. I had a game plan; I was going to keep things strictly professional.I left the bathroom and went back to my desk. I started to go through my emails, when an instant message popped up from Kane.Kane Mileski: Alexa, may I please see you in my office?Shit, that didn't last long. I was hoping he had forgotten that he asked me to go in there.Alexa Schaefer: I'm not sure what to call you, but I'm sure whatever you need, I can handle from out here. Just email me a list and I'll get it done.Kane Mileski: My legal name is Kane Vincent Mileski. At work I go by Kane, and outside of work I go by Vincent. I prefer to keep the two separate due to the high profile case s I handle. This ensures the safety of those close to me. Now I assure you that you cannot handle my requests from your desk.Ahh, this man was exasperating, to say the least. I did feel better knowing that he didn't give me a false name and h ad a valid excuse. Against my better judgment, I gathered my iPad and went to hi s office.I walked up to the door; the sight of him instantly took my breath away . He had taken his suit coat off and was sitting behind his large desk with his white shirt, grey vest and black tie. I wanted to climb into his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.His eyes immediately met mine and there was that panty-dro pping smile.Did he have this effect on everyone, or was it just me?Why, thank you Alexa. Please come in and close door.I did as he asked and went over to the expa nsive windows overlooking the amazing view of the Rocky Mountains. I had always taken the beauty of the landscape for granted. I stood and stared out at the sno w-covered peaks unsure of what to say, he came and stood beside me crossing his arms across his massive chest.It's beautiful, isn't it? I asked.He smiled down at me a nd reached to touch my face. It is, but not as breathtakingly beautiful as you ar e, Lex.I pulled away from his hand Don't call me Lex, I snapped. Vincent you don't even know me. I didn't come in here for this.I walked across the room, sitting in one of the chairs opposite his desk. He was frozen and didn't move. I looked into his ha zel eyes; he had a look of pain on his face, the same look I saw when I was pull ed out of his arms the other night. He ran both of his hands through his hair an d sat across from me.I'm sorry, Alexa. I can't control myself when I'm around you. You're all that I have thought about for the past week.I put my hand up to stop him fro m continuing.Please don't. We can't do this. You're my boss. The other nightit was a mis take. That wasn't me. I shouldn't have acted like I did. I had far too much to drink and reacted in a way that sent the wrong message. I thought I would never see y ou again.He creased his brows and leaned forward as he spoke.You think the other n ight was a mistake?It pained me to say it, much less to hear him repeat it back t o me, but it was the only way. I had to lie to him; I had to tell him that I did n't feel anything for him. I swallowed hard, to ensure I spoke clearly.Yes.His jaw c lenched and he shot up from his chair. He paced the room, then said, Bullshit, yo u're lying. I can see it in your eyes now, and when I walked into the meeting toda y, I felt something between us. I know you did too.I took a few deep breaths befo re I spoke, I needed to be strong and end this before it started.Vincent, we have a job to do. If you would like to proceed with work, then please, let's do so. I cannot repeat myself again, the kiss we shared was a mistake, and I'm sorry if you felt something. I didn't mean to lead you on.The sound of my own voice pained me,

and I had to fight back the tears. I was lying to myself and it hurt even more t han I thought was possible. In that moment, Vincent was kneeling in front of me, between my legs. I couldn't look at him. I kept my gaze down; a tear escaped my e ye and rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away and ran his thumb over my lips.Look at me, Alexa.I couldn't. I knew what would happened if I allowed myself to get los t in his eyes. As much as I wanted to, I had made it this far and caused this mu ch pain to both of us, there was no going back.I'm sorry, II can't. I have to go.I bolt ed out of his office before he could respond. I made my way to my desk, snatchin g up my cell phone and then left. I didn't have to wait for the elevator and slid in with the UPS guy. He didn't notice me as I leaned onto the elevator wall. He wa s oblivious to what was going on around him as he focused on his hand scanner sh owing his next stops and listened to some hardcore rock music that was way too l oud.The elevator descended the twenty-nine floors, which seemed to take forever. Once we were on the ground level, I went outside to the seating area which was normally crowded with people eating their lunch and enjoying the sun. It was sti ll early, so no one was outside. I sat on one of the benches and pulled out my c ell phone to call the one and only person who could tell me what to do.Lex, what's up, baby girl? as silence came across the line, I heard panic in her voice when s he spoke. Alexa, are you there? Is everything okay?I'm here, Cara. I need your advice . Everything's so complicated. I don't even know where to start.The beginning would be nice.I huffed into the phone. We don't have enough time for all that. He's here Cara. Vincent is here.Whoa, excuse me? How did he find you? What does he want?I let out a long sigh. I wish he was here for me. He's my new boss.Are you serious? How did tha t happen? I thought you said your new boss's name was Kane?It is. I mean, that is hi s name.So he lied to you? I'm on my way down there right now, and I'm going to kill hi m.I couldn't help myself from laughing. Calm yourself down. You know you're not going to do a thing. That's what I thought at first, but he has a good excuse. His name is Kane Vincent Mileski. He goes by Kane at work and Vincent outside of work. He takes on a lot of high profile cases, so he uses the two separate names.Well, tha t does explain a lot. Did he know you worked there?I haven't asked him, but I will. Right now, I really need your advice on how to handle him. You know I don't get in volved with attorneys, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I love my job, and I've wor ked a really long time to get where I'm at, so I'm going to have to learn to work wi th him. I told him the kiss the other night was a mistake, and I didn't have feeli ngs for him.You did what? That was a bad move. That's just adding fuel to the fire. You can't kiss a guy one minute then say you're not interested the next. It's only goi ng to make him want you even more.Um Cara, you're not helping!She laughed Okay, sorry. Game plan time: you could tell him that you have a boyfriend?Hah, yeah right. He would call me out on it. He'll ask me why I threw myself at him.She snorted into th e phone. Fine, keep it cool, Strictly business. That's really your only other optio n. Be an awesome employee, tell him that you're there to do a job and that's it.I did n't want to create some elaborate lie. I already told him the kiss was a mistake. I had hurt both of us enough maybe we could learn to be friends or something. Wh o was I kidding? I could barely breathe when he was around. If we tried to be fr iends then it would give him time to work through me and push my feelings to the surface. I needed to push him away, strictly business. I could do this. I was s trong enough, hell I had been through worse in my life.Okay, strictly business it is. Wish me luck. Thank you, Cara.Of course. Be strong, baby girl. I know you can do it.We hung up the phone, and I sat in silence, staring out into the lake. I h oped that I could have the will power the fight through this; in the end it was best for both of us. Since going back inside from my phone conversation with Cara, the rest of the mo rning flew by. I hadn't heard a peep from Vincent or seen him. I ate my lunch at m y desk, the small amount I could stomach down. I guess one good thing about this situation was, I would lose the extra nagging pounds I had been carrying around for far too long. I stayed busy on my computer and going back and forth to and from the file room. I did my best to not look in the direction of his office. I knew he was in there, and I also knew what would happen if we locked eyes.When i t was five o'clock, I gathered my belongings and snuck out of the office. I knew I wanted Vincent, and the desire that burned inside of me was undeniable. I imagi

ned being with him, how it would feel to have his hands on me again and kiss his sweet lips.On the drive home I stopped by Tipsy's. Once inside, I noticed Jay was n't working. He must have had the night off. I enjoyed our fun bantering and wishe d he was there to laugh with. I grabbed a bottle of my favorite Riesling and a s ix-pack for Cara. Heading out to my car, my stomach rumbled, causing me to feel lightheaded. I knew I needed to eat a good meal since I hadn't eaten much today, a nd with it being Friday, there was no better time to veg out.After putting my pu rchase in the car, I decided to walk next door to Whole Foods. It was slow insid e. There were no customers in sight, and the clerks were taking advantage of the down time by standing around gossiping. I grabbed a cart and skipped right past the fruit and veggies section.After an hour in the market and poking around in just about every aisle, my cart was overflowing. Checkout was quick, and as I ex ited the store, I noticed a small chill in the air. I loaded the car quickly, th inking about Cara's reaction when I got home with all of this food. Since she was a nurse, she always preached the benefits of eating your six daily food groups. In my opinion an oatmeal raison cookie was part of the fruit and grain food grou p, and that was two of your daily servings.The neighborhood was quiet, like it a lways was. That's one of the things I loved most about living here. I pulled into the driveway, hoping I could sneak the food in. I grabbed an armful of groceries , and when I opened the door, Cara was on the phone, rolling her eyes at me. She followed me back outside and helped me bring in the rest of the bags and then r etreated to her bedroom, still on the phone. I immediately started to put the gr oceries away. I couldn't tell who Cara was talking to, I figured it was her sister because they normally talked in the evenings.I opened my wine and poured myself a glass. My mind was clouded with thoughts of Vincent as I stood in the middle of the kitchen. I never would have imagined he would've ended up being my new boss . I felt dumb for throwing myself at him. I'm sure that's not the first time a woman has done that though.Normally I would have just hooked up with him and called i t a day. That was my M.O., to get my fill and never have to see the guy again. W ith him there was something different that stopped me from doing just that. I wa lked away with the feeling that he was too important to just hook up with. Plus there is no way that I could ever trust him. Not with the stories I have heard. There's a reason he's a prodigy in the field of law and has never lost a case. He's a criminal defense attorney, and they are known to be ruthless. I couldn't be with s omeone like that; God knows how much trust means to me.Cara strolled downstairs, looking a little glum.What's wrong? Are you okay? I asked.Yeah, that was Amber. She got laid off today, so she's a bit down. I feel bad for her. I wished she lived he re so I could help.Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I'm sure with her degree she'll find something quickly, plus she has the best sister in the world to support her.She smiled at m e and opened the fridge. Holy crap! What in God's name caused you to buy all this j unk food?It's not junk food. I bought it from Whole Foods, so everything is all natu ral and kind of healthy.She turned to me with a package of cookie dough in her ha nd. Really? You think this is healthy? I don't care where it came from, this stuff is loaded with sugar, and it's not good for you to eat. What has gotten in to you anyways? You normally swear this stuff off.I hopped up on the counter. I don't know. I stopped by the liquor store after work and realized I was hungry. I didn't eat much today, so I went next door to grab dinner, and this is what I left with.I get that you were hungry and went to buy dinner, but when was the last time you bou ght cookie dough?I didn't buy it for me. It's for you.Hah, yeah right. You know I can't e t this with my gluten allergy. Spill the beans. What's really up?I rolled my eyes a nd grabbed a candy bar from the cabinet next to me. I peeled the gold foil wrapp er off, breaking off a small piece and indulged before I spoke.It's Vincent; I don't know what else to say. I know there are tons of guys out there, but I can't get hi m out of my head no matter what. With him I feel something different, there is t his craving inside of me for him that's so strong. It's like, if I have him once, I will never have enough. That scares me because you know I don't date. Then there i s the fact that he is my boss. And is a ruthless attorney, there is no way that I could ever trust him. I'm sure he wouldn't think twice about lying right to my fac e.I wish I could say something to make this easier on you, but I don't think there i s anything that can be said. You're strong enough to fight through these feelings.

You have a good plan with keeping things strictly business, and with time, the feelings will fade away.I had nodded off to sleep at my computer, not once, but t wice. The weekend was miserable and that was putting it lightly. My mind was con sumed with thoughts of Vincent. I couldn't sleep or relax, which just agitated me. All I thought about was seeing him again. Not that it mattered; but it didn't sto p me from imaging him walking in here and bending me over my desk.My stomach was uneasy as I kept staring into his office and watching the elevators, waiting to see him again. When I heard the ping, I knew he had arrived without needing to look. Sensing his strength and authority, I acted like I was busy on my computer . And then he was in front on me. He was dressed in a black suit with a lavender shirt and a dark purple tie. Damn, the man wore purple. I smiled at him, remind ing myself to keep it cool.Morning, Kane. How was your weekend? I asked.Boring, to say the least. How was yours? He extended a Starbucks to me, and I danced on the inside, knowing that he remembered what I liked to drink. As I took the drink ou t of his hand, our fingers touched, sending a bolt of electricity through my ent ire body. I played it off like I hadn't noticed.Mine was the same. I didn't do much o f anything.He walked around my desk and leaned his large frame against it, sittin g almost on top of it. He looked deep into my eyes, and I had to focus on keepin g my breathing even.We should have spent the weekend together; it would have been more fun for both of us.Oh my God. Did he really just say that to me at my desk, with Portia on the other side of my wall? He really had some nerve and clearly was not used to being told no.Really, Kane. Is that how you talk to women includi ng your employees? Do you really think I would be interested in some womanizing prick like you?He put a hand over his heart and shook his head. Ouch, Alexa. That really hurt. Is that what you think of me?I don't know what to think of you. I got up and walked away. I needed to clear my mind. I thought this whole `keeping things strictly business' thing would be a hell of a lot easier. I never imagined he woul d blatantly pursue me.I wasted as much time as I could away from my desk, knowin g if I sat there, I was in his direct line of sight. When I got back to my desk, there was an e-mail from him waiting for me.To: Alexa SchaeferFrom: Kane Milesk iThat was a low blow earlier. Do you really think I'm some womanizing prick?I didn't know how to respond to his comment; the truth was, I didn't know him at all. If I imagined him on the weekends, I could see him with a different woman every day, lying to them and breaking their hearts. I was sure that I wouldn't let myself ge t tangled in to his illusive persuasion.To: Kane MileskiFrom: Alexa SchaeferI'm so rry, but I don't know what to think of you. I know your reputation doesn't do you an y justice.To: Alexa SchaeferFrom: Kane MileskiWhy don't you give me a chance and g et to know who I really am?To: Kane MileskiFrom: Alexa SchaeferI'm sorry, but you're my boss, and that is a line I will not cross. It's hard enough for me being a wom an in this business. I'm not about to be accused of sleeping my way to the top.To: Alexa SchaeferFrom: Kane MileskiWho said anything about sleeping together? I as ked you to get to know me better. If you think I'm just going to give up on you th en you're dead wrong.It was lunchtime, and I decided to head out rather than respo nd to Vincent's last e-mail. The weather was beautiful today, so I decided to walk around the lake. Finding a bench, I sat and I stared into the glass-like water and let the sun warm my body. I couldn't stomach any food, and I wasn't about to sit at my desk for another hour going back and forth via e-mail with mister determi ned.I hoped that explaining to him that I was not willing to cross the line of h im being my boss would cause him to let up. As much as I wanted to give in, and believe me I did, I couldn't.On my way back in from lunch, I had spent way too muc h time gossiping with Max, Liam's paralegal. I loved Max. He was as gay as they ca me and proudly shined every color of the rainbow. He was a little heavy set, wit h red spikey hair. He normally styled it in a faux hawk and loved to wear bowtie s, fake glasses, and vests.When we arrived on our floor and came around the corn er to my desk, there was an enormous bouquet of white roses in a massive crystal vase with a lace bow tied around it. Damn, he was relentless.Oh, girl. Who are t hose from? They're beautiful. Max asked.I snatched the card from the bouquet and op ened it quickly. As much as I wanted to throw the flowers at him, I was excited. No one ever sent me flowers.If you think I'm an asshole, I'm here to prove you wron g. VWhat the hell? Did he have split personalities? When he was at work in Kane

mode he was an asshole; out to lie, scam, and cheat to get what he wanted. But w hen he was Vincent, he was Mr. Romantic. I was totally confused.So, who are they from?My sister. She wanted to thank me for her birthday party and present.Ah, well, that's sweet of her. She must have spent an arm and a leg on these.She works at a fl ower shop part-time. I lied. I didn't know what else to say, but I needed Max to dr op it. I could feel Vincent's eyes on me.Max sauntered off to his cubicle in the m ost graceful fashion, turning back to wink at me. I don't know if he bought it, bu t I did my best.I walked over to Vincent's office and knocked lightly. May I come i n, please?He gestured for me to sit across from him, By all means.I didn't know what to say to him as I sat across from him dressed in that purple shirt and tie. He looked mouthwatering. His hair was a mess like he had been running his fingers t hrough it. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers and bounced my knee. Part of me wanted to kiss him and get lost in one another. The other logical part was start ing to panic; work was normally my safe haven. I had control and order when I wa s here. With Vincent storming in to my career, that was slipping away.You came in here for some reason. Are you going to tell me why that is? he asked.Can I have t he rest of the week off? Shit I didn't mean to say that, it just came out. I guess it wasn't such a horrible idea.It's a little short notice, don't you think?I shrugged my shoulders.Is there something in particular that you need to take care of? Maybe we can compromise? he asked.No, I don't have anything to do. I just don't think I can be here with you.Why, is that?I didn't know what to say to him in that moment looking at his gorgeous face. My mind couldn't think of anything else, and my body tighte ned at the sight of him. What I wanted to say was that he scared the shit out of me and I needed time to push my feelings away.I don't know. The flowers and advanc es are all a lot for me.You lost me. One minute, you treat me like I'm a sexist pig. Then the next you're telling me you need the week off because I'm a lot to handle? I don't get you Alexa. Obviously there is something between us. Why fight it?I chos e to avoid answering his question. Can I have the rest of the week off or not?No, y ou cannot.I stood and stormed from his office. I didn't even know what time it was, but I grabbed my purse and left. I called into work on Tuesday and Wednesday, spending the days on my couch, thor oughly enjoying my mini vacation. I contemplated extending it through Friday. I had made it this far in life with the power of avoidance, why stop now. The door bell rang, and I pulled myself from the couch. I was in ratty sweats and my favo rite t-shirt. No bra or makeup and my hair was in a ponytail, I hadn't put my cont acts in for two days and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose as I grabbed the door handle. We had a lot of kids selling stuff in the neighborhood lately, so I always tried to listen and support them.When I opened the door, it was not a child standing before me. It was Vincent, fresh from work, looking yummy in a nother black suit with a white dress shirt unbuttoned and no tie. I panicked and wanted to slam the door in his face but found it odd that he came to my home an d that peaked my curiosity enough to step outside. I closed the door behind me.Wh at are you doing here? I asked him.I wanted to see if you were all right. You've mis sed work for two days, and I haven't heard from you because you keep calling C.J.I felt mortified to be standing in front of him in sweats, with no make-up, glasse s and my messy hair. I crossed my arms over my chest to cover my breasts.I'm fine V incent. You didn't need to come here.I know I didn't need to. I wanted to.I turned away from him, unsure of how to respond, when he grabbed my arm and turned me toward s him.Please don't turn away from me Alexa. These last two days at work have been h ard. I needed to see if you were okay. Will you please come into work tomorrow?I c an't. I asked you for the time off, but you said `no.' I gave you a warning that I nee ded time. You shouldn't have come here. I snapped.My words were cold and pained me to say.Stepping back off the porch, he said. I'm sorry. I was concerned for you. I won't make that mistake again.I watched him walk off and get into his black Mercede s, without looking back. I had hurt his feelings, and although I intended to, it still made me mad that I had to. I sat on the front stairs of the condo. I didn't mean to sound so cold, but it was best for both of us.Cara was working a swing shift so I was solo for the night. I went in and ate a piece of cold pizza then retreated back to the couch to get lost in my shows. Hours had passed, and I was completely zoned out on some reality television. Feeling tired, I decided to he

ad to my room. As I lay in my bed, I tossed and turned, contemplating going into work tomorrow.I know I should stick to my guns and make a point to keep pushing him away, but I never meant to hurt him. I couldn't get the image of his face out of my head when I snapped at him. I had been really cruel lately and didn't want him to think of me as a bitch. I needed to apologize and since I couldn't do that tonight, I would have to go to work tomorrow.Sleep was restless, but that had be come a habit for me lately. My alarm went, off waking me for the day. Not that I was sleeping soundly anyways. I turned it off and zoned out on the ceiling. Unb eknownst to myself, my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off into a peaceful sl eep.Sweetie, are you staying home again today? Cara asked.I awoke in shock to the sound of Cara's voice. Shit, no. What time is it?Its nine thirty. Why?I shot up and ou t of bed, running into the bathroom. Because I'm late for workShe chuckled at me. Wel l I'm glad to see you get out of your sweats and get back in to the swing of thing s.I sneered at her and began washing my face. I put on some make-up and twisted m y hair in to a low bun. I dressed quickly in a light blue dress and was out the door and in my car.Crap , crap, crap!I felt horrible for over sleeping, Vincent was going to think I was an even bigger bitch now. I decided I would bring him i n a peace offering, in hopes that he wouldn't hate me. I pulled into Starbucks and sped to the drive-thru, then realizing I didn't know what he drank. I ordered two of my lattes, it was the best I could do.When I arrived at work, I parked and t ook a moment to calm my nerves. Breathing deeply with my eyes closed and repeati ng in my head what I planned on saying to him. I checked my reflection in the mi rror and applied a thin layer of my favorite coconut lip gloss. I entered the bu ilding and the lobby was deserted, allowing me to catch the first elevator up. O nce I reached the twenty-ninth floor, I headed straight for his office. I halted at his door when I saw Portia perched on his desk. He sat in his chair and imme diately saw me standing there, holding two coffees in my hand. I felt the color drain from my face; I must've looked like a fool.Oh, good morning. I wasn't expecting you in today, he said.I mustered up as much strength at I could because I didn't w ant to put Portia in the middle of this. She was one of my friends, and after al l, I gave her the okay to pursue him.I hadn't planned on it but was feeling better after some rest, so I thought I would give it a shot. I didn't mean to interrupt y ou two. I just wanted you to know I was here and give you a Starbucks.Thanks, but Portia and I just got back from Starbucks. I was filling her in on the Robinson case.Okay, I'll give it to Max. I owe him one anyways. I turned and walked away from him, completely mortified and embarrassed, carrying two drinks. What was I think ing? I should've just stayed home. Clearly he had moved on. I don't know why that bo thered me. I'm the one that had been a bitch to him. Although I cannot believe he had brought Portia up to speed on the Robinson case when I was his paralegal.I c ould hear the two of them laughing in his office; thankfully Portia had removed herself from his desk and sat in one of the chairs across from him. My blood boi led thinking of her sitting like that, I know it shouldn't but it did.When she cam e out, she gave me a wave, and I smiled back. Anxiety took over as I watched and waited for a message from him to come in. Surely he would apologize for not tak ing the coffee I had bought him, or for Portia being perched on his desk.The mes sage never came and by 5:30 he walked out of his office, crossing in front of my desk without looking at me or saying a word.What the hell?He had never ignored me before and this came as a surprise to me. I shook my head to clear the fog an d try to understand why he suddenly wasn't interested in me. I gathered my purse a nd left to go home in desperate need of Cara's advice.Cara's car was in the garage w hen I pulled up. I walked inside, noticing the amazing aroma in the house. She w as in the kitchen, cooking and listening to music.Hey, girl. How was your first d ay back at work? she asked.It sucked. What about you? Did you do anything fun toda y?I got a manicure for my date tomorrow night, cleaned, and did laundry. Nothing b ig. Why did your day suck?I'll tell you later. Dinner smells amazing. What are you c ooking?Chicken fettuccini with an antipasto salad and garlic bread.Yum, I can't wait. It sounds delicious, and I'm starving. I am going to change real quick, and I'll hel p you finish up and fill you in on my day.She smiled at me and said, Sounds great. Take your time.I went into my bedroom and felt not only emotionally exhausted bu t physically exhausted. I know it was from the lack of sleep and the stress of t

oday. I had waited too long and pushed Vincent so far away that he now wasn't even on speaking terms with me. I wished that I could go back to last night when he showed up at my front door.I had feelings for him, there was no denying that. Th e controlling part of me forced those feeling aside because I was scared. I wish ed that there was something more I could do, but considering the fool I made of myself this morning trying to make amends, I knew there wasn't.I couldn't sulk forev er or miss something I never had. I shredded my clothes off and pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a red tank top. Normally I would have opted for sweats, but d eep inside I hoped that Vincent would show up again. I left my bra and make up o n and braided my hair over one shoulder.Cara was setting the table when I left m y bedroom. She looked at me, and laid the silverware out next to our plates.You l ook nice tonight, she said.Thanks. My sweats are all dirty.She didn't respond, and pa rt of me felt like she knew what I was up to. I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of wine.Do you want a glass of wine?Sure, that would be great.I poured us ea ch a glass and retreated to the table.The spread was amazing. We served our plat es and as much as the food looked and smelt wonderful, my appetite had diminishe d; I pushed my food around my plate.Okay, spill it. What's going on? she asked.I ruin ed things with Vincent, and now I feel like a complete and total ass.What do you m ean you ruined things? There was nothing going on between the two of you as far as I knew, right?Yes. But he has been really sweet to me, and I have been a total bitch and taken him for granted. Last night he came by here to check on me becau se I had missed work, and I hurt his feelings. I told him he shouldn't have come h ere.Cara took a sip of her wine. As you should have, Lex. He's your boss. What right did he have coming here? If he was worried, he should have called or text you.He doesn't have my number.But he has your address? Listen, you're the one that decided yo u didn't want to pursue anything with him, due to your rules and all. Now you are going to have to live with that. Plus, you don't date, so why waste your time? Wha t is it about this guy that has you so wound up?I can't put my finger on what exactl y it is about him, but I do need to let it go and just learn to deal with it. He made it clear today he's not interested in me. Going forward, I'll stick to the str ictly business plan and hope that this will all blow over.Good choice. I think it's a wise decision, and in the end you'll be happier. Can you please help me now? I n eed to decide what I'm going to wear on my date tomorrow night.Cara rambled on for what felt like hours. I managed to get down some of my dinner and drank one too many glasses of wine. We said good night, and although I was exhausted, a bath s ounded inviting. I ran the water extra hot, just how I liked. Stripping off my c lothes, I looked over my reflection in the mirror. My five foot eight inch frame looked tiny tonight. I was not fat by any means, but years of being told I was had painted a different picture in my mind. I would say I was average, basically long and lean. Clearly Vincent saw something in me or had seen something in me. Whatever it was, I needed to hold onto to that and know I was not perfect, but I was me.The water stung my skin as I slid deep into the tub. I focused on relax ing my mind and body by just breathing. I must've dozed off, because I felt my hea d fall to the side, and it woke me up. I was cold and disoriented.I pulled the d rain and climbed out of the water. Grabbing my robe, I went into the kitchen and checked the clock it was just after midnight. Shit. I had fallen asleep in the bath. I took two Tylenol and drank a glass of water, peering out to the dark str eet surrounding our home. No one was out. It was still and silent. I went back i nto my room and climbed into my soft warm bed still wrapped in my plush robe.I w oke before my alarm clock, and I felt like I had slept a full night's sleep. I wen t into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. Cara always made it the ni ght before and set the pot on automatic. It was nice to wake to freshly brewed c offee.My morning routine was long. I was up far too early and had extra time, so I played with my hair and make-up. When I was finished, I had constructed the p erfect smoky eye, with thick eyeliner and perfect mascara. My hair was in big be ach waves; I scrunched it and sprayed it with hairspray making it look a bit roc ker-chic.I found a cute tweed skirt with a cream sheer blouse. I matched it with stockings and black pumps.Driving in, I barely hit any traffic, and I arrived e arly. I went up to my desk and stared my morning routine, digging in to the work I had left behind. Soon enough, my co-workers started to filter into the office

. I hadn't even noticed Vincent arrive, but I saw him sitting at his desk. Cameron , a paralegal from another firm, took me away from staring at Vincent. He approa ched my desk with a full smile showing his shiny white teeth. Cameron was young and handsome. He sat in one of my chairs without waiting for my permission.Mornin g. How are you today? he askedI'm great. Thanks for asking. How are you?He smirked at me and leaned over, resting his elbows on my desk. I'm better now that I get to se e you. So, are you ever going to let me buy you that drink you promised me five years ago?I laughed out loud, Um, no, I'm not. You know I don't get involved with atto rneys.So you've told me, and that's what I keep telling you; I'm not an attorney. I, lik e you, am a senior paralegal, so we are equals, plus I work for a completely dif ferent firm.As flattering as it was to have him continuously ask me out, I just w asn't into him like that. Cameron, you know what I mean. I don't mix work with pleasu re.Fine, like I always say, you'll give in eventually. I laughed again. Well, I brough t this over for you. It was delivered to our office by accident.He handed me an e nvelope and winked as he stood and walked away. I shook my head, as many times a s he had pulled this, I was always smitten after he left. It was really sweet of him. I noticed Vincent was staring at me, and when I made eye contact, he looke d away.What was that all about? Yesterday he wouldn't even acknowledge me. Then th is morning he's staring and playing shy. Men were so confusing. I didn't know how to handle him so I grabbed my things and went into the conference room for our wee kly meeting.He came in a few minutes after me, still not looking in my direction . I could see we were back to our childish games. I powered up my iPad and took more notes than normal to keep myself busy, interjecting and challenging everyon e who spoke. Vincent stayed quiet, and when the meeting was done, he bolted.I kn ew we would have to talk eventually today, as the Albertson case was going to tr ial on Monday, and I needed to go over some additional files with him. I could w ait until he was out of his office and just leave them on his desk, but I refuse d to let him run my life here. I was sticking to my plan, and he was going to ha ve to deal with it. I meandered over to the file room. It was filled with rows and rows of client fi les and one of the only quiet areas in the office. I liked it in here and often would spend too long, enjoying the silence, organizing and filing away.I searche d feverishly for the files I needed to retrieve and later take to Vincent for th e Albertson case. I had a plan; I was going to simply place them on his desk and ask if he needed anything else. He could go through them alone and figure it ou t.I moved down to the last row of shelves, and he was behind me. Before I could move, he pushed me against the wall.I could feel his breath on my neck, and he w hispered in my ear, Tell me you don't feel anything for me Alexa. Tell me you feel nothing inside of you for me, and I'll walk away.My breathing increased at his clos eness. He went from completely ignoring me and avoiding eye contact to now pinni ng me against the wall. He started to nibble on my neck and slowly kissed behind my ear. My eyes were closed and the proximity of him was overwhelming. His lips felt amazing, he smelt intoxicating, and his strength was clearly visibly. I wa s pinned against the wall, my back to his front. I couldn't move if I wanted to; h e wouldn't have let me. He continued to leave sweet kisses down my neck and across my shoulder. I allowed myself to enjoy the feeling for far too long.Once I fina lly found my voice, I spoke. I have rules, I told you.He nipped my ear. That's bullsh it. I don't care about rules. I asked you a question. Tell me that you don't have fe elings for me, and I'll leave you alone. I've been going crazy trying to ignore you and then I see some asshole flirting with you at your desk this morning. I can't j ust sit back any longer and act like I don't care.He was right. I did have feelings for him, but what those feelings were I was unsure. There was a desire drawing me towards him unlike anything I'd ever experienced in my life. As much as I wante d to fight it, I couldn't.Tell me Alexa, he demanded.I'm sorry. II can't.He laced his fi rs in between mine, and pulled our hands above my head. I was so turned on that it took everything inside of me to control myself.You can't, or you won't?I sighed in frustration. He was quickly wearing on me, and he knew just how to push my butto ns.Turn around and look at me.I did as he requested, and in that moment, I was los t in his eyes. He was magnificent. He unlaced our fingers and wrapped me in his arms.Don't you get it? I never thought I'd see you again, and here you are. Now tell

me.I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall behind me.I don't know what to say.What I did know was that I believed in fate. You can't change the course of your life as it is already mapped out. You have to embrace it and learn why you are being dealt the cards you are.Fine, if you won't tell me, then have dinner with me. That's all I'll ask of you. We can't keep playing this cat and mouse game, and if you truly don't feel anything for me, then I will leave you alone and learn to ac cept it.I knew the answer before the words left my lips. Okay.He smiled at me and l eaned down, tenderly kissing my lips. I accepted his kiss, gripping his hips and firmly pulling him against me. I realized then how bad I'd missed him.See, that wa sn't so hard, he said, pressing his pelvis against me. The feeling of his erection set my libido into overdrive. I moaned as he leaned in to my neck, kissing and s ucking on my soft skin. He rocked himself against my clit through our clothing, moving with pure precision.He kissed his way down my neck and across my collarbo ne. My eyes were closed, and my breathing erratic. He stopped his assault and ki ssed my lips, gently, yet so possessively.He held our lips together for a moment , until I couldn't control myself any longer. I moved my arms around his neck and slid my tongue into his mouth. He caressed it passionately, like his life depend ed on it.He started to grind against me again, and I whimpered. His mouth fit pe rfectly against mine, as did our bodies. He slowed the kiss to a stop, and I fel t like an errant toddler ready to throw a temper tantrum wanting more. He ran hi s fingers down my cheek and spoke in a soft tone, but I didn't open my eyes.Until l ater, beautiful.He kissed me again, this time, softly. When I opened my eyes he w as walking away. The world around me was spinning. What had just happened? I had broken the rules, and now there was no going back. I had to make the decision w hether or not to move forward. I had always told myself I would never get involv ed with an attorney, much less my boss. Plus, I didn't know the first thing about dating.I grabbed the files I had already retrieved, leaving the rest behind, and went back to my desk. I sat in my chair, still in a daze as a cloud of scenario s raced through my head. An e-mail pinged in on my computer bringing me back to the present.To: Alexa SchaeferFrom: Kane MileskiAre you going to bring those fil es in here or act as if nothing happened and stay hiding at your desk all day? I thought we were done playing games. If you prefer, I can come out there?To: Kan e MileskiFrom: Alexa SchaeferWell considering what you just did to me in the fil e room, I'm scared to be behind closed doors with you. But I don't doubt that you wo uld do the same to me at my desk, so I'll come to you.To: Alexa SchaeferFrom: Kane MileskiYou have no idea what I would do to you behind closed doors or not, but I'm a patient man. I could've had you in the file room any way I pleased. Do not be scared. Come in here and leave the door open. It's almost time to leave, and then you may want to be scared.Geez! This man was exhausting and extremely intense. I was supposed to be fighting these feelings. I should just have dinner with him and end this before it went any further.I walked into his office, and he immedia tely smiled at me.Why, thank you. Now, if you could please not distract me so we can review these files. I have to get out of here soon. I'm taking the most breath taking woman out to dinner tonight. Do you have any suggestions on where I shoul d take her? he asked.So, he wanted to play games. I batted my lashes at him and l ooked deep in thought. Hmm, I'm sorry. I can't help you out there. I heard she's hard t o please and that you've only got one shot. Good luck.His mouth curved in to a misc hievous grin. Oh, Alexa, you better watch your mouth or we won't make it to dinner.I would have never thought he had such a playful side to him. He always seemed so serious. Maybe I should give this a chance. I needed someone to bring the fun o ut from inside of me. I was always so reserved and cautious with my emotions. I needed to be in control of everything all the time, but with Vincent that seemed to wash away as if I didn't have a choice.By the time we looked at the clock it w as 7:15p.m.Are you ready for dinner? he asked.Absolutely. Where are we going?He shru gged his shoulders and cocked his eyebrow. That's a surprise, but I think you'll love it.I smiled. Good, I love surprises.I went back to my desk and signed off of my co mputer, gathering my purse and cell phone. I watched Vincent in his office shrug ging his coat on. He really was quite large and had to be well over six feet tal l. I could tell he took good care of himself, not to mention the Arizona sun had done wonders to his tan skin. His dark hair was messy tonight, and as always, I

wanted to have my fingers in it. He walked towards me with his normal confidenc e and authority unlike any man I had been with before.Are you ready, beautiful?He held his arm out to me, and I looped mine through his as we walked to the elevat or. Before the doors were closed, we were in each other's arms. Our mouths instant ly locked on one another. I grabbed his hair; it felt so good to have my fingers in it. I deepened the kiss and heard a growl escape his throat. He lifted me up , and I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding onto me by the back of my thig hs.Fuck. The elevator stopped, and just as the doors opened, he sat me back on m y feet. I had to hold onto the lapels of his coat for balance. An older gentlema n, who I hadn't seen before, got in with us. He smiled and turned to face the door s.Vincent took one of my hands in his and looked down at me with that panty- dro pping smile. He brought my hand to his lips, kissing each one of my fingers, sto pping only to suck on my pinky finger. He closed his eyes and his warm mouth slo wly moved up and down; I could've come from that alone. When we reached the lobby, Vincent didn't let go of my hand as we walked out of the building toward our cars .Should I follow you there? I asked.He pulled me towards him, and his brows crease d. How was I ever going to say no to such a beautiful man?No, you're coming with me . Leave your car here. We can come back and get it later.He squeezed my hand and we walked towards the almost empty parking lot. My heart raced, at the thought o f him not wanting to drive separately. We walked up to his sleek Porsche Crossov er, and I couldn't believe my eyes, in front of me was my dream car.Oh my God. I ca n't believe you drive a Panamera?He looked at me with desire burning in his eyes. I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you.I stared at the beautiful four-door shiny Crossove r Porsche that was in front of me. It was matte black with tinted windows and bl ack wheels. I turned and looked at him in complete awe.Did you really just say th at? he asked.I laughed. Say that you drive my dream car, a Porsche Panamera Turbo? Yeah, I did. What can I say, I'm a sucker for speed.He ran his free hand through h is hair. Fuck, do you have any idea what you are doing to me? Then you go spoutin g off about cars. I've been walking around at half-mast since the moment I saw you in that skirt. I don't think I can I sit through dinner with you. I need you.I smi led on the inside. I had never had a man speak so freely to me. I liked that abo ut him.Hey there mister, we have a deal. Dinner, and then I make my decision, and you have to live with it. Remember?He sighed in frustration and leaned down to kiss my cheek. If you decide to give us a chance, I promise you won't regret it. If you only knew the things I want to do to you, I don't think there is a way you co uld say no.He opened the passenger door for me and playfully swatted my backside as I yelped in surprise. I watched him as he walked around the front of the car with such ease and grace and slid into the driver's seat. He started the car and t hen reached over and grabbed my hand. We pulled out of the parking lot, he turne d up the song and kissed my knuckles.We drove in silence just a few blocks away and quickly arrived at a restaurant I'd never heard of before called Lazio's. The va let opened my door for me and spoke to Vincent by name.Good evening, Mr. Mileski. Welcome back to Colorado.Thanks, Chad. Take good care of my girl and no joyriding , okay?He smiled at Vincent. You got it.Vincent came around the car and grabbed my hand.The inside of the restaurant had old-world charm with dark woods throughout and dim lighting. A long bar expanded to my left with mirrors on the back, refl ecting the hundreds of bottles of alcohol, and to the right was the expansive di ning area.Good Evening, Mr. Mileski. Just the two of you for tonight?He squeezed m y hand, which I quickly liked the feeling of. Surprisingly, I didn't feel the typi cal anxiety of PDA, like I normally did.Yes, and will you let Charlie know I have a guest I'd like him to meet?Absolutely, sir. Right this way. The hostess walked wit h a sway in her hips but Vincent didn't seem to notice. He looked down at me with a reassuring smile and led me in front of him through the dining area. How had e veryone here known his name?We were seated at a private booth in the back of the restaurant. Vincent ushered me into the seat, opting to sit next to me rather t han across from me. The hostess rambled something off before leaving, but my min d was too busy racing to notice what she'd said. When I opened my menu, Vincent gr abbed it from me.Don't bother, he said.I arched my eyebrow at him. Excuse me, Vincent . What's going on here?He looked nervous. My father owns this place.Was he serious? H e brought me to meet his father after a week of knowing each other? I put my fac

e in my hands. This was crazy. What had I got myself into? Had he not been sitti ng next to me, I would have run out of this place.Say something, he said.I left my face in my hands as I searched for the courage to speak. You brought me here to meet your father when we are supposed to be getting to know each other better an d making a decision on how to proceed. Do you have any idea how crazy that seems ?He shifted nervously in his seat and then turned towards me.I know what you're thin king, and it's not like that, I brought you here because they have the best food i n town. I grew up in this restaurant, and I figured if you saw how genuine my fa ther is, that maybe it will help your decision. I know you think I have a bad re putation with work and the cases I handle, but Alexa, everyone deserves a fair t rial, and that's what I give my clients. Please don't be upset with me. I want tonig ht to be perfect. I want you to get to know the real me and give us a chance. If you say no, I don't know how I'm going to handle that.I turned towards him in the bo oth and he ran his hands down the front of my thighs. He lifted my face so I was looking into his eyes. I could see the anxiety etched across his face, and I ga ve him a reassuring smile.Vincent, I want to get to know you as well. That's why I'm here. I was just surprised that you brought me to meet you father.He grabbed my h and and brought it to his lips kissing the inside of my wrist. Thank you, for und erstanding.Am I really not allowed to look at the menu?He shook his head. My dad lov es it when he has special guests. It gives him a reason to cook rather than mana ge and oversee the operations of the restaurant. He used to always cook until my mom passed away. After we lost her he refused to hire someone to help out with the administrative tasks, that is what she did and loved. He rarely sees the ins ide of the kitchen now.I'm sorry you lost your mom.He nodded his head as if he was de ep in thought. It's okay. We're not here to talk about that; we're here to get to know each other better.He ran his deft fingers over my thighs as we sat facing each ot her. The close proximity was intoxicating, and I needed to continue talking to k eep myself in control. I'm assuming your dad is Charlie?He smiled. Yeah, that's him.Any iblings?An older brother. His name's Abel.I couldn't imagine another beast of a man tha t looked like the God sitting next to me.Are you and Abel close?We used to be befor e I moved to Arizona and he became consumed with work. He is a fire fighter work ing on becoming a fire chief. I guess you could say we've grown apart. He's part of the reason why I came back to Colorado.I saw the genuine expression come across h is face, and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. He had so many sides to him; at work he was strong and confident. But this other side was caring, genuine, a nd funny. How did I end up with him being interested in me: plain, timid, and co ntrolling Alexa?Umm, excuse me? a man said as he cleared his throat.Vincent pulled away from me and stood up. Dad, it's so good to see you. You look great.The two men hugged, and I noticed that Vincent resembled Charlie in more ways than one. The y were both tall and broad shouldered with the same hazel eyes.I'm sorry to have in terrupted the two of you, but please, introduce me to this lovely young woman.He looked down at me with pure interest in his eyes.Dad, this is Alexa Schaefer. Ale xa, this is my father, Charlie Mileski.I stood to shake his hand. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mileski.He shook his head. Please, call me Charlie. It's nice to meet you as well. How did the two of you meet?Vincent gestured for us to sit back in the booth. We met a few weeks ago at 9th Door.Charlie smiled at me. So this is the girl you were telling me about?What the hell he told his dad about me?Yeah, this i s her. I never thought I would see her again, and when I walked into work, there she was.Charlie raised his eyebrows. Wow, well don't let me interrupt you two, espe cially since you're just getting to know one another. Plus, I have a meal to cook for you two. Alexa, I do hope you like red meat?I nodded my head at him as Vincen t stretched his arm behind me.Good, I'll have a waiter bring over a bottle of wine while I prepare your meal. Alexa, it was a pleasure meeting you.He reached for my hand, and I gave it to him willingly, he kissed it in the most gentlemanly fash ion.Thank you, Charlie. It was nice to meet you as well.As he walked off, Vincent started to rub my thighs again. What was with him and my thighs tonight? I hated my thighs. I turned towards him again, in hopes that he would stop because I wa s feeling self-conscious.Jesus Christ, you're wearing stockings? he murmured.His han ds grazed the tops of my stockings, and I quivered from the pleasure it sent thr ough my body. He clenched my thighs with his strong hands and held my gaze with

his eyes.You have no idea how bad I want to peel those off of your legs with my f ucking teeth.Breathe, Alexa. Breathe.Maybe I'll let you.He chuckled. A man can only ho pe.Our meal was delicious; his father was an exceptional cook. It was by far the best beef tenderloin I had ever tasted. It was topped with a blue cheese crumble which was one of my favorites.Vincent was affectionate, which was something I n ormally didn't do in public. Had it been another man, I wouldn't have liked it, but with Vincent, I couldn't seem to get enough of his touch.We laughed and joked like we had earlier in his office. The conversation was effortless, and I noticed th e constant smile I had on my face. I learned that he was a Colorado native and w ent to law school in Arizona.Come to find out, he went to high school with C.J. and Liam, so when they had an opening at the firm, he was happy to join. That's wh y I never saw him when they were interviewing applicants. They had wanted him to come work for them, but he was loyal to the firm in Arizona. After lots of soul searching and a visit to Colorado, his mind was made up. He said he was glad he made the decision to leave Arizona; if he hadn't then he would've never met me.It w as crazy to have someone put their feelings out there like that. I had never had anyone be so honest with me, and at the same time, I didn't question his motives. I could feel that he was being genuine with me, and for that I was grateful. Ho nesty was the one and only thing I searched for in people, and far too many time s, I was lied to. I watched Vincent as we drove away from the restaurant. He had removed his coat and rolled the sleeves of his white dress shirt up. He looked calm and casual. I loved the way his large hands gripped the steering wheel, and I imagined them o n my body. On the inside, I was smiling to myself, thinking of how I ended up he re. Last night I yearned for him and thought I had messed everything up, now her e I was with him.He glanced over at me and said, You're staring.I rolled my eyes. May be I am.He chuckled softly; I loved the sound of his light laughter.Stay the night with me? he asked.I wanted nothing more. Rules or no rules, I wanted to be with him. I had to be with him. I leaned over the armrest and kissed his neck. Taking my free hand, I rubbed the front of his pants. He was already hard and growled from deep in his throat. I continued to rub between his legs and kiss his neck a nd face.He smiled and said. I take that as a yes?Mmm-hmm.Just then he jerked the car off the highway, and I flew back into my seat.Sorry, almost missed the exit.I lau ghed out loud and the heard my cell phone ring inside my purse.Shit. It's my roomma te Cara.Are you going to answer it?I cringed on the inside, thinking of what I was going to say to her. I figured it was better to handle it now rather than later. I couldn't blow her off. It was already after nine o'clock, and she had her date to night. She was going to be pissed if I didn't help her get ready.Hey Cara.Where the h ell are you?Listen, I'm really sorry, but we all had to stay late for a big case we have coming up on Monday. I should've call earlier, but I lost track of time. I pr obably won't make it home tonight, so don't wait up for me.Ha, that's bullshit. Since wh en do you work all-nighters?I'm not bullshitting you.As much as I hating lying to my friend, I didn't want to get into the details of what had happened between Vincent and me right now.You're with him aren't you? I stayed silent, unsure of what to say.I'll take your silence as a `yes' and that is officially a breach of girl code. Thanks f or forgetting about me and my date tonight. Good luck with Vincent.When she hung up on me, I put my phone in my purse and stared out the passenger window.She didn't take that well? he asked.I shrugged my shoulders.I'm sorry, beautiful. You don't dese rve to be yelled at. Please don't let her upset you. You're just following your hear t you can't feel bad for that.I smiled at Vincent, taking his hand in mind. Thanks f or saying that. You really are too sweet.He gave me a reassuring smile as he pull ed into a long circular driveway.Well, here we are. Home sweet home. Come on.His h ome stood two stories with a four-car garage; it was modern with mixture of dark stucco and stone. The home was illuminated by lights shining up the sides every few feet. It had large pillars on the front and a set of double front doors mad e of frosted glass and wrought iron. There were vines running up the pillars giv ing it a lush feel.He opened the front door, and I stepped inside. It was just a s inviting on the inside. There was a mixture of neutral colors, with plush furn iture and light wood floors. The floor plan was open and wide, with a large stai rcase that curved up to the second level. I watched Vincent as he turned on a fe

w lights, and then headed into the kitchen.Would you like a glass of wine? he aske d.Sure.Chardonnay or Riesling?I slid my shoes off and walked to the back glass doors . Riesling please. It's my favorite.The doors were more of a glass wall, and the vie w was breathtaking. As I looked outside I couldn't see any homes close by. There w as nothing but sprawling open space.Wow. You have a pool in Colorado?He handed me a glass of wine, and I took a small sip, allowing the crisp flavor to roll down my throat.Of course I do. I've lived in Arizona for the past five years. A home wit h a pool was a must for me. He grabbed my free hand and said, Let me show you arou nd.We made our way through the entire house, and it was just what I would've pictur ed his home to be: masculine, modern, yet comfortable. The last room we came to was his bedroom. It was clean and organized, just like the rest of the house. He had a gigantic king-sized bed with the comforter and dcor being a mixture of cre ams, browns, and reds.When I walked farther into the room, I noticed the expansi ve skylights in the ceiling.Those are impressive.He walked over to me, taking my w ine and placing it on the nightstand. You like them? Those along with the pool ar e what sold me on the house. I love the stars at night. In Colorado you can only see them on a clear night, so I wanted to be able to lie in bed and watch them during the few opportunities I had.He loved the stars just like I did. We both lo oked intently up into the night sky; he wrapped his arms around my waist and pul led my body tightly against his. I looked over into his hazel eyes. He didn't look at me as he concentrated on the stars.You're staring again, he said.I can't help it. Y ou're enticing.He looked into my eyes and pushed my hair off of my shoulder, nuzzli ng my neck. So are you.I leaned my head to the side to allow him more access as he kissed and sucked my ear and neck. He knew what I wanted without me having to a sk.You smell incredible, and I love the way your skin tastes. It's so sweet. His han ds left my waist, gliding up my body to my breasts. He caressed them through my shirt and my nipples immediately hardened at his touch. I moaned and pushed my c hest out to fill his hands.I have been dying to touch your body like this, I can't wait to feel it when you're naked.I whimpered from the pleasure that was building i nside of me. He hadn't even touched my skin and I was ready to explode from his ex pert touch through my clothing.I moved my hands and placed them on his biceps to steady myself. I was a mixture of lust and desire, and I needed to calm myself down. I wanted to enjoy this moment and not rush things. Normally when I got to this point, I ended things as quickly as they started so I could regain control. I leaned over and kissed him. He greedily accepted my tongue, caressing it over and over. I moved my fingers and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt, sliding i t off his shoulders and letting it fall to our feet.I pulled away from the kiss to see what he looked like half naked. Damn. He was a fine specimen of a man. I would compare his body to that of a Greek God. His skin was tan. I touched his c hest and beneath my fingers his hard skin tightened, he had no chest hair and hi s arms and shoulders were immense. The suits did a fine job hiding what was unde rneath. I moved my hand down his stomach tracing over the ridges of his defined six pack. I reached the V leading into his pants and wanted to lick it. I ran my fingernails along the top and his body shivered from my touch. .The sight of hi m gazing at me half naked set me on fire, making me want to him in every way ima ginable. Without hesitation, I dropped to my knees and undid his belt buckle. I looked up at him, and we locked eyes. His jaw was tense as he watched me closely .I unzipped his pants, showing his erection strained against his black Armani bo xer briefs. I slid both down, allowing his large cock to spring free. I looked h is glorious length over, observing how large he was. I had never been with a man this big before. In a way, it terrified the hell out of me, but it also made me so hot that I wanted him inside me now.I took the tip of his dick and guided it to my lips, kissing him. I swirled my tongue over the head and slowly, oh so sl owly, slid him in and out of my mouth. I sucked continuously swirling my tongue up and down. He reached down and grabbed my hair, and when I looked up at him, h is head was tipped back. He wove his fingers into my hair and gently thrust his hips in and out of my mouth. He groaned with pleasure, and I picked up my speed. Abruptly, he stopped, pulled out, and lifted me to my feet.Alexa, do you have any idea how amazing you are? I want to savor our first time together. I have been thinking about being inside of you all day. I want to see your perfect body and

learn your every curve. I nodded my head, and he grabbed me by my hips, pulling m e securely against him. I can't wait to make you come, but first, let's get you naked .I smiled shyly up at him and started to unbutton my shirt. He slid it down my ar ms and allowed it to fall to the floor. My nipples strained against the thin lac e of my bra. He saw them peeking through the fabric and smiled with fulfillment. He cupped both of my breasts and ran his fingers over the hardened peaks throug h the fabric.He kissed me swiftly and sucked on my bottom lip. He pulled away an d gestured for me to turn around. Now standing with my back to him, he made quic k work of unhooking my bra and slowly sliding it down my shoulders and arms, all the while his fingertips traced my skin. My body trembled from his touch, as he kissed my neck and shoulders, worshipping my body. He didn't waste much time movi ng to my skirt, unzipping it and allowing it to fall down my legs, joining the r est of our clothes.I heard his breathing hitch, and he playfully slapped my ass.C hrist, Alexa. You haven't been wearing underwear all day?I smiled, knowing this mad e him crazy, and shook my head.Damn, I can't believe you haven't had any underwear on all day.I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal. To me it wasn't I never w ore underwear they were always uncomfortable, and I loathed the lines they left.T urn around, Alexa.Suddenly I felt nervous, my earlier eagerness had vanished. I w as always self-conscious about my body, especially when it came to being naked. I didn't know if I could do this. Before I could second guess myself any longer, h e was behind me. I could feel his erection pushing into my backside, and his bre ath was hot on my skin as he spoke.Alexa, don't make me wait any longer. Please, tu rn around.I turned around, securing eyes with him. That gave me all the reassuran ce I needed. His eyes slowly scanned my entire body with an expression of hunger . He grabbed me by my thighs, lifting me so I was in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.You're so fucking beautiful, Lex. I a bsolutely love your thighs.I laughed. Really? Because I hate my thighs.He swatted m y behind again, causing me to yelp. What was it with him and spanking me? He wal ked us over to the bed.If you keep running your mouth like that, putting yourself down, it's going to hurt a lot worse next time. I think your body is perfect, esp ecially your thighs.Slowly he lowered us onto the bed and laid above me, holding his weight on his forearms.Alexa, tell me what you want?I want you.He brushed his li ps over mine. Tell me more.I need you.At that moment, I don't think I had ever wanted anything so bad in all my life. The feeling of the head of his cock being nudged against my sex sent my body into extreme mania.Tell me you'll give us a chance. Be fore I'm inside of you and make love to you, I need to know?I knew that what I shou ld do and would do were two different things. I had come this far and wanted him , plain and simple. Yes, I'll give us a chance. But I have to warn you, I've never da ted or been with anyone more than once so this is all new to me.Don't worry. I want you just the way you are. He moved down my body, positioning his head between my legs. His mouth wrapped around my clit, and he started to lick and suck in perfe ct unison. He didn't waste a minute; his hands were wrapped around my thighs, spre ading my legs as far apart as they would go. I bucked off of the bed, pressing m yself harder against him. He stopped the constant torture and stuck his tongue i nside of me, swirling all around. His expert mouth caused me to feel an orgasm b uilding, and before I knew it, the world around me was shattering as my body shu ddered in a mind-blowing orgasm. I screamed his name and twisted my hands in his hair.He didn't stop once I came back to earth, and the feeling of the continued p leasure was so intense, I didn't think I could handle anymore. I looked down with heavy lids and watched as he flicked his tongue back and forth over my sensitive clit. He tightly held my body to him while I fisted the comforter. My body trem bled and moved off the bed.I had never felt a feeling so strong. I didn't know if I would be able to come again, but Vincent reached up and tugged on one of my ni pples. It sent me spinning out of this universe. I whimpered as he continued to suck in the perfect tempo.When my body stopped convulsing, he slowed the constan t assault and moved to kiss my thighs, whispering words I couldn't make out agains t my skin.I think it's time we remove these, don't you? he asked.I nodded my head, una ble to find my voice. He slowly slid each one of the stockings down my legs and tossed them to the floor. I stared up at him kneeling between my legs. A flame b urned within me, wanting to feel him inside of me and to pleasure him like he di

d me.Vince I need you inside me, now.I know. He chuckled and rolled a condom down hi s magnificent length as I watched in amazement. He kissed me and then he lowered his body on top of mine.Trust me, I can't wait to be inside of your sweet little p ussy.I lifted my hips off of the bed, eager to feel him inside of me. I didn't know if we would fit together but I wanted him bad enough I was willing to try. He d idn't rush and was gentle, slowly easing his way inside of me, inch by inch, and n ever taking his eyes off of mine. That alone kept me relaxed. Once he was inside he laid down and held my face in his hands.Are you okay, beautiful?Mmm-hmm.I lifted my lips to kiss him while he allowed me time to acclimate to his size. He ran h is knuckles over my check, and I leaned into his touch. I closed my eyes and squ eezed myself around his cock.You're so big. I said.And you're so tight.Slowly he started to move, pulling all the way out of me and then pushing back in. I was amazed h is size didn't hurt me, it pleased me in a way I had never felt before. Everything inside burned with endorphins. I lifted my hips to match his movements, needing more from him. He kissed me with urgency and increased the rhythm. I clenched m y pussy tightly around him and wrapped his body in my arms and legs. He moved wi th precision as if his body was made for mine and rubbed that sweet spot no man had ever found before.Reaching down he grabbed the back of my one of my thighs. The feeling of him rubbing me and gripping my thigh was amazing. It made my enti re body tingle; I tilted my head back enjoying the pleasure. I moved my hands, e xploring his body, feeling every hard contour. His muscles flexed underneath my touch as he moved inside of me. I couldn't seem to control myself when it came to touching him; I wanted to feel every inch. Thankfully he was no longer being gen tle with me as he picked up speed and roughly crashed inside of me.Come with me, beautiful.I didn't think I would be able to come for a third time, but I felt anoth er orgasm building. I nodded my head at him and he leaned back on his heels into a kneeling position keeping me close to him. My butt was now raised off the bed and my legs wrapped tightly around him.I cried out loudly, instantly finding my release in a marvelous orgasm. My body trembled with electricity, pulsing throu gh my entire system. He growled, thrusting himself inside of me, moaning in liki ng. He poured himself into me, gripping my skin tightly. Once he was finished, h e lowered my body to the bed and laid his head in between my breasts, covering m e in his hold.I wrapped my arms around him, thinking of how sweet it was that he was content lying there still inside of me. The men I had been with previously would've already been up and in the bathroom, but not Vincent. He was different in more ways than one. I stroked his wild strands of damp hair, feeling him relax beneath my touch. His breathing evened out as he traced my arm with soft fingers . I could have stayed in that moment forever. He was perfect, and I wanted him t o know that.You're incredible. I said.He moved his head to look into my eyes. You're in credible. The calmness I feel when I'm with you is like nothing I have ever felt b efore. I love the way your body feels in my hands and how it reacts to me. Will you shower with me?I didn't know what to say. I had never showered with a man befor e. I met his hazel gaze with my green eyes.I'm not sure if I can stand for long, bu t I'll try.He ran his nose over mine and took my face in his hands.Let's take a bath. That way, you can just relax.I nodded my head and he slowly eased out of me. I al ready didn't like the feeling of not having him inside of me.I sat up and kissed h im before he climbed off the bed. I'll run the water and meet you in the bathroom?I watched his body as he sauntered off.You're staring, he yelled over his shoulder.I l aughed to myself and fell back against the plush pillow. How could I not stare? He was perfect. His looks were to die for, and his personality was amazing. He r eally was a good guy, despite my prior concerns. He had all the qualities a girl could want in a man. And then there was the sex; it was mind blowing and that c ould have been an understatement. I sat up and headed into the bathroom already noticing how sore I was when I walked.The bathroom was filled with steam and sme lled of coconut. In the middle of the room was a large oval shape tub. He appear ed in the doorway and made his way towards me. I felt shy standing there naked i n front of him.I need to use the restroom real quick.He kissed my forehead. Okay. I'l l be waiting for you.Thank you. I kissed his cheek and walked past him into the res troom. My body confidence was so up and down around him. He called me beautiful and never gave me a reason to second-guess the way he felt about me, but a part

of me wanted to grab a towel and cover myself up. I would have done just that, b ut I feared another spanking would follow if I did. Maybe he wouldn't be in the ba thtub yet, and I could sneak in before him.I opened the door and there he was in all his glory, fully submerged in the round tub that could've comfortably fit fou r people. I took a deep breath and kept looking at him. A sexy smirk spread acro ss his face, and he waved his finger at me, gesturing that I come to him. I did as he asked, and he stood completely naked to help me in. We slid down the back of the bathtub so that I was now lying on top of him with my stomach against his .Why are you shy around me with your body?I stopped looking at him and laid my che ck against his chest. I shrugged my shoulders, but didn't speak.Your body is wicked ly appealing. Every contour is perfect. Your face is beautiful. That's what took m y breath away the night I met you. Your breasts are amazing, big and voluptuous and fit perfectly in my hands, which lead into your flat stomach. And don't even g et me started on your thighs.I didn't speak for a few movements. I didn't know how to respond to what he had just told me. No one had ever told me I was beautiful be fore or spoke about my body the way he had.My mother had been horrible to me. I endured years upon years of abuse from her verbally. I know that's where my self-i mage issues came from, I just didn't know if I was ready to share that part of my life with him.He tickled my back, finally saying, You don't have to explain anythin g to me. I just want you to know how beautiful I think you are on the inside and out.He wasn't pushing me, which was what I needed to feel comfortable enough to op en up. I found my voice and began speaking without looking at him. I don't see myse lf the way you described me.He grabbed my face and turned it to him. Lex, you have to know that you're stunning. You're absolutely breathtaking. Please don't think less of yourself than what you are. You're perfect. I love your body the way it is, do you understand me?I heard what he was saying but comprehending it was hard.It's all so sweet of you to say.He kissed me tenderly. It's the truth. Please don't forget tha t, okay?I leaned up and kissed him, unable to answer him back.On another note, sin ce you haven't corrected me yet, does this mean you are going to let me call you L ex?I honestly hadn't even noticed that he called me Lex. I felt bad for snapping at him the first day he showed up at work. He didn't know why I was sensitive to the name. Considering all things, I guess since I hadn't corrected him, I truly didn't mind.My grandfather gave me the nickname Lex, and he recently passed away. I didn't mean to snap at you the other day in your office. It was just hard for me to he ar someone new call me that.He hugged me tightly to his chest.It's okay. I don't have to call you that. I just like how it sounds, but I like beautiful as well. It su its you.I laughed and looked into his eyes. Well, you can't call me `beautiful' at work. Lex is fine with me if you like itHe pressed our lips together letting them ling er and stared into my eyes.Oh, I like it.He pushed his pelvis into me, and I could feel his erection. I leaned up, intensifying the kiss by sliding my tongue into his mouth. He grabbed my hips with his large hands and sat us up as I wrapped m y arms around his neck.I want you, he murmured against my mouth.I wanted him too. I needed him. This zeal I was feeling was something I wasn't used to, but it was t here, and I couldn't fight it.Are you on birth control? he asked.I nodded my head in between kisses while he rubbed his large shaft against my sex.I have never been with anyone without using protection.We both had that in common. With him I was b reaking all of the rules.Neither have I.That was all the confirmation he needed. R eaching between us he lifted my body and lowered it onto his cock. The feeling w as exquisite as water pushed inside me along with him, stretching and filling me . Skin on skin with nothing separating us. I didn't need to acclimate this time; h e easily fit inside of me.You feel so fucking amazing.I smiled at him. I have never wanted anyone the way I want you or felt the way I do while I'm with you.I started to move, feeling nothing but sensation, watching the beautiful man beneath me. Vincent helped guide me up and down by holding my hips. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes. I slowed my movements as I already felt an orgasm building. I left a trail of kisses from his lips down to the middle of his chest.He leane d up and spoke. Wrap your arms around my neck and don't close your eyes. I want to watch you come.I did so, and we really started to move. The water was splashing o n the floor, but we didn't care. In that second, I couldn't take my eyes from his if I wanted to. I felt an orgasm spiraling out my system. He sensed what I was fee

ling and slammed into me. We came together, our eyes locked on one another. Brea thing heavily, I rested my forehead against his and he wrapped his arms around m e, leaning us back. I loved how he was never in a hurry to get out of me.I yawne d and he kissed the top of my head. Come on. Let's get to bed.Climbing into Vincent's warm bed, I was wearing an entirely too large t-shirt. He got in at the same tim e and scooted to the middle, pulling me in his arms. My back was against his che st. He brushed my hair out of the way and traced my neck with his fingers as exh austion set in. I reached back to touch him, and he grabbed my wrist kissing the inside of it.Sleep well, beautiful. Waking up the next morning, I was extremely hot, like I was overheating. I opene d my eyes to the blue sky and rolling clouds. This was amazing to wake up to; Vi ncent was tangled around me, his head on my chest. Sleeping soundly, his breathi ng was even and calm. I ran my fingers through his hair, causing him to moan and roll onto his back. His arm fell above his head and his body lie stretched acro ss the bed.I rolled onto my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows, resting my chin in my hands. He was perfect, that was the best way I could describe him. His hair was a disheveled mess as it hung on his forehead. His eyebrows where t hick and smooth, perfectly proportioned for his face, and his long black lashes touched his cheeks when his eyes were closed. His nose was straight, not a bump or crook to it, and his lips were full. His face had morning stubble on it, look ing so sexy I wanted to lick him.I laid there and stared at him, thankful he cou ldn't see me. I was unsure as to why he was interested in me. He said all the righ t things, and if his feelings where really true, than I was lucky. He had not gi ven me a reason to doubt him. I smiled on the inside, wanting to crawl onto him and kiss him with everything I had to show him how much he already meant to me. I went against my better judgment as nature called.I slid out of his bed and pad ded quietly into the restroom, my entire body was sore. When I returned to the b edroom, Vincent was still sound asleep. I watched as slow breaths moved through him.Finally tearing my eyes away, I was on a mission to make coffee. I rustled a s quietly as I could in his kitchen to get the coffee pot started. I waited for it to brew, looking out into the open space surrounding Vincent's home. There real ly was no one close to his property. The other homes, were far off and looked li ke tiny trinkets. The pool was glistening in the morning sun; a swim sounded per fect.I wished I had some clothes or things of my own here. I was sure Vincent wo uld swim naked, but I needed courage to do that. While I waited, I wondered arou nd the house, coming upon a door Vincent hadn't taken me into the night before. I opened it, and I searched for the light switch, it was his garage.Holy shit.Why hadn't he shown me his car collection last night? He was aware that I had a love f or cars. The speed and adrenaline you felt while driving a car fast and pushing its limits around corners did things to me, it turned me on. The garage was a fo ur-car tandem, allowing it to fit at least eight cars. Currently there were five , and the floor was carbon fiber and heated. I could feel the heat on the pads o f my feet as I moved around.The collection was impressive to say the least. As I walked to the back corner, tucked away was clearly his prized possession, a bla ck and red Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. Holy shit, that car was rare and gorgeous .I stood there in awe. I would kill to drive any one of these. I was brought bac k to reality by his large hands pulling me back against his body.There you are, b eautiful. I didn't like waking up without you there. He kissed my neck, and I tilte d my head for him.You were so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. After I got my f ill of staring at you, I ventured off to make coffee and found myself in here. V ince this is quite the collection of cars. Why didn't you show me last night?He lea ned his chin on my shoulder. Honestly? I didn't want you to be distracted by this. I wanted you to make your decision based on your feelings for me. Plus, it would have taken all of my control to not have bent you over one of these cars and fu cked you seven shades of Sunday.Do you really think a car collection would sway my mind?He chuckled. I don't know. I was nervous, and I also didn't think I could contro l myself with you in here. Like right now for instance, you look so innocent wea ring just my t-shirt. I want to fuck you so bad I can't stand it.I wanted him just as much as he wanted me. I cocked my head to the side and gave him a playful gri n.Then what's stopping you?He grabbed the hem of the t-shirt I was wearing and lifte

d it above my head. I stood naked staring at him. He was wearing only a pair of shorts that were barely hanging on his hips. I stepped forward and tugged them d own. His erection was free and he stepped out of the shorts grabbing me.God, you're so fucking sexy.He leaned down to kiss me, sliding one of his hands down my body . He squeezed my butt in his hand and nibbled on my bottom lip. He pulled away, cupping my breast in his other hand. I stood there in his grip, completely turne d on, our eyes locked in a stare of desire. I wanted him to fuck me hard; I need ed him inside of me.He kissed me with need and hunger. I kissed him back, reachi ng between us I stroked his hard cock. I need you inside me. Now.He walked us back wards to the Bugatti. Turn around beautiful and put your hands on the car. I shook my head.Was he crazy? This car cost over a million dollars.There was no way I w as going to dent or scratch it. He leaned into me and nipped my neck.Alexa, I wil l make you turn around. Don't temp me.I searched for my voice as desire pulsed thro ugh me. I don't want to scratch the car. It costs so much.He laughed loudly, and the n wound my hair around his hand until he had it in a tight grip.I don't give a fuck about the cars. Now bend over it. He tugged on my hair causing my head to fall b ack, and looked deep into my eyes. Turn around and tell me how much you want me.I had never had a man speak to me or handle me the way he was in that moment, and it was such a turn on. I didn't know how to respond.Tell me how you want me inside you. Hard and fast, or soft and slow?I kissed him with everything I had, he had m e so wound up. I just needed him anyway I could get him. I need you inside me. I don't care if it's fast or slow. I just need you.A mischievous grin spread across his face, and without saying a word, he turned me around and gently bent me over th e car. I placed my hands on the smooth black and red paint; it felt slick beneat h my fingertips. He didn't let go of my hair as he slowly eased his beautiful cock inside of me.Fuck. You're so wet.I moaned in satisfaction. I wanted him and the aro usal was apparent. The hunger I had for him scared the shit out of me, but at th at moment, I didn't care. He slid all the way inside of me, and he leaned his body over mine, releasing my hair. He intertwined our fingers and slowly thrust hims elf in and out of me. I whimpered with pleasure as he immediately rubbed my swee t spot.I love how tight your pussy is. I could come already.All I could get out wa s a mumble before I started to whimper again. He chuckled at me, that low soft l aughter I loved. I stood on my toes to lift my ass into him even more. I needed him inside of me as deep as I could get him. I wanted him to speed up; I needed him too.Harder, please. He rose off of me and gripped my hips, pulling me firmly a gainst him causing him to fill me balls deep. I cried out in pleasure at the fee ling of him so deep inside of me. He kept a steady firm rhythm and reached aroun d me to touch my clit. His fingers ran in a slow circular movement causing my bo dy to tighten. Everything tingled and his movements had me close to coming.Oh, Go d. I cried.Fuck, Lex. Come with me.I pushed myself against him as his fingers dug i nto my skin. I came hard, my body quivered with pleasure while he moaned long an d deep coming inside of me.As usual he was in no hurry to leave my body. He wrap ped his arms around me, resting on top of my back and kissing me all over. My bo dy started to cramp from the two hundred pound man on top of me and the precario us position we were in. I wiggled a little under him, and he stood up.Am I hurtin g you?I pushed myself up into a standing position, and the cramp went away. No, I'm fine. Just a little cramp, but it's gone now.He kissed the top of my shoulder and e ased out of me. I turned around to face him.You are insatiable. I love being insi de of you. I don't think I will ever get enough.I cupped his face with both of my h ands; his scruffiness was sexy as hell. I was unsure what to say to him in that moment, so I leaned up and kissed him. His hands gripped my hips, and we instant ly got lost in each other.After a morning swim and breakfast in the sun, I felt like we were living in a nudist colony.Do you always hang outside naked?He shook h is head. Nah, I don't prefer to do this alone, and I haven't found anyone to share it with until you.I smiled to myself. Aren't you worried that your neighbors have bino culars?He laughed, I sure hope not because if anyone else sees you naked, I will g o ape shit on them.Ape shit? Who even says that?He pinned me underneath him, pressi ng my body into the plush lounge chair. I do when you talk about other people see ing my girlfriend naked. I don't like it.Shit. Did he just call me his girlfriend?This was moving so quickly, it had only been

a day. What were we supposed to tell people at work? I chewed on my bottom lip a nd stared into his eyes. He could read the anxiety on my face and moved off of m e to sit at the end of my lounge chair he sat between my legs.Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, Lex, but I don't want anyone else to see you naked.When I shook my head, he stood up and walked away from me. He began pacing and ran his hands th rough his hair.There's someone else, isn't there? Is that's why you've been fighting me s o hard on this whole thing.What? No!What was he talking about? Why would he think that? Instinct took over, and I hopped up, running to him. I stood behind him a nd wrapped my arms around his waist. I rested my face against his back.No, of cou rse not. Why would you think that? Vince, there is only you. I wouldn't have gotte n involved with you if I was with someone else. He stood frozen. Please look at me . He turned in my arms and looked down at me as I said, I am sorry. I got scared w hen you called me your girlfriend and I panicked. I have never been anyone's girlf riend before. You have to know there isn't anyone else, there never has been.He clo sed his eyes and leaned his forehead against mine as his breathing slowed. I'm sorr y, I can be jealous. I've been hurt in the past, and my mind always goes to the wo rst-case scenario. I haven't dated in a long time, because my last relationship di dn't end well; it fucked with me. That is, until you; you took my breath away and reignited these feelings I had suppressed. If you hadn't kissed me that night I me t you, I don't know what I would've done. As soon as our lips touched, all of that f ear went out the window. For you, it's worth the risk.I didn't know how to respond to his honesty. All I could do was hug him and say I was sorry.We had spent the da y outside in the sun by the pool, constantly tangled in each other's arms. Neither of us brought up the earlier situation that had ensued between us. I acted chil dishly over a statement he made. I made the decision to give him a chance, and w ith that, came a title. Quite frankly, I wanted to be his girlfriend. I had come this far with him and was enjoying every minute of it. Why would I stop now?I w as curled up in his arms on the oversized lounge chair while he slept. I couldn't help myself from drinking all his features in. This all felt like a dream that I was going to wake from at any moment. We had sex in the pool and on this lounge chair; I was exhausted and extremely satisfied all at the same time. I was gett ing hungry and wanted my own clothes. I traced small circles over his chest, aro und his nipples, and down his stomach. He slowly stirred to life and stretched a s I kissed him.He nuzzled my neck and wrapped his body tighter around mine. I la ughed at how cute he was. Vincent, you can't sleep all day.He mumbled into my skin, T he fuck I can't.I laughed again. Well I'm hungry and need some clothes, so if you want to sleep, then take me home, and you can rest all weekend.He shot up like a fire alarm went off.No, you're not leaving. I can't sleep without you.He seemed to sleep j ust fine. He slept all night and had been napping on and off all day.Don't be silly . This is new, and I don't want you to get tired of me.His jaw clenched and he rubb ed his face with his large hands. You should know that I suffer from insomnia. I haven't sleep like this in years. I don't know what it is about you, but when I'm with you, I can finally rest. Don't go. I'll take you to your place, and we'll get you wha tever you need.How could I say no to him? I didn't want to leave him either, as muc h as I should fight it; I was already comfortable being with him. I had a desire for him, and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of weekend together.Ok ay, but I'm starving, so we need to eat.He smiled at me and kissed the tip of my no se. Whatever you need, we'll get for you, beautiful.We dressed quickly and went into the garage instead of out the front door.Take your pick, Lex. What shall we driv e?My mouth hung open. You mean you actually drive these things?He laughed, and pull ed me against his body. Of course I do. That's what they're made for.I scanned over th e impressive collection of cars, my motto was, go big or go home. I've come to like the Bugatti.He grabbed the key hanging on a hook. After you, beautiful.I walked ov er to the car, and the earlier images us together flashed through my mind. He ha d bent me over this car just a few hours ago, and I loved every minute of it. I smiled to myself as everything below my waist tightened, and I burned with desir e to have him bend me over again. Surprisingly, we hadn't left a scratch or a dent . He opened my door, and I slid into the sleek bright red leather interior match ing the accents on the body of the car. I had never seen anything like it. The i nside was incredibly sleek and modern; a mixture of carbon fiber and leather wov

en throughout.Vincent slid his enormous frame behind the wheel. He was dressed e xtremely casual today wearing red basketball shorts, a black V-neck t-shirt, and black Nike tennis shoes. He had on a backwards Red Sox baseball hat that sat lo w on his forehead.Yum!I felt like I was going to die in this car right now, star ing at him dressed so casual with his calm and confident demeanor. I watched in amazement at the way he gripped the wheel and brought the car to life. The sound of the engine sent a shiver through my body. He maneuvered the car with ease ou t of the garage and into the August heat. He put the top down and then grabbed m y hand.Hold on tight, beautiful. I'm going to handle this car like I'll handle you la ter.I squirmed in my seat thinking of what he would do to me. The anticipation al one sent my mind racing. We had already done so much together in such a short pe riod of time. I couldn't fathom sex with him being any more incredible, but I knew it would. We had sex five times in less than twenty-four hours and I still crav ed for more.Thankfully he was wearing a hat so I didn't have to stare at his gorge ous threads of hair. I wanted to run my fingers through it and crawl over the ar m rest, hoping he would him turn the car around or just pull over. I settled for conversation instead.I like your outfit. I wouldn't have guessed you for a shorts and t-shirt kind of guy.He laughed lightly. Why? Because I wear suits to work you think I live in them? I played basketball throughout high school and college, so this is what I'm most comfortable in.He played basketball? I guess I should have t hought of that considering how tall he was. I didn't know you played basketball.There are a lot of things you don't know about me. We're just getting to know each other.T hat was true. We would learn with time. We pulled into the small driveway of my condo, and he cut the engine. Cara wasn't home as she worked most weekends.Do you want to park in the garage?Nah, you won't be that long, will you?I shook my head and reached for his hat. I needed to touch hi s hair, but before I could, he grabbed my wrist and kissed the inside of it.He w alked around and opened my door while I rummaged through my purse for my keys. W e walked hand in hand to my front door and when we stepped inside the condo, it was clean. Cara had a habit of rushing out of the house, leaving things a mess.Ho me sweet home, I said.He looked around as he walked further in. It's nice. This is w hat I pictured the inside to be.I smiled at him and went into my room. He followe d me and stopped at the doorway. I looked at him, trying to read the expression on his face. His jaw was clenched and he rubbed the back of his neck as I went o ver to him. He was staring at my bed, and I reached up to touch his face.Hey, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes. I wrapped my other arm around his waist and held onto him. We stood in si lence for a few minutes.He finally spoke. We should get you a new bed.What the hel l was he talking about?Vince, you lost me. I don't need a new bed.Yeah, you do. I don't want you sleeping in a bed that another man has been in. I can't even think about someone else being with you in that way.He was so sweet even when he was being j ealous. I couldn't blame him. Thankfully with my previous sexual experiences, I ha d never wanted to have someone in my bed. I always wanted to be able to leave. I wanted things to be on my terms, and I needed to have control. If I had sex in my bed, I would've been stuck, and that scared me.I've never had sex in my bed, I said .His eyes locked with mine, and I saw desire burn within them.Really? Never?I shoo k my head, and he immediately scooped me in his arms, carrying me to my bed and lowering us down onto the mattress. His lips met mine, and he crushed our mouths together. A moan escaped my throat, provoking his tongue to slide into my mouth . I caressed his tongue with the same passion he showed mine.I knocked his hat o ff and finally threaded my fingers into his hair. He bit my lip as I tugged on h is soft strands of hair. I pulled away and lifted the t-shirt I was wearing over my head. I then did the same to him. While he had his hands above his head, I p ushed him back into the mattress, and he pulled me down on top of him. I straddl ed his hips between my legs, enjoying the feeling of his growing erection. He di dn't waste a second and thrust his hips, grinding himself against my sex. The feel ing sent chills though my body.I scooted down and removed his shorts, grabbing h is cock and guiding him into my mouth. He was so hard and already had a small am ount of cum on the tip. I licked it off and sucked him, squeezing him hard as hi s veins bulged, and I continued to suck him off. When he stopped me, l smirked a

t him while I removed my shorts and climbed back on top of him. Our hot skin tou ched, sending a sensation of electricity through my entire system. I rubbed my f olds up and down his length. I was so wet that the slickness allowed me to glide effortlessly up and down his cock. I was on all fours above him while we rocked our bodies against each other's.His hands moved from my hips to my breasts. I pus hed my chest out, and his mouth wrapped around my nipple. I moved my hips causin g the head of him to ease into me. I slowly moved sucking him tightly inside of me.Jesus, you feel so fucking amazing, he growled.I stared down at him with need a nd moaned. I pushed myself up so I was sitting on top of him. He was extremely d eep inside of me at this angle that I had to stop my movements. I rested my hand s on his chest and looked into his eyes. His hair was a mess, and a thin sheen o f sweat already covered his skin. He started to move his hips, and I moved along with him.He stretched his arms above his head, completely naked below me, allow ing me to take full control. He turned his head to the side, closing his eyes an d clenching his jaw. I continued to move as I leaned down to kiss him. I was eag er to have his tongue in my mouth again.When I leaned down, he wrapped his arms around me. We moved like this, in the same position, for a while. Both of us enj oyed the pleasure and the closeness of our bodies. I could tell from his noises that he was close to coming. I rocked harder, up and down, while caressing his t ongue. He grunted violently, sending my body into a spiral. I found my release w ith him as he gripped my ass, digging his fingers into my skin. It felt like he was pinching me, but it didn't hurt, it only intensified my orgasm as he continued to move me up and down his length.We slowed our movements, and I laid on top of him, resting my head on his chest. We stayed like that for a long time, not wan ting to separate. He stroked my hair and ran his fingers over my body. I loved t he peace and calmness I felt when I was with him. I thought of what sparked this escapade and asked him.Have you slept with anyone else in your bed?He kissed the top of my head. No, beautiful, I haven't. It's only been you.A smile extended across m y face. I never knew how much a small detail could mean to me. I kissed his ches t, and my stomach growled, telling me I needed to eat.I didn't want to move, but I had to. I needed to pack so we could get to the store and get back to his place to cook. I slid off him and walked into the restroom, he laid there and watched me walk away naked. When I walked back into the room he was already dressed. He helped me pack, and I had everything I needed for the weekend, including my clo thes for work on Monday. I needed to come back on Monday to work things out with Cara. I felt horrible that I had blown her off last night, when I was supposed to help her get ready for her date.We loaded the car and drove to the store to g rab what we needed for dinner. Arriving at the store in the Bugatti was an exper ience to say the least. Everyone stared as we pulled in and parked. It continued when we walked into the store.Do you ever get tired of people staring at you? I a sked.Are people staring?I laughed at him and wrapped my arm around his waist. We m oved through the store, tossing everything we needed into the cart. Vincent move d with his usual confidence and authority. Even in a t-shirt and shorts, he stil l caught the attention of everyone around us. So it wasn't just the car that made people stare, it was him.Do you want dessert, beautiful?He chuckled when I nodded my head.Do you have any idea how cute you are?I nodded my head again. He grabbed m y face, turning it up to meet his. He kissed me softly and let our lips linger t ogether. I grew impatient and wrapped my arms around him sliding my hand underne ath the fabric of his tshirt and stroked his back. I deepened the kiss, and he ac cepted my tongue.Holy shit, Vincent. Is that you?I pulled away to look at who was speaking. I was mortified to see a group of guys staring. They had a cart full o f groceries, and were all in Denver Fire t-shirts and traditional blue cargo pan ts. Vincent kept me wrapped in his arm which I was thankful for.Abel, how are you ? Sorry I haven't called.They exchanged a brotherly hug.Nah, man, it's all good. Dad s aid you were back. I figured you were busy getting settled. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you guys.He smiled politely at me, and it reminded me of how Vincen t looked when he smiled. He was shorter, probably just six feet tall, his eyes w ere the same hazel, and they had the same dark colored hair, except Abel's was sha ved. They were strikingly similar, minus the tattoos that covered Abel's arms.No, i ts fine. We were just getting ready to check out. Abel, this is my girlfriend, A

lexa. Lex, this is my brother, Abel.I met his gaze, and he smiled at me, reaching out to shake my hand.It's a pleasure to meet you, Alexa.I smiled back. It's nice to me et you as well. I've heard a lot of great things about you.Abel introduced us to hi s fellow fire fighters. This is Sam, Danny, and Troy. Guys this is my brother Vin cent and his girl, Alexa.They all nodded and said `hi,' and we did the same. It gave me the creeps when Sam winked at me, but I just politely smiled.Vincent immediat ely pulled me closer against his side.It was good seeing you, Abel, but we've got t o get going.Vincent hadn't spoken much on the drive back to his house, so I just lo oked out of the top of the car at the now night sky. Vincent had my hand envelop ed in his. I didn't want to push the situation with Abel, but something had clearl y happened there. I wondered what had set Vincent off. Sometimes he was hard to read, but I didn't want to ruin the evening, so I wasn't going to pry.We pulled into the driveway and Vincent backed the Bugatti to the garage with precision. He op ened my door, helping me out, and then we grabbed all of the bags.Heading inside , he said, Next time, you're driving.Uh, no way.I don't think that's a good idea. What if I hurt the car?We sat the bags on the island in the kitchen, and he grabbed my h ips pulling my body against his.I told you, cars can always be fixed. If it makes you happy to drive them, then drive them.I leaned my body into his, and wrapped my arms around his waist. In the short time I had known him, he had treated me b etter than anyone had in my entire life.Okay. Next time I'll drive.Good girl, he said, slapping me hard on my ass. I didn't make a noise because all it did was turn me on. I kissed him softly, and he let our lips rest against each other's. When he pu lled back, I looked into his eyes and saw anxiety etched across his face as his eyebrows were creased.I'm sorry for getting upset at the store. I shouldn't have reac ted the way I did.No worries. Do you want to talk about what happened?He took a dee p breath and said, Remember when I told you that my last relationship didn't end we ll? I nodded my head as he continued. I was engaged. Her name was Angela. She had cheated on me once. It killed me, but I forgave her. Things between us were goin g well, at least, I thought they were. Then I caught her having sex with someone else in our bed. The worst part was, when I walked in on them, she didn't see me, but the guy did. He winked at me while he kept fucking her. I stood there like an idiot in shock. So when that guy winked at you, it pissed me off. My instinct s kicked in, and I wanted to protect you. I'm sorry for overacting today.I hugged h im tightly. Vince, please don't apologize for that. I'm not her. I would never hurt y ou. I'm glad you told me though, honesty is everything to me.Good. Then we're on the s ame page?I smiled and stood on my toes to kiss his cheek. Yes. We're on the same pag e.He squeezed my backside and smiled down at me. I watched as the expression on h is face changed to calmness.Come on, let's cook. You need to eat.Cooking with Vincen t was fun. He was extremely playful in the kitchen, and we couldn't keep our hands off each other, but we managed to complete the meal.After we ate, I laid curled up in his arms out back by the pool. We watched the fire as it crackled in the fire pit. I thought back to our earlier conversation. I couldn't imagine walking i n on someone you loved, and were planning on spending the rest of your life with , to see them cheating on you. I shivered at the thought.Are you cold? he asked as he ran his large hands up and down my arms.No. I'm perfect. I was thinking about a late night swim. Are you in?In that moment, he stood and scooped me up in his ar ms. Walking us towards the pool, he didn't hesitate as he headed down the steps.We still have our clothes on, I said, but it was too late, we were both fully submer ged in the water. I laughed at him and shook my head.I'm sorry, I couldn't wait for y ou to get undressed. Plus, I wanted to see your body through your clothes, espec ially your nipples.I was in black tight booty shorts and a white tank top. I wasn't wearing a bra and of course no underwear. Vincent demanded that I wore this whi le we cooked dinner; he had packed it himself with the items we brought from my house.I followed his gaze, his eyes were locked on my dark swollen nipples visib le through the wet white fabric.He pulled my tank top down below my breasts, cau sing them to swell above the water. His mouth moved and wrapped around one of my sensitive buds. He sucked on the skin and gently tugged on my nipple, and then he moved to the other. I reached for the hem of his shirt and managed to get it off. His hair was now dripping with water, and I took the opportunity to the wea ve my fingers into it.I tightly wrapped my legs around his waist, and he walked

us over to the edge. We pressed our mouths together and eagerly kissed one anoth er. A hungry moan escaped his throat, and his hands moved to my shorts. He tugge d them down my legs. Once they were off, they floated to surface. Vincent worked his shorts down his legs.I can't wait to be inside of you, he said between kisses.I yearned to have him fill me. My arms and legs were wrapped around him, and he n udged his erection against my sex but didn't push himself inside of me.Please. I ne ed you.He chuckled softly against my mouth and continued to enjoy slowly kissing me. He sucked and nibbled on my lips and took his time enjoying my mouth. I wigg led myself against him to find a release. I needed to be fulfilled by him, but h e wasn't budging. I stopped kissing him and bit his neck, sucking on his sensitive skin. That was the push he needed. Instantly, he sank deep inside of me. I enfo lded myself tighter around him and began to move my hips. He cupped my ass and h elped guide me up and down his cock. His rhythm picked up as he indulged himself inside of me.Look at me, he demanded.My eyes met his, and I was tangled in that m oment with him. The zest from within him was deep in his eyes as he moved faster and faster inside of me.Fuck. You feel so good. I love how tight your pussy is, h e said.Those words pushed me to the edge. I dug my finger nails into his back an d whimpered into his skin. My body was all sensation, and I was hanging on by a thread, about to explode. He grunted as he poured himself deep inside me, causin g me to shudder and convulse as I squeezed his cock, coming along with him.Fuck, he was amazing!I rested my forehead against his with my eyes intently locked on his. This man was truly a blessing. How had I gotten so lucky? If I had known t hat things between us could've been so good, I never would've fought him. He was hon est, caring, and genuine. I couldn't ask for anything more, and because of that th ere was no doubt as to why I wanted to give this, us, a chance.I lay with Vincen t in bed, tucked tightly in his arms. He fell asleep long ago; his breathing was even and shallow. I was dreading the weekend ending. I didn't want to go back to reality. I wanted to stay in this world forever.Monday would be here before we k new it, and I didn't know what to say to him about work. I didn't want to tell anyon e there that we were dating, not yet anyways. It was too soon. I was nervous of his reaction but hoped he would understand. I had broken all of my rules for him , and I was only asking that he give us a little time at work before we told any one. I had made sure throughout my career that I would never be pegged as a pers on who slept their way to the top, and I didn't want that title now. Not only that , but we had a big case going to trial on Monday. I didn't want to take anyone's hea d out of the game. Vincent would be in court for most of the week, so that would make things easier. Then with time, and with our co-workers seeing how we acted around one another, we could slowly tell everyone we were together. I woke with a foggy head, unsure of where I was. I opened my eyes to the blue sk y, I knew then I was in his bed. I rolled over to snuggle up to Vincent, but he was gone. I sat up and looked around the room, but there was no sign of him. Fru strated, I plopped back against the pillow and threw my arm over my face as work popped in my mind.Damn it.How was I going to bring it up to him? Before I could beat myself up any longer, I heard his footsteps pattering towards me.Good morni ng, beautiful. He strolled into the room carrying a tray in his arms, wearing onl y his basketball shorts. The tray held an array of breakfast items, Starbucks an d a white rose.Good morning yourself. What's all this for?Setting the tray down, he ran his knuckles down my face and brushed my lips with his thumb.For being you, a nd for giving me the best night's sleep I've had in years. I had to set my alarm to get up and get this ready today.Really? I didn't even hear you leave.He scooted next to me in bed. I didn't leave. I ordered it yesterday.How in the world had he got Sta rbucks to deliver?No one had ever brought me breakfast in bed, much less had it delivered. I shook my head; this man was far beyond any and all of my expectatio ns. I threw myself into his arms, and he caught me with ease as if I had only we ighed ninety pounds. I faced him and looked into his eyes, but my stare didn't hol d long as my eyes traveled to his mouth. I kissed him with passion and gratitude as he kissed me back, rubbing my thighs with his hands.The food's going to get col d. We should eat, he said.I rested my forehead against his and pouted. I didn't wan t food; I wanted him. My body craved him. I turned around in his lap, not wantin g to remove myself from my newfound comfort zone. Pulling the tray over to us, I

handed him a fork, and we began to take turns feeding each other. Behind me, I felt his growing erection as I moaned and sucked on a strawberry, in hopes he wo uld devour me.Fuck breakfast, he growled.We stood in the garage as Vincent had sai d it was my choice of what to drive today.I think we should take the Mercedes.He n arrowed his eyes at me and placed his hands on his hips. Fuck no. We're not taking the Mercedes. Plus, you already have one.Fine, the Corvette.He kissed my head and tossed me the key. Good choice. I haven't had a chance to drive her yet, so you'll ha ve to tell me what you think?I shook my head. No way. I don't want to be the first o ne. Why haven't you driven it yet?I just got it back from Calloway. After I ordered the car, I sent it there for all of the mods. They just delivered it, and I have n't had a chance to drive it because someone has had me a little preoccupied.He ope ned the driver's door of the white Corvette Calloway. In you go.Oh my God. I can't bel ieve I'm about to drive a Corvette.Vincent slid in next to me and was patient whil e walking me through how to start the car and adjust my seat and mirrors. I put the Corvette into gear, starting in second, without having to ask. I knew cars. I slowly eased this white beauty out of the garage, and Vincent pushed the pre-p rogrammed button to close the garage.So, where to, beautiful?I raised my eyebrows at him and then lowered my sunglasses over my eyes. It's a surprise. Then I threw hi s words that he had said to me back at him. Hold on tight. I'm going to handle this car like I will handle you later.He laughed at me like I was joking, and with th at, I took off and pealed out of the driveway. This car handled like a dream. I knew just where to take him as we started to head into the mountains. I slowed d own a little and enjoyed the scenery, not just next to me, but all around me. Vi ncent was absolutely breathtaking; today he was in a dark pair of jeans that hun g off his hips in just the right way, and a tight grey t-shirt. He looked calm a nd at ease with his hair messy and Cavalli sunglasses on.He rested his hand on m y leg and stroked my sensitive thigh. I was in jean shorts because I knew he'd lik e them, and I wanted to make him happy. He gave me the confidence to feel beauti ful in my skin. I matched the shorts with a silver sequined tank top and black s andals.Watching you drive this car has my dick so hard. I want to fuck you right now.I gasped at his words. This man was sure to be the death of me. I looked over and saw his cock straining against his jeans, he wasn't joking. I wanted to pull the car over right now and slowly unzip his pants to free his huge erection. I th ink I know a place where we can fulfill your needs, I said.I sped up the curvy mo untain road until I reached our destination. I pulled off of the main street and drove towards a secret spot I had visited often to clear my mind. And for the s econd time in two days, we had car sex. Only this time, Vincent sat me on the ho od and fucked me as he looked into my eyes. As always, it was mind blowing.We at e lunch on the river at one of my favorite spots where they specialized in wine and cheese and have the best desserts. We had explored the tiny shops, and then fed the ducks as we walked along the river. The best part of the day was how wel l we got along and could just talk. We had more in common than I realized. We bo th loved cars, basketball, and were suckers for accessory shopping. I found out that Vincent had an extensive watch collection, just like my purse and shoe coll ection.I had Vincent drive us home and thought there was no better time to bring up the work situation. I didn't want to spoil a good day, but we were both so rel axed and at a good mental place together. It was now or never.I turned towards h im and tucked my foot underneath me. I need to talk to you about work, I said.His eyebrows creased, and I saw his grip on the wheel tighten. So talk, beautiful.I to ok a deep breath. I could do this. If he cared for me the way he said that he di d and had shown me this weekend, he would understand.I don't want to tell anyone at work that we're dating. Not yet anyways.He ran a hand through his hair. Why not?I lov e my job and have worked really hard to get to where I am. I've made my rules clea r to a few of my co-workers, and I don't want them to feel like, after knowing you for a week, I've changed who I am. I don't want them questioning my character. I'm no t saying that I don't want to ever tell anyone, but can we give it a little time?He was silent for a few minutes, and I gave him that. I didn't want to push him.Fine. I can wait a few weeks. But I'm not ashamed to tell the entire world that you're mi ne. I get what you are saying, that you've been there longer and don't want others t o question your character. But I can't promise that I'll be able to control myself a

round you.I'm not ashamed of you. I want you to know that's not what this is about. I'm just scared, but I'm willing to take the risk for you. I just want to ease into th is to give everyone some time to see us together and slowly they will see it com ing. I don't want to start office gossip. Two weeks. I promise.Shit, shit, shit! I c annot believe you let me oversleep.Vincent was leaning on the doorframe to his be droom, dressed in a navy blue suit with a cup of coffee in his hand and a grin o n his face.Don't yell at me. I tried to wake you. You're the one that overslept.I glar ed at him and struggled to get my stocking up without snagging it. How's it going t o look if we both walk in late and my car is already there?He shrugged his should ers and sat his coffee on the dresser next to him. No one is going to notice. Sto p worrying.I rolled my eyes and slid on a pair of underwear, my skirt, and shoes. I stormed past him on a mission to make my point that I was pissed.He grabbed m e by the waist with a frown on his face. Why did you put underwear on?I narrowed m y eyes and inched closer to his face. Because I'm pissed off at you for letting me oversleep, and for that, I don't want you thinking about me not wearing underwear all day. I call this payback, so don't think you'll be getting lucky today.He laughed out loud. If you think that wearing underwear is going to stop me, you're dead wro ng. I'll tear those off of you in half a second without thinking twice. And yes, I will get lucky today, so you better watch yourself.He cupped my ass in both of h is hands. He leaned in to kiss me, and my lips parted, inviting him in. He scent was intoxicating, and that suit did things to me. He stared into my eyes and br eathed heavily, squeezing my body.Mine, he murmured, biting my bottom lip. Two can play this game, beautiful. He released me and walked away.What the hell?I stood i n his room, frozen. I was the one pissed off, and now, here I stood alone, panti ng, and damp. Damn him. I peeled my underwear off and stormed into the kitchen. Yes, two could play this game, so game on. Vincent was making us coffee when I a pproached him. He handed me a travel mug, which smelt delicious, and I threw my underwear at him and stormed into the garage.We drove in silence, and I pretende d to be angry when really I was horny. I wanted him and he teased me; that's what really pissed me off. After he parked the car, I threw my door open and started towards the building.He yelled to me, If you don't want to tell anyone about us, it may look weird if I carry your purse into the office.Shit.I turned around and ke pt the glare in my eyes. Isn't it time for you to go to court? I snapped.He pulled m e to him. Court isn't until two. I told you, I can't promise I'd be able to control mys elf. If you keep running from me with this attitude, I'll be forced to show you wh at you mean to me.He kissed me passionately, and I melted in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and threaded my fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck . He possessed my mouth like I loved, and I let him take control. He pulled away and drank me in with his eyes.Please try and be good today. I'm already hard.I look ed up at him through heavy lids and nodded my head. I sucked on my bottom lip tr ying to calm the flame within me. He smacked my ass, and I almost came undone wi th the desire it brewed.We took the elevator up, and once we reached our floor, we made our separate ways to our desks. The morning had passed by in the blink o f an eye. Vincent had left for court and I had so much work to get done. It was hard to stay on task in between the bantering back and forth text messages.Autum n, from reception, approached my desk, hiding behind a huge bouquet of white ros es. My heart sped up, causing my stomach to tighten with the anticipation of the note. She sat them down, and I noticed there had to have been over four-dozen r oses tucked into the large crystal vase.Girl, I don't know who sent these to you, b ut I'm jealous, she ranted.I smiled and snatched the card. Thanks, Autumn.She rolled her eyes and sauntered off. I don't know what more she wanted me to say. We weren't enemies, but we most certainly were not friends, and there was no way I was goin g to get into who they were from with her. Quite frankly I think she was jealous of my position.The card was white like the roses, and it read:Beautiful,Thank y ou for an amazing weekend. I'm sad I won't sleep tonight. Next time I'm alone with you , I want you naked and covered in white rose petals.Until later, only yours XOXO , VincentI pulled my cell phone out; my fingers didn't seem to move fast enough as I texted him.The flowers are beautiful. I'm sorry you won't be able to sleep tonigh t. I have to make things right with Cara. We'll spend tomorrow night together, I p romise. You, me, and white rose petalsCara was home before me, and I walked in wi

th my apology in hand. Corona, lime juice, and dinner. She was on the couch play ing on her iPad with the TV muted.I placed everything on the kitchen counter smi ling at her. She patted the seat next to her, and without hesitation, I went ove r to sit next to her. Tears filled my eyes, and I tried to control them.I wrappe d my arms around her and said, I'm sorry I let you down.She pulled away from me, sit ting back on the couch. Don't be sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Jon blew me off, so I was pissed and took it out on you. It wasn't your fault. Clearly things between you and Vincent have progressed, and I haven't been there for you.I couldn't help the smile that took over my face ju st thinking about Vincent. You could definitely say things between us have progre ssed. He's amazing.She grinned at me. I'm so happy for you. I haven't seen you smile lik e that in years. You have to tell me everything.Of course. Let's eat while I fill yo u in on the weekend.Dinner was awesome. It felt great to indulge. I told Cara eve ry detail of the weekend I shared with Vincent. She was extremely interested and I could tell she was genuinely happy for me. I was unsure as to how she was goi ng to react to the news that we were dating, but she was happy. I picked her bra in for details of what I was supposed to do and not to do. Most was common sense , thank God.After hours of talking we said goodnight. I went into my room and tu rned the shower on. I stepped in, allowing the hot water to cascade over my body . As I lathered myself, I thought of the text messages I had been exchanging wit h Vincent all night. He was sweet and feisty all at the same time. He teased me for leaving my underwear with him. I had to laugh at myself; I couldn't believe I had thrown them in his face. A week ago I would have never dreamed of doing some thing so brazen, but he brought out a confidence within me. It was as if the nee d I felt for him pushed me to go outside of my comfort zone. Knowing Vincent was mine was all I needed. I turned the shower off and hated thinking of spending t he night away from him.I dried quickly and threw on a pink cami and matching boy shorts. I walked into my closet and contemplated what to wear to work tomorrow. I wanted to look sexy for Vincent. Court had been postponed, and he would most likely be in the office all day. I held up a sleek blue wrap dress and a cream b utton up dress with a wide belt. I couldn't decide which one I preferred so I laid them on the bed and went in search for a pair of shoes.I like the blue one.I jump ed is shock. Shit he was here.You scared the crap out of me.He chuckled with light laughter and sauntered over to me. He was wearing his signature basketball shor ts and a t-shirt that clung to his massive frame, showing off his muscles. He wr apped me in his arms.I didn't mean to scare you, but I do like the blue one better.I slapped his arm, but he didn't flinch. What are you doing here?I'm sorry, but I can't sp end the night away from you. Please let me stay, I just want to sleep in your ar ms. I promise I'll behave. Trust me, I know I'm still in trouble for this morning.I s miled at him as my heart raced in my chest. I couldn't believe he was here with me and wanted to stay the night. I wanted nothing more, well I did want more. Payb ack for this morning was in order, and I was going to have fun with him for leav ing me standing in his bedroom panting and about to explode.How did you get in he re?He kept me tucked in his arms and spoke softly. Cara let me in. I think she may even like me. I thought I was going to have to argue and plead my way in, but s he was really cool.Keep your cool, Alexa. Remember, payback for this morning.Yeah, she's adjusting to the thought of us dating. You really want to stay the night an d not have sex?He swallowed hard and nodded his head.Okay. You can stay as long as you behave. Remember, you're still in trouble for letting me oversleep this morni ng?A grin spread across his face, and he leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head a nd wiggled out of his arms. He stood there, confused and clearly frustrated. I w alked into my bathroom and watched in the reflection as he ran his hands through his hair and stared at my ass. He didn't notice I saw him, so I bent over slowly to pick my towel off the floor. He shook his head and fell back onto the bed, th rowing an arm over his face. I was having fun with this. He was so easy to mess with.Do you need anything before I turn the lights out?He didn't speak and was still lying on top of the covers. His forearm was covering his face, and without spea king, he shook his head.Are you going to get under the covers? I asked.He shook hi s head again, so I slid in on my side and kept my back to him. The bathroom ligh t was on, spreading a small dusting of light through my room, but other than tha

t, it was dark. Vincent lasted all of thirty seconds before he got under the cov ers. I scooted my bottom towards him as he clung to my body. He pulled me tightl y against him and possessively wrapped his arms and legs over me. I felt his ere ction pressing into me, and I moaned, turning my head to expose my neck to him. He held me tighter, and I felt like I could barely breathe.Fuck. I don't think I ca n stay. It may be better if I miss a night's sleep than staying here to be torture d by your prefect little body.I moved my neck again, asking for him to give into me. His heart was pounding against my back, and I moved my foot to rub his calf.P lease, don't. I'm doing everything I can to control myself. Every fiber of my being wants to be inside of you right now. I know how your tight little pussy feels, a nd you playing with me like this, has it screaming for me. If you move one more inch or make another noise, I'll lose control. I will devour every piece of you an d fuck you all night. Then neither of us will sleep because I will be buried ins ide of you all night long. Sleep is the only thing that will allow me to control the beast inside of me.He was perfect in so many ways. I was so aroused by his w ords, not to mention, the possessive grip he had on my body. I bit my lip to sti fle the moan held deep within my throat. I was unable to stop it, and a whimper escaped, unleashing Vincent's beast.Instantly, he was on top of me, and I was help less beneath him. He took both of my hands and moved them above my head, holding them in a vise with one of his hands. My legs instinctively parted and wrapped around his body. He pressed his lips to my throat, and I tilted my head to let h im kiss me. The attention he showed my body with his mouth was as if his life de pended on it. He released my hands and my fingers reached for the hem of his shi rt, as I tugged it over his head, my nails scraped his back.Once I had his shirt off, I looked for friction to calm the flame between my legs. I pushed my pelvi s against him, and his fingers found my hair. He threaded them into the long str ands and gently tugged on the roots. I sat up in his grip, kissing him, and he e asily fell back, allowing me to take control. I kissed his jaw and neck and then worked my way down to his perfectly sculpted chest. His hands worked my nipples as they strained the fabric of my cami. He pulled it over my head and led one o f my breasts to his mouth. I cried with pleasure as he teased the sensitive bud with his tongue. He rolled the other nipple in between his fingers and then gave it the same attention with his mouth.Persistently, I pushed my pelvis against h im. The moment he released my nipples, I left a trail of kisses down his perfect body. When I reached his stomach, I licked along the hem line of his shorts bef ore reaching in. His beautiful cock was waiting for me. I licked the cum that wa ited on the tip and then began swirling my tongue around him. I stroked him as I kissed and sucked on the tip with my mouth. And with my free hand, I tickled hi s balls.Fuck babe. Stop teasing me.I had played long enough and couldn't wait to hav e him all the way in my mouth. I slid him in my throat as deep as I could take h im. On my way up I swirled my tongue and gripped him aggressively. I continued t his over and over, enjoying the pleasure I could feel building within him. He th rust his hips into my mouth and slid his hand inside of my shorts, cupping my se x and caressing my wet clit. The feeling of him finally touching me after twenty -four hours was incredible. I sucked him hard and fast, feeling him tighten. I k new he was close to coming, and I wanted him, every last drop of him. He was min e, and I wanted to show him that.Babe, if you don't stop, I'm going to come. I couldn't help the happiness I felt as he exploded in my mouth, cursing and calling my nam e. I swallowed, savoring the taste of his sweetness. I slowed my movements, but I didn't stop as I continued to slowly suck him. When he couldn't take it any longer , he pulled away and pinned me underneath himYou're quite talented with your mouth. That was amazing, he said.When I cupped my hand over his cheek, he leaned into m y touch, closing his eyes.I feel the same way about you.He kissed me, and didn't was te a minute of time as he slid his large cock into me. Since I was used to his s ize, pleasure immediately spread through my body. He moved from kissing my mouth to my neck, and he slowly rocked his hips in and out of me. I moved my hips aga inst him to meet him thrust for thrust, wanting more of himneeding more of him.Tel l me what you want. he said.Harder, please. I want to feel you deeper.He stopped hi s movements, pulling out of me, and met my gaze with carnal hunger. Bend over and grab onto the headboard.I did as he asked and wrapped my hands over the top of t

he wooden headboard. He spread my swollen lips with his soft fingers and nested the head of his cock inside of me. It didn't take him long till he was slamming in to me. The pleasure was immediate, and I screamed into my pillow. He continued t o pound me from behind. Holding my hips like a vice and pushing deep inside of m e. It caused my body to shake and quiver in a mind blowing orgasm. Vincent came with me, gripping me tightly as he poured himself inside of me. The week had progressed quickly. Vincent and I became good at hiding our relatio nship at work. We thoroughly enjoyed spending the nights cuddling and relaxing b efore we got tangled up in one another. If I wasn't at his house, he was at mine, Cara seemed to take a liking to him. They found it funny to gang up on me.The th ree of us decided to go to the movies tonight, and Vincent had invited Abel. Car a said she was cool if he joined, and since she had sworn off tattooed men forev er, he didn't have a chance.It was Friday night after six, and I was finishing up what the guys needed for court next week. They had discovered new evidence in th e Albertson case and were hoping to have a verdict by the end of the week. Vince nt and I were the only two left in the office, and it was silent, minus him in h is office on the phone.He finally hung up, and yelled out to me, Babe, can you br ing me the Albertson's bank account file?I hopped up and went into his office. He w as typing away and didn't stop to acknowledge me when I walked in.As I walked arou nd his desk, he said, Thanks, babe. I'm almost done and we can go.I sat the file in front of him and hopped up on his desk. Vincent, did you really just call me babe at work?He shrugged his shoulders. Yeah, I did. It's just us here, so I don't see the big deal.What if someone else was still here?He ran his hands over his face. Then t hey would have heard me. I don't see what the problem is. You're mine, and I don't car e who knows. For some reason you're worried what everyone else will think, but it's okay for you to be sitting on my desk?I narrowed my eyes at him. That's different.No, it's not. If people can't see the way we react around one another, then they must be blind. We could just tell everyone that we're dating so we don't have to have these conversations.He was right, this wasn't the first conversation of this kind that w e've had this week. I still don't feel like we should drop this on anyone yet, not un til the case is over. Plus it's only been a week, and we agreed on two.Fine. I'll give you another week, but if the case isn't settled, we're still telling everyone. I wa nt the world to know that you're mine. It's hard enough to see the way some of the g uys talk to you, not to mention the stupid shit they come to you for, just to st are at you and sit at your desk.Vince, that's ridiculous. No one here looks or treat s me differently. I should be the one complaining about how Portia undresses you with her eyes. She drools when she sees you and then I have to hear about it.He pulled me onto his lap. I told her I have a girlfriend, and I wasn't interested. Yo u haven't said a word to those douche bags.I couldn't fight with him again, I didn't wa nt to. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. He held our lips together without moving his. He smelt of Vincent: clean and light. I exhale d, and a shiver moved threw my body.Are you cold?I shook my head. I'm definitely not cold. It's your smell and lips that do that to me. I can't control how my body respo nds to you.You have the same effect on me, beautiful. Come on, let's get going befor e Cara scares the shit out of Abel.We had all planned on meeting at the movie the ater. The one we were going to was new and unlike any theater I had heard of; yo u had your own private table with a server to bring your food and drinks while y ou watched the movie.Thankfully, we arrived just as Cara was pulling up. She loo ked cute in a floral print thin strapless summer dress. She accessorized it with flats, a thin red belt, and her boobs spilling out of the top.Hey, girl. You loo k cute. I hope you brought a sweater, I said.Thanks, and no, I didn't. Why would I n eed a sweater in August?Come on, you know how cold theaters get, and you are barel y wearing any clothes.I'll keep her warm. Abel said as we approached him standing out side of the theater. He had been leaning up against a brick wall. He moved towar ds us, and I noticed that he carried himself with the same confidence and author ity as Vincent did. He looked different than the last time I had seen him. Tonig ht he wore a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans. His tattoos were visible, showing both of his arms were covered.Cara laughed at him. I'll be just fine, thank you ve ry much.Are you sure? I'm happy to do the job, he said.She rolled her eyes and Vincen t interjected. All right guys, let's not start the night off fighting. Cara, this i

s my brother, Abel. Abel, this is Cara, Alexa's roommate.He grabbed her hand and ki ssed the top of it. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cara.She pulled her hand back and w iped it on his shoulder. We all laughed at her and went inside the theater.The n ight had gone better than I expected, considering the rocky introduction between Cara and Abel. She definitely didn't take a liking to him, but it was fun to see the two of them bicker. They fought about everything, from what movie to see, to where we should sit, to how he chewed his food. I think it's safe to say she's no l onger into tattooed guys, or at least she's not into this one.Vincent pulled the P orsche into his garage and we went inside. I wanted to relax but didn't feel tired enough for bed yet.Do you want to soak in the hot tub or take a dip in the pool? I asked.Whatever you prefer is fine with me.I chuckled and glared at him. He never cared what we did, and he always made me deicide.He wrapped me up in his arms. I think you may need to be spanked first and then I'll throw you in the pool.I wiggl ed out of his hold and sprinted off through the house. I didn't make it far before he caught me again. Now you're definitely getting spanked.I looked innocently at hi m and pretended that I had done nothing wrong. It didn't take us long to make it o utside and into the hot tub. We left the lights off so we could enjoy the night sky and soaked in the hot water.I was twisted in Vincent's hold, my back to his fr ont. I was enjoying the calmness I felt when I was in his arms and didn't speak mu ch.When I yawned and rested my cheek against his chest, he whispered against my ear, Come on, baby. Let's get you to bed. I didn't want to move, but our skin had prun ed, and it was late. Vincent helped me out and wrapped a fluffy towel around me. I started to walk towards the house, but then he effortlessly lifted me in his arms. I rested my head against his chest, enjoying the sweet gesture.He carried me inside and the swaying motion made me even sleepier. Vincent left me to stand on my own and turned the shower on. We got in together, and I felt exhausted. I didn't want to shower or do anything at that moment but get into bed. Thankfully, he was more than willing to wash my hair and body. No one had ever done that fo r me, not even my mother when I was kid. As his strong hands massaged my head, I spoke to stay awake.You're really good at this.You think?Yeah, it feels amazing.Good. nder if he had ever done this for another woman. I'm sure that he and Angela share d moments like this. The thought made me sick to my stomach, but I wasn't going to let the ugliness of my self-confidence issues get the best of me.What's wrong, bab e?I shrugged my shoulders, trying to push away the thoughts racing through my min d.Talk to me. What's the matter?I took a deep breath, completely embarrassed at myse lf for getting jealous of his ex. I felt the tears prick the back of my eyes. He turned the shower off, wrapped me in his robe, and held me. I buried my face in him and let the tears take over.Why was I crying over a mere thought? Was it th e thought of him with someone else, or was it the thought of losing him to someo ne that scared me?Please don't cry. Talk to me.I shook my head, too embarrassed to a dmit what had upset me. Vincent didn't push me; he just lifted me and carried me t o his bed. He pulled the covers back and nestled us in the warmth. I stayed tuck ed in his arms, letting the tears flow. Vincent held onto me, stroking my hair.Pl ease don't shut yourself off from me. You can talk to me.I'm scared, I whispered.He tur ned me towards him and looked into my face.Baby, why?I'm scared I'm going to lose you.Do say that. You're not going to lose me.But I don't know how to do this, and I worry th at you'll give up on me or leave me for someone else.Alexa, there is no one else for me. I only want you. I'm drawn to you in a way I've never been to anyone in my life . Don't ever question what we have. I'll never cheat on you or do anything to hurt y ou.He ran his thumbs under my eyes and brushed the tears off of my face.Do you und erstand what you mean to me? Together, you and I are everything.I nodded my head and rested my face against his chest. Vincent squeezed me snugly to his body. Th e sound of his heart beating and the words he had said to me made me feel secure .Baby, wake up.I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know it's early, but your phone keeps going off.I peeked out from underneath the co vers, and in front of me, sprawled across the bed, was a bright eyed, messy-hair ed Vincent. He handed me my phone, and I groaned again.You're definitely not a morn ing person, but you're cute when you hide under the covers.I peered at him again an d rolled my eyes.Keep that up and see what happens.He laughed at me and said, Clear ly you're not up for verbal communication yet. So handle your phone while I run to

Starbucks.I smiled and he kissed me swiftly before strolling out of the room.I t hrew my phone down and stretched out in his comfortable bed. I didn't want to get up but nature called. I padded quickly into the restroom as I passed the shower it brought back last night's memories. I'd forgotten that I told Vincent that I was scared. I had never opened up to anyone about my feelings before. I always avoid ed talking about what bothered me. When I went back into the bedroom, I grabbed my phone off the bed. I headed downstairs and went outside to the back patio.Sit ting down on one of the lounge chairs, I slid the unlock button on my iPhone. I had six text message, eleven calls, and three voice mails. I checked my voicemai l first. My stomach dropped when I heard the first message. I went to the next m essage it was the same, and the final one broke my heart as I heard the pain in Bridgette's voice.Fuck.The first two were from University Hospital and the last fr om Bridgette. She was upset and crying. I could barely understand her when she s poke. I read the texts; all of them were from Bridgette except one that was from Cara. They asked me to call, saying Vivian was ill and in the hospital.I really was a shitty sister. I was never there for her when she needed me. I dialed her number, and she answered on the first ring.Hey, what's going on? I asked.They just t ook her back for more tests. She got really sick last night and called 911. They brought her in, and she had them call me. She's not doing well.I'm sorry. Do they kno w what's wrong?They are still running tests. They think it may be cancer, Lex.Shit. C ancer? I may not be close with Vivian, but she was still my mother. I would neve r wish cancer upon anyone, not after watching my grandfather pass from it. Vince nt came out back with Starbucks in hand. He sat behind me and pulled my back aga inst his chest.I'm so sorry, I'll be there soon. Do you need me to bring you anything ?No. I'm fine. Just get here.Okay, doll. I'm on my way. I love you.Love you too.I hung he phone and put my face in my hands.What's wrong, babe?It's Vivian, my mother, she's in the hospital. They don't know what's wrong with her, maybe cancer. Bridgette said sh e's really sick. She's been with her all night and has been trying to get ahold of m e. I feel horrible that I didn't check my phone last night.He squeezed me tightly. Y ou were exhausted. Sleeping shouldn't make you feel bad. This is all out of your c ontrol anyways. There's nothing that you could've done. Your sister needs you now, s o we'll go and find out what's going on.I didn't want to drag him into my family drama. I'll go by myself. You don't need to see how messed up Vivian is. She and I haven't sp oken for three years, and we didn't end things on good terms.What happened?It's a long s tory, basically I had taken all of the abuse I could from her, so I cut her out of my life.Well you're not going through this by yourself. You're going to be there fo r Bridgette, and I'm going to be there for you. If you think I'm just going to stay home and let you go alone, than you don't know me very well. I'll protect you and su pport you any way I can. Right now your sister needs you, and you need me. Don't a rgue because I won't take no for an answer. Let's get dressed and go.I nodded my head and Vincent kissed my temple. We changed our clothes and were out the door in l ess than five minutes. I was quiet on the drive to the hospital. My mind was try ing to process what I was about to walk into. I didn't know if I was ready to face my mother after three years of not speaking. How does someone prepare themselve s for a moment like this?The hospital was busy, and people were bustling all aro und. Thankfully Vincent was with me and led the way. He held my hand tightly as we approached the front desk. Behind the counter was an elderly woman with a bee hive for hair and thin wire glasses.Excuse me, ma'am. Can you tell me how to get to Vivian Schaefer's room? he asked.She spoke quickly, and the instructions sounded c onfusing. I knew that without Vincent I would get lost. Once we were in the elev ator, he clasped my shoulders and turned me to look him straight in the eyes.Are you okay?I nodded my head and felt a lump form in the back of my throat.I'll be righ t outside the room if you need anything at all. Take your time and follow your h eart, it won't steer you wrong.He gently brushed his lips against mine, holding my gaze. I fought back the tears and found strength in those eyes. I knew, that no matter what happened, he would be waiting for me.The elevator doors opened and w e quickly found her room. Vincent gave me a kiss on the nose and went to the wai ting area. I loved that he was there for me but also gave me my space at the sam e time. I was hesitant to go in, so I stood there with my hand on the door handl e for what seemed to be minutes. I looked behind me and caught Vincent smiling.

He sat with his elbows on his knees, and looked concerned.I entered the room, to find a frail woman in a bed that was too large for her. She was hooked up to ev ery machine imaginable with tubes and wires throughout. She wasn't breathing on he r own, which surprised me.Bridgette jumped up and wrapped her arms around me, I hugged her back. She was crying, so I just held her. There was nothing I could d o or say. I stared at Vivian and watched as the machine made her chest move up a nd down. She didn't resemble the woman I used to know.Bridgette pulled away and wa lked back to the bedside chair. I followed her and we both sat holding hands in silence. Time moved slowly before either of us spoke. We stayed in the moment, p rocessing what had become of the woman before us.Do they know what's wrong with her yet?She shook her head and let go of my hand. Pulling her legs up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them and rested her cheek on her knees.When I got her e last night she was awake. This morning when they took her to run tests, she we nt into cardiac arrest and they had to intervene in order to save her. That's why she is on the ventilator. She was fine one minute and like this the next.I'm so sorr y. I wish I had got your calls sooner. I would've been here for you. You know that , right?She smiled at me and nodded her head. A single tear escaped her eye landi ng on her pants. Why didn't you get my calls? I called Cara, and she said you weren't home. Where were you?Now wasn't the time to gloat about my relationship with Vince nt. I also couldn't keep him a secret, not with him sitting in the waiting room.I'm s eeing someone. I was at his house. I left my phone in my purse last night, and I didn't check it until this morning.She looked at me surprised. Oh, I didn't know you were seeing anyone.It's new. Not many people know. He's here if you want to meet him?Wa s it wrong of me to be introducing, Vincent to my sister while my mother was so sick?I would love to meet him. I've never seen you with anyone. If he's here then he has to be pretty special to you.Yeah. He is.A middle-aged nurse bustled into the ro om. Hi ladies, I'm Jane. I assume you're Vivian's daughters?We nodded our heads.Good. Wel l, I'm glad to see you're both here to keep her company. It's important to talk to her during this time. She can hear what's going on around her. I do need to switch he r IV fluids and change her positioning. Would you mind stepping out for a bit? I'l l come get you when I'm done.We stood and Bridgette kissed Vivian's hand. We'll be right outside the room, she said.We both left, and as soon as we exited, Vincent was o n his feet coming towards us. A grin spread across my face. I was glad that he w as here with me. All the anxiety and worry diminished when I saw him.Bridgette, t his is my boyfriend, Vincent.He took her hand in his, and with his most charming smile, kissed the top of it. It's a pleasure to meet you, Bridgette. I've heard a lot of great things about you.She blushed crimson and turned her head to hide the em barrassment. He released her hand and wrapped his arm around me as he kissed the top of my head.How is she, babe?I shrugged my shoulders as we walked to the waiti ng room. She's not well. They don't know what's wrong with her yet. This morning she we nt into cardiac arrest. Now she isn't breathing on her own and is sedated.Damn. I'm so rry. I can't believe she took a turn for the worse so quickly. Do they have an ide a of when a doctor will be in to check on her and give another update?No. I'm not su re when we will know more. I'm assuming it won't be until later or tomorrow, Bridgett e said.Bridgette, have you eaten today? he asked.No, but I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I'll eat later.How do you expect to be healthy for your mom if you're not taking care of yourself?She looked shocked by his statement. He was a no nonsense kind of gu y. He kissed me on the forehead and stood.I'll go get you both something from the c afeteria. I'll be right back.He didn't wait for us to confirm that we even wanted any thing. I loved how he took charge. I watched him stroll to the elevator; he pres sed the button and put his hands in his jeans pocket waiting for the car to arri ve. He looked delicious today in light jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. His hair w as messy, and I could tell he had been running his fingers through it.Bridgette elbowed me. Holy cow. Where did you find him? He's a keeper.I couldn't help but smile at her comment. She was right. He's a keeper.We met on your birthday at 9th Door. N ow he happens to work with me. What a small world, huh?No way. Is he an attorney?Yea h, and he is also a partner at the firm. I've broken about every rule to be with h im, but so far, he's worth it.She smiled at me. I'm so happy for you. You deserve it.Tha nks. I feel lucky.You should. Did you see the way that he looked at you? He's really into you. I'm always here if you ever need relationship advice.Thanks, I said.Bridge

tte had never offered me support, and quite frankly, I was so new to this dating thing that I might even take her up on it. Babe, will you please eat something?I shook my head. I didn't feel like eating. I ha d been a ball of anxiety all weekend. What had started out with so much potentia l soon turned out to be so hard. Vivian was still sedated, and they planned to k eep her that way until she was strong enough for surgery. She needed a stent pla ced in one of her arteries. All of the tests had confirmed that she had stage fo ur lung cancer, thus complicating the entire process.Please, you have barely eate n anything for two days. I don't want you getting sick because you're famished.I knew Vincent was only trying to help. I pushed my spoon around my wonton soup and to ok a small sip of the broth. It tasted bland and I just didn't have an appetite.I w on't get sick from lack of food, or famished, as you like to call it. If you force me eat this, then yes, I might get sick.The guilt I felt for Vivian was horrible . I had turned my back on her three years ago, and now stood in limbo waiting fo r her to improve. Worst of all, there was nothing that I could do to control the situation, and that was a hard pill for me to swallow. Normally, I would take c harge and handle things, but in this case, all anyone could do was sit back and wait. Vivian needed time for her body to get strong and that's what we gave her.Fin e. If you won't eat your soup, is there anything else that sounds appealing?I guess I could go for some ice cream.See, that wasn't so hard. Ice cream is better than not hing. Do you want to get out and walk to the ice cream shop? Some fresh air may do you well and help to clear your mind.Yeah, that sounds nice. I feel like we've be en sitting in the hospital all weekend.I was on the floor nestled next to the cof fee table leaning against the couch. I much preferred to sit down here. It was m ore comfortable to eat here than in the formal dining room. Poor Vincent couldn't fold his legs up enough to get comfortable on the floor. I guess when you're over six feet tall you have to think about those things. He reached for my hand, link ing our fingers together and helped me up.We walked outside, and there wasn't a cl oud in the sky. The sun was hot on my skin, warming me from the inside. We cut t hrough the street and onto a gravel path that led us towards the entrance of his neighborhood. Down a block from there was a small strip mall with an ice cream shop.Vincent had been overly supportive these last two days and spent every mome nt with me at the hospital. He was patient and made sure Bridgette and I had wha tever we needed. He was a huge help in keeping up to date with the nurses and do ctors on Vivian's progress.Thank you for spending the weekend with me at the hospit al. I know it's not what you had in mind, but I couldn't have made it through the la st few days had you not been there with me.He lifted our linked hands and kissed the inside of my wrist, Of course. I'll always want to be where you are. You're right , it isn't what I had in mind, but as long as I'm with you, I'm happy.The walk was nice . When we arrived, the place was crowded. I ordered some chocolate ice cream in a waffle bowl, and Vincent settled on a cone with mint chocolate chip. We got ou r treats and took them outside to enjoy the sun.I need to talk to you about somet hing, he said. I know you have a lot going on with your mother, but Charlie revamp ed the menu at Lazio's, and he's having a grand re-opening this Friday. He asked if you and I would go.I have plans with Cara on Friday night.He licked his cone, and I watched his mouth suck on the ice cream.God, that's hot.We hadn't had sex in almost two days. By the time we would get home from the hospital, the exhaustion took over, and I would already be asleep in the car. Vincent had to carry me inside b oth nights and was out cold as soon as he hit the mattress next to me.Then bring Cara. The more the merrier. I think Abel will be there, so at least she'll know so meone besides us.Okay. I'll talk to her about it tomorrow. I'm sure it will work out f ine.He kissed my nose and left a cold feeling lingering from his lips.Really? That's all I get?What else do you want, beautiful?I wiggled my eyebrows at him as he laug hed.He cocked his head to the side and hunger burned in his eyes. How about we go in the bathroom?I didn't doubt that he would actually take me in the bathroom here . I shook my head at him as I stood and he scooped me up in his arms.What are you doing? I can walk home.He playfully swatted my backside and set me down on my fe et. We linked our hands together, and I grinned, thinking about what we were abo ut to do to one another when we got back to his place.I like you calling it home.M y phone rang, interrupting him, and I swatted his backside as I answered it.Hey,

Bridge. What's up, doll?Mom's awake. She was getting really restless, so they weaned h er off of the sedation.Oh, that's great news. We'll head down there now.No, Lex, don't. I called to make sure you weren't on your way. She didn't wake up too happy and has be en saying some really mean things. I told her that you've been here all weekend an d also about Vincent. She said that `clearly you've made your own decision and chose n a man over your own family.' I didn't want you to come down here and get yourself upset. Stay with Vincent, and I'll keep you guys updated. They said she is strong enough to not be sedated until the surgery as long as she stays calm. I'm so sorry , Lex.It's okay.I love you.Love you too. Bye.Fucking Vivian. I knew she wouldn't chang was done with her. I wrapped my arm around Vincent's waist and leaned into him. He held me tight while we walked in silence. He knew me so well, he knew when I ne eded space and when to let me just be.We approached the house and walked up the front stairs in sync. When he opened the door, I couldn't control myself. I threw myself at him like I did the first night we met. He caught me with one arm and k icked the door closed.Our mouths touched and his lips sent electricity though my system. He kissed me with his soft lips, and I enjoyed sucking on them. He sque ezed my body when I did that, and it made me want him even more.We stumbled back wards towards the living room. Once we reached the couch, I fell onto it. The so ft fabric was cool on my hot skin. He lowered his body on top of mine and cupped my sex. I was in a summer dress with no underwear on, making it easy for Vincen t to touch me. He separated my pussy lips and rubbed my clit up and down with tw o fingers. I bit his lip because I couldn't keep kissing him, the pleasure was too intense. He slid two fingers inside of my wet core and slowly circled them whil e his thumb rubbed my clit.I reached down and massaged his erection through his pants. His mouth moved to my neck and across my chest. He left a trail of kisses on my delicate skin. Taking his free hand, he pulled down the top of my dress o ver my breasts. His other hand was still inside of me, moving in and out slowly. I was enjoying his expert touch. I reached into his pants and aggressively sque ezed his cock. He latched onto my nipple with his mouth. I jerked his cock and i magined him inside of me. Suddenly, he stopped and looked in to my eyes.Fuck, Lex . You're going to make me come.I smiled at him, not realizing how carried away I ha d gotten. He kissed my neck, and I lost all consciousness. I laid there enjoying the attention. I heard his zipper go down and looked up to see him guide his co ck in to my pussy.Once he was all of the way inside of me, he removed his t-shir t. Vincent grabbed my leg, resting it up against his body with my foot next to h is head. He held me tightly and started to move. I had never had sex with a man while my leg was stretched up the length of their body. It was hot as hell watch ing him grip my skin as he slid in and out of me. I had to close my eyes because the pleasure was almost too much to handle. This angle was intense and pushed m e close to coming.Fuck, baby, I whimpered as he started to pound me.You like that? You like it when I fuck you hard?I whimpered again and nodded my head. I couldn't h old back any longer. His words pushed me over, and I came hard. My orgasm explod ed around his cock as my muscles tightened and flinched. He came with me, moanin g loudly and pumping himself inside of me long and slow.Vincent lowered my leg a nd laid on top if me. His cock was still nestled inside of me, and I wrapped my arms around him.What did Bridgette say about your mom? he asked.Just that she woke up and is in a shitty mood. She's back to her normal self and doesn't want me there.Wh y wouldn't she want to see you? Doesn't she realize that you've spent all weekend ther e worried sick about her?Bridgette said she told her that both you and I had been there, so she knows.He looked in to my eyes. Then why don't we go see her? I'm sure on ce you're there she will be happy.I don't know. You don't know how she can be.Come on, ba y. I'll be right there with you. I wish I could have one more time with my mom. Do n't have regrets.I nodded my head. Vincent gave me the strength to do things I norm ally wouldn't.He stood and eased out of me and I hated not having him inside of me . He reached for my hand and helped me up. I was amazed that he was still hard a s I looked down as his impressive erection, but he was insatiable.We dressed and went into the garage. We drove the Range Rover, which was nice and comfortable. It was roomy on the inside and had the darkest tint on the windows. It almost m ade it hard to see outside.We parked in the nearly empty garage and took the ele vator down to the main entrance. Vincent grabbed my hand and guided me along the

way to Vivian's room.As we stood outside of the room, I felt sick to my stomach. Vincent lifted my head. I was staring at the floor and nervous as ever.Hey, you c an do this. Don't be scared. Remember, I'm right outside of the room if you need any thing.I nodded my head, and he kissed my nose. I turned and opened the door, Brid gette and Vivian were talking. They both looked at me, and I could see the surpr ise on their faces.I turned to close the door and I saw Vincent standing right t here.Hey, what are you doing here, Lex? Bridgette asked.I wanted to stop by and see how you both were holding up. I couldn't just stay home after you called.I looked over at Vivian, and she was staring at the wall. She wouldn't even look at me.Has s he been like this since she woke up? I asked Bridgette.Before she could answer, V ivian turned to me, and anger burned in her eyes.No, Alexa, I have not been like this since I woke up. It's just been since you walked into my room uninvited. Your sister told you that I didn't want you here. What in the world would make you thi nk that I wanted to see you or have anything to do with you? You're the one, three years ago, who abandoned me. Did your dumb-as-shit brain forget that too, like it has everything else?Her words were venom, and they hurt. I went to open my mou th, and before I could speak, Vincent was behind me. Tears filled my eyes, and I felt his touch on my wrist. I thought twice before I stooped to her level and t ried to hurt her the way that she had hurt me. He had ahold of me, and I turned my back, wrapping my hand tightly in his and walked out of the room.Get me out of here, Vincent. Now.I got you, baby.Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I wiped them a way with the back of my free hand. When we reached the Range Rover, Vincent open ed the passenger door and moved the seat all the way back.He lifted me in his ar ms and moved us into the car. He shut the door, and I clung onto him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into him. I let everything out, every bit of a nger I felt towards Vivian that I wanted to tell her in person. The tears seemed to be never-ending.Vincent tightened his hold on me. I'm so sorry, baby. We should n't have come here.I shook my head and tried to calm myself so that I could speak.It's okay. That's how she always is. I tried and that's all I can do.I can't believe the way she spoke to you. You're her daughter.That's the way she has been my whole life; ever since I can remember.Why? I don't get it?She was diagnosed with depression and bipola r disorder when I was very young. She never took her pills consistently. And it literally made her crazy; my childhood was a battle of survival. As the years pr ogressed and I grew up, she got worse. For myself, I found it was better to cut ties. I told her to call me when she was ready to make a change and take care of herself. The call never came, and it's been three years.I couldn't imagine having a m other like that and growing up in those conditions. I'm so sorry, baby.It's okay, ther e's nothing anyone can do. I know I will never have a relationship with my mother and tonight just proves that. Damn it, Vincent. If you let me oversleep one more time, I'm not going to have sex with you for a week.He wrapped his big arms around my waist from behind. Oh come o n, love. What did you do before me? Surely you made it through life by waking up on your own.For one, I wasn't having all this mind-blowing sex that keeps me up lat e and exhausts all of my energy. Then, there's the fact that I sleep with goliath the grizzly bear. You're like an electric blanket, and when I'm warm and comfy, it p uts me into a comatose state.He laughed out loud and got out of bed to start dres sing. Goliath the grizzly bear, really? he said, and I narrowed my eyes at him. Fin e. Point taken. You're mighty feisty this morning, he said.What can I say? I oversle pt again, and here you are, getting dressed in another one of your three-piece s uits. What is it with you and suits? Do you always have to wear them? I tried to keep a straight face while I was having fun picking on him.He kissed my nose. Yes , babe, I do. We have court today, remember. We want a verdict so we can finally tell everyone at the office about us dating. Plus, don't act like it's just the sui ts. You act the same way when I'm in basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and a hat. I sh ould be the one complaining about you wearing those damn stockings and no underw ear every day. You know I can see your legs perfectly from my desk and that shit keeps me hard all day?He was right, it didn't really matter what he was wearing, I was turned on regardless. He was gorgeous and that was putting it lightly. Now that I knew he could see my legs from his desk, I planned on playing with him a bit.Point taken. I'll be sure to not cross my legs when you're in your office.Fuck, he m

uttered, running his hands over his face.It was quarter `till noon, and I was star ving, I grabbed my purse and headed to the elevator. I was going down to the lob by to get a salad and eat out by the lake. Vincent had been in court all morning , and I missed him. I checked my cell phone, but there were no new calls or text s.A new message chimed in from Bridgette:Mom's the same. I miss you. Maybe we coul d have dinner this week?My poor sister had not left Vivian's side while she was in the hospital. It angered me that she felt obligated to spend so much time there .I texted her back as I waited for the elevator. When it finally arrived, I froz e in my tracks as Vincent was staring at me. A mischievous grin spread across hi s face.Vince, what are you doing here?He grabbed my arm pulling me along with him. He walked with purpose, taking long strides. Come with me, and I'll tell you.I pull ed my arm away, afraid someone would see us. He didn't skip a beat and continued w alking as I followed quietly. Once we were inside, I closed the door behind me a nd turned towards him. His back was to me, and he was staring out the windows.Vin ce, what's going on?He turned, pinning me with his gaze. I was unable to move, my b reathing became rapid.Babe, we won our case! I came here to surprise you.I was ela ted. I knew how much this case meant to not only Vincent, but to Liam and C.J. a s well. They had spent so much time preparing, and with the new evidence they ha d, pushed hard for a verdict. It came faster than I would have thought, but I ne ver doubted them.I'm so happy for you. I knew you would win. You've never lost a case . Tell me all about it. How did you get a verdict so quickly?He brushed the loose strands of hair off of my face and said, I'll tell you later, baby. I have been wa iting to do this all day.He leaned down possessively, as only Vincent could do, p lacing his mouth over mine. He walked us backwards towards his desk. When my leg s touched the wood, I leaned onto it and instinctively wrapped my arms around hi s neck. Pushing my tongue into his mouth, we explored each other like it was the first time. Maybe it was the excitement of the verdict, or the fact that I had missed him all morning.He lifted my skirt and slid two fingers inside of me. Mine , he murmured. I moaned in response, unable to speak. He gently pulled his finger s out and separated my wet lips by running two fingers in between the slickness. I reached for his belt, un-buckling it as fast as I could while he shrugged his coat off, and threw it aside.I unzipped his pants, freeing his erection. Grippi ng his length with both hands, I stroked it incessantly. Vincent continued to to rture my clit, rubbing it with his fingers in the perfect circular motion before he slowly slid two fingers inside, all the while, never taking the pressure off my clit with his thumb.Fuck, babe. You're so wet. Did your tight little pussy miss me? I whimpered and pushed him towards my opening. He gladly exchanged his two f ingers for his beautiful cock.Oh, fuck. Yes it did. He gripped my hips, and I wrap ped my legs around his waist. He filled me and stared down at my body stretched across his desk, my arms rested above me on the cool cherry wood. He slid in and out of me at an aggressive pace. I reached up for his glorious hair, pulling hi m to me in search of his mouth. He kissed me again, moving with precision and pu shing my body closer to coming. I was all sensation, as he was on top of me fuck ing me and kissing me in perfect unison.Come with me, love. His words were all I n eeded, and in that moment, all of my fears washed away. The word love didn't scare me, it ignited me. I ran my fingers through his hair and linked my hands at his neck. Staring into each other's eyes, I knew he felt it too. We didn't speak it, wi th Vincent we didn't have to.My eyelids were heavy, and I was nestled on the couch , wrapped in my favorite throw, enjoying some TV with Cara. We shared a tub of B en and Jerry's, tomorrow was the open house at Charlie's restaurant, and surprisingl y, Cara seemed excited to be going with us. Although she had been giving me a ha rd time all week about spending so much time with Vincent. I think deep down, sh e was just looking out for me and didn't want me to get hurt. But she made me agre e to spend the night away from him tonight and it was killing me.What time do you want to get our nails done tomorrow? she asked.I shrugged my shoulders and snatc hed the ice cream back from her. It doesn't matter to me, I can take my lunch whene ver.Do you think you could leave a little early so we could get the works? I mean, make up, hair, and nails? It would probably only take an extra two hours?I'm not su re. Let me ask my boss real quick.She chuckled at me, and I handed her back the i ce cream.My fingers deftly flew over the touchscreen of my iPhone.Would you mind

if I left work a little early tomorrow to get pampered for your dad's re-opening? He responded right back.Hmm, I'm not sure you deserve to leave early. You've been qu ite naughty this week. It also depends on what `getting pampered' entails?Hey there mister, I've paid for my naughty tendencies with plenty of spankings. Pampering wi ll entail hair, nails, and make-up. Oh yeah, and a good waxing.Cara leaned over my shoulder. So, what did he say?I pressed the phone against my chest, hiding it f rom her. It vibrated and I glared at her. Let me check it, and I'll tell you. Stop being so damn nosey. She rolled her eyes at me and flipped though the channels on the TV.Ooh, a waxing. I like that. Then YES, you can definitely take the day of f.Thank you. I can't wait to see you, I miss you already.I miss you too. Sleep wel l, my love.Since that morning, when he first called me `love,' he had been saying it more often. Neither of us had spoken the words to one another, but I knew how h e felt about me, and I felt the same for him.All right, we are good for tomorrow. Will you make the appointments since your off all day, and can you find somewhe re for us to get waxed?Her eyes bugged out of her head. Waxed? Really? Since when do you get waxed?I shrugged my shoulders and acted like it was no big deal.I canno t believe the things you are willing to do for him.I threw a pillow at her face, and she tossed it right back at me.Stop giving me a hard time about Vincent, I me an it, Cara. I am already staying the night away from him tonight so we can have some girl time.Okay, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt.I won't, okay? Plus wh t does staying a night apart have to do with getting hurt?You guys just met and ha ve been spending every minute together. I think a little space would be good.I ro lled my eyes and blew out a deep breath. Cara, you can think whatever you want, b ut I'm tired so I'm going to bed.I'm sorry, Lex.I turned around. It's fine, Cara. I'm jus ed. I need to sleep, and my mood will be better tomorrow.I went to my room and cr awled into my bed. I couldn't sleep. I laid there and thought of Cara and how she had no right to tell me that Vincent and I had been spending too much time toget her. She was the one that fell hard and fast. She always got her heart broken an d was the last person that should be giving relationship advice. For once in my life, I had a good thing, and I wasn't going to let her interfere.I checked the cl ock, it was almost midnight, and I had yet to fall asleep. I grabbed my phone to text Vincent, but I didn't want to wake him up. I decided to head out front and w atch the stars for a while. They always seemed to make me sleepy. It was warm an d dark, the sky was clear and moon was bright. I sat on the front stairs and pul led my knees up into my body.As I looked up into the desolate night sky, I wishe d that Vincent was sitting next to me. I missed him so much. I couldn't sleep with out him. Dammit, I was twenty-eight years old, and I was not going to have anyon e tell me what I could and couldn't do.I got up and went inside the condo. I grabb ed my phone off of my bed, and I went to the front door, grabbing my purse on th e way. I fumbled for my keys in the dark and locked the door. I slid into my car and searched for the ignition key. On the ring was an unfamiliar key. Normally, I only had my car and house key on there, but now there was a third key that wa s long and silver. It looked like my house key, but I didn't put it on there. Vinc ent would've been the only one to have added it.Thoughts of him being so sweet and caring made me want to get to him even faster. I wanted to crawl into his arms and then we could just sleep for the night. I pulled out of the driveway and tho ught about calling him, but I decided that it would be better to not wake him. H opefully the key on my ring was to his house. What else could it go to?As I turn ed downed his street it was dark and silent. I got out of my car and quietly clo sed the door. I walked up to the front door and found the new key on my ring. Sl owly, I slid it into the lock, and it fit like a glove. I turned it effortlessly , and I felt the lock move with it.I couldn't believe he gave me an extra key to h is house and told me nothing about it. I walked into the dark house and closed t he door behind me. I took my shoes off and set my purse on the table next to the door. As I moved through the house, it was silent.I reached the top of the stai rs, and to my surprise, he wasn't sleeping. Before me, Vincent was sitting on my s ide of the bed with his head in his hands. His back was to me, and he was naked from the waist up, only wearing a pair of shorts. I quietly walked over to the b ed as he ran his hands over his face.It was as if he was in pain. I crawled acro ss the bed and my movements caused him to turn. Before he moved his body, I clun

g onto him. I kneeled behind him, sliding my arms underneath his, and gripped hi s chest. He moved his hands over mine and leaned his head into me. I rested my c heck against his shoulder.What are you doing here? he whispered.I couldn't sleep. I n eeded to be with you.Why didn't you call me?I was going to, but I didn't want to wake yo u. Why are you up?I told you, Lex, I have insomnia. I can't sleep without you.I remov ed myself from the tight hold I had on his body. He turned to look at me, and hi s eyes were red. It looked as though he had been crying. I pulled the covers bac k and patted for him to climb in. He did and I followed. Vincent turned me so th at my back was to him. He pulled my body tightly against his taking a deep breat h, once he had me securely in place.Vince, is this what you do every night? Do yo u just sit here?He squeezed me tighter and kissed behind my ear. Yeah, it is. For the past five years this has been what my nights consist of.Why for five years?He t ook another deep breath and pressed his lips to my shoulder. Five years ago is wh en my mom passed away. I don't know how to get over it.What happened?We were driving, and our car was struck by a drunk driver. I was behind the wheel, but there was nothing I could do in that moment. The car lost control and slid off an embankme nt. The next thing I knew, we were airborne, and all I heard was her screaming. When the car finally came to a halt, she was silent. There was blood all over he r face. I screamed and yelled for her, but she was gone. Her eyes were open, but behind them was nothing, they were blank. I tried to get out of the car, but I couldn't. So, while I sat there and waited for help, I just looked into her eyes. I wanted her back more than anything, and all I could hear were her screams over and over in my head. Since that day, every time I close my eyes, minus when I'm w ith you, I hear her screams and see her haunting eyes.I rolled over and faced him . Tears were in my eyes as well as in his. I tightly hugged him and pressed my w et cheek against his chest.Baby, I had no idea that's how you lost your mom. I'm so s orry.It was horrible, and I miss her every day. But I feel like she is looking dow n on me, and is proud of the man I've become.I pulled away and looked at him. He cu pped my neck and ran his thumb over my cheek. In that moment, I knew that I need ed him as well.Thank you for trusting me to tell me about your mom. I need you ju st as much as you need me. I'm not letting Cara tell me what I can and cannot do, so we will spend every night together.Do you have any idea how happy you just made me? Being sleep deprived makes me crazy, and knowing you'll be here calms me. I've not talked about my mom's passing to anyone since it happened. It feels good to ge t it off my chest. I really don't know how I have lived my life as long as I have without you.I couldn't help myself from kissing him. It felt so good to firmly pres s my lips against his and instantly be calmed by our connection.Baby, you make me happy every day. I'm glad that I was the one you opened up to. I'll always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise.He smiled at me and reached for my wrist . Taking it in his hand, he kissed the inside of it. Good, because you're everythin g I've ever wanted and needed. I woke, cool and restless. Not my usual morning. I reached for Vincent, but he w as gone. I looked over to his pillow, and in his place, there was a single white rose. I reached for it and pressed it against my nose. It smelt sweet like only a rose could. It was nothing compared to how he smelled, but it would do.I reac hed for my cell phone to text him and thank him for the rose. On my nightstand w as an envelope. I opened it to find a handwritten note, a single car key, and hi s black Amex card.Baby,Take today off of work. Go shopping and buy whatever you and Cara want, along with something to wear tonight. The card has no limit and t he key is to the Bugatti. I won't take NO for an answer. Thank you for making me t he happiest man alive.Enjoy your day.Until later, only yours, XOXO VincentHoly s hit. Was he for real? Screw texting; I grabbed my phone and called him. I wanted tell him how much I loved him, but that would have to wait till we were in pers on. He didn't answer, so I left him a voice message.I couldn't wait to tell Cara wha t he had done. I'm sure she would let go of protecting me, once she found out what he did for her and I today. I got out of his bed, taking my rose into the kitch en to put into water. I placed it on the kitchen island and collected my things before going into the garage. Tucked away in the corner was the black and red be auty I'd come to love. I slid into the sleek red interior and got situated. Pullin g out of the garage, my stomach was in knots from excitement. Driving home I was

responsible, but I really wanted to see how far I could push this car. It took all of my control to not floor it.I pulled into our driveway and went inside yel ling for Cara. She didn't answer, so I went upstairs but her room was empty. I cam e back down and into my room to take a shower. Just as I set my purse on the bed , Cara burst into the room. She was wearing her full running gear, earphones, sp orts bra, tennis shoes, and yoga pants. Where is he, Lex? His fucking car is in t he driveway.I dangled the key at her and shook my head, Nu uh. It's our car today.Her jaw fell open. No way. Why? I handed her the note, and she read it in a way only Cara could do and fell onto my bed in the most dramatic fashion. Her arm rested on her forehead as if she had fainted.I smacked her playfully. You know, you shou ld have been an actress, not a nurse.She rolled her eyes at me. Sure, and you, my friend, should've been a singer.I threw a pillow at her and stormed into the bathro om. She yelled something back at me but I couldn't understand her. She knew I coul dn't sing to save my life. I turned the shower on and steam quickly filled the roo m. I took my time lathering, washing, and shaving.I wanted to be perfect for Vin cent tonight, to repay him for giving me this special day. I hopped out of the s hower refreshed and ready to venture out with my best friend. I dressed in a pin k terry cloth sweat suit. It was supposed to rain today, making it a bit cooler than normal. This allowed me to pull out some of my fall clothes. I slid on a pa ir of flip-flops to ensure my pedicure stayed pristine. I left my room to grab a fresh cup of coffee from the kitchen. When I walked into the living room, Cara was signing for a delivery, and a man was setting two vases of white roses on th e counter.I grabbed the card that was tucked inside of them, knowing they were f or me.Thank you for last night.Only yours, XOXO VincentThe doorbell rang, interr upting my way train of thought. I set the card down and opened the door, allowin g the delivery guy to leave before I could see who was outside. A cute Asian gir l was standing there with two Starbucks cups and a bag in her hands.Alexa Schaefe r? she asked.That's me.She smiled and handed me the items she was carrying. These are for you. Enjoy.I took the Starbucks and turned towards Cara. When I turned around to thank the girl, she was gone.Oh my God. This is so over the top, Cara said.I w alked to the couch and set the coffees on the table. Over the top was an underst atement, but that was Vincent. Everything about him was over the top, and he was all mine.I don't even know what to say, Cara.She laughed and took one of the drinks out of the carrier. Well you need to thank him. But first we have to get going, or we're going to miss our appointments. I just called and moved them up.I grabbed my coffee and peaked into the Starbucks bag. It had two croissants in it, my fav orite. I didn't want to eat in the Bugatti, but I knew what Vincent would say if I told him I had worried about the crumbs and not eaten again.I turned out of the driveway and noticed the neighbors staring. The noise the engine made as I peel ed out onto First Avenue, maneuvering about was sexy as hell. It was hard to bel ieve that Vincent trusted me with this car, out of all the cars he could have le nt me.Thankfully, Cherry Creek Mall had valet. I didn't even want to think about w here to park this thing. When I turned into the mall, I followed the signs for t he valet. I think every person around us turned their head. We acted like this w as our everyday car, but climbing out, I was a little shy in my sweat suit. I fe lt like I should be wearing something designer. Vincent was comfortable driving this in his basketball shorts, so I shouldn't worry about my sweat suit.Our first appointment was to get waxed. I was nervous and didn't know what to expect, but it went over without a hiccup. I was only doing it for Vincent, I knew how much he was going to like it. Thinking of his expression when he saw my freshly waxed s ex; had my heart racing. Next we got our hair done, then make-up and nails. We e nded the day with a little shopping. Being with Cara was always so fun. She was a confident free spirit and never cared who was looking at her.After an exhausti ng morning of pampering, we were in the dressing room at Niemen Marcus. The poor sales woman must have thought we were crazy with the number of dresses we had t aken in to try on. I came out in, what had to have been, the tenth dress.Oh my Go d. That's it. That's the one, Cara said.I had on a gold satin floor-length dress that had one strap on the left shoulder decorated in black Swarovski crystals, leavi ng the other shoulder open. The right leg had a long slit going up the front, ex posing my thigh, and it hugged my waist and hips flawlessly.You think so?Yeah. Vinc

ent is going to die when he sees you wearing this.I scanned over the dress and tu rned to look at the nonexistent back. This was the one. It was definitely the on e.We checked out with our dresses. I had paid for everything else myself today. I didn't want to take advantage of him. On the way out I saw a black pair of Chris tian Louboutin heels, I halted at how beautiful they were. Cara picked one up an d was just as amazed as I was. A sales woman approached us and said.Would you lik e to try those on?I shook my head and Cara said, Yes, in an eight please.I scowled at her. Eight was my size. What was she doing? I couldn't afford these shoes and I was not going to put them on Vincent's card. The woman came out and gestured for us to have a seat in two leather chairs. I set my stuff down behind me, still in shock. The woman went to Cara and kneeled down in front of her.Oh they're not for m e. They're for her, Cara said.My apologizes ma'am. The sales woman un-wrapped the black patent leather heel with its signature red bottom. Instinctively, I removed my flip-flop, and she slid the shoe on. It fit like a glove. I stood and looked in the full-length mirror. Gaping at my reflection, I saw Cara smile at me through it.What do you think? the sales woman asked.We'll take them, Cara said.I spun around a nd saw Cara pulling Vincent's Amex card out of my wallet. She handed it to the sal es woman.Cara, do you know how much these cost? I cannot buy them.Good thing you're n ot buying them. Vincent is.Vincent had been more than gracious. I couldn't buy thes e shoes on his card not after how much my dress cost. Thinking of buying them ma de me sick to my stomach. I looked to Cara and she glared at me. I just shook my head. Cara was crazy. We took our new items and left the mall to head home. We stopped by Vincent's and picked up my car, since we had extra time. The day passed in the blink of an eye. We were primped, groomed, gussied, waxed, polished, and ready for the evening. All we needed to do was put on our dresses and for me, m y new shoes.As I pulled the car in the driveway, we had about thirty minutes bef ore it was time to leave. I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't w ait for Vincent to see me in this dress. Cara pulled in ahead of me and parked m y car in the garage.When she hopped out I asked. Do you think it's going to start r aining again?God, I hope not.We gathered our bags from the trunk, which was on the front end of the car. As we went inside, we immediately went into our own rooms to dress. Normally, we would've gotten ready together, but since we were just dres sing, we opted for a little privacy. I pulled my gorgeous gown out of the bag th e sales woman had placed it in. It was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen.I pulled the gold satin up my body and put the finishing touches on my outfit for the eve ning, sliding on my new black Christian Louboutin heels. I had never owned a pai r before, and they were fabulous. I put a few of my make-up items in one of my b lack clutches. I gave myself one last look in the mirror, checking my hair and m ake-up. I was more than satisfied with the results.When I went out into the livi ng room, Cara was dressed and waiting for me. She went with a red strapless mini dress. It hugged her body perfectly with a thin silver belt and silver heels. W e both wore our hair up, and Mac outdid themselves with our makeup.Wow, you look stunning, I said and she spun around.Thanks. You look gorgeous. You're going to blow Vincent away.The doorbell rang, making my heart jump into my throat. With Vincen t, I often got butterflies, but tonight it seemed different. I was on a whole ot her level of excitement. I wanted to take his breath away, not just physically b ut emotionally. Tonight I would not just show him how much he meant to me, but I'd tell him.I opened the door, and standing in front of me was a very dapper Vince nt dressed in a black tux. His eyes scanned my body, and he shook his head, taki ng me in his arms. He kissed me with so much power, it caught me off guard. I wr apped my arms around his neck, threading my fingers into the back of his hair.Com e on you two. Get a fucking room, Abel, so rudely, said. I hadn't even noticed him at the door with Vincent. I was too focused on how mouthwatering Vincent looked. The comment from Abel didn't affect Vincent. He slightly pulled away but continue d to nibble my lips.He looked deep into my eyes. You are absolutely breathtaking. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.I smiled at him and notic ed there was a bit of anxiety hidden deep within his eyes. Thanks. You look mouth watering in that tux.Seriously guys, I mean it. Get a fucking room.Vincent growled, and for once, I heard Cara laugh at something Abel had said. We walked inside, and Abel pushed past us in a hurry to get to Cara.Wow, you look fucking gorgeous,

and you're wearing my favorite color, Abel said.Cara blushed a bit but rebounded q uickly, putting a sober expression on her face. Don't try to flatter me or flirt wi th me. I didn't wear this for you. Where's your date anyways?He laughed at her and po pped the bottle of Chrystal he had in his hand. Sweetheart, you are my date.She ro lled her eyes. The fuck I am. Have you lost your mind?He chuckled at her. The soun d reminded me of Vincent.All right you two. You have all night to fight. Can we p lease enjoy a toast and get on road? Vincent asked.Vincent ignored them as they g lared at each other and handed me a sleek blue Tiffany box. Here, beautiful. I go t this for you.He had already gotten me so much. Another gift was too much. He pl aced it in my hands, and I knew I couldn't argue with him. I opened the top, and n estled in the fabric was a chain with a single pear-shaped diamond.Oh, Vince. It's beautiful.He smiled, looking deep into my eyes. You like it?I love it. I said, wrappi ng my arms around his neck.When I saw it, I knew it was perfect for you.I kissed h im passionately, with everything I had. When I pulled away, I looked into his ey es. I could still see the anxiety. Maybe we just needed to get on the road, and he would relax.Vincent put the necklace on my neck and then Abel said a toast. He re's to the best double date, I've ever been on. We all laughed and clinked glasses, sipping our champagne.Are you guys ready? Vincent asked.Absolutely, let's get this pa rty started, Abel said, wrapping his arm around Cara's waist. A limo was waiting fo r us when we went outside. An older gentleman held the door open, and we all cli mbed in.The limo ride was entertaining, to say the least. We joked and made fun of Cara's apparent dislike for Abel. The atmosphere was fun and light, and I could n't keep my hands off of my necklace. It felt foreign around my neck. I never wore jewelry, but this was a piece I didn't want to take off.Vincent grabbed my hand, removing it from the chain. He leaned down and kissed the diamond and then place d our hands in his lap. Our hands lay intertwined, as I felt his erection throug h his pants.I listened as Cara and Abel fought about real sugar versus fake suga r and if they would rather get diabetes or cancer. Who knows how they got on the subject, but watching them argue was funny. I turned to Vincent and wanted to e ase his worry, so I pressed my lips against his, watching as he closed his eyes.T hank you for everything today and my necklace, I love it.He looked at me and nodd ed his head without speaking. Leaning down, he kissed me again, and we got lost in each other in that moment. I enjoyed the sweet taste of his lips and how he l oved me with his mouth. My lips instantly parted inviting his tongue in, but the n he stopped.I need to tell you something, he said.No, not now. This was not the p lace to say the words, especially with his brother and my best friend sitting ne xt to us.I placed two fingers on his soft lips. Not now, love. Later, okay?He star ed at me confused and clearly unsure of how to respond. The car slowed, and my d oor opened. The driver reached for my hand to help me out. As the four of us ent ered the newly revamped Lazio's, I noticed that Charlie had gone all out. The rest aurant was completely transformed. Not only had he re-done the menu, but the ins ide had been completely redecorated. Previously, it was dark and dim with old wo rld charm. Now it had a light and airy feel, and I liked the change. The colors were cream and lime green with tons of greenery throughout. He also had the pati o remodeled for outside seating and a bar was now outside as well.Looking around , the men all wore tuxedos and the women were in elegant gowns.Charlie approache d us as we found a table. Vincent, Abel, Alexa, I'm so glad you made it. Forgive me but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting this lovely young lady.Abel went to spea k, I'm assuming to introduce Cara, but she stepped in front of him and shook Charl ie's hand.I'm Cara, Alexa's friend. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir, and thank you for h aving me tonight. I've heard a lot of great things about you from Lex and Vincent.C harlie looked confused and Abel threw his arms up in the air and walked away to the bar.Cara, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries, but I assumed you were here with Abel, Charlie said.Not at all, sir. But no, I'm no t. I came with Lex and Vincent.Charlie chuckled. Ahh. Then would you like to have a drink with me?Absolutely. I love free drinks, she teased.He laughed and said, I li ke you, Cara.She smiled and took his arm as he held it out to her.Well that was un expected. Who knew that Cara would get along better with Charlie than with Abel. I said.Vincent pulled me close to him, looking deep into my eyes. My dad is a cha rmer. What can I say?I shook my head at Vincent. I was glad to see Charlie enjoyi

ng himself, even if it pissed Abel off. I was also happy that Charlie wasn't worki ng. He was a guest here just like everyone else. I watched Abel stare at the two of them as they approached the bar. He took a swig of his beer but didn't take hi s eyes off of Cara.Would you like a drink, babe? Vincent asked.I shook my head. I was too nervous to drink. I felt awkward next to Vincent. He had already caught the eye of everyone around us. Although I looked the part tonight, I was far fro m it. I scanned the room at all of the prim and proper rich couples around us; t his seemed like a typical Friday night to them. I felt lost and unsure of what I was supposed to do.Dance with me, he said.Vincent had already walked us halfway t o the dance floor before I could respond. I was not a dancer and was self-consci ous about being in front of people I didn't know. I cringed on the inside and felt like I was losing control of the situation, but I wasn't going to turn my back on Vincent. He sensed my anxiety and saw the uncertainty in my eyes as we stopped just short of the glistening hardwood floor.Don't worry, love. Just follow my lead and look in my eyes.Vincent was an amazing dancer, he moved with precision and gr ace. I looked into his eyes and found the clarity I'd been searching for. There wa s my man; he was calm, confident, and loving.When the song ended, Charlie cut in . May I have the next dance with Alexa?Vincent didn't question him as he handed me o ver to his father. There was a clear bond of trust that couldn't be broken. I watc hed Vincent walk over to Cara and Abel standing at one of the small tables. Char lie started to move, and I tripped a little on his feet, and we both laughed at the little miss-hap.Sorry. I have two left feet. I'm nothing like my son when it co mes to dancing. He and Judith were the dancers of the family.Was Judith your wife?H e smiled, and I could see his mind drift back to the memory of her.Yeah, she was. She and Vincent were so close. I never thought he would come around after we lo st her. It's taken him years to smile again, especially with the recent betrayal h e endured. I'm assuming he told you about both?He did. It's one of the things I love a bout Vince. He's always so open with me.He smiled from ear to ear. So, you love him then?Yes, I do.Good. I know he feels the same about you.I looked at Vincent as he was looking at me, with love and devotion. We exchanged a smile, and he turned to s ee who was behind him when Liam and C.J. approached.Shit!What were they doing he re? We hadn't told anyone at work about us and this was neither the time nor the p lace. Tonight was about Charlie and Lazio's.As the song ended, I said, Charlie, tha nks so much for the dance and telling for me about Vincent and Judith.Oh, it was m y pleasure. Thank you for making my son so happy.I smiled at him and gave him a h ug before I excused myself to the ladies room. I needed a little time to process what I had just seen. As I rushed off of the dance floor, Cara saw me and she i mmediately followed. I walked as fast as my legs would carry me in my heels. I e ntered the restroom, and Cara was right behind me. I walked to the sink and brac ed myself by holding onto the edge of the counter.What's going on? Cara asked.Liftin g my head, I looked at her in the reflection of the mirror. Liam and C.J. are her e.Did you not know they were gonna be here?I turned around to face Cara and said, Of course not. We haven't told anyone at the office that we're dating.Oh, she whispered, and when I saw the concern in her eyes, I knew there was something she wasn't tell ing me.Why are you looking at me like that? I asked nervously.Umm I think Vincent in vited them.Why would you say that? I questioned her. My stomach tightened in disbel ief. Why would he do that without telling me?Because I was standing there when th ey walked up, and they both thanked him for inviting them.I shook my head as tear s filled my eyes. Why would he go behind my back?Maybe you should go talk to him, Cara said.But I didn't want to talk to him. I was so hurt that he would do somethi ng like this without talking to me first. I thought that I could trust him.The t ears began to fall down my cheeks. I don't know what to say.Just be honest.I turned my head when the bathroom door opened. Quickly wiping my tears away, I watched as a beautiful brunette woman slowly walked into the restroom.Her eyes locked with mine when she said, You must be Alexa.I don't know how she knew me because I was pre tty sure I had never seen her before.I'm sorry, do I know you?She leaned over the si nk and grabbed a tissue. I felt a little foolish crying in front of a stranger w hen she handed it to me.Here, sweetie. You may want to clean yourself up. You loo k a mess.By the tone of her voice, I knew she wasn't being polite.I'm Vincent's fianc, An gela, she said.Her eyes never left mine when Cara said, Excuse me, who are you?I ha

rdly heard Cara's words, as my body suddenly grew cold. I stood frozen, in complet e shock. I was unable to grasp the thoughts that were flooding through my mind.W ith a shaky voice I said, What are you doing here?This is a family event, and I'm pra ctically family.What are you talking about? He told me that you cheated on him. He told me he left you. As I said that to her, I shook my head. I no longer knew wh at to believe.Come on, let's go, Cara said as she grabbed my hand. I jerked it back. I had to stay. I had to know the truth.Angela tilted her head to the side and s aid, Sweetie, he tells the same story to all of them. You're not the only one.But Vin ce wouldn't do that to me.Would he? How could I be so foolish to put my trust into somebody I barely even knew? I let my walls down and he completely took advantag e of me.I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you, but this is who he is. This is w hat he does. He tells them all the same thing: that I cheated on him, that I bro ke his heart. It's nothing but a game to him.But why?Because he doesn't know how to be f aithful. But we love each other, so I accept him for who he is.I can't stand here an d listen to this shit any longer, Cara said.As I peeled my eyes away from Angela, a new sheen of tears washed down my face. Emotions took over. The one time I al lowed myself to open up to someone, it was just a sick game.I looked at Cara. I d on't know what to do.We will figure it out, Lex. Let's just go. She reached down and he ld my hand as she walked me back out into the restaurant.Stepping out into the c rowds of people, I was overwhelmed by embarrassment. I tucked my head down in sh ame, and I tightened my grip on Cara's hand. I couldn't control the tears. My body t rembled with anxiety, and with every step I took, I felt pieces of my heart brea king away. I was humiliated, like every person in that room knew what Vincent ha d done to me.Cara, just get me out of here, I whispered.Cara wrapped her arm aroun d me and rushed us as quickly as she could to the front doors. Cara pushed the d oors open, and the cold rain stung my skin. It was pouring. Our limo driver ran to the car to open the door.Lex, wait! I heard his voice calling from behind.Stay t he fuck away from her, Vincent, Cara snapped from over her shoulder.When the driv er opened the door, I turned to him. Vincent looked between the two of us, compl etely lost.Lex, what happened? he asked, grabbing me.I jerked away from him. Don't fu cking touch me.What's going on, babe?Leave her alone, Vincent. Just walk away.Cara, jus give me a second.Cara reluctantly slid inside the car.Vincent placed both of his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the face. What happened?I pulled out of hi s grip and wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. How could you lie to me?Wh at are you talking about? I've never lied to you.Do you think I'm stupid? I'm not a fuck ing idiot! I screamed.With worry in his eyes, he stepped closer to me. No, I don't, babe. What are you talking about? What happened?I never should've opened myself up t o you. I knew I should have never trusted you. Angela told me everything.He grabb ed me again, this time, tightly around my waist and held me to him. Baby, I never lied. You're everything to me. I don't know what she said to you but it's not the tru th.With both of my fists clenched, I slammed them on his chest as I said, I don't kn ow what to believe anymore. But I know I can't believe you.What did she say to you? h e demanded.It doesn't matter, Vincent. We're done. I should've known better. There's a re ason why I have my rules. I shouldn't have broken them for you. How many other gir ls are there?I stood, shaking, trying to catch my breath as the cold rain pelted my skin.Baby, it's only you. It's only been you. There is no one else in this world f or me but you. He reached for my chin and turned my face to look up into his.I sh rugged out of his grip. I'm not stupid. I met you at a club. How many other girls h ave you met at that place? You know what, just forget it. I don't want to know. Ju st stay the fuck away from me. You're nothing but a goddamn liar.With a pleading to ne, he said, Baby, I can't stay away from you. Don't you get it? I love you.I looked a t his pain-filled face as tears rolled down his cheeks mixed with the rain. You d on't know how to love.I got into the car and slammed the door. Cara yelled at the d river to go.Looking into Vincent's eyes and seeing his tears killed me. My heart w as crushed. It had been ripped out of my chest and was left bleeding on the roug h pavement as his feet. I howled into Cara, and with every breath, the pain incr eased. I had never allowed myself to love anyone, and the one time that I did, h e used me. He lied to me, and he betrayed me. Then he had the audacity to say th at he loved me. He didn't know the first thing about love.As the world around me s hattered, I gripped onto Cara. She was my only constant in this messed up world.

Thinking back to Angela's words was like a knife to my gut. She was right, he had played me.The tears flowed through me. The pain I was experiencing was unlike a nything I had ever felt before. In a short period of time, fate had brought me m y soul mate. I let my walls down and lost all control, allowing myself to fall i n love. I was nave enough to only see the good in him and never questioned anythi ng else.The driver pulled up to the condo and quickly opened our door. Cara and I ran through the pouring rain. When we entered the condo, I dropped my shoes, w hich I was holding, and immediately went into my bathroom to shower. I hoped the hot water could ease a little of my pain. Cara was right behind me as I struggl ed to get out of my dress. Due to the rain it clung to my skin. She unzipped the back and peeled it down my body.Are you okay? she asked as she turned on the wate r.I didn't answer her. It took every ounce of my energy to not collapse to the flo or as I stood there lifeless. She didn't speak again; she just continued to help m e. First unclasping my bra and then she reached for my necklace. I grabbed it in stinctively and pulled away, shaking my head. She nodded at me as I stepped into the shower letting the hot water flow over my numb body. I don't think the water could've been hot enough to take away an ounce of my pain, but I turned it up anyw ay, trying to dull the ache within.I was overcome with emotion, thinking about w alking away from Vincent. I pictured his hazel eyes filled with tears when he fi nally said the words to me, he told me he loved me and it was all a lie. As hard as it was for me, I knew it was better to push through this now. He was a liar and tonight that point was proven to meThis is what you have to do.I got out of the shower without even washing myself. I grabbed my robe from the back of the b athroom door and slid it on. I crawled into my bed and curled up on Vincent's side . The pillow still held his scent. I inhaled into it deeply with everything I ha d, holding onto his scent, and wept into the pillow. Smelling him was too much, and I wished the blackness would take me over. That was the only way I could be free of this pain for a little while. Each minute felt like ten, and the darknes s never came. It felt like hours had passed, but when I looked at the clock, it was only nine o'clock.I heard banging on the front door, and I knew it was him. Ca ra came down from her room and talked to him through the door. His voice was muf fled, so I couldn't make out what he was saying. She was smart enough to not open the door. I knew if he had any way in, he would have barged in here and demanded that we speak. When the silence returned, and I lost the sound of his voice, th e weeping took over again.About an hour later, Cara came into check on me. I was awake and scooted over for her to sit down.Hey. How are you doing? she asked.I can't sleep, and I have a headache.I'm sorry, sweetie. I had hoped you were able to get s ome sleep, that's why I've left you alone.It's not your fault. It's no one's fault but Vinc nt's.I know. I hate to tell you this, but he's still outside. He hasn't left. I know you'r e angry with him, but he's not leaving until you talk to him. Maybe you should hea r him out?I can't talk to him. I have nothing to say.As much as it pained me, I neede d my space to regain some composure before I faced him.Tell him I'm sleeping, Give him the Bugatti key, and tell him to go home.She rubbed my back and leaned down g ently kissing my tear stained cheek.Okay.She walked out of my room, leaving the do or cracked. I heard her open the front door. Cara spoke softly as she repeated e xactly what I had told her to say. As she spoke, I could hear him sob.I heard hi m say with so much pain in his voice it was almost unrecognizable, I'm not taking t he fucking car. Please, Cara. Just let me see her. I need to talk to her. I'm losi ng my fucking mind. I need her to know that I didn't cheat on her. She's my everythi ng.Cara kept her cool and continued to speak to him in a soft even tone. She was good at handling angry patients, and I could tell she was taking the same tactic with him.I'm sorry. She's asleep and exhausted. I'm not going to let you wake her up. Go home and get some rest yourself. She just needs a little space. I'll have her c all you tomorrow.Cara, please, he sobbed, cursing and slammed, what sounded like hi s fist, on the door when Cara closed it. Cara never came back into my room, and I hoped to God that he went home. When I woke from a little sleep with a headach e from so much crying, I went in to the kitchen to get myself a drink of water a nd some Tylenol. To my surprise, the Bugatti key was still on the counter. I pee ked out of the kitchen window, and slumped on the front porch, was Vincent. He h eld his head in his hands and was frozen. Watching him sitting out there killed

me. The man I loved, so broken and hurt. A sob escaped my throat, and he turned to the door.Lex, are you there?I put my hand over my mouth to stifle the noise. My instincts moved me to the front door, and I placed my hand on it. I wanted to b e as close to him as possible. I rested my head on the door and cried, trying my best to stay as quiet as I could. Vincent spoke again, his words immediately ca lming me. And for the first time in hours, I felt like I could breathe.Please bab y, talk to me. I'm so sorry. You have to know that. I never meant to hurt you.I cou ldn't stand any longer, and I yearned to be in his arms. My body slid to the floor . I know that he knew I was there, but if I stayed quiet, I could selfishly indu lge in Vincent one last time.Baby, please let me in so we can talk. I can't stand b eing away from you.I curled into a ball and left my hand resting on the door. Eve ry so often he would speak to me; the sound of his voice calming everything with in me. I was pressed against the cold tile floor, my body and my hand gripping t he door, as if I could feel Vincent. I dozed off, letting the darkness wash away my pain. Sweetie, how are you today? Cara woke me, and instantly, I wished she hadn't. The pa in of being without Vincent hit me like a mac truck.Why are you on the floor? Cara asked.I stood up and went to the kitchen window. Vincent was gone. I walked to the couch and sat, pulling my body into a tight ball. Cara covered me up with my favorite throw and sat next to me.I came out here to get some Tylenol and Vincen t was still here. He heard me cry through the door and I was drawn to him. I cou ldn't help myself from selfishly indulging in him one more time. His voice calmed me and I must've fallen asleep, on the floor.I'm sorry. I had no idea you were out her e.It's okay. There's nothing that you could've done. Do you know what time he left?I text d Abel after Vincent wouldn't take the key. When I told him what had happened, he had no idea and said Vincent told them all you were feeling sick and went home. I told him Vincent was here and wouldn't leave, that he had been on our front porc h for almost an hour. He was working and said he would get someone to cover for him and come over as soon as he could. I don't know what time that was though, I'm s orry.A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of Vincent on my porch and having t o be taken home by his older brother. Cara sat next to me, and I lifted my head to rest it in her lap. We sat in silence and she let me just be.What do you say w e get out and walk to Starbucks? You need some coffee and fresh air.I nodded my h ead. I didn't want to lie in my bed and stare as the spot Vincent normally occupie d or smell his lingering scent. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so getting out was the only other option.The sun was bright, and the rain from the night before had dissipated. I didn't look at his car that was still in the driveway. Thoughts of that car and us raced through my mind. I let the tears roll down my cheeks a nd focused on putting one foot in front of the other.Cara walked alongside of me , not rushing my pace. She didn't talk or force me to relive the events from the n ight before.Starbucks was packed as it normally was on the weekends. All of the locals needed their Saturday morning coffee. I sat outside on one of the benches , letting the sun warm my skin while Cara went in to get our drinks. I watched t he rolling clouds and blue sky. It reminded me of waking up in Vincent's bed. I cl osed my eyes, and the feeling of the warm sun on my skin felt like his body wrap ped around mine.Cara came out, interrupting my daydream, and handed me my drink. Are you feeling okay?I shrugged my shoulders and got to my feet, walking away wit hout answering her. I was unable to talk as the tears rolled down my face and ra n off of my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them away. There was no point because they weren't going to stop. I had never cried so much in all of my life. The pain was unbearable. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. My insides felt as t hough they had been ripped out of my chest, leaving a large fissure in their pla ce. I thought back to the day my grandfather had passed, remembering the pain I experienced when I lost him. I watched him take his last breaths, as the cancer slowly killed him and it didn't even compare to what I was feeling right now.What a re you going to do today? I have to work at two o'clock. Cara said.What was I going to do? I sure as hell wasn't going to sit at home alone, and wallow in my self-pi ty. Since I couldn't go to work with Cara, I needed to figure out on my own how to handle talking to Vincent.I think I'll take a drive to clear my mind. I need to do something to keep my mind busy. I need to figure out what to say to Vincent, I

can't avoid him forever.I think that's a good idea. I do agree you need to figure out how to handle seeing and speaking to him again, before you go to work.I really di dn't know what else I could do. We walked up to the condo, and there was a note tu cked in the front door. My heart broke; he was not going to make this easy on me .Baby, please talk to me about what happened. You cannot believe a word that Ang ela said. I love you, Vincent.I figured I would text him and tell him that I wou ld call him later. I didn't need him stopping by here again. I found my black clut ch from last night. Tucked neatly inside was his black Amex card, my I.D., cell phone, and Vincent's favorite lip-gloss. He said he liked the way it tasted and wo uld always nibble it off my lips. I threw the clutch across the room and sat on one of the barstool chairs. Cara came down from her room, finding my items scatt ered about the living room.Lex, what happened?I didn't answer her, what could I say besides `I childishly threw my clutch across the room, thinking about my ex-boyfri end nibbling lip-gloss off of my lips.' I couldn't believe he was my ex.She collecte d my items and sat next to me. She had my phone in her hand and set my clutch on the counter. When she slid it towards me, I pushed it back.I can't.She glanced at t he screen when it flashed, and I saw the alarm on her face.What's wrong? I asked, an d she shrugged her shoulders. Tell me, damn it. I can't look at it, I snapped.She pr essed the center button, illuminating the screen on my iPhone. You have twenty-tw o missed phone calls and fifteen text messages.Fuck.I snatched my phone, unable t o ignore the insane amount of missed calls and texts. As I scrolled threw the ca ll log, they were all from Vincent. I went over to the text messages and it was the same, minus one from Bridgette.I can't talk to him right now.She nodded her head in understanding. I know you can't. Why don't you take a shower and get dressed and we'll leave at the same time?I knew that was what I needed to do. Then the thought of his car blocking mine in crossed my mind. I couldn't bring myself to move the B ugatti, and I didn't think Cara would be able to figure out how to start it, much less drive it.Cara, will you call Abel and ask him to pick up the car and take it to Vincent?I grabbed my clutch and opened it. Staring at me was his Amex card. I placed it on the counter next to the key, and I walked off without waiting for her response. I knew that Cara would do anything I needed at this point. She had always been there for me. Without her, I'm not sure what I would do.As I stood un der the scalding hot water, it didn't ease the agony I was feeling inside. To comp licate things, I wasn't looking forward to spending the day alone. My mind was rac ing and I already felt anxious.As I washed myself, thoughts of Vincent doing it for me flashed through my mind. I rinsed, trying to erase the memories, and turn ed the water off. As I started to dry myself I noticed the towel smelt like Vinc ent, and I immediately dropped it. All I wanted to do today was not think about him for one minute. But he was consuming me.I dressed in long yoga pants, flip-f lops, a tank top and a zip-up hoody. I grabbed my keys and when I picked up my c ell phone, it vibrated with a text from Vincent:Baby, please call me.If I wanted a fighting chance at surviving work on Monday, I needed to clear my mind and pu t some distance between us. I text him back.I don't know what there is to talk to about.Cara and I went outside and the Bugatti was gone. Having his car no longer there, made me feel that much farther away from him. I was saddened by the memo ry of it, and now that it was gone, I felt like we were really over. I looked to Cara, and she saw the disbelief on my face.Abel had one of the guys from the sta tion bring him here as soon as I texted him. He said Vince isn't doing well, and h e really wishes you would talk to him.I kept walking and opened the garage. Getti ng in my car, I avoided her insinuation that I should talk to him.I'm sorry, Cara. Thank you for everything, I said.She gave me a half smile and walked to her car w ith her shoulders bowed. I knew she was only trying to help. We both pulled out of the driveway and headed out of the neighborhood.I had no destination in mind, I just drove. I felt like a zombie because I was completely zoned out. I tried to think of what to say to Vincent, when I saw him. Maybe it would be easier to just call him. He was so intense that I knew if I saw him in person, things woul d be so much harder to handle.I had driven for over an hour and had not gone any where. I headed back home, feeling exhausted. I was desperate to clear my mind, if only for a minute. I turned up the music as loud as it would go when `Sail' by Aw olnation came on the radio. Prior to Vincent, music was my only release to the w

orld around me and the thoughts that would run rampant through my mind. I let th e music absorb in to me and thought of nothing but the lyrics, as I screamed to them.I pulled up to my house and he was there.Fuck!I wanted to keep driving, but he saw me, and I knew he would've gotten in his car and followed me if I didn't sto p. I turned the music down and pulled into the driveway. I took off my sunglasse s and placed them in their case, wasting as much time as I could before I got ou t of the car. I opened my door and mustered up as much strength as I could, slow ly walking towards the porch. I tried to not look at him, but I was drawn to him like a magnet. When my eyes connected with his, the expression across his face was that of anger.Wow. Looks like you're having a great day. I'm so glad to see that you're out and about, driving around with your top down and music blaring. I'm happy you're handling this so well.Was he fucking serious? Did he not know me at all?Vinc ent, cut the crap. You know damn well I'm not handling this well. You broke my fuc king heart, so please tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?I want to know why you had my brother give me back the car. I told Cara I didn't want it. The least you could've done was face me yourself.I walked past him and went to the front door. I sure as hell was not going to be fighting on my front porch with him.That car is yours. You loaned it to me for one day. I gave you the opportunit y to take it back last night, and you refused. It was blocking my car, so I had Abel return it to you.He was inches behind me, and the fucking door wouldn't open.D amn lock!Why can't you keep it?I spun around, shocked and glaring at him. I don't want the fucking car, Vincent. Don't you see what you did? You broke my trust and you l ied to me. Not only did you lie to me, but we had a deal, and you went behind my back.Fuck your deal. That's not what this is about. You were having second thoughts about us. I know you were.What was he talking about? I was in love with him. I s till am, and I for once in my life, I can honestly say that I never second-guess ed a minute I spent with him. I opened the door and flew inside. I went the couc h and turned to see him heading towards me.Vincent continued, Just like Angela, y ou doubted me. Rather than speak to me about it, you brushed it off like it was nothing. Then you decide I have to agree to some bullshit deal while you figure out what the fuck you want. Well, news flash, babe. Welcome to the real world wh ere people talk about their feelings. I wanted you, plain and simple, and I didn't care who knew. Clearly I wasn't enough for you, and you found your way out by say ing I lied to you. Now you believe some bullshit my ex has told you. Alexa, I ne ver lied to you. Every word, every feeling, and every emotion that I shared with you was from my heart and one hundred percent true. I fucking love you.Vincent, s top it. You can't come in here and say things like that. Just leave. Go find Angel a or another one of your girlfriends.His eyes blazed with a mix of anger and pain as he looked at me. I placed my head in my hands, and I tried to collect my wit s. When I looked up, he had walked out on me. I froze like a statue, unable to m ove. My breathing increased, and I gasped for air. I felt like my heart was bein g ripped out of my chest all over again. I know I told him to go, but having him walk out on me brought the pain from the last night to surface. I realized I wa s hyperventilating just as my vision blurred. The world around me spun, and I wa s panting for air. I grasped for my breath, but it was gone. There was nothing l eft for me grab onto; it had walked out the door. Are you okay?I looked up to Cara, and realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. M y memory clicked with the events that had taken place earlier in the day. I must have passed out after Vincent left.She grabbed my arm to help me stand. Come on. Let's get you to bed.I halted in my tracks and shook my head. I couldn't go in there and sleep in that bed. I couldn't lay there where we had so many times and loved one another. I crawled back on the couch, and she covered me with my blanket. Ca ra moved the loose tendrils of hairs out of my face.Do you need anything? she aske d.A bottle of water would be great.She got up and went into the kitchen. Did you kn ow the front door was wide open?He was here, I said.She spun around and looked at m e wide eyed. What do you mean he was here? Did you call him?I kept my calm and gat hered my thoughts before I spoke. No. When I came home from my drive he was here waiting and pissed about the car. He walked out on me. It's over between us, Cara.Oh , sweetie, I'm so sorry I wasn't home.It's okay. It had to be done. Maybe now we both ca n move on.You're a strong and brave girl, you know that? she said.I didn't feel strong

or brave. Inside everything was broken, I was completely shattered. I may put on the faade that I was strong, but the truth be known, I was far from it.Vincent h ad worked from home this week. It made things easier to not have to see him. I h ad survived three days straight at work putting on a faade. It took all of my str ength to act as though everything was normal. I only had two more days of this t orture and then I could crawl into a ball on my couch for the weekend.I hadn't mad e it back to the hospital since Vivian went off on me. Bridgette had been asking to have dinner with me. I kept making up excuses, avoiding her. I didn't want to explain what had happened with Vincent. I knew if I saw her that she would be as king questions about us, and I couldn't lie.All I could do at this point was focus on getting through the minutes of each day. I didn't know what the next minute wo uld bring or where my emotions would take me. As I looked down at the clock on m y computer it was already four o'clock, and I was exhausted. I hadn't been taking lu nches, so I gathered my things to head home and sulk.Cara wasn't home tonight, she was working another swing shift. Walking into the quiet house was still somethi ng I didn't like. I went over and turned the T.V. on, along with a few lights. I p opped a piece of toast into the toaster and headed into my room to change. Toast had become my new meal of choice. It was all that tasted good and about the onl y thing that I could keep down. I put on the rattiest sweats and t-shirt I had a nd went back to the kitchen. My toast popped up, and I added a little butter on it before making myself comfortable on the couch. I was trying my best to move f orward and out of this slump, but something was holding me back.I woke around fo ur in the morning after only having an hour of sleep. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I had tried every day this week and was unsuccessful, so why try to beat a dead horse today. I decided to go ahead and throw myself together. The one good thing about these extremely early mornings was the lack of traffic and I was the first one at the office. I was able to stay caught up on what I ne eded to do and was even helping Portia with some of her work.Since it had been c lose to five days with little to no sleep, I knew my appearance looked like deat h. I stayed as busy as I could to keep from talking to others. I also spent a gr eat deal of time in the file room, alone. My skin was pale, and I had black circ les under my eyes. It didn't help that I couldn't keep much food down.I was survivin g solely on caffeine thank God my body craved it. It was time for my second latt e of the morning as my stomach growled to remind me. I took the elevator down an d walked across the street to the Starbucks. When I walked in, I was the only cu stomer. The employees had gotten to know me well and knew my order, so I paid an d was on my way back to work in no time. The weather outside was nice today. It was finally starting to cool down since we were in September.I texted Cara as I walked back, just like I did every day to say `good morning' and to let her know I w as well. As I exited the elevator and rounded the corner to my desk, my heart st opped when I saw Vincent in his office.Shit, he's here!I kept my head down and wen t straight to my desk. I knew he had a perfect view of me as I did of him. I did n't dare let him see me looking at him, especially in the condition I was in. Quit e frankly, I looked pathetic.I grabbed my purse and went to the bathroom. When I walked in, I rested myself against the sink and turned on the water and splashe d it on my face. I focused solely on my breathing to try and keep it under contr ol. The last thing I needed was to pass out at work. The cold water calmed me, a nd I felt a little better. I dried my face and put on as much powder as I could to hide the dark circles under my eyes. I added a thick layer of lips gloss in h opes that it would draw any attention away from my eyes and to my mouth. I took a few more calming breaths before I left the bathroom. I wanted to make sure tha t I was in complete and total control.Vincent was talking to C.J. when I left th e bathroom. I was surprised to see him looking so great. He seemed to be well re sted and didn't have any dark circles under his eyes like I did. Apparently, he no longer needed me to help with his insomnia. Maybe that was another lie as well, or since Angela was here, he now had her. I heard him apologize to C.J. for wor king from home this week. He told him he wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get anyone else in the office sick. What a liar. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.I wa lked past them without looking in their direction. I could feel both of their ey es on me as I passed, but I kept my head held high and went back to my desk. I d

idn't realize how hard it was going to be to see him again, much less working toge ther. This was going to be nearly impossible. I don't think I would be able to com e in here every day and look at him.I searched online for paralegal jobs in the Denver area. I had to find a new job, plain and simple. Vincent was a partner he re, so there was no way that he was going to leave. I kept myself occupied with job searching for hours. It was four o'clock when I checked the time, and as usual I left since I hadn't taken a lunch. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk towar ds the elevator without looking in the direction of his office. As much as I wan ted to glance in there, I didn't. I put my head down and focused on getting out of there as fast as I could.Vincent caught me as I waited for the elevator. Hey, ar e you okay? he asked with concern etched across his face.What kind of question wa s that? Was I okay? I was at a loss for words and didn't want to break down. I swa llowed hard and nodded my head. He stepped closer to me and ran the back of his hand down my cheek. Instinctively, I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. W hen the elevator arrived, I had to force myself to walk into it. I wanted nothin g more than to collapse in his arms, but I couldn't.As I stood in the elevator, I looked into his eyes and pressed the lobby button.I'll see you tomorrow? he asked.I gave him a half smile and nodded my head as tears started rolling down my cheeks . Unable to take my eyes off of him as the doors closed, I watched him until he was gone.On my drive home I called Bridgette. I had been blowing her off for day s and wanted to apologize.Hey, Bridge. How are you, doll?Hey, I'm good. Mom's doing rea lly well. All her blood work came back normal. So they scheduled her surgery for tomorrow morning.Oh, good, sweetie, I'm glad to hear that.Do you want to have dinner tonight? I really miss you?I knew I should be there for Bridgette, but I felt so tired, and seeing Vincent today had taken a toll on me emotionally.I wish I could , I really do, but I have to work late.Okay. I understand. How are you?I...I'm okay. J ust busy with work, like always.Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear that work is busy.Th anks.I love you.Love you too, doll. Bye.After I hung up, traffic came to a halt on th e freeway. Great. This was just what I didn't need tonight. As I rolled through th e slow traffic, I pictured Vincent's face as the elevator doors closed. He looked genuinely concerned, although well rested. Maybe he was relieved that we were br oken up and took a few days to give me space. I knew I needed to come to terms w ith the fact there was no future for us, but that was easier said than done.I fe lt bad for lying to Bridgette about working late and not having dinner, but my m ind had been too preoccupied with Vincent. I wouldn't have been good company. I slept for a total of two hours, which was the most sleep I've had in almost a we ek. It was six o'clock, and thankfully Starbucks was open. I slipped on a pair of leggings and a hoodie and quietly went outside. The weather was crisp, but a nic e change from the heat I had become accustomed to.The walk to Starbucks was shor t. It took me all of five minutes to get there, and at this time of the morning, there were few customers. I forced myself to order a yogurt and a croissant. I knew I needed to eat. Normally, I would devour the croissant, so I knew if there was anything I was going to keep down other than toast, it would be this. I kne w I should be eating better. Vincent was taking good care of himself, so why sho uldn't I?I sat down with my latte and breakfast to eat what I could. The croissant tasted great, but watching my spoon poke around in the yogurt made with the fre sh berries unsettled my stomach. When I left, the sun was rising, and the birds were chirping, it was a surreal feeling being out this early in the morning. I h ad become all too familiar with these early morning walks with my lack of sleep. As I headed back home, I managed to eat the rest of my croissant and sipped on my latte.The house was still dark and quiet when I got home. I took my time chec king my emails. By the time I looked at the clock, I was running late. We had ou r usual morning staff meeting, which I was in charge of filling everyone in on a new case.I hopped in the shower and washed myself as quickly as I could. When I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and started my normal process with as much speed as I was capable of. After my hair was done, I applied a little make up a nd ran into my closet. I picked out my simple grey dress slacks with a baby pink silk top. When I laid the clothes on my bed, I noticed a missed call from Bridg ette on my cell phone. As I called her back, I walked into the bathroom to put s ome lotion on before I got dressed.Hey, sorry I missed you. I was drying my hair.S

he was sobbing uncontrollably, and I knew something was wrong.Bridgette, what's the matter?Fuck, Lex. I can't believe it. She's gone.What? What are you talking about?Mom. e died.I fell to the floor. The weight of what she just said hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach.I don't understand. How did t his happen?She continued to cry, and I knew I had to get to her.It's okay. Just stay where you are, and I'll be right there.I threw my phone across the room and it sha ttered. How the fuck did this happen? My mother was dead. She was fine last nigh t. I tried to get up, but the emotions took over. I should have gone to see her last night.I got on all fours in an attempt to get up, but couldn't. I screamed in to the ground and rested my head against the cold tile floor. I never thought lo sing her would feel like this. Tears ran down my cheeks, and everything within m e hurt. I was to the point of hyperventilating, wailing while I let everything o ut.My entire life I never had anything go my way. Vivian had never been there fo r me, and now that she was gone, it hurt. All I wanted was Vincent, he would mak e everything better. But he was gone too, this was all too much for me to take. My life was one shit storm after another. The one time I had something good that felt so right it was taken away. I didn't have Vincent anymore, and now I had los t my only parent. Although she was shitty and made my life hell, she was still m y mother.Cara must have heard me and came in. She sat on the floor with me and w rapped her arms around me. I cried into my best friends shoulder for God knows h ow long. She rocked us back and forth, while I let out every last ounce of energ y I had.Nausea took over, and I pushed off of Cara, barely making it to the toil et. I vomited up my breakfast. The doorbell started to ring repeatedly and then I heard banging on the front door. Cara hopped up and ran out of the room, I won dered if it was Bridgette. I didn't know how long I had been in the bathroom, but thinking of Vivian being gone made me start to hyperventilate again. The room st arted to spin. I leaned my head on the wall behind me to keep from fading into t he darkness and tried to control my breathing.Something caught the corner of my eye. When I turned to see what it was, it was him. Vincent was standing in the d oorway with despair in his eyes. He raced over to me and wrapped me in him arms. I embraced him tightly; like it was the last time I was going to see him. He pu lled away and placed his large hands on either side of my face and stared into m y eyes. Without speaking we stared at one another, and it caused me to cry harde r than I ever had before. He folded me securely in his arms. I felt mixed emotio ns, not only over the loss of my mother, but because I was in the arms of the ma n I loved whom I had recently lost as well. He sat on the floor with me, holding me tightly against his body. He smelt of Vincent, clean and light. My towel fel l off but I didn't care. I clung to him and he rocked us back and forth in silence . My tears soaked through his black shirt and was now stained white with my make -up.He finally spoke. Baby, what's wrong?I shook my head and buried it in the crook of his neck. I nestled my naked body closer to him. I saw Cara come in, and she grabbed the blanket off of my bed. She came over to us and draped it over me. Vi ncent didn't move his arms; he kept me tucked tightly in his hold as she laid the blanket over me.Vivian passed away this morning. We just found out before you got here, Cara said to him.He kissed the top of my head and laid his cheek against m y hair.Lex, do you want me to go to the hospital and get Bridge? I don't want her t here alone, Cara asked.I nodded my head, unable to speak at that moment. I knew t hat I needed to be there for my sister, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving Vincent's arms.Cara kneeled down and rubbed my back. I'll be right back, sweetie. Ju st take deep breaths and stay calm. You got her, Vincent?Yeah. We'll be fine, he said .I didn't want to move. I was afraid that if I did, I would wake up from the comfo rt of Vincent's arms and he would be gone. Cara left and my sobs eventually stoppe d.I'm sorry I wasn't here for you sooner, he said.I looked into his eyes. They had so much care and compassion in them. It's okay. You didn't know this would happen. How d id you know something was wrong?You said that I would see you this morning, and wh en you didn't show up for the meeting, I panicked. It's not like you to no call, no show. When I called you, your phone went straight to voicemail, so I came here t o make sure you were okay. Lex, I can't be without you anymore. This last week has been a living hell. You and I are meant for each other, and I'm not going to give up on that. I fucked up. I should've talked to you before I told Liam and C.J., b

ut damn it Alexa you're mine, and I want the whole world to know that. There is no one else out there for me. And Angela, she's a fucking psycho. She called me when I moved out here, and said her boyfriend left her. She wanted to get back toget her with me. I told her that she and I were done. I met someone else, and I said that you are the only one in the world meant for me. I haven't spoken to Angela s ince that call.I don't know what to say or how to respond to all of that. When I saw you yesterday, you looked great. You seemed so rested and happy. How could you have been in pain? And if you were in pain, what kept you away from me for those three days? It killed me to not see you, but it also killed me when I finally d id see you.Baby, the only reason I'm rested is because Abel forced me to go to the d octor on Monday. I was put on a sleeping pill, and between him and my dad, they've been babysitting me, ensuring I take the medication the doctors prescribed. I l iterally slept for three days straight, and when I woke up, I had to see you. It killed me to be away from you. You have to know that.It killed me just as bad, Vi ncent. What's happening between us it isn't natural. The connection I feel is so str ong that it scares the shit out of me.I know. I feel the same way, but we'll figure it out. It's not a bad thing to have a connection like we do. Please just give me another chance. I promise, I won't let you down. I know I said it once, but no mat ter what happens this time, we'll make it through together. I love you Alexa, more than anything in this world. I cannot live or breathe without you.As much as I k new I needed to push him away to keep from ever hurting again, I couldn't. Being w ith him for half a millisecond was worth the risk of my heart being ripped out o f my chest every day for the rest of my life.Vince, I love you too more than you know. I have been dying to say those words to you. To be honest, I have loved yo u since the night I fell into your arms.He sealed his lips around mine, and our m ouths molded together. It felt as though there hadn't been a lapse in time. The fe eling of kissing him was indescribable. I missed it more than I had even known p ossible. Vincent kept the kiss sweet and tender, never forcing anything, just al lowing our lips to do as they pleased while we stay pressed together. When he st opped, I looked deep into his beautiful hazel eyes. I knew in that moment, that I would fight to make things work.He smiled at me. You have the same look in your eyes as you did the night I met you. I've missed seeing that sparkle in your eyes .I gave him a small smile. Butterflies raced in my stomach as I was wrapped in hi s arms.Don't get shy with me, Lex. You're sitting naked in my arms. Speaking of which , we should get you dressed before Bridgette and Cara get here.I went to stand bu t he gripped me tighter to him and stood with me in his arms. He sat me on my be d and went to my dresser, pulling out my favorite sweats and one of his t-shirts .As I dressed myself, he watched me intently and said, God, I fucking love you so much.I smiled at him as my heart began to race. I love you more.The front door ope ned, and I heard Bridgette crying. This was my turn to be the big sister I was m eant to be. I needed to be strong for her. She, unlike me, didn't have anyone to t urn to. I thankfully had Vincent, and I was grateful, now more than ever, for th at.We went into the living room, and my little sister was a mess. She looked awf ul. She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was a stringy mess, and her ma ke-up was smeared. Her eyes glazed over: puffy, swollen, and red. I ran to her a nd wrapped her in my arms. She sobbed, and so did I. I never wanted to see my si ster in this much pain. I know that I didn't have a good relationship with my moth er, but she on the other hand was extremely close with her. She loved her uncond itionally, even with her crazy moods.I walked us over to the couch, and we sank into the plush fabric. Vincent and Cara went out the front door together, I assu me to give us some time alone.Bridgette, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you.It's okay. T here was nothing that you or anyone else could've done. She was strong and thinkin g back on things, I feel like deep down, she knew something was going to happen.A cry escaped my throat. I thought of my last interaction with her, seeing the ha tred she had towards me in her eyes. I didn't think losing her would hurt, but it did. Little did I know that would be that last time we would ever see or speak t o each other. The weekend was exhausting, to say the least. I was drained physically and emoti onally. Although I had managed to take a few naps and was finally able to sleep through the nights, I was still bone tired. I had Vincent to cuddle me as I fell

asleep, listening to his breathing. He'd been amazing, taking care of us girls an d making sure we had what we needed. I had even managed to eat a little food.He called the funeral home and arranged for them to pick up Vivian as well as discu ssed what Bridgette's wishes where for the service.Cara and Bridgette were asleep upstairs as I sat on the front porch, enjoying one of the last warm nights of th e summer. I looked to the stars and took in a breath of fresh air. Vincent came outside and sat behind me, wrapping his large frame around me. He rested his chi n on my shoulder, and his feet were on the stairs next to mine.What are you think ing about, babe? he asked.About Vivian and how horrible I feel for not mourning he r death. It hurt at first, but now it's like that pain is gone and I feel bad.Baby, you shouldn't feel bad. That woman was nasty to you for your entire life. She not only mistreated you, but she was verbally abusive until the day she died. You ca n't help how you feel, she made you feel this way.You always know what to say. Thank you for making me feel better.I turned to kiss him, and he cupped my face with o ne of his large hands. Pressing his soft lips against mine, I closed my eyes and got lost in our kiss.Fuck. I overslept again. Vincent's whole body was draped ove r mine, and he was sound asleep, which I knew was something that didn't come easil y to him. His head rested in the crook of my neck with his arm and leg thrown ov er me. He looked as peaceful as ever. I didn't want to wake him up, but I needed t o so we could get to work. I turned my head to get a better glimpse of his face. His lips were parted as tiny breaths escaped them. I ran my fingers over his mo uth, and he began to stir, moving slightly but ultimately just holding onto me t ighter.Good Morning, I said in a hushed voice while gently kissing him.He blinked a few times and closed his eyes tight. I couldn't help but giggle at him. Who was the grumpy one now? I stroked his hair and wrapped my free arm around him. He sl id completely on top of me, finally looking at me with those alluring eyes.Good m orning, beautiful.We over slept again. I'm not mad, but we have to get to work.He pre ssed his lips against mine and then got comfy, cuddling in the crook of my neck again.No, we don't. We're not going anywhere. You're taking the week off for bereavemen t, and I'm going to take it with you. So unless you have somewhere else to be, I'm p erfectly happy right here in your arms.My heart scrambled into my throat, he was incredible. I couldn't believe he gave me the week off and was taking the time wit h me.I shook my head. No, there is nowhere else I would rather be. Can we stay in bed all day?He took my face in his hands, bracing his weight on his elbows at ei ther side of my shoulders. Leaning down, so slowly, he pinned me with his gaze. A flame inside of me burst, and I needed him. Now. It had been too long and I mi ssed him. Before I could get lost in a kiss with him, I wrapped my legs around h is waist and grabbed his ass guiding him into my slick folds. Thankfully we were both naked, because had we been clothed and needed to take the time to get undr essed, I may have perished. I moaned as he obliged and buried himself deep insid e of me. I clenched my muscles tightly around his cock.Fuck, baby. You're so wet an d tight. I've missed you so much.I didn't speak but squeezed him again.He groaned, It's been too long. If you do that again, I'll come.I tightened my pussy around him agai n and rocked my hips. We each exploded. It had been too long for the both of us. He threw his head back, biting his bottom lip and pumped long slow strokes of h imself into me. I leaned up to suck on his neck and muffle my cries.Vincent didn't stop moving after the trembles of our orgasms stopped. He continued to rub the inside of my pussy with a need and urgency that I missed. He kissed me, and I in dulged in him. We didn't stop or slow our movements as we loved one another. Our b odies worked together as they knew how to do so well.I've missed your body, he said.I'v e missed you too babe. Will you let me on top?A warm smile spread across his face . By all means.He instantly flipped us over. I loved controlling him and how comfo rtable he was with letting me. I stayed braced down so I was close to him. I did n't want to be any further away than needed.I kissed his face, jaw, neck, ears, an d chest. I ensured that my lips had touched every inch of his body. When I stopp ed kissing him, he leaned up and kissed my necklace.I'm so happy that you're still we aring this, he said.I'll never take it off. I love it.He gripped my ass, slowly guidi ng me up and down. The feeling pushed so hard inside of me that the pleasure too k my breath away. We both moved like animals as our bodies loved one another, an d I was close to coming again.Vince, I whispered.Come with me, love, he commanded.I

crashed my lips into his neck to quiet my sounds and gripped his hair. We both c ame together, whimpering and groaning, pressed firmly against one another. His p owerful movements below me slowed and I stayed on top of him. Like always, he di dn't force me to move to. I rested my head into his neck and relished the feeling of being relaxed. For the first time in over a week, I felt calm. I was where I was supposed to be. No matter what challenges we faced, we would do it together.C an we stay in bed like this for the whole week? I asked.You have no idea how much I want to do that, but we can't. I'm sure Bridgette and Cara are awake, and we have a lot to do for the service tomorrow. But I promise, we will not spend a moment apart. I might even hire a driver so I can have sex with you anytime I please wh en we're not in bed.I laughed at him, but deep down I knew he was serious. I think I remember you saying that if anyone ever saw me naked you would, and I quote, `go ape shit on them.'You're right. I did say that. But if I buy a limo and a driver, I co uld bury myself deep inside of you any time I pleased. Don't tempt me.Trust me, Vinc e, I don't doubt that you would do that, but isn't it illegal to buy a driver? I teas ed.You know what I meant; hire one. I'm glad to see that your attitude is back and in full swing this morning. I've missed that mouth of yours. I wouldn't have you any other way.Good to know, and in that case, I'm going to suggest that you make yourse lf useful and go get us Starbucks.He kissed my nose. It would be my pleasure, love .I got out of bed and looked at Vincent sprawled out. He looked sexy as hell. His right arm was above his head, and the sheet was just across his waist. He watch ed me move around the room naked. I rummaged through my dresser for something to wear. I pulled on my navy blue cotton capris and a tan tank top. I blew him a k iss and headed into the living room.When I saw Bridgette and Cara I felt like I was making the walk of shame. They were on the couch, and I wondered if they had heard us having sex.Good Morning, girls. How did you guys sleep?Good. How about yo u? Cara asked.Before I could answer, Vincent came out of my room wearing only a p air of basketball shorts and a panty-dropping smile. His shorts hung low on his hips and his hair was a mess. He walked over to me, giving me a kiss on the nose .Morning, ladies. Do you mind if I shower? Then I'll go to Starbucks.I nodded my hea d, unable to speak. His beauty mesmerized me.Are you okay? he asked.I nodded my he ad again, and he laughed. Leaning over me with his large frame, he rested his ha nds on my thighs and kissed me again. Without another word, he turned and walked back into my room to shower. His back muscles mimicked his movements as he stro lled away. My eyes traveled farther down to his ass, and I couldn't take them off of it. He was so yummy.I'm sorry, girl, but that man is fucking gorgeous. I don't car e what he does, you're not breaking up with him again, Cara said.I laughed at her b ut knew it was true. Well, good thing for you, he has a brother that is just as d elicious and very single.He's all yours, Bridgette. There is no way I would ever get involved with that douche waffle.We all laughed at Cara's blunt comment. Douche waf fle? Cara, really? Bridgette asked.She shrugged her shoulders and said, What? That's how he acts.He's a good guy. She's just judging him because of his tattoos, and he's re ally outgoing.Cara's phone rang, and she glared at me. She answered it and went out front.I'm going to get in the shower real quick, Bridgette said.Okay, take your time .I walked back into my room. Vincent had his back to me and was in the bathroom d rying off from his shower. Damn. He looked absolutely edible. I sprawled across my bed laying on my stomach and stared at him as he towel dried his hair and the n his body. He turned around, naked, and I had a grin on my face. I motioned wit h one finger for him to come towards me, and he did, dropping the towel on the f loor. He walked with his usual confidence and authority. His beautiful cock was hard and ready for me.He stopped at the side of the bed, and I took him in my mo uth without using my hands. I sucked up and down, swirling my tongue over the en d as I pulled him out of my mouth each time. I moaned with pleasure and pushed h im as far back in my throat as I could. He reached his hand into my hair, thread ing his fingers into it. He didn't control my movements or push into me. He allowe d me to love him with my mouth at my own pace, and I enjoyed every second of it. As I picked up speed, I felt his fingers twist in my hair. I moved fast and har d causing him to explode in my mouth. I swallowed quickly and continued to suck him up and down, lapping up every last drop of him. I looked up into his eyes, s till holding him in my mouth.He smiled down at me, and I released him and sat up

on my knees. He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me on the forehead and rested his cheek against my hair.I took a deep breath enjoying the comfort of his arms. I love you, Vince.I love you too, beautiful. I hate to tell yo u this, but I have to run home and grab a few things and then stop by the office .Do you have to go? You promised we wouldn't be apart, I said as I leaned into him an d looked into his gorgeous eyes. I felt sick at the thought of him leaving. For some reason, it felt like he was never going to come back.As much as I would love to make you beg for me to stay, yes, I have to go. But you should know that you r pouty face does things to me. I'll only be a few hours. Enjoy some quality time with your sister. You guys can go out if you want or stay in, but whatever you d ecide, just enjoy being together.He grabbed his wallet off of the night stand and handed me his black Amex card.I can't take your card again and keep spending your money.You can't or you won't? Baby, let me take care of you. I want to take care of yo u. Take your sister out: eat, shop, or do what girls do. I don't care what that is , but the card is there for you.But VinceHe cut me off. No `but Vince.' This isn't up fo iscussion.When I rolled my eyes, he kissed my nose and placed the card in my hand .Why do you always get your way? I asked.Stop it. Don't act like you're not a little ex cited.He was right; I was excited. Between my outrageous car payment, credit card debt, and the up keep on this town home, I was maxed out each month.I rolled my eyes again, and he pinned me down climbing on top of me. Keep that up and see wh at happens to you next time. I nipped at his nose and he shook his head at me. Beh ave while I'm gone. I'll be back soon.He kissed me again and I clung tightly to him, I don't know how I ever survived without him. There's no one more perfect in this wo rld for me.Bridgette was reading on the front porch when I walked Vincent out. I watched him climb into his sleek Porsche. I loved that car, and him in it, was a sight to be seen.I sat next to Bridgette and she put her book down.How are you holding up, sis? I asked.She took a deep breath before speaking. I'm okay. As weird as that sounds, I feel like mom knew that it was her time to go, and she was acc epting that it might happen.I looked at Bridgette and admired her strength. Altho ugh she was younger that I was, she was truly the rock of our little family.What do you say we do something fun together today, just you and I? Anything you want , we can do, I said.Really? We can do whatever I want?Yes. You're my sister, and I lov e you. I know that we haven't had the closest relationship lately, but I want that to change. I want to hang out like we used to. I want to know you like a sister and not someone that I always have to protect.I would love that.Great. What should we do?I have the perfect thing in mind, but you have to be open-minded and trust m e. Can you do that?Yeah, of course I can.Great. Let's get going then. Can I drive your car?Sure, but on one condition; you have to be really safe.She smiled at me and my stomach turned. It was my pride and joy, but I promised Bridgette that I would be open-minded.She turned the Mercedes into an unfamiliar lot and pulled into a parking spot. On the building in front of us, was a huge wall of graffiti. We wa lked around the building, and I noticed the sign on the door that read, `Tattoo.'I w hipped my head around and stared my sister in the face. Are you serious right now ?Calm down. You said you would be open-minded.She opened the door and let me walk i n ahead of her. A short skinny guy, who was covered with tattoos and had gauged ears, greeted us.Holy shit, Bridgette. Is that you? he said.She ran up to him as h e rounded the counter and they embraced in a hug.Yup, it's me. I told you I would c ome and get a tattoo from you one day. That day happens to be today, and I broug ht my sister along as well. Alexa, this is Jordan. He and I went to school toget her.I can see the resemblance. You guys look identical, he said.It's a pleasure to mee t you, Jordan. Forgive me if I seem a little nervous, but my sister just sprung this on me.He laughed a little. It's all good. We get a lot of first-timers in here.We ll today you are dealing with two of them, I said.He and Bridgette exchanged a lo ok, and I knew I was missing out on something.They both nodded their heads, and Jordan pulled out a few portfolios with sample drawings in them.Here why don't you guys take a look at these, and I'll get the station set up.We flipped through the p ages and talked about every possible option we could do. We wanted to do somethi ng as sisters. It came down to each of us getting an orchid with half of a butte rfly perched on it. I would have one wing and she would have the other, resembli ng each of us. We decided to place them on our rib cages. Bridgette went first,

and when she pulled up her baby blue tank top, I was shocked to see the script s crolling down her other side. She had a full length quote on her body.When did yo u get that? I asked.I got it for my eighteenth birthday. I actually have five tatt oos. This will be my sixth.My eyes bugged out of my head. Why didn't I know that you have five tattoos?I never show anyone. They're part of who I am and private. I like to keep it that way.What does this one say? I asked, pointing to the script.It's the lyrics to the song you used to sing to me when we were kids and hid in the close t while mom was having one of her episodes.I couldn't believe that Bridgette had a tattoo resembling something that I used to do. I didn't think that she remembered those times. I have pushed those memories back as far as I could. When Vivian wa s off of her medication, and in a crazy fit of rage, I would hide Bridgette in t he closet with me. We would cuddle and I would sing softy to drown out the noise s trying to keep her calm. Vivian never even noticed we were missing.I'm sorry that you remember those times. I tried to protect you to ensure that you never had t o relive them again.It's okay. I'm glad that I had you with me to get through it. That's why I got the tattoo. Like I said, my tattoos are sort of who I am. They all ha ve a story to be told. I'll show you the rest later and tell you about them, okay?Ok ay, I said, looking at my sister in awe.Okay, now let's do this for us.Bridgette took her tattoo like a champ. She laid on her side and allowed Jordan to do his work . The colors and detail were amazing. As I watched him, I thought about what Vin cent was going to say about my tattoo and if he would like it. He didn't have any tattoos himself.With the way he worshipped my body, I think he would love any ad dition I added to it. I did wonder how he would feel if I got something for him. I was in love with him, and we had determined that we couldn't live without one a nother. Why not give him something to show that every time we were intimate.All r ight sis, you're up, Bridgette said.I snapped out of my daydream and went to get wo rked on. The pain wasn't as bad as I had imagined it would be. It was no worse tha n what I had recently endured. Plus, I was doing it for my sister.He finished mi ne, in what felt like record speed, and I checked it out in the mirror. Bridgett e and I stood back-to-back, looking at the two wings of the butterfly now becomi ng one. It was beautiful. I saw the smile on her face through the mirror. It fel t good knowing I had a part in making her so happy.What do you girls think? Do yo u like them? Jordan asked.I love it, Bridgette said.I love mine as well. Thank you.Of course. Let's get the aftercare instructions, and I'll ring you up so you can both e njoy the rest of your day, he said.Actually, I want to get another one. Something small. Do you have time to do that today? I asked.Yeah, of course. What were you t hinking?Bridgette looked at me and gave me a smile. I knew that she would support my decision, and it was nice knowing that I had her on my side.I want to get a V inside of a heart.Yeah, I can do that, for sure. Where do you want it?I pointed to the outside of my upper right thigh.That's perfect. Can I free-hand draw it on you and add some detail? he asked.Yeah, that would be awesome. After our tattoos, we had lunch. When we got back home, Vincent was there. I was so nervous to show him my tattoos.We walked inside, and he was working at the d ining room table on his laptop. Hey. You guys are back early. I thought you'd be ou t all day, he said.I walked over to him, and he pulled me onto his lap. I yelped in pain as his hand crashed against my tattoo.What's wrong? Did I hurt you? he asked .Bridgette grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and laughed to herself.No, y ou didn't hurt me. Bridgette did.She swung around with a smirk on her face. So now t his is my fault?Will one of you please tell me what is going on here? Vincent asked .Bridgette lifted her shirt and showed him her tattoo. His eyes darted to me, an d he lifted the hem of mine. I stayed frozen in his arms, scared of his reaction . He rubbed his thumb around the swollen skin and met my eyes.Do you like it? I as ked.Yeah. It's beautiful. Tell me about them. What do they mean?Bridgette rambled on and then proceeded to show us her collection of art. She has some amazing tatto os. I was still in shock that I was unaware that she had so many tattoos.Cara co oked us dinner, and we all ate together. Not long after, we retired to our rooms in preparation for tomorrow. I was grateful that I didn't have to go through this alone and that I would be able to get a full night's sleep with Vincent by my sid e. As he closed the door behind him, he pinned me with those hazel eyes.You are s o fucking gorgeous. I've been imagining the things I want to do to you all day.I wa

s excited and also scared of showing him my other tattoo. I swallowed hard and p ulled my pants downs. He sauntered over to me, and I turned to my side. His eyes scanned down my body as I removed my shirt, when he saw my thigh, he dropped to the floor.He stared at it, and my heart pounded so hard against my chest, I swo re he could hear it. His expression was unreadable. He was frozen, kneeling next to me, just staring. His lips brushed just below the sensitive skin, and the fe eling sent a tingle through my body.Is this for me? he asked.Uh huh. Do you like it ?Do I like it? I fucking love it. You put a tattoo on your body for me in my favor ite place, and it looks sexy as hell on your pink skin. It's swollen and angry, an d I can't imagine the pain you went through for me. God, I love you.He lifted me on to the bed and covered my body with his.Alexa?Yeah?He shook his head as he searched for the right words. I want to fuck you so hard.I want that too, but my sister and Cara are upstairs so we have to be quiet.I don't want us to have to be quiet. I want you to be able to let go, let your body release how it's feeling. Move in with me .What? We just got back together.It makes sense to live together.I know it does. Just give me a little time to think about it, okay?Okay, but first, I need to pay some attention to my new favorite piece of art.His kissed and tickled the skin around my tattoo. It melted my heart to see him so elated over it. I was worried that h e wouldn't like it. As he grazed my entire body with his mouth and left a trail of sweet kisses everywhere, my mind drifted.I wanted to move in with him, I really did, but I was also scared. Things with us had moved so quickly. I wanted to ma ke sure that when I did move in, it was forever. I'm not saying I needed an engage ment ring, but I needed to know that we were strong and solid. I couldn't bear to lose him again and I feared rushing things would do just that.I hadn't been to a f uneral since my grandfather passed away. I could never bring myself to attend th em when those around me had passed. In this case, I didn't have the luxury of not going and sending my condolences. This was my mother.The church had been transfo rmed into a beautiful layout all in remembrance of Vivian. Vincent had gone abov e and beyond to ensure that every last detail of what Bridgette said she wanted was fulfilled.There were more people here than I thought there would be, but I r ecently found out that Vivian was heavily involved in the church. We had her cre mated, and as I sat in the front row nestled in Vincent's hold, I stared at the gl eaming silver urn that held her remains. It was all that we had left of her, min us the memories. There was a dozen or so flower arrangements all around her urn and a large poster-sized picture.The service began and the pastor spoke. His wor ds told me she had traveled to the other side and that she was okay. Bridgette t ook the podium and spoke about her. Watching my baby sister up there, speaking o f the mother she loved killed me. It was almost unbearable to watch, but Bridget te was strong. As she fought through the tears, I wished I could take away the p ain she was feeling. The service ended with one of Vivian's favorite Bob Marley so ngs.As we stood to head out of the church, a line formed, and people of all diff erent walks of life expressed their condolences and sorrow. Vincent stayed by my side and shook the hands of those who greeted us. It felt like I was in a daze of a revolving door as people kept coming up to me over and over and over.Finall y, there came a break, and I saw Vincent speaking to a middle-aged man. As they shook hands, the man made eye contact with me, and I froze, immediately recogniz ing him. It was my father. I hadn't seen him since the morning he left us when I w as eight. He smiled kindly at me and walked away. The procession continued, and in between trying to figure out why he didn't speak to me, and the constant amount of people, I felt my anxiety kick in. I quickly lost my breath and panicked, gr abbing Vincent by the lapels of his jacket. He looked in my eyes and the blackne ss took over.Lex, baby. Can you hear me? Vincent spoke in a hushed voice.I felt a cold hand on my wrist. Her pulse is strong, Cara said.I forced my eyes open and Br idgette was standing over me with a cold, damp cloth on my forehead. There you ar e. You scared the crap out of us. What happened? she said.I looked around me to f ind the three people that I absolutely and unconditionally loved most in this wo rld.I don't know. I must have hyperventilated again. I lost my breath when thinking about seeing him, and I was gone.Saw who? Bridgette asked.No one that either of you would know, Vincent interrupted.My eyes darted to him, and he leaned down to kis s me cheek. I was in his arms, and he whispered in my ear, Trust me, love. I'll tel

l you everything.I looked at him and gave a small nod. I had nothing but faith an d trust in this man. If he said to trust him, I would do just that. I learned to never doubt him.I don't know what happened, but can we go home now?No. You need to s ee a doctor, Cara snapped.You said yourself that my pulse was fine. I'm sure I just need to eat something. Let's go home and eat, and I promise I'll go to the doctor if I don't feel well tomorrow.You promise?Yes.Vincent didn't set me down or give me the ch nce to walk on my own two feet; he carried me outside to the waiting limo. We al l got in, and I stayed in his lap, resting my head against his chest. The car ri de was quiet, and I couldn't stop thinking about my father and why he had come to Vivian's funeral. What did he want after all of these years? I was also curious as to why he felt comfortable speaking to Vincent and not to me or Bridgette.When the limo pulled up to the condo, we all went inside. I immediately went into my room, and Vince followed me. As soon as he shut the door, I wanted answers.What t he hell happened? Do you have any idea who that was? I questioned.Yes. It was your father.Why was he there? What did he say? Why didn't he speak to me or Bridgette?Slow down, babe. I don't want you to get upset again. Take a seat, and we'll talk.I sat o n the bed and crossed my arms. He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap.Pleas e don't act like that. Let me explain, okay?I wrapped my arms around him and looked into his beautiful face.Obviously, I didn't know who he was at first, but when he approached me, he acted as if he knew me. He called me Lincoln. I was confused, so I corrected him. He said he was sorry that he thought I was Vivian's son, Linco ln.Oh my God. Are you serious?My mother had a son?Yes, I'm one hundred percent serious . When we cleared up who I was, he asked how you and Bridgette were doing. I sai d that you both were doing as well as could be expected. He asked if I would tak e care of the both of you, and I promised I would. That's when you saw him and he left.I ran my hands over my face trying to process what I had just heard. Bridget te and I had a brother.What am I supposed to say to Bridgette?That's why I didn't want you to tell her at the church. I wanted you to have time to process it and then we could figure out what to do with the information. Maybe we should figure out if Lincoln really exists, and if he is in fact your brother. Then we will tell h er about him, but if this isn't true, it may be better that she doesn't know.He was r ight.Okay. But how do we search for him? Do we just start with the internet?No, bea utiful. You're not doing anything. I'll hire someone, and they will do everything. F or now, try and enjoy your last day with Bridgette before she has to go back to school.I nodded my head and leaned up to kiss him. He cupped my face with both of his hands and asked, Are you sure you're feeling okay?I'm fine. I promise. I'll make a d octor's appointment if it happens again.He kissed me, and I didn't waste a minute tak ing it farther, sliding my tongue in his mouth and twisting my body so I was str addling him. His hands moved to my hips and slid down my thighs as our mouths wo rked with each other's. His fingers brushed my tattoo under my dress, and he lifte d it, stopping the kiss to look at it.This is so beautiful. I absolutely love it, he said as he traced his finger around the outline of it.I'm glad you like it.I do. H ave you thought any more about moving in with me?I haven't had a chance to think abo ut it, but I will.I felt horrible lying to him. I had plenty of time to think abo ut it and over-analyze the situation. I needed to tell him, that I was scared. I was worried that we were rushing things. I couldn't bear to lose him again, and m oving in with someone full time and working with them was a lot to put on a rela tionship.I climbed off of his lap and went to join the girls while Vincent staye d in my room to make a few phone calls.Wow, it smells amazing. What are you guys cooking? I asked.BLTs and pasta salad. Does that sound good to you? Cara asked.Yes. I'm starving, and I finally have my appetite back.Where's Vincent? Bridgette asked.He's m king a few phone calls. He'll be right out.I set the table and couldn't help but thin k that I may have a brother out there. I wondered how it was even possible. Why hadn't Vivian told us about him?We all sat down for lunch. It was the first full m eal I had eaten in weeks. After we ate, I was full and tired. I laid on the couc h, and my eyelids became heavy as everyone sat around and visited. I had my feet rested in Vincent's lap, and he softly rubbed them.Do you want to go to bed? he fin ally asked.I nodded my head. As long as no one minds. I think I need a nap.He scoo ped me up and carried me to my bed. He didn't even wait for the girls to answer. H e pulled back the covers, nestled me in, and sat next to me as he ran his finger

s through my hair. I wanted to talk with him, to ask more about Lincoln, and if he had found someone to start looking for him, but I fell asleep.When I woke, I felt like it was morning. I checked the clock on my nightstand and it read 5:37p m. I'd only slept for a few hours, but felt rested. Vincent wasn't in the room, and his side of the bed was untouched. I went into the living room. The girls were t here, but he wasn't. Bridgette was putting the last of her things in her suitcase.D id you have a nice nap? she asked.Yeah. It felt great. Are you heading home alread y?She walked over to me and slung her arm across my shoulder. Yup. I have to get b ack to school if I want to graduate on time. Thank you for everything. It was gr eat to reconnect, even if it was under these circumstances.I've missed you. I'm happy you stayed with us. You're always welcome.Don't say that because I might be needing a place to live after I graduate, and your couch might have to tolerate me for a w hile.Wherever I am is your home.Cara and I both hugged Bridgette and said `goodbye' to her as we walked outside to her car. We loaded her suitcase and waved as she dro ve off. I missed her already.It was still warm and sunny out. Cara and I sat on the porch, and I noticed Vincent's car was gone. I knew he had left, and I found i t strange for him to leave and not tell me.Did Vincent tell you where he was goin g?He said he was going home. He left a note on the counter for you. Do you want me to grab it?Yeah that would be great, thanks. I said as I pulled my knees up into m y chest and wrapped my arms around them.She came out and handed me the note. The outside of it was in his handwriting, and it simply read, `Beautiful.'I unfolded th e paper and read his heart felt words.My love, I'm sorry to have left you sleeping , but I wanted to do something special for you tonight. Please meet me at my hou se at six o'clock. Only yours, XOXO, VincentWhat does it say?It says that I have to b e at his house at six o'clock.We hopped up and ran inside. Cara grabbed my purse an d gave me a hug. I tightly hugged her back, ran to my car, and peeled out of the driveway. I called Vincent on the way, but he didn't answer. He always answered.C rap, Crap, Crap.I took the back roads because I knew the highway would be busy w ith rush hour traffic. I made it in record time, pulling into his round driveway eighteen minutes late.I raced up to the house and ran through the front door. I could hear music playing and the place smelt divine. Vincent wasn't in the front room, so I ran into the kitchen. I could see him through the glass wall; he was sitting outback on our favorite lounge chair. He was leaning forward, resting hi s elbows on his knees, and running his hands over his face.I went to the door an d opened it. He heard me and stood, turning around. I saw the pain on his face, and I ran to him. I jumped into his arms and clung to him. He caught me like he always did, as if I weighed nothing. I looked into his eyes and watched as the p ain diminished. I was so thankful to be in his arms.You're late, he said.I tried to c all you.You did? he asked, surprised, and reached his hand into his pocket for his phone. He came up empty handed.I must have left my phone inside. If you would jus t move in with me, we wouldn't have these problems.I took a deep breath. I didn't kno w how to express what I was feeling.Talk to me.I don't how else to say this, but I'm sc ared. I'm worried that things with us are moving too quickly. If I move in and we add working together, then you'll get tired of me.He squeezed me tighter. Why would you think that? I've told you that there is no one else in this world for me but y ou. That's why I want you to move in, so we can be together all of the time. Alexa , I Love you. I love you more than anything in this world, and those are not eve n the right words to describe how I feel for you. You take my breath away every time I see you. What I feel for you, It's more than love, you are my one and only, and I want to live together so I can give you the world.I was moved beyond anyth ing by his words. I crashed my lips to his, and he walked us to the lounge chair , setting me down first and then covering me with his massive frame. Our mouths worked together, and our bodies molded to one another like the last few pieces o f a puzzle clicking in place. I reached my hands up and ran my fingers through h is soft strands. He pressed his erection into me, and I wanted him inside me in that moment. I pulled away and stopped kissing him.I need you. Now, I said.I know. Dinner was amazing. Vincent had prepared a three-course meal and my favorite des sert, s'mores. After we ate, we relaxed in the hot tub and gazed at the stars. Thi s was the happiest I had ever felt. I had never known love until now.Baby, that t ickles, I said.I know.Then why do you keep doing it?Vincent kept running his hand up

and down my side.I can't get enough of your body and how your skin feels under my f ingers.I climbed on him and straddled his lap. I started tickling him. Granted, I used more force that he did with me, but I was trying to make a point. He squir med underneath my touch and laughed.Okay, okay. I get your point.I stopped ticklin g him and held his face in my hands. I love you.He started to tickle me again, and I bolted off him and out of the hot tub, diving into the pool. Before I hit the water I heard him say. I love you too.When I came up for air I looked in the hot tub, but he wasn't in there. I searched around the pool and couldn't see him either. Then he pulled me under by my leg and wrapped his body around mine as we floate d to the surface.You can run baby, but you won't get far. You're mine.I know, and you're mine.Damn straight, and I want the whole world to know it.You know, you're really ligh t for a man that's over six feet tall. I like carrying you. I like you letting me control situations. That's one of the things I love about you; you haven't taken my control away.You can control me anytime. How about we go inside, and I'll let you do anything you want to me, he said.Really? I asked.He grabbed my hand and led me out of the pool. We grabbed our towels and I took his hand leading him inside. When I looked back at him, he was so cute. His hair needed a cut and hung on his for ehead. His free hand clutched the towel around his waist and desire burned in hi s eyes. I loved that I could do that to him.We went into the bathroom, and I tur ned on the shower.We have rules tonight, Vincent. You're not allowed to do anything unless I tell you that you can. Do you understand me?He nodded his head.Good. Dro p your towel.He did, immediately, and I let mine fall. He stood before me, naked, and sexy as hell. I pushed him back against the wall next to the shower and dro pped to my knees. I grabbed his cock and kissed it up and down. He tipped his he ad back and moaned with pleasure. I squeezed him hard, and a small drop of cum e scaped the tip. I licked it off and slid him into my mouth sucking as hard as I could. Going as far down on him as I was capable and then back up again. Since V incent was so big, there was no way I could fit him all the way in my mouth. I t ook my left hand and cupped his balls, massaging them as I continued to suck. A low moan escaped his throat as he thrust into my mouth. I pulled him out and sto od up.Did I say you could move?He smiled at me. It was fun playing this game with him.No, you didn't, but your mouth felt amazing.I pressed my index finger to his lip s. Did I ask you how it felt?He shook his head, looking so cute.Mr. Mileski, are yo u going to have a hard time obeying my rules?I can follow your rules. I promise.Good . I turned his body around and walked him into the shower, holding onto his hips. The water felt amazing cascading over our bodies. I could tell he wanted to touc h me, but he knew better.Sit, I commanded, pointing to the built-in tile seat. He did as I asked, and I grabbed the soap, pouring a little into my palms. I starte d at my neck and worked the soap into a lather, running it down my body. I press ed over my hard nipples and caressed them slowly. His eyes burned with avidity w hen I touched myself like this. I turned around, facing away from him, and conti nued to stroke each leg, one at a time, over and over. I bent slowing, pushing m y ass in his face. I stood up and slipped falling back into his lap. He caught m e, and then removed his hands. I reached for them and placed them back on my hip s.They can stay, I said in a hushed voice.Reaching between us, I took my hand and caressed it over my sex and down to his dick. I fondled both of us, moving up hi m and over my clit. I lifted my legs and rested my feet on either side of his kn ees, spreading my legs open far and wide. I took his hand moving it over my puss y and working it in just the right friction.Fuck, baby. That's so hot, he said.When I stopped moving his hand, he didn't falter. He continued to work my pussy in the perfect rhythm. I reached up and squeezed my breasts with both of my hands. My b ody went into an intense rage from us working together. I twisted my solid nippl es in between my fingers, and Vincent lifted me guiding his cock inside of me. I moved my body up and down, and he worked my clit with his deft fingers. He was rubbing it to the point of almost coming, and my movement's caused me to be nothin g but sensation. I loved him being inside of me, there was nothing I enjoyed mor e than the euphoric feeling I had when we made love. I balanced myself with my h ands on his knees and slowed my movements up and down. He stopped the assault on my clit and gripped my hips tightly guiding my body as I devoured him. I pushed myself back against him, feeling the pleasure inside of me jump like a wild fir

e moving from tree to tree.I wanted more and moved as fast and as hard as I coul d, indulging in my greatest habit. I wanted to come hard, and give him the same feeling.Kiss me, I commanded.His lips were on my neck kissing and sucking,Touch me, I said.He knew just what I wanted and took his hand off of my hip and rubbed my clit again. The feeling of his hands on my body and sucking on my neck sent me o ver. I came hard and long, slamming down onto him. I felt him pour himself into me while his body spasmed under my control.I slowed my movements and rested back against him. He wrapped me in his arms and gingerly kissed my neck.I love you, he said.I love you too. Thank you for that.You can control me anytime. You're so fuckin g hot when you do it.Really? Well you give me the confidence to do it, babe.You don't need confidence from me. You're perfect, Lex.Will you please make your phone stop ri nging? I moaned into my pillow.Vince leaned over me to grab it off of the nightst and. There. It's on silent. Are you happy, crabby ass?I pulled the covers over my he ad.I'm not going to have you living here acting like this every morning. You're like an angry grizzly bear coming out of hibernation.Fine then, I won't move in, I snapped .Oh, you're moving in, there are no if's, and's, or but's about it.I contemplated on when I was going to move in. I hoped that Cara would be cool with it. Wait, who was I kidding, she would be elated.I know I am, but my morning attitude is not going t o change. I have been this way my entire life. Get used to it.He laughed and hopp ed on top of me, pinning me to the mattress. I loved the way he looked at me. He looked into me, not at me. He saw what was on the inside.His phone rang again, vibrating on the nightstand, and I threw my arm over my face. He kissed my nose and answered it.I tried to make out who he was talking to and what they were say ing. Vincent didn't speak much. I ran my hands up and down his body, feeling every curve and contour. He said `okay' and `yes' a few times and then hung up. His eyes neve r left mine the entire time he spoke.That was the investigator I hired. He found Lincoln. He lives about an hour outside of Denver.Wow, are you serious? That was f ast. What else did he say?He's going to email me the file in a little bit.I took my e yes off of Vincent's and looked through the skylights; the sky was grey, and I loo ked like it would rain. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I could sense he was still staring at me.You're staring, I said.He laughed and nuzzled my neck, stil l running his fingers through my hair. Can you blame be? I'm worried about you thou gh. Tell me what you're thinking.I don't know. Part of me is excited and the other par t is scared. I really don't know what to do.I think that's natural. Baby, you just had a bomb dropped on you that you might have a brother. That's not easy news for any one to handle. What do you say we look at the e-mail and then decide how to proc eed? You may not even be related, don't get ahead of yourself, okay?Knowing that he was going through this with me made things that much easier. In my entire life, I never felt like I had anyone to depend on. It was only myself. Decisions were always made on my own, regardless of how hard they were. With Vincent, it was e asy to let that all go and allow him to guide me, to guide us.Okay, let's check the email, but can we please go to breakfast?Sure, where do you want to go?I don't care, you choose, as long as they have eggs and coffee, I'm sold.You're so easy to please.I re ally am simple.He lifted his head, and looked so relaxed. I loved to see him like that. He leaned his head back down and kissed my neck, slowly sucking on the te nder skin. He moved his mouth along my throat and down my sternum. He leaned on his side and pulled the sheet down, exposing my nipples. His mouth wrapped aroun d one while his hand traveled down my body until he reached my sex, he dipped in to the smoothness with two of his fingers. Slowly he slid them inside of me, mov ing in and out. Each time he pressed his fingers deep inside of me his palm graz ed my clit.God, that feels so good, I murmured.Mmm, You like my fingers, baby?I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head.Don't be quiet. Not now since we're alone. I want to hear you. Let your body go, especially when you come.I whimpered and then squeez ed my eyes shut as the pleasure building inside of me became stronger. I spread my legs wide and pushed against Vincent's hand. His mouth was back to loving my bo dy. He drenched me with kisses as if he couldn't control himself. He slowly sucked on my nipple tugging on it hard, and I cried with pleasure.Let me hear you, baby . You sound so fucking sexy.I was lost in that moment, about to come. I was being greedy and enjoying the pleasure holding onto my orgasm as long as I could. I i magined Vincent fucking me with his big cock, and when he sucked on my hard nipp

le again, I exploded, throwing my head back into the pillow and screaming his na me. His two fingers worked the inside of me, leaving me senseless. He held my ni pple in his mouth and then flicked the hardened peak back and forth. I cried aga in and finally had to pull away from the pleasure. I stared at him with heavy li ds and smiled.Wow, was all I could say.Are you ready for breakfast? he asked.Of cours e, but I want to make you come.And you will, later. This was for you, baby. He kiss ed my sex and jumped off of me, naked and hot as hell.It wasn't long before we wer e dressed and out of the house. The drive across town was nice. It was still clo udy out, but so far, no rain.We pulled up to a huge restaurant that sat nested o n a hill. There were expansive windows and a large staircase leading up to the e ntrance from where we parked. I grabbed Vincent's hand as we headed up the stairs. As we entered, we were greeted immediately, and the hostess sat us by one of the large windows, in the corner. The tables all had white linen table clothes and were spread far apart.The waitress approached our table and said, Welcome to Simm s, my name is Meredith. What can I get the two of you to drink this morning?I'll tak e a coffee, I said.The same for me as well.Great, I'll go grab those while you two loo k over the menu. She left us with the most endearing smile.We scanned the menus, and I quickly decided, closing mine and looking outside to enjoy the view.What ar e you going to get, babe? he asked.Biscuits and gravy. What about you?He laughed at me. Really? You said you wanted to go somewhere that served eggs. Here we are, t hey are world renowned for the best eggs benedict and you decide on biscuits and gravy.I nodded my head and leaned over to him, reaching under the table I stroke d his thigh. It's a good thing Vincent always sat next to me as my hand quickly tr aveled to his waiting cock. I slowly rubbed it while I stared into his eyes. He twitched under my hand, and I knew he was putty after that moment.I stopped and sat back in my chair. You were saying?Nothing. I wasn't saying a thing. You can eat w hatever you want as long as you do it quickly, so I can get you home.Why do we nee d to go home? What's wrong with here?I was dead serious, and he knew it. With him, I was no longer scared. I didn't second-guess my decisions or choices. I followed my heart and did what I felt was right. In that moment, I wanted him, and I didn't want to wait.Here are your coffees. Have you decided on what you're going to eat? M eredith asked, setting down our overly large cups of deliciousness.I nodded my h ead while adding the cream and sugar to our coffees.She's going to have the biscuit s and gravy, and I'll have the French toast.I'll get that in right away, she replied.I loved how much of a team we had become: I made his coffee, and he ordered for me . Plain and simple, we worked well together.Are you ready to look at this email, beautiful?I grabbed his iPad and turned the cover over. Scooting his chair a litt le closer, Vincent draped his arm over the back of mine and opened the email ico n, loading the attachment.Reading through the email, I was given a plethora of i nformation. His name was Lincoln Alex Sanders. He was born April 12, 1992 and wa s adopted, never knowing his birth parents. It also stated he was in and out of foster care until he was twelve-years-old and was adopted by Mark and Shelly San ders of Buena Vista, Colorado.Vincent clicked on another attachment, and it open ed up his photo. He had the same green eyes as I did but light, wavy hair. It wa s a family photo of him and his adoptive family. They were hiking and had two br own labs with them.He has your eyes, Lex.I know. It's crazy. I don't think we have the same father. My dad has dark hair and so did Vivian.Yeah, you're probably right. Wha t do you want to do?I don't know. We can't just show up on his front porch. I guess I need to decide if I'm going to call him, and if so, what would I say to him? `Hi, I'm your long lost sister and our mom just died?'I rubbed my neck in frustration, and V incent pulled me into his chest. I nuzzled him and enjoyed the comfort he gave m e. I didn't want to think about this anymore today. I only wanted to enjoy the day with my man.I have the biscuits and gravy for you, my dear and the French toast for you, sir. Meredith said, setting our plates down. How does everything look?It's pe rfect, I said, grabbing my fork and digging in. Vincent laughed and Meredith walk ed off. We ate and kept a little small talk going in between bites. We both enjo yed the beautiful city view as we ate and poked at each other's food.Neither of us brought Lincoln back up, and I was fine with pushing that to the back of my hea d for another day.What else do you want to do today? he asked.I looked deep in tho ught, and he caught right on to my game.You know, I have to use the restroom, and

I am afraid I may need your help. I said.He quickly yanked his wallet out, opene d it, and threw a hundred dollar bill on the table. There was no way our meal co st that much, even at this place. With the fire brewing in his eyes, I knew he c ouldn't wait a minute longer.We both rose out of our chairs, and I grabbed the iPa d because he would have left it. Taking my free hand, he practically dragged me into the restroom. The rooms were private, and he locked the door as he pressed me up against it. His right hand rested on my hip while the other hand braced hi s weight on the wall.Are you sure you want to do this here? he asked.I reached for the button on his jeans and popped it open. I slid the zipper down and rubbed o n his erection as it strained through his underwear.He did the same to my jeans and pulled them down. I stepped out of them, and stood there, pressed against th e door, naked from the waist down. He dropped to his knees and lifted my left le g, draping it over his shoulder.He left a trail of kisses along the inside of my thigh and all around my sex. He finally ended, licking down the center of my pu ssy. He slowly started flicking my clit with his tongue. It felt incredible. I p ressed my body against the door and tightened my leg over his body. As he sucked and worked his expert lips on me, I twisted my fingers into his hair.Oh my God. That feels good.You like that? he said as he stopped to look up at me. I nodded my head, and he sank two fingers inside of me. I clenched my pussy around them, and I watched his face as he pleasured me; it made me want to come. He bit his bott om lip and tilted his head to the side. He looked so hot on his knees, moving hi s fingers in and out of me.Fuck, baby, he said slowly pulling his fingers out of m e. He looked into my eyes and sucked on them.I was panting while watching him li ck his own fingers. I was already so close to coming, and when he sank two of hi s adept fingers back inside of me and sucked on my clit, that pushed me over the edge. I came hard, convulsing around him. It took everything I had to stay quie t. Vincent slowed his fingers and removed his mouth. I looked down at him as he took them out of me and started rubbing large circles around my wet core.I squir med when the pleasure became too much. He looked into my eyes and stood up. He w alked me over to the sink.Bend over and hold on. Whatever you do, don't let go.I did as he asked and watched him in the reflection of the mirror as he slid his unde rwear down and pressed the head of his cock against me. Slowly, he rubbed himsel f on my sex while he gripped my hip with his free hand.Fuck, I love how wet your pussy is.I bit my lip to keep quiet. I wanted to cry out loud as he rubbed himsel f against me, up and down over and over.Don't let go of the sink. Okay, baby?I nodde d my head again still biting my lip, and he slid himself into me. Once he filled me, he circled his hips pushing and expanding, touching every inch inside of me . The feeling was amazing. I dropped my head and closed my eyes tightly as he sl id out slowly and thrust back inside of me.Look at me, baby, he demanded.My head s napped up, and I locked eyes with him. His hair was messy and the small amount o f facial hair I saw in the reflection was hot as hell. His brows were creased as he loved my body with his. He picked up speed and was pounding me. He showed no mercy, and I loved that. A sheen of sweat came across his forehead as he worked so hard to pleasure both of us. I clung to the sink with everything I had. The pressure from Vincent's weight, gripping onto me and slamming into me, made me rea lize why he said to hold on and not let go.My breathing was erratic, and I could n't help but whimper. I tipped my head back, making sure I kept my eyes locked wit h his. He grunted in a low tone and came inside of me, watching him let go sent me over. I bit my lip so hard I thought it was going to bleed. I kept my eyes op en, which made the feeling that much more enjoyable. I wiggled back and forth as my body came violently. It was quiet, but strong. We both were breathing heavil y, still looking at one another.I pushed myself up to stand, and he wrapped his arms around my body, still inside of me.I love you, Vince.I know. I love you, too. Do you have to go into the office? You promised me we would have the whole week o ff, I whined.I'm sorry, babe, but I have to go in for the staff meeting. We have a l ot coming up next week and one of us needs to be there to be up to speed on thin gs. Then I have a few things to take care of, and I'll be home be this afternoon. I promise.Well if you have to go, don't you have anything else that you can wear?He l ooked down at himself, dressed in yet again another delicious three-piece suit. This one was navy with pinstripes, which he matched a checkered shirt and that d

amn purple tie with.Babe, I always wear suits to work.I don't like it when I'm not ther e. Plus that suit's different. What's it even made out of?It's polyester, but it cost me over a grand, so I'm wearing it.Isn't Friday supposed to be casual at some offices?Hah! Not ours, love. What are you going to do today?I don't know, lay around naked in yo ur bed and touch myself.He came over to the bed and laid his full body on top of me, pressing me into the mattress. You better put some clothes on this sexy littl e body of mine, and do not touch yourself unless I'm here. That's my job.I rested my cheek on the mattress so I could see as much of his face as possible. His lips w ere parted, and I wanted his mouth on me.Fine. Maybe I'll go joy riding in the Buga tti.That sounds fun. Just stay out of trouble, okay?Okay. I miss you already.I know. So do I, he said and kissed me quickly.He hopped off of me in his sexy suit, and walked out of the room. I got up and slid on his shirt that was lying on the flo or. I kissed him good-bye and watched him drive off.I went back into the house a nd grabbed my cell phone, heading out back to the pool. I sat on the ledge and d ipped my feet in the warm water. What was I going to do today? Cara was off, so I'm sure she was down for anything. Then it hit me; I knew what I had to do. I wan ted to do something for Vincent. After everything that he had given me it was my turn to return the favor.I was going to move my stuff in today, as much of it a s Cara and I could. I headed back inside to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of l eggings and a hot pink tank top. I pulled my hair on top of my head in a messy b un and grabbed the keys to the Range Rover. As I pulled out of the driveway, I c alled Cara, she answered on the first ring.Good Morning, doll. Time to wakey-wake y, I teased.Holy hell, what has you in such a good mood this morning? Did prince c harming bang you already?I need your help today.What is it? It's not like I have anyth ing else to do today.Vince just went to work, and I want to surprise him and move as much of my stuff into his place as I can.Hallelujah! You're finally making the ri ght decision. Hell yeah, I will help you as long as I can keep living here rent free.Of course you can. We're never getting rid of that place. I'm on my way now. Can you start throwing some of my clothes into my luggage?Sure thing. See you soon.I hu ng up and called C.J., I also needed his help. He didn't answer. They must be in t he meeting. Screw it. I wanted to handle this now so I could focus on packing an d moving.I called again. This time he answered. Hey, is everything okay?Yes, I'm fine . Please don't tell Vince it's me calling, okay?Okay.I need your help.Can you hold on a ment?Crap. Maybe I should have waited or sent him a text.Sorry I had to step out o f the staff meeting. So, I see that you're now calling Kane, `Vince?' he teased me.I la ughed a little. Come on, C.J., don't give me a hard time. You know we're dating. I ne ed your help today, please.Fine.I need you to keep Vince at work as long as you can and then text me when he leaves.That's it? You called me twice and interrupted our m eeting to have me keep him at work? What are you up to?Hey, I have a lot to do tod ay. Are you going to help me, or not?Yes, I'll help you. And just so you know, Alexa , I'm really happy for the both of you.Thanks C.J. I really owe you for this, I got to run.No problem. I'll text you later.I pulled up to the condo and backed the Range Rover into the driveway. I went inside, and my room already looked like a tornad o had torn through it. Cara had almost emptied my entire closet into our suitcas es.You're amazing, I said, giving her a hug as she walked out of the closet with an armful of clothes.You really owe me for this. You do realize that this is my one day off before I start my swing shift again?You know I'll pay you back. Thank you, t hank you, thank you. I said, hugging her.I went into the bathroom and started to pack my toiletries. We worked for hours, and by the time I looked at the clock a fter we crammed the last bags into the Range Rover and Cara's Audi, it was already noon. Vincent would be calling soon to tell me that he wouldn't be able to make i t home until later, so I wanted to get on the road to start unpacking. We locked up the condo and both hit the highway.We pulled up to Vincent's houseour housein re cord time. I backed the SUV into the garage, and Cara pulled into the circular d rive way.Holy shit, Lex! This is his house?I stood next to Cara and admired the be autiful home. Yup, this is it. Come on, I'll show you around before we unload the c ars.Cara was just as amazed with the house as I was the first time I saw it. I ne ver imagined I would be calling this my home.The process of unloading the cars w as exhausting. We brought everything into the bedroom, as that was where most of my stuff would be going.The closet was made for two people, so there was plenty

of room for my stuff. Cara unpacked and handed me the clothes. I went through t hem, hanging them where I wanted each item to go. After the addition of all of m y clothes, shoes, and purses, it looked like a department store had vomited in h is closet.We decided to take a break and headed into the kitchen for a snack. We made a final game plan of how I would reveal it to him.You could always send him a text and say, `just so you know I moved in today. Make sure you keep the seat d own.'I laughed and almost spit my sandwich out. Cara that's the dumbest thing you've eve r said.Whatever. Tell me what better ideas you have?I don't know, maybe I should've aske d him first?Are you kidding me? He is going to be ecstatic; I could only imagine h is expression when you tell him? I know how you can tell him. You're going to show him, not tell him.What do you mean? I asked.When he gets home, you can take him ups tairs. As soon as he sees the bedroom, he will know something is up. Once he see s the closet he will know for sure, that you've moved in.For once you have a terrifi c idea.Shut up you snot, I have a lot of great ideas. Let's finish before prince cha rming comes home.Will you stop calling him that?Why, he is your prince charming, rig ht?She was right, but rather than argue I rolled my eyes at her and walked back u pstairs. I didn't realize how many items I had truly brought with me.My phone buzz ed, and I checked it to see that I had a text from C.J.Vince, as you call him, i s on his way. I kept him as long as I could, but he was anxious to get out of he re. I wonder why?I texted back:Thanks so much. I owe you!That was C.J., Vince is on his way. We scrambled to collect the suitcases and get them loaded in Cara's ca r. My phone rang, and it was Vince.Hey baby, I'm on my way home now. I'm so sorry I h ad to work so long.It's okay. I understand.How was your day?It was good. I just hung ou with Cara.Good. What did you guys do?Nothing much. I'll tell you about it later.Okay, l see you soon. I love you.I love you too.I hung up and turned to Cara. Her jaw was practically on the floor.You may want to pick up your jaw, I said.I'm sorry. Did you just say `I love you too?'Yeah, so?Why didn't you tell me you guys had said the L word? hat's a huge deal.It just happened. I was going to tell you, I promise, but I got so preoccupied that is slipped my mind. Do you really think I would have moved in here had I not been in love with him?Well, I'm really happy for you Lex. He's an amazi ng guy.We moved outside and crammed the last suitcase into her car, Vincent pulle d up as she slammed the trunk.I can't thank you enough for helping me today.She hugg ed me tightly. It was my pleasure. I'm so happy for you, Lex.Vincent parked his car in the driveway, not bothering to open the garage. He got out and headed straigh t towards me, all confident, sexy, and mine.Hi, prince charming. You're looking fan cy in that suit today, Cara joked.Hello to you as well. What is it with everyone a nd this suit? he asked.She laughed. Well, I better get going. Lex, thanks for a fu n day. I'll talk to you later.What did you guys do today? he asked.Cara and I exchang ed a nervous glance. Nothing much. Boring girl stuff, I said.Cara winked at me and walked to her car. We waved to her as she sped off. I turned and looked at Vinc ent, he was staring in to me with pure love. I couldn't believe I was standing wit h him in front of our home.I didn't feel nervous about showing him I had moved in. I felt happy and excited.You look stunning today, he said.I looked down at myself in a dirty tank top, leggings, and tennis shoes. That is why I loved him. He sa w my beauty from the inside, and he wasn't just saying the words, I know he truly believed I looked stunning.Thanks, babe. You don't look too bad yourself.He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck. Why are you sweaty? What were yo u girls doing?Nothing. Come on, let's get out of the front yard before I rip that su it off of you right here.I grabbed his hand and walked up to the front door. I le d him up the stairs to our bedroom. When we stepped inside, he froze. He looked at my favorite blanket laid across the end of the bed, then at my nightstand whe re I added my iPad charger, my favorite lotion, and a photo of us. He turned to me with excitement in his eyes.I wanted to show him the closet, so I said, I thin k it's time we get you out of that suit don't you?He nodded his head, and when I walk ed into closet, he followed me in. What was once a bare space with empty shelves and bars now was packed full. This was my time to re-pay him for all of the kin dness and love he had shown me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, looking up into his hazel eyes. He went to speak, and I pressed my fi ngers against his lips.When he kissed my fingers, I said, Baby, I want to give yo u what you've given me. You've shown me how to love, and have loved me in a way I'd ne

ver known was possible. You make me feel confident and beautiful every minute of every day. You are my love and fulfill every little piece of me. I wanted to su rprise you with this. I couldn't think of a better way to repay you then moving in . Vincent, I love you and have since the moment I laid eyes on you. I am giving you my heart, and I trust you will forever protect and cherish it.A small tear es caped the inside corner of my eye. Vincent leaned in and kissed it away before i t reached my lips.Alexa, you have no idea how happy you've made me. I would've never thought in a million years I would have found someone as special as you. And her e I am, looking into your amazing green eyes, with the taste of your joyous tear on my lips. And now we're living together, where I get to love you and be loved i n return. You are the most amazing thing in this world, and you're mine. I love yo u so much, baby.Tears glossed over his eyes, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, pulling him to me. I kissed each of his eyes, tasting his salty tears . I moved my mouth to his and pressed my lips firmly to him. He opened his mouth and moved his tongue into mine while our hands gripped each other's bodies.He lif ted the hem of my tank top, pulling it over my head. I undid my bra and let it t o fall to the floor as I continued to kiss him. Pushing his coat off of his shou lders, I quickly unbuttoned his vest and then unknotted his tie. His hand slid i nto my pants while I tried to undress him and it caused me to stop. The feeling made my body tingle, and I froze bracing, myself on the large built-in dresser b ehind me.His skilled hand spread me open, and he circled my tender clit. I let m y head fall back and moaned. He leaned into me and kissed my neck, sucking with strength and slid two fingers inside of me.Once his fingers were inside, he move d them in and out while he sucked on my breasts. All I could do was hold onto th e dresser behind me and focus on standing.I love how you tighten your pussy aroun d my fingers like that.I whimpered and moved to kiss him again. His hand moved fa ster and pushed my body into a frenzy. I kissed and sucked on his tongue.He slow ed his movements, but didn't stop kissing me. He kept his fingers inside of me and was almost on top of me. We looked into one another's eyes, and he stopped kissin g me. His thumb rested on my clit as he spoke.Do you really live here now, or am I dreaming?Look around you at all my bags and shoes, I definitely live here now.Good , because we're not leaving here all weekend. I plan to stay buried deep inside of you christening every room of our home.Closet is first?That it is.He removed my legg ings and his pants. He started to unbutton his shirt, and I couldn't stop myself. I sauntered over to him, naked, and tore it open. The buttons flew across the ro om, and he looked into my eyes with hunger. I walked him backwards to the large ottoman in the corner. Pushing him into it, he grabbed me and I flew on top of h im.I kneeled next to him and grabbed his cock. Leaning down, I sank my mouth aro und him. I swirled my tongue over the tip as I sucked. He grabbed my body, movin g me so I was straddling his face. We were in the perfect sixty-nine position. H e gripped my ass and latched onto my clit. As soon as his mouth touched me, I we nt into overdrive. Sucking hard and jerking him even harder. Our bodies were hot , and his hands were digging into my ass.I was close to coming but wanted him in side of me. I stopped sucking and looked back at him. He stopped, and I moved to straddle him.Turn around, he commanded.I did so and he lifted me by my hips with his front to my back. I reached between us and placed his warm dick inside of me . As I sat there, his hands moved to my nipples and his mouth feverishly attacke d my back with kisses. I braced my hands on his knees and started to move. The f eeling was exquisite. I leaned forward and popped my ass up and down, making smo oth movements to rub that sweet spot.Oh God, Lex. You feel so good, he said and sl apped my ass hard. I almost came from that one smack. I loved it when he spanked me, and he knew it. He helped me move my body. We worked together, pleasuring o ne another and getting closer and closer to coming.He spanked me again, and I cr ied out loud and let go. Coming hard from his big cock and the firm slap he land ed on my ass, it was still tingling. A long low moan came from Vincent as he cam e with me.Once we stopped moving, he stood us up and scooped me in his arms. Thi s was the fastest he had ever moved after sex. He carried me out of the closet a nd took us into the kitchen, sitting me on the cool granite counter top.Lie back, he demanded.I did as he asked and watched him as he turned and opened the fridge . He had a bottle of chocolate syrup in his hand, and I cocked an eyebrow at him

. What are you planning on doing with that?I worked all day and I'm hungry, plus you just fucked the shit out of me. So I'm going to eat my two favorite things for din ner: you and chocolate.I quivered thinking of him licking chocolate off of my bod y. He popped open the top and drizzled the syrup from my collarbone to my left b reast, around my nipple then right down and around my sex.I looked in his eyes a nd saw hunger burning as he licked his lips. The effect this man had on my body was like nothing else. I surrendered my mind, body, and soul over to him.Lean bac k and close your eyes, beautiful.I leaned all the way back, and spread my arms ab ove my head. As I closed my eyes I felt like I was dreaming. Then the reality of the situation hit me, as Vincent's mouth touched me and started licking the syrup off. I finally had what I was looking for my entire life. Although, I lived beh ind a wall, and had been scared to ever love anyone. Vincent pulled me out of my shell, he showed me how to love, and loved me for being just the way I was. I r eached down and gripped his hair, watching him lick my body. He looked at me wit h those hazel eyes, and that panty-dropping smile. He licked my sex, and my head fell back. I tugged on his hair, and couldn't wait to fuck him in every room of o ur home. I run my hands through the soft fur of my new pup, Blair. He's our new husky, I've a lways wanted one, and Alexa surprised me on Christmas morning with this ridiculo usly cute little guy. He's now eight months old, and no longer little. I, of cours e, went a little more extreme and bought her a Porsche Carrera Twin Turbo. She n eeded her own sports car, and loves the Carrera, so I got her one.It's now March a nd the first 70 degree day we have had all year. Alexa demanded we have an impro mptu BBQ to enjoy the weather. I sit back, watching her sip her wine while she t alks with Lincoln and Bridgette. She made the decision to call Lincoln shortly a fter she moved in, and their relationship has since blossomed. Telling Bridgette wasn't easy. Lex made herself sick for a week over it. When she finally got up en ough courage to tell Bridgette, she was more than understanding and even excited to have a brother.I watch the three of them together, and it's like they had all grown up with one another. Lincoln is a genuine, down to earth guy, and I really like him. He has been through so much in his life. I love that he is caring and brutally honest.A light gust of wind comes through the back yard, blowing Alexa's hair into her face. She's so delicate as she takes her fingers and sweeps it behi nd her ears. The breeze moves her short summer dress in just the right way so I can see the bottom of her ass cheek. Her nipples strain against the thin materia l of her dress and my cock twitches as I imagine fucking her while she screams m y name. Blair walks by her, and his tail moves her dress, this time I get a glim pse of her thigh with that tattoo she got for me. It's a simple V with an intricat e heart. That tattoo means the world to me. I'm going to repay that favor really s oon.Blair barks and runs towards the sliding door. I turn behind me and see my d ad and Abel as they come out to the back yard. I get up to greet them, and the o thers join me. Alexa is by my side, and I can't help myself from pulling her again st me and pressing her sweet lips to mine. She tastes like she always does, mint y with a twist of coconut from that delicious lip-gloss she always wears. I shou ld invest in stock in that company with how much I like it.Love you, she whispers in my ear.I love you more, baby.Abel and I go inside to get the food to put on the grill.How are you holding up, brother? he asks and pats my back.How do you think I am holding up? I'm a nervous fucking wreck. What if she says `no?'Dude, there is no way she's going to say `no.' You two are meant for each other, stop letting your head fuc k with you. This is Alexa, okay?I know I shouldn't be nervous. I plan on asking her to marry me tonight after everyone leaves and we're alone. I have waited as long as I can. She is my soul mate, fate has brought us together and we promised each other forever. I guess I am still damaged from what Angela did to me, and it is causing me to doubt myself.Dude, it's going to fine. Abel says.I hope so. Help me ta ke this food out to the grill.When we walk outside, Alexa's laugh catches my attent ion. She glances at me out of the corner of her eye, and I can't help the warm smi le that spreads across my face. When she sees me smile at her, she shyly looks a way and continues to talk with her sister and brother. I love that look, the one she gives me when she acts shy. She's the sexiest woman I have ever seen, and she pushes my limits, not only sexually, but emotionally. Still to this day, I know

I will never get enough of her.I throw an assortment of meats onto the grill, a nd all I can think about is getting down on one knee in a few hours. What am I g oing to say? Is it too soon? Will she like the ring?Just then, her tiny arms wra p around my waist, and she rests her face against my back. All of my uneasiness washes away the minute I feel her touch. She's my life, and without her, there is no me.Mmm, it smells good. I'm starving, she says.Good, baby. It's about done if you wa nt to get everyone seated and bring the sides out.Okay. I love you, she says and ki sses my back. I don't think I'll ever hear her say those words enough. Will you guys help me bring out the sides? she asks my Dad and Abel.They follow her inside, and Cara comes out the sliding door a few seconds later and heads straight towards me.Hey. I got everything set up for you. There's like a million white rose petals a nd even more candles. Is there anything else you need?Nope, that's all. Cara, you ha ve no idea how much your help means to me. Thanks.Are you kidding me? You are abou t to make my best friend the happiest woman in the world. It's the least I can do.Do n't worry, I'll repay you. I promise. Whatever you want.She laughs and says, Oh my God . Really? Like a new car?If she says `yes,' I whisper, Then absolutely. I'll buy you a ne car.Alexa, Abel, and my Dad come back with arms full of food.Hey when did you get here? Alexa asks Cara.I just got here. I snuck around back, I rang the doorbell b ut no one answered.You could have just come in, Cara,It's fine, really. Let me help yo u set this down so we can eat. I'm starving.We all sit down and take our time eatin g. I keep my hand on Lex's thigh the whole time, and thankfully no one can see my erection under the table.I notice Abel being particularly quiet. I watch him as he sits back, sipping on his beer, observing Lincoln and Cara, who are laughing. I've never seen my brother show much interest in a girl. Until Cara, he is usuall y a one-time guy and that is it, but something about her has peaked his interest . I hate seeing him like this, and Cara is one of my friends so I need to be car eful about how I proceed with giving him advice.Are you guys done? Cara asks us.Le x and I nod our heads and Cara starts collecting our plates with hers and takes them inside. Abel gets up as well and follows her inside. Shit. I told him to le ave her alone, but he's a persistent little prick.Where is your brother? my dad asks me.I point inside where I see him talking to Cara in the kitchen. He's inches fro m her face, leaning against the counter with his hands on her hips.Well we better get going son, he says, giving me a hug and whispering into my ear, Good luck ton ight, son. I really love Alexa. Your mother would be proud of you.I hug him back and release him so he can go and hug Alexa. She has come to love him like a fath er, and I am so grateful that we have him in our lives.He walks inside, yelling at Abel, causing him to jerk away from Cara. The two of them walk off together, and I notice Cara's face is bright red as she runs her hands through her hair and shakes her head.I grab Lex's hand and lead her inside. I'm anxious to get her upstai rs.Everything okay with you and Abel? I ask Cara as we walk inside.She laughs. I'm no t even getting into that tonight. I'm beat. Do you mind if I run so I get home and to bed?Of course. Are you sure you're okay? Alexa asks.Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. Cara pulls us both into a hug. I love you both and am so happy that you found each oth er.Alexa scrunches her eyebrows. Boy, maybe you are tired. It's not like you to get all sappy. Time for you to get home and rest.I mean it, she says.We know you do. Tha nks for helping clean up. We'll see you later.After she leaves, Alexa heads back in to the kitchen and starts rinsing the dishes. I walk up behind her and turn the water off. Taking the dish out of her hand and turning her towards me, she looks at me confused, but I don't give her time to speak. I lift her in my arms and wal k us upstairs and to our bedroom.As I enter our room, I hear her breath hitch. T he room is completely covered in white rose petals. You can barely see the floor and the bed underneath them all. Cara was right, there are a ton of candles as well.What is all this for? she asks.I look deep into her green eyes, feeling her s weet breath on my skin. I take a deep breath and set her down on her feet.This is for you, my love.I walk over to my nightstand and open the drawer, grabbing the blue Tiffany box, and when I turned to her, she stands frozen and beautiful righ t where I set her down. As I walk back to her, she looks at me with so much love and adoration. I know I'm the luckiest bastard in the world. I stand in front of her and kiss her nose.With that kiss, I get down on one knee and profess my love .

To have this book completed is a dream come true. To allow that dream to become a reality, is first and foremost, because of my husband, William. This book woul d not be possible if it wasn't for you. You sparked this idea within me and motiva ted me beyond belief. You dealt with many late nights and months of excessive la ziness. I'm indebted to you, always and forever. I love you beyond words.To my bes t friend Kate, you are the dirtiest snot I know, and I wouldn't have you any other way. Thank you for dealing with my obsessiveness and constant text messages. Yo u had a dream I would write a book, and little did you know, I had just started writing. If that's not fate I don't know what is.To my amazing editor, Mary Kelley, of Adept Edits. There are not enough words to describe how appreciative I am to have you in my life. You are extremely talented at what you do. Thank you for th e countless hours of help, guidance, and yes, even yelling. You gave me the upmo st amount of confidence within myself and helped me to mold this story into the perfect tale that it is today. I could not have completed this project without y ou. I enjoyed being tangled up with you in a war of words and look forward to ma ny more.To the best group of beta readers a girl could ask for. JC Emery, all I can say is, `kiss on the mouth' because I owe you one. You spent more time than I ev en knew was humanly possible on this project. You made me laugh, cry, and most i mportantly, you made me become a better writer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. RL Griffin, you neglected your family to indulge in the world I created a nd gave me nothing but kudos. Thank you. Katie Mac, thank you for taking the tim e to read my book while being beyond busy. I will forever be grateful for your o pen and honest feedback.For my media team, whose countless hours of help and dea ling with my incisiveness made this book a reality. Thank you all. Allie Brennan of B Design. I think we did three different covers, and you never complained. T hird time's a charm, girl. You nailed it. Danielle Torella, you created a true mas terpiece and captured exactly what I wanted in the photo trailer for Alexa and V incent. I appreciate your patience and for making change after change while neve r complaining.Holly at Iloveindiebooks, you jumped on board without blinking an eye when I asked for your help. You gave me a chance and took time out of your b usy schedule to help me. Thank you for your patience and countless hours of help .Then there are all of the amazing authors I have met along this journey. There are too many of you to name. You all know who you are, and I appreciate the hour s of conversations and help. What once was the unknown for me has now been disco vered because of all of your help and guidance.And last but certainly not least, to the readers and bloggers. I hope you all enjoyed Fatalism and becoming entan gled in Alexa and Vincent's world as much as I enjoyed writing it.Follow LK Collin s:Facebook: https:// http://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-LK-Collins/48778024128 9249Twitter: @authorlkcollinsGoodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8= &qu ery=LK+Collins

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