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City of Wooster

January 2014

Winter Newsletter

Community Reinvestment ............ 2-3 Housing Inspections to be Conducted in the Traditional Residential Neighborhoods ............. 4 Wooster Receives Boost in its ISO Rating ......................... 5 Financial Information 2014 Budget ............ 6-7 Wooster Envisioned Public Meeting ........... 7

Message from the Mayor

want to thank the residents of Wooster for all of your support in passing the earned income tax increase in May. Over the past few years, the city has strived to maintain a high level of service to its residents in the face of severe budget cuts. By voting for the increase, you have shown that you share the citys vision of maintaining city services and protecting the quality of life in Wooster that we all value. We interpret the margin of victory as an expression of your faith in my administration to act responsibly with the funding that will be provided, and we look forward to keeping the promises that we have made. Moving forward, we will maintain the strategic philosophy that was continuously conveyed to the public for both operations and capital improvements. We will continue to evaluate each budgeted, capital expenditure and will proceed only if the proposed work is deemed necessary for operations and maintaining services. Simultaneously, we will be working to develop short-term and long-term goals as part of strategic planning for each division, department and the city as a whole. As promised, the City of Wooster and its employees will also continue to maintain transparency and scal responsibility. We have committed to move forward with balanced budgets, and we intend to follow through on that commitment. We will continue to apply and utilize grant funding whenever possible. Most importantly, we pledge to maintain open lines of communication with the public. Thank you again, residents of Wooster. It is an honor to serve a community that continues to value the quality of life that has made our city great.

-Bob Breneman

City of Wooster
Your Tax Dollars at Work
The mission of the City of Wooster is to partner with our community to deliver services, conserve resources, protect quality of life and plan for the future. This includes a variety of core values, including stewardship and trust. Following these core values, we are dedicated to communicating how your tax dollars are being utilized to provide valuable city services and capital improvement projects. The following capital improvements were able to take place in 2013. In 2014, we will continue a focus on capital improvements. Roadway Projects: $6 million ($4.7 million grant funding from ODOT)

Community Reinvestment
The City of Woosters Economic and Community Development office facilitates and promotes community quality of life and economic development in order to enhance local business development and manage community development programs. In collaboration with multiple economic development partners, the City of Wooster is proud to administer the following programs to improve quality of life and to create housing and business development opportunities:

CDBG: Community Development Block Grants

- Allocation Grants (infrastructure and services, totaling $75,000 in 2013) - Downtown Redevelopment Grants (totaling $250,000 in 2012 currently in process)

Residential CRA: Community Reinvestment Area

- Wooster homeowners may receive 10-year tax abatements for rehabilitating, expanding, or building new homes in historic neighborhoods, saving thousands of dollars - Aided improvements to 56 homes since its inception in 2004 (totaling $1.6 million in improvements) - Please visit to learn more

Burbank Road Paving

CHIP: Community Housing Improvement Program

- $500,000 grant that had aided 25 homes since 2012 o Home repair: 13 homes (2012 2013) o Down payment assistance on two homes o Private owner rehabilitation for five homes o Private rental rehabilitation for five homes Additionally, the City of Woosters Economic and Community Development Department supports business attraction and retention, in collaboration with WEDC and multiple state agencies, through leveraging multiple tax incentives and programs, including:

Burbank Road Paving

Wayne Avenue Paving

Continued on page 3

Business CRA: More than 21 businesses have committed to

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Water System Projects: $5.9 million ($2 million in grant funding)

hiring or retaining jobs through this program, which typically offers a 50% property tax abatement on the improved real estate value over 10 years for new construction or facility expansions. Projects with exceptional impact have received 12-year and 100% abatements. Learn more at

abatement for new construction or expansion projects that employ or retain 10 or more jobs. 11 businesses have taken advantage of this property tax abatement program. Up to 100% property tax abatements have been awarded to a number of companies making extraordinary workforce investments.

Enterprise Zone: Offers a 10-year, 50% to 75% property tax

Water Pollution Control Plant - New Digesters

Spring Street Waterline

CDBG Economic Grants: Supporting infrastructure

development to support business development

CIC: Wooster Growth Community Improvement Corporation

As taxpayers, you have been investing in your community. We are committed to doing the same, by reinvesting in both our residents and local businesses. As Wooster continues to move forward, we are committed to the continuation of programs that make positive impacts on those that live in and visit the City of Wooster.
Water Pollution Control Plant - Solids Receiving

Sewer System Projects: $3.7 million ($0.2 million in grant funding)

Glenn Ave Water and Sewer Improvements

Sidewalk Projects: $630,000 ($567,000 in grant funding)

Are inspections random? Inspections will be made block by block until the whole district is covered. These blocks will be selected randomly in each of the 4 main sections of the district. Can inspections be scheduled? Scheduling is not necessary because they are exterior inspections. If warranted by exterior conditions an interior inspection will be scheduled and we will contact the owner. When will they begin? We began in December. We do not know how long it will take to complete the district but estimate it will take 2 to 3 years for the rst inspections. What if the inspection fails? We will take the normal enforcement actions including: notifying the owner of the violations and required actions, abating the violations and certifying the cost to the auditor for assessment and prosecution. We will work with owners as long as there is progress.

Housing Inspections to be Conducted in the Traditional Residential Neighborhoods

In December 2013, the city hired a full-time inspector to enforce the Property Maintenance Code, Planning and Zoning Code and other related ordinances. The goal of this position is to enhance the quality of life for residents while preserving and improving the housing stock value through ensuring that housing exteriors, as well as interiors, are receiving proper upkeep. The Property Maintenance/Planning and Zoning Code Inspector will initiate a new program of regular periodic inspections of parcels located in the RT District (Traditional Residential). The RT District surrounds the downtown business district and contains approximately 1,762 parcels. The majority of the homes located in this district date back to before 1935 and require increased maintenance. Inspections will be performed from the right-of-way with emphasis on the exterior structure and property. Based on those observations, an interior inspection may be requested. Although regular periodic inspections will be focused in the RT District, The Property Maintenance Inspector will still respond to needs throughout the city. For more information about property maintenance and zoning code enforcement, please visit and look under the City Services tab, or call the City at 330-263-5200 x 362. The City of Wooster is a community that we are proud to be a part of. Through this initiative, we will ensure that our homes reflect the same pride that our residents show by being a part of Wooster.

Wooster Receives Boost in its ISO Rating

The City of Wooster has received an increase in its ISO rating, an insurance rating in relation to the citys ability to provide fire protection. Wooster moved from a class 4 rating of 66.4% from a 1997 audit to a class 3 rating of 79.06%. There are three categories reviewed when determining an ISO rating. Below are Woosters results:

1. 2. 3.

Fire Alarms (Dispatch) - 71.0% of 10 total points Fire Department 71.7% of 50 total points Water Supply 89.3% of 40 total points

The biggest adjustment in ISO rating from the previous audit was in the amount of points awarded in the Fire Department category, which increased from a class 5 rating of 59.4% to a class 3 rating of 71.7%. The most notable reasons for this increase include trainings, city emergency analysis and deployment and credit for personnel. Lower class ratings have the potential to provide a cost savings in insurance premiums, but it is not necessarily guaranteed. The individual insurance agency and the type of building being insured make this determination. For more information on potential savings, please contact your insurance agency.

Financial Information 2014 Budget

0% 2%

Amount $16,968,400 $8,310,739 $1,438,290 $246,700 $584,220 $368,100 $27,628 $1,500,000 $29,444,077

Percent 57.6% 28.2% 4.9% 0.8% 2.0% 1.3% 0.1% 5.1% 100.0%

1% 5% 1%

Where the Money Comes From





Revenue Source Definitions: TAXES - includes City levied income tax of 1.50% on substantially all income earned within the City, Citys portion of taxes due on real property [7 cents of each dollar paid], and bed tax: a levy imposed by the City on hotel stays within Wooster City limits. INTERGOVERNMENTAL - encompasses revenue sharing programs from the state and federal government, including but not limited to grants and local government revenue sharing program. CHARGES FOR SERVICES - includes fees for services such as recreation programs, community center programs, and emergency medical service runs. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - taxes levied on real estate that require that property owners pay for improvements such as streets, curbs and similar items that benefit their real estate. FINES, LICENSES & PERMITS - includes building permit fees, zoning permit fees and plan review fees. MISCELLANEOUS - encompasses rents, cable TV franchise fees, proceeds from sales of assets, and donations. INTEREST INCOME - revenue earned by investing available city funds throughout the year. INTERFUND - includes repayments by funds to other funds for expenses incurred on its behalf.


Amount $11,938,808 $135,000 $1,744,925 $1,206,391 $2,418,807 $3,568,842 $835,491 $6,423,092 $28,271,356

Percent 42.2% 0.5% 6.2% 4.3% 8.6% 12.6% 3.0% 22.7% 100.0%

Wooster Envisioned Public Meeting

Wooster is creating a blueprint for the future, and we want you to join us to remain informed on all that is happening in your city. Please join us on January 23, 2014 at 6 p.m. for our rst public meeting covering the Wooster Comprehensive Plan Update at the Wooster Community Center. The plan, which was originally prepared in 2002, is currently being updated with the intent to have the plan completed this summer.

Where the Money Goes


Expenditure by Type Definitions: SAFETY SERVICES - includes Police, Fire, EMS, Traffic Signals, and Street Lighting. HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES - includes expenses related to the Citys share of services performed by the County Board of Health. LEISURE SERVICES - encompasses the services, programs and facilities provided by the Parks & Recreation Division. ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT - encompasses the services of Building Standards, Zoning, Planning, Code Compliance, and Economic Development. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES - includes all costs associated with the maintenance and repair of City roads and related infrastructure. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - includes functions serving the City as a whole, including: Mayors Office, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, and City Council. DEBT SERVICES - encompasses principal and interest payments on general government municipal debt. Does not include debt serviced by City business type funds, such as Water and Sewer. CAPITAL OUTLAY - encompasses expenditures on the Citys Capital Improvement Program projects, such as road improvements/resurfacing and capital equipment. One-half of the recently passed income tax increase will be used to pay for the capital improvements. This does not include capital expenditures for assets of the business type funds such as water and sewer.

City of Wooster

Wooster City Hall 538 N. Market St. Wooster, OH 44691

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