Modern World History Midterm Review: Industrial Revolution & Modern Economy Facts

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Modern World History Midterm Review

Industrial Revolution & Modern Economy Facts o Started in Britain. o Major resources used in the IR were coal to fuel steam engines, wood/timber for buildings and machines, steel for machines and railroads. o The major Industries of the IR were textile, railroads, steel, mining and manufacturing. o There was a shift from the home, cottage industry domestic system/cottage industry! to a large scale manufacturing. o The IR ga"e birth to the middle class that we #now today. Industrial Revolution & Modern Economy Key People $arl Marx % wrote the &ommunist Manifesto after seeing the bad conditions of the majority of wor#ing class 'eo'le in the Industrial Re"olution. (e started the &ommunism mo"ement. (enry Bessemer % de"elo'ed a chea'er way to ma#e steel Samuel Morse % in"ented the telegra'h ) Morse code system of communication *li +hitney % in"ented the cotton gin, an easier way to se'arate seeds from cotton ,lfred -obel % in"entor of dynamite/ga"e name to -obel .ri/e. Industrial Revolution & Modern Economy Vocabulary 0 Interchangeable 'arts % switchable 'arts that made machines last longer and goods c eaper since you don1t ha"e re'lace the whole machine and could #ee' factories running all the time. 2ai//e03aire % go"ernment stays out of business hands0off! Socialism % go"ernment owns some means of 'roduction &ommunism % go"ernment owns all means of 'roduction &a'italism % free enter'rise4 'eo'le own ) o'erate business, not go"1t. % com'etition is #ey 5omestic system % 'roduction done in the home Mass 'roduction % goods 'roduced in large 6uantities 2uddite % someone against the use of technology es'ecially in the Industrial Re"olution! *fficiency % doing more with less things being made easier ) chea'er! 7nion % a grou' of wor#ers that fight for their rights Stri#e % refusing to wor# until demands are met. .roletariat % the wor#ing 'eo'le/wor#ing class &or'oration % 'ublically owned com'any that has shareholders Mono'oly % when one com'any owns all or most of an industry Stoc# % the amount ownershi'/in"estment in cor'oration/com'any

Imperialism & !ationalism Vocabulary Im'erialism % when a strong nation tries to dominate a wea#er one for resources .rotectorate % colony where the ruler #ee's his title but another country has control and 'rotects it. -ationalism % 'ride in one1s country that comes from common heritage! ,ssimilation % when nati"es gi"e u' their customs and ado't those of the country dominating them. Missionary % 'eo'le sent from churches to educate nati"e 'eo'les and teach them &hristianity. &olony % area where a foreign nation gained com'lete control. World War I Facts o Sides8 Tri'le *ntente ,llies! "s &entral .owers Tri'le ,lliance! o 9ermany marching through the neutral country of Belgium was one of the more immediate causes o The ,ssassination of ,rchdu#e 3erdinand, heir to the ,ustria0(ungary throne was also a direct cause of the 9reat +ar ++I! o Technology used in ++I were trenches, air'lanes, 'oison gas, barbed wire ) machine guns. o 9reat Britain declared war on 9ermany because they marched through the neutral country of Belgium. o ++I was ended by the Treaty of :ersailles which ga"e 9ermany the most blame and financial res'onsibility for the war o 9ermany had to 'ay massi"e re'arations to rebuilt *uro'e after the 9reat +ar. o .;T7S +oodrow +ilson had his <= .oints to hel' 're"ent another war from ha''ening, which was ultimately unsuccessful as we #now from ++II o ,s a 'redecessor to the 7nited -ations, an organi/ation called the 2eague of -ations was set u' to resol"e issues between *uro'ean countries, which was also unsuccessful. The 7S declined membershi' in the 2eague of -ations. o The Big 3our was the name of the leaders of the = most 'owerful countries of *uro'e after ++I World War I Key People " arles #arwin % de"elo'ed theory of natural selection that 'eo'le sometimes attributed to society. $tto Von %ismarc& % 9erman leader 'rior to/during ++I that had aggressi"e foreign 'olicy. 'rc du&e Ferdinand ( 'rince of ,ustria0(ungary that was assinated Woodrow Wilson % 7.S. 'resident during ++I that had a 'lan to rebuild *uro'e. )sar 'le*ander % tyrant leader of Russia that attac#ed his own 'eo'le when 'rotesting.

. World War I Vocabulary +nrestricted ,ub War-are ( 9ermany1s 'olicy during ++I of sin#ing all enemy boats, e"en ci"ilian shi's. %ig Four ( leaders of the most 'owerful = countries after ++I 0 7S, Britain, Italy ) 3rance Militarism ( glorification of armed strength and the military Mobili.ed ( reading army ) military resources +ltimatum ( final terms of a settlement do this ;R *2S*! Reparations ( 'ayment for damages caused by war. Propaganda ( ideas, facts or rumors s'read to con"ince 'eo'le of something. "ontraband ( war materials. 'trocities ( brutal crimes of war 'rmistice ( agreement to sto' fighting ceasefire! World War II Facts o The Treaty of :ersailles 'laced the majority of the blame for ++I on 9ermany and this left 9ermany feeling dejected ) 'owerless and cri''led its economy. o -a/i 'ro'aganda and 'rograms a''ealed to many 9erman 'eo'le because of this blame and economic/'olitical situation. o 3ascist go"ernments in Italy ) 9ermany came to 'ower by ex'loiting economic ) 'olitical difficulties and rallying the 'eo'le o -a/i 9ermany, 3ascist Italy ) &ommunist Russia all had a one 'arty system that dened basic human rights. o ++ II is considered a turning 'oint in history because *uro'ean domination of the world began to decline. o The (olocaust is considered a uni6ue e"ent because it was a genocide that was 'lanned in great detail and re6uired the coo'eration of many 'eo'le. o Technologies that had a huge im'act on ++II were the atomic bomb ) aircraft carriers o The official nation of Israel was set u' by Britain to relocate >ews that were dis'laced by the (olocaust.

World War II Vocabulary ,capegoating ( attributing ina''ro'riate blame to a grou' of 'eo'le +nited !ations ( institution that re'laced the 2eague of -ations

World War II Key People 'dol- Hitler ( leader of 9ermany during ++II and initiated the (olocaust %enito Mussolini ( leader of Italy during ++II /osep ,talin ( leader of Russia during and after ++II Winston " urc ill ( .rime Minister of *ngland during ++II "old War Facts o The 7.S. and 7.S.S.R. So"iet 7nion! were hesitant to engage in direct military conflict because of the threat of global nuclear destruction. o The So"iet 7nion ex'anded its influence Iron &urtain! into *astern *uro'e following ++I. o In the <?@A1s, the 7.S.S.R. ) 7.S. decided to eliminate a grou' of nuclear missiles. o ,fter ++II, *astern *uro'e was the most affected by the So"iet 7nion ideologically. o -ationalism can either unite or di"ide a nation. "old War Vocab Perestroi&a ( 9orbache"1s 'olicy that sought to increase 'roduction through indi"idual enter'rise. Korean War 0 military conflict in -ortheast ,sia in"ol"ing containment ) the com'eting ideologies of &a'italism ) &ommunism. Vietnam War ( military conflict in Southeast ,sia in"ol"ing the fight o"er the s'read of &ommunism. "ontainment ( official 7.S. 'olicy aimed at sto''ing the s'read of &ommunism. Mutually 'ssured #estruction ( the idea that if one nation launched nuclear wea'ons, the other would too and it would result in the annihilation of all life. !ort 'tlantic )reaty $rgani.ation 1!')$2 ( organi/ation of nations that 'ledge to 'rotect each other. 3atin 'merica Facts The .anama &anal was built by 3rance and was meant as a waterway that cuts through narrow .anama to 'ro"ide a faster route from the ,tlantic to .acific oceans. This ex'edited trade and tra"el greatly. Bra/il is the only area that was not coloni/ed by S'ain, but rather by .ortugal, and as result s'ea#s .ortuguese. Re"olutions in 2atin ,merica were largely successful, but were com'licated es'ecially in Mexico! by the mixing of races and assimilation of nati"e/sla"e 'eo'les into *uro'ean S'anish and .ortuguese! cultures.

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