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It's shocking just how rude, crude and callous frosh rituals have become.

(Overuse of language provoking emotional/persuasive response) (Emotionally Charged Words) We're no prudes and we've been around the block. While parents may wish it weren't so, we expect first-year college and university students to go wild in the first week. Let's be honest. There's going to be silly stunts. Some sex. And there's going to be some drinking. Actually, there's going to be a lot of drinking. (Lets is a contraction of let us, which when used involves the author as well as the readers in an opinion. By including the reader, the author is making an assumption that most readers will possess a common viewpoint of the current argument with the author, although in reality it is quite possible for the reader to disagree with the viewpoint of the author)(False-Consensus Effect) (If based on North-American universities, this may indeed be likely, but not everyone will agree with this, as this is not the case in many scenarios. By stating there will be lots of drinking is making an assumption that the students within all universities will share the same social norms and reinforce the common trend of mass alcohol consumption. (This would be true in a mechanical solidarity, but North America (or even a university) is best modeled as an organic solidarity; therefore our morals/norms will differ from place to place). Assuming that frosh directly correlates with mass alcohol consumption disregards the likelihood that each student/university may differ from each other to a certain degree in their manner of social interaction. Because of these differences, many students or universities as a whole will most likely disprove the authors presumed norm of frosh-based alcoholism) (Cultural Bias) But what we shouldn't be seeing from Canada's youth unhinged is the promotion of rape, misogyny and racism. Front and centre in September's frosh news this year was the University of British Columbia. One popular frosh chant from the school has garnered notoriety across the country. Basically it encourages non-consensual sex with underage girls and jokes about going to jail for it. The public first heard about this chant from a frosh week on the other side of the country -- St. Mary's in Halifax. On Tuesday it was revealed UBC frosh participants also performed a mock Aboriginal drum circle filled with racial stereotypes. These are wrong. But the university's solution isn't entirely right. On Wednesday a UBC "fact-finding panel" released a report on the sex chant. They interviewed students, participants and researched the history of frosh. They discovered the chant is used in schools across the country -- including high schools. (Obviously schools are using the chant; because it happened in these two occasions (as mentioned within this article), but the correct question is how many schools are using this chant. Without clarification, this chant could be limited to the two schools discussed) (Misrepresentation/abuse of fact)

There have been apologies from all corners and the student society involved is donating $250,000 over three years towards sexual abuse and violence counselling. We applaud the contribution but the examination process suggests too much bureaucracy. The answer to these excessive shenanigans? It's not a committee. It's not a study. These students aren't naive. They knew what they were doing. (While it is almost certainly true that the students knew what they were doing was wrong, from a legal standpoint it is possible that these students did not possess the knowledge/intention that what they were doing was disrespectful. (e.x. intoxication/bandwagon effect). But assuming the intentions of anyone is solely speculation and an opinion on the authors behalf) (Opinion Statement) It's not a matter of shaming young people through politically correct outrage. It's about values and family. It's like with alcohol. Young people are going to explore. But they need to apply common sense to learn their limits. In these cases, they're failing to understand the limits of frosh fun. (Young people are going to explore is a statement which leaves no ambiguity or doubt that young people will explore. While it may and probably is very likely, there is no guarantee that every young person will explore during university; therefore a more appropriate statement would be Young people will most likely explore) (Opinion Statement) They won't learn this from a panel report. They get it from strong foundations. Strong family. Strong values. This coarsening of our youth doesn't bode well for anyone. But Canadian families can play a defining role in correcting this. (Initiation serves an essential role in many different situations, and has been a valuable form of a rite of passage long before initiation within schools. A great example to disprove this statement would be to look at the initiation in almost any army; the coarse critiques given to privates by their drill sergeants are a rite of passage which give soldiers a taste of the no-mercy mentality of war) (Opinion Statement) Entire article (Particular attention is paid to the facts which demonstrate a negative argument regarding frosh/students involved in frosh, all while disregarding any positive outcomes of this particular scenario. Particular attention is paid to the fact that this chant is harmful/disrespectful as well as alcohol consumption within frosh week. If you look at the positive side, the $250,000 donation towards sexual abuse/violence counselling would have never occurred if it were not for this chant, and this fact has been shunned by the author. (Negativity Bias/One Sided View)

Legend of Bias (Emotionally Charged Words) False-Consensus Effect

Cultural Bias Misrepresentation/Abuse of Fact Opinion Negativity Bias/One Sided View My Description

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