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Acknowledgement Research Topic 2 3

Research Objectives Problem Statement Research Questions Introduction Literature Review Data Collection Sources Presentation of Findings Interpretation of Findings Discussion of Findings Conclusion Bibliography Appendix

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Without the help of my Father, Mother, Sister, collogues and teacher this Internal Assessment would not have been a success .The researcher wishes to thank these persons for their continuous help and support given that contributed to the completion of this Internal Assessment.


Research Topic
The influences of Dancehall music; on young adults/ teenagers in the Black and White Street, South Turkeyen community.


Research Objectives
To find out the reasons young adults listen to Dancehall music. To examine ways in which dancehall music influences young adults in the Black and White Street South Turkeyen Community To assets ways in which the effect dancehall music has on young adults in the Black and White Street South Turkeyen Community can be reduced.


Problem Statement
Dancehall music influences young adults. This research seeks to investigate the causes and effects of dancehall music on young adults in the Black and White Street, South Turkeyen community.


Research Questions
1. Why young adults in the Black and White Street, South Turkeyen community listen to Dancehall music? 2. What positive impacts Dancehall music has on this community? 3. What negative impacts Dancehall music has on this community?


Dancehall music influences on young adults have come under criticism from both local and international media and other concerned persons. This popular genre of music has caught the attention of a number of young adults in the Black and White Street, South Turkeyen community. But this genre of music that has become so popular seems to be having negative effects on the young adults in the community. This caused many members of the community to become concerned about the influences of Dancehall music on young adults in the community. The Black and White Street, South Turkeyen community is located on the East coast in Greater Georgetown, Guyana. Dancehall music influences young adults in the community. This research seeks to investigate the causes and effects of dancehall music on young adults in the, community. This research is of great educational value as it seeks to understand the influences of dancehall music on young adults in the community and why these young adults are influenced by the music and also ways in which the problem being faced can be best solved. This research can also serve to raise awareness among members of the community who are ignorant about the problem being faced. Technical Terms Dancehall Music- a style of dance-oriented reggae, originating in the late 1980s Influence- a power of affecting a person thing or course of events Genre- a style or category of music Immoral- deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong behavior Explicit- fully or clearly expressed or demonstrated leaving noting merely implied


Literature Review
The literature reviewed in this research shows that according to a study, conducted by public policy analyst and doctoral candidate, Tazhmoye Crawford, at the University of the West Indies, Mona in 2007 showed that teenagers are identifying music mainly of the dancehall genre as a trigger for early sexual intercourse, a document dont by North America journal of Medial Sciences, A public health concern agree with the West Indies University that dancehall music has a strong sexually negative impact on young adults because of the strong sexual content and graphic violence that dancehall music contains. This field research done by this journal showed that devotion to dancehall music influences violence in Schools and public places, similarly this research seeks to directly link dancehall music to these issues mentioned. An article done by in 2010 mentioned that dancehall music has both positive and negative impacts on young adults; the article stated that since dancehall music plays a part in increasing of STDs and teenage pregnancy while at the same time it uplifts Men and Women in society .But they also raise the question of why a genre of music so popular should have so many negative impacts on youths in society. Even though some argue that dancehall music is not one of the main causes of crime and violence among young adults, behavioral scientist and music educator, Dr Marily Anderson says despite the fact that music is being laid cut as a part of today culture, there is no doubt that the violent lyrics of dancehall music affects emotional behavior in humans, particularly the young .She also said that parents and peers plays a role in what type of music young adults listen to since music is listen to in the home. As a result the researcher seeks to find out if parents and peers in the community play a role in what kind of music young adults in the community listen to. Maybe as time passes dancehall music will become a more widely accepted of genre of music as some artistes seeks to change their message in their music as popular dancehall artiste Bennie Man and Mr. Vageus have apologize for the harmful lyrics portray in their songs, but these signs of changes are often met with mixed reactions from fans and critics of these artiste. This even prompted a local business man to write his opinion to a local newspaper Kaietuer News on May 20th 2012, saying that there are do dancehall artiste who can be seem as role model material. These information gathered from different articles and previous study conducted relating to the problem being faced by the members of the community being studied, prompted the researcher to seek information and analyze it in order for the researcher to understand and compare these information with data gathered from other studies conducted.


Data Collection Sources

The type of research done by the researcher was applied and quantitive.These methods were chosen by the researcher in order to adequately address the problem faced and to gather information that can be analyzed to construct charts and graphs. Questionnaire was the method chosen to conduct the survey needed to be carried out in this research. A questionnaire is a set of written or printed questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purpose of a survey or statistical study. This method was chosen in order for the researcher to be able to easily analyze responses obtained in the survey and so that respondents can easily answer the questions asked. Eight open ended and twelve closed ended questions were included in the questionnaire. From a population of approximately one hundred and fifty persons in the community, twenty persons between the age of eleven years and twenty years old were randomly selected to answer the questionnaires. The respondents were randomly selected in order for the researcher to receive varying responds. This study was conducted during the period between 1st March, 2013 and 15th March, 2013.Questionnaire were distributed on 10th March, 2013 and collected on 11th March, 2013.The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed and presented using a variety of graphs.


Presentation Of Data

Figure 1 showing reasons why dancehall music have a negitive impact on young adults

20% 25%

Dancehall artiste that young adults listen to promate violence Young adults look up to dancehall artiste as role models for their life Dancehall artiste promate immoral acts that attracts young adults Young adults take the words in dancehall songs literally

15% 40%

The above pie chart shows the reasons why young adults of the South Turkeyen Black and White Street are so negatively influenced by dancehall music. Because the artistes promote violence 25% and

because young adults look to the artistes as, role models in their life 15% or because the music promote immoral acts which attracts young adults 40% and that young adults take the lyrics of dancehall music literally 20%.

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Figure 2 is a colum graph showing negitive effects of Dancehall music on young adults

Because of the explict contents Encourage illegal activities

5 Number of Responses Promate violance 4 Men loose respect for women Cause children to loose respect for elders Encourage immoral acts 2 Encourage stealing Encourage having children out of wedlock


The above diagram is a Colum graph showing the negative effects of dancehall music on young adults in the community. This is done by dancehall music influencing them negatively with the lyrics of the songs which promote violence 15% of responses, encouraging illegal activities5% of responses, immoral acts5%, because of explicit contents 35% ,cause men to lose respect for women 5% and encouraging having children out of wedlock 5%.

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Figure 3 is a Bar graph showing positive effects of Dancehall music

Showcase talented young adults

Educate young adults about everyday life Some songs encourage young aults to take in their education

Raise self esteem Inspire young adults Help release stress


Help release stress

Some songs encourage young aults to take in their education Educate young adults about everyday life Showcase talented young adults

Inspire young adults

Raise self esteem 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number of Responses

The above Graph shows how dancehall music can positively influence the young adults in the community. 5% said it can positively influence them by raising their self esteem, 20% said by inspiring them, 5% said because it release stress, 30% said because some songs encourage young adults to take in their education and 20% said by showcasing young talents

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Interpretation of Findings
The survey done showed that a majority of young adults 60% listen to dancehall music when compared with other results obtained which showed that 10% listen mostly to Pop, 10% listen to R & B,5% listen to Rock 10% listen to Rap,5% listen to Reggae and non listen mostly to Gospel. It also showed that 85% of respondents have family members that listen to dancehall music home or around the respondent this may be a reason why so many young adults listen to dancehall music in the community since they hear their elders and/or family listening to it. 55% of responses supported that dancehall music has both a negative and positive influences on young adults while 30 % said its negative and 15 %said it has a positive influence. The researcher determine from the information gathered that 45% of respondents listen to dancehall music at home, 20% listen to it at school ,25% listen to it in public transportation (buses and cars mainly) and 10% hear it playing at houses in the neighborhood. This shows that the environment young adults are exposed to may be a reason why they listen to dancehall music. The responses also indicated that dancehall music can positively influence young adults by lifting their self esteem and educating them about life around but can also influence them negatively with the lyrics of the songs which promote violence, encourage illegal activities and other immoral acts. Most respondents listen to dancehall music because their peers or family listen to it or because it relates to things they encounter in life.90% of respondents claimed that yes there is a dancehall artiste that they admire and 50% of that 90% mentioned that that dancehall artiste is Kartel , 45% said Tommey Lee and 5% said Popcaan. These dancehall artistes that respondents admire are the most popular artiste in the Caribbean who sings lewd and violent songs. Respondents claimed that they view these artistes as role models in their life because they are popular 55%, their songs relate to their life 11% or because the artiste inspire them11%. Dancehall music seems to have an influence on the age that young adult became sexually active as supported by 75% of responses but this was denied by 25% of respondents. This may lead to other problems such as increase in teenage pregnancy 25%, increase in STDs in the community 65% and juvenile delinquency and school dropouts in the community 10%.This may be because of dancehall music exposing young adults to raw, explicit, sexual and violent lyrics that encourages young adults to take part in those acts by glorifying those acts. Most responses 80% claimed that the government plays a role in promoting dancehall music and 20% claimed that the government does not. The responses indicated that to help prevent dancehall music effect on young adults the government can ban dancehall music from being played in public transportation 30%, ban songs and videos from certain dancehall artiste from the country 45% or open community centers and playgrounds where young adults can take part in
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activities instead of liming and listening to music 45%. Community members can also help by having church activities in the communities that involve young adults 15%, monitor what their children watch on TV or do on the internet 55%, ban their children from listening to dancehall music 5% or have community meetings to discuss problems faced in the community and find out the ways in which these problems can be best dealt with 25%. Respondents said that dancehall music has a negative impact on young adults because the artistes promote violence 25% and because young adults look to the artistes as, role models in their life 15% or because the music promote immoral acts which attracts young adults 40% and that young adults take the lyrics of dancehall music literally 20%. In order to reduce the impact dancehall music has on young adults respondents propose that dancehall artistes sing songs without explicit lyrics 15%, put restrictions on shows so that only persons of a certain age and above can attend 70% or encourage young adults to stay away from violence and crime 15%.

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Discussion of Findings
The researcher must agree with the study, conducted by public policy analyst and doctoral candidate, Tazhmoye Crawford, at the University of the West Indies, Mona in 2007 that showed that teenagers are identifying music mainly of the dancehall genre as a trigger for early sexual intercourse as was also found out in this survey that dancehall music which is the most popular genre of music in the community influences young adults to become sexually active early in life as was supported by a majority of the responses. Family members and peers seems to influence what type of music young adults listen to as said by Dr Marily Anderson in her article as results from this research supports what she said. The results also showed that dancehall music is listen to mostly at home. Results also show that they are also influence by the popularity of the artiste or how good the song sounds. Not everyone agree with North America Journal of medical science who said that dancehall music impact is purely negative as but it can be said that yardflex archives may be right as data obtain shows that dancehall music has both positive and negative impacts on young adults. It can also be said that young adults may not view the content of dancehall music that the North America Journal of Medial sciences view negative in the same context. Although results obtained also shows that dancehall music encourages sexual activities, promote violence along with other immoral acts as was stated by the North American journal. But other results show the positive aspects. While most respondents believe that their favorite dancehall music can be consider a good role model evidence obtained shows that these artiste may not have the quality of a good role model as supported by a letter written the Kaietuer News paper. Although ideas proposed by respondents to reduce the impact of dancehall music on young adults are of good quality the researcher worries they might not work as critics and fans all have their own ideas of right and wrong.

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The Black and White Street South Turkeyen community young adults are influenced and thus affected by the positive and negative aspects of dancehall music as many other countries and Caribbean territories. This survey done to have investigated the influences and effects of dancehall music, it also found solutions that can be put in place help solve the problem faced. This survey was limited by the size of the area that research was done in and also by the questions in the questionnaire .This may mean that data gathered may relate to other communities but data gathered relates to data gathered by other studies done before. The researcher suggests that the members of the community come together and discuss the problem faced and at the same time educate community members who are ignorant about the influences of dancehall music and also find solutions that be best implemented in the community.

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Picture above showing one of the popular Dancehall music dance moves

Picture of popular Dancehall artiste glorifying guns

Picture showing young adults dancing to Dancehall music

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