Bustos Campus: Vision of The University

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Vision of the University A recognized leader for excellence in instruction, research and extension services; a key player in the education and formation of professionally competent, service-oriented, and productive citizens; and a prime mover of the nations sustainable growth and development. Mission of the University he !niversity shall provide higher professional, technical, and special instruction for special purposes and promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in Agriculture, "ommerce, #ducation, $ishery, $orestry, #ngineering, Arts and %ciences, &aw, 'edicine, (ublic Administration, echnical, and other fields that may be relevant. )*A +,,-.. Goals o realize its mission, the College of Information Technology and Engineering will explore to/ 0. (roduce globally competitive graduates by providing comprehensive programs and up-to-date trainings. 1. %ustain faculty and staff development through relevant seminars, workshops, and scholarship grants. 2. #stablish strong linkages to students, academe, and industry through the availability of resources and facilities and community partnership. 3. "ontribute to the development of society through research, extension services, and technology transfer based on industry standards. Objectives o provide students with holistic training by introducing new technologies in 4nformation and "ommunication echnology and allowing them to experience actual workplace environment. 0. o inculcate discipline towards the achievements of professional competencies, integrity, moral and ethical values. 1. o produce students knowledgeable in programming, networking, database management, and with expertise on systems analysis and design by providing appropriate trainings and laboratories. 2. o promote culture of teamwork, discipline, good study habits and standards of learning by exploring hardware and software technology in an environment conductive to learning.

I# II# III# I.# .# .I# .II#

C)urse C)+e , SCI 113 C)urse Title, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE C)urse !escri-ti)n, This course provides basic information about bio o!ica "or d# its structure and function re ations# focusin! on the d$namic bet"een the !roup of ivin! thin!s and their re ationship "ith the non% ivin! "or d& C)urse Cre+it, 3 units '( units ec )1 unit ab* Ti/e All)t/ent, ( hours per "ee+)3 hours per "ee+ 0rere1uisite, None C)urse O23ectives, A& Genera Ob-ectives

At the end of this course# the students sha have achieved the fo o"in!, 1& Learned the functions of different parts of ce &

(& .nderstood the functions of different or!ans in our bod$ and its connection "ith each other& 3& /escribed the biotic and abiotic components of the environment& 0& .nderstood the process of inheritance of different traits from the parent to the offsprin!& 1& /escribed the diversit$ of ife&
B& Specific Ob-ectives At the end of the esson# the students shou d be ab e to, 1& .se various measurin! devices "ith ma2imum de!ree of accurac$ and precision (& Identif$ at east five e2amp es of techno o!$ in the fie d of bio o!$& 3& Name traits of a scientist and e2p ain ho" each of them is usefu to his)her "or+& 0& Give an e2amp e of ho" a scientist so ves a prob em to i ustrate "hat is ca ed 3scientific method4& 1& List do"n at east five branches of bio o!$# and the importance of stud$in! each& 5& Cite the contributions of some forei!n and oca bio o!ists& 6& Identif$ the characteristics of ivin! and non% ivin! thin!s& 7& Trace ife do"n to the chemica eve & 8& 9evie" some basic concepts in chemistr$& 1:& I ustrate the observation that the activities and functions of ce s are determined b$ their structure& 11& Brief $ describe the main events associated "ith each of the activities of the ce & 1(& Give e2amp es of p ant and anima tissues& 13& /escribe ho" man can +eep a hea th$ bod$& 10& /escribe ho" the bod$ or!ans of a man are structura $ desi!ned to perform ife functions& 11& /iscuss ho" inheritance of a trait is made possib e throu!h /NA& 15& E2p ain an$ three a"s of heredit$ and cite the hereditar$ phenomena the$ account for ife& 16& Compare the path"a$ of materia s and that of ener!$ in the ivin! "or d& 17& Cite characteristics of a ba anced ecos$stem&

18& Identif$ t"o "a$s b$ "hich man;s activities disrupt eco o!ica ba ance& (:& Cite t"o samp e cases of so vin! an environmenta prob em "ith the east harm to the environment& (1& Cite concrete efforts of the !overnment to protect our environment& ((& E2p ain the need for c assif$in! ivin! thin!s& (3& I ustrate the basis for c assif$in! ivin! thin!s&

(0& Create and ta+e care of either a terrarium or dish !arden that e2hibits the interaction and processes invo ved in an ecos$stem& (1& C assif$ different p ants and anima species throu!h herbarium%ma+in! and insect co ection&

.III# Met4)+s5Strate*ies A# Met4)+s 1& Lecture)/iscussion (& Activities 3& /emonstration 0& <ro-ect)E2periment =ethod 1& Inductive =ethod 5& CAI B# Strate*ies5A--r)ac4es 1& Group <erformance (& /iscussion 3& /emonstration# 0& /ri s)Games)E2ercises 1& 9esearch 5& >ui??es)Lon! Test) =a-or E2ams C# Au+i) .isual Materials 1& @hite)Cha + board and =ar+er)Cha + (& =odu e) handouts)Activit$ Sheets 3& Laborator$ eAuipment)apparatus 0& =u timedia)Bisua Aids I6# C)urse C)ntent, Topics 1& Orientation Bision# =ission# Goa s and Ob-ectives C assroom <o icies Course Out ine)9eAuirements Gradin! S$stem (& Introduction CNature and Scope of Bio o!$ Time Allotment 3

CImportance of Bio o!$ CBranches of Bio o!$ CCharacteristics of ivin! and non% ivin! thin!s CScientific =ethod

3& Essentia Chemistr$ of Bio o!$ C=atter, E ements and Compounds CAtoms CChemica Bondin! and mo ecu es CChemica 9eaction C@ater and Life

0& Structure and Dunctions of Life CCe Theor$ C=icroscope CCe Structure and Composition CCe Dunction CCe /ivision C< ant and Anima Tissues

1& Dunctions of Life C/i!estive S$stem C9espirator$ S$stem CCircu ator$ S$stem CE2cretor$ S$stem CNervous S$stem C=uscu ar S$stem CS+e eta S$stem C9eproductive S$stem

CInte!umentar$ S$stem

5& Eereditar$ and Bariation C=ende ;s La"s of Eeredit$ C/NA

6& Concept of An Ecos$stem CThe ecos$stem CInter%re ationship amon! or!anisms CEco o!ica issues

7& /iversit$ of Life C/iversit$ of Life CBio o!ica c assification List of E2periment 1& Scientific =ethod (& Laborator$ EAuipment and Apparatus, =easurement 3& The =icroscope 0& < ant and Anima Ce , S ide <reparation 1& < ant Or!ans)Or!an S$stems 5& 9espiration and <hotos$nthesis 6& Insect Co ection 7& /r$ <reservation, Eerbarium =a+in! 8& /ish Garden)Terrarium =a+in! 1:& <o ution 6#

Re7erence5s, Arora# /eepi+a# The Basics of Bio o!$# Anmo <ub ications <BT&LT/& India# (::7 Campbe # eta &# Essentia Bio o!$ "ith <h$sio o!$# <earson Education Inc&# San Drancisco# (::0

Capco# Carme ita# Bio o!$# <hoeni2 <ub ishin! Eouse Inc&# >ue?on Cit$# (::3 <eneci a# et& a &# Basic Concepts in Bio o!$# Trinitas <ub ishin! Inc&# Bu acan# (::3 Santos and /anac# i%Bio o!$# 9e2 Boo+store# =ani a# (::5 <rincipio# =&F&et a &# Bio o!$# Laborator$ =anua 3rd Ed& (::8

8e2 Re7erences, http,))"ps&prenha &com)esmGfreemanGbiosciG1 http,))"""& aborator$eAuipment"or d&com)bio o!$% ab%eAuipment http,))"""& i!htandmatter&com)cp http,))"""& abeAuipments&co&in)bio o!$% ab%eAuipment http,))cata o!s&indiamart&com)products)bio o!$%eAuipment http,))"""&emc&maricopa&edu)facu t$)farabee)bio http,))users&rcn&com)-+imba &ma&u tranet)Bio o!$<a!es 6I# C)urse Re1uire/ents, 1& >ui??es (& Activities 3& 9ecitation 0& Laborator$ E2periment)Output 1& <ro-ect)Group Output 5& =idterm and Dina E2aminations Gra+in* Syste/, Laborator$ Activities)<ro-ects)Seat"or+)9ecitation Lon! Test)>ui??es E2amination% =id and Dina Term 3:H 3:H 0:H 1::


9evised b$, MS# MELISSA A# BERNAR!O MS# MARICEL SIERTO MRS# RE6ELLA UMO9UIT Instructors S.Y. 2013-2014 Chec+ed b$, MR# ALLAN 0LENO Coordinator# BSBA Noted, MS# !ONABELLE .# SARMIENTO

Approved, !R# ALBERTO :# .ALEN;UELA


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