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Asian American Institute

Connections: Fall Reception

Sponsorship Package
The Asian American Institute (AAI) is a pan-
pan-Asian, non-
non-partisan, not for profit 501(c)(3) organization,
whose mission is to empower the Asian American (AA) community through advocacy, by utilizing
coalition building, education, and research.

AAI was established in 1992 by a group of Asian American (AA) community activists, academic
professionals, and business leaders in response to the need for this fast-
fast-growing population to develop
consensus on a pan-
pan-Asian agenda among Chicago's diverse Asian American communities.

Asian Americans are one of the fastest-

fastest-growing populations in the United States. In Illinois, this
diverse and often over-
over-looked community of over 617,000, according to the 2007 Census estimates,
includes Americans of Bangladeshi, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian,
Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Nepali, Pacific Islander, Pakistani, Thai, Tibetan and Vietnamese descent.

Specifically, AAI works to empower the Asian American community by:

• Increasing public understanding about AA communities through research and community education,
• Advocating for policies that promote social, economic, educational and political equity of the Asian
American community as a whole,
• Encouraging active civic participation through organizing, leadership training and advocating for
equal rights,
• Working in partnership with and supporting like- like-minded organizations and individuals to build
positive interracial and inter-
inter-ethnic relations.

Publications include:
• Asian American Compass: A Guide to Navigating the Community
• Understanding Asian Americans in Metropolitan Chicago
• Inside Track: A Media Guide to Government
• What’s at Stake? An Asian American Issues Platform

We work with other like-

like-minded organizations to stand united on issues of common interests. In 2005,
AAI became an affiliate of the Asian American Justice Center, a national organization that works to
advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans through advocacy, public policy, public
education, and litigation.
Impact Fellows Program (IFP): A Youth Leadership Program is an intensive summer leadership and internship
program that develops emerging leaders by providing young adults, ages 17-24, with practical leadership skills
and the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. The six-week program combines leadership, workplace
training, and internship, to equip young adults to make an impact on the Asian American (AA) community.

Catalyst for a Responsive Civic Leadership (CRCL): An Executive Level Leadership and Civic Leadership Place-
ment Program seeks to increase the representation of AAs in leadership positions in key civic institutions so that
Asian Americans will have an increased voice in the future of our region. While AAs are among the fast-
growing populations in Illinois, our representation in mainstream civic institutions (government, nonprofit, and
corporate boards) has not kept pace with this growth.

Community Resources: AAI publishes the Asian American Compass: A Guide to Navigating the Community, a
resource guide and directory which contains census information, ethnic community narratives, and contact
information for hundreds of AA organizations. In addition, AAI developed a 41 page Inside Track: A Media
Guide to Government which is a handbook designed for the AA ethnic media so they can effectively educate
the community about civic participation.

AAI’s Community Organizing Project works to build collective power for the Asian Americans by building a
coalition to advance a cohesive community agenda. The COP provides training on issues and organizing skills,
and leads issue working groups on education and immigrant rights. AAI is also using its Immigrant Stories
Collection Project to put a human face on immigration policies and their affects on Asian Americans.
The annual Asian American Leadership Forum and community training workshop series are designed to foster
collaboration within the Asian American community. Through the Forums we hope to achieve a greater
understanding and ability to address Asian American issues through dialogue, developing strategies, and
participating in leadership development training.


AAI’s Legal Advocacy Program protects the civil rights of the Asian American community by advocating for laws and policies that promote
social, economic, educational, and political equity. Projects within the Legal Advocacy Program include:

• Affirmative Action Advocacy:

Advocacy AAI advocates for the inclusion of Asian American-owned businesses in minority contracting
programs offered by state and local governments to remedy past discrimination.
• Voting Rights:
Rights AAI aims to increase Asian American participation in the democratic process through community education and the
removal of language and other barriers. AAI conducts poll watching and exit polling during key elections, focusing on elections
involving issues and candidates of concern to Asian Americans, and regions where bilingual voting assistance is needed.
• Redistricting: To prevent the dilution of our community's vote, AAI advocates for redistricting in areas where the current district
lines fragment Asian American communities.
• Law Reform:
Reform AAI conducts advocacy regarding legislation on hate crimes, racial profiling, and other laws that affect the civil rights of
Asian Americans
Event: Connections: Fall Reception, formerly known as the Fall Fundraiser

Notables: Highlights and honors the contributions of AAI’s current sponsors

Recognizes the support of AAI’s board members
Kicks off to AAI’s annual giving campaign
Recruits volunteers and supporters

Date: November 2009, date to be announced.

Location: Every year, the fall reception is located in a unique area in the city of Chicago.

Attendence: Civic and community leaders, current sponsors of AAI, community supporters.

Previous sponsors: ABC7, Anheuser-Busch, Boeing, BP Amoco, Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione, Exelon,
Harris Bank, McDonald’s, Southwest Airlines.

Who: In Illinois, this diverse and often over-looked community of over 617,000 includes
Americans of Bangladeshi, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian,
Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Nepali, Pacific Islander, Pakistani, Thai,
Tibetan and Vietnamese descent. Asian Pacific Americans continue to be one of
the fastest-growing populations in the United States.

Program Areas: Civic Participation, Community Organizing, Voting Rights, Immigrant

Rights, Anti-Asian Discrimination, Redistricting, Political Empowerment, Affirmative
Action, Research, Leadership Development, and Legal Advocacy.

Affiliations: Asian American Justice Center, Affiliate

National Council of Asian Pacific Americans
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Board of Directors
AAI’s Community Leadership Council of 35 major APA organizations in the
metropolitan Chicago area
Governor’s Commission on Opportunities in State Public Construction
Chicago Commission on Human Relations, Council on Asian Affairs
Governor’s Advisory Council on Asian Affairs
*Please indicate which tier you wish to sponsor for Connections: Fall Reception on the Corporate Sponsorship Form page.
Please respond by November 1st, 2009. Thank you.

[ ] PIONEER SPONSOR — $5,000

• AA Compass Resource Guide Sponsorship (logos on front or back cover/listings)
• Electronic Database from AA Compass Resource Guide (200+ organizations information)
• Invitation to AA Compass launch
• Speaking role at Fall Fundraiser
• Name in all other (not specific program) related communications
• AAI lead workshops for sponsors employees
• Photo Op for Sponsors marketing purposes
• Also includes benefits of lower level sponsorship values


• Display of Sponsor Banner (sponsor provides) or Sponsors Poster (we provide)
• Use of AAI logo for sponsor's marketing purposes
• Logo on AAI’s on-
on-line Compass directory page listing
• Sponsor literature or promotional give-
give-a-ways distributed to participants
• 1/2 page Ad in Bi-
Bi-Annual AA Compass Resource Guide (can be combined with other 1/2
page sponsorship for full page, or better placement)
• 4 Additional Event Tickets (8 total)
• Also includes benefits of lower level sponsorship values


• 4 Additional Event Tickets (6 total)
• Included in all regular AAI Quarterly eBlasts (1500 emails)
• Also includes benefits of lower level sponsorship values


• 2 Event Tickets
• Name & Logo on AAI website page with active link
• Name & Logo on related eBlasts (1500 emails)
• Name & Logo on related external program/event documents
• 1 digital copy of AA Compass Resource Guide

*If you/your organization is interested in a different sponsorship level that is not listed, please contact us.
Jennifer Tsang or 773-
Name of organization: _______________________________________________________________________________
Contact person: _____________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City: ________________ State: _______ Zip: ________
Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: ____________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________

[ ] Yes, I/we will donate the following item(s):

1. ___________________________________________ Estimated Value: ______________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________ Estimated Value: ______________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________ Estimated Value: ______________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________________________

Check appropriate boxes below:

[ ] Photos/descriptions will be mailed or emailed for listing

[ ] We will mail the donation by November 5th, 2009,

2009 to the address below.

[ ] Donation enclosed [ ] I/We will bring donation to the event

[ ] Please pick up donation

[ ] We would rather make a tax-deductible contribution to the AAI: $______________
[ ] Please write how/who you would like your donation to be listed from or in memory of:

Please make checks payable to Asian American Institute.

Institute Your donation is tax-deductible to the maximum amount allowed by
law. Your gifts and donations greatly support us. After receipt of the donations we will forward our Tax ID # and a letter of
Please return this form and donation to:

Asian American Institute, 4753 N. Broadway, Suite 904, Chicago, IL 60640

E: T: 773.271.0899 F: 773.271.1982
Name of organization:________________________________________________________________________________
Contact person: _____________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City: ________________ State: _______ Zip: ________
Telephone: ____________________________ Fax: ____________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________

[ ] Yes, I/we will donate the following item(s):

1. ___________________________________________ Estimated Value: ______________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________ Estimated Value: ______________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________ Estimated Value: ______________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________________________

Check appropriate boxes below:

[ ] Photos/descriptions will be mailed or emailed for listing

[ ] We will mail the donation by November 5th, 2009,

2009 to the address below.

[ ] Donation enclosed [ ] I/We will bring donation to the event

[ ] Please pick up donation

[ ] We would rather make a tax-deductible contribution to the AAI: $______________
[ ] Please write how/who you would like your donation to be listed from or in memory of:

Please make checks payable to Asian American Institute.

Institute Your donation is tax-deductible to the maximum amount allowed by
law. Your gifts and donations greatly support us. After receipt of the donations we will forward our Tax ID # and a letter of
Please return this form and donation to:

Asian American Institute, 4753 N. Broadway, Suite 904, Chicago, IL 60640

E: T: 773.271.0899 F: 773.271.1982

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