Agenda 9-15-09

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Student Senate

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call
IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair
a. Welcome to Student Senate, Senate Training Recap
b. Next week is formal dress for pictures
V. Consent Calendar
a. None
VI. Student Concerns

VII. Reports
a. Advisors-
Dr. Shanley: Gave analogy about the ancient city of Delphi and how it portrays his role
an ASG, listening to student concerns and ideas and connecting this information to links
throughout the university
b. President of the Student Body
Mr.McNabb: Welcomed student senate, looking forward to all input
c. Vice President of the Student Body-
Mr. Harris: Discussed sustainability town hall in which the green fund revealed, first
proposal in the works
d. University Senate-
Mr. Hoffman- Two meetings so far, both discussing furlough policy. A furlough policy is
an agreement or mandate by administration for uncompensated work, reserved for
extreme budget crisis. Two universities in state of Ohio have done a furlough policy
without consulting University Senate. Our University Senate recognized need for policy
and submitted recommendations before the policy reaches board of trustees
e. Student Affairs Council –
Ms. Hrnjak: Last meeting was on September 2nd, discussed issues with convocation-
drinking, violence, open to ideas of how to improve for next year
f. City of Oxford –
Mr. Ciccone: Alcohol Ordinance- up for approval by city council, students would have
choice of opting out of fourth degree minor misdemeanors related to alcohol by paying a
$340 fee and taking a two day education class
Mr.Frazier: Suggests looking into the legality of this resolution, having the oxford police
in charge of this program as opposed to the district attorney could pose serious problems
in the future
Mr.Ciccone: The ordinance that was drafted by the district attorneys and prosecutors and
they feel that they have drafted a good enough ordinance to avoid legal conflict
Ms.Bahir: Students have voiced concern that police department is running this, no
transparency of where this money is being used, also socioeconomic issue
Mr. Cowles: Motion to amend the agenda adding p, report from the treasurer
g. Residence Hall Association-

Ms.Keefer: G.As for residence hall association elected, talk to

community council
h. Diversity Affairs Council-

Ms. Hrnjak: Chairs DAC, encompassing 60+ orgs, meet once a month,
programming with cac, plan global holiday party and diversity week,
new exec. Board with 16 members, open house coming up on
September 21 from 3-5 o’clock in ODA, Shriver 366

i. Academic Affairs Coalition-

Mr. Hoffman: Upcoming town hall focused on academics, September

23rd 7-8 pm in 322 McGuffey, invite friends and faculty to come to talk
about successes/frustrations with the new time blocking schedule.

j. Communications Committee-

Ms. Dolan: Found two new graphic designers to help with advertising,
newsletter in the works, p.r. for town halls, any p.r. requested from
administrators, raising ASG profile

Ms.Bahir: Who will the newsletter go out to?

Ms.Dolan: People will have the ability to subscribe to it, then we hope
to send one out once a month

k. Campus Activities Council

Ms. Pazyniak: CAC is the programming branch of asg, 150 students, 9

committees, will be updating senate about fun events coming up

l. Technology Director-

Mr. Sauter: Main thing worked on is the ASG website, a lot of new
information from past years, making ASG as open as possible to all

m. Secretary to the Executive Cabinet-

Ms. Gnjatic: No new updates, will be serving as clerk of senate this


n. Chief Justice of the Student Court-

Mr. Wilkey: This year the student court will be a much more involved
part of the student government, encourages everyone to direct
questions- will have regular office hours, will not be in the senate
meetings frequently but will be available to work together with senate

o. Vice President of Student Organizations-

Mr. Ferguson: Unique as a student government for being allowed to
control funding for our student organizations, funding committee will
meet with every org. starting this week Friday at 4, email will be sent
out- will go over what funding is and how it works, open invitation to
everyone not on the committee currently. Downside of funding
committee is meeting for about 20 hours a week, three weeks a year.

Mr. Zwayer: Is the funding website open?

Mr. Ferguson: It is open through

Mr. Jacobson: Is that the website to send people who have no

previously applied for funding and would like to?

Mr. Ferguson: Yes, please have them contact me and I will have the
information for them-

p. Treasurer-

Mr. Foster: Sending out audit requests to student orgs starting week of
October 5th, will discuss the budget soon

VIII. Special Business of the Day:

a. Approval of the Standing Rules
Motion to approve- Mr. Cowles
It is approved by unanimous consent.
b. Approval of Committee Appointments
Mr.Cowles: Concern about oversight- 8 members would allow for a dead block
Chair: A pro temp will make it 9, if it would come to be an even number, will ask someone to
step down because there are so many people on it. Predicts it being narrowed down to about 5
Mr. Herbst: Are we allowed to sit on more than the ones we are listed for
Chair: yes, you have to contact the senate chairman/woman
Motion to approve- Mr. Zwayer
It is approved by unanimous consent.
c. Approval of the Parliamentarian-
Chair: Matthew Steven, has been senator for 3 years, oversight for 3 years
Mr. Ferguson: would you be willing to sit on the funding committee as an at large member?
Mr.Steven: yes
Motion to approve- Mr.Zwayer
It is approved by unanimous consent.
d. Approval of the Clerk of the Student Senate
Motion to approve- Mr.Zwayer
It is approved by unanimous consent.
e. Nominations for President Pro Tempore
Chair: The current nominations are Carson Cowles, Matthew Senko, and Kurt Kadon. Open
until noon tomorrow, elections will be held at the next senate, will chair oversight committee
f. Address by Student Body President, 4 Year Plan-
Mr. McNabb: Executive cabinet hopes to focus on the student body, wants to do that by
developing a vision for the next four years, mirrors the 5-year strategic plan created by the
university in 2008, starts with the purpose, then broken into four sections-enhancing the
student experience, engaged student learning, maximize fiscal resources, ensure
representative excellence (document is attached)
Ms.Bahir: Will they be expanded at all, because they are vague?
Mr.McNabb: The point of the document is to be broad, after this we will show the 1-year
implementation plan which we need senate’s imput
Ms. Boyer: Is cabinet planning on having an alumni event for homecoming weekend?
Mr.McNabb: Working on that right now
Mr. Herbst: What does the ASG endowment consist of?
Mr.McNabb: Set aside for general leadership purposes, hasn’t matured yet
Presentation of One-Year Implementation Plan (also attached)
Mr.Zwayer: Is the order of bullet points by importance?
Mr.McNabb: Not at all, just took 4-year goals and worked through
Mr. Forrest: Will we have time to process this information
Mr.McNabb: yes
Chair: These are meant to be cabinet’s guidelines
Mr.Senko: ASG board of directors, explain?
Mr.McNabb: Envisioned a board of directors with 5 committees, representing different
generations, work to collaborate with the current exec boards to help build their leadership
qualities and provide input
Mr.Senko: So it would be like an advising board?
Mr.McNabb: In some sense, for example, they could help with the fundraising role
Ms.Bahir: refresher on student initiative fun?
Mr.McNabb: $10,000 this year, anyone who is not an org can apply for it, in the past has been
used for conferences, guidelines are on the website. Examples, water pump project funded-
do work on campus do design a water pump and well for Africa and then go to Africa to so,
group of women sent to Dubai, funded an architecture project in the alumni library
Dr.Shanley: Jon and cabinet will present these to the B.O.T as a draft, Steve Snyder
(executive assistant to the president) has sent this out to board of trustees with a comment
commending cabinet for these documents
g. Executive Order Information-
Mr.McNabb: Goal is to solidify the definition of one in hopes of correcting past years
mistake, hope to set a positive precedent
h. Executive Order #1
Ms.Bahir: Doesn’t it take away senate power?
Chair: no, we can still put forth deadlines, but rather than debating for hours, we can confront
those who are in charge of it
Mr. Jacobson: To clarify, you are limiting your own executive order powers?
Mr.McNabb: correct
Mr. Zwayer: why aren’t cabinets record as public as all senators?
Mr.McNabb: This is referring to the exact voting details
Ms.Bahir: can you tell us why?
Mr.McNabb: involves exec. Order #3. Feel that as a cabinet should show a united
Mr.Streubing: thinks cabinet should be held accountable to the votes, don’t deserve
shield if doing things in the best interest of students
Mr.McNabb: not the intention to make huge policy changes, but we will discuss this
and report back next week
Mr.Streubing: why is it important that cabinet presents a united front?
Mr.McNabb: we feel its detrimental, like most other governments in the world, to
provide a united front on an issue.
Mr.Zwayer- parliamentary question, are we in question mode or debate?
Chair: this is a right of executive branch, no debate or question
Streubing- It can way for it to be amended is by legislation by senate?
Chair: correct
Ms.Riddle: Are minutes open?
Mr.McNabb: currently no, minutes are taken for our own consumption
Ms.Riddle: if ever an executive order was given to which senate objects, would we be
able to request voting records to understand and talk to the right people
Chair: wouldn’t be necessary because senate can pass legislation disagreeing
Mr.Ferguson: bylaws state that cabinet as a whole, and student body president, rather
than each individual cabinet members, that’s why we wouldn’t give voting records

i. Executive Order #2
Mr.Senko: what does that total amount to?
Mr.McNabb: very little, 1% a year
Mr.Forrest: since this breaks the bylaws don’t we vote on it?
Chair: When we pass the budget this will be passed

j. Executive Order #3
Ms.Bahir: do executive orders expire?
Mr.McNabb: the next cabinet can decide at that time
Mr.Cowles: would you consider going through here and giving the name of oversight a
different name so it is not confused with the actual oversight committee?
Mr.McNabb: definitely, good point.
Mr.Streubing: why wouldn’t you bring in the pro temp, to do the actually oversight
investigation since they do not work with cabinet on daily basis?
Chair: intention is that oversight is specific to the constitution and bylaws, while this is also
about cabinets standards –defer to parliamentarian
Mr.Stevens: if no actual rule is broken, senate cannot do anything, but with this scenario,
cabinet can handle issues on their own
Chair: will always be in contact with the head of oversight to keep informed, but these are
issues oversight cannot actually deal with
Mr.McNabb: goal is to never have to use this policy, work with people one on one to never
get to this point
Ms.Riddle: this order seems very internal, while you’re promoting transparency. It is
important that the pro temp is part of that group so you’re held accountable as senators.
Chair: these are issues the pro temp, oversight, and senate does not have any power over, they
are standards created by cabinet
Mr. Zwayer: your expansion of your rules, inside cabinet, that’s an expansion of constitution
and bylaws, correct?
Mr.McNabb: correct
Mr. Zwayer- I like this idea, I was hoping for a formal structure, I’d like to see this as a
connection between oversight and cabinet, would you be willing to work with me and other
senators to create an official document tying oversight and cabinet?
Mr.McNabb: more than willing to consider that, get together after cabinet
Mr.Jacobson: so to clarify, if anything was brought to pro temp he would not be able to do
anything about these issues?
Mr.McNabb: correct. Executive orders will be reported when they are made by the secretary
to the executive cabinet

IX. Old Business:

X. New Business:
a. SR010901: ASG Budget 2009-2010
Mr. Forrest- going along with the 4-year plan, the budget for off campus affairs, which is made to build
community, seems a little weak to accomplish that goal, has any discussion ever occurred to improve
Mr.Foster- Mr.Ciccone submitted that amount. So it would be a question for him
Mr.Hanna- what causes the projected costs and actual costs to be so different?
Mr.Foster- projected is what weve budgeted for; actual are the ones that have been spent.
Ms.Bahir- do you know what the city dues are?
Mr.Foster-I do not, ill forward that question to Matt Ciccone
Ms.Riddle- projected balance is $40, on a roll-over of 13,000, how much was the projected balance last
Mr.Ferguson- negative 250 dollars

c. SR010902: Club Sports Budget 2009-2010

Mr. Ferguson: Club sports have their own administrative process, they
have 30% of our student org budget, they do the same as we do with our
student orgs, and allocate to the club sports. Since they are technically
under senate jurisdiction, we have to make final approval.

Mr.Cowles: Why is the essential is higher than the requested

Mr.Ferguson: good question for next week when their reps are there

Chair: budget committee will be reviewing this bill as well when we meet
later this week

XI. General Announcements

Chair: Student senate will be a swine flu free zone this year, if you’re feeling sick, you can send in an
alternate to vote on your behalf
Ms.Boyer: are all the university committees filled as of now?
Chair: yes they are, as a clarification, we strongly encourage senators to participate in the university
Mr.Mcnabb: apology for so much internal information tonight, we hope to have a great working
relationship and focus on the student body not the procedures this year.
Chair: I asked all of you to bring your schedules for the week to sign up for office hours, let’s do this sign
up over email
Mr. Ferguson- we are still looking for members of funding committee, if you have any friends looking to
get involved, there are at large seats reserved for anyone in the student body
Mr. Harris- tradition to go to bdubs after senate, looking forward to seeing you there?
XII. Adjournment

Committee Assignments

Senator Committee Committee Committee

Bahir, Dori OTO DAC Elections
Bly, Aaron OTO AAC Lobbying
Bodner, Matt Funding Elections
Bokar, Holly DAC Communications
Bowyer, Bethany AAC Elections Administrative
Kevin OTO Communications
Collins, Michael Lobbying Elections Administrative
Cowles, Carson OTO Oversight
Crownover, Ben OTO AAC
Davis, Brendan OTO DAC
Deters, Stephanie ons AAC
DiDomenico, Kyle OTO AAC Oversight
Dolder, Sam OTO Oversight
Donahue, Megan OTO President's Staff
Duncan, Dan OTO Budget
Forrest, Matthew OTO Communications Elections
Frazier, Matthew OTO Lobbying
Goodman, Max OTO Communications
Hanna, Paul Funding Budget
Harmon, Jay OTO AAC Funding
Herbst, Matthew Funding Budget
Horvath, Ryan DAC President's Staff
Huebner, Kellie AAC Administrative Sustainability
Jacobson, Sean OTO Funding
Kadon, Kurt OTO Funding
Kelleher, Andrew Budget President's Staff
Kumar, Nithya AAC Communications
Krautlarger, Justin AAC Funding
Mack, Sam DAC AAC
Anthony OTO Oversight
Miller, David ons President's Staff
Mooney, Brian OTO Club Sports
Moore, Cindy e Funding
Newsock, Blake AAC Sustainability
Persinger, Jill OTO Communications President's Staff
Pirzad, Farman DAC Lobbying
Rees, Benjamin Funding Lobbying
Riddle, Audree OTO Oversight DAC
Salbu, Kristene OTO Communications
Sanders, Britney Oversight President's Staff
Rachel OTO Lobbying
Sinclair, Tyler Budget DAC Funding
Sinko, Matthew AAC Oversight
Sinko, Michael Funding Administrative
Struebing, Paul OTO DAC Oversight
Wadsworth, Environmental
Meghan Elections Sustainability
Welsh, Dan AAC Elections
Zwayer, Nathan OTO Communications Sustainability
Associated Student Government
Miami University
374 Shriver Center
Oxford, OH 45056-2804

Executive Order 1
Executive Order Guidelines

ARTICLE IV: Executive Power - SECTION 1
“Executive power shall be vested in the Student Body President and
the Associated Student Government Cabinet. They shall enforce the
decisions of the Student Senate and perform other duties associated
with their individual offices.”

In the belief that the Executive Branch of the Associated Student

Government needs a uniform, legally binding, and historical record of
decisions and policies made members of Executive Cabinet, the Executive
Cabinet establishes the following guidelines on the use of Executive Orders.

Executive Orders (may include) shall be used for some of the following
- Declaring proclamations
- Creating committees of the Executive Branch
- Establishing standards and extending job descriptions for members
of the Executive Branch
- Executing policies of Student Senate or rulings of Student Court.
- Establishing policy regarding the Executive Branch

Executive Orders shall not be used for the following purposes:

- Supplant the Constitutional power of the legislative and judicial
- Establish policy for the legislative or judicial branches

Any member of Executive Cabinet may propose an Executive Order.
Executive Orders must be proposed in written form. Executive Orders must
be proposed at Executive Cabinet meetings.

Voting for Executive Orders shall take place during Executive Cabinet
meetings. For an Executive Order to be approved, at least two-thirds of the
membership of the Executive Cabinet and the Student Body President must
vote in the affirmative.

Upon the enactment of an Executive Order, the policy shall take effect
immediately unless otherwise stated in the Executive Order.

Overturn or Edit
Any Executive Order may be overturned or modified using the same voting
procedures as mentioned above.

The Secretary to the Executive Cabinet shall be responsible for maintaining
all record of Executive Orders and shall report on enacted Executive Orders
to Student Senate and Student Court in a timely fashion. Executive Orders
shall be posted on the ASG website by the Technology Director within five
business days. Voting records shall not be made public.

Associated Student Government

Miami University
374 Shriver Center
Oxford, OH 45056-2804

Executive Order 2
Decline of Salary Increase

As a member of Associated Student Government’s 2009-2010 Executive Cabinet (including the

Chief Justice of the Student Court), I agree to not accept an increase in salary for the 2009-2010
fiscal year with the knowledge that this disregards Associated Student Government’s Bylaws,
which require an annual increase in salary for each member of the Executive Cabinet and the
Chief Justice of the Student Court.
Associated Student Government
Miami University
374 Shriver Center
Oxford, OH 45056-2804

Executive Order 3
Formal Grievance Structure

1. Formal Written Grievance

a. A formal grievance shall be made to the appropriate oversight
officer by any member of Executive Cabinet regarding the
actions of another member of Executive Cabinet.
b. The oversight officer for such report shall be identified using
Table 1.
c. All formal grievances shall be anonymous, unless chosen
otherwise by the person submitting the grievance, until such
time when the grievance reaches the Executive Cabinet for a

2. Formal Investigation
a. The oversight officer upon receiving a formal written grievance
shall investigate such grievance in a timely manner.
b. The oversight officer upon completion of investigation shall
execute one of the following outcomes:
i. Recommendation of action by the Executive Cabinet
ii. Determine the grievance to be a non-issue
1. Should the oversight officer come to this conclusion,
the member submitting the grievance may choose to
appeal this decision to the Executive Cabinet directly.
c. The issuer of the grievance shall be notified of either outcome
before subsequent action is taken.

3. Formal Recommendation to Cabinet

a. The oversight officer shall present a formal recommendation,
including the original grievance and findings of the investigation,
to the Executive Cabinet in written form.
b. The member of Executive Cabinet in question shall be given
adequate time to respond to the report of the oversight officer.
c. The Executive Cabinet shall then move into executive session
keeping the ASG advisor and all members of Executive Cabinet
excluding the accused and the accuser(s).
d. Further discussion and a vote on the recommendation shall then
be held. The Executive Cabinet shall vote to:
i. Approve the recommendation
1. An approved recommendation must receive a two-
thirds majority vote of the members present.
2. The oversight officer will then see that the
recommendation is carried out.
ii. Amend the recommendation before approval
1. Members may offer amendments to the
recommendation and shall be accepted by a majority
of the members present.
2. An approved recommendation must receive a two-
thirds majority vote of the members present.
3. The oversight officer will then see that the
recommendation is carried out.
iii. Disapprove the recommendation
1. A recommendation shall be disapproved if it fails to
receive a two-thirds majority vote of the members
2. Deliberations shall cease and the grievance shall be
considered resolved.
e. Following the vote, the executive session shall end and the vote
shall be made known to the appropriate parties.

Table 1
Position Regular Oversight
Student Body President - Clampitt-
Student Body Vice President McNabb McNabb
VP of Student Organizations McNabb Harris
VP of Campus Activities McNabb Harris
President of the Senate McNabb Harris
Secretary of Public Relations Harris McNabb
Technology Director Harris McNabb
Secretary of Academic Affairs Harris McNabb
Secretary of Diversity Affairs Harris McNabb
Secretary of Off Campus Harris McNabb
Secretary of On Campus Harris McNabb
Treasurer McNabb Harris
Secretary to the Executive McNabb Harris

*McNabb and Harris will be holding regular meetings with members of

cabinet as assigned above in order to set goals and provide advice and

Formal Grievance Process Form

Complaint Officer: Jonathan McNabb/Adam


Complaint Filer:

Cabinet Member at

Issue In Brief:

Began Ended
Dates of

Detailed Explanation:
Suggested Actions to be taken:
Formal Grievance Structure
Flow Chart
SR010902: Club Sports Budget 2009-2010
Presented: September 15, 2009
CLUB SPORT FINAL NUMBERS 2009 - 2010 (47% Cut)
Request Essential Final Amt
Badminton $840.00 $840.00 $445.20
Baseball $12,355.00 $11,288.19 $5,982.74
Basketball (M) $4,005.00 $2,811.86 $1,490.29
Basketball (W) $4,310.00 $3,789.53 $2,008.45
Boxing $2,846.94 $2,562.25 $1,357.99
Broomball $7,168.50 $6,778.85 $3,592.79
Cycling $4,110.00 $4,042.48 $2,142.51
Equestrian $60,100.00 $61,000.00 $32,330.00
Fastpitch Softball $7,584.90 $6,721.27 $3,562.27
Fencing $2,225.00 $2,086.63 $1,105.91
Field Hockey $1,775.00 $171.39 $90.84
Football $23,720.00 $19,697.22 $10,439.53
Golf (Men's) $9,937.40 $9,209.40 $4,880.98
Golf (Women's) $2,075.00 $1,075.29 $569.90
Gymnastics $27,252.60 $24,386.16 $12,924.66
Handball $11,250.00 $10,402.98 $5,513.58
Ice Hockey $52,615.60 $48,634.56 $25,776.32
Ice Skating $47,123.00 $40,027.00 $21,214.31
Lacrosse (M) $21,300.00 $19,270.00 $10,213.10
Lacrosse (W) $22,380.00 $10,462.57 $5,545.16
Martial Arts $3,710.00 $3,341.60 $1,771.05
Outdoor Adventure $7,419.85 $7,218.92 $3,826.03
Roller Hockey $9,750.00 $8,746.04 $4,635.40
Rowing (Crew) $45,025.00 $39,138.10 $20,743.19
Rugby(Men's) $19,416.00 $19,416.00 $10,290.48
Rugby(Women's) $9,200.00 $9,400.00 $4,982.00
Running $2,675.00 $2,155.81 $1,142.58
Sailing $12,180.00 $11,647.39 $6,173.12
Soccer (Men's) $3,060.00 $3,060.00 $1,621.80
Soccer (Women's) $4,751.00 $2,829.48 $1,499.62
Swimming (Redfins) $18,650.00 $18,250.00 $9,672.50
Synch Swimming $4,020.00 $4,092.28 $2,168.91
Tennis $19,758.84 $12,686.20 $6,723.69
Triathlon $11,630.00 $11,564.51 $6,129.19
Ultimate Frisbee (M) $11,325.00 $10,576.26 $5,605.42
Ultimate Frisbee (W) $5,665.00 $5,665.00 $3,002.45
Volleyball (M) $7,475.00 $5,946.07 $3,151.42
Volleyball (W) $5,075.00 $3,516.10 $1,863.53
Water polo (M) $20,590.00 $18,455.77 $9,781.56
Water polo (W) $14,725.00 $13,663.61 $7,241.71
Water Ski $10,165.00 $9,630.42 $5,104.12
Wrestling $5,090.00 $4,462.97 $2,365.37
$576,329.63 $510,720.16 $270,681.68

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