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Review Questions Its your last assignment! Due by Friday December 6 at 4:30 via email.

. For the final, please remember the following abbreviations: OD is organizational development, OB is organizational behaviour. 1. Name and explain the six bases of power. Coercive power: power that is based on fear Reward power: power that achieves compliance based on the ability to distribute valuable rewards Legitimate power: power that a person receives as a result of their position in the formal hierarchy of an organization Expert power: influence based on special skills or knowledge Referent power: influence based on the possession of desirable resources by an individual Information power: power that comes from access to and control of information

2. What are three ways people can respond to power exerted toward them? Commitment: the person is enthusiastic about the request and shows initiative in carrying it out Compliance: the person goes along with begrudgingly and puts in minimal effort in carry out a request Resistance: the person is opposed to the request and tries to avoid doing it by stalling, refusing or arguing about it 3. How is dependency created? Dependency is created when the resource you control is important, scarce and cannot be substituted. 4. What is the managerial grid? Contrast this approach to leadership with that developed by the Ohio State and Michigan groups. The managerial grid is a two dimensional grid of leadership behaviours based on concern for people vs concern for production. Ohio State says that leaders have two types of leadership behaviour, initiating structure and consideration. Initiating structure is where roles are defined in order to achieve goals. Consideration is the extent to which a leader has job relationships and respect for group members ideas and feelings. Michigan has similar objectives to Ohio, where leaders are employee-oriented, emphasize job relationships and production-oriented, where leaders emphasize technical aspects and accomplishing goals. Michigan is similar to the managerial grid. 5. What are the two contingency variables of the path-goal theory of leadership? Environmental factors that are outside of the control of the follower and factors that are personal characteristics of the follower.

6. What are the five dimensions of trust? Integrity: honesty and truthfulness Competence: technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills Consistency: reliability, predictability, and good judgment in handling situations Loyalty: willingness to protect a person, physically and emotionally Openness: willingness to share ideas and information freely 7. Describe the three needs in McClellands theory of needs. Need for achievement: people are driven to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards and to strive to succeed Need for power: people have a need to make others behave in a way they would otherwise not behave Need for affiliation: the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships 8. If you accept Theory Y assumptions, how would you motivate employees? If you accept Theory X, what changes? If Theory Y is accepted, employees could be motivated by giving them responsible and challenging jobs, having good group relations and participation in decision making. If Theory X is accepted employees will have to be closely controlled instead of allowing them to seek out responsibility. 9. Contrast encoding and decoding. Encoding a message is converting a message into a symbolic form and decoding is interpreting the message. 10. Describe the communication process and its key components using an example. A message such as a newspaper article is written (encoding), the message is what the article is communicating, the reader of the newspaper article will decode what is written in the article. The channel in this example is the newspaper, and the feedback loop indicates that the reader has understood what was in the newspaper article. 11. Describe the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict. What determines if a conflict is functional? Functional conflict supports group goals and helps them to improve and dysfunctional conflict hinders group performance. If a group cannot achieve its goals, the conflict is dysfunctional. 12. Define: self-managed teams, cross-functional teams, virtual teams, face to face teams. Self-managed teams: teams that operate without a manager and are responsible for a complete work process

Cross-functional teams: teams that are made of up individual experts who have knowledge in different functional specialties Virtual teams: teams that use computer technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a goal Face-to-face teams: teams that work in the same department and have to work together to solve problems and achieve goals 13. Describe how culture is transmitted to employees. Culture is transmitted to employees through four aspects: stories, rituals, material symbols and language. Stories would be related to significant events, anchor the present to the past and show what is important to the organization. Rituals are repetitive sequences of activities that reinforce the values of the organization. Material symbols convey to employees who is important and the kinds of behaviour that is expected and appropriate. Language is used to identify members of a culture. 14. What is the difference between immediate and basic corrective action? Immediate corrective action is when corrective action is taken right away to fix a problem and basic corrective action takes a look at how and why performance deviated and then looks to solve/fix the problem. 15. Describe Lewins three-step change process. How is it different than the white-water rapids metaphor for change? Lewins change process starts off with unfreezing the status quo, changing them to a new state and refreezing to make that change permanent. The white-water rapids metaphor looks at the fact that status quos rarely changes in a pattern and they are not temporary. Constant change is occurring and can border on chaos, this is why it is called the white-water rapids metaphor.

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