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Chapter 2 Mr.

Tanimoto thinks the damage around him is limited; however he climbs to get a view and realizes the amount of destruction that has taken place. Wind is rapidly spreading fire throughout the city. Then Mr. Tanimoto frantically runs towards the center of the city searching for his wife and baby daughter. Mr. Tanimoto passes ruins of buildings and he hears people cry for help under the rubble. Mr. Tanimoto passes injured people helping family friends who are worse off, they are holding their arms in pain and skin is peeling off their bodies. Mr. Tanimoto feels ashamed for not being wounded; therefore he often asks the pardon of people whom, he passes. Remarkably Mr. Tanimoto finds his wife and daughter unharmed. Mrs. Nakamura digs her three children out of the debris of her house and finds that they are unharmed. She takes her children and then deposits her sewing machine, which is basically her livelihood, into a cement water tank. Mrs. Nakamura and her children head for Asano Park which is designated as an evacuation area; on their way there they pass many people trapped under the fallen buildings. At the mission house, Father Kleinsorge is injured on a small scale, Father Schiffer, is bleeding from his head and needs medical attention right away. Some of the other priests pursuit to get Father Schiffer to a doctor while Father Kleinsorge gathers some of his belongings, fortunately his money and important papers are untouched, which he believes is Gods doing. The group is unable to reach a doctor because of the fire; therefore they head for Asano Park. Mr. Fukai, the secretary of the diocese, is reluctant to leave the mission house, causing Father Kleinsorge vigorously carry Mr. Fukai on his back. Father Kleinsorge is still weakened from diarrhea, in consequence he is unable to carry Mr. Fukai for very long, and when he stumbles, Mr. Fukai runs back into the fire never to be seen again. Miss Sasaki in the tin works factory has a broken leg from below the knee; she is convinced that it has to be cut off. Miss Sasaki is pined below a bookcase and barely unconscious for a long time, finally she is pulled from underneath the wreckage. Then she is put into a makeshift shelter along with two other severely injured people. Asano Park is relatively intact e explosion after, and serves as refuge for many of the citizens of Hiroshima, who lay in anguish, silently. Mrs. Nakamura and her children, along with many others drink river water to quench their burning thirst; consequently they spend the rest of the day vomiting by the riverbanks. The spreading fire threatens the park, the overcrowding amount of people by the riverbanks forces people into the river to drown. Mr. Tanimoto leads a group of volunteers, including Father Kleinsorge to put the fire out with clothing and buckets of water. He finds a boat and begins ferrying people who cannot move themselves, then it starts to rain, and wind increases turning into whirlwinds that knock down tree town. Mr. Tanimoto and Father Kleinsorge go into the town to find provisions for the group. When they get back to the park

they met Mrs. Kamai, Mr. Tanimotos next door neighbor, clenching onto her baby, she is frantically looking for her husband, a soldier, who Mr. Tanimoto believes is dead.

9/11 Tragedy
Flying, Screaming, Yelling, Just wishing they werent there, Time flew by like nothing, theres just a matter of time... Before you lose the people you love, They could be gone in a second, Cries out to the world, to you, to him, to her, To them, to us, Husbands, brothers, cousins, dads, Leave their lives behind them all, Wives, sisters, aunts, daughters, moms, All watch and try to forget that this is reality and they are watching, a thousand people die before their eyes, Our children need us to be there, To not be scared but to be brave for them, To have faith, and just hope that someone walks out alive, Have faith and they will have faith within you.

Brittney Ramirez

My multi-media piece for chapter two is a poem about September 11, 2001. I felt that this poem fit the situation perfectly. People of Hiroshima were in complete horror, it was chaos. Im assuming the people wished that they werent there at that time. Many people lost their loved ones. Building collapsed all over debris covered people, therefore they were, Screaming, Yelling, Just wishing they werent there. Mr. Tanimoto ran into the town of Hiroshima looking frantically looking for his family and the poem states, Cries out to the world, to you, to him, to her, to them, to us. 9/11 was such a horrible tragedy for America, so many people died, families were changed forever, and tons of destruction took place. When Hiroshima was bombed a similar situation took place, I almost feel that it was worse, because everything was taken out from the explosion and shock wave! The terrorists had the power to change Americas history forever, killing many people, changing peoples lives, and causing so much destruction. America had the power to bomb Hiroshima, causing people to burn to death, get trapped under debris, and just change history and peoples lives forever. I am also going to connect chapter two to an article about a victims story from 9/11. Michelle D. Cruz worked in Tower two, and after both towers had been hit by the planes, she and her friend, along with many others hurried over to Pier Seventeen at the South Street Seaport, where they found refuge. The people of Hiroshima took refuge at Asano Park by river. Michelle D. Cruz

was in horror when Tower two appeared as if it was about to topple on everyone. People began to run to the edge of the pier, prepared to jump into the water, fortunately the tower collapsed onto itself. That it similar to what happened to the Japanese people; the fire was spreading into Asano Park, therefore people moved to the river bank, unfortunately people were pushed into the water causing them to drown. People have the power to find safety, however destruction and evil seems to be able to find people even when they appear to be safe. Sadly there were/are people full of evil who feel the urge to ruin peoples lives; unfortunately many of those people get the power to do so.

Chapter 3 On the evening of August 6th a naval ship travels up and down the river, assuring people that there will be further help, they just need to be patient, this was the first official word about any aid, and therefore the people at Asano Park are filled with lots of joy. Six priests from another mission house called Novitiate, arrive at Asano Park with stretchers for Father Schiffer and Father LaSalle. Father Kleinsorge is almost too ill to move, however he finds some working faucets near the park, and brings water to the injured. Father Kleinsorge discovers about twenty soldiers in the woods, they were so intensely burned that their mouths were swollen and their eyes were melted. Father Kleinsorge promised the men help, knowing that it will never come. He comforts children while he waits for other priests return. Finally at noon the next day the priests return to help Mrs. Nakamura and her children go to the Novitiate; meanwhile Father Kleinsorge returns to the city to file a claim with the police. The government broadcasts by radio that they believe a new type of bomb was used in Hiroshima, however few survivors in Hiroshima hear the broadcast. Mr. Tanimoto paddles his boat along the river, he discovers more and more injured people in the river and on the edge of the riverbanks! He helped salvage two young girls, who both harshly burned, and who had been standing in the river shivering. Unfortunately one died soon after they reached Asano Park. Mr. Tanimoto moved just about twenty men and women who were in a sandpit, unable to move, they were in danger of drowning in the rising tide. After a short rest, Mr. Tanimoto woke up to find that he hadnt move the people up high enough, and many of the people were carried away or drowned. Mr. Tanimoto became extremely peeved; therefore he went to a medical station on the East Parade Ground, another so called safe area, where he approached a doctor for not helping the many injured people in Asano Park. The doctor told Mr. Tanimoto that he is helping the people with less serious wounds, because those with extremely serious injuries are going to die anyway. This caused Dr. Sasaki to become horrified, because he tries his best to limit the amount of deaths at the Red Cross Hospital. Dr. Sasaki worked for nineteen hours as bodies began to pile up, however there was no one to take them away. He managed to sleep for an hour, but was woken up again. Somehow Dr. Sasaki was able to work for the next three days without almost any sleep. He returned on August 8th to assure his mother that he was okay. On the other hand Dr. Fuji was still in too much to help anyone but himself, therefore he sleeps on the floor of his parents roofless house. Eventually he made it his friends house and was

visited by Father Cieslik. Mill in her meanwhile Miss Sasaki was still in her makeshift shelter, in the courtyard of the tin works factory. Finally on August 8 th her friends found her and tell her that her father, mother, and younger brother are believed to be dead. She is taken to a series of hospitals, and doctors discuss whether they should amputate her leg, however her leg is just badly fractured, and eventually she arrives at a military hospital on the island of Ninoshima. A few days after Hiroshima was bombed upon a bomb was dropped upon Nagasaki, and the citizens of Hiroshima begin to learn the fates of their missing friends and relatives. The Nakamuras stayed in the Novitiate, Mrs. Nakamura eventually found out that her mother, brother, and older sister were all dead. Mr. Tanimoto is called to aide a former enemy, Mr. Tanka, who lay dying in a shelter. He was a hater of Christianity; however he listened to Mr. Tanimoto as he read a psalm to him before he died. Finally after a week doctors cope with the thousands who were wounded and they were able to begin controlling the number of dead bodies by cremating them. Miss Sasaki is evacuated from the island military hospital and put on the deck of a ship; the heat from the sun caused the infection on her leg to grow worse. On August 15th, Japanese citizens listened as Emperor Tenno read the news over the radio: Japan has surrendered unconditionally, and the war is over. My multi-media piece for chapter three is a website that talks about how long the human body can live without water. Miss Sasaki was in a makeshift shelter, with a severely injured leg for two days and nights without any food or water. In the article it states, The question how long you can go without food depends on a lot of factors. Will and determination definitely play a part. Miss Sasaki had the power to wait for help, even though her leg was in excruciating pain, and she was hungry. Hunger, thirst, and pain can cause people to do crazy things, luckily Miss Sasaki was found two days after the bombing, and she had the power to overcome the pain. If people have lots of will and determination they have the capability to overcome almost any obstacle that comes their way! The people of Hiroshima had the power to keep moving on, and try to get back to their normal lives (as normal as they can get), even after such a tragedy took place, somehow they were able to find their determination and will power! Chapter 4 A few weeks after the explosion three of the main characters become very ill with radiation sickness. Father Kleinsorge is walking through the city to deposit money in Hiroshima; suddenly he becomes weak and barely makes it back to the mission house. Mrs. Nakamura s hair begins to fall out and her daughter becomes ill as well. Meanwhile Mr. Tanimoto, weak and feverish, becomes bedridden. Miss Sasaki is transferred to the Red Cross Hospital, and she is put under the care of Dr. Sasaki. Dr. Sasaki notices mysterious symptoms with Miss Sasaki that has also appeared with other patients. Dr. Fujii begins treating patients again in his friends. Over the period of a couple months, Mrs. Nakamura and Mr. Tanimoto begin to get better. However Father Kleinsorge continues to have a low blood count and a high fever. Therefore he is sent to Tokyo. The doctor predicts that Father Kleinsorge will die in two weeks, however he lives! His blood count swings wildly up and down and his cuts are constantly

reopening! Once Father Kleinsorges fever goes down and his health is relatively stable, he is interviewed by curious doctor, news reporters, and experts. Physicists begin to make observations about the blast area in Hiroshima. Dr. Sasaki and his colleagues begin to establish new theories about radiation sickness by examining their patients. Meanwhile Miss Sasakis infection lingers on for about eleven weeks after the bombing. She becomes depressed, because her fianc will not visit her, while she is in the hospital. Father Kleinsorge returns to Hiroshima and visits Miss Sasaki, who seems to be drawing strength from the priest. By the end of April, her infection is gone and she is able to walk on crutches. One by one the characters begin to return to a sort of normal life. Miss Sasakis health is getting much better. Father Kleinsorge and other priests commission a three-story mission house exactly like the one they had lost in the bombing. Dr. Fujii opens a new clinic and begins treating American Patients, Japans new visitors. Mr. Tanimoto tries to restore his own church in Hiroshima; unfortunately he doesnt have as much money as the Jesuits. Once Mrs. Nakamuras hair grows back, she scrapes up some money and starts to rent a small shack near the site of her former house. Her children are put back into school in Hiroshima. Dr. Sasaki finally begins to focus on his own life, after almost never leaving the hospital for four months, and he gets married in March. Symptoms Bleeding from the nose, mouth, gums, and rectum Bloody stool Bruising Confusion Dehydration Diarrhea Fainting Fatigue Fever Hair loss Inflammation of exposed areas (redness, tenderness, swelling, bleeding) Mouth ulcers Nausea and vomiting Open sores on the skin Skin burns (redness, blistering) Sloughing of skin Ulcers in the esophagus, stomach or intestines Vomiting blood Weakness Low white-blood cell count

These are the symptoms of radiation sickness. The people of Hiroshima were experiencing many of these symptoms due to the large amount of exposure of radiation from the bomb. My mutli-media piece is a website about how you can get radiation sickness, what a certain amount of exposure to radiation may cause, and what symptoms come with that amount of exposure. Father Kleinsorge was walking through the city to deposit money in Hiroshima; then suddenly he became weak and barely made it back to the mission house. Mrs. Nakamuras hair began to fall out and her daughter became ill as well. Meanwhile Mr. Tanimoto, weak and feverish, became bedridden. Miss Sasaki was transferred to the Red Cross Hospital, and she was put under the care of Dr. Sasaki. Dr. Sasaki noticed hemorrhages all over her bare skin that had also appeared with many other

patients. While others began to recover Father Kleinsorge continued to have a low blood count and a high fever. Of course many people also had severe burns from the bombing as well, which also caused many problems. Dr. Sasaki had the power to create theories on radiation sickness. Many people have the power to get better. However people like Father Kleinsorge, did not recover very well and quickly like other people didnt quite have enough power to overcome the radiation sickness, because they were exposed to so much. People have the power to begin returning to their lives, after they recover in some way from the radiation sickness. Hiroshima has the power to begin putting itself back together. I underlined symptoms and highlighted the symptoms that people were mainly h Chapter 5 After the war many employers are reluctant to hire people with A-bomb sickness. Therefore Mrs. Nakamura faces great poverty for a long time. Eventually she begins to work at a mothball factory and stays there for thirteen years, finally once her son Toshio begins working to support the family; she is finally able to retire and live off of her pension. In 1975 a law is passed that victims from the atomic bomb are to receive a monthly allowance. Therefore Mrs. Nakamura begins to live comfortably. After the bombing Dr. Sasaki spends most of his time at the Red Cross Hospital with keloids, which grow over bad burns to many of those who were explosion-affected. Eventually in 1951 Dr. Sasaki quits the hospital and sets up a private clinic in Mukaihara. In 1963 he almost dies from an operation to remove one of his lungs. Unfortunately in 1972 Dr. Sasakis wife dies from Breast Cancer. Those two experiences cause Dr. Sasaki to devote his life to his work, helping people. He uses the money from his clinic to build bigger and better medical facilities. Father Kleinsorge never fully recovered from his radiation sickness. He slipped on ice patch and fractures vertebrae in his back, causing him to bedridden. Father Kleinsorge dies in 1977. Miss Sasakis leg never fully recovers. With the urging of Father Kleinsorge, she becomes a nun in 1957. Dr. Fujii rebuilds his Hiroshima clinic in 1948. In 1963, Dr. Fujii is found unconscious with a heater leaking gas into his bedroom. He is taken to the hospital. After a few weeks of apparent recovery, Dr. Fujii suddenly falls into a coma and. He remains unresponsive and helpless until he dies in 1973. Mr. Tanimoto vows to work for peace for the rest of his life. Mr. Tanimoto goes to America and gives speeches and raises money for a peace center in Japan. His peace memorandum appears in the Saturday Review. He gives the opening prayer at the U.S. Senate. He also appears on the T.V. show This Is Your Life, with the pilots of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb. Eventually people in America and Japan label Mr. Tanimoto as a publicity seeker. Eventually he lives off his pension with his wife. My mutli-media piece for chapter five is a website about saving money for your pension. At the end of the book Mrs. Nakamura and Mr. Tanimoto are living off of their pensions quite

happily. The article states, A pension is money you'll use to live on when you retire. Most people get a State Pension from the government which covers your basic needs. But it's a good idea to try to save some extra money in a pension fund, to give you a decent standard of living. People who have a pension are able to have the power of overcoming poverty. The characters could live off of their pensions once they retired; therefore having the power to live peaceful and happy lives, comfortably. /how_much_pension_will_you_need.htm

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