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Department Description

The Network Services organization of Cloud IT is responsible for the design, engineering and operations of Cloud IT Networks. The !tranet and Connectivit" Services team within this organization is responsible Customer Solution Design, Incident Support, #rovisioning $anagement and support for the core network components
%rief Description

&s part of the Network Services team within 'racle(s )lobal Information Technolog" organization, "ou will be responsible for the deliver" of IT services to 'racle(s businesses worldwide, these services include the management and deliver" of network infrastructure.
Detailed Description

$aintain records of e*uipment failure and liaise with engineers and suppliers as necessar". scalate client problems according to established procedures. $anage the network using network management tools, anal"ze network performance and discuss network enhancements with senior networking specialists. &nal"ze network performance to ensure ade*uate bandwidth for business needs. +ecommend enhancements to the network infrastructure, and enhance proactive network management tool set. Troubleshoot network problems on the campus network, remote locations and countr"wide area network though to resolution, occasionall" with guidance from more e!perience staff, depending on the comple!it". &s a team member or with assistance from others perform pro,ect engineering including specification definition, design of solution in compliance with corporate standards, implementation, testing through to production. +espond to monitor alarms to identif" the root cause of an outage and coordinate the corrective action in line with e!isting procedures and practices. #rovide on-call support services as needed. Experience: ./ "ears e!perience directl" supporting local area networks and wide area networks running on Cisco hardware. In-depth 0#N preferred. ./ "ears e!perience interfacing with telecommunications support services groups and international carriers. ./ "ears in-depth working e!perience in 1NI2, 3inu! and 4indows at the root level. ./ "ears with a proven histor" providing e!cellent customer support . Knowledge/Skills: 4&N, IS#, 0#N, 5irewall and 3&N 6hands-on6 networking e!perience in a global production environment preferred. &ble to handle multiple tasks and plan work b" priorit" !perience with ticketing and incident7re*uest tracking s"stems Strong anal"tical problem solving skills &bilit" to describe a network outage in end-user terms. &bilit" to *uickl" identif" the appropriate internal and7or e!ternal support services to resolve network issues. &bilit" to *uickl" establish comfortable 8 effective working relationships Strong technical knowledge of client7server and Internet concepts and techni*ues Strong oral and written technical and interpersonal communication skills including sensitivit" to user communit" and the importance of maintaining a positive vendor

relationship. !cellent organizational skills9 Demonstrated abilit" to anal"ze and evaluate comple! data9 :ighl" motivated - self starter &bilit" to problem solve and meet deadlines9 &bilit" to communicate effectivl" with global support teams and customers

Cloud Application Engineer &re "ou passionate about designing, building, and delivering highl" scalable applications that run on top of a service oriented cloud computing platform; Do "ou thrive being a ke" contributor in a collaborative, distributive, world-class engineering team working for a technolog" leader; 0iaSat, an innovator of Satellite and 4ireless Network S"stems is integrating 3onoCloud<s service oriented cloud fabric into its broadband networks and technolog" infrastructure and is appl"ing this technolog" to a wide range of different domains. 0iaSat has been honored for its record of performance b" national magazines such as INC, 5orbes, and 5ortune Small %usiness. &s Cloud &pplication ngineer "ou will pla" a ke" role in the development of large-scale, distributed applications with strong federation, d"namic scaling and configuration, securit" and polic" management,

and superior robustness and fault tolerance capabilities. =ou have the passion to design and deliver highl" scalable distributed applications that focus on the business re*uirements of customers and enable industr" leadership in Cloud 'S platforms. =ou possess the creativit" and the motivation to deliver e!ceptional customer e!perience and to solve real problems for real users. =ou interact with customers and pro,ect management on developing solid domain and problem understanding and work with fellow application and core platform engineers to build solutions for those customer pro,ects. =ou will have the opportunit" to represent 0iaSat>s cloud technolog" at customer meetings, workshops, conferences, and in social media. =ou will be ,oining a team of world-class engineers who work together ver" closel" in a distributed setup in which team members are geographicall" spread out but collaborate with fre*uent communications, shared development sessions, distributed pair and group programming, and sharing information and interactions b" phone, video, chat, e-mail, and other means of information e!change. The location of this position is fle!ible and does not re*uire "ou to relocate or live in a specific location.

?/ "ears of e!perience with commercial software development in building distributed applications and s"stems or e*uivalent e!pertise 5amiliarit" with different programming languages such as @ava, +ub", @avaScript, and functional programming languages, in particular with Clo,ure and Clo,ureScript &bilit" to work on distributed remote agile teams with a high degree of self-motivation and abilit" to work independentl" :ands-on e!perience with )IT !cellent communication skills to drive interaction with customers, peer developers, and pro,ect managers %achelor<s degree in engineering discipline or e*uivalent e!perience Travel up to ABC

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