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s Credits.................................................................................. 3 OGL ................................................................................... 4 s Section 1: The Genius in All of Us..................................... 6 Paragon Classes ...................................................................

6 Sixteen Minutes and Still Counting ..................................... 17 Discover your nta!!ed Potential ....................................... 17 s Section 2: You make your Own Luck.............................. 1" s Section : The Tools to !ly your Trade........................... #$ s Section ": The #an $ehind the Curtain% Your Story.... #7 s Section &: The 'ns(irations that )ri*e Us....................... 3% S&iguro ............................................................................. 3% C&o'u(e )yos&u ............................................................... 31

Design and Managing Editor Frankto Vinneti Design Advisor Alex Rovinski, Franz Thomas Playtesters Frankto Vinneti, Christopher Kawasaki, Franz Thomas, Alex Rovinski Thank you! Proofreaders Frankto Vinneti, Christopher Kawasaki, Alex Rovinski, Franz Thomas, Frederick Cross Special Thanks Frederick Cross, Wizards of the Coast, Kishimoto Masashi, and o!"

This #$%& s!pplement is desi'ned for !se with the #$%& and d%& Modern Rolepla in' (ame p!)lished ) Wizards of the Coast*+ To )e a)le to comprehend and !se the 'ame to its f!ll extent, o! sho!ld p!rchase the d%& Modern Core R!le)ook as well as download, entirel free of char'e, the #$%&, -crolls of Knowled'e, Vol!me . r!le)ook, if o! have not alread + An alternative sol!tion wo!ld )e to read the - stem Reference $oc!ment /-R$0 which contains ever 1(C portion of the r!le)ook, min!s an artwork and flavor text shown in the ori'inal prod!ct+ 2rodi' to 2ara'on, 3ow to 3arness 4o!r 2otential and )ecome a Top5#otch #in6a contains a n!m)er of new options of classes and feats for 'eni!s nin6a+

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The path to 'reatness is often a solitar one, and it is never a 6o!rne to )e taken li'htl + .t takes time, dedication and hard work, a little )it of l!ck, and sometimes, an extra p!sh+ This s!pplement is meant to help shino)i, )oth 'eni!s and non5'eni!s, achieve almost an 'oal the set themselves and increase their efficienc at their respective role+ .t incl!des D new )asic classes, 9 new occ!pation, A9 new feats, F new sealed items, 9 new presti'e class and % new iconic characters, as well as new r!les for heroic effort, prowess points and awakenin' points+


O) $S

The section )elow is dedicated to new )asic classes, a new occ!pation and the r!les dictatin' heroic effort that ma )ecome an essential part of the 6o!rne o! m!st !ndertake to realize o!r f!ll potential+

Paragon !lasses
The followin' classes are alternatives for the six )asic classes, introd!cin' a new cate'or of hero+ These classes are 'enerall onl reserved for 2Cs or extraordinar #2Cs+

Strong Paragon
The -tron' para'on is a shino)i who favors -tren'th over all other attri)!tes, )!t does not s!ffer for it+ Takin' levels in this class dramaticall improves a characterEs potential for melee com)at of all t pes, tho!'h with 'reater ease for st les that p!t emphasis on raw stren'th and ph sical power+ The -tron' para'on is )est !sed in sit!ations that places him in melee com)at+ E*a+ples of Strong Paragons -am!rai and )eastmasters all make 'ood examples of -tron' para'ons+ An character who favors power over speed or )ooksmarts makes an excellent candidate for this class+ !lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the -tron' 2ara'on )asic class+ A,ility -tren'th is the a)ilit associated with this class of shino)i+ -tron' para'ons tend to have hi'her $exterit and Constit!tion to aid them in )attle, as the increase savin' throws, defense and hit points+ (it Die The -tron' 2ara'on 'ains 9dG hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+ Action Points The -tron' 2ara'on 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to C I one5half his character

level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The -tron' 2ara'onEs class skills, and the ke a)ilit for each are as follows+ Clim) /-tr0, Craft /str!ct!ral0 /.nt0, (en6!ts! /Cha0, 3andle Animal /Cha0, J!mp /-tr0, Knowled'e /c!rrent events, nin6a lore, pop!lar c!lt!re, streetwise, tactics0 /.nt0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, Repair /.nt0, -peak <an'!a'e /none0, -wim /-tr0 and Tai6!ts! /-tr0+ Also, the startin' occ!pation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from+ Skill Points at )irst evel% /A I .nt modifier0 K 8+ Skill Points at Each evel% A I .nt modifier+

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special 9st I9 I% I& I& Talent %nd I% IA I& I& Bon!s feat rd A IA IA I9 I9 Talent 8th I8 I8 I9 I9 Bon!s feat Cth IC I8 I9 I9 -tren'th )oost

Defense &eputation -onus -onus I9 I& I% I& I% I& IA I& IA I9

Starting )eats .n addition to the two feats all characters 'et at first level, a -tron' para'on )e'ins pla with the -imple Weapon 2roficienc feat+ Optional Rule: -tron' 2ara'ons ma )e'in pla with proficienc in li'ht and medi!m armors+ Takin' this class after first level 'rants no armor proficienc + !lass )eatures The followin' feat!res pertain to the -tron' 2ara'on )asic class+ Talents At 9st and Ard level, the -tron' para'on selects a talent from the -tron' hero )ase classE talent trees, or the followin' talent tree+ -ome trees have a set order that m!st )e followed, while others provide a list to choose from+ As lon' as the para'on @!alifies, he can select freel from an and all talent trees+ #o talent can )e selected more than once !nless expressl indicated+ Strong Prodigy Talent Tree The followin' talents can onl )e selected ) the -tron' para'on+ Strong Prodigy% 4o! can spend an action point once per enco!nter after makin' a s!ccessf!l melee attack+ .nstead of rollin' dama'e, the attack a!tomaticall deals maxim!m dama'e+ 1nl dama'e dice directl pertinent to the -tron' para'onEs )asic melee attack o)tain a maxim!m res!lt+ Prerequisite: (eni!s #in6a, an -tron' 3ero talent+

-onus )eats At %nd and 8th level, the -tron' para'on 'ains a )on!s feat+ This feat m!st )e selected from the -tron' hero list of )on!s feats, and the -tron' para'on m!st meet an prere@!isites+ Strength -oost At Cth level, the -tron' para'onEs -tren'th score increases ) % points+

)ast Paragon
The Fast para'on is an individ!al who has strives for a perfect )alance of speed and a'ilit + 3e is a force to )e reckoned with in com)at, and hi'hl proficient in most t pes of stealth, makin' him the ideal for traditional shino)i+ The Fast para'on is a skillf!l melee and ran'ed com)atant, )!t will )e most !sef!l in sit!ations that re@!ire stealth and a'ilit + E*a+ples of )ast Paragons The shade and sh!riken expert and excellent examples of Fast 2ara'ons+ The never need to 'et directl involved in com)at, strikin' from the shadows and endin' a fi'ht )efore it can even )e'in, )!t will easil )e a)le to 'ain the !pper hand sho!ld the sit!ation ever come !p+ !lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the Fast 2ara'on )asic class+ A,ility The main foc!s of the Fast 2ara'on is $exterit + While this characteristic is ver important, a Fast para'on also makes 'ood !se of his -tren'th and Constit!tion score+ 3avin' a hi'h .ntelli'ence score also helps increasin' his alread wide arra of skills+ (it Die The Fast 2ara'on 'ains 9dG hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+ Action Points The Fast 2ara'on 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to C I one5half his character level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The Fast 2ara'onEs class skills, and the ke a)ilit for each are as follows+ Balance /$ex0, Craft /mechanical0 /.nt0, $rive /$ex0, ;scape Artist /$ex0, (en6!ts! /Cha0, 3ide /$ex0, Knowled'e /c!rrent events, nin6a lore, pop!lar c!lt!re, streetwise0 /.nt0, Move -ilentl /$ex0, 2ilot /$ex0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, Ride /$ex0, -lei'ht of 3and /$ex0, -peak <an'!a'e /none0, Tai6!ts! /-tr0 and T!m)le /$ex0+

Also, the startin' occ!pation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from+ Skill Points at )irst evel% /C I .nt modifier0 K 8+ Skill Points at Each evel% C I .nt modifier+

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special 9st I& I& I% I& Talent nd % I9 I& IA I& Bon!s feat Ard I% I9 IA I9 Talent th 8 IA I9 I8 I9 Bon!s feat Cth IA I9 I8 I9 $exterit )oost

Defense &eputation -onus -onus IA I& I8 I& I8 I9 IC I9 IC I9

Starting )eats .n addition to the two feats all characters 'et at first level, a Fast para'on )e'ins pla with the -imple Weapon 2roficienc feat+ Optional Rule: Fast 2ara'ons ma )e'in pla with proficienc in li'ht armors+ Takin' this class after first level 'rants no armor proficienc + !lass )eatures The followin' feat!res pertain to the Fast 2ara'on )asic class+ Talents At 9st and Ard level, the Fast para'on selects a talent from the Fast hero )ase classE talent trees, or the followin' talent tree+ -ome trees have a set order that m!st )e followed, while others provide a list to choose from+ As lon' as the para'on @!alifies, he can select freel from an and all talent trees+ #o talent can )e selected more than once !nless expressl indicated+ )ast Prodigy Talent Tree The followin' talents can onl )e selected ) the Fast para'on+ )ast Prodigy% 4o! can spend an action point once per enco!nter when makin' a Fortit!de or Will save+ As a res!lt, o! !se o!r Reflex save modifier instead of o!r !s!al modifier+ ;vasion and other s!ch a)ilities to not appl to that save+ Prerequisite: (eni!s #in6a, an Fast 3ero talent+ -onus )eats At %nd and 8th level, the Fast para'on 'ains a )on!s feat+ This feat m!st )e selected from the Fast hero list of )on!s feats, and the Fast para'on m!st meet an prere@!isites+ De*terity -oost At Cth level, the Fast para'onEs $exterit score increases ) % points+

Tough Paragon
The To!'h para'on is a shino)i whose primar foc!s is to live to fi'ht another da , favorin' resilience over raw power+ 3e exceeds at most forms of s!rvival, and oftentimes claims victor thro!'h p!re stamina and st!))orn persistence+ The To!'h para'on will )e )est p!t at !se in sit!ations where he can shield others from harm, tho!'h he is also a ver capa)le melee fi'hter+ E*a+ples of Tough Paragons The shino)i )od '!ard and exemplar are excellent examples of the To!'h para'onEs potential+ Tho!'h neither partic!larl stron' or a'ile, the To!'h para'on a)le to withstand m!ch 'reater p!nishment, from poisons to tort!re, with m!ch 'reater ease+ !lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the To!'h 2ara'on )asic class+ A,ility For the To!'h 2ara'on, Constit!tion is the primar a)ilit score+ .t is also important to have a 'ood -tren'th and $exterit score to fare well in com)at, which is !s!all their main affectation+ A 'ood Wisdom is also helpf!l for a To!'h para'on that wishes to resist the effects of tort!re or (en6!ts!, the )ane of man nin6a+ (it Die The To!'h 2ara'on 'ains 9d9& hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+ Action Points The To!'h 2ara'on 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to C I one5half his character level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The To!'h 2ara'onEs class skills, and the ke a)ilit for each are as follows+ Clim) /-tr0, Concentration /Con0, Craft /mechanical, str!ct!ral0 /.nt0, $rive /$ex0, .ntimidate /Cha0, Knowled'e /c!rrent events, nin6a lore, pop!lar c!lt!re, streetwise0 /.nt0, #in6!ts! /.nt0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, Ride /$ex0, -peak <an'!a'e /none0, -pot /Wis0, -!rvival /Wis0 and Tai6!ts! /-tr0+ Also, the startin' occ!pation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from+ Skill Points at )irst evel% /A I .nt modifier0 K 8+ Skill Points at Each evel% A I .nt modifier+ Starting )eats .n addition to the two feats all characters 'et at first level, a To!'h para'on )e'ins pla with the -imple Weapon 2roficienc feat+ Optional Rule: To!'h 2ara'ons ma )e'in pla with proficienc in li'ht, medi!m and heav armors+ Takin' this class after level 9 'rants no armor proficienc +

TA- E% TO$'( PA&A'ON

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special 9st I& I% I& I& Talent %nd I9 IA I& I& Bon!s feat rd A I% IA I9 I9 Talent 8th IA I8 I9 I9 Bon!s feat th C IA I8 I9 I9 Constit!tion )oost !lass )eatures All of the followin' are class feat!res of the To!'h para'on+

Defense &eputation -onus -onus I9 I& I% I& I% I9 IA I9 IA I9

Talents At 9st and Ard level, the To!'h para'on selects a talent from the To!'h hero )ase classE talent trees, or the followin' talent tree+ -ome trees have a set order that m!st )e followed, while others provide a list to choose from+ As lon' as the para'on @!alifies, he can select freel from an and all talent trees+ #o talent can )e selected more than once !nless expressl indicated+ Tough Prodigy Talent Tree The followin' talents can onl )e selected ) the To!'h para'on+ Tough Prodigy% 4o! can spend an action point once per enco!nter when someone scores a critical hit a'ainst o!+ As a res!lt, the attack is treated as a normal hit instead+ Prerequisite: (eni!s #in6a, an To!'h 3ero talent+ -onus )eats At %nd and 8th level, the To!'h para'on 'ains a )on!s feat+ This feat m!st )e selected from the To!'h hero list of )on!s feats, and the To!'h para'on m!st meet an prere@!isites+ !onstitution -oost At Cth level, the To!'h para'onEs Constit!tion score increases ) % points+

S+art Paragon
The -mart para'on is hi'hl versatile and 'ifted with exceptional )rain power, capa)le of ac@!irin' a 'reat n!m)er of diverse and !sef!l skills+ 3e excels at most applied sciences, most shino)i arts and a few other )esides+ .n sit!ations where )rawns are simpl ins!fficient, the -mart para'on will often appl his mind to 'et the )est of the sit!ation+ The -mart para'on shies awa from the front line, and is most at ease operatin' from )ehind the c!rtain, strikin' where and when he is most needed+ E*a+ples of S+art Paragons The master strate'ist and devastators are perfect examples of the -mart para'on+ The are

hi'hl capa)le tacticians and verita)le forces of nat!re when the need arise, while still retainin' the hi'hest n!m)er of skills of an class+ !lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the -mart 2ara'on )asic class+ A,ility A -mart para'on relies mostl on .ntelli'ence+ This a)ilit is priceless for one who likes a wide ran'e of skills and flexi)ilit in their )!ild+ Wisdom is also important to complement their 'ood Will saves and man skills+ (it Die The -mart 2ara'on 'ains 9dD hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+ Action Points The -mart 2ara'on 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to C I one5half his character level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The -mart 2ara'onEs class skills, and the ke a)ilit for each are as follows+ Comp!ter :se /.nt0, Chakra Control /Wis0, Craft /calli'raph , chemical, electronic, mechanical, pharmace!tical, str!ct!ral, vis!al art, writin'0 /.nt0, $ecipher -cript /.nt0, $emolitions /.nt0, $isa)le $evice /.nt0, For'er /.nt0, .nvesti'ate /.nt0, Knowled'e /arcane lore, art, )ehavioral sciences, )!siness, civics, c!rrent events, earth and life sciences, histor , nin6a lore, ph sical sciences, pop!lar c!lt!re, streetwise, tactics, technolo' , theolo' and philosoph 0 /.nt0, #avi'ate /.nt0, #in6!ts! /.nt0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, Repair /.nt0, Research /.nt0, -earch /.nt0, and -peak <an'!a'e /none0+ Also, the startin' occ!pation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from+ Skill Points at )irst evel% /H I .nt modifier0 K 8+ Skill Points at Each evel% H I .nt modifier+

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special 9st I& I& I& I% Talent nd % I9 I& I& IA Bon!s feat Ard I9 I9 I9 IA Talent 8th I% I9 I9 I8 Bon!s feat th C I% I9 I9 I8 .ntelli'ence )oost

Defense &eputation -onus -onus I& I9 I9 I9 I9 I9 I9 I% I% I%

Starting )eats .n addition to the two feats all characters 'et at first level, a -mart para'on )e'ins pla with the -imple Weapon 2roficienc feat+ Optional Rule: -mart 2ara'ons ma )e'in pla with proficienc in li'ht armors+ Takin'

this class after level 9 'rants no armor proficienc + !lass )eatures All of the followin' are class feat!res of the -mart para'on+ Talents At 9st and Ard level, the -mart para'on selects a talent from the -mart hero )ase classE talent trees, or the followin' talent tree+ -ome trees have a set order that m!st )e followed, while others provide a list to choose from+ As lon' as the para'on @!alifies, he can select freel from an and all talent trees+ #o talent can )e selected more than once !nless expressl indicated+ S+art Prodigy Talent Tree The followin' talents can onl )e selected ) the -mart para'on+ S+art Prodigy% 4o! can spend an action point once per enco!nter after makin' a failed skill check or learn attempt+ 4o! ma reroll immediatel with a circ!mstance )on!s e@!al to o!r .ntelli'ence modifier+ Prerequisite: (eni!s #in6a, an -mart 3ero talent+ -onus )eats At %nd and 8th level, the -mart para'on 'ains a )on!s feat+ This feat m!st )e selected from the -mart hero list of )on!s feats, and the -mart para'on m!st meet an prere@!isites+ Intelligence -oost At Cth level, the -mart para'onEs .ntelli'ence score increases ) % points+

Dedicated Paragon
The $edicated para'on shines from his keen instincts and exceptional insi'ht+ Tho!'h he does not excel in an partic!lar areas, he is easil the most well5ro!nded shino)i, capa)le of farin' well and keepin' his cool in almost an sit!ation+ The $edicated para'on can do well in almost all positions, )!t tr!l shines in a s!pport role+ E*a+ples of Dedicated Paragons The medical specialist and sacred fist are 'ood example of the $edicated para'onEs versatilit + While a)le to fit in well in almost an role, the $edicated para'on is a s!pport character at heart and a ver val!a)le all to have+ !lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the $edicated 2ara'on )asic class+ A,ility Wisdom is the primar a)ilit for the $edicated para'on, mainl )eca!se of his 'ood

Will saves and man Wisdom5)ased skills+ Constit!tion is also important for )oth hit points and Fortit!de saves, 6!st as a 'ood .ntelli'ence score allows more flexi)ilit with skill points+ (it Die The $edicated 2ara'on 'ains 9dD hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+ Action Points The $edicated 2ara'on 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to C I one5half his character level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The $edicated 2ara'onEs class skills, and the ke a)ilit for each are as follows+ Chakra Control /Wis0, Craft /calli'raph , pharmace!tical, vis!al art, writin'0 /.nt0, (am)le /Wis0, .nvesti'ate /.nt0, Knowled'e /arcane lore, art, )ehavioral sciences, )!siness, civics, c!rrent events, earth and life sciences, histor , nin6a lore, ph sical sciences, pop!lar c!lt!re, streetwise, tactics, technolo' , theolo' and philosoph 0 /.nt0, <isten /Wis0, #in6!ts! /.nt0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, -ense Motive /Wis0, -peak <an'!a'e /none0, -pot /Wis0, -!rvival /Wis0, and Treat .n6!r /Wis0+ Also, the startin' occ!pation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from+ Skill Points at )irst evel% /C I .nt modifier0 K 8+ Skill Points at Each evel% C I .nt modifier+

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special st 9 I& I% I& I% Talent %nd I9 IA I& IA Bon!s feat rd A I% IA I9 IA Talent 8th IA I8 I9 I8 Bon!s feat th C IA I8 I9 I8 Wisdom )oost

Defense &eputation -onus -onus I9 I9 I% I9 I% I9 IA I% IA I%

Starting )eats .n addition to the two feats all characters 'et at first level, a $edicated para'on )e'ins pla with the -imple Weapon 2roficienc feat+ Optional Rule: $edicated 2ara'ons ma )e'in pla with proficienc in li'ht and medi!m armors+ Takin' this class after level 9 'rants no armor proficienc + !lass )eatures The followin' are class feat!res of the $edicated para'on+ Talents At 9st and Ard level, the $edicated para'on selects a talent from the $edicated hero )ase classE talent trees, or the followin' talent tree+ -ome trees have a set order that m!st )e

followed, while others provide a list to choose from+ As lon' as the para'on @!alifies, he can select freel from an and all talent trees+ #o talent can )e selected more than once !nless expressl indicated+ Dedicated Prodigy Talent Tree The followin' talents can onl )e selected ) the $edicated para'on+ Dedicated Prodigy% 4o! can spend an action point once per enco!nter when makin' an attack roll, savin' throw, a)ilit check or skill check+ As a res!lt, o! can !se o!r Wisdom modifier instead of o!r !s!al a)ilit modifier+ Prerequisite: (eni!s #in6a, an $edicated 3ero talent+ -onus )eats At %nd and 8th level, the $edicated para'on 'ains a )on!s feat+ This feat m!st )e selected from the $edicated hero list of )on!s feats, and the $edicated para'on m!st meet an prere@!isites+ .isdo+ -oost At Cth level, the $edicated para'onEs Wisdom score increases ) % points+

!haris+atic Paragon
The Charismatic 2ara'on is easil reco'nized ) his forcef!l, ma'netic personalit + 3e is an expert at convincin' others to see and do thin's his wa , tho!'h the ma not alwa s )e aware of his infl!ence+ The Charismatic para'on is )est s!ited to a s!pport role, directin' his comrades while keepin' awa from the front line+ E*a+ples of !haris+atic Paragons The 'en6!ts! master and s@!ad captains are excellent examples of the Charismatic para'onEs capa)ilities+ Their tr!e stren'th lies in s!)tlet , and the can t!rn a 'ood team into an !nstoppa)le force+ !lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the Charismatic 2ara'on )asic class+ A,ility Charisma is the primar a)ilit for the Charismatic para'on+ .ntelli'ence also allows for even more skill points, as he is second to onl the -mart hero or para'on in that domain+ A 'ood $exterit and Constit!tion score allow for )etter efficienc with savin' throws+ (it Die The Charismatic 2ara'on 'ains 9dD hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+

Action Points The Charismatic 2ara'on 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to C I one5half his character level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The Charismatic 2ara'onEs class skills are as follows+ Bl!ff /Cha0, Chakra Control /Wis0, Craft /calli'raph , vis!al art, writin'0 /.nt0, $iplomac /Cha0, $is'!ise /Cha0, (ather .nformation /Cha0, (en6!ts! /Cha0, 3andle Animal /Cha0, .ntimidate /Cha0, Knowled'e /arcane lore, art, )ehavioral sciences, )!siness, civics, c!rrent events, nin6a lore, pop!lar c!lt!re, streetwise, theolo' and philosoph 0 /.nt0, 2erform /act, dance, ke )oards, perc!ssion instr!ments, sin', stand5!p, strin'ed instr!ments, wind instr!ments0 /Cha0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, and -peak <an'!a'e /none0+ Also, the startin' occ!pation the character selects can provide additional class skills to choose from+ Skill Points at )irst evel% /F I .nt modifier0 K 8+ Skill Points at Each evel% F I .nt modifier+

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special st 9 I& I% I% I& Talent %nd I9 IA IA I& Bon!s feat rd A I9 IA IA I9 Talent 8th I% I8 I8 I9 Bon!s feat th C I% I8 I8 I9 Charisma )oost

Defense &eputation -onus -onus I& I% I9 I% I9 I% I9 IA I% IA

Starting )eats .n addition to the two feats all characters 'et at first level, a Charismatic para'on )e'ins pla with the -imple Weapon 2roficienc feat+ Optional Rule: Charismatic 2ara'ons ma )e'in pla with proficienc in li'ht armors+ Takin' this class after level 9 'rants no armor proficienc + !lass )eatures All of the followin' are class feat!res of the Charismatic para'on+ Talents At 9st and Ard level, the Charismatic para'on selects a talent from the Charismatic hero )ase classE talent trees, or the followin' talent tree+ -ome trees have a set order that m!st )e followed, while others provide a list to choose from+ As lon' as the para'on @!alifies, he can select freel from an and all talent trees+ #o talent can )e selected more than once !nless expressl indicated+ !haris+atic Prodigy Talent Tree The followin' talents can onl )e selected ) the Charismatic para'on+

!haris+atic Prodigy% 4o! can spend an action point once per enco!nter when makin' a Charisma5)ased skill or a)ilit check to infl!ence a #2C /s!ch as a Bl!ff or $iplomac check0+ As a res!lt, the check a!tomaticall considered a s!ccess /in a sit!ation where the de'ree of s!ccess is important, s!ch as in a $iplomac check, o! m!st still roll the check+ 1n a failed check, ass!me the minim!m de'ree of s!ccess instead0+ Prerequisite: (eni!s #in6a, an Charismatic 3ero talent+ -onus )eats At %nd and 8th level, the Charismatic para'on 'ains a )on!s feat+ This feat m!st )e selected from the Charismatic hero list of )on!s feats, and the Charismatic para'on m!st meet an prere@!isites+ !haris+a -oost At Cth level, the Charismatic para'onEs Charisma score increases ) % points+

Si*teen Minutes and Still !ounting% An Occupation for the 'ifted Nin/a
From )irth, o! were 'ifted with incredi)le potential+ 4o! @!ickl set o!rself apart from o!r peers as a prodi' and 'ained instant reco'nition? o!r ver actions can infl!ence the co!rse of life aro!nd o!+ The sa ever one 'ets their fifteen min!tes of fame, )!t o! 'ot more+ Pheno+% 4o! are a prodi' , the prod!ct of extraordinar !nion or perhaps simpl an astonishin' happenstance? when people sa Eone in ever 'eneration,E the Ere referrin' to o!+ Tho!'h o!r looks ma )e deceivin', o! have )een dealt an incredi)le hand, and have all the tools one co!ld ever hope for to )ecome a le'endar nin6a+ Prere0uisite% A'e CI and one a)ilit score 9C or hi'her+ The 2henomEs a'e re@!irement is not s!)6ect to )ein' red!ced ) the (eni!s #in6a feat, )!t he does not s!ffer a)ilit score penalties from )ein' a child+ Skills% -elect an two skills as permanent class skills+ .f a skill the character selects is alread a class skill, he receives a I9 competence )on!s on checks !sin' that skill+ )eat% The 2henom 'ains the (eni!s #in6a feat+ &eputation -onus Increase% I%

Discover your $ntapped Potential% &ules for (eroic Effort

.n certain sit!ations, the 'reat potential of a character simpl isnEt eno!'h+ The 'oal is 6!st o!t of reach and the heroes need an extra p!sh+ .n these sit!ations, a character ma invoke the r!les for heroic effort+ While completel optional, these r!les can help to create a more cinematic experience witho!t compromisin' 'ame )alance+ There are two versions of the heroic effort r!les, to )e !sed either separatel , or, in the case of more cinematic 'ames, in tandem, prowess points, and awakenin' points+ Pro1ess Points% A prowess point is somethin' a character 'ains at the )e'innin' of each advent!re, and can )e !sed at an time d!rin' the characterEs t!rn as a free action+

Additionall , the (M can decide to disallow the acc!m!lation of prowess points, meanin' that the pla er m!st spend his ac@!ired prowess point or lose it at the )e'innin' of the next advent!re+ A character spendin' a prowess points 'ains one of the followin' )enefits, I+prove co+petence% The character 'ains a IC )on!s to a skill or a)ilit check+ Increased carrying capacity% The characterEs carr in' capacit do!)les for one ro!nd+ Increased speed% The characterEs )ase movement speed do!)les for one ro!nd+ Increased defenses% The character 'ains a IC )on!s to $efense and savin' throws for one ro!nd+ Increased threat range% The character 'ains a I% )on!s to the threat ran'e of all attacks for one ro!nd+ Increased po1er% The character co!nts as tho!'h one level hi'her for the p!rposes of determinin' the level5)ased varia)les of techni@!es for one ro!nd+ Action surge% The character 'ains a move or attack action to )e taken immediatel + I++ediate recovery% The character 'ains a second savin' throw a'ainst all ne'ative conditions he s!ffers from, provided the effect re@!ires a save+ Defy death% The character a!tomaticall sta)ilizes and re'ains conscio!sness when d in', or performs actions when disa)led witho!t s!fferin' additional dama'e+ A1akening Points% An awakenin' point is somethin' a character !ses to t!rn the tide of com)at+ .t is a 'ame chan'er, somethin' that affords a hero 'reat power for a short while? in short, it is the ph sical manifestation of the r!le of cool+ As s!ch, the sho!ld )e awarded sparin'l , as rewards for 'reat deeds or at t!rnin' points in a campai'n, and the (M is enco!ra'ed to disallow the pla ers to acc!m!late awakenin' points /followin' a use it or lose it r!le0+ An awakenin' point can )e invoked at an time d!rin' the ro!nd as a free action, even when it is not the characterEs t!rn, and provides the followin' )enefits, I+proved co+petence% The character 'ains a I%& )on!s to a skill or a)ilit check+ Increased carrying capacity% The character m!ltiplies his carr in' capacit ) 9& for one ro!nd+ Increased speed% The characterEs movement speed triples for one ro!nd for all modes of movement+ A,solute defense% All attacks directed at the character miss, and all effects that tar'et the character are s!ccessf!ll saved a'ainst for one ro!nd+ ;ffects that do not allow a savin' throw occ!r normall + A,solute offense% All attacks made ) the character that are capa)le threaten a critical hit on a hit re'ardless of the nat!ral roll, even if the opponent is not s!)6ect to critical hits+ Po1er surge% The character can appl the effects of an meta5chakra feat to a sin'le applica)le techni@!e, even if he does not possess the feat, at no additional cost or diffic!lt and witho!t impedin' the application of other s!ch feats to the same techni@!e+ Action surge% The character 'ains an extra f!ll5ro!nd action to )e taken immediatel , )!t not d!rin' another creat!reEs t!rn+ Sudden insight% The character learns a sin'le techni@!e for which he meets the re@!irements and performs it at no chakra cost+ I++ediate recovery% All ne'ative conditions affectin' the character are terminated instantl , and the character 'ains imm!nit to all the terminated conditions for 9 ro!nd+

Defy death% The character revives at 9 hit points at the end of the enco!nter if killed witho!t inc!rrin' a loss of level or permanent a)ilit score dama'e+ Ac0uire 1ealth% The character ac@!ires a sin'le item or o)6ect with a 2!rchase $C of AC or lower at no cost to himself either immediatel or shortl after invokin' this !se of an awakenin' point+ 1ther applications, at the (MEs discretion+

.nvokin' an awakenin' point for a p!rpose not listed a)ove is possi)le+ 3owever, the (M is enco!ra'ed to incl!de hidden costs and conse@!ences the pla er will not )e immediatel made aware of if the awakenin' point affects the 'ame in a ma6or wa ? when !sed correctl , this hidden cla!se can even help a pla er feel more in to!ch with his or her character, and immerse the pla ers in the 'ame world f!rther+ There are no limits to what is possi)le, )!t the (M sho!ld still caref!ll monitor and re'!late what the pla ers can and cannot do, or what it will cost+

SE!TION II% 2O$ MA3E 2O$& O.N $!3

The feats in the section )elow have )een tailor5made to improve specific roles and can serve those who select them with care well+ Man feats presented here, tho!'h not all, have the (eni!s #in6a as a prere@!isite, and some even re@!ire specialization in a specific area+

A,le Defender
4o! are partic!larl capa)le when it comes to avoidin' attacks or defendin' a teammate+ Prere0uisite% .mproved Avoidance+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain a I8 circ!mstance )on!s to checks when performin' Avoidance and $efensive mane!ver techni@!es+

A,solute !ontrol
4o!r master of chakra control 'oes far )e ond the ordinar shino)iEs+ Prere0uisite% Wis 9C, Chakra Control 9C ranks, (eni!s #in6a /control0+ -enefit% 4o! are a)le to control and alter almost an aspect of a Chakra Control techni@!e+ 4o! can make an area )!rst, cone, c linder, emanation or spread effect shapea)le to avoid affectin' an C5ft+ s@!are in the area, or t!rn an Chakra Control )!rst into a spread, or a cone into a line twice its len'th /or a spread into a shapea)le )r!st, or a line into a cone half its len'th /ro!nd down0+

-lood -rother
4o! and o!r s!mmon creat!res are like )lood kin, and o! can call on them in time of need+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, Blood 2act+ -enefit% The rank re@!irement to s!mmon a creat!re of a hi'her rank is red!ced ) 9 /minim!m &0+ This feat applies to all )lood pacts, if o! have several+

!o+panion Training
An )east can fi'ht+ .t takes dedication and ele'ance to )e a companion+ Prere0uisite% 3andle Animal 9% ranks, Mo6!! Aisho!, Animal Bond+ -enefit% The -tren'th and $exterit ad6!stment of o!r animal companion increases ) 9+

Deadly Accuracy
4o! !se thrown weapons to 'reat effect+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, 2oint Blank -hot+ -enefit% 4o!r thrown k!nai, sh!riken and throwin' knives deal 9dD points of dama'e rather than their respective )ase weapon dama'e+ The dama'e t pe is !nchan'ed+ Special% The dama'e is still s!)6ect to chan'e dependin' on the weaponEs size cate'or +

Deductive 'enius
4o!r lo'ical reasonin' skills are )e ond compare+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, 2rofile class a)ilit , -treet -avv class a)ilit + -enefit% 4o! add one5half o!r non5#in6a 2olice class levels as a )on!s to checks made with the 2rofile and -treet -avv a)ilities, ro!nd down+

De*terous 'enius
4o! can !se o!r speed to its f!llest extent when attackin' with li'ht weapons to deal additional dama'e+ Prere0uisite% $ex 9C, (eni!s #in6a, Weapon Finesse, -peed rank 9 extraordinar a)ilit + -enefit% 4o! 'ain a )on!s to weapon dama'e rolls e@!al to the )on!s to attack rolls provided ) an active -peed rank a)ilit + This )enefit onl applies to a weapon that can )enefit from the Weapon Finesse feat+ The )on!s does not stack with the )on!s to dama'e rolls provided ) an active -tren'th rank a)ilit ? !se whichever is hi'hest+

Ele+ental (ar+ony
4o! shed o!r nat!ral weakness to an opposed element+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /nin6!ts!0, ;lemental -pecialization class feat!re+ -enefit% 4o!r primar elemental affinit no lon'er has an element it is weak a'ainst, and o! do not s!ffer a penalt to <earn checks a'ainst an opposed element+ Nor+al% 4o! normall s!ffer a L% penalt to saves a'ainst o!r weak element and to <earn checks with an opposed element+

E+po1er Machinery
4o! can !se p!ppet components to 'reat effect+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /nin6!ts!0, Advanced 2!ppetr class feat!re+ -enefit% 4o! can empower the !se of an component of a p!ppet o! are c!rrentl controllin' and increase all varia)le, n!meric val!es of the component ) C&M /one5half0+ -avin' throws, weapon dama'e and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are components witho!t random varia)les+ A p!ppet can )e affected ) this feat once per da + This feat does not affect extra dama'e dealt ) techni@!es+

Enhanced Illusion 4Meta5!hakra6

4o!r ill!sions are diffic!lt and costl to 'et rid of+ Prere0uisite% (en6!ts! 9% ranks, (eni!s #in6a /'en6!ts!0, (en6!ts! Adept, an meta5 chakra feat+ -enefit% This meta5chakra feat can )e applied to an (en6!ts! techni@!e with a d!ration of 9 ro!nd or lon'er+ The chakra cost to dispel the techni@!e is do!)led and the diffic!lt of the dispel check is increased ) I%+ The techni@!eEs perform re@!irements increase ) A+ The chakra cost increases ) A pl!s 9 ever % ranks+ Speciali7ation% The Techni@!e Anal st can select this feat as a meta5chakra specialization+ The re@!irements are an other specialization, and the chakra cost onl increases ) 9 ever % ranks+

E*pert Analysis
4o!r keen insi'ht ena)les o! to draw acc!rate concl!sions from o!r s!rro!ndin's+ Prere0uisite% .nvesti'ate D ranks, -!rvival D ranks -enefit% 4o! have 'reat anal tical knowled'e when it comes to p!ttin' to'ether cl!es to form a clear pict!re of events in a specific area or when faced with a partic!lar set of tracks+ Anal zin' an area or set of tracks takes C min!tes for each t pe of information o! attempt to !ncover+ ;ver A ranks after D, o! ma learn to anal ze one additional t pe of information+ 4o! cannot retr + A check failed ) more than C means o! 'ain incorrect information+ The diffic!lt of the anal sis depends on the t pe of information tar'eted and is an .nvesti'ate check, !nless specified otherwise+ Battlefield Analysis (DC 20): 4o! anal ze a )attlefield and determine how man com)atants took part in the )attle+ -!cceedin' ) more than C allows o! to determine if there were an ) standers, and s!cceedin' ) more than 9& allows o! to determine which com)atants fo!'ht on the same side+ E ents Reconstruction (DC !0): 4o! anal ze a )attlefield or crime scene and are a)le to determine the chain of events that lead to the concl!sion, 'ainin' a ro!'h pict!re witho!t precise details !nless otherwise noted ) the (M+ The acc!rac of the reconstr!ction ma var dependin' on what cl!es were anal zed+ "ntelli#ence $atherin# (DC %&): 4o! anal ze a )attlefield and the tactics !sed ) the com)atants and are a)le to 'ain or provide a I% insi'ht )on!s to an checks made to form!late a 2lan involvin' an com)atant as an enem or all + -!ccess ) more than 9& ena)les o! to determine the condition in which the com)atants left the )attlefield+ 'tal(in# (DC 2&): 4o! anal ze a set of tracks and determine if o!r @!arr is wo!nded, or severel wo!nded /)elow half hit points0+ -!cceedin' ) more than 9& allows o! to determine if it has less than half chakra or reserves, or )oth, and s!cceedin' ) more than %& allows o! to determine if it s!ffers from an -tren'th, $exterit or Constit!tion dama'e+ This is a -!rvival check+ )rac(s "dentification (DC %*): 4o! anal ze a set of tracks and are a)le to determine the size and race /or the kind of a creat!re0 for one creat!re, pl!s 9 for ever % points o! exceed the $C ) + -!cceedin' the )ase check ) more than C allows o! to determine the 'ender of the creat!res, and s!cceedin' ) more than 9& allows o! to determine the movement speed of each anal zed creat!re, ro!nded to the nearest !nit of 9&+ This is a

-!rvival check+ 4o! s!ffer a c!m!lative L9 penalt for ever ho!r after the concl!sion of the events on which o! are 'atherin' information or after the tracks were made /or a L8 penalt ever ho!r if there are elements dist!r)in' the scene or tracks0+

E*tradi+ensional Techni0ue 4Meta5!hakra6

4o! can perform techni@!es that transcend dimensional limits+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /nin6!ts!0, Retrieval ;xpert, an A meta5chakra feats+ -enefit% This meta5chakra feat allows o! to perform a #in6!ts! techni@!e witho!t havin' line of si'ht or line of effect on the tar'et or area, and i'nores cover !p to one5 half+ The techni@!e is considered a -pacetime techni@!e in addition to its ori'inal s!)t pe, if an + The techni@!eEs perform re@!irements increase ) G+ The chakra cost increases ) D pl!s 9 per rank+ Speciali7ation% The Techni@!e Anal st can select this feat as a meta5chakra specialization+ The re@!irements are % other specializations, and lowers the chakra cost to % pl!s 9 per rank+

'ifted Nin/a
4o! are never tr!l o!t of tricks+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain an extra action point ever level, pl!s A action points when selectin' this feat+

'loo+ .eaver
4o! 'ain 'reater proficienc with the )attle wire+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, <ivewire class feat!re+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain an extra wire trick+ Special% 4o! m!st still meet the re@!irements to select a new wire trick, if an +

(ard .orking

4o!r hard work alwa s pa s off, and o! never 'et disco!ra'ed even if at first o! donEt s!cceed+ Prere0uisite% Trainin'+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain a I8 )on!s to <earn checks when learnin' techni@!es of the Trainin' t pe+ .n addition, the s ner' )on!s to <earn checks from failin' a learn attempt is do!)led /maxim!m I9&0+

4o! can move silentl and hide witho!t losin' moment!m+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, -tealth + -enefit% 4o! can !se the 3ide and Move -ilentl skills while movin' at o!r normal speed witho!t takin' a penalt + Nor+al% 4o! normall take a LC penalt to !se either skills while movin' at normal speeds+

egendary 'enius
4o! are hard to pin down, )!t ever )od knows o!r name+ Prere0uisite% $ex 9A, Con 9A, Wis 9A, (eni!s #in6a, (ifted #in6a, character level 9%th+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain a I9 )on!s to Fortit!de, Reflex and Will savin' throws, and o!r Rep!tation )on!s increases ) I%+

Medical Prodigy
4o! can heal ) inf!sin' a creat!re with chakra with onl a to!ch+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /nin6!ts!0, Medical A)ilit class feat!re+ -enefit% 4o! can heal a n!m)er of hit points per da e@!al to % K o!r c!m!lative Medical -pecialist and ;xarch class levels+ :sin' this a)ilit is an attack action that costs 9 chakra per 8 hit points healed, )!t does not co!nt towards overhealin'+ 4o! can choose to divide o!r healin' over m!ltiple recipients, and do not have to !se it all at once+

Meta5chakra Specialist
4o! 'ain 'reater !nderstandin' )ehind the workin' of techni@!es+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /'en6!ts! or nin6!ts!0, Meta5Chakra -pecialization class feat!re+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain an extra meta5chakra specialization+ Special% 4o! m!st still meet the re@!irements to select a new specialization, if an +

Mo,ile Defense
4o! practice a 'ood defensive strate' , never stop movin'+ Prere0uisite% $od'e, Mo)ilit + -enefit% 4o! 'ain a I% dod'e )on!s to $efense for 9 ro!nd after movin' A& feet or more in one ro!nd+ .n order to 'ain this )on!s, o! m!st have taken one or more move actions or !sed a movement5)ased, non5-pacetime techni@!e with a perform time of at least 9 move action, s!ch as 'hundou or 'hunshin no +utsu+

O,scured Techni0ue 4Meta5!hakra6

4o! can perform -hadow techni@!es even in )ri'ht da li'ht+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /nin6!ts!0, -hadow Art, an meta5chakra feat+ -enefit% This meta5chakra feat ena)les o! to dim an area to perform a -hadow nin6!ts! techni@!e where o! normall co!ldnEt+ .t can onl )e applied to -hadow nin6!ts! techni@!es, and lasts for the d!ration of the techni@!e+ The techni@!eEs perform re@!irements increase ) A+ The chakra cost increases ) 9 ever % ranks+ Speciali7ation% The Techni@!e Anal st can select this feat as a meta5chakra specialization+ The techni@!eEs perform re@!irements are not increased+

Pheno+enal Aptitude
4o!r a)ilit to pick !p familiar skills is !ncann + Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, can onl )e taken at 9st level+ -enefit% 4o! ma 'ain ranks in cross5class skills for onl 9 skill point per rank+ This feat does not increase the maxim!m n!m)er of ranks in cross5class skills o! ma take+

Nor+al% A rank in a cross5class skill normall costs % skill points+

The ancestral )lood r!ns stron' thro!'h o!r veins+ Prere0uisite% An advanced )loodline+ -enefit% 4o! co!nt as tho!'h )ein' one character level hi'her for the p!rpose of determinin' o!r )loodline a)ilities+ Special% This feat can )e selected m!ltiple times? each time, it applies to a different )loodline+

8uick Assess+ent
4o! can @!ickl assess o!r s!rro!ndin's for threats+ Prere0uisite% <isten D ranks, -pot D ranks, Alertness+ -enefit% 4o! can make a <isten and a -pot check as a swift action once per ro!nd+ Nor+al% Makin' a <isten or a -pot check is either a reaction or a move action+

Sealing 'uru
4o! can craft sealin' arra s in a fraction of the time+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a /f!in6!ts!0, -ealweaver+ -enefit% The time it takes to scri)e a seal is red!ced ) one5half, minim!m 9 ro!nd /5C&M0+

Spy+aster9s Intuition
4o! can easil appraise someoneEs attit!de towards o!, and !se it to o!r advanta'e+ Prere0uisite% -ense Motive D ranks, Attentive+ -enefit% 4o! can make a -ense Motive check /$C %&0 a'ainst an creat!re in order to determine the tar'etEs attit!de towards o! /hostile, !nfriendl , indifferent, friendl , helpf!l or fanatic0+ A s!ccessf!l check 'rants o! a I8 )on!s to Charisma5)ased check and -ense Motive checks to infl!ence and f!rther assess the creat!re d!rin' a social enco!nter+

4o!r aptit!de with the k!sari5'ama peaks+ Prere0uisite% .nt 9A, Com)at ;xpertise, K!sari5'ama -t le, proficient with the k!sari5 'ama, )ase attack )on!s I99+ -enefit% 4o! threaten a lar'er area as tho!'h !sin' a reach weapon when wieldin' a k!sari5'ama as a two5handed weapon+ F!rthermore, o! do not take a penalt to attack rolls when makin' attacks of opport!nit while fi'htin' defensivel or !sin' the com)at expertise feat, )!t still retain the defensive )enefits+ Nor+al% 4o! do not normall threaten a lar'er area when !sin' a k!sari5'ama+

Superior Puppetry 4Meta5!hakra6

4o!r p!ppets are alwa s most effective shortl after comin' into pla + Prere0uisite% #in6!ts! 9% ranks, (eni!s #in6a /nin6!ts!0, 2!ppetr class a)ilit , an meta5chakra feat+

-enefit% The character can spend a meta5chakra char'e when animatin' a p!ppet with the p!ppetr a)ilit + The p!ppet 'ains a I% competence )on!s to attack and dama'e rolls, savin' throws and defense for A ro!nds after )ein' animated+ The chakra cost increases ) 9 ever % hit dice the p!ppet was animated with /ro!nd !p0+ Speciali7ation% The Techni@!e Anal st can select this feat as a meta5chakra specialization+ The d!ration increases to C ro!nds+

S1ift &etaliation
4o! can force an opponent to attack o! or face the conse@!ences+ Prere0uisite% (eni!s #in6a, Com)at Reflexes+ -enefit% 4o! can desi'nate a sin'le opponent once per enco!nter to !se this feat a'ainst+ 1nce per ro!nd, if that opponent makes an attack that doesnEt directl involve o! as a primar tar'et, o! can make an attack of opport!nit a'ainst that opponent if it is in o!r threatened area+ Resolve the res!lts of )oth attacks sim!ltaneo!sl + This feat can onl )e !sed once per ro!nd, and cannot )e !sed in con6!nction with the A'ile Riposte feat+ The desi'nated opponent is aware that attackin' another creat!re can provoke retaliation+

Tactical Support
4o! are at o!r )est when providin' s!pport for o!r allies+ -enefit% When o! spend at least an attack action d!rin' a ro!nd aidin' an all , !sin' the Treat .n6!r skill or a Medical nin6!ts! techni@!e on an all , the 2lan class feat!re, the Command, Tactical ;xpertise or Tactical Master class feat!res, o! 'ain a I9 circ!mstance )on!s to attack rolls, $efense, savin' throws, a)ilit checks and skill checks !ntil the end of o!r next t!rn+

.eapon Inti+acy
4o!r weapons are )est !sed ) their creator+ Prere0uisite% Craft /mechanical0 9% ranks, (eni!s #in6a, an % item creation feats+ -enefit% 4o! 'ain a I9 insi'ht )on!s to attack and weapon dama'e rolls when wieldin' a weapon that was crafted ) o!+ 4o! m!st take part in ever aspect of the weaponEs creation, incl!din' the process of appl in' seal slots and enhancement seals, to )e eli'i)le for this )on!s+


The o)6ects fo!nd )elow are desi'ned more for the team pla er than o!tri'ht offense in mind+ That said, the can )e p!t to 'ood !se ) almost an one who wo!ld care for a )it of extra flair+ The r!les 'overnin' implanted e es can )e fo!nd in the Relics Repository+ Adapta,le Ar+or 4Ar+or6 'uperior (, %0) $C %C Ite+ Slot% Armor /an li'ht or medi!m0 Property% This s!it of armor can )e worn ) an one with proficienc witho!t re@!irin' the Armor 2roficienc feat+

Adapta,le .eapon 4.eapon6 'uperior (, %0) $C %C Ite+ Slot% Weapon /an non5exotic0 Property% This this weapon can )e !sed in com)at witho!t a penalt even ) non5 proficient characters+ (ardcore Training .eights 4Sealed Ite+6 )his set of trainin# -ei#hts usually has a ery dra.atic effect -hen ta(en off durin# co./at0 Sealed Ite+ :training 1eight; 1inor (, 2) $C 9F Po1er :<=day> s1ift action;% :se to remove the wei'hts after wearin' them for at least A ro!nds of com)at+ An enem who sees o! do so m!st make a Will save /$C 99Ione5 half o!r )ase attack )on!s0 or )ecome shaken, while an all that can see o! 'ains a I9 morale )on!s to attack rolls and savin' throws a'ainst fear+ Both effects last 9dD ro!nds+ Special% The hardcore trainin' wei'hts f!nction as a set of trainin' wei'ht of an t pe /. to V...0, and m!st )e a)le to completel s!ppress o!r -peed and -tren'th rank a)ilities to )e !sa)le ) o!+ When p!rchasin' this item, o! m!st pa for the trainin' wei'ht component separatel + I+planted Eye% Silent ?udge 4Sealed Ite+6 )his i.planted eye has a -hite sclera and a #ray iris3 /ut loo(s clearly artificial0 Sealed Ite+ :i+planted eye; 'uperior (, *) $C %C Po1er :@=day> attack action;% :se to 'ain insi'ht on an opponent o! can see within C& feet+ 4o! 'ain an approximate idea of that opponentEs challen'e ratin' /hi'her, lower or on par0, and 'ain insi'ht on the opponentEs c!rrent condition /as tho!'h !sin' "ryou 4in5utsu: "5i 6 'hinryou +utsu0+ The (M ma provide a more detailed description, at his discretion+ Savvy (ead,and 4Ar+or> Sealed Ite+6 )his si.ple head/and can increase your odds of success -hen unfa.iliar tas(s0 Sealed Ite+ :forehead protector; 1inor (, 2) $C 9F 'uperior (, 7) $C %D Po1er :@=day> special;% :se when makin' an !ntrained skill check or an attempt to aid another, and 'ain a I% competence )on!s to that check+ ,e el 7: As a)ove, )!t a I8 competence )on!s+ Standard of $n1avering !ourage 4Sealed Ite+6 )his si.ple /anner /ears the e./le. of a #roup or clan0 Sealed Ite+ 'uperior (, %0) $C %F Po1er :<=day> attack action;% All allies who can see the standard of !nwaverin' co!ra'e 'ain a I8 morale )on!s to savin' throws a'ainst fear+ .f the all was !nder a fear effect, it is s!ppressed for the d!ration of the power+ <asts 9& min!tes+

Special% The effects of the standard of !nwaverin' co!ra'e last !ntil the powerEs d!ration nat!rall expires, or !ntil the standard is defiled or destro ed+ The standard has $efense 8 or as the wearer L9 and 9C hit points+ Trade+ark Ite+ 4Sealed Ite+6 )his .inor o/5ect has /eco.e your of a sort0 "t is so.ethin# people ha e /e#un associatin# -ith you0 )he ite. can /e anythin# fro. a particular .as( to the sy./ol of your dead clan0 Sealed Ite+ 1inor (, &) $C 9D Property% A trademark item does not have a chakra si'nat!re !nless the )ase o)6ect it represents does+ Po1er :<=day> attack action;% 4o! fla!nt or e@!ip the trademark item+ An one who can see o! m!st check a'ainst o!r Rep!tation at a I8 )on!s+ 4o! 'ain a I% morale )on!s to skill checks to infl!ence an one who reco'nizes o!+ This )on!s stacks with the )on!s provided ) a s!ccessf!l Rep!tation check, or helps to miti'ate the penalt + .f o! possess the (eni!s #in6a feat and are in area where the )on!s to o!r rep!tation applies, an one who can see o! instead checks a'ainst o!r rep!tation at a ID and the morale )on!s o! 'ain is I8+ Special% 4o! m!st wear a trademark item in p!)lic for at least one week )efore )ein' a)le to !se an of its effect+ 4o! can onl 'ain the )enefits of one trademark item at once+ F!rthermore, the (M can r!le that an o)6ect worn ) a character lon' eno!'h can )ecome a trademark item witho!t )ein' made to )e s!ch+


The Risin' -tar, presented in the section )elow, is the c!lmination of a 'eni!s nin6aEs a)ilities+ The class is via)le for almost an one, possessin' 'ood savin' throws, fair attack )on!s and defense )on!ses, and a)ilities that can s!it almost an )!ild+

&ising Star
The risin' star is a le'end in the makin'+ Tho!'h he isnEt excellent at an one thin', he is 'ood at virt!all ever thin'+ 3e can inspire his allies, come !p with effective )attle strate'ies and make the most o!t of his enem Es weaknesses+ This class is easil accessi)le from an of the )asic classes, )!t re@!ires the (eni!s #in6a feat taken at first level+ &e0uire+ents% To @!alif to )ecome a risin# star, a character m!st f!lfill all the followin' criteria+ Skills% An two of the followin' skills, Chakra Control H ranks, F!in6!ts! H ranks, (en6!ts! H ranks, Knowled'e /nin6a lore0 H ranks, #in6!ts! H ranks, Tai6!ts! H ranks+ )eats% (eni!s #in6a+

!lass Infor+ation The followin' information pertains to the Risin' -tar presti'e class+ (it Die The Risin' -tar 'ains 9dD hit points per level+ The Constit!tion modifier applies+ Action Points The Risin' -tar 'ains a n!m)er of action points e@!al to F I one5half his character level, ro!nded down, ever time he attains a new level in this class+ !lass Skills The Risin' -tarEs class skills are as follows+ Balance /$ex0, Bl!ff /Cha0, Chakra Control /Wis0, Concentration /Con0, Craft /calli'raph , chemical, mechanical, pharmace!tical0 /.nt0, $ecipher -cript /.nt0, $emolitions /.nt0, For'er /.nt0, F!in6!ts! /.nt0, (ather .nformation /Cha0, (en6!ts! /Cha0, 3ide /$ex0, .ntimidate /Cha0, Knowled'e /all skills, taken individ!all 0 /.nt0, <isten /Wis0, Move -ilentl /$ex0, #avi'ate /.nt0, #in6!ts! /.nt0, 2erform /Cha0, 2rofession /Wis0, Read>Write <an'!a'e /none0, Repair /.nt0, Research /.nt0, -earch /.nt0, -peak <an'!a'e /none0, -pot /Wis0, Tai6!ts! /-tr0, T!m)le /$ex0+ Skill Points at Each evel% F I .nt modifier+

-ase Attack )ort &ef .ill evel -onus Save Save Save Special

Defense &eputation -onus -onus

9st %nd Ard

I& I9 I%

I9 I% I%

I9 I% I%

I9 -how5off, )on!s chakra I% Bon!s feat I% <e'end in the makin'

I9 I% I%

I% I% I%

!lass )eatures The followin' feat!res pertain to the Risin' -tar presti'e class+ Sho15Off At 9st level, the risin' star 'ains the a)ilit to make his s!ccesses in an thin' look smooth and effortless, inspirin' allies who look !p to him to do )etter, or drivin' allies who do not to show him !p+ To )enefit from this a)ilit , the risin' star m!st )e in the presence of an all who can see or hear him, and spend an action point after s!cceedin' on an attack roll, savin' throw, skill check or a)ilit check+ This does not re@!ire an action, )!t is exec!ted as part of the tri''erin' action+ An affected all 'ains a )on!s e@!al to one5half the res!lt of the action point, ro!nded down, on his next attack roll, savin' throw, skill check or a)ilit check /whichever tri''ered the a)ilit 0+ The )on!s cannot exceed the risin' starEs level in this class and applies to an roll that fits the description /a s!ccessf!l Balance check, for example, wo!ld affect all skill checks0+ The effects fade at the end of the enco!nter if not !sed )efore then+

The (M sho!ld note, however, that while an s!ccess can tri''er this a)ilit , -how51ff sho!ld not )e !sed o!tside the context of an otherwise normal activit + An action which has no p!rpose other than to make !se of -how51ff fails a!tomaticall + -onus !hakra The Risin' -tar 'ains a certain amo!nt of )on!s chakra and )on!s reserve from takin' levels in this class+ The amo!nt of )on!s chakra or chakra reserve 'ained is shown on the ta)le )elow+ .t is not infl!enced ) a)ilit scores, and is in addition to the standard amo!nt 'ained ever level from 'ainin' an additional hit dice+ The amo!nt of )on!s chakra or reserve doesnEt stack, simpl choose the appropriate val!e )ased on the characterEs class levels+ M!ltiple instances of Bon!s Chakra and Reserve, s!ch as from vario!s classes, do stack with each other+
!lass -onus -onus evels !hakra &eserve 9st 9 % %nd % 8 Ard A D

-onus )eat At %nd level, the Risin' -tar 'ets a )on!s feat+ The )on!s feat m!st )e selected from the followin' list or an previo!s list of )on!s feats from existin' class levels, and the Risin' -tar m!st meet all the prere@!isites of the feat to select it+ A)le $efender, A)sol!te Control, Blood Brother, Companion Trainin', $eadl Acc!rac , $extero!s (eni!s, ;lemental 3armon , ;lemental Master , ;mpower Machiner , ;xpert Anal sis, (ifted #in6a, (loom Weaver, 3ard Workin', .nconspic!o!s, Medical 2rodi' , Meta5chakra -pecialist, Mo)ile $efense, 1)sc!red Techni@!e, 1ne5handed -eals, 2!re)looded, N!ick Assessment, -ealin' (!r!, -p masterEs .nt!ition, -teelwall, -!perior 2!ppetr , Tactical -!pport, Weapon .ntimac + egend in the Making At Ard level, the risin' star 'ains an a)ilit that ma well shape the rest of his career as a nin6a, selected from a pool of a)ilities )elow+ There are no re@!irements for these a)ilities, )!t some ma s!it a character )etter than others+ E8ploit 9ea(ness (E8): This a)ilit f!nctions like the -mart hero talent of the same name, )!t the risin' star !ses levels in this class instead of the -mart hero class? levels in -mart hero co!nt towards !sin' this a)ilit + "nstincti e "dentification ('u): The risin' star 'ains a I% insi'ht )on!s to checks made to identif an techni@!e, even one he isnEt familiar with+ This )on!s increases to I8 to identif a t pe of techni@!e he applied the (eni!s #in6a feat to+ Plan (E8): This a)ilit f!nctions like the -mart hero talent of the same name, )!t the risin' star !ses levels in this class instead of the -mart hero class? levels in a class that 'rants the 2lan a)ilit co!nt towards !sin' this a)ilit + 'nea( Attac( (E8): The risin' star 'ains the sneak attack I9dD class a)ilit , which f!nctions like the #in6a -co!t a)ilit of the same name+ 'u/li.e Proficiency ('u): The risin' star selects a sin'le techni@!e he knows and 'ains a I% insi'ht )on!s to his effective skill threshold with that techni@!e as well as a IC )on!s to <earn checks made to 'ain steps of master in the techni@!e+ ;ach time the risin' star

'ains a new character level in an class, he can chan'e the techni@!e this a)ilit applies to+ )ea. Player ('u): As a swift action once per ro!nd, the risin' star can choose to em!late a feat or tactic that re@!ires more than one participant for the rest of the enco!nter+ $oin' so 'rants the risin' star no additional )enefits, )!t allows an all to f!nction as tho!'h the risin' star had the feat or tactic+ The risin' star m!st declare which a)ilit to em!late when !sin' this a)ilit , and ma spend an additional action later d!rin' the enco!nter to em!late a different a)ilit instead+ :ncanny Dod#e (E8): The risin' star retains his $exterit )on!s to $efense when ca!'ht flat5footed or str!ck ) an !nseen attacker+ :n-a erin# 9ill ('u): The risin' star 'ains a I% )on!s to savin' throws a'ainst comp!lsion and fear effects, as well as an savin' throw or check made to resist tort!re+


The last section of this s!pplement details two iconic characters offered as examples for the para'on classes and 'eni!s feats, -hi'!ro and Choz!me K osh!+

-hi'!ro is not a diffic!lt man to spot in a crowdOthat is, when he lets himself )e seen+ 3e favors a set of thick )lack clothes, )lack 'loves and straw sandals, marked with a lar'e and f!ll white in5 an' s m)ol at his midsection+ 2erhaps his most nota)le feat!re is the 'rinnin', fo!r5e ed demon mask that perpet!all hides his face, d!e to which no man or woman alive to da can claim to have seen his face+ $espite this, he is an excellent sp , a)le to make his wa inside virt!all an fortress !ndetected, impersonatin' almost an one thanks to his !n!s!al techni@!es+ Moreover, he is an excellent swordsman, @!ick and deadl with his slim )lack )lade+ 3is short stint as a 'enin has ta!'ht him m!ch a)o!t the wa s of assassination )efore he left his shino)i life )ehind to work as an independent contractor+ Shiguro :)ast Paragon B=Shino,i S1ords+an C=Shade D;% CR 9G? Medi!m5sized h!manoid? (D CdGI9& and Hd9&I9G and 8dDIG? hp 98D? Init I9&? Spd A& ft? Defense A9, melee A%, to!ch %G, flat5footed %C /ID dex, IA armor, I9% class0? -A- I9C? 'rap I9G? Atk I%C melee /9dGIG>9G5%&, ;2 cha(ra current nin5a6to0? )ull Atk I%C>I%&>I9C melee /9dGIG>9G5%&, ;2 cha(ra current nin5a6to0 or I%8>I9H>I98 ran'ed /9dDIC, sh!riken0? )S C ft ) C ft? &each C ft? S8 electricit resistance 9&, speed rank C, wind affinit ? A self, chaos, evil? S# Fort I9&, Ref I9G, Will ID? AP 9G? !P F8 /AD reserve0? &ep I8? .ealth I9F? Str 98, De* %%, !on 98, Int 9G, .is 9%, !ha 9%+ Occupation% 2henom /Bonus Class '(ills: Bl!ff, (ather .nformation? Bonus <eat: (eni!s #in6a0 Skills% Bl!ff I%%, Chakra Control I99, $is'!ise I99, (ather .nformation I%%, (en6!ts! I99, 3ide I%G, Knowled'e /tactics0 IH, Move -ilentl I%G, #in6!ts! I98, Tai6!ts! I%A+ )eats% A'ile Riposte, Com)at ;xpertise, $eadl Acc!rac , $extero!s (eni!s, $od'e, (enin /s!ppress chakra0, (eni!s #in6a /tai6!ts!0, .mproved Feint, .mproved .nitiative,

2henomenal Aptit!de, 2oint Blank -hot, -imple Weapons 2roficienc , -killed, -tealth , Trainin', Weapon Finesse+ Talent :)ast Paragon;% ;vasion, fast prodi' , dexterit )oost+ Talent :Shino,i S1ords+an;% Weapon foc!s /nin6a5to0, @!ick draw, invisi)le strike, sneak attack I%dD, weapon specialization, 'reater weapon foc!s, power of the elite, improved critical+ Talent :Shade;% $eath attack, I% save a'ainst poison, poison expert, sneak attack IAdD+ E0uip+ent% I% chakra c!rrent nin6a5to, I% reinforced ni'ht fati'!es, trademark item /mask0, I% expertEs holster /9C sh!riken, 9 k!nai0, standard shino)i e@!ipment+ Enhance+ents% $exterit 5enhancin' dr!' /A5class0, .ntelli'ence5enhancin' dr!' /B5 class0+ Techni0ues 3no1n% -hi'!ro knows most techni@!es and masteries appropriate for a Jo!nin5level shino)i and sp , as well as the followin' techni@!es, $en5utsu6 saimin no 6!ts! 4in5utsu6 esemono no 6!ts! /C master 0, hen'e no 6!ts! /C master 0, kawarimi no 6!ts! /C master 0 )ai5utsu6 issen no shiden, kensok!, o!'i 5 sh!nshin rendan, rensats! zanshin, shiden, sh!ndo! /C master 0, hoko6!ts!, kinmets!, shinsats! o!'i 5 owari )!ts! )rainin#6 'odan ko!sok!, koemane no 6!ts!, nidan ko!sok!, sandan ko!sok!, shodan ko!sok!, ondan ko!sok! Shiguro :Speed ranks 1ith De*terous 'enius and Ninpou% !hakra Nagashi;% Spd D& ft+? Defense AD, melee AF, to!ch AA, flat5footed %C /IC dod'e0? Atk I%F melee /9dGI9&>9G5%&, ;2 cha(ra current nin5a6to pl!s slicin'0? )ull Atk I%F>I%%>I9F melee /9dGI9&>9G5%&, ;2 cha(ra current nin5a6to pl!s slicin'0 or I%D>I%9>I9D ran'ed /9dDIC, sh!riken0? S# Fort I9&, Ref I%A, Will ID+

!ho7u+e 3yoshu
This )rash o!n' man is the last of his clan, s!rvivor of a massacre at the hands of a deadl assassin onl )eca!se of his !nlikel a)ilit to catch this manEs attention+ -ince then, he has )een trainin' at the feet of his master and wears the colors of his clan on his overcoat with pride+ !ho7u+e 3yoshu :Tough Paragon @=&ising Star @=Shino,i -odyguard @;% CR H? Medi!m5sized h!manoid? (D Ad9&IH pl!s AdDIH and Ad9%IH pl!s A? hp H&? Init I9? Spd %& ft? Defense %8, to!ch 9F, flat5footed %A /I9 dex, IF armor, ID class0? -A- ID? 'rap IH? Atk I99 melee /9d9&ID, ;2 adapta/le (atana0? )ull Atk I99>ID melee /9d9&ID, ;2 adapta/le (atana0? )S C ft ) C ft? &each C ft? S8 earth affinit , fire resistance %, stren'th rank A? A master, power? S# Fort I9A, Ref IF, Will ID? AP 9C? !P C& /%8 reserve0? &ep ID? .ealth IA? Str 9D, De* 9%, !on 9D, Int 9%, .is 98, !ha 9&+ Occupation% Wanderin' #in6a /Bonus Class '(ills: #in6!ts!, -!rvival? Bonus <eat: #in Weapons 2roficienc 0

Skills% Concentration IH, <isten I99, #in6!ts! I98, -pot I99, -!rvival I9C, Tai6!ts! I9F+ )eats% Com)at Reflexes, (eni!s #in6a /tai6!ts!0, (ifted #in6a, (reat Fortit!de, <i'htnin' Reflexes, #in Weapons 2roficienc , 2ower Attack, -imple Weapons 2roficienc , -wift Retaliation, Trainin'+ Talent :Tough Paragon;% Ro)!st, stamina+ Talent :&ising Star;% -how5off, !nwaverin' will+ Talent :Shino,i -odyguard;% Remain conscio!s, harmEs wa + E0uip+ent% I% adapta)le katana, I% dark iron )attle armor, trademark item /overcoat0, standard shino)i e@!ipment+ Techni0ues 3no1n% K osh! knows most techni@!es and masteries appropriate for a (enin5level shino)i, as well as the followin' techni@!es, 4in5utsu6 doro'a no 6!ts!, sh!sen, chi)o!n!shi /C master 0 )ai5utsu6 hoko6!ts!, dai)!ts! /C master 0, horokots!, shin dai)!ts! /A master 0 )rainin#6 nidan 6o!r ok!, sandan 6o!r ok!, shodan 6o!r ok! !ho7u+e 3yoshu :Strength ranks;% Atk I9A melee /9d9&IH, ;2 adapta/le (atana0? )ull Atk I9A>IG melee /9d9&IH, ;2 adapta/le (atana0+

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