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The South Asian Times

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Follow us on Vol.6 No. 38 January 18-24, 2014 60 Cents New York Edition

Illegal' visa advice to US Embassy school Rahul Gandhi is teachers in Delhi is new flashpoint
The damage caused to India-US relations by the Devyani episode will linger NYT.
New Delhi: The American Embassy School, located within the US embassy compound in New Delhi, is under the scanner for alleged violation of India's tax and visa laws - a fallout of the reciprocal measures taken by New Delhi to pare down the privileges of US diplomats in India over the Devyani Khobragade episode. The elitist school has about 1,500 students on its rolls, nearly 500 of whom are from the US. Reports said several American teachers, who are spouses of US diplomats, work at the American school without legal work permits in violation of Indian laws. A New York Times report Thursday said the school has issued a handout to staffers saying that women teachers

Congress' PM pick in all but name, will lead poll campaign

Several American teachers, who are spouses of US diplomats, work at the embassy school, allegedly without work permits. (Inset) Devyani Khobragade now back in India.

whose husbands would be teaching at the school should not reveal that they will be teaching too. "The female spouse should not state that she will be working," the handout stated, instructing spouses to list

their occupation on visa applications as "housewife", according to the NYT report. The sprawling school, located next to the US Embassy on American government-owned land, has Continued on page 4

DoJ to expand rules limiting use of profiling by federal agents

Washington: The Justice Department will significantly expand its definition of racial profiling to prohibit federal agents from considering religion, national origin, gender and sexual orientation in their investigations, a government official said Wednesday. The move addresses a decade of criticism from civil rights groups that say federal authorities have in particular singled out Muslims in counterterrorism investigations and Latinos for immigration investigations. The Bush administration banned profiling in 2003, but with two caveats: It did not apply to national security cases, and it covered only race, not religion, ancestry or other factors. Since taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has been under pressure from Democrats in Congress to eliminate those provisions. These exceptions are a license to profile American Muslims and Hispanic-Americans, Continued on page 4

"If the election campaign is under his leadership, then in a way, the future leadership is also in his (Rahul Gandhi) hands, a Congress spokesman said

Department of Justice has come under fire because federal authorities single out Muslims in counterterrorism probes and Latinos for immigration violations.

New Delhi: Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi will not be declared prime ministerial candidate but will lead the party's campaign for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the party said Thursday. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Congress Working Committee (CWC). The meeting saw several leaders pushing for declaring Rahul as the PM candidate but party president Sonia Gandhi intervened to say that the Congress did not have a tradition of making such as a declaration before the elections. But the skating around the topic left no doubt as to who the party candidate would be for the top political office should it pull off an upset win in the 2014 polls. Briefing media on the deliberations of the CWC, party general secretary Janardan Dwivedi

said, "If the election campaign is under his leadership, then in a way, the future leadership is also in his (Rahul Gandhi) hands. Rahul Gandhi, who also spoke at the CWC meeting, said he was always ready to discharge any responsibility given to him by the party. BJP leader Arun Jaitley taunted the Congress for not declaring Rahul as its PM candidate. He said the Congress knew "it will not form the government" and felt there was no need to declare its candidate. The BJP has declared Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as its PM candidate. Sources said that the demand for declaring Rahul as PM candidate was first made by Kerala party leader Ramesh Chennithala. Similar views were expressed by party general secretaries Continued on page 4

Travel 15

Op Ed 13

Architecture 16

Spiritual Awareness 30

excellence in journalism

January 18-24, 2014


January 18-24, 2014

Indian envoy meets top US official to ease tensions

Washington: In a bid to ease tensions after a bitter month long diplomatic row over the arrest of an Indian diplomat, US Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns hosted Indian Ambassador S. Jaishankar for a "productive lunch meeting." At Tuesday's meeting at the State Department, Burns and Jaishankar "affirmed the importance of the USIndia strategic partnership," the State department said in a statement "They agreed that the past several weeks have been challenging," it said in a reference to the diplomatic row sparked by the arrest and strip search of Devyani Khobragade, 39, India's then deputy consul-general in New York. jury in New York. Burns and Jaishankar "affirmed that we are both committed to moving forward to resume cooperation on the broad range of bilateral issues before us," the State Department said. The two also discussed the variety of issues raised by the Ministry of External Affairs via diplomatic note, including alleged issues with the American Embassy School, it said. Burns conveyed that the US takes "their concerns very seriously and will continue to address them via appropriate diplomatic channels." Burns and Jaishankar "affirmed our shared commitment to continue joint US-India work on issues such as clean energy and climate change, defense, economic and trade engagement, counterterrorism, and civil nuclear development," the State Department said. "To that end, they discussed initial preparations for a range of upcoming bilateral meetings and exchanges," it said. Meanwhile, Khobragade's lawyer Daniel Arshack filed a petition in the Manhattan federal court Tuesday asking the trial judge to throw out the charges against her.

With Devyani back in India (seen with her father), Dy Secretary of State Burns met Indian envoy S. Jaishankar (right).

She was asked to return home Jan 10 after India declined to waive her diplomatic immunity to enable her

prosecution charges of visa fraud and underpaying her housekeeper even as she was indicted by a grand

US returns three 'most wanted' stolen antiquities to India

New York: India and the US turned to the gods to ease tensions after their month long diplomatic spat when the US returned three recovered, 'most wanted' stolen antiquities valued at over $1.5 million to The 350-pound sandstone sculpIndia. ture dates back to the 11th or The objects, US returned the recovered, 'most 12th century and was listed as including a 350wanted' stolen antiquities to India No. 6 on INTERPOL's top 10 pound sandstone at an event at the Indian consulate most wanted works of art. sculpture stolen in New York. from an Indian temple in 2009 and listed as one of INTERPOL's top 10 of growing institutional partnership, which is of most wanted stolen works of art, were returned at an great significance to both countries." Two of the three artifacts returned to India were event Tuesday at the Indian consulate in New York reported in 2009 by the Archaeological Survey of to consul general Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay. Devyani Khobragade, who worked as Mulay's India (ASI), which notified the Indian Consulate deputy at the time of her Dec 12 arrest and strip about two sandstone sculptures stolen from the search on charges of visa fraud and underpaying her Gadgach Temple in Atru, Rajasthan, ICE said. The 350-pound "Vishnu and Lakshmi" sandstone nanny, returned home last week after India declined to waive her immunity despite her indictment by a sculpture dates back to the 11th or 12th century and was listed as No. 6 on INTERPOL's top 10 most New York grand jury. James A. Dinkins, of Immigration and Customs wanted works of art. Also stolen from the temple and repatriated during Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), presented the artifacts to the Jan 14 ceremony was the 600-pound Hindu Mulay, in the presence of INTERPOL Washington deities sandstone sculpture, dating to the same period. Director Shawn Bray. The third artefact is a sandstone sculpture, depict"The excellent international cooperation between the US and India led to the recovery and return of ing a Bodhisattva, a popular subject in Buddhist art, these priceless antiquities," said Dinkins. "The pil- and is believed to date back to the 11th or early 12th fering of a nation's cultural patrimony cannot and century from either Bihar or Bengal. The investigawill not be tolerated." "Prevention of illegal trade in tion that led to this repatriation began April 13, antiquities has emerged as an important area of 2010, when HSI New York special agents received cooperation between India and the US," said Mulay. information that the Indian sandstone sculptures "The successful investigations and repatriation of recently looted from India were being offered for these cultural artifacts underscores the importance sale in the US.

Mayors initiative to reduce traffic deaths in city to zero in 10 years

Woodside, NY: Queens Borough President Melinda Katz Wednesday joined New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, incoming NYC Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley and Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) COO Conan Freud at a press conference here during which the NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio announcing his Mayor announced his Vision Vision Zero initiative, joined in by Queens borough President Melinda Katz (right). Zero initiative to reduce the Katzs mother died in a traffic accident. number of traffic fatalities in the city to zero within ten years. number of accidents and save lives that The initiative will include tougher would have otherwise been lost. During NYPD enforcement efforts, the imple- the press conference, the Mayor mentation of improvements at 50 corri- announced that a working group of repdors and intersections per year citywide, resentatives from the NYPD, NYC DOT, more 20 mph zones and getting the state the citys Department of Health and legislature to allow the city to deploy red Mental Hygiene and the TLC will report light and speed enforcement cameras to him by February 15 with concrete based on safety needs. plans for implementing the Vision My mother was killed by a drunk Zero initiative. As an immediate step, driver, so I take traffic safety issues very the Mayor announced that recently personally, Katz said. Thats why I am installed speed cameras will begin to be so impressed with the mayors Vision used for issuing tickets as part of an Zero plan and am optimistic that its goal effort to enforce the speed limit on danof reducing the number of traffic deaths gerous streets. to zero will become a welcome reality. According to the Department of Health We need innovative measures and and Mental Hygiene, being struck by a regulations to make our streets safe, car is the leading cause of injury-related Katz added. Pedestrian accidents and death for children younger than 14 and is fatalities are not a foregone conclusion. the second leading cause of injury-relatWith concrete action, we can reduce the ed death for senior citizens.

January 18-24, 2014

Rahul Gandhi is Congress' PM... Continued from page 1 B.K. Hari Prasad and Gurudas Kamat, union minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and Indian Youth Congress chief Rajiv Satav. They said several CWC members at the meeting asked the party-led United Progressive Alliance government to take immediate steps to check price rise. They demanded an increase in subsidised cooking gas cylinders from nine to 12 for each household. They said the concerns were targeted at Petroleum Minister M. Veerapa Moily, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who were all present at the meeting. It seems, party leaders did not want the 2014 election to turn into a presidential-style contest between Rahul Gandhi and Modi as it would suit the BJP. The CWC decision, however, turned out to an anti-climax to the reportage in the media and anticipation in sections of the party about the possible announcement concerning Rahul Gandhi. Gandhi already heads the party's election coordination committee for Lok Sabha polls. Congress leaders also felt that after the party's rout in assembly elections in four states, its prospects do not appear bright in the Lok Sabha elections and projection of Rahul Gandhi could affect his long-term prospects. Manmohan Singh had announced earlier this month that he will not be seeking another term as prime minister. Illegal' visa advice to US... Continued from page 1 about 1500 students on its rolls, nearly 500 of whom are from the US. Khobragade, then India's deputy consul general in New York, was arrested Dec 12 for alleged visa
fraud - charges she has denied. In a reciprocal move, India withdrew several diplomatic privileges from US diplomats including airport passes and diplomatic ID cards and also asked to be informed about the number of teachers working in American schools in India and their salaries. India has also asked that salaries that the US embassy and consulates pay their Indian staff be conveyed. The American Embassy School handout "notes that India has placed restrictions on the number of tax-free visas available to school employees". "So, if you are a teaching couple," the handout says, "we usually have the male spouse apply for the 'employment' visa and the female spouse be noted as 'housewife' on the visa application," the NYT said. India's external affairs ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said: "We are aware of these reports. These are serious issues relating to visa and tax matters. We will examine them very carefully." The Khobragade incident led to a nasty stand-off between the US and India. However, after she returned to India last week both sides have attempted to return to business as usual. The New York Times, however, said in an editorial that the damage caused to India-US relations by the Devyani Khobragade episode is unlikely to "dissipate soon" and that the case could have been handled better by American authorities. NYT said the "unfortunate episode" is a reminder that while both nations are democracies, neither can avoid the hard work necessary to make the relationship work. "The case has exposed differences between the two countries over such basic concepts as fairness and equality, while revealing a troubling level of Indian animosity toward the United States," it said. DoJ to expand rules limiting... Continued from page 1 Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, said in 2012. President George W. Bush said in 2001 that racial profiling was wrong and promised to end it in America. But that was before 911. After those attacks, federal agents arrested and detained dozens of Muslim men who had no ties to terrorism. The government also began a program known as special registration, which required tens of thousands of Arab and Muslim men to register with the authorities because of their nationalities. Putting an end to this practice not only comports with the Constitution, it would put real teeth to the FBIs claims that it wants better relationships with religious minorities, said Hina Shamsi, a national security lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union. It is not clear whether Mr. Holder also intends to make the rules apply to national security investigations, which would further respond to complaints from Muslim groups. Adding religion and national origin is huge, said Linda Sarsour, advocacy director for the National Network for Arab American Communities. But if they dont close the national security loophole, then its really irrelevant. The Justice Department has been reviewing the rules for several years and has not publicly signaled how it might change them. Holder is said to have disclosed his plans in a meeting on Wednesday with Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City. De Blasio has been critical of NYPDs stop-and-frisk tactic, which overwhelmingly targets minorities and which a federal judge declared unconstitutional.

Canada loses patience on Keystone XL, tells DC to decide

Ottawa: Canada bluntly told the United States on Thursday to settle the fate of TransCanada Corp's proposed Keystone XL pipeline, saying the drawn-out process on whether to approve the northern leg of the project was taking too long. The hard-line comments by Canadas Foreign Minister John Baird were the clearest sign yet that the countrys Conservative government has lost patience over what it sees as US foot-dragging. Baird also conceded that Washington might veto the project, the first such admission by a Canadian minister. The 1,200-mile pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels a day from the Alberta tar sands in western Canada to the US Gulf Coast. Ottawa strongly backs Keystone XL, which it says would create jobs and provide a secure supply of oil to Canada's closest ally and trading partner. "The time for Keystone is now. I'll go further - the time for a decision on Keystone is now, even if it's not the right one. We can't continue in this state of limbo," Baird said in a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce. Although the State Department is responsible for ruling whether the

A map showing existing Keystone gas pipeline and the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.

pipeline meets the national interest, President Obama has made clear he will make the final decision. He is under heavy pressure from environmental activists to veto the northern leg, and Washington seems in no hurry, despite the growing irritation in Ottawa. Canada is the largest single supplier of energy to the US. The State Department issued a largely favorable initial environmental impact assessment in March 2013. Now, political observers expect Obama will act later this year, possibly after midterm Congressional elections in November.

US Senate approves $1.1 trillion bill to end funding battle

Washington: Washington's battles over government funding ended with a whimper on Thursday as the US Senate approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill that quells for nearly nine months the threat of another federal agency shutdown. The measure, which funds thousands of government programs from the military to national parks through the Sept. 30 fiscal year-end, passed by a strong, 72-26 majority. President Barack Obama is expected to sign it into law. The vote came exactly three months after the end of a 16-day government shutdown in October that was waged over disputed funding of Obamacare the president's signature healthcare law.

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January 18-24, 2014

IALI 2014 executive committee sworn in

Mineola: India Association of Long Island (IALI) held its inaugural and oath ceremony for the executive committee of 2014 with fanfare at Nassau County Legislative Chambers here on January 12. Over 300 guests including past presidents and members of IALI, community leaders and County officials were in attendance. In the absence of Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Norma Gonsalves, County Legislator and Presiding Officer, officiated the ceremony by administering the oath of office to President Satnam Singh Parhar and other officials. Nassau County Legislator Michael Venditto swore in the elected members-at large and chairs and co-chairs of various committees of IALI. The program commenced with the national anthems of both USA and India, and the Pledge of Allegiance. Religious leaders from all four major religions of India showered their blessings for the success of IALI. The results of recent elections to both County Legislators Ms. Gonsalves and Mr. Venditto as a token of appreciation. Nassau Countys Human Rights Commission Chair Zahid Syed, and Director of Business and Economic Development, Kamlesh Mehta, accepted the plaque on behalf of County Executive Ed Mangano. Kishore Kuncham, outgoing president, received a plaque and word of appreciation from President Parhar for doing great work as president of IALI in 2013. The newly elected officials of IALI Executive Council 2014 sworn in besides President Parhar are: Vice President - Bina Sabapathy; Secretary - Rekha Valliappan; Treasurer - Gunjan Rastogi and eight Members-at-Large: Ajay Batra, Damayanti Goklani, Nishi Behl, Pinki Jaggi, Jyoti Gupta, Vimal Goyal, Sunil Khanna and Mohinder Singh Miglani. Lunch was served before the function. Bollywood dance was performed by Dance India Dance USA finalists duo of Arvin Batra and Sahil Batra.

Campaign launched for safety of women marrying NRIs

New Delhi: The Indian government has launched an awareness campaign for women set to marry NRIs, and published a pamphlet for them in various languages on safeguards they could take. The pamphlet, "Marriages to Overseas Indians" has been published in English, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Punjabi. A booklet in English has also been published with information on safeguards available to women deserted by NRI spouses, legal remedies for them, the authorities they can approach for redressal, and NGOs which provide assistance, an official release said Thursday. The government has earlier taken several steps to safeguard the interest of Indian women from fraudulent marriages with overseas Indians. The steps include providing legal and financial assistance to women who are deserted or divorced by their spouses. The ministry also implements a scheme for legal assistance to Indian women deserted by their overseas husbands. It promotes publicity-cumawareness campaigns through audio visual advertisements on regional television networks and print media from time to time.

IALIs incoming President Satnam Singh Parhar was administered the oath of office by Norma Gonsalves, Nassau County Legislator and Presiding Officer.

for executive committee of 2014 were announced by the election committee chair and past president Gobind Munjal. Bobby Kumar, Chairman All American Party, introduced Norma Gonsalves. Gonsalves presented a citation on behalf of County Executive Mangano to IALIs new President. Dr Anila Midha emcced the

event. Dr Sukhvinder Ranu introduced President Satnam Singh Parhar, enumerating his achievements, contributions to various charities and political parties. Parhar outlined his agenda and plans for the year including a strong desire for IALI to have its own space for use as office and so on. Plaques from IALI were given

White House unveils plan to save domestic helps of diplomats Indian American rights groups support diplomats maid
Washington, DC: In the wake of the worst diplomatic spat with India over the arrest of an Indian diplomat for allegedly underpaying her nanny, the White House has come out with a strategic action plan for human trafficking "victims." The plan does not name Devyani Khobragade, India's then consul general in New York but it does address issues relating to domestic workers brought to the US by foreign diplomats and officials working for international organizations. Among other things the five year plan, running into 84 pages, says the State department will "develop procedures for the inperson registration of domestic workers employed by diplomatic personnel in the Washington, DC, area shortly after their arrival in the United States to apprise them further of their rights and available services." However, it makes no mention about registration of domestic workers of diplomats in New York, where the Khobragade incident occurred, or other major cities where foreign consulates are located. "Recognizing the vulnerabilities inherent in domestic work and the need to foreclose avenues of exploitation, particularly of those employed by diplomatic personnel," the plan said, the State department "will continue its efforts to educate foreign mission personnel and their domestic workers about US federal, state, and local laws, including protections for domestic workers employed by diplomatic personnel." Its "Bureau of Diplomatic Security will continue to educate the nongovernmental community about its ability to identify victims of human trafficking, domestically and overseas, and work on trafficking cases, particularly those related to visa fraud and the foreign diplomatic community." The State Department, it said "will continue to address the protection of A-3 and G-5 workers through its regular internal working group meeting on domestic worker issues, where it reviews allegations and cases and discusses strategies and ongoing efforts to prevent abuse and obtain compliance" with the department requirements. It will also "develop a Know Your Rights informational video to provide information on protections for certain employment- and education-based non-immigrant visa applicants, including domestic workers." US Embassies and Consulates overseas will play the video in waiting rooms as appropriate, in languages spoken by the greatest concentrations of those applicants. In a message on the release of the "Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States 2013-2017", President Barack Obama said: "Human trafficking is a denial of our common humanity and an affront to our ideals as Americans." Washington, DC: A coalition of South Asian rights bodies has come out in support of Devyani Khobragade's maid Sangeeta Richard, who has claimed that she suffered while working for the Indian diplomat. "We stand with Sangeeta Richard and call upon our community members to support her and domestic workers around the country," said the National Coalition of South Asian Organizations, which comprises of nearly four dozen rights bodies. In a statement, NCSO Jan. 10 urged policymakers and government agencies to enact and enforce policies that will protect the rights of domestic workers, just as the Attorney's Office and the Department of Justice did in this case. Referring to the grand jury indictment brought by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara against Khobragade for allegedly committing visa fraud and making false statements, NCSO said Richard was working at least 100 hours per week for a wage that amounted to $1.42 per hour. "We commend the U.S. Attorney's Office for enforcing the rights of (Sangeeta) Richard under the law," it said, adding that at the same time, it appears that Khobragade, who was arrested and released on a bail in December, was granted diplomatic immunity and has now returned to India. "These developments raise grave concerns about the extent to which we value the rights of domestic workers, and whether there will be a chilling effect on the willingness of domestic workers to pursue claims against their employers, diplomats or not," NCSO said. NCSO said the case has highlighted the struggles faced by many domestic workers like Richard. "There are between 1.8 and 2.5 million domestic workers in the U.S. many of them South Asian immigrant women...Often, many workers are underpaid, overworked and subjected to conditions and experiences that no one should endure," it said. Meanwhile, the apex body of South Asian attorneys in North America also refused to take sides in the diplomat case. "The rule of law must be followed where wrongdoing is alleged but the application of those rules often differs from country to country," the South Asian Bar Association of North America said in a statement. "We do not presume to know all the facts, nor do we advocate for one side or the other in this situation. The fact that both prosecutor and accused are South Asian does not and should not affect the manner in which the rule of law is applied," it said. "We have faith in the U.S. judicial system and its capability of resolving these types of complicated cases in a fair manner," said its vice president Neil C Maskari.

January 18-24, 2014


IndianRaga Fellowship now open Sikh American Chamber of for young musicians Commerce launches India center
New York: The 2014 IndianRaga Fellowship application opened on Jan 15. This year, IndianRaga has introduced three new age-categories to the Fellowship: Under 12, 12-18 years, and 19-30 years. Young Indian classical musicians in the United States and Canada are encouraged to apply for the fellowship. The IndianRaga Fellowship brings together some of the most talented young Indian classical musicians, selected by a panel of expert judges. The program gives these young musicians an opportunity to work intensively on a new creative idea in a team, with the support of facilitators in an environment that encourages innovation and creative risk-taking, according to a press release. Fellows engage in an artistically rigorous process to create a visual experience for their music and to make Indian classical music relevant to a global audience. IndianRaga Fellows become part of a growing network of peers and collaborators to support their life-long musical journey. Innovators in the field have recognized IndianRagas efforts; in 2012, IndianRaga won MIT's prestigious IDEAS Global Challenge (Audience Choice Award) and also the U.S. Creative Business Cup. Last year nine young Indian classical musicians from across the United States and Canada met in New York to work on creating cutting-edge music videos of Indian classical music. These IndianRaga Fellows worked with professional videographers and recording studios and caught the attention of such famous artists as composer and YouTube sensation Shankar Tucker, tabla legend Anindo Chatterjee and dancer Rama Vaidyanathan. Those wishing to know more about the IndianRaga Fellowship program and how to apply should fill out a short and informal preliminary registration form found at the Web site. New Jersey: Sikh American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) opened its fourth chapter in India at Chandigarh with the presentation of a Charter, to foster entrepreneurship, facilitate business and trade relations, and organize exchange program for businesses, professionals and students. Sukhwinder Singh Kaila, founder President of SACC, New Jersey presented the charter to the newly elected President of India Centre of SACC Manipal Dhaliwal. Speaking on the occasion Sukhwinder Singh Kaila who is a successful IT entrepreneur in New Jersey said that strength of a community is judged by the strength of its business community and hence the SACC was formed in 2011 by Sikh American business persons and professionals to create a strong voice in the US as well as address various ethnic challenges that Sikh community faced. Lee Ann Eager, President of Fresno County Economic Development Corporation of USA, complimented the initiative and hoped that meaningful business cooperation can be planned and facilitated through SACC for not only Indian but even the US businesses. She said that India is considered the most favored destination for business growth in US today. Ruby Dhaliwal, Mayor from City of San Joaquin, California, said that tremendous potential exists for collaboration in the agriculture and agro-processing field which both the countries can explore much more actively through the Chamber. Dhariwal said that the major aim of SACCs India presence is to empower the Panjabi youth in the hinterland with the right kind of skills and networking opportunities to not only scale up their enterprise but also to explore newer opportunities in the global market, as well as foster entrepreneurship. Setting up an incubation facility in Punjab, setting up a corpus for seed funding the startups, and exchanging business delegations between the two countries is high on this years agenda, Dhariwal said.

Vikas Khannas on seaside culinary adventure in new TV show

New York: FOX Traveller has announced the launch of the third season of its highly successful and most watched show Twist of Taste Twist of Taste-Coastal Curries. The show will see the New York based Michelin starred chef and restaurateur Vikas Khanna on a seaside adventure. Vikas will travel to the sandy beaches of Udvada, Ratnagiri, Goa, Mangalore, Udupi, Manipal, Kochi and Pondicherry, visiting places, meeting people and giving his signature touch to the local flavors. The show will be aired Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 pm starting January 20, 2014 on FOX Traveller. During his adventurous expedi-

FOX Travellers 'Twist of Taste' will see NYs Michelin starred chef explore cuisine of coastal India
Biryani to Udupi Sambar Jar Cakes, Twist of Taste is a culinary adventure. Talking about Twist of Taste Vikas Khanna exclaims, Im delighted to be a part of this exciting show. The people have been very warm in welcoming me into their kitchens and sharing their delicious recipes; I truly feel enriched with newer experiences! Debarpita Banerjee, Vice President - Marketing, FOX International Channels said, Twist of Taste is a flagship show for FOX Traveller. The audiences have loved the concept and we are excited to partner with Vikas Khanna in the third season of the show. Vikas is not just an excellent chef, but also a very aware and livewire traveler and we are confident that his energy and expertise will weave magic with taste buds.
Vikas Khanna, along with Lake Isle Press, will launch Return to the Rivers-Recipes and memories of the Himalayan River Valleys on January 28 at his Junoon restaurant in NYC. Return to the Rivers boasts nearly 500 pages, and 100 full-color photographs of plated dishes, exotic travel experiences, and personal and thoughtful musings that preserve the traditions, values and simple gifts that the Himalayan people from northern India, Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet and western China bestowed upon Khanna.

tion, he will meet home cooks, chefs, farmers, fishermen, bakers, merchants, restaurateurs and chocolatiers as they share with him their food, traditions and the story of their journeys. Inspired by all the deli-

cious, timeless food and the riveting stories of people, Vikas returns to his kitchen, to pay the dish his tribute by giving it his own fascinating signature twist. From Caramelized Cucumber Cake to Shrimp Poha

High School graduate gets $20,000 scholarship

Queens, NY: Aishah Mowla is a former Access for Young Women (AFYW) participant who received a $20,000 scholarship to begin studying at Saint Catherine's University this spring. Mowla plans to study American Sign Language, which she has studied for three years in high school. AFYW is a 20 year old program that affords young women the opportunity to work together and learn from each other. It also provides leadership development while focusing on gender equity, public speaking and advocacy. One major project participants manage involves creating workshops and facilitating the annual Young Womens Leadership Conference, which is scheduled for May 18th. "Stories like Aishahs show the impact our programming has. We want young women to achieve their potential and leave the program with a sense of independence and more confident than when they entered," said Tabitha Gamonski, AFYW Program Director. Mowla, who is scheduled to begin her college experience in the coming weeks, mentioned that she has accomplished that and more. "I learned how to be a leader," Mowla said. As for advice to other young women, she thinks that "any young woman who wants to be able to stand up for herself and become a leader" would benefit from this program. This program is open to young women from 12-18.

Martoma apparently lied to Stanford, Harvard

New York: Former SAC portfolio manager and alleged inside trader Mathew Martoma appears to have lied not just to Harvard Law School but also to Stanford University Business School reports New York Post. Martoma enrolled at Stanford in 2001, two years after being kicked out of Harvard for forging his transcript grades from Bs to As, in an apparent bid for a federal court clerkship. He graduated from Stanford in 2003. Stanford admissions forms require applicants to disclose disciplinary matters such as being expelled from Harvard, according to a report. tion, the report, in the New York Times, said. Martoma, 39, on trial in Manhattan federal court for using illegal tips on drug trials to cobble together the most lucrative trade ever based on inside information, changed his name after he left Harvard, from Ajai Mathew Thomas to Mathew Martoma. Martoma is the eighth SAC exec to face insidertrading charges. The prior seven have been convicted. Martoma is facing at least 15 years in prison if convicted. The government claims Martomas tips helped Steve Cohens SAC Capital earn profits and avoid losses totaling $276 million.

Aishah Mowla

The recent Forest Hills High School graduate, who has participated in Queens Community House (QCH) programs for over a dozen years, joined AFYW to complete the volunteer hours required to graduate. Mowla said that, "I noticed how much I was learning after I completed the required 15 hours and decided to keep participating. The teamwork and judgment free environment was also great."

Mathew Martoma

Expulsion from Harvard would be a serious impediment to getting into the university, the report said, quoting a person familiar with Stanfords admission process. Stanford would not say whether Martoma disclosed the matter on his applica-


January 18-24, 2014

Dr Vanila Singh joins contentious Silicon Valley House race

Washington, DC: Adding a new twist to the already heated Silicon Valley House race between seven-term Rep. Mike Honda against fellow Democrat Ro Khanna, another Indian American, a Republican candidate, anesthesiologist and Stanford professor Dr Vanila Singh has jumped into the fray. Singh officially announced her candidacy for Californias 17th Congressional Districts seat. She filed the papers for her candidacy on December 26, making her run official. Singh, like Khanna, is an Indian American from Fremont. But unlike Khanna, a former Obama administration trade representative, she has no government experience and has never run for political office. Singh took a prominent role in supporting Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, the first Hindu member of the House to whom she donated $1,001. Observers believe the entry of even an unknown Republican could have an effect in the South Bay race. The effect could come courtesy of Californias top two primary system, under which the first- and second-place finishers in June advance to the November general election, regardless of party. In a district with a heavy Indian American presence, Singh could combine support from Republicans, women and Indian Americans to come in at No. 2. She was approached by party leaders last fall to consider running, saying that the outcome of Californias 17th District would be one of the 10 most contentious and politically game-changing elections in 2014. Singh and her supporters are quick to point out that she is not simply running a pro-India platform to win the seat. As a Republican, a large part of her agenda will be to fight against the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. As a physician, Singh believes that the law simply doesnt work largely because doctors themselves werent even consulted when it

Utah entrepreneur donates $ 1 mn to varsity

Washington, DC: An eminent Indian-American has donated $ 1 million to the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. Dinesh Patel, a prominent entrepreneur and business leader in Utah State, has also accepted chairmanship of the universitys $ 20 million campaign, the varsity said in a release. This will bolster the existing Chhotubhai & Savitaben Patel Fellowships, which were established by Patel and his brothers in 2005 in honor of their parents, it said. Were very pleased that Dinesh will be chairing our efforts and his commitment to the College is clear by evidence of his generous gift, Dean Frank Ascione said. Patel was the 2009 recipient of the University of Michigan College of Pharmacys Alumni Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award and more recently was honored with BioUtahs 2013 Utah Life Science Award. The University of Michigans College of Pharmacy, founded in 1876, is commit-

Dr Dinesh and Kalpana Patel

Dr Vanila Singh

was being drafted. Singh has also drawn attention to the fact that several major healthcare providers are not covered under Obamacare, and that the system itself needs either an overhaul or to be completely shut down. Brought up in the US, Singh earned her medical degree from the George Washington University Medical School in Washington, DC. She completed her fellowship and residency at Cornell University, did her medical internship at Yale University, and was a clinical assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for some time as well. Daughter of Lalit and Leela Mathur, who are co-founders of the Rajasthan Association of North America, Singh herself has also been an active member of the Indian American community. She is currently a board member of the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), and is backed by the Indian Americans for Freedom Super PAC.

ted to educational excellence in preparing students for productive careers in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, medicinal chemistry, clinical practice and research, the statement said. Patel founded or co-founded multiple Utah life science companies. He was the founder and CEO of TheraTech, now a major Utah division of Actavis. As a co-founding managing director of vSpring Capi-

tal, now Signalpeak Ventures, he invested in many Utah-based life science companies and supported over 20 other companies as an angel investor. A native of Zambia, Africa, Patel earned his bachelors degree in pharmacy, from Gujarat University, followed by his masters degree from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. In 1979, he earned his Ph.D. in pharmacy from the University of Michigan.

Subra Suresh named member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Washington, DC: Indian-American scientist and president of the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University Subra Suresh has been named a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Suresh has been recognized for his scientific contributions in materials science and engineering, including his work connecting nano-mechanical cell structure to disease states, the university said in a statement. Membership in the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the highest academic honor offered for science and technology in China. Only nine foreign members were inducted this year. Suresh was also honored for his leadership in building a worldwide scientific and engineering research dialogue through the Global Research Council, which he helped to found as director of the US National Science Foundation. The council will have its annual meeting in Beijing in May 2014.

Subra Suresh

He will be recognized during the Chinese Academy's General Assembly scheduled for June in Beijing, it said. Suresh is CMU's second faculty member to be recognized with the title. The late Herbert Simon was elected to it in 1994.

January 18-24, 2014


AIF to open Atlanta Chapter

Atlanta: The American India Foundation, which has invested $84 million in programs aiding the underprivileged throughout India, is set to open an Atlanta chapter. Amitabh Sharma, founder of IT consulting firm Asterix Consulting Inc., is heading up a leadership council charged with creating the new chapter, which will launch officially on Feb. 2. The New York-based foundation was launched in 2001 after an earthquake in the state of Gujarat that killed 20,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands. Now the foundation has worked with 227 partner organizations in 23 Indian states on projects in six areas: education, entrepreneurship, public health, livelihood, environment and leadership. Atlanta is to have the first chapter in the Southeast U.S., joining others in San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New England, New York and Washington. Atlantas role as the center of a vibrant region and international city were reasons for its selection but Sharma's work also played a role. He was approached by the foundation when one of its leaders

AAHOA unveils new logo and brand identity

Atlanta: The Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) has introduced a new logo, which becomes the basis for an updated visual identity that will be phasedin during coming months on all print and electronic materials, including the website. This is the first change in AAHOAs logo since the groups founding in 1989. Our new outside look reflects the changes and the progress we have made on the inside of our association, said Mehul Patel, who serves as current AAHOA chairman. Those changes have included expanding our staff, revising our organizational structure, and enhancing our services. Added Mehul Patel, Theres no more appropriate time than now -as we begin our 25th anniversary year -- to refresh our logo so it properly portrays AAHOA as an organization that is modern, forward-thinking, and positioned to confidently lead its members and its industry into the future. The new logo reinforces the name by which the association is commonly known -- namely, AAHOA -- while prominently featuring the H to represent hotels and the O to represent owners. A curve runs through all the letters to
New AAHOA logo

Amitabh Sharma will be the founding chair

heard of his work helping educate Indias underprivileged rural population. Eight years ago, Sharma and his wife, Meenu, head of Decatur Montessori School, started a school in Agra. Funded by Asterix proceeds, the school began with seven young children from the poorest of the poor families in the region; it now educates 160 kids. Sharma and his wife have also begun funding programs to teach

local women handicrafts to prepare them for new jobs. The AIF counts the foundations of major companies like Adobe and Citi among its financial backers, as well as many influential individuals. It has a $7 million annual budget, with 80 percent going directly to programs. Outside contributions go directly to the field, since administrative costs are covered by board members and trustees.

convey unity and progress. Its a logo that is contemporary and has energy -- just like AAHOA, explained Pratik Patel, who serves as AAHOA vice chairman. During the past two years, AAHOA has conducted a thorough review of its branding. The process was a collaborative initiative that involved the associations Board of Directors, its Ambassadors, and its past chairmen. In addition, ideas were solicited though the internet. For example, with an outside graphic agency serving as facilitator, AAHOA used the social media technique known as crowdsourcing to generate more than 3,000 potential logo options. We soon came to consensus on a logo that captures AAHOAs unique spirit and success in an eyecatching and memorable style, said Pratik Patel. It instantly and powerfully identifies us as hotel owners who are THE voice of hospitality.

Obama re-nominates 3 IndianAmericans for federal judgeship

Washington, DC: President Barack Obama has renominated three IndianAmericans for federal judgeship. Obama sent the re-nomination proposals to the Senate on Monday along with the names of 64 others for federal judgeship. The three Indian-Americans include Vince Girdhari Chhabria, for the northern district of California; Manish S Shah, for the U.S. District Judge for the northern district of Illinois; Indira Talwani for U.S. District Judge for the district of Massachusetts. Chhabria is currently working as the Deputy City Attorney for Government Litigation and as the cochief of Appellate Litigation at the San Francisco City Attorney's Office, where he has worked since 2005. Once confirmed, Chhabria would be the first South Asian Article III judge in California and the fourth South Asian Article III judge in the nation following Amul Thapar at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, Cathy Bissoon at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and Sri Srinivasan at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. An Assistant U.S. Attorney in the northern district of Illinois since 2001, New York-born Manish Shah currently serves as chief of the Criminal Division, having previously served as chief of Criminal Appeals from 2011 to 2012. Shah was also deputy chief of the Financial Crimes and Special Prosecutions Section from 2008 to 2011 and deputy chief of the General Crimes Section from 2007 to 2008. Talwani is a partner at law firm Segal Roitman LLP in Boston, where she focuses her practice on civil litigation at the state and federal trial court and appellate levels. Once confirmed, she would be the first South Asian justice in the First Circuit.

Jan 21 deadline to apply for WLP

Washington, DC: The Washington Leadership Program is a national non-profit organization that is developing the next generation of American leadership from the South Asian community. The program takes promising college students and places them in a Congressional office for an eight-week summer internship accompanied by a structured leadership curriculum. Students then complete a leadership project applying their learning from the summer and are inducted into a leadership community currently made up of nearly 200 alumni from the 18 years of the program. The 2014 WLP internship will run from June 14 to August 8. All students who are either US citizens or legal permanent residents are encouraged to apply. Selection to the WLP is highly competitive and not limited to students pursuing majors in social sciences. The backgrounds of past participants have ranged from medical school to art and social work. Interns will receive a total stipend of $2,000 and will be required to complete 2-3 short writing assignments during the internship. The deadline to apply for the WLP is January 21, 2014. Finalists may be contacted for a telephone interview and all applicants will be notified of final selections in March 2014. Former Congressional leader Richard Gephardt has called it one of the best programs of its kind on the Hill. Since 1995, the WLP has given nearly 200 South Asian American students the opportunity to intern in Washington, DC. In addition to the internship, participants attend special meetings and events to fully expose them to the South Asian American political Diaspora. Past programs and events have included meetings with South Asian American elected officials, Ambassadors and South Asians who are working in Congress, the federal government and local and state agencies. For further information about the program contact

Indian-origin scientist finds way to treat deadly malaria

New York: A common but dangerous strain of malaria that hides in the liver, re-emerging years later to trigger new infections and is harder to prevent, diagnose and treat, can soon be treated. According to Niraj Tolia, assistant professor of molecular microbiology and biochemistry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, they have found how a form of malaria common in India, southeast Asia and South America - attacks red blood cells by clamping down on the cells with a pair of proteins. "More people live at risk of infection by this strain of malaria called plasmodium vivax - than any other. We are now using what we have learned to create vaccines tailored to stop the infectious process by preventing the parasite from attaching to red blood cells," Tolia added. The study, appeared in the journal PLOS Pathogens, provides details that would help scientists design better vaccines and drug treatments for this strain. Earlier studies had suggested that one P. vivax protein binds to one protein on the surface of red blood cells. Tolia's research reveals that the binding is a two-step process that involves two copies of a parasite protein coming together like tongs around two copies of a host protein. "It's a very intricate and chemically strong interaction that was not easily understood before," Tolia said. "We have had hints that other forms of malaria, including the African strain, may be binding in a similar fashion to host cells, but this is one of the first definitive proofs of this kind of attack," he added. Tolia suggested that blocking any of the proteins with drugs or vaccines will stop the infectious process. "For example, some people have a mutation that eliminates the protein on red blood cell surfaces that P. vivax binds to, and they tend to be resistant to the parasite," he added. The parasite protein is very large, and human antibodies bind to it at many different points along its length. The researchers observed that the ones that are most effective so far are the antibodies that bind to the protein at the region highlighted by the new findings," the study said. According to the world health organization (WHO), there were more than 200 million malaria cases in 2012. India records between 30,014 and 48,660 malaria deaths per year. The deadliest form of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, is most prevalent in Africa. But P. vivax can't be ignored especially in India.


January 18-24, 2014

Bridgegatge upstages Christies State of the State speech

Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vowed in his State of the State address Tuesday to take steps to ensure the breach of trust that led to the turbulent political scandal rocking his office will not happen again. The last week has certainly tested this administration, the Republican governor said referring to what has come to be known as Bridgegate. Mistakes were clearly made. And as a result, we let down the people we are entrusted to serve. I know our citizens deserve better. Much better. Christie made his remarks at the top of his annual address as questions swirled about a traffic incident involving top aides and appointees. What could have been a plum opportunity to solidify his standing atop the probable 2016 GOP field was instead the latest chapter in an unfolding political drama, Washington Post reported. The governor pledged to cooperate with all appropriate inquiries to prevent a repeat of the incident. State legislators have intensified their efforts to uncover more information about the matter. The continuing controversy is over a scheme in which top aides to the governor worked to paralyze traffic in Fort Lee, NJ, in an apparent plot against the towns Democratic mayor who had not supported Christies reelection last November. A separate inquiry from the federal government about the use of Sandy relief funds has also complicated the governors outlook. In his speech, Christie quickly moved from the scandal to his policy agenda. He emphasized property-tax relief, education reform and reducing crime in the states urban areas, especially Newark and Camden. states pension system during a budget debate. The governor sounded a cooperative note in his speech, reinforcing his commitment to working with the Democratic side. Four balanced budgets. Passed with bipartisan support. Pension reform. Passed with bipartisan support. Teacher tenure reform. Passed with bipartisan support, Christie said. The governor has cemented a reputation as a politician who collaborates with Democrats where possible, and voters have rewarded him. He carried nearly a third of Democratic voters in his landslide win last fall, according to exit poll data. But that reputation has been imperiled by the revelations of the past week. A Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll released Monday showed Christies approval rating falling nine points among New Jersey Democrats since December 2013.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie giving his annual State of the State address Tuesday.

Christies focus on education marked a return to his political strengths and harkened back to his battles with the states public-education unions in 2010, when he passed reforms to the

Miami Heat, 2 NBA titles winner, return to White House

Washington: President Barack Obama has congratulated the NBA champion Miami Heat for showing the heart and determination it takes to sit atop the league. It was a return visit to the White House for the team on Tuesday, in honor of their second straight NBA title. During an East Room ceremony, Obama also praised the teams off-court actions. Before arriving at the White House, the players visited with wounded service members recuperating at an area military hospital. Obama says its an example of the charitable work the players do year-round- last year, the team raised close to $2 million for local charities. Led by star player LeBron James, The Heat won its third NBA championship overall last year by topping the San Antonio Spurs in a championship series that went the full seven games. "Last season, the Heat put together one of the most dominating regular seasons ever by a

Economists call for higher minimum wage in US

Washington: Seventy-five economists, including seven Nobel laureates in economics signed a public letter Tuesday urging an increase of the minimum wage for US workers. The Group urged to raise the minimum wage per hour from the current threshold of $7.25 to $10.10 by 2016, by hiking 95 cents annually A demonstration supporting starting 2014, Xinhua minimum wage hike reported. The increase would mean that Kenneth Arrow, Peter Diamond, minimum-wage workers who work Eric Maskin, Thomas Schelling, full time, full year would see a Robert Solow, Michael Spence and hike of their current salary of Joseph Stiglitz. The minimum wage has not been about $ 15,000 to $21,000. These proposals will also raise the tipped changed for about five years. Recent researches have shown minimum wage to 70 percent, the that the increases in the minimum letter said. The letter was released by the Economic Policy Institute, a wage have had "little or no negaWashington D.C.-based think tank tive effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even durfunded in part by labor unions. Among the signatories of the let- ing times of weakness in the labor ter were Nobel Prize winners market," according to the letter.

LeBron James, centre, and Miami Heat teammates and managers with President Obama who invited them to the White House for their second straight NBA title win last year.

defending champion," President Obama said. "They won a teamrecord 66 games. At one point, they won 27 games straight -- the second-longest winning streak ever." The team also received

White House honors last January for its 2012 championship. And today, while at the White House, players met with wounded warriors from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

New Mexico boy, 12, shoots 2 classmates at school

Roswell, NM: A 12-year-old student opened fire Tuesday inside the gym at a New Mexico middle school in front of 500 fellow students, injuring two classmates, one critically, before a teacher talked him into dropping his weapon, authorities said. The shooting erupted in the morning as students were dropped off to begin the day at Berrendo Middle School in Roswell. It was not immediately clear what provoked the shooting. New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez said late Tuesday that the boy wounded in the shooting underwent two surgeries. Sources tell Fox News that the boy was 11 years old and was shot in the face and upper chest. A 13-year-old girl who was also wounded is now in stable condition, the governor said. A staff member who was also injured refused medical attention, police said. Martinez said the boy pointed the gun at a teacher, who talked him into dropping the weapon. The boy was taken into custody. "It was a harrowing experience," John Masterson, who was identified as the teacher who talked the suspect into putting down the gun, told The Albuquerque Journal. All I can say was the staff there did a great job. The suspected shooter, whom authorities identified as a 12-year-old seventh-grader armed with a shotgun, was taken into custody after he was confronted by a staff member and an off-duty police officer who was dropping off his child at the school, police said. He was transferred to an Albuquerque psychiatric hospital following a hearing Tuesday, according to attorney Robert Gorence, who is representing his family. New Mexico State Police Chief Pete Kassetas said late Tuesday that the shooter used a 20-gauge shotgun. The Albuquerque Journal reported that the suspect allegedly sawed off the gun's wood stock, put it in the bag and snuck it into school.

Snowden to join Freedom of Press Foundation board

Washington: American whistleblowto debate democratically the NSA's mass er Edward Snowden, who leaked to surveillance programs. Accountability the world the secretive Internet and journalism can't be done without the telephone programs of the US is joincourageous acts exemplified by Snowing the Board of Directors of the presden, and we need more like him," he said. tigious Freedom of the Press FoundaFPFs founding board members include tion. Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, John "The unconstitutional gathering of Cusack, Xeni Jardin, and John Perry Barthe communications records of low. everyone in America threatens our The NSA revelations Snowden NSA whistleblower most basic rights, and the public brought to light represent one of our Edward Snowden should have a say in whether or not generation's greatest threats to press that continues," Snowden said in a statement issued freedom. through the Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), Protecting digital communications is turning into which was co-founded by Daniel Ellsberg in 2012. the press freedom battle of the 21st century, FPB Snowden said it is "tremendously humbling" to be said. "Journalism isn't possible unless reporters and called to serve the cause of our free press, and it is their sources can safely communicate," said Snowthe honor of a lifetime to do so alongside extraordi- den, "and where laws can't protect that, technology nary Americans like Daniel Ellsberg on FPF's can. Board. "This is a hard problem, but not an unsolvable "He is the quintessential American whistleblower, one, and I look forward to using my experience to and a personal hero of mine," said Ellsberg. "Leaks help find a solution." he said. are the lifeblood of the republic and, for the first Snowden, now holed up in Russia, faces prosecutime, the American public has been given the chance tion in America when and if he returns.


January 18-24, 2014


Congress maintains suspense on Rahul's projection

New Delhi: The Congress maintained suspense on Rahul Gandhi's possible declaration as its prime ministerial candidate at the AICC meeting on Friday, with party leaders saying the decision will be known by Jan 17. Some party leaders are of the view that Gandhi should take over as prime ministerial candidate to give momentum to the party's campaign for Lok Sabha polls. Party sources said a section was in favor of projecting the prime ministerial candidate, with another group having reservations over such a course. They said some leaders favor the Congress vice president's elevation as prime minister, and not merely as prime ministerial candidate for the elections. Sources said Gandhi attended a meeting of the Congress core group, which indicated his growing role in the decision-making process. They said the Congress Working Committee (CWC) would meet Thursday and is expected to finalise the draft of a resolution to be moved at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) meeting Friday.

Rahul has got his facts wrong: Jaitley

New Delhi: BJP leader Arun Jaitley hit out at Rahul Gandhi over his remarks about the opposition party and prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi pursuing "personality-oriented" power and said the Congress vice president had got his facts all wrong. In an article, Jaitley accused the Congress and many of its former prime ministers of practising "personality-oriented" politics. Jaitley said Gandhi was right that political parties cannot be personality-centric. The Bharatiya Janata Party leader said political parties should have a structure, an ideology and inner party democracy and cannot be run on the whims of an individual. "Having popular leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Narendra Modi is very different from the BJP becoming personality centric. These leaders were and will always remain subject to the party structure. Rahul Gandhi has got the principle against personality centred-party right, (but) he has got his facts all wrong," Jaitley said.Jaitley accused Gandhi of making it to the top of the Congress party due to dynastic politics.

Rahul Gandhi is 'likely' to be projected as the prime ministerial candidate at the AICC meeting

The CWC may also take a decision on various suggestions on projecting the prime ministerial candidate, party sources said. A party leader said Gandhi was "likely" to be projected as the prime ministerial candidate at the AICC meeting. The sources said there was also a view that Gandhi should take over as prime minister now.

"Decisions by him like extending subsidy on LPG cylinders to 12 or more and cutting down prices of petroleum products will help the party gain ground electorally," a party leader said on condition of anonymity. Sources said those pushing for declaring Gandhi as the prime ministerial candidate feel it would help boost the morale of party workers.

God will decide on best AAP to impact Congress most in elections: Survey man to become PM: Salman
New Delhi: The AAP, which made a stunning debut in the Delhi assembly polls, is likely to impact the Congress's fortunes the most in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, a survey by ABP NewsNielsen in Delhi and Mumbai said. According to the snap poll, in Mumbai and Thane the CongressNationalist Congress Party combine is likely to get three seats in the 2014 general elections compared to eight seats in 2009. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena are predicted to get six seats compared to a single seat in 2009. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is likely to bag only one seat, a release said here. As per the ABP News-Nielsen snap poll, in Delhi the Arvind Kejriwal-led party is likely to wipe out the Congress and bag six seats. The Congress might not get a single seat compared to its clean sweep of all seven seats in the 2009 polls. However, BJP's Narendra Modi scored over Kejriwal as the most preferred prime ministerial candidate. According to the snap poll, Kejriwal's appeal seems restricted to Delhi as Modi leads in Mumbai and the national capital region (NCR) with an overall 48 percent vote. Kejriwal got 31 percent of

the vote, while Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi stands third in the race for prime minister with an overall 16 percent vote. The BJP is predicted to get two seats in NCR (Haryana -- Gurgaon and Faridabad) and is likely to hold its seats or gain, barring in Delhi. The snap poll also said that within the NCR (Uttar Pradesh -Ghaziabad and Gautam Buddha Nagar), the AAP and the BJP were likely to get one seat each in 2014. The field work for the ABP News-Nielsen snap poll was done in 21 parliamentary constituencies in Delhi, NCR and Mumbai region between Jan 10-12 with 2,585 respondents, the release said.

Bollywood actor Salman Khan with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi

Ahmedabad: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who attended a kite flying festival here along with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, said god would decide who is the best man to become the prime minister. Salman, who was here to promote his upcoming film "Jai Ho", spent the afternoon with Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate Modi at the festival. "God will decide who is the best man for the country. May the best man win. The best man of the country for all of us and for India should be the PM of this country," the actor told reporters. "Modi saab should be able to fulfil his destiny," he said. Salman praised Modi, applauding him as "a good man in politics". "Modi saab is a good man. I

like him as he can work for the progress of the country and society," he said. He said in his home constituency (Mumbai), Priya Dutt (Congress MP) and Baba Siddique (Congress MLA) are the best people. "If you feel Modi saab is the best, vote for him," he urged. On his personal opinion about Modi, Salman said: "Today, I met Modiji for the first time. I hope we meet often. Modi is a great man and he is doing great for his state and I wish him all the very best in life." "I have not seen this sort of development elsewhere," Khan said. "Development of any nation is important. I hope people of every state love their chief minister like you do," he said when people cheered him and Modi.

As per the ABP News-Nielsen snap poll, in Delhi, the Arvind Kejriwal-led party is likely to wipe out the Congress and bag six seats.


January 18-24, 2014


Indias 2nd nuclear fuel complex to come up in Rajasthan Happily married, say Tharoor,
By Prakash Bhandari Jaipur: India's second nuclear fuel complex (NFC) will come up at Rawatbhata, near Kota in Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan. Its clearance from the ministry of environment is in the final stages. The proposed fuel complex would be set up at a cost of Rs 16,000 crore. The first NFC in Hyderabad has already invited bids for the project. The Rawatbhata site is located within the precincts of the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS) and the heavy water plant. According to SK Sharma, the project director of RAPS, a visiting experts team found the site along River Chambal ideal. The deputy CEO of Hyderabad NFC Goverdhan Rao said the fuel fabrication facility and zirconium fabrication facility is a project of the NFC. The Nuclear Power Corporation (NPC) of India has expansion plan to add 10 units of 700 MW and Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) in the coming decade for which a constant stream of nuclear fuel would be required. Rao said the Rawatbhata facility will supply nuclear fuel bundles and reactor core components. It is a unique facility where natural and enriched uranium fuel, zirconium alloy cladding and reactor core components are manufactured under one roof. NFC symbolizes the strong emphasis on self-reliance in Indians Nuclear Power Program. As the number of nuclear plants in the country has increased in the past four decades, the need for setting up another NFC facility was felt. As Rawatbhata is a big hub for nuclear power generation it was felt that this could be an ideal location, added Rao. The Rawatbhata complex will have a 500 tonne per year fabrication facility and it will also have a 65 tonne per year Zircalloy plant. In Rawatbhata, six nuclear power plants are currently generating 1180 MWe of power. Two of the new Indian-designed 700 MWe series of reactors are under construction. The two reactors will cost an estimated $2.6 billion and will be completed by 2016-17. At present, the Hyderabad NFC supplies fuel to the 19 operational power plants run by the NPC, which has 20 plants with an installed capacity of 4800 MW.

wife after controversy

New Delhi: Shashi Tharoor, minister of state for human resource development, took to Twitter once again to try and stem a scandal plaguing him and his wife after a series of messages exposed an alleged affair he was having with a Pakistani journalist appeared this week. Tharoor posted the link of the joint statement on Twitter. "We are distressed by the unseemly controversy that has arisen about some unauthorized tweets from our Twitter accounts," said Tharoor in a joint statement posted on Facebook. "Various distorted accounts of comments allegedly made by Sunanda have appeared in the press. It appears that some personal and private comments responding to these unauthorized tweets -- comments that were not intended for publication -- have been misrepresented and led to some erroneous conclusions." "We wish to stress that we are happily married and intend to remain that way. Sunanda has been ill and hospitalized this week and is seeking to rest. We would be grateful if the media respects our privacy." Sunanda Pushkar had, told a news

Assam gives India its second time zone

Guwahati: The debate has continued for long but the northeastern state of Assam has taken the first step in breaking away from the practice of following a single time zone across the country. The government of Assam has taken a call on following garden time or daylight-saving time, which was first introduced by British tea planters over a century and a half back. The clocks in Assam would soon be advanced by an hour ahead of the Indian Standard Time (IST). Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said the change in time zone will help in people becoming more energetic. The measure would also help cut down on energy consumption, he added. The reason which the state government has given for altering the time zone it follows is: in the Northeast, including Assam, sun rises as early as 5 am and it sets by 5 pm in the winters and a little later in the summers. While Assam is going ahead with the move, it still may require the nod of the central government for the measure to become final.

Shashi Tharoor, minister of state for human resource development, with his wife Sunanda Pushkar

channel that her outpouring on Twitter was meant to keep her husband from straying after a day of bizarre tweets and clarifications. Pushkar said that she indeed had sent out a few tweets to the Pakistani journalist, Meher Tarar, who she claimed "wants to have a life-long relationship with Shashi not knowing that he is a happily married man." Pushkar also said that if Tarar wants to sue her, she is welcome to do that.


January 18-24, 2014


Danish tourist gang-raped in Delhi, two held

New Delhi: A 51-year-old Danish tourist was robbed and raped at knife point by eight "vagabonds" near the New Delhi railway station this week, police said. Two men were arrested and some of the stolen belongings recovered. Police said Mohd. Raja, 22, from Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh and Mahendra alias Ganja, 25, hailing from Maharashtra were arrested from near the Shivaji Park in central Delhi. Police recovered the woman's iPod, earplugs, spectacle case along with a mobile phone valued at Rs.1,200, bought from the looted money and Rs.1,800 in cash from the duo. Six accused are still at large. The woman who came to India Jan 1, had gone to visit the National Museum but lost her way back to her hotel in Paharganj, a tourist hub in the heart of Delhi. She had returned to Delhi after than three hours and managed to reach her hotel around 7 p.m. A police officer told the woman was "highly traumatised" when she reached the police station. "She had bruises on her face and neck. The manager of her hotel called the police around 9.30 p.m. "From her description, the accused were all vagabonds," police said. Police said the woman refused to undergo a medical examination. She opted to undergo the medical examination in her country, Denmark, and took a flight back home. On the basis of her statement, a case of rape and robbery was registered at the Paharganj police station. The Danish embassy, when contacted, said their foreign affairs ministry is aware of the incident but declined to give further details. We can't share her personal details, an official said. Police said the woman had agreed to return to India to depose if required. This is the second such incident reported to the Delhi Police within a fortnight. A 33-year-old Polish woman was allegedly raped by a cab driver and abandoned near the Nizamuddin railway station on Jan 3. The woman was reportedly offered a lift by the driver when she was on her way to Delhi with her two year-old-daughter from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, police said. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said he had met Lt. Governor Najeeb Jung and asked for a meeting with the police commissioner on why rape cases were increasing in Delhi. The Delhi Police is not under the state government but with the union home ministry.

The woman had gone to visit the National Museum but lost her way back to her hotel in Paharganj, a tourist hub in the heart of Delhi.

visiting Agra in Uttar Pradesh. When she reached Paharganj by auto and asked for the way to her hotel, at around 4 p.m., a group of men lured her to an isolated spot where they robbed her of her iPod

and cash and then raped her at knife point, police said. In her police complaint, the woman said the men had slapped and hit her. She was held captive for more

Has Punjab's politics become drug-laden?

Chandigarh: Punjab's politics has become drug-laden! Top political leaders from the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal and the opposition Congress are openly accusing each other of being involved in a multi-billion dollar drug racket in the state. At the center of the raging controversy over the links of high-profile politicians with drug smugglers are Punjab's powerful Revenue Minister Bikram Singh Majithia and Punjab Congress president Pratap Singh Bajwa. While the Congress leadership is openly accusing Majithia, brother-in-law of Punjab's powerful deputy chief minister and Akali Dal president Sukhbir Singh Badal, of being allegedly hand in glove with drug smugglers, the Akalis are trying to nail down Bajwa for his alleged links with the drug mafia for the past many years. In one statement issued by former union minister and senior Akali Dal leader Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa and others, Bajwa was charged with "speaking the language of a drug smuggler". The controversy started after the comments of recently-arrested drug smuggler Jagdish Bhola alleging that some ministers in the Akali Dal government were closely associated with the drug mafia. Bhola, a dismissed deputy superintendent of police and a former medalwinning international wrestler, was nabbed by the Punjab Police last October. The police, between last March and December, busted an international drug racket operating from the state involving high-end drugs like heroin and synthetic drugs like Ice. Nearly 40 arrests have been made so far. The total seizures by the Punjab Police have crossed Rs.6,000 crore ($975 million). Congress leaders have alleged that the state government of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal was shying away from a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the controversy to shield Majithia's links to the drug mafia. They have demanded that "the CBI probe must cover the NRI friends of Sukhbir Badal and Majithia, whose name figured during investigations but was not probed by the Punjab Police". The Akali Dal leaders are not only drawing solace but even playing up a letter written earlier by former chief minister and senior Congress leader Amarinder Singh to Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Bajwa's alleged links to the drug mafia and terrorists. Gandhi replaced Amarinder Singh, who has no love lost for Bajwa, as the state Congress chief last March last year. Amarinder Singh had openly opposed Bajwa's elevation saying: "I would have suggested a better name." Akali Dal leaders are claiming that the tirade against Majithia and others is an orchestrated campaign by Bhola and Bajwa to divert attention from themselves. "We understand that Bajwa and Bhola see a common enemy in the SAD-BJP. But one is shocked at the level to which the state president of a national party has fallen in his desperation born out of his political frustrations because of the widespread revolt against him on charges of selling party posts," senior Akali Dal leaders said. Majithia, who is known to have rubbed many people the wrong way given his powerful stature in the state government, has defended himself by saying he is "ready for an impartial probe". Sukhbir Badal has also gone on record about Bajwa's "shady and suspicious background" in relation to the drug mafia.

AAP rejects MLA's allegations, to take action

New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party has refuted the allegations levelled by its MLA Vinod Kumar Binny and said disciplinary action would be initiated against the legislator for "baseless accusations" against the party. Addressing the media at AAP office, senior leader Yogendra Yadav said the MLA was making "baseless accusations" against the party as he was denied a ticket for the Lok Sabha election. "The party's political affairs committee will initiate disciplinary action against Binny and accordingly a show-cause notice will be issued to him," Yadav told Laxmi Nagar today accused the party of "cheating" people of Delhi by backtracking on its election promises and termed chief minister Arvind Kejriwal a "dictator". Binny addressed a press conference where he slammed the AAP leadership on a range of issues and said taking support of Congress to form the government was a "compromise on the party's principles". "Today when Binny was speaking, it seemed that he was reading a script given to him by someone else. He has raised all those issue which the leader of the opposition Harsh Vardhan has been raising for the past few days.

AAM Admi Party MLA Vinod Kumar Binny

reporters, adding, that party members could have different opinion but AAP will not tolerate indiscipline. The sulking AAP MLA from

AAP gives sleepless nights to established parties

Chandigarh: The rookie Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), after its stunning debut in the Delhi assembly elections last December, is giving sleepless nights to established parties in the state that shares borders with the capital. Senior AAP leader, strategist and psephologist Yogendra Yadav, who played an important role in AAP's political climb, has been touring areas in Haryana even as his party's just formed government is going through its initial hiccups in running the affairs of the national capital. Yadav's trips to various parts of Haryana have made it clear that the AAP is eyeing the state as its next big stop. Yadav chose to make Ambala the base of the AAP's political activities, saying that Ambala city, 45 km from Chandigarh, had emerged as the state's financial power centre. The obvious reference was to a major political leader who is believed to wield a lot of influ-

Senior AAP leader, strategist and psephologist Yogendra Yadav

ence in the Haryana government's decision-making process. AAP leaders have started enrolling party activists across Haryana in a big way and the new party is getting a good response. The Hooda government has faced a number of controversies over corruption, especially multi-million rupee land deals. Haryana is set for assembly polls

in October and Congress Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda is facing a tough contest as it is from the opposition Indian National Lok Dal the Haryana Janhit CongressBharatiya Janata Party (HJC-BJP) combine - and now has to contend with the AAP. Before the assembly polls, the April-May general elections will give the AAP a chance to test itself in Haryana.


January 18-24, 2014


For NRIs: Mother India is Now Miss India

Kejriwal has to bridge gap between idealism and reality

By Anupam Srivastava

Delegates during the inaugural session of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2014in New Delhi

By Kul Bhushan he 'sweeping' changes in the Indian political arena after the Delhi assembly elections a few weeks ago became the backdrop of the just-concluded 12th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) conference in New Delhi. Whether it was Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's inaugural speech, the keynote speeches by cabinet ministers or the farewell address by President Pranab Mukherjee, the common refrain of highlighting the government's achievements over the last decade, especially the last five years, was always present. Manmohan Singh reassured NRIs by urging them not to despair about India's future. To support his contention, he cited an annual economic growth rate of 7.9 percent over the last nine years and predicted five percent growth this year. He said that India was headed towards better times. This big picture can be justified in all fairness as the government believes that its successes get swept under the carpet with sensational news about scams and corruption. However, with the April-May Lok Sabha elections and the acceleration of the political temperature with fiery speeches by the BJP's prime ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, and the breathtaking sweep of the Delhi assembly elections by newcomer Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Admi Party, with his symbol of a broom, have clearly put the government on high alert for NRI support. Many NRIs have been so impressed by the AAP that they have contributed significantly in cash and as volunteers for its success. Although the BJP and the AAP were not mentioned during any plenary sessions, the two parties were the major topics of conversation between the visiting delegates and Indians during the breaks. During the three-day conference, a couple of news items appeared in the Indian print media. One news clip was headlined "NRIs see Mahatma Gandhi's image in Kejriwal". Another was headlined "Everybody praising AAP in Britain". A media highlight was Narendra Modi's wellattended speech when he mocked Manmohan Singh. In sharp satire, Modi commented: "I agree with the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Good days are ahead for India. I don't want to say any-

thing more...We should wait for four to six months." The jibe was all over the TV networks in no time and later in the print media. The first day of the conclave was devoted to its major theme of connecting NRI youth to India. The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has been successfully running for some years a 'Know India Programme' for youths to discover the land of their ancestors. Since India has largely a youthful population with over a quarter aged between 15 and 29 years, NRI youth can easily connect with them based on common concerns and aspirations. This interaction would result in greater understanding, cooperation, creation of wealth, livelihoods and prosperity, according to Vayalar Ravi, the overseas Indian affairs minister. Many youth leaders, both NRIs and Indians, addressed and participated in the different sessions and the major outcome was to increase the scope of the 'Know India Programme' and make youth interaction a regular feature at all future PBD. Basically, the aim is to introduce NRI youth to India and enable them get involved in Indian development projects. The final session during which the president confers the Pravasi awards is usually a routine affair when leading NRI/PIO community leaders, intellectuals and business leaders are honoured by the country. This year's ceremony was different for two awardees. A huge cheer went up when Ela Gandhi, the grand-daughter of Mahatma Gandhi, and a peace activist, was given the award for enhancing India's image in South Africa. A former member of parliament in South Africa from 1994 to 2004, she had been placed under house arrest for five years during the country's struggle against apartheid. The other outstanding awardee was the Ramakrishna Mission in Fiji for community service since 1937 with an active role in education. This PBD had a great deal of business interaction at the exhibition stalls, a great deal of crossborder conversations during the breaks and a great deal of Indian culture in the evenings. With the highest participation of 700 delegates after the initial 4,000 for the first edition, it ended on a bright note. The basic message for NRIs from a young India is: No more Mother India, she is now Miss India.

s it suffers the assault of reality, Arvind Kejriwal's idealism is on test. How it fares has profound implications for India's future politics. Kejriwal has already reversed his decision to hold public meetings and has thereby made himself relatively inaccessible to the people. As his detractors - mostly envious politicians share a laugh and wait for him to conform further to the ways of Indian politics, Kejriwal has to tread the razor's edge of an administrator and an activist. It will not be easy. There is no doubt that Kejriwal's "janata darbar" in the national capital on January 11 caused a stampede-like situation. The large turnout, largely due to a lack of accountability at lower levels of governance, resulted in a large number of people showing up to present their problems before the popular chief minister. However, while a day later Kejriwal said he would hold such meetings in a more suitable location, on January 13 he said he would not hold them at all. Reversal of a stand is a serious business and while on relatively minor matters changing views is necessary, on more serious and fundamental matters changing stand may cost him his reputation. In more than six decades, India has had numerous politicians who have by and large been clones of each other with regard to what they seek from politics and the people. Devoid of patriotism, a social vision or commitment to an ideal, they have been content enjoying the privileges that await every successful politician in the country. Sequestered from common life

and its rigors, India's politicians and bureaucrats have for decades refused to address the issues of the common people and created a world for themselves run on public funds. This is what Kejriwal describes as "VIP culture". With beacon lights as its symbol, the VIP way of life constitutes special living zones with uninterrupted power, clean water, proximity to the heart of cities, privileged access to medical services, institutions, jobs, positions of influence and numerous benefits which are not part of common life. That is why Kejriwal's issues corruption and VIP culture - represent the aspirations of Indians who seek greater equality and accountability. When he said in one of his recent speeches that what his government will do now should have been done when India attained Independence from British rule in 1947, he echoed the perception of the common people whose relationship with the state has remained unchanged since the beginning of colonial rule. In an overcrowded country of over a billion people, Kejriwal is a rare politician who is seeking distinction for being a common man. His break from tradition is his unique selling proposition. He has already been a catalyst of change in states that are far from the one he governs. It is important that he takes measured steps so that he does not have to retrace them and thereby dilute the idealism which marks him out in a crowd of politicians who are of the people but are certainly not for the people. It is for this reason that Kejriwal needs to bridge the gap between his idealism and reality without either diluting or abandoning the values he stands for.

In an overcrowded country of over a billion people, Arvind Kejriwal is a rare politician who is seeking distinction for being a common man

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.


January 18-24, 2014


Good Governance is the chief election agenda in the impending Lok Sabha elections this summer.

Previewing the Political India Cup

By Heera Lal he parliamentary election in India 2014 will have many similarities with the 2008 American election. High level of youth engagement will be a new dimension. Social media will be a new marketing tool. Agenda of good governance will be in focus with anti-corruption overtones. Hence, 2014 will throw up an interesting political match and become a watershed year for India. The UPA Government failed to meet public expectations in its second term - particularly of the youths. In America, President George W. Bush had performed badly in his second inning. And Obama offered hope for Americans. Hence, an Obama wave developed in 2008. Similarly Narendra Modi is presenting hope for change. But as Swaminathan Anklesaria Aiyar wrote in his column, There is Modi effect, but not a Modi wave. It seems correct to a greater extent. The impression in informed political circles is that no part y or group will get absolute majority in Lok Sabha. A triangular contest is most probable. One is Narendra Modi led BJP. The other is Rahul Gandhi led Congress. The third may be BJP or Congress supported third front. Coalitions before election are unlikely. But in case of a fractured mandate, it will become a necessity. There are many similarities between Modi and Obama in their

style of functioning and marketing. Both have in-depth knowledge of politics and are ICT savvy. Both are authoritative and decisive. They are good orators and self-made. Both play personality politics over party politics. But will Modi 2014 be able to replicate Obama 2008? The election issues this time are: good governance (GG), corruption, unemployment and economic slowdown. Count inflation and development also. Vote bank politics and dynastic rule are also major issues. But GG will emerge the central issue alongside corruption. BJP tried to make corruption an issue in 2004 with its vision document calling for a war on corruption because corruption is the greatest hurdle in Indias development march. But the party couldnt make headway with it. The recent Anna led Lok Pal agitation has prepared the ground better for corruption to become election issue. Anna and team raised their voice against corruption in the last two years. Baba Ramdev has coined black money as an issue. Both assisted each other issue wise. Public got a new hope. This gives a direction to Indian politics. The cancerous, invisible corruption has been made visible. It is a start towards cleaning up of the politics and promoting the entry of good, honest people into politics. In political marketing too demand and supply is relevant. Good governance and fight against corruption are political products highly in demand. Those, who supplied it, won the elections. GG sellers besides Modi are many like Nitish Kumar, Sheila Dixit, Shiv Raj Chauhan. As a result, they kept getting re-elected bar-

The social media savvy, and politically invovled youth are going to play a major role in this election. According to the State of the Urban Youth-India 2013 report, 71% of urban youngsters showed interest in politics in 2013 as compared to 45% in 2009.

ring Dixit this time in Delhi. Even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh got repeated in 2009 on this score. Mahwish Hafeez has reflected in a column that every party in the last two decades has reaped the reward for good governance and dramatic economic growth. However, no party is selling the fight against corruption as an issue except AAP. This is the reason within one year of its existence it turned Delhi assembly election into a triangular contest, Congress and BJP being the traditional players there. Yet, corruption as an agenda has not ripened. It will take time to bring fruits like GG has been doing. Our political executives need to wait to harness its potential. Arvind Kejriwal and others broke away from Anna Hazare and formed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) a year ago. AAP has come out with a new ideology. Using the broom as its poll symbol, it is trying to clean up politics. And it is trying to supply what is a highly demanded product in the political market. The issue is damaging all political parties. Therefore, they are compelled to mend their ways to supply this product in order to maintain their market share. AAP, Anna and Baba have given a new direction to Indian politics. Indian political landscape is changing fast. Young India most of them unemployed or under employed - will play a key role in this years election. They will use social media as a political tool to engage themselves in election activities. This young energy will energizes the election to make it more interesting. For the first time, social media will be in use on a large scale as one of the prominent tools for political mar-

keting. India is a youthful nation. Indias young people are on the move. They are reaching for new opportunities now made available. The United Nations defines youth as people between ages 15 and 24. By this measure, there are approximately 240 million youth in India, about 20% of the population, according to preliminary projections from the 2011 census. Thats up from 195 million in 2001. The median age in India is 25, meaning that half the population is below 25. The youths political participation in terms of attending rallies and campaigns is on the rise, according to survey and data collated by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS). UN-Habitat and IRIS Knowledge Foundation released the State of the Urban Youth-India 2013 report. This report reveals that nearly 71% of urban youngsters showed interest in politics in 2013 as compared to 45% in 2009. Young men displayed nearly twice as much interest as young women. Along with interest in politics, youngsters involvement in political campaigning also increased. Twenty- two per cent of them participated in campaign activities in 2011as compared to 14% in 2009. Increasing participation of youth with social media as a new tool in their hand will give a new twist to the 2014 election match. Almost all youngsters are social media savvy. They are now using fast and cheap social media to reach the voters and convey a message. As a result, 2014 is going to witness many new innovations and changes. Heera Lal is a career bureaucrat from Uttar Pradesh.

Diaspora meet sees greater footfall, mixed comments

By Bivekananda Biswas eople who came from across the world to attend the 12th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD), that concluded here last week say that though the event is gaining steam every year, they found a lack of communication among the participants. They felt the event was somewhat chaotic with a lack of communication and the purpose of their visit was not really fulfilled. However, people, who have attended past years' PBDs as well, say footfall at the annual event is increasing every year.

Kushagra Bhatnagar, an Australia-based financial analyst and active member of the Overseas Friends of BJP, said he came to Delhi for the PBD but he did not find anything interesting, and therefore, was leaving for Australia without attending the third day's program. Ravinder Singh, chair of the Indo Commonwealth Ex-Army Heritage, who came from Canada, said that there was a lack of communication in the event. "People of Indian origin from across the world are finding it difficult to interact with each other, which is the purpose of the event," Singh said.

Singh, who has attended the annual diaspora meet since its inception in 2003 every year, however, feels that each year the number of people attending is growing. Shihab Kottukad, consultant to the Non-Resident Keralites Affairs (NORKA) department of the Kerala government and a volunteer at the Indian embassy in Saudi Arabia, too has attended the event

every year. He said he found the program very interesting and gets the chance to meet a lot of people from different parts of the world here. Vinod Daniel, chairman of AusHeritage, an Australian government organization, said this was the first PBD he has attended and he found it impressive and useful. "Really appreciated hearing first hand from senior ministers and bureaucrats on where they see India going. I personally am very positive about India and this congress has made me more excited about India's future," he said. Commented Ramesh Agarwal, a professor at Washington

University, "Had a good time here, met so many people but the event could have been more organized." Subramaniam Kandsamy, a delegate from Malaysia, said, "Diaspora meets are a good move taken up by the government of India, I appreciate it. Yet the event has not gained the full attention of NRIs but with experience it will became a good platform for them. Of the around 900 delegates from 60 countries, around 200 were from Malaysia alone. PBD is celebrated in early January every year to commend the contribution of overseas Indian community in the development of India.

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.


January 18-24, 2014


Crow's Lake is one of the hundreds of lakes in the scenic Sikkim.

The Gumpa dance is celebrated around the time of Losar, the Tibetan New Year. Pictured here in Lachung monastery, North Sikkim.

By Jaideep Mazumdar ikkim chief minister Pawan Kumar Chamling didn't jump with glee when an officer told him earlier this week that global travel guide Lonely Planet had named his state the "best region to visit in 2014". He'd been working towards the goal for too long to feign surprise. Sikkim was the first Indian state to frame an eco-tourism policy with the help of Japanese and American experts. It started popularizing village tourism a few years ago and aggressively developed tourist destinations and circuits and a bunch of activities to attract tourists. This

is precisely what Lonely Planet has recognized: the sustainable community-based tourism model that Sikkim has successfully developed in less-developed areas of the state. Sikkim actually tweaked central projects like the Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) to develop village and eco-tourism. For instance, additional funds were provided to IAY beneficiaries to build an extra room and western-style toilet for tourists. "We then sponsored family members to undergo training in housekeeping, cookery and other aspects of hospitality at hotel management institutes," says Sikkim tourism minister Bhim Prasad Dhungel. These rural home stays are a big

draw for foreign tourists as well as the nature-loving Indian tourist. There are trekking trails, bird and nature walks and camping sites being developed around these family resorts, says Dhungel. A fair amount of adventure tourism is also being promoted white water rafting, rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking, parasailing , skiing among them. What also adds to the region's charm is that it is a largely crime-free state and its people are hospitable and warm. A bird sanctuary at Pelling in the west, butterfly parks in the north of the state, and a red panda circuit are the new projects being developed. High-altitude lakes like

Gurudongmar and Tsangu are being redeveloped and will feature in high-mountain circuits. "Our forest cover has increased substantially, from 44.06 % in 1995 to 47.59% in 2009 and we will increase it to at least 50% in a few years," says Dhungel. Sikkim's aim to become a totally organic state by 2015 is also pulling in the discerning traveler. The state is already completely plastic-free and has been careful to promote only green industries. Interestingly, Sikkim is also aggressively developing itself as a pilgrim destination, both for Hindus and Buddhists. Take the case of the char dham at Solophok near Namchi in the state's South

district where replicas of the temples at Badrinath, Puri, Dwarka and Rameshwaram have been erected on a seven-acre site. Last year, it attracted nearly one lakh tourists. A park at Ravang with a 137 .5 fthigh statue of Buddha, a 150 fthigh statue of the Padmasambhava, and a couple of other such structures are coming up in other parts of the state. Sikkim's tourism vision is unique because it is backed by the development of local infrastructure. "You cannot promote tourism when there's poverty and discontent. That's why, along with new tourist spots, we're also striving to fasttrack development in remote mountainous areas," Chamling said.

Luxury vacation homes catching up in India

By Aparajita Gupta

eelam Kumar looks for her private space when she is holidaying but alas, that is at times unavailable even in a five-star hotel. This quest for her own space and corner has led her to buy and furnish a flat in Goa, one of the country's hottest luxury vacation spots, which she rents out when not living there herself. "I have an apartment in Goa where I stay when I visit and rest of the time I give it out for rent on a daily basis," Neelam Kumar says. During peak season (DecemberJanuary) an apartment can cost around Rs.15,000 per day. In November the rent is around Rs.10,000 and during off season, the rent hovers around Rs. 7,000, she says. It is an upcoming trend in Goa and in the hills of north India, where people are buying plush villas and apartments with service support for self-use and also renting out on a daily basis. Unlike independent houses, which are rented out to tourists, mostly foreigners, where they need to fend for themselves, these are independent apartments with full support systems similar to that of a hotel. "Washing clothes, making breakfast and some room services are taken care by well-trained staff which are employees in the apartments." "People like holiday homes by the sea or in the mountains. Hence, Goa is a potential place for the business to thrive," Varun Nagpal, managing partner of Vianaar

Constructions, which has six projects in Goa, including two under construction, says. Nagpal who entered Goa around seven years ago says:

"Youngsters look at it from an investor's point of view." Taking a cue from the West, these luxury holiday apartments are flourishing in India. "People go over there to enjoy life. Goa has everything. Elderly people come over here to relax while the youngsters come to have fun by the beach," he said. Another builder in the same space, Sameer Karan Mutreja, director of Scapes, says: "This industry of luxury vacation rentals has been going on in an unstructured manner. Goa is the most popular destination. After Goa, people look at the hills like Kasauli, in Himachal Pradesh, and areas near Ranthambore and the Corbett National Park." Mutreja said customers often feel that their private space is infringed in big hotels. Scapes has one property in north Goa at Vagator and is building another one there. It also has a property in Shimla. Mutreja is now looking at roping in a professional service management chain from Thailand to service these apartments. He said the consumers earn 8-10 percent more rental from these luxury villas. "Innovation is the only way that one can survive in these turbulent times." However, Garish Oberoi, president, Hotel and Restaurant Association of North India, said the sector is still unstructured. "It is in the nascent stage. It will take some time to take off in India. It may need organised hotels and hospitality chains to come into this business to take it forward."


January 18-24, 2014



January 18-24, 2014




Mumbais marvel, Indias pride

The new terminal building of Mumbais Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport was unveiled on Jan 10 and will be operational in February. The Rs.5,500-crore terminal, suffused with Indian art and architectural acrobatics, is aimed to act as a showcase success in India which is often castigated for its poor infrastructure that is holding back economic growth.
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, formerly Sahar, is the primary international airport in Mumbai, and is named after the 17th century Maratha emperor, Shivaji. Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airports new Terminal-2 (T2), spread over 1,400 acres, has come up at an estimated cost of Rs.5,500-crore. The swanky new terminal, which has been developed under airport modernization master plan by the Mumbai International Airport Pvt. Ltd., can cater to around 40 million passengers annually, up from the 10 million passengers per year that the existing international terminal can handle. It is more than the capacity of Heathrow in London but less than that of Changi in Singapore. Mumbai International Airport Pvt. Ltd is a joint venture between Airports Authority of India and industrial conglomerate GVK, which was mandated the Mumbai aiports modernizing and upgrading in February 2006. Terminal 2 is designed by Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill (SOM), based in Chicago in the USA, which also designed San Francisco Airport and Changi International Airporttwo urban airports that, like Mumbai's, were strapped for

land. Mumbai airport is hemmed in by slums around it. The structure's design combines domestic and international services, reduces passenger walking distances, and adds 4.4 million square feet to accommodate the airport's 40 million passengers a year. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh presided over the inauguration of Terminal 2 on January 10. International operations will begin Feb. 12, while domestic operations will be integrated with the terminal next year. T2 was delayed by a year. The terminal is also home to the worlds largest public art program, with over 7,000 artworks featured along a wall that is two miles long. Mumbais T2 has outshone Indira Gandhi International Airports sleek Terminal 3 in New Delhi, which began operations in 2010. T2 will have 188 check-in counters, 140 immigration counters, 10 baggage claim carousels and 124 security check positions saving passengers time all through. With the commissioning of the terminal, the airport is ready to handle Airbus A380, the worlds largest civilian aircraft. The success of T2 should give a boost to other PPP (public-private

The check-in hall inspired by 1,000 white peacocks in the sky.

Warm colors and elegant accents elevate every space.

partnership) projects which are under the implementation or planning stage, Manmohan Singh said. GVKs press release said, The new Terminal 2 at CSIA is a monument to the beautiful spirit of Mumbai and its people. This terminal will make CSIA a gateway to the city of Mumbai and India with international and domestic passengers. This is an airport that will redene global benchmarks in aviation & airport development. The prevalence of local art and culture, coupled with the use of warm colors and elegant accents, elevates the ambience of this terminal beyond the typical, often unimagina-

tive airport experience, to create a sense of place and identity that truly celebrates India. GVK further said that the architecture of the new airport terminal quintessentially reects Indias proud heritage and draws on its rich culture -- it unmistakably and proudly presents a new contemporary India and its possibilities. Throughout T2, there are xtures and details, such as 1000 chandeliers inspired by the lotus ower, a Diya curtain with 10,000 diyas waiting to welcome international travelers and the check in hall which is inspired by 1000 white peacocks in the sky.

An artists rendering of the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh inaugurated the new terminal building of the Mumbai airport on Jan 10. Note the peacock, Indias national bird, which is the main motif of the new design.

Udan Khatola references the mythical partbird, part flying machine. Thirteen foot long and 6.5 foot wide, the sculpture was crafted by a team, made in papier-mch and painted over by artist Madhvi Parekh. The art and beauty effect starts from the passenger drop off area, inspired by a peacock spreading its wings.

T2 boasts a 2 mile long art walk, curving along the contours of the terminal, incorporating Indian aesthetics. Titled 'Jaya He', it offers a glimpse into India's rich legacy and is an unprecedented interdisciplinary platform for the nation's cultural and creative industries. The terminals design is inspired by Indias national bird, the peacock. Traces of the motif are present in the towering columns and marble flooring.

A Diya curtain with 10,000 faux diyas waiting to welcome international travelers.

Paying tribute to film industry clustered in the city is a mural of Bollywood stars in the terminal.


January 18-24, 2014


gripping storyline, strong cast and dialogues laced with Urdu seem to have worked in favor of Dedh Ishqiya in Pakistan. Distributor Rehmat Fazli of Geo TV said the film is doing well despite a "haphazard release" and added that late night shows are running housefull too. "We got the prints only by Friday afternoon and the censor board gave us the certificate by seven in the evening. The theaters were not sure if they will even get to show the film, so there were no posters," Fazli said. "We had a 1.30 a.m. show and it was housefull," he added In Pakistan, the film

is being shown on 35 screens, including single screens. However, the footfall in multiplexes is overwhelming compared to the single screen theaters, said Fazli. "During weekend, the multiplexes were full and all shows including the night show were running housefull. However, the film did not do well in single screen theaters," he said and added that Monday and Tuesday are public holidays in the country. A sequel to 2010 Ishqiya, director Abhishek Chaubey's small-town saga sees Naseeruddin Shah and Arshad Warsi reprising their roles of Khalujaan and Babban, respectively, from the previous movie.

'Dedh Ishqiya' starring Madhuri Dixit is showing on 35 screens in Pakistan.

'Gulaab Gang my last chance to work with Madhuri'

Mumbai: Actress Juhi Chawla, who will be seen with Madhuri Dixit for the first time in "Gulaab Gang", says she doesn't think they will get another chance to work together in future. Madhuri and Juhi were contemporaries in the 1990s but they never worked together during their prime. "I think this ('Gulaab Gang') was the last chance I got to work with her (Madhuri Dixit) and I don't think we will again get a chance to work together in future," Juhi said. "Gulaab Gang" has a very strong script and Juhi feels that such stories are not churned out in bulk, therefore, she isn't so hopeful of seeing her and Madhuri on the big screen together again. "It happens once in a lifetime when we get such a good script and where we can work together with such dedication. So, I don't imagine that we will again be working (together). That's why the film is exciting for us as actors," said Juhi. Juhi recalls the time when she missed the opportunity to work with Madhuri because of rivalry. "There were times when I had a chance to work with Madhuri, but at that time we were rivals and I was like, 'I will not work with Madhuri at all'," Juhi spoke candidly. "Now I agreed to do the film ('Gulaab Gang') as I felt it would be an amazing cast with such an awesome script," she added. "Gulaab Gang", co-written by director Soumik Sen and producer Anubhav Sinha, is inspired by a group of women activists in the Bundelkhand region and talks about women empowerment. It features Juhi and Madhuri in completely opposite roles. While Madhuri stands for justice, Juhi stands for political power as she plays a stubborn politician.

Salman in a scene from 'Jai Ho'

Salman finds Aamir's 'Jai Ho' tweet sweet

uperstar Salman Khan finds colleague Aamir Khan tweeting about his forthcoming film "Jai Ho" a sweet gesture, and says it is the best way one can be competitive in the film industry. When told about Aamir recently tweeting the countdown to "Jai Ho", Salman reacted by saying, "Really ? How sweet. Everyone does that and we should. I feel this is being competitive and showing love in this manner is better than the other way round." Earlier, Salman had promoted Aamir's film "Dhoom: 3" on his reality show "Bigg Boss - Saath 7". "You help the other person and you make sure that you try and take your level to that point. Like Aamir is trying to make sure that people come and watch 'Jai Ho', which is a good thing. The industry prospers," Salman added on the sets of reality show "Dance India Dance." Salman was on the sets of the show to promote his film "Jai Ho" along with co-star Daisy Shah. The film will release Jan 24.


January 18-24, 2014


A scene from crime-comedy drama 'American Hustle'

SRK receives international icon of Indian cinema award

ollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has been honored with an International Icon of Indian Cinema award. He received it from southern superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal. The viewers of Asianet, a Kerala TV channel, chose him for the award. It was presented to SRK at the 16th edition of Asianet Film Awards. It is a great honor for me to receive this award by Asianet. To be given the award and so much love by Mammootty and Mohanlal sir was an amazing feeling. They are the artists who have Shah Rukh Khan receiving the award inspired me as an actor always, "It is humbling to know that it gets noticed Shah Rukh said in a statement. The actor, who has been in showbiz for over in the same capacity. Awards always motivate two decades, says he has "always worked me to work harder and make more cinema towards making or being a part of cinema that that brings a smile on everyones face, added the 48-year-old. entertains all and is meant for all".

rime-comedy drama 'American Hustle' clinched awards in three of its seven nominations at the glitzy and star-studded 71st edition of the Golden Globe Awards, the first of the Hollywood awards season, here. "American Hustle", which is based in 1970s and is a story about two con-artists who set up stings to catch corrupt politicians, was awarded for being the best film - comedy or musical. The movie, directed by David O. Russell, also won the best supporting actress for Jennifer Lawrence and the best actress for Amy Adams. "12 Years A slave", which had also received seven nominations, only won the best motion picture drama. The best director of a motion picture award went to Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron for "Gravity". Two awards were won by "Dallas Buyers Club", biopic on an AIDS patient. Jared Leto was awarded the best supporting actor in a motion picture, and the best actor in a motion

picture drama honour was reserved for Matthew McConaughey, who was happy to receive the "unexpected but graciously accepted" trophy. In the best actress in a motion picture drama, Cate Blanchett took away the award for "Blue Jasmine", which was directed by Woody Allen, who was honored with the prestigious Cecil B. DeMille award for making an incredible impact on the world of entertainment. DiCaprio walked away with the best actor in comedy or musical award for his work in "The Wolf Of Wall Street". "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom" was awarded for best original song - motion picture for "Ordinary Love". U2 band received the award, and thanked late anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela, who died in 2013. In the animation category, "Frozen" won the accolades, while in the foreign film category, Paolo Sorrentino's Italian film "The Great Beauty" pipped nominations from Iran, France, Denmark and Japan.

Suchitra Sen not out of danger yet

escribed as "critically ill", legendary Bengali actress Suchitra Sen, who is suffering from serious respiratory problems, remains on oxygen therapy, a medical bulletin said. Her oxygen saturation level is satisfactory and cardiac status remains stable. Sen's actress daughter Moon Moon, son-in-law and granddaughters - actresses Riya and Raima were at the nursing home. Sen, who ruled Bengali cinema for decades, has

been a recluse ever since she quit acting over three decades ago. Known for her power-packed performances in highly acclaimed Bengali films such as "Deep Jwele Jaai" and "Uttar Falguni" as well as Hindi movies "Devdas", "Bombai Ka Babu", "Mamta" and "Aandhi", she has been dubbed as the Greta Garbo of Bengali cinema. She won the best actress award for "Saat Paake Bandha" at the Moscow Film Festival in 1963.

eenat Aman has reportedly refused to promote her upcoming film 'Strings of Passion', unless she is paid an extra Rs 5 lakh. The film, in which she plays a single mother to an aspiring musician, is directed by Sanghmitra Chaudhari. The director points out that though Zeenat worked for only four days they paid her for five hoping to get her support during the promotions. "But now she is not taking my calls. When some one picks up my call, I can hear her voice in the background telling the person to say that 'Madam ghar pe nahin hai.' Her secretary, Ashwin Thakkar, is adamant that we pay her first. This is not expected from a senior actress like her," grouses Sanghmitra, who lost her husband a few months ago and is hard pressed for funds. She was banking on her star to market the film. Despite repeated attempts, Zeenat remained unavailable for comment but her secretary Ashwin insisted that this is an attempt to tarnish the actress's image.

Zeenat Aman in 'Strings of Passion'

Legendary Bengali actress Suchitra Sen


January 18-24, 2014


Guadeloupe Indians seek connection with native land

New Delhi: Nearly 360 people of Indian origin from the picture-pretty island of Guadeloupe in the French Caribbean have signed a plea asking the Indian government for the Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card and for opening a consulate in Guadeloupe to maintain a direct and permanent link with the land of their forefathers. An extract from the strongly worded two-page petition in French says: "I sign the petition to seek the OCI card to repair deep injustice of which I am a victim today but successive Indian governments have made it tough for me to visit, to study, to work, invest, live, meet my family in the country of my grandparents and my country of origin." Over 150 years and still counting, the 54,000-strong community in Guadeloupe has kept Indian culture and tradition alive and is seeking to cement its links with the land of its forefathers. But their inability to prove that their grandparents or greatgrandparents were Indian has made it difficult for them to attain the OCI, which allows them to live in India as long as they want plus get other benefits like owning property and working. Over 43,000 indentured Indian laborers came to the l'le Papillion, the butterflyshaped island, to work on sugar plantations between 1854 and 1889. The French colonial settlers, who had brought them to replace slaves, burnt most of the records so as to avoid sending them back home on completion of their five-year contracts. It was not before 158 years that India established its contacts with its people in Guadeloupe by sending Minister of Overseas Indian affairs Vayalar Ravi in 2011. Seeking a waiver of the rules in the case of Guadeloupians, Michel Narayninsamy, president of Guadeloupe Global people of Indian Origin (GOPIO), said the trauma of abandonment and the isolation for nearly 158 years is still alive. Over successive editions of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, including the just-concluded one, Narayninsamy has been actively crusading for Indians in Guadeloupe, but without much response from the Indian government. In the recently concluded fifth Francophone reception, organized for the French-speaking diaspora, Vayalar Ravi promised to look into the matter.

Indian activist launches anti-dowry matrimonial service

Dubai: A prominent Indian social activist in Saudi Arabia has launched a matrimonial website to help South Asian expatriates, who are against the dowry system, find suitable matches. Aleem Khan Falki, the founder of the Jeddah-based Socio Reforms Society and who has been actively campaigning against the dowry system for a long time, has launched the unique matrimonial service website,, for dowry-free marriage seekers, the Arab News reported. Falki said the main intention behind establishing the website was to provide non-commercial, economical service with the ultimate purpose of eradicating the dowry system. This form of blackmail has increased so much that it has taken the shape of a social blackmail, Falki said. Asian fathers looking to marry off their daughters are obliged to pay their dowries, since customs in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh dictate that dowries in the form of money and property be taken from the bride, Falki added. He said there were many cases of grooms not wanting any dowry but the brides parents forcing them to accept it for fear of being chastised later by the grooms family. Falki said, in addition, the bride's father is being required to host the wedding dinner party. It has become compulsory, he added. The groom does throw the walima (the marriage banquet, which is the second of the two traditional parts of an Islamic wedding), but the brides side has to first host hundreds of guests from the grooms side by serving a number of dishes at a full-fledged marriage hall. He said, because of such traditions, the brides parents' lifelong savings get exhausted. Falki emphasized that the Socio Reforms Society would bring together suitable matches through the website to help people who want to marry purely according to the prophetic tradition. Falki said both sides would pledge to refrain from any extravagance and paying dowry that are not required in Islam. This will help many widows, divorcees and poverty-stricken girls who are helpless due to lack of sources to get married, he said. Besides matrimony, the website will provide counseling for couples facing marital problems so as to reduce the divorce rate among South Asian communities in Saudi Arabia.

India film fest held in Moscow

In Fiji, monks of Ramakrishna Mission provide succor

New Delhi: Orange-robed monks of the Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekananda, in Fiji provide healthcare, education and spiritual guidance not just to those of Indian origin but anybody in need in the South Pacific archipelago nation. The Fiji branch of the Ramakrishna Mission, set up in 1937, was conferred the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman at the just-concluded diaspora meet. Swami Tadananda, secretary of the Ramakrishna Mission at Nadi in Fiji, was in the capital to receive the award from President Pranab Mukherjee last week. "The award is in recognition for the services we have done," said Swami Tadananda. The mission was honored with the PBD Samman for community service and philanthropic activities and enhancing India's prestige abroad. It has actively participated in relief and rehabilitation efforts during floods and natural calamities in Fiji.

Dignitaries at the inauguration ceremony

Moscow: An Indian Film Festival dedicated to 100 years of Indian Cinema, organized by AGA TV, Russia in association with the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow (JNCC) and others, was inaugurated on December 13 at Theatre "Illuzion" in Moscow. Charge d'affaires Sandeep Arya and his spouse Mrs. Suveta Arya were the Guests of Honor at the Festival. Renowned Indian film actor Madhavan (3 Idiots), Malayali Film Director Major Ravi, Bollywood actor Makrand Shukla and Tamil actor Joe

Mallori, were among the invitees. A documentary on Raj Kapoor made by President, AGA TV Mikhail Ashumov was shown on the occasion. Russian students of JNCC presented a dance performance dedicated to Bollywood, choreographed by JNCC's Kathak Teacher Akshaya Kumar, which was followed by the screening of film" 3 Idiots" in Russian. Charge d'affaires Sandeep Arya hoped that the Festival will help generate opportunities for commercial screening of Indian films in Russia and of Russian films in India.

Swami Tadananda receiving PBD award from President Pranab Mukherjee

The Ramakrishna Mission in Nadi, a major tourist town, is the head quarter of the non-profit service organization in Fiji. It also runs a Swami Vivekananda College in Nadi, a Vivekananda Technical Centre in Nadi and a Ramakrishna Mission Primary School in Tailevu, one of the provinces of Fiji. The mission uses telemedicine to provide healthcare in many of the green coconut palm-fringed islands

that form the archipelago of over 300 islands, of which 110 are inhabited. The mission also has a Facebook page. Around 38 percent of Fiji's population comprises people of Indian origin - those who are descendants of indentured labor who came to the country in the 19th century to work in the sugarcane fields or of immigrants who arrived in the 1920s and 1930s.


January 18-24, 2014


Bangladesh stripped of democracy: Khaleda Zia

Dhaka: Former Bangladesh prime minister Khaleda Zia said the country has been stripped of democracy and urged the country's new government to reach a consensus through resuming dialogue to resolve the ongoing political turmoil. "Bangladesh has been stripped of democracy and that must return through a movement," the Daily Star quoted Zia as telling journalists in her first media briefing after the formation of the new government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Zia also termed the present government as illegal and alleged that the ruling party violated the constitution. Bangladesh's 10th parliamentary elections, marred by opposition boycott, low turnout and large-scale violence, were held Jan 5. A total of 21 parties, including Khaleda Zia's Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), boycotted the elections as Hasina paid no heed to their demands for a non-party caretaker government for holding elections. "We were never against the dialogue. Talks are the only way to consensus," Zia said. She said her party was yet to get any proposal for holding dialogue with the ruling party after the general elections. The former prime minister also urged the government to stop harassing opposition activists, withdraw false cases and remove restrictions on political programmes, rallies and media to pave the way for dialogue and consensus. Replying to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's comment that the BNP had lost everything by boycotting the general elections, she said: "We have not lost. It is they who have lost." Zia said her party would hold a rally in the capital Jan 20 to thank people for "boycotting the Jan 5 polls". Apart from that, she also announced nationwide mass protests and black flag processions Jan 29.

Sheikh Hasina has been sworn-in the prime minister of Bangladesh for the third time

Afghanistan accuses US of killing civilians

Kabul: Eight Afghan civilians, including seven children, were killed following a US airstrike in eastern province of Parwan, the country's Presidential Palace said in a statement. "Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned in strongest terms a bombardment carried out by the US forces in Siya Gard district of Parwan province, which led to the deaths of one woman and seven children," Xinhua quoted the statement as saying. One civilian was also wounded in the attack which took place in Sah Darah-e-Wazghar area of the district in the province, it noted. "The Afghan government for many years, had demanded a complete end to the military operations in Afghan villages and towns," the statement said, adding against all bilateral agreements and the recent guarantee in a letter by the US President Barack Obama, the American forces once again carried out the airstrike against residential area and caused civilian casualties.

Indian Army chief's statement provocative: Pakistan

Islamabad: Pakistan has said Indian Army chief General Bikram Singh's statement on ceasefire violations was provocative and regrettable. In a clear warning to Pakistan, General Bikram Singh said any militant who crosses the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu & Kashmir would be fired at. Pakistan's Inter-Service Public Relations ( ISPR) said in a press release later that it is contrary to the facts on ground. The Pakistan Army respects the ceasefire agreement in letter and spirit, it quoted a Pakistan military's spokesperson as saying. After the meeting between the Directors General of Military Operations (DGMOs) Dec 24, 2013, the situation along the LoC has improved considerably. Such accusation and provocative statements are regrettable and counter-productive, the spokesperson added. The Indian Army chief in his statement Monday also said the army needed to continue guarding the troubled northern state "under the present circumstances". "We will fire at any militant trying to enter through the LoC," Gen. Bikram Singh said at the annual press conference ahead of Army Day Jan 15. His comments came as reports in the Pakistani media blamed India for violating the ceasefire and firing at a civilian near the LoC.

Indian Army chief General Bikram Singh

Sri Lankan is Rotary Internationals 105th president

Colombo: Colombo-based businessman K.R. 'Ravi' Ravindran has been named 105th president of Rotary International. Ravindran said his main priority will be to strengthen clubs by attracting those committed to volunteer service. After the devastation of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Sri Lankan led Rotarys recovery efforts by helping raise $12 million to rebuild 22 schools, enabling nearly 15,000 children to resume their studies. The tsunami could take away schools, homes, possessions and even loved ones, but it would never be allowed to take away the spirit of children," Ravindran said. He was also involved in ing trawlers. As president, Ravindran will oversee Rotarys top humanitarian goal of eradicating polio. As chair of Rotarys polio eradication campaign in Sri Lanka, he led efforts to eradicate polio from the country, which became one of the first in Asia to be polio-free. Ravindran is founder and CEO of Printcare Plc, a publicly listed tea packaging company. He is also founding president of the Sri Lanka Anti-Narcotics Association, the largest antinarcotics organization in Sri Lanka. Rotary International is a global network of 1.2 million volunteers working to solve the worlds humanitarian challenges.

US seeks probe into Sri Lankan war crimes

Colombo: The US has pressed Sri Lanka to probe alleged rights abuses by its army through independent and credible investigations after a top American diplomat recorded eyewitness accounts of serious "abuses" during the final stages of the civil war with the LTTE. The US ambassador at large at the office of global criminal justice, Stephen J Rapp, concluded his weeklong visit to Sri Lanka during which tweets from the US mission here carried photos of alleged sites in the north where people were killed due to Lankan military shelling in the 2009 war. Rapp had listened to eyewitness accounts of rights abuses "including those that occurred at the end of the war", a statement from the US embassy said here. Sri Lankan military had defeated the Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009. Colombo has resisted calls to probe claims that over 40,000 ethnic minority Tamils were killed by the military during the final phase of the civil war. " ... the government of the US encourages the government of Sri Lanka to seek the truth through independent and credible investigations, and where relevant, have prosecutions," it said. Rapp called on foreign minister GL Peiris on Friday. Sri Lanka has denied charges that around 40,000 ethnic Tamil civilians were killed by the army during the final push that crushed the LTTE. The Lankan military has denied US accusations levelled through photographs during Rapp's visit which came ahead of the March sessions of the UN human rights council in Geneva. The US has told Lanka that it could introduce a third successive resolution over rights accountability and reconciliation with the Tamil minority at the Council. Two previous resolutions, both US-moved, were supported by India. Rapp's visit met with a protest opposite the US embassy. A nationalist group slammed the US for interfering in the country's internal affairs. A protest was sparked when Rapp told the main Tamil party TNA that the March resolution would push for an international war crimes investigation.

K.R. 'Ravi' Ravindran

tsunami-related projects in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and Thailand. The projects included housing, orphanages, water and sanitation systems, solar oven technology, community-based credit unions, health centers and replacement of destroyed fish-


January 18-24, 2014


Italian lawmakers to visit India over marines case

French President Hollande admits personal problems

Paris: French President Francois Hollande conceded that he is going through "painful moments" with his companion, who was hospitalized after a magazine reported that he is secretly having an affair with a movie actress. Hollande's partner, journalist Valerie Trierweiler, has been hospitalized when the tabloid-style magazine Closer published photos it said proved Hollande's liaison with actress Julie Gayet around the corner from the presidential Elysee Palace. Hollande said Trierweiler "is resting" but insisted that the packed news conference was not the place to discuss the issue. He did not deny or confirm the Closer report, but his announcement of economic measures meant to encourage hiring was overshadowed by the scandal. The first reporter to speak asked Hollande who is France's first lady. The president brushed aside the question in a country where the private lives of leaders have long been considered private. But he suggested that his relationship with Trierweiler was in a crisis stage. "Everyone in his or her personal life can go through ordeals - that's the case with us," he said. "They are

The two Italian marines are facing trial for murder in India

Rome: A delegation from the Italian parliament is due to travel to India in a gesture of solidarity with the two Italian marines facing trial for murder there, said a group of politicians. The chairmen of the foreign affairs and defence commissions of both houses of parliament released a statement. A cross-party delegation will visit Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre in New Delhi and the commission chairmen may meet their Indian counterparts during the mission," the statement said. "It is aimed at expressing to

them (the marines) the solidarity of the parliament and of Italy," the statement added without setting a date for the mission. India's Supreme Court will consider a plea from lawyers of the two marines to release Girone and Latorre, citing extensive delays in starting any trial, according to legal documents cited by the media. The pair have been in custody for almost two years on suspicion of shooting dead two Indian fishermen off the southern state of Kerala in February 2012 but no formal charges have been laid against them.

Francois Hollande's partner Valerie Trierweiler has been hospitalized since the news of his liaison with actress Julie Gayet broke

painful moments. But I have a principle. It's that private affairs should be handled privately, respecting the intimacy of all. This is neither the place nor the moment to do so." Hollande said he would respond to the question before his Feb. 11 state visit to Washington, a trip that would normally include Trierweiler. In Washington, White House spokesman Jay Carney hedged awkwardly when asked if there were any changes to plans for the visit by Hollande and his partner.

"The president looks forward to seeing President Hollande. ... On issues of the delegation that the French come with, I would refer you to the French government," Carney said. Trierweiler is the first person not married to the president to hold the post of first lady, which is not a formal function in France. Hollande has four children with another leading Socialist politician, Segolene Royal. He left Royal for Trierweiler, whom he has lived with since 2007.

UN issues distress call over war-affected Syrians

Kuwait City: UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon warned that nearly half of Syria's population needs urgent humanitarian help, as aid groups urged access for relief delivery to civilians trapped by the fighting. Ban's warning came in an address to a one-day donors' conference in Kuwait City aimed at raising $6.5 billion in aid for war-affected Syrians. The Second International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria comes a week before the socalled Geneva II peace conference, which is aimed at ending the conflict that has killed 130,000 people in nearly three years. In the build-up to the January 22 peace conference, which is being driven by the US and Russia, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad held talks in Damascus on Wednesday with the foreign minister of Iran, a key ally of his regime, Syrian state news agency SANA said. The report quoted Zarif as saying the purpose of his visit "was to help ensure that the Geneva II conference brings about results that are in the interests of the Syrian people."

Vote counting in Egypt's constitution referendum begins

Cairo: Vote counting of Egypt's constitution referendum has been underway after polling stations across the country closed, according to a statement of the High Electoral Committee. The constitution will be approved by winning over 50 percent of the vote, and the result of the referendum is scheduled to be announced within 72 hours. Egyptians started casting votes Tuesday on the country's new draft constitution, which is widely seen as a milestone during Egypt's political transition after Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was ousted last July. The new constitution, which is to replace the previous one mainly written by Morsi's Islamist allies in late 2012, represents a prior stage in the country's future roadmap. If the draft charter is approved, Egypt will go through parliamentary and presidential elections, and the post-Morsi transitional period will come to an end in mid2014, six months at most after the referendum. The second day of the referendum is seemingly calmer than the first day as only minor clashes were reported. Nine people were killed during the first day as clashes erupted between police and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood across the country. Massive security forces were deployed to protect the polling stations. More than 160,000 soldiers and 200,000 policemen, in addition to about 650 battle groups have been on standby in case of disorder.

Britain's World War I diaries go online

London: Britain is recruiting an army of amateur historians to sift through more than 1.5 million pages of diaries written by World War I army officers, published online for the first time 100 years after the conflict began. Spanning the whole of the 191418 conflict, the diaries are the official record of the war by British army units but deeply poignant testimony can be found among the battalions' day-to-day accounts of their movements. "I have never spent and imagine that I can never spend a more ghastly and heart-tearing fortyeight hours than the last," writes Captain James Patterson in an entry from the French trenches dated September 16, 1914. "Swarms of Germans on the ridge rather massed. Our guns open on them at 1,800 yards, and one can see a nasty sight through

Spanning the whole of the 1914-18 conflict, the diaries are the official record of the war by British army units

one's glasses. Bunches of Germans blown to pieces." The yellowing pages of Patterson's diary are among some 2,000 files published online by Britain's National Archives, as part of a project that will eventually see some 1.5 million similar documents made available on the

Internet. The archives are urging volunteers to help them catalogue the contents of the diaries as part of "Operation War Diary" (, a joint project with London's Imperial War Museum and Zooniverse, a citizen science project.


January 18-24, 2014


India, China ranked 'unfree' in Obama wants 2014 to be 'year of action' for economy Economic Freedom index
Washington: Asia's two economic giants, India and China, have been rated "unfree" and ranked 120th and 137th respectively, in the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom by US think tank Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal. "The foundations for long-term economic development continue to be fragile in the absence of effectively functioning legal frameworks," the editors of the Index wrote. "Progress with market-oriented reforms has been uneven and has often backtracked at the urging of those with a political interest in maintaining the status quo." The world's largest economy, the United States, fell out of the top 10, its score declining enough to leave it in the 12th slot overall as Hong Kong and Singapore finished first and second in the rankings for the 20th straight year. Australia, despite a drop in its score, held on to third place. The 2014 Index finds notable declines for the US in fiscal freedom, business freedom and property rights, placing it again behind its neighbour to the north, Canada, a media release said. Launched in 1995, the Index evaluates countries in four broad areas of economic freedom: rule of law; regulatory efficiency; limited government; and open markets. In the Asia-Pacific region, India, with a score of 55.7, is ranked 25th among 43 countries. Over the 20 year history of the index, India has advanced its economic freedom score by almost 11 points, according to the index. Washington: US President Barack Obama has urged Congress to make 2014 a "year of action" for the economy, making the federal unemployment benefits extension the first item on the agenda. "This will be a year of action," Obama said. "I will keep doing everything I can to create new jobs and new opportunities for American families -- with Congress, on my own, and with everyone willing to play their part. And that action should begin by extending unemployment insurance for Americans who were laid off in the recession through no fault of their own." "This vital economic lifeline helps people support their families while they look for a new job. And it demands responsibility in return by requiring that they prove they're actively looking for work," Obama said. In a 60-37 vote, the Democraticcontrolled Senate voted to advance the unemployment benefits extension bill, clearing initial procedural

US President Barack Obama

hurdle for the legislation. An estimated 1.3 million unemployed Americans saw their benefits lapse when the program expired Dec 28. The bill now needs a simple majority in the 100-member Senate to pass it in the coming days. The measure, however, would then have to clear the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans who remain unenthusiastic about supporting the legislation without changes.

The benefits came from the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, enacted under the Bush administration in 2008 to provide supplementary relief for the long-term unemployed who have exhausted standard state benefits. The program has been repeatedly extended in past years, but some Republicans opposed renewing the temporary program, calling it a disincentive for job hunting.

Global economy to grow in 2014: World Bank

Washington: The global economy is estimated to expand at 3.2 percent this year from 2.4 percent in 2013, with growth picking up in developing countries and highincome economies, the World Bank said. But growth prospects remain vulnerable to US tapering, the global lender said in its semiannual Global Economic Prospects report. The firming of growth in developing countries is being bolstered by an acceleration in high-income countries and continued strong growth in China, it said. However, global growth outlook will be sensitive to headwinds from rising global interest rates and potential volatility in capital flows, as the US Federal Reserve begins withdrawing its massive monetary stimulus, the report noted. Growth in developing countries will pick up from 4.8 percent in 2013 to a slower-than-expected 5.3 percent this year, reflecting a cooling off of the unsustainable turbo-charged pre-crisis growth. For high-income economies, the drag on growth from fiscal consolidation and policy uncertainty will ease, helping to boost economic growth from 1.3 percent in 2013 to 2.2 percent this year. Among them, the recovery is most advanced in the US, as it is projected to grow by 2.8 percent this year after expanding for ten quarters.

Soon, insert yourself in a video game!

Posco's $12 billion Odisha plant to take off soon

the project stalled for more than eight years, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said. Talking to reporters after meeting his South Korean Commerce Minister Sang-jick here, Sharma said the project will be developed in two phases and the first phase is likely to take off soon. Asked about the time-frame, Sharma said: No, I cannot give you that. We will do everything possible to have it expedited. He said total projected investment by Posco for its Odisha plant is more than $12 billion. I think the stage one itself will attract substantial - over half of the projected investment, he said. Sharma discussed the developments related to the stalled project with his South Korean counterpart. Yes, we have discussed that, he said.

The system consists of a photo booth equipped with 68 cameras to capture a 360-degree, full-body image in glorious 3D

New Delhi: South Korean steel maker Posco's $12 billion Odisha plant is likely to start production soon as the government is taking all possible steps to expedite

New York: Soon, you would be able to drop yourself right in the middle of a video game! In a move to take 3D motion capture beyond the next level, here comes a system that quickly creates a photographic-quality render of any person and then seamlessly inserts it into video game environments as a fullymoveable digital character. Los Angeles-based Alexx Henry Studios has developed a system which gives your realistic avatar a chance to run, jump, fly and even break dance as you play the video game. Called the xxArray system,

it consists of a photo booth equipped with 68 cameras to capture a 360-degree, full-body image in glorious 3D. Requiring just two quick poses and a couple hours of processing time, the setup generates a 14-million polygon render of the subject inside, said a press release issued by Alexx Henry Studios. Once the 3D image is captured, its assigned to a digital wireframe to generate onscreen articulation and mobility. Now you are ready to enter the game and do whatever you want to do!


January 18-24, 2014


India clears financial assistance for Winter Olympians

New Delhi: The Sports Ministry has decided to give financial assistance to three sportspersons and their coaches who have qualified for the Sochi Winter Olympics, starting Feb 7. Shiva Keshavan (Luge), Himanshu Thakur (Alpine Skiing) and Nadeem Iqbal (Alpine Skiing) have qualified for the Winter Olympics and Sports Minister Jitendra Singh directed the Sports Authority of India (SAI) to release funds for them immediately. "Although the Winter Games of Federation of India (WGFI) made the request for financial assistance for participation of Indian sportspersons in Winter Olympics Dec 28, 2013 as against the requirement of sending the proposal for financial assistance at least 90 days before commencement of a sports event," the Ministry said in a statement. "The Ministry, as a special case, has directed the Sports Authority of India (SAI) to release funds to WGFI immediately under

Shiva Keshavan (Luge), Himanshu Thakur (Alpine Skiing) and Nadeem Iqbal (Alpine Skiing) have qualified for the Winter Olympics

the Scheme of Assistance to NSFs for the three sportspersons and three coaches who would be accompanying them." The Ministry's directives are: 1. Air passage cost (economy class): as per actuals or differential of the actual air passage cost and the air passage cost provided by the Organising Committee of the Games.

2. Out of pocket allowance: $50 per day per person for the period of the stay of the sportspersons and coaches in Sochi. 3. Sports Kit including ceremonial dress: Rs.20,000 per person. 4. Boarding and lodging: as per norms provided in the Ministry's Scheme of Assistance to NSFs, in case Organising Committee of the Games is not providing free boarding

and lodging in the Games Village. The Ministry is also separately examining the request of the WGFI for grant of funds for players and coaches from the National Sports Development Fund for items such as ski, ski boot, Ski Stick, Ski Suit and snow clothing which are not covered under the Scheme of Assistance to National Sports Federations.

Bopanna, Sania advance in Australian Open doubles

Brain injuries like Schumacher's can destroy lives: Study

London: People with severe head injuries like the one that left Michael Schumacher in critical condition have permanently altered brains that make the victims more likely to become mentally ill and die prematurely, scientists said. Brain experts said most health services fail to make the link between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and long-term mental consequences, meaning patients can fall through the net into depression, behavioural problems and crime. While Schumacher, a wealthy and famous former motor-racing driver well supported by family, friends and doctors, is in a far better position that most with TBI, he will nevertheless still have a changed brain and will need to readjust and cope. "If Schumacher survives he will not be Schumacher. He will be (Mr) Bloggs. And his rehabilitation will only be effective if he

If Michael Schumacher survives he will not be Schumacher. He will be (Mr) Bloggs

Indo-Pak pair of Rohan Bopanna and Aisam-Ul-Haq Qureshi

Melbourne: Seventh seeded Indo-Pak pair of Rohan Bopanna and Aisam-Ul-Haq Qureshi fought hard to win in the men's doubles first round of the Australian Open while Sania Mirza and her Zimbabwean partner Cara Black strolled to victory in the women's doubles. Leander Paes and his Czech partner Radek Stepanek were also scheduled to play but their match was cancelled. The seventh seeds had to fight hard for a 6-3, 4-6, 7-6(5) win over Rameez Junaid of Australia and Adrian Mannarino of France in a match lasting an hour and 55 minutes. Both teams had many opportunities to break each other's serve in the first set but it was Bopanna and Qureshi who converted one of the six break points they had won to wrap up the first set. The unseeded Australian-

French returned the favour in the second set, managing to convert one of the three break-point opportunities to level the match at a set-all. The third set was a close fought affair with both teams serving impeccably and not giving any break-point opportunities to each other. In the end, Bopanna and Qureshi held their nerves to win the tie-break 7-5 and set a second round date with unseeded British duo of Colin Fleming and Ross Hutchins. In the women's doubles, Sania and her veteran partner Black had little trouble in disposing of the local team of Tammi Patterson and Arina Rodionova 6-1, 6-4 in an hour and seven minutes. The sixth seeds will now face Romanian-Czech pair Monica Niculescu and Klara Zakopalova in the second round.

comes to terms with being Bloggs - and fulfils what Bloggs can do," said Richard Greenwood, a consultant neurologist at London's Homerton Hospital and at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. "That's a very, very difficult process to take people through and many people don't achieve it." Greenwood was speaking at a

briefing for reporters on the results of a study into the longterm effects of traumatic brain injuries caused by blows to the head. The study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, found that survivors of TBIs are three times more likely to die prematurely than the general population, often from suicide or fatal accidents.

New Zealand include fast bowler Milne for India series

Auckland: New Zealand picked a settled line-up, the only change being the inclusion of fast bowler Adam Milne, for the five-match ODI series against World No.1 India starting at Napier on Sunday. The 13-man-squad is identical to the one which drew the recent ODI series against the West Indies, with the exception of Auckland batsman Colin Munro who will return to play for his province. General Manager National Selection Bruce Edgar said the players had been rewarded for a number of strong performances against the West Indies. It was pleasing to see every player stand up at some stage of that series and there were some simply outstanding efforts headlined by Corey Andersons world record one day ton, he said. Edgar says the New Zealand now face one of their toughest challenges at home against a side ranked at the top in the 50 over game and No.2 in Tests. We know well have to play out of our skins, and out match them player for player to be competitive
New Zealand will play five-match ODI series against World No.1 India

against such a powerful side. But we showed against the West Indies that we can play extremely well on our day and are capable of beating any side, he said. The ODIs are slated for Napier (Jan 19), Hamilton (Jan 22), Auckland (Jan 25), Hamilton (Jany 28) and Wellington (Jan 31). The two Tests will be played in Auckland and Wellington and the squad will be announced after the ODI series.


January 18-24, 2014


Claiming Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda inspires us to leave our comfort zone and participate in the totality of life by invoking that essence of totality in our vision. A tribute to the Great Being whose birthday fell on Jan 12.
By Ashok Vyas elebrating the lives of great beings means living on the path shown by them. Interestingly, in the case of Swami Vivekananda, the path shown by him would remain invisible if you have not made sincere attempts to see it yourself. Here is a man with total commitment to humanity and at the same time, living total freedom, which is at the command of human beings, irrespective of their situations. Here is a man, whose potentials as disciple, teacher, orator, singer, friend and a quick learner have left their permanent imprints on the sands of time. Swami Vivekananda is compassionate signature of the eternal. The tall, towering figure of Vivekananda still oozes self-confidence and radiates a subtle command to leave selfishness and craving for comforts. He shows us the big picture of life that recognizes the presence of all our differences and shares the glorious vision shown by our sages and seers in harmonizing these differences. His life is a saga of struggle on various levels, we relate to him from the sound of applause that was heard in response to his address Brothers and sisters of America, while he was addressing the first Parliament of the Worlds Religions in Chicago on Sept 11, 1893. We should also hear the sound of

silence that preceded this address. We will find ourselves in the company of the compassionate unfolding of the power of Divine Mother. We will witness the beauty of surrendering to the all-pervading presence of the Guru. The dynamic mystical drama, ready to enact itself and manifest the greatness hidden within each one of us, demands being prepared to give up all preparations and be an instrument of His will. Swami Vivekananda lived in the palpable company of Siddhas, which one would infer from his ability to live with amazing dignity and share the essence of that dignity through lectures and workshops with foreign audience in a foreign language. His command over Sanskrit was brilliant and he also spoke fluent English with very impressive diction. How much can you do in 39 years? When you look at Swami Vivekanandas life, the cribbing about not having resources and contacts and support systems by us appears ridiculous. If his life is an ocean, we shouldnt be content to restrict our relationship with him to any one particular quote that may suit our purpose at a given point of time --that will be disservice to him and to ourselves too. He is not suggesting us to cover our limitations with some philosophical foliage, he dares us to work on the power of our mind. All the self-help books may be insufficient

in comparison to the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Kaviguru Tagore said, If you want to know Bharat, read Swami Vivekananda, it is all positive, there is nothing negative about him. As we read him, we realize, it is not about positive and negative of Swamiji, it is the combination of positive and negative within us which governs our ability to appreciate this great being. But the longer we stay in the company of Swami Vivekanandas literature, the more he takes away our confusions and empowers us with cheerful clarity. We are rarely ready to leave our clinging to our limitations. Very few of us are willing to take plunge into the words of Swami Vivekananda without worrying about the possibility of losing our attachment with the limited identity. He expects us to leave our comfort zone and participate in the totality of life by invoking that essence of totality in our vision. He was a poet, a dreamer but a pragmatic being -- he clarified that there is so much knowledge in the world, dont bother about everything. Take one or two principles and make them a part of your life. He said, if you look at great lives lived, you will find, they adopted key principles in their life. What values are guiding us? Are we looking at Swami Vivekananda to cut and use his persona to fulfill our petty objectives or are we will-

ing to make his man making education as an integral part of our lives? Echoes of Swamijis spirit is still resonating in the political corridor of India. Whether BJPs prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi likes it or not, Congress PM Rajiv Gandhi took the initiative of observing Swami Vivekanandas birthday as national youth day in India. Whether Congress president Sonia Gandhi and current prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh like it or not, Modi has worked with Ramakrishna Mission and many organizations to embrace the spirit of Swami Vivekananda in the series of 150th birth anniversary celebrations of this great saint in more forceful manner than any other Congress leader. Swami Vivekananda is beyond politics but the emergence of his active reference in the political cir-

cuit also strengthens our hope that the spirit of Bharat would remain intact in the policy affairs of India. His gospel is Vedanta. He has shown the path of oneness. He has shown the pathway to greatness by making proper arrangement of human mind through concentration. He questioned those practices that are bleeding Hindu society but he did it with full understanding of the light of wisdom ingrained in the spirit of Bharat. Saluting this great son of Bharat, who was the chosen one by His Guru and His words assure us that we all are the chosen ones. Each one of us is potentially divine, the goal of life is to manifest the divinity within. The author is Program Director, International Television Broadcasting.

Swami jis true message was of mutual respect and tolerance for the faiths and beliefs of all
rue religion can't be the basis of hatred and division, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Sunday, urging every citizen to imbibe lessons from Swami Vivekananda and learn to be tolerant. "Let us, in all humility, imbibe lessons from Swami Vivekananda. Let us learn to be tolerant of one another, have respect for all religions and dedicate ourselves to the development of our people and our country," the prime minister said at the closing ceremony of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda at Vigyan Bhavan on New Delhi. "There is no use celebrating Swamiji's life, paying our respects to his ideas and teachings and honoring his memory if we do not also imbibe the values that he advocated."

"His true message for us was that true religion and true religiosity can't be the basis of hatred and division, but of mutual respect and tolerance for the faiths and beliefs of all," he said. The prime minister said he sincerely believed that the "best tribute" to Swami Vivekananda "would be to recognize the relevance of his teachings and his thoughts to the 21st century, for today's India and tomorrow's India". Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Defence Minister A.K. Antony and Culture Minister Chandresh Kumari Katoch also paid tributes to Swami Vivekananda. The prime minister said Swami Vivekananda's pluralist and syncretic view of religion was a real "religious experience". "I have personally been inspired by Swamijii's syncretic views. This

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke at the closing ceremony of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi on Jan 12
view of religion is one of the great contributions of Hinduism and of the civilizations that took root in this ancient land of ours," Manmohan Singh said. "The idea that the whole world is

one family has inspired millions of people around the world. But, I also believe it is an idea that defines India and the Indian view of the world," he added. Sonia Gandhi described Swami Vivekananda's life as that of magnificent achievement. "Several of our great leaders drew inspiration from Swami Vivekananda in nation building," she said. Vivekananda recognized the importance of gender equality and lived to illuminate the life of others, she said. The prime minister also mentioned how Swami Vivekananda's speech at Chicago in 1893 instilled courage and faith among people. "One striking feature that I find in Swami Vivekananda is the amount of courage and faith he instills in the readers through his stirring

speeches," he said. "Let us be humble enough to recognize that there is much that we can learn from the world and therefore be open to new ideas, new opportunities and new challenges," he added. Manmohan Singh also urged youngsters to be inspired by "this courageous man". "I urge every young Indian, irrespective of faith and religion, to be inspired by such a man as they build their own future," the Prime Minister's Office tweeted, quoting Manmohan Singh's speech. "India's true liberation would come when every Indian feels liberated from the scourge of poverty, ignorance and disease. India, this great motherland of ours, has much to learn from the world around us and, equally, much to teach the world," he said.


January 18-24, 2014


New York: If one gene is not functioning properly, insulin is not released into the bloodstream to regulate blood sugar levels - leading to type 2 diabetes, claims a scientist of Indian origin. A research team led by Bellur S. Prabhakar, professor and head of microbiology and immunology at University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, found that dysfunction in a single gene called MADD in mice causes fasting hyperglycemia - one of the major symptoms of type 2 diabetes. In a healthy person, beta cells in the pancreas secrete the hormone insulin in response to increases in blood glucose after eating. Prabhakar isolated several genes from human beta cells, including MADD, which is also involved in certain cancers. Small genetic variations found among thousands of human subjects revealed that a mutation in MADD was strongly associated with type 2 diabetes. People with this mutation had high blood glucose and problems of insulin secretion - the hallmarks of type 2 diabetes, said Prabhakar. To study the role of MADD in diabetes, Prabhakar and his team developed a mouse model in which the MADD gene was deleted from the insulin-producing beta cells. All such mice had elevated blood glucose levels, which the

NRI gets breakthrough for Fighting cancer with plant molecules: type-2 diabetes Indian scientists show the way
Kolkata: What do tea, turmeric and broccoli have in common? A lot, when it comes to an arsenal of certain chemicals found in them, called phytochemicals, that can be harnessed to combat cancer therapy side-effects in synergy with conventional anti-cancer drugs. Chemotherapy is fraught with side-effects. Now Indian scientists have shown how certain naturallyoccurring plant chemicals when used in combination with routine cancer drugs can actually lower the dosage of the medication, thereby minimizing the aftereffects. Moreover, phytochemicals (plant chemicals) may increase the efficiency of the drugs, said Madhumita Roy, head of the Environmental Carcinogenesis and Toxicology Department at Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) here, who led the study. "Our data suggest that treatment of cells with these phytochemicals in conjunction with chemotherapeutic drugs resulted in the same extent of cell killing at a much lower concentration of the drug," Roy said. Some examples of the plantderived chemicals include curcumin found in turmeric, polyphenols found in tea - both green and Curcumin has been shown to be particularly beneficial in this aspect. "These phytochemicals showed their efficiency to counter DNA damage caused by arsenic. This DNA damage initiates the process of cancer development; therefore reduction of such damage may pave a way to cancer prevention. Apart from this, phytochemicals also play a role in repair of DNA damage. We conducted a field study where curcumin has been found to be of great value in combating the problem with arsenic at the genetic level," said Roy. This furthers the fact that the traditional Indian diet, encompassing a wide range of vegetables, fruit and spices, scores over the Western approach to diet, said cancer scientist Sukta Das, member of the Cancer Foundation of India. Another facet of these phytochemicals is that they are nontoxic to the human body. According to CNCI director Jaydip Biswas, since the treatment protocols for cancer are not only expensive but also cause severe side-effects, "plant derived products with anti-cancer potential may come to the rescue. They may improve the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy."

Bellur S. Prabhakar, professor and head of microbiology and immunology at University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine.

Phytochemicals (plant based chemicals) can be harnessed to combat cancer therapy side-effects.

researchers found was due to insufficient release of insulin. We didnt see any insulin resistance in their cells, but it was clear that the beta cells were not functioning properly, said the study reported online in the journal Diabetes. The cells were producing plenty of insulin, they just werent secreting it, it added. Prabhakar now hopes to investigate the effect of a drug that allows for the secretion of insulin in MADD-deficient beta cells. If this drug works to reverse the deficits associated with a defective MADD gene in the beta cells of our model mice, it may have potential for treating people with this mutation who have an insulinsecretion defect and/or type 2 diabetes, he said.

black - and isothiocyanates that are common in cauliflowers, cabbages, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, among others. These agents, in tandem with anti-cancer drugs, Roy explained, reduce the levels of certain proteins (called tumor markers) which are elevated in cancer. This, in turn, sensitizes the deadly cancer cells to opt for suicide - a process called apoptosis. Besides fighting cancer, there is another side to these natural molecules: Phytochemicals can also play a key role in cancer prevention. With arsenic in groundwater posing a "big problem" in West Bengal, prolonged exposure to the toxic substance may lead to cancer by damaging the DNA hereditary molecule.

Texas confirms 20 flu deaths

Washington: Health officials confirmed at least 20 people have died from flu, mostly H1N1 influenza, in north Texas this season, media reported Tuesday. The tally was made by health departments in Dallas county, Denton county and Tarrant county, all in north Texas, Xinhua quoted local media KHOU as saying in a report. All of the Dallas victims were adults while a child was among the two victims in Denton. Hospitals across north Texas have been seeing a "rapidly" increasing number of patients with flu-related cases, according to the report. Officials throughout the US are warning of elevated flu activity in coming weeks. Texas, Alabama,

Want to be fit? Swap unhealthy food with healthy diet

New York: Everyone wants to stay in the pink of health and it all starts from watching your diet. Grab a fruit instead of juice, replace soda with water and see how things work in your body's favor. Here are some simple food swaps that can be incorporated into your everyday routine to help you lead a healthier life, reports Choose whole fruit instead of juice: Juice tends to be high in sugar and low in fiber. Fresh fruit, on the other hand, contains more fiber than the juice and has a higher water content, both are excellent for weight loss. Eat whole grains instead of refined grains: Grains and starches are not bad but it's the kind of grain that matters. Whole grains are the best choice as they are full of nutrients and fiber. Include brown rice and oatmeal instead of white bread, white rice and white pasta. Drink water instead of soda: Soda contains pure sugar and has lots of calories. Swapping soda for water can save you hundreds of calories. For flavor, add a bit of lemon, orange or cucumber. Start your meal with a vegetable salad instead of a fried appetizer: Starting your meal with a fresh salad is a great way to include vegetables into your diet. Salad and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, full of fiber and low in calories. Choose a low fat soup instead of a creambased soup: Soup is perfect for winter season. The key is to eat a vegetable based soup and to skip the cream.

Use food items as shield against allergies in winter

New Delhi: Allergies - respiratory like asthma and bronchitis, and skin related problems such as eczema and rash - generally worsen during winter. An expert suggests ways to improve immunity by eating vitamin rich food. Allergy is a reflection of reduced immunity. To improve immunity, fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges, sweet lime and lemon should be incorporated into the diet, Ravindra Gupta, Consultant - Internal Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon said in a statement. "People should have a balanced diet with lots of green vegetables, fruits and nuts," he added. He says its best to avoid food items such as milk, yoghurt, cheese, ice cream, bananas and cucumbers as these trigger a number of problems like eczema and asthma. People with allergic tendencies are also more sensitive to smoke produced by cigarettes, vehicles or even incense sticks.

Louisiana and New York remain hotbeds for flu activity. The biggest concern is the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, which swept through many countries previously. The flu pandemic in the US began in the spring of 2009. The virus had spread to the US from an outbreak in Mexico. As of mid-March 2010, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about 59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,000 died.

Best to avoid food items such as milk, yoghurt, cheese, ice cream, bananas and cucumbers as these trigger conditions like eczema and asthma.

Common symptoms of allergies are burning eyes, cough and shortness of breath. Eat food items rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which contain natural anti-inflammatory agents to fight allergies. Good sources of Omega-3 are soya bean, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and salmon. Fruit juice and green tea should also be included in your diet.


January 18-24, 2014


'Urdu poetry website reaches ebook to take visually impaired kids to space 140 countries'
New Delhi: An Urdu poetry website launched a year ago has a readership in 140 countries and provides access to more than 8,000 ghazals and 1,000 e-books, its promoter said Saturday as he unveiled an enriched version of the site here. "I am happy to say that the website has more than 8,000 ghazals, 700 nazms and 1,000 e-books from across 700 poets," Sanjiv Saraf, an IIT-Kharagpur graduate and entrepreneur whose company is one of the world's largest producers of PET film, said at a function here to commemorate the first anniversary of "The website would not only serve as a single resource for lovers of Urdu poetry but comes with various other new features. It is more user-friendly and interactive and is loaded with more content," he added. The website is available in three languages - Urdu, Hindi and English, "thus majorly catering to all segments of users. The site has recently been made responsive, which would enable users across all platforms, including desktops and laptops, tablets and mobile phones", Saraf said. He said what differentiates the website "is its enriching content that encompasses all genres of Urdu literature. The site boasts of not only a splendid collection of Urdu poetry, ghazals, nazms, marsiyas, rekhti and short stories, but also carries may rarely available books and magazines in the form of e-books". To facilitate nascent lovers of Urdu poetry, the new website has a beginners section to guide them in exploring the world of Urdu literature. The Editor's Choice section "will enable users browse through select and quality Urdu collections which is a must-see for all visitors," Saraf pointed out. New York: Here comes a first ebook for children with visual impairments which would soon be available at Apple's iBook store and can be download for free on iPads. The book, titled 'Reach for the Stars: Touch, Look, Listen, Learn,' is inspired by a latest Hubble Space Telescope image of the colorful '30 Doradus Nebula' - a giant star-forming region. We want to convince children that science is cool, is fun and that anybody could be a scientist, if they want to, said astronomer Elena Sabbi of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland and the inspiration behind this project. 'Reach for the Stars' shows the blind that there are no barriers to scare you. And technology is improving so fast that we are sure you will be able to learn and to do things. Things are becoming more reachable, said Sabbi. Sabbi and her team are developing the book in partnership with SAS, a company based in North Carolina that develops analytics software to help people analyze and visualize data. Not just visually challenged but anyone can read the book. We created this mainstream book in a way that would benefit everybody, rather than something that is specifically dedicated to a relatively small audience of students with visual impairments, stressed Ed Summers, senior manager at SAS. The eBook would have six chapters and run about 90

Image of colorful 30 Doradus Nebula

pages. Every page of each chapter would begin with a question, followed by a short answer. Children with visual impairments would not only hear the text read to them but also access the book using a refreshable braille display, the 'VoiceOver' screen reader, or the zoom feature that is included in every iPad. Images, graphics, videos and animations would also appear in every chapter. Some of the images will be interactive. Several prominent star clusters in an image of the 30 Doradus Nebula, for example, are marked by circles. Touch a circle and a short caption appears on the screen describing the cluster. In addition to the VoiceOver and read aloud options, the book would also offer closed captioning, a compatibility option for people with hearing aids, and a highcontrast feature for those with low vision.

Jaipur's Diggi Palace: From Mothers seeks Memorise gym etiquettes heritage hotel to literature hub daughters' before you enter
Jaipur: From a mere 100 visitors in 2006 to a massive footfall of a r o u n d 200,000 in 2013, the 17th century D i g g i Palace shot into global fame from Diggi Palace being just another heritage property to a litera- scale that now we have started ture hub as it served as the constant working throughout the year on a host of the Jaipur Literature Festival daily basis to get the property ready. In the final three months in the run(JLF) for the last six years. This eclectic marriage of literature up to the festival, we work with a and heritage has benefited both. So workforce of about 100 people that much so that the Diggi Palace is includes masons, carpenters, now synonymous with the JLF. painters, and welders," says Jyotika From planning special, elaborate Kumari Diggi, wife of Ram Pratap menus to setting up colourful mar- Singh Diggi, the owner of the quees, the owners start their prepa- palace. The palatial property was convertrations three months in advance to ensure the five-day literature feast ed into a heritage hotel in 1991. Its manicured lawns, sunny courtyards doesn't disappoint. This year the festival runs from and open verandas get transformed Jan 17 to 21 and boasts of 200 into a platform for deliberations and authors from eclectic backgrounds, discussions in the balmy winter sun. The palace traces its origins to the including heavyweights like Nobel Prize winners Amartya Sen and reign of Emperor Akbar in 1524 AD Harold Varmus, Man Booker Prize when Khangarji chalked out a politiwinners Jhumpa Lahiri, Tash Aw, cal career for himself in the Mughal Alison Macleod and Jim Crace, court and created the aggressive and Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, brave lineage of Khangarwat Olympic boxing bronze medalist Rajputs. The Diggi branch of the Mary Kom and lyricists Javed Khangarwat Rajputs owes its genesis to Bhikharsinghji, the eighth son Akhtar and Prasoon Joshi. "The festival is on such a massive of Raja Khangarji.

advice to stay stylish: Study

London: Most mothers seek approval of their daughters before buying new clothes, mostly to check that they are age appropriate, according to new research. The research by a money saving website shows that 48 percent of mothers seek assurances from their daughters on how to avoid looking unflattering in the new clothes. The website polled mothers, who have at least one daughter of 16 years or over. The biggest worries for a mother are the ones like buying a dress that could be too short, or a low-cut top that they consider a little too young for them. If the daughter doesn't approve, the mother won't buy it, the survey showed. Matthew Wood of, which carried out the research, said: "It seems that many women take the lead in the fashion stakes from their daughters. The results suggest that mothers are also likely to trust their daughters to be honest with their opinion." He added: "It's probably the case that asking 'Does my bum look big in this?' of your daughter will result in a truthful answer, rather than the one you might prefer to hear." Other figures from the poll of 1,452 mothers found that two-thirds of mothers believed they are "fashion conscious", while almost two-thirds said they asked for their daughter's opinion when buying new clothes or accessories.
Keep your gear back in its place

New York: Entering the gym doesn't mean you leave behind your etiquettes. Being a bully at gym is not cool and not keeping your workout tools in place is definitely a big no. Here's a list of gym manners that you must follow, reports Clean up your toys: If you take a group class, put your gear back where it came from -- mats, dumbbells, balls, bands. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Don't be a gym

bully: It's not cool to stand uncomfortably close to someone if they are using your favourite machine or occupying your favourite spot in a room. The gym or fitness studio is supposed make everyone feel better about themselves, not just you. Prevent wardrobe malfunctions: Get some proper attire. Jeans or flip flops are a big no. Women, who dare to wear something short in a gym, should check themselves from behind first to make sure things are staying put especially if they are going to jump or run.


January 18-24, 2014


Funny Bone by Nury Vittachi

Copyright lawyers will have to go after God now

ood grief! A volcanic island in the exact shape of cartoon character Snoopy has emerged in the sea near Japan. But Snoopy is copyright. God's going to get into BIG trouble. He's done it before, mind you. Fly to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia and you'll see that the islands of Manukan, Mamutik and Sulug form a perfect smiley face: but the round smiley is a logo developed by a US insurance company in 1963. In the Spratly Islands, near the Philippines, God made an island in the exact shape of a boomerang. Were Australian aboriginals asked for permission? Having long experience of copyright problems, I can tell you that such incidents trigger an exchange of letters as follows. Dear Sir or Madam, it has come to our notice that the Pacific Ocean now features a clear likeness of our exclusively-owned intellectual property Snoopy (TM). We ask that it be removed at once; otherwise we reserve the right to use the full force of the relevant laws against you. Yours, United Licensed Products Syndicate (ULPS). attorney says you may retain the Snoopyshaped island in its present position provided you send us a $20 million a year licensing fee which you can recoup by building tacky attractions on it and charging visitors exorbitant fees. This is the normal method. Dear ULPS, That's not my style. I usually provide everything free of charge au naturale. Dear God, The fee is payable whether you monetize it or not. Incidentally, our attorney says that matter is quite a significant invention and would like to know whether you have other potentially profitable developments we could license? Dear ULPS, Sure: time, consciousness, the multiverse, 11-dimensional space, etc. Dear God, please send samples to our acquisitions department with stamped addressed envelopes for ease of return. Dear ULPS, Okay, will drop off something tonight. (One day later.) Dear God, This morning we opened the door to the acquisitions department to find that it led into a vast space 14 billion light-years across containing a mix of star systems and dark matter. Dear ULPS, Oh good, it means the multiverse I sent you has arrived. Have fun. Dear God, Our attorney fell into it and is now drifting close to Alpha Centauri, screaming. Dear ULPS, Oops, sorry! Would you like me to rescue him? Dear God, Er, no hurry.

Dear United Licensed Products Syndicate, which laws are you referring to? If it's the laws of physics, I believe I wrote them. Yours sincerely, God. Dear God, we refer to the Copyright Act of 1976, but please note: our client

Charles Shultz created Snoopy more than 60 years ago. Dear ULPS, Please note: I created all matter, including the stuff which evolved into carbon-based lifeforms such as Mr. Schultz, 13.8 billion years ago. Dear God, Do you have any proof of this? Dear ULPS, I have the universe. Will that do? Dear God, Possibly. Our attorney asks that you send us a copy. Dear ULPS, It's a bit big. Dear God, Sad to say we have empty desks as the media business has been tough in recent years. In view of this, our

Laughter is the Best Medicine

by Mahendra Shah
Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession, artist and humorist, cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording the plight of the immigrant Indians for the past many years in his cartoons. Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


January 18-24, 2014


By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

Stars Foretell: January 18-24, 2014
ARIES: At work you are likely to win appreciation and awards for past efforts. Enjoying the company of close relatives will brighten your evening. A new source of income will generate through influential contacts. Love partner touches soul that would take imagination to unlimited heights. Good time to divert attention to spirituality to enhance mental toughness. Traveling abroad can be exciting adventure that will be remembered forever. Your investment plans are at full boom and you might succeed in them. You are likely to devote time to help others. TAURUS: Your plans to organise a musical evening for team members might not materialise in this week. Shopping with family members will be highly pleasurable and exciting. Investment made in this week would enhance prosperity and financial security. Someones timely help would enable visualizing succeeding in love. A pleasure trip gives the much-needed tonic to health. Finally you have found the time for your deserving break, travel will be favourable. Your girlfriends desire for an apartment might lead to its destination. Sense of humour will help in developing healthy relations with others. GEMINI: Ineffective communication could force to suffer professional problems. You will be at the limelight in a social gathering provided you attend. An improvement in financial position would enable to make important purchases. Romantic imagination would keep you in a jovial & cheerful mood. Cutting down the number of parties and pleasure jaunts would help in keeping in good mood. Adventurous holidays, the best way to experience with your friends, time to enjoy. Time to plan a gift for your parents may be their dream home. Tough situations will be handled easily with friends help. CANCER: Timely and swift action would give an edge over others at professional front. You will be the star of attraction of familys get-together in this week. You are likely to earn monetary profits through most unexpected sources. The company of love partner makes you forget about the work. A beneficial week to work on things that will improve your health. Take a trip, as there is some place waiting for you. Its high time to think of purchasing a new office. You are likely to spellbind others by wit & repartee. LEO: Colleagues and subordinates will lend a helping hand enabling to complete the work on time. Help from family members would take care of your needs. Investment in speculation should be made with extreme care in this week. Sudden romantic encounter will lift your spirits. Your confidence and energy will be high. Great time for perfect family vacation to an exciting destination. It might be the right time to sale your empty plot as property rates are at peak. You get a great respect in friends circle. VIRGO: Success in completing difficult assignments brings a lot of laurels at work. You will enjoy the time spent with family members and friends. A sudden inflow of funds will take care of your bills and immediate expenses. Attending a social event/family function brings a romantic encounter. A week when smile will perpetually be on your face and strangers will seem familiar. Travel opportunities full of challenges are often the beginning of great enterprises. Your plan for a new house will be in process very soon. Maintaining a distance from new acquaintances would be in your interest in this week.

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Annual Predictions: For those born in this week

18th January, 14 Ruled planet: Mars Ruled by no: 9 Traits in you: Being number 9, you are one of the most energetic, courageous and brilliant person, who successfully completes the work taken in hand. You can be called cleanliness freak person. You always help those who need your help. You love to be in the company of those people who are intelligent and sophisticated. You are good at evaluating any situation and work accordingly. For you emotional happiness is more important than material happiness. Being focused in life, you climb the ladder of success. Health this year: Keeping a positive outlook towards life will give much-needed relief to your health this year. At the same time it would be in your interest to get rid of your negative emotions to bring a permanent growth in your health. Finance this year: In this year, you are likely to inherit property from ancestors, especially from your fathers side. Your technical skills and marketing knowledge would help you in earning good money. You are likely to generate a new source of income to reap handsome returns. Career this year: Hard work and the ability to take right decisions, will bring success to you in the coming year. For those, who are into business, it will be a good year. You might sign and negotiate big deals. Romance this year: This year you are likely to be touched by a wonderful emotion that can make you a giving person. As first time in the life you will find happiness in other's happiness. There is nothing to worry, as you might simply fall in love this year. Lucky month: October, December and February Lucky colors:All shades of reds, Crimson, rose and maroon. 19th January, 14 Ruled planet: Sun Ruled by no: 1 Traits in you: Being number 1, you are a person who loves originality in whatever work you do. By nature you are an authoritative person and so you always take charge of things which also makes you responsible person. If you take some task in hand, you are determined to finish it. You are very soft spoken and kind hearted person. Health this year: This year you will have to be little careful while travelling. As you will be travelling a lot this year, just keep in mind that careless driving could harm you. So, be extra careful while driving especially on turnings. Healthwise a good year ahead. Finance this year: You need to apply your thinking power to make quick decisions regarding investing the money in right place this year. You yourself would invite financial losses if you invest carelessly. You need to save yourself from investing in dubious financial schemes. Career this year: Happiness, prosperity and fame, is what most of you can expect in the coming year. Your methodical approach to work, coupled with your sincerity, will take you to newer heights in your professional career.Your quest for knowledge and research, will help you immensely in your field of work to acheive success. Romance this year: This year you are likely to develop a sudden acquaintance with a stranger who will share your thoughtsfulfill dreams and love without end. This will not only bring an everlasting fragrance of true love but also sink you slowly in the sea of love. Those who are already in a relationship, will enjoy the love and affection of their loved ones. Lucky month: July, September and January Lucky colors: Orange, gold, yellow, copper, bronze, brown. 20th January, 14 Ruled planet:Moon Ruled by no: 2 Traits in you: Being number 2, you are a person with high confidence, imagination and the one who is always ready to help others. Anyone can trust you blindly as you are very balanced person in nature. Though you are reserved personality, but when it comes to do some task, you are independent and complete your work with full determination and honesty. Health this year:This year you will have to be extra cautious about your diet and also make them others understand the value of eating healthy food. It would be in your interest to avoid junk food and as far as possible, restrain yourself from taking fried and spicy food. Finance this year: This year taking loan from bank for shortterm investment will be useful. If possible, invest the money in reputed firm to yield good returns. Carelessness on your part could cost dearly, so read all the papers carefully before signing them. Career this year: Those of you, who are in the field of journalism or teaching, can expect to reach newer heights of excellence, in the year ahead of you. If possible, take the help of like-minded friends in work. Their timely help would be crucial and beneficial for you. Romance this year: For those of you, who are going to be married, can expect success and prosperity in their married life. If possible, take sometime out for your love life. You must keep your promise even after a tight schedule otherwise it would create some strain in your relationship. Lucky month: July, November and February Lucky colors: Green, lavender, cream and white. 21st January, 14 Ruled planet: Jupiter Ruled by no: 3 Traits in you: Being number 3, you are confident, ambitious and independent person who loves to work with optimistic attitude. You are a born leader, and you are always appreciated for your work, whether it is at home or work place. Your efforts are always sincere and thats why you balance your personal and professional life very smoothly. Health this year: It is high time for you to be disciplined in eating habits. Make sure that you avoid snacking in between your meals at all costs. This would enable you to keep yourself fit and enable you to enjoy life to the fullest. Finance this year: Important projects might suffer due to shortage of funds this year. Chances are that some projects may even end half way, if some alternative arrangements are not made immediately. You need to keep the project within stipulated budget to avoid additional financial burden. Career this year: The coming year, will see you achieve honour and fame, in your professional front. You might have to travel a lot for work purpose. Make sure you use your professional expertise to solve stumbling blocks in your progress. Your little effort could resolve the problem once for all. Romance this year: A very good year to sort out all misunderstandings with lover/beloved, if you have! Let these small problems not affect your relationship. Therefore resolve all these rightno to enjoy this lovely bond. Lucky month: June, September, December and March Lucky colors: Pink, Mauve, violet and purple. 22nd January, 14 Ruled planet: Uranus Ruled by no: 4 Traits in you: Being number 4, you are a person who likes to take responsibilty and do your work with full dedication and honesty. You are a very down to earth person with religious beliefs. This year you might plan to go for a piligrimage. Sometimes you become bossy, jealous or stubborn, which you should avoid to lead a happy life with smiling people around you. Health this year: This year keep in mind that keep your cool and don't allow anybody to lose your temper on trivial issues especially when someone is deliberately trying to provoke you. Restrain yourself otherwise chances are that this might harm your personal interests. Finance this year: Most of you will be lucky in money this year. You need to grab any new business offer, which comes to your way. It might appear to be too small to invest but a closer look would be required on your part. You need to realise that it has long-term potential. Career this year: Those of you in your 40th year and above, should expect to reach the height of your professional career, in the coming year. Time to evaluate situations and work on priorities to succeed at professional front. Keep in mind that setting priorities would enable to complete work on time and at the same time give time to enjoy life. Romance this year: Most of you will be lucky in love matters. This year is likely to bring a surprise gift of love for you. You should convey your feelings to begin your ride in the sea of love. Lucky month: June, July, October and January Lucky colors: Electric blue and grey. 23rd January, 14 Ruled planet:Sun Ruled by no: 5 Traits in you: Being number 5, you are very strong headed person with friendly nature and practical thoughts. You inspire others to do their work with full dedication and perfection. You have an ability to make many friends and the best is that you are known as a very loyal friend to all your friends. This year keep control over your moody nature, which can put you in trouble. You strongly believe in destiny and have strong concentration power. This year you will feel more inclined towards religious activities. Health this year: Make sure you keep yourself away from two demons, greed and egoism to enable yourself to enjoy sound health. Their presence in your life would make it difficult for you to live a peaceful life. Finance this year: Financially too, it will be a good year. Some of you can expect to inherit property from your ancestors. It would be in your interest if you keep your investment plans secret. At this time you must focus all attention on future goals. Career this year: Those of you in the field of writing, or teaching, can expect it to be an exceptionally good year. Your extensive vocabulary and communication skills, will take you to greater heights of success. You like your projects and plans to move in double quick time. You will be able to achieve success and that too in a short time, in the coming year. Romance this year: Separation from romantic partner for few days would act as a blessing in disguise for you this year. This will make you realise that what is true love and will contribute in cementing your romantic bond. Lucky month: May, July, September and December Lucky colors: Light grey, pearl grey, turquoise and white. 24th January, 14 Ruled planet: Venus Ruled by no:6 Traits in you: Being number 6, you are lover of simplicity and originality. You are always there to help others. You are an ambitious person, who always climb the stairs of success in whatever work you take in hand. You are very out-spoken in nature and good at solving other's problem. The best quality in you is that you have an ability to laugh at yourself and make others smile. Health this year: This year as far as possible, avoid overindulgence in the work you do. Keep in mind that this will only affect your health. It would therefore be in your interest to give body the much-needed rest to keep yourself physically fit. Finance this year: Good year as investment progress by leaps & bounds. You need to invest the money in a regular income bond. You will also love to spend a lot of time in collecting donations for charitable institutions Career this year: You are full of confidence and do not underestimate you capabilities. In this year, you will try to impose your ideas on others. This may not be liked by your colleagues, who tend to drift away. You will achieve success in your pursuit of knowledge. Romance this year: This year, take a pledge that you will not get disappointed on a sad beginning in romance. Keep in mind that love being the matter of hearts takes a little time in blossoming. Just be sincere in your efforts. Lucky month: June, August, January and February Lucky colors: All shades of blue and pink.

LIBRA: Self-confident would enable to convey your point of view with ease a workplace. Your generous behaviour would enable to enjoy some lovely moments with family. Monetary position is likely to improve on recovering of delayed payments. Your physical charm would catch the attraction of opposite sex. Your energy level will be high. Better to channelise it in a positive direction. You will discover travel destinations that are unique and magical. Your loan procedures for pursuing a plot will be in process. Perfect planning would enable to get rhythm back. SCORPIO: Mental clarity gives a decisive edge over all competitors at professional front. Friends and family members would lend a helping hand. Investment in antiques & jewelry brings monetary gains and improvement in financial position. Love life blossoms paving the way for lovely times ahead. Positive outlook impresses those around you besides keeping you fit & fine. A trip that is unconventional and adventurous will be favourable enjoy every minute of it. Investment in hotel industry can be the right choice to be made. You strive to make accolades a regular feature of life. SAGITTARIUS: Calculated risks would enables to complete the project on time. An auspicious week for family functions and important ceremonies. Long pending arrears and dues will finally be recovered. A romantic encounter is likely to add spice to life. Charity work undertaken will bring mental peace & comfort. An ideal holiday is that which is planned. Investment on construction business might give fruitful results. Devoting quality time to correct behavioural flaws would benefit. CAPRICORN: A firm commitment will not only enable to achieve professional targets but also to realise your dreams. An unexpected message from a distant relative brings happy news for the entire family. Investment concerning residence will be profitable. Romantic partner would try innovative methods to catch your attention. Meditation and self-realization prove beneficial. If your family loves to travel, then put together some ideas to help you. Investing on a ship or a cruise is an exciting venture to be made. Success in creating well-defined and mature set of values. AQUARIUS: Cooperative nature brings desired results at professional front. Relatives are likely to give some valuable advice regarding personal life. Financial hassles seem to get over as someone lends a timely helping hand. Initiatives in love bring positive results as you catch the desired attention. You will have ample time to do things to improve your health. Dreaming of travelling is good, but if possible than plan a trip. The best ideas for investment are to on invest on real estate business. Developing new contacts with influential persons would help in the long run. PISCES: For some change of job would bring mental satisfaction. You receive care and affection from family members. Promising week to invest surplus money in real estate. Your generous attitude would contribute much in your love life in this week. Sound physical health will enable to participate in outdoor activities. Take some time to travel with your spouse for romance and seduction. Are you longing to buy a farmhouse, try for it? You are likely to help someone in distress in this week.


January 18-24, 2014


By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

here is a story of a beautiful queen who loved to sit under the trees and enjoy the beauty of nature. One day, as she looked up, she noticed a bee flying around a honeycomb. As she sat there, some liquid dripped onto her face. When some dripped onto her lips, she accidentally licked them and was surprised by its sweetness. She thought, This liquid dripping out is sweet. This would be great to add to tea and give it a sweeter flavor. She asked her attendants to collect some of this liquid and bring it to the palace. She took this sweet substance and experimented by flavoring different foods with it. She had discovered honey for the first time and learned how the bees made it. She continued to experiment with it to learn how it could improve the taste of food and beverages. Over time, she taught the people in her kingdom how to cook with honey. This new type of flavoring became popular throughout her kingdom. No other country had ever seen it or heard of it before. Over the years, word spread about this special flavoring that was being made in her kingdom. The queen told the people of her kingdom to keep the information on how honey was made a secret. Although people heard of the honey, no one from her kingdom would divulge the method of how it was made. Years later, the queens daughter, the princess, was invited to visit another country to visit the emperor. It was traditional to bring a gift when visiting the emperor of another country. She thought deeply about what would be special to bring to him. She asked her father, the king, what to bring. Whenever one had a problem, one would ask the wise men for a solution. The king sent for the wisest men in the land to find out what would be the most special gift that the princess could bring with her for the emperor. The princess asked, What do you think would be the most valuable gift that I could bring the emperor? The wise men thought about it for a while and told her, The secret of making honey is the most valuable

How can we be a model to others? Mahatma Gandhi once said, Be the change that you want to see in others. This profound statement holds the key to how we can inspire others to taste of the divine Nectar that has transformed our lives.
brought. She then taught the emperor the secret of how bees make honey. The emperor took care of the bees which laid more eggs. Over time they multiplied. They continued to thrive in his country. Soon there were thousands of bees. The honey they produced was used by the people of his land. Unlike the queen who discovered the honey, the emperor did not keep the information on how honey was made a secret. As a result, not only people of his country, but people throughout the world were taught the secret of honey. Before long, everyone around the world knew the secret of honey. This imaginary tale is a beautiful analogy to describe the role of the Masters and saints. The secret they share with the whole world is not physical honey, but the sweet nectar of the Divine. They share with suffering humanity the secret of how to find the sweet nectar of the Divine that leads the soul back to who was able to bring the honey out of the kingdom to impart it to the whole world. Just as the princess was able to find a way to bring the honey out of her country even though the queen tried to keep it there, so do Masters find a way to bring us knowledge of the divine honey. They are able to put people in touch with the divine nectar that reconnects our soul with God. How do they do it? They teach people through the process of initiation how to find the spiritual honey within. At the time of holy initiation, they open our third or single eye so we can contact the holy Naam within. They open our inner eye to see the Light of God, and they open our inner ear to hear the Celestial Music, or Sound of God. They teach us a method of meditation by which we can become absorbed into the inner Light and inner Sound within. Once we connect with the inner Light, we see inner vistas unfold for us. We think that honey is delicious. But of contacting the inner nectar of the Light and Sound within us. The Masters are selfless and sharing. Unlike the queen who wanted to keep the secret for herself, the Masters want to share their gift with all humanity. They are generous and want to make sure the whole world avails itself of this blessing . They make their gift known to all sincere seekers after truth. They bring this gift to people of all countries. They share the gift with people of all religions. They share it with people of all walks of life, from the rich to the poor, from those who are highly literate to those who are illiterate. They share it with people of all cultures. Just as the princess gave the honey to the emperor freely, and he, in turn, freely shared the knowledge of it with the rest of the world, so do the Masters share the gift of Naam with the world. They do not hold back the secret from anyone. How can we share the divine three steps: step one is meditation; step two is ethical living; and step three is leading a life of intoxication, joy, and bliss. If we can stop telling others how to live, but start leading a life of ethical living, meditation, and bliss ourselves, then others, on their own, will want to follow our lead. There are many people who preach leading an ethical life. But on closer examination, many of them are hypocrites who profess one way of living but do not follow it themselves. The end result is that when others see the mismatch between what the hypocrites say and what they do, others feel the hypocrites are not honest. Others see through them. This gives a bad name to leading an ethical life because others see such people teaching it but not living it. If we want to inspire others to lead an ethical life, then we need to first do so ourselves. (To be continued...)

gift you could bring him. The princess did not know what to do. It was forbidden to share the secret of making honey with anyone outside of her kingdom. How could she bring the gift without her mother, the queen, finding out? She decided the best way to bring this gift was to bring to the emperor some of the bees that made the honey. The princess asked one of her attendants to put her hair up into an elaborate hair style. She hid the eggs of the bees in the folds of her hair. Then she set off for the other country. Since no one could see the eggs in her hair she was able to transport them from her kingdom. When she reached the distant kingdom, she took care of the eggs until they hatched. She then let them grow into bees that produced the honey. She presented the honey to the emperor. He greatly appreciated the valuable gift she had

Sharing the divine honey

God. Throughout the ages, saints and Masters have blessed this earth with their spiritual teachings. Through their grace, suffering souls are able to find a way to reunite with God. Just like the queen who wanted to keep knowledge of honey a secret, so does Kal, the sustaining power, want to keep it secret that God exists and that we can reunite with God. We are kept in ignorance of the most valuable gift of all, experiencing our soul and God. We are in the dark about the fact that there is God, the soul is a part of God, and we can reunite the soul with God. The honeyed divine nectar that connects us with God is called the holy Naam, Shabd, or the Light and Sound of God. We have forgotten who we are as soul and are ignorant of reuniting our soul with the Creator. The Masters are like the princess tastier than outer honey is the honey within. This inner nectar also radiates with divine Light and sings with divine Music. We see Light of various colors and radiant inner stars, moon, and sun. We come to the most beautiful manifestation of all, the ethereal or radiant form of the Master. This form serves as our inner guide on the further journey within. The Master takes us to even more beautiful realms, from the astral to the causal and supracausal realms until we reach the souls eternal Home, Sach Khand. There, our soul merges back in God. There is no more valuable gift that can be brought to humanity than contact with the inner Light and Sound. Just as the princess brought the most valuable gift her kingdom had to offer, which was the secret of making honey, the Masters bring from God to humanity the most valuable gift, the secret

honey within? How can we be like the princess who shared the secrets so the whole world can benefit? The best way we can share the gift of what we receive with others is to be a model to inspire others to want to partake of this divine honey. How can we be a model to others? Mahatma Gandhi once said, Be the change that you want to see in others. This profound statement holds the key to how we can inspire others to taste of the divine Nectar that has transformed our lives. Rather than telling other people what they should and should not do, we can become an example of what we want others to try. When they see us living up to that example, they, on their own, will be inspired to undergo the same transformation. There are several ways in which we can be the change we want others to undergo. It is a process of

January 18-24, 2014

January 18-24, 2014

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