Two Mark

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Two marks



Define the following terms:- 1. Coplanar forces, 2. Concurrent forces.

2. Define non-coplanar concurrent forces. 3. State the necessary and sufficient condition for static equili rium of a particle in two dimensions. !. "hat is meant y free ody diagram of a rigid ody# $. %ist out the steps to e following to draw the free ody diagram of a rigid ody. &. "hat is the difference etween a resultant force and equili rant force# '. Define parallelogram law. (. State the principle of transmissi ility. ). State lami*s theorem. 1+. "hat is the condition of equili rium of a plane rigid ody# 11. "hat is unit ,ector# 12. - space force of 12+. is directed from point -/+.-1.&0 towards another point 1/(,$,-30 what is the force ,ector and the corresponding unit ,ector# 13. - space force of magnitude 2+2. acts on a particle at &++ to the 3-a4is and !$ to the 5-a4is. find the components of the force along 3,6 7 8- direction. 1!. "hat is the different etween a resultant force and equili rant force# 1$. 9ind the magnitude and direction cosines of the resultant of two concurrent forces. 91 :!i:(;-(<, 1&. 92 : $i-(;:!< 1'. "hat is meant y force-couple system#

1(. 9ind =- 7 =1 of the eam shown in fig. 1). State ,arignon*s theorem of moments. 2+. State the conditions for equili rium of rigid ody. 21. "ith neat s<etches represent the reaction components of hinge and fi4ed supports. 22. "rite the condition of equili rium of a system of parallel force acting in a plane. 23. Define equi,alent system of forces. 2!. >4plain the term free ody diagram. 2$. >4plain the term moment and couple. 2&. .ame any four types of eams. 2'. ?n the eam shown in fig. 9ind the ,alue of @"* if the support reaction at C is 11. upwards UNIT !III PROPERTIES OF RIGI BO IES

1. Define the term Centre of gra,ity. 2. 3. !. $. &. '. (. ). State parallel a4is theorem with simple s<etch. Define radius of gyration. State principal a4es of inertia. "hat is the ,alue of moment of inertia of a circular section of $+mm radius a out this a4is# - semi circular lamina ha,ing radius 1++mm is located in the 36 plane such that its diametral edge coincides with 6-a4is, Determine the 3 co-ordinate of its centroid. State perpendicular a4is theorem. Calculate moment of inertia ?44 for plane is shown in fig. -ll dimensions are in mm. %ocate the centroid A of the shaded area which is o tained y cutting the quadrant of a circle from a square of side a.

1+. Define the product of inertia. 11. %ocate the centroid of the plane area shown in figure elow. 12. 9ind the moments of inertia a out oth the centroidal a4es. 13. %ocate the centre of gra,ity of the area shown in the following figure with respect to the 4 and y a4is. Bhe dimensions shown are in cm. 1!. Determine the moment of inertia of the gi,en ? section gi,en in the fig. a out its hori5ontal and ,ertical a4is passing through the centre of gra,ity.

1$. 9ind the moment of inertia of the gi,en % section gi,en in the fig. a out its hori5ontal and ,ertical a4is passing through the centre of gra,ity. -lso find the polar moment of inertia /-ll dimensions are in mm0.



1. - ody mo,es along a straight line so that its displacement from a fi4ed point on the line is gi,en y s:3t 2 C2t. 9ind the ,elocity and acceleration at the end of 3 seconds. 2. - particle of mass 1+ <g falls ,ertically from a height of 1++m from ground. "hat is the change in potential energy when it has reached a height of $+ m# 3. "hen do we say that the motion of a ody is impending# !. Dow do, at any gi,en instant, the ,elocity and acceleration of different points of a rigid ody ,ary when it is undergoing translation# $. Differentiate etween <inematics and <inetics. &. Define the wor< energy principle for the ody under translation.

'. Define coefficient of friction. (. Define newtonEs ?? Flaw for the ody rotating a out fi4ed a4is. ). - stone is dropped from the top of a water. ?t stri<es the ground after ! seconds. 9ind the height of the water. 1+. State the principle of wor< and energy. 11. "hen do we say that the motion of a ody is impending# 12. - rigid ody rotates a out a fi4ed a4is. "rite the e4pression for angular ,elocity when the rotation is uniformly accelerated. o,er the

13. G9riction is more when the ody is sliding, it is less when the ody rolls surfaceE- State true or false and ;ustify. 1!.

- particle is pro;ected into space at an angle of !+H to the hori5ontal, reaches the highest point in $ seconds. 9ind the ,elocity with which it is pro;ected into space.

1$. "hat is meant y general plane motion# Ai,e e4ample. 1&. - circular wheel of weight 2$+. and radius 3++ mm rolls along a straight line with a linear ,elocity of +.!$ mIs. 9ind the angular momentum of the rolling wheel. 1'. "ith the gi,en initial ,elocity of pro;ector, find the angle of pro;ection for which the range is ma4imum.

1(. - all is dropped on a smooth floor from a height of 1 m. ?f the first re ound height is (1 cm, find the coefficient of restitution. 1). Bhe tension in the tight side of a elt ha,ing an angle of lap of 1&+ o is $++..9ind the tension in the slac< side if the coefficient of friction is +.1$. 2+. "hat is meant y ?nstantaneous centre of rotation# 21. Bhe angular rotation of an accelerated disc is gi,en y J : /)I320t 3C /3I!0t2C &t radians. 9ind its angular acceleration when t :2 sec. 22. "hat is linear momentum# 23. Define: coefficient of static friction. 2!. - ody is rotating with an angular ,elocity of $ radiansIsec. -fter ! seconds, the angular ,elocity of the ody ecomes 13 radiansIsec. Determine the angular acceleration of the ody. 2$. Dynamic friction is always greater than static friction. Kustify. 2&. Do you accept the frictional force decreases slightly with the increase of speed# 2'. "hat is dynamic equili rium# 2(. Ai,e e4pression for <inetic energy of a rotating ody. 2). - spring gets compressed y 2++ mm under the action of a load. 9ind the wor< done y the spring ta<ing the spring modulus as 2<.Im. 3+. - all re ounds ,ertically from a hori5ontal concrete floor to a height of 1+ m. Ln the ne4t re ound, it rises to a height of '.$ m. 9ind the coefficient of restitution etween the floor and the all. 31. - loc< weighing !+. is ;ust mo,ed along hori5ontal plane y applying a hori5ontal force of 1& .. 9ind the coefficient of friction. 32. Define the pro;ectile. 33. - car is tra,eling with 1++ <mph M applied with ra<es at the instant it approaches a cur,e of radius 1++m. -fter 3s its ,elocity has een reduced to &+ <mph. "hat is total acceleration of the car immediately after the ra<es has een applied# 3!. Define the impulse and momentum. 3$. "rite down the equation of principle of wor< and >nergy for Aeneral Nlane motion of a =igid 1ody. 3&. State .ewtonEs law concerning equili rium of particle. 3'. "hat do you mean y impact of elastic odies# 3(. "hat is coloum friction#

3). Define coefficient of 2inetic friction. !+. - elt runs o,er a pulley of 1.$ m diameter at 2$+ rpm. Bhe angle of contact is 12+ o and the coefficient of friction is +.3. ?f the ma4imum tension in the elt is !++ ., find the power transmitted y the elt. !1. Nro,e that the distance co,ered y a ody mo,ing along a straight line with an initial ,elocity GuE and acceleration GaE during the nth second of its motion is uC/aI20/2n-10. !2. "rite the "or< F >nergy equation for translation, indicating the meaning of each quantity in it. !3. - uniform cylinder rolls without slip along a hori5ontal le,el surface with a transitional ,elocity of +.2 mIsec. ?f its mass is +.1 <g and radius is 1++ mm, what is its total <inetic energy# !!. State any two important laws of friction. !$. - particle mo,es along 4-a4is and its position is e4pressed as 4 : 3.$t 3-'t2 where 4 is in mts and t is in seconds. Determine the displacement during 3 seconds. !&. Define coefficient of restitution. !'. 9or a pulley of diameter 2 m, On : ! mIs2 and Ot : ).1' radIs2. 9ind the total acceleration. !(. State the ?mpulse Pomentum principle. "rite its equation form, stating the meaning of each term in it. !). Deri,e the relation etween angular ,elocity and linear ,elocity. $+. State D @-lem ert*s principle. $1. >4plain the terms power and energy. $2. ?f 4: 3.$t3-'t2, determine acceleration, ,elocity and position of the particle , when t: $ sec. $3. - stone is pro;ected at such an angle that the hori5ontal range is !Q3 times the ma4imum height. 9ind the angle of pro;ection. $!. Consider a wheel rolling on a straight trac<. ?llustrate the characteristics of general plane motion. $$. "rite wor< energy of rigid ody. Pention the meaning for all parameters used in the equation. $&. Define the term @angle of repose*. $'. "hat is mean y Centrode# $(. - ody is mo,ing with a ,elocity of ! mIsec. -fter $ seconds, the ,elocity of the ody ecomes 1! mIsec. Determine acceleration of the ody.

$). "hat is instaneous ,elocity and instaneous acceleration# &+. Ai,e the equation for elt friction and e4plain the components. &1. - particle starting from rest, mo,es in a straight line and its acceleration is gi,en y a: !+ F !&t2 mIsec2R where t is in sec. Determine the ,elocity of the particle when it has tra,elled y $2 m. &2. - steel all is thrown ,ertically upwards from the top of a uilding 2$ m a o,e the ground with an initial ,elocity of 1( mIsec. 9ind the ma4imum height reached y the all from the ground. &3. State the laws of dry friction# &!. "hat is general plane motion# &$. "hat is limiting friction# &&. Ai,e two e4amples of general plane motion.

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