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Leave Policy for XLNT Communications & B.P.O.

PURPOSE OF LE !E" Leave is granted to employees with the good intention of providing rest, recuperation of health and for fulfilling social obligations. This provides for a healthy and efficient staff for the company. LE !E #E R N$ PPL%C B%L%T#"

Leave is not a matter of ri&'t. Sanctioning of leave is at Management discretion based on exigencies of business or seriousness of the case. Leave year is from 1st January to 1st !ecember. "ligible leave is credited to the employees on the 1 st of January every year. The different types of leaves given under the policy are# Casual Leave (CL) Sic* Leave (SL) Earne+ Leave (EL) ,aternity Leave (,L) Loss Of Pay (LOP)

T'e Leave -olicy is a--lica.le for all -ermanent staff of t'e com-any. "mployees who are appointed during the course of the year shall be entitled to the above leaves on pro$rate basis. Em-loyees /'ose +ate of 0oinin& service falls .et/een 1st to t'e 12t' of a mont' are entitle+ to &et t'e leave cre+it for t'at mont'. Em-loyees /'ose +ate of 0oinin& service falls .et/een 13 t' to t'e en+ of t'e mont' are not entitle+ for t'e leave cre+it for t'at mont'. %f an employee is relieved on any day between 1 st to 1&th of a month, then he ' she is not entitled for leaves due for that month. %f an employee happens to leave on any day between 1( th to the end of the month then he ' she is entitled for leaves due for that month. C SU L LE !E

EL%4%B%L%T#" )ll permanent staff *asual leave is calculated for a period of one year +January to !ecember, ENT%TLE,ENT" 1. 5 +ays of Casual Leave in a calen+ar year. -. ) minimum of half *L can be availed . a maximum of . %f *L extends beyond &. days in a row can be ta/en. days of *L at a stretch. days, then the excess days ta/en will be treated under L01.

2. %t is up to the Management3s discretion to sanction more than

4ational ' 5estival ' !eclared ' wee/ly off days can be prefixed and ' or suffixed to *L.

(. %ntervening 4ational ' 5estival ' !eclared holidays will NOT be counted as part of the leave. 6. 7alanced *L remaining unutili8ed as on 1st !ecember will lapse.

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9. :hen leave is ta/en without prior sanction +under certain unavoidable circumstances,, the absence should be notified to the respective ;. 0. ! 3s on the same day through phone. <. )pproved leave application should reach the ;= department within re>oining. S%C6 LE !E EL%4%B%L%T# )ll permanent staff ENT%TLE,ENT" 1. -. 7. ;. 2. 3. 5. 9. <. 1?. 5 +ays of Sic* Leave (SL) in a calen+ar year. ) minimum of half SL can be availed . a maximum of whatever is re?uired or whatever is available, whichever is lesser %f SL e8ten+s .eyon+ 7 +ays9 it 'as to .e accom-anie+ /it' a $octor:s certificate %n case a+e<uate of SL is not availa.le /it' an em-loyee9 'e can clu. EL /it' it. %f EL is also not availa.le9 t'en it /ill .e treate+ as LOP. %ntervenin& National = Festival = $eclare+ 'oli+ays /ill .e counte+ as -art of t'e leave. Balance+ SL remainin& unutili>e+ as on 71 st $ /ill .e carrie+ for/ar+ to t'e ne8t year total of 7? SL can .e accumulate+ after /'ic' it /ill start la-sin& %nability to attend office because of any sic/ness should be notified to the respective ;. 0. !3s on the same day through phone. --rove+ leave a--lication s'oul+ reac' t'e @R +e-artment /it'in 7 /or*in& +ays of re0oinin&. E RNE$ LE !E (EL) EL%4%B%L%T# 1. )ll permanent staff. -. "L is calculated for the days wor/ed during the previous calendar year. ENT%TLE,ENT 1. 1 "L for every -@ wor/ing days -. "L will be credited to permanent staff only on completion of one year of service with the company. . The days served under probation will be ta/en into account for "L eligibility. 2. "L can be availed only on prior approval. &. 4ational ' declared ' festival ' wee/ly off days can be prefixed and ' or suffixed to "L. (. %ntervening 4ational ' declared ' festival ' wee/ly off days will NOT BE counted as part of the leave. 5. @alf +ay of EL cannot .e ta*en. A. Balance+ EL remainin& unutili>e+ as on 71st $ can .e carrie+ for/ar+. B. EL can .e accumulate+ for a ma8imum of B? +ays. wor/ing days of

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ccumulate+ EL over an+ a.ove B? +ays can .e encas'e+ at t'e rate of last .asic -ay +ra/n on t'e 71st of ,arc' or +urin& final settlement in case of resi&nation = retirement = termination.


t t'e time of resi&nation = retirement = termination t'e .alance EL /ill .e encas'e+ at t'e .asic -ay rate as on t'e +ay of resi&nation = retirement.

1-. )ny absence of more than the number of "L sanctioned will be treated as leave without pay, unless given valid reasons to the management. , TERN%T# LE !E (,L) EL%4%B%L%T#" )ll married female staff. ENT%TLE,ENT" 1. 92 days of paid Maternity Leave is allowed to females who have to deliver a child -. ) female employee can ad>ust this leave before and after the delivery of child totaling it to 92 days. . 7efore availing this leave, a certificate from the gynecologist has to be submitted mentioning the expected date of delivery. 2. %ntervening 4ational ' declared ' festival ' wee/ly off days will be counted as part of leave. &. %f, because of any complication, leave has to be extended, it can be done but will fall under L01. LOSS OF P # (LOP) 1. L01 can be applied by an employee when no other leave is available. C. $urin& t'e -erio+ of LOP9 t'e em-loyee is not entitle+ for any -ay or allo/ance. . ) maximum of months of L01 can be availed on the approval of the management. +"xceptional cases li/e ML'SL, etc., ;. %f t'e em-loyee fails to re-ort to +uty on t'e s-ecifie+ +ate after t'e sanctione+ LOP9 it is +eeme+ t'at t'e em-loyee 'as 'is service /it' t'e com-any on 'is o/n accor+. &. L01 can be implicated on disciplinary grounds with regard to attendance by the management regardless to the availability of the other types of leave. 3. LOP +ays /ill not .e ta*en for EL eli&i.ility. CO,PENS TOR# OFF 1. %f an em-loyee is re<uire+ to /or* on any im-ortant assi&nment on a National = Festival = $eclare+ = /ee*ly off +ay9 'e is eli&i.le for Com-ensatory off on any ot'er /or*in& +ay. C. Official a--roval is re<uire+ from t'e +e-artment 'ea+ = mana&ement to /or* on suc' National = Festival = $eclare+ = /ee*ly off +ays. No com-ensatory offs /ill .e entertaine+ /'en /or*e+ on t'ese +ays /it'out -ro-er a--roval. 7. T'e com-ensatory off 'as to .e availe+ /it'in a -erio+ of t'ree mont's from t'e +ate /or*e+.


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;. Com-ensatory off /'en not availe+ /it'in t'e sti-ulate+ time -erio+ /ill la-se. 2. Only t/o +ays of com-ensatory offs can .e com.ine+ an+ availe+ at a stretc'. LE !E SETTLE,ENT $UR%N4 RES%4N T%ON = RET%RE,ENT = TER,%N T%ON" %f an employee to be relieved has availed more number of *L against the number of months he has wor/ed, then the excess *L will be deducted during his final settlement. "L for the days wor/ed till the employee3s date of relieving will be calculated and paid during the final settlement, provided he ' she fulfils "L eligibility criteria. PROCE$URE FOR PPL#%N4 LE !E The available leave balance is to be chec/ed by the employee with the ;= department and the leave to be applied by duly filling up the leave application form. The application has to be forwarded by the employee to their departmental head for approval. The departmental head is authori8ed to either grant or disapprove the leave on valid grounds. The approved leave application has to be submitted to the ;= department for recordings and subse?uent processing. C NCELL T%ON OF LE !E 1. The department head can also cancel the once sanctioned leave on situational ' need basis. %f an employee proceeds to avail the cancelled leave then those days will be treated as absence from duty and the rules pertaining to absence from duty will be applied. EXTENS%ON OF LE !E 1. )s it is necessary to get prior approval for leave so it is also for extension of leave. The employee has to apply to his'her department head for extension of leave well in advance and get it sanctioned to avail them. %n case an employee overstays, the unsanctioned leave availed will be treated as absence from duty. BSENCE FRO, $UT# 1. :hen an employee ta/es off from duty without prior leave approval or proper intimation under certain unavoidable circumstances, then those day'days will be treated as absence from duty. -. T'e +ays of a.sence /ill .e treate+ un+er Loss of Pay. . The employee has to report to his ' her department head on re>oining duty from absence and provide valid reasons for absence in writing before ta/ing up wor/ again. 2. %f an employee is absent from duty continuously for more than 6 days +including any 4ational ' 5estival ' !eclared ' wee/ly off days which may fall in$between,, an official correspondence from the ;= department will be sent to him as/ing to report to duty and to provide explanation for his absence. &. 7ased on the en?uiry any action deemed fit will'would be ta/en by the management.

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(. %f there were no response from the employee within the stipulated time mentioned in official correspondence, it would be assumed that the employee has withdrawn his service from the company on his own accord and recorded accordingly.

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