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NOTES (2) Post weld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions PWHT (a) For welded joints over 38mm nominal thickness. 38mm (b) For welded joints over 32mm nominal thickness Through 38mm nominal thickness unless preheat Is applied at a minimum temperature 93 Centigrade during welding 32mm~38mm 93 (c) For weld joints of all thickness if required by UW-2, except post weld heat treatment is not Mandatory under the conditions specified below UW-2 PWHT , PWHT . (1) For groove welds not over 13mm(1/2) size and Fillet welds with a throat not over 13mm(1/2) that Attach nozzle connections that have a finished inside Diameter not greater than 51mm(2), provided the Connections do not form ligaments that require an Increase in shell or head thickness, and preheat to a Minimum temperature of 93 Centigrade is applied. 13mm 51mm form ligaments 93 PWHT .

Form Ligaments

(2) For groove welds not over 13mm in (1/2) size or Fillet welds with a throat thickness of 13mm(1/2) Or less that attach tube to tubesheet when the tube Diameter does not exceed 50mm. A preheat of 95 Centigrade minimum must be applied When the carbon content of the tubesheet exceeds 0.22% 50mm 13mm 0.22% 95 PWHT . (3) For groove welds not over 13mm in (1/2) size or Fillet welds with a throat thickness of 13mm(1/2) Or less used for attaching nonpresure parts to Pressure parts provided preheat to a minimum temp. 95 Centigrade is applied when the thickness of the Pressure parts exceeds 32mm. 13mm 32mm 95 PWHT . (4) For studs welded to pressure parts provided preheat To a minimum temp. of 95 Centigrade is applied when The thickness of the pressure part exceed 32mm 32mm 95 PWHT . (5) For corrision resistant weld metal overlay cladding of For welds attaching corrision resistant applied lining

(see UCL-34) provided preheat to a minimum temp. of 95 Centigrade is maintained during application of the first layer when the thickness of the pressure part exceeds 32mm 32mm 95 PWHT . (c) (1) ~(5) (1) Shell plate Hole( 50mm ) (2) Tube to Tubsheet (3) Nonpresure parts to Pressure parts (4) For studs welded to pressure parts (5) For corrision resistant weld metal overlay cladding

PWHT Notch PWHT UCS-56 . UCS-56 (f)

Weld repairs to P-No 1 Group No 1,2 and 3 materials and P-No 3 Group No 1,2 and 3 materials and to the weld metals used to join These materials may be made after the final PWHT but prior to The final hydrostatic test, without additional PWHT PWHT P-No 1 (Gr1,2 &3) P-No 3 (Gr1,2 &3) 13mm 13mm 95 PWHT .

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