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NYMBLE: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks

A thesis submitted in artial !ul!illment o! the academic re"uirement !or the award o! degree o!

MA#$E% &' $E()N&L&*Y

+(om uter #cience , Engineering-


Mohammad .ainuddin +/0%0/12304Under the Esteemed guidance of

Mr5 15 Baswara6
Associate Professor, Department of CSE

(M% 7N#$7$U$E &' $E()N&L&*Y

+A roved by A7($E8 A!!iliated to 9N$U8 )yderabad:andlakoya8 Medchal %oad8 %5%5 1ist5 )yderabad5


(M% 7N#$7$U$E &' $E()N&L&*Y

(Approved by AICTE, Affi iated to !"TU, #u$atpa y% #and a$oya, &edcha 'oad, (yderabad

1e artment o! (om uter #cience , Engineering

This is to certify that the Thesis entit ed )"*&+,E- + oc$ing &isbehaving Users in "et/or$s0 is being submitted by &ohammad 1ainuddin /ith (2T2"o2 34'43D5647 in partia fu fi ment of the re8uirement for the a/ard of the degree of &2Tech in Computer Science 9 Engineering to the !a/ahar a "ehru Techno ogica University (yderabad is a record of bonafide /or$ carried out by him under my:our guidance and supervision from ;<=34=;433 to ;5=46=;43;2 The resu ts presented in this thesis have been verified and are found to be satisfactory2 The resu ts embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any other University for the a/ard of any other degree or dip oma2

7nternal *uide
+Mr5 15 Baswara6-

+=ro!5 =5 =avan :umar-

=rinci al
+1r5 M5 9anga %eddy-




I am e>treme y gratefu to 1r5 M5 9anga %eddy, Principa and =ro!5 =5 =avan :umar, (?D, 1e artment o! (#E8 (M% 7nstitute o! $echnology5 I am e>treme y than$fu to Mr5 15 Baswara68 Pro@ect Coordinator and Interna Auide, Department of CSE, for his constant guidance, encouragement and mora support throughout the pro@ect2 I /i be fai ing in duty if I do not ac$no/ edge /ith gratefu than$s to the authors of the references and other iteratures referred in this Pro@ect2 I e>press my than$s to a staff members and friends for a the he p and co=ordination e>tended in bringing out this Pro@ect successfu y in time2 Bina y, I am very much than$fu to my parents /ho guided me for every step2

+Mohammad .ainuddin1ate: =lace:


A+ST'ACT net/or$s such as Tor a o/ users to access Internet services private y by using a series of routers to hide the c ientCs IP address from the server2 The success of such net/or$s, ho/ever, has been imited by users emp oying this anonymity for abusive purposes such as defacing popu ar /ebsites2 Debsite administrators routine y re y on IP=address b oc$ing for disab ing access to misbehaving users, but b oc$ing IP addresses is not practica if the abuser routes through an net/or$2 As a resu t, administrators b oc$ a $no/n e>it nodes of net/or$s, denying anonymous access to misbehaving and behaving users a i$e2 To address this prob em, /e present "ymb e, a system in /hich servers can )b ac$ ist0 misbehaving users, thereby b oc$ing users /ithout compromising their anonymity2 ?ur system is thus agnostic to different serversC definitions of misbehavior E servers can b ac$ ist users for /hatever reason, and the privacy of b ac$ isted users is maintained2


S 2"o2
32 3232 32;2 32F2 32<2 3252 32G2 32H2 3262 3272 ;2

Particu ars
Introduction Prob em Definition E>isting System and its ,imitations Proposed System Advantages of Proposed System Beasibi ity Study (ard/are and Soft/are 'e8uirements Bunctiona 'e8uirements "on=Bunctiona 'e8uirements Pseudo 'e8uirements

Page "o2
3 ; ; ; F < 5 5 5 5 G G G 6 7 7 33 33 33 33 33 33 3; 3G 3G 3H 36 37 ;4 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;; ;; ;; ;; ;F ;F ;F ;<

,iterature Survey ;232 Previous /or$ done in b oc$ing of users in net/or$s ;23232 Pseudonymous Credentia Systems ;232;2 Anonymous Credentia Systems ;232F2 Ierifier= oca 'evocation (I,'% ;2;2 Proposed Dor$ Ana ysis and Design F232 &odu es Description F23232 "ymb e &anager F232;2 Pseudonym &anager F232F2 + ac$ isting a User F232<2 "ymb e=Authenticated Connection F2;2 Data B o/ Diagrams F2F2 U&, Diagrams F2F232 Use Case Diagram F2F2;2 C ass Diagram F2F2F2 Se8uence Diagram F2F2<2 Activity Diagram F2F252 Co aboration Diagram Imp ementation <232 Process Specification <23232 Input Design <232;2 ?b@ectives <232F2 ?utput Design <2;2 Techni8ues Used <2;232 + ac$ isting Anonymous Users <2;2;2 Practica Performance <2;2F2 ?pen=Source Imp ementation <2F2 A gorithms Used <2F232 A gorithm for Pseudonym Creation <2F2;2 A gorithm for Aranting "ymb e Tic$ets <2F2F2 A gorithm for "otifying Users about their status



S 2"o2

Particu ars

Page "o2
;5 ;5 ;5 ;H ;H ;7 F4 F3 F3 F5 F7 F7 <F 53 5G HH HH HH HH HH HH HH H6 H6 H6 H6 H7 H7 64 64 64 64 6; 6F 65

<2<2 Techno ogy Description <2<232 !ava Techno ogy <2<2;2 The !ava Programming ,anguage <2<2F2 The !ava P atform <2<2<2 Dhat can !ava Techno ogy doJ <2<252 (o/ /i !ava Techno ogy Change ,ifeJ <2<2G2 ?D+C <2<2H2 !D+C <2<262 !D+C Aoa s <2<272 "et/or$ing <252 Samp e Coding <25232 Samp e code for c ient ogin <252;2 Samp e code for server ogin <252F2 Samp e code for "ymb e &anager <2G2 Screenshots 52 Testing and Debugging 5232 Types of Testing 523232 + ac$ +o> Testing 5232;2 Dhite +o> Testing 5232F2 Unit Testing 5232<2 Test Strategy and Approach 52;2 Test ?b@ectives 52F2 Beatures to be tested 52F232 System Testing 52F2;2 Integration Testing 52F2F2 Bunctiona Testing 52F2<2 Test case tab e 52F252 Kuery 52<2 Test P an 52<232 +ottom up approach 52<2;2 Top do/n approach 5252 Test cases Conc usion 'eference : +ib iography Appendi>

G2 H2 62


,ist of Bigures
32 ;2 F2 <2 52 G2 H2 62 72 342 332 3;2 3F2 3<2 352 3G2 3H2 362

Pro@ect Architecture Pseudonymous System B o/ Diagram Anonymous Credentia Systems ?vervie/ "ymb e Design DBD for "ymb e &odu es ?vervie/ B o/chart of Dho e Pro@ect DBD for Server DBD for C ient Use case Diagram for user ogin and server ogin

Page "o2
F H 6 34 3F 3F 3< 35 3G 3H 36 37 ;4 ;G ;G ;H ;7 F<

C ass Diagram for user and nymb e manager interaction Se8uence Diagram for c ient, server and "& interactions Activity Diagram for user and server Co aboration Diagram for "ymb e System Dor$ing of Interpreter Dor$ing of !ava Program !ava API !ava IDE !ava Program going through Compi ers and Interpreter


,ist of Tab es
Tab e2"o2 Description Page "o2

32 ;2 F2

"ymb e Server ,ogin Test Tab e C ient ,ogin Test Tab e + oc$ing Test Tab e

64 63 63

,ist of Screenshots
SS2"o2 Particu ars Page "o2

32 ;2 F2 <2 52 G2 H2 62 72 342 332 3;2 3F2 3<2

"ymb e Server "ymb e Server Inva id ,ogin "ymb e Server Ia id ,ogin

5G 5H 56

"ymb e &anager /ith 'esources and hand ing b oc$ed IP=addresses 57 &isbehaving Users Info C ient 'egistration Server 'egistration User ,ogin User ,ogin #ey Avai ab e 'esources Accessing of Bi e Authenticate "ymb e Page "ymb e Deb Page=3 "ymb e Deb Page=;

G4 G3 G; GF G< G5 GG GH G6 G7

,ist of Screenshots
SS2"o2 Particu ars Page "o2

352 3G2 3H2 362 372 ;42 ;32

Server Iie/ Iia Android &obi e Pseudonym &anager=3 Pseudonym &anager=; Inva id PDD for 3st Time Inva id PDD for ;nd Time Inva id PDD for Frd Time + oc$ing of User on Frd Drong Attempt

H4 H3 H; HF H< H5 HG


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