Design Boards For Web

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~ Visual Research

Jamie Pudsey ~ Design For Web

Website Influences
My interests lie in drawing maps which illustrate the feature of a certain area and which also act as functional wayfinding system which the general public can use. Im also interested in promoting cycling as a trendy activity in a local area to an audience who arent just doing it for the fitness side it.W

Website Layouts


~ Initial Ideas

Jamie Pudsey ~ Design For Web

/ 01 / /

~ Initial idea
The first idea I had for this website was for it to be a website which catalogues the different types of map designs and illustrations into categories such illustrations, functional, etc. However, through discussing and presenting my idea I found that this idea has a flaw which is that there is no difference between this and my maps board on Pinterest.

~ Hey Studio

~ Mike Lemanski

~ Pinterest

~ Changing my idea
I I then thought, instead of showcasing map designs in my website I would rather design and illustrate my own maps using the design I have been researching in my summer brief as inspiration. This map had to have a purpose and a function so I though of three purposes for the map.

1. Alternative Student Map of Leeds 2. Tourism Map of Leeds 3. Cycling Map of Leeds ~ Leeds shiftless when idle ~ Deanna Halsall Londons 100 Hidden gems

~ Cycling map of Leeds

I started to analyse the type of maps I was researched and I found that map illustrations were mainly tourism maps. I decided to specify the audience of my map to cycling tourists living or visiting leeds.

~ Making a map into a website.

With websites such as Google maps and Sustrans, anyone can plot out a route online and it can tell them the distance, duration, traffic free roads, etc However it is difficutl to find a website which brings together an online community of cyclists who live and work in Leeds. ~ Leeds Cycling Map ~ Sustrans ~ Google Maps

~ Concept

Jamie Pudsey ~ Design For Web

/ 02 / /

~ Concept
My idea for this brief is to combine functionality and aesthetically pleasing illustrations together. The aim of this website is also to make cycling trips appeal to a younger trendier audience.

~ Russell Bell Navigator Map

~ Esther Aarts

~ Joo Lauro Fonte

~ The stylish guide to urban cycling

~ Target Audience
My target Audience for this website are men & women who go on cycling days out for leisure & tourism, not purely fitness reasons, at the age of 25 - 40, possibly with a family.

~ Social Networking
To create a bigger online community I have decided that an social netowrk links should be on the website

~ Instagram Feed

~ Visual Research

Jamie Pudsey ~ Design For Web

/ 03 / /

Website Influences

~ Website Layouts

~ Maps

~ Visuals

Jamie Pudsey ~ Design For Web

/ 03 / /

~ Buttons

~ Map

~ Home page

~ Logo

~ App

~ Jamie Pudsey Design For Web

~ App Proposal

~ App Proposal
I decided to propose an app to join with the Leeds Cycle map website. The app works in a similar way to my website, however its meant to be used on smart phones & tablets. This means that people can use whilst on the move (whilst cycling). The App uses technology from google maps to calculate the cycle freindly routes, which are shown on my website, in real time.

~ Social Networking
The app includes social networking links to make it easier for viewer to interact with the online community by allowing them to tweet, facebook and instagram about their cycle trip.

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