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In Squamous Cell Carcinoma of esophagus, which is the most important factor t o consider in terms of prognosis? a. Degree of differentiation b. Duration of Symptoms c. Method of treatment d. Stage at the time of Diagnosis 2. a. b. c. d. Esophageal varices are located at what layer? Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis Mucosa Myenteric

3. Histological examination of acute appendicitis will display which of the foll owing? a. skip lesion b. Infiltration by Trypanosoma sp. c. Intramural acute Inflammation d. Granulomatous Inflammation 4. Loss of ganglion cells in the esophagus Answer: Achalasia 5. H pylor a. Chronic active gastritis b. Crohn s dse c. Ulcerative colitis d.?? 6. Adenocarcinoma of the colon may be seen most frequently with which of the fol lowing? a. Crohn s disease b. Diverticulosis c. Hamartomatous polyps d. Ulcerative colitis 7. What produces clinical symptoms of abdominal cramps, diarrhea and bronchospas m in a carcinoid tumor? a. Carcinoembryonic Antigen b. AFP c. hCG d. Serotonin 8. 9. a. b. c. d. Gastric phase sight, taste& smell Mechanical stimuli Chemical stimulation Vagal stimulation

10. Tracheoesophageal is a complication of what disease? a. Bronchogenic Carcinoma b. Tracheal Carcinoma c. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the esophagus

d. Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus 11. Early sign of reflux esophagitis? a. Basal zone hyperplasia b. intraepithelial eosinophil c. intraepithelial neutrophil d. papilla extension(?) in the muscosa 12. Achalasia results from a loss in? a. Vagal tone b. Myenteric plexus c. Auerbach plexus d. All 13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of congenital pyloric stenosi s? a. Male Preponderance b. firm ovoid palpable mass c. hypertrophy of long muscle layer d. visible peristalsis 14. Hamartomatous intestinal polyps are typical of which of the following? a. Turcot Syndrome b. Gardner Syndrome c. Peutz-Jeger Syndrome d. Lynch Syndrome 15. Active lesion in acute gastritis? a. mucosal hyperemia b. neutrophils upon epithelial surface c. loss of superficial epithelium d. all of the above 16. Most common cause of death in peptic ulcer disease a. bleeding b. perforation c. malignant change d. severe anemia 17. 18. 19. Pathology/Morphology of Meitenier Syndrome 20. Normal turnover of gastric mucosa 21-25 Matching type a. Ulcerative colitis b. Crohn s disease c. Both d. Neither B. C. B. A. B. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Skip lesions Malignant potential Granulomatous form Superficial ulcers Transmural involvement

26. In Centrilobular necrosis, characteristics of ischemic injury and drug react

ion occurs immediately around which structure? a. bile duct b. hepatic artery c. portal vein d. hepatic vein 27. Type of hepatitis characterized by massive necrosis of liver cells resulting in rapid onset of hepatic failure within 2-3 weeks a. Chronic active hepatitis b. Chronis persistent hepatitis c. fulminant hepatitis d. subacute hepatitis 28. Most common intrahepatic cause of portal hypertension A. Right Sided Heart Failure B. Thrombosis C. Schistosomiasis D. Cirrhosis 29. 30. Hereditary form of hyperbilirubinemia characterized by pigmented cytoplasmic globules in the liver A. Crigler Najjar Syndrome B. Gilbert Syndrome C. Dubin Johnson Syndrome D. Rotor Syndrone 31. Hereditary form of hyperbilirubinemia characterized by absence of UGT1A1 act ivity A. Crigler Najjar Syndrome Type I B. Crigler Najjar Syndrome Type II C. Dubin Johnson Syndrome D. Rotor Syndrome 32. 33. Excessive accumulation of FE in pancreas and Liver -Hemochromatosis 34. Gene mutation in Wilson's Disease -ATPB7 35. A 50 year old Male presented with chronic liver disease associated with prur itus, jaundice and light stools. Biopsy revealed segmental stenosis of the extra hepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts. The most likely diagnosis is? a. Primary biliary cirrhosis b. secondary biliary cirrhosis c. primary sclerosing cholangitis d. hepatic vein thrombosis 36. Effect of alcohol which increases conversion of other drugs to toxic metabol ites a. shunting of substrates toward lipid biosynthesis b. impaired metabolism of methionine c. induction of cytochrome p450 d. acetaldehyde ptn adduct formation 37. Most common cause of cryptogenic cirrhosis a. Alcoholism

b. Hepatitis B c. Schistosoma d. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver 38. Most common malignant tumor of the Liver a. HCC b. Cholangiosarcoma c. Metastatic Carcinoma d. Hepatoma? 39. Associated with oral contraceptives a. Biliary Adenoma b. Focal nodular Hyperplasia c. Hepatocellular Carcinoma d. Hepatocellular adenoma 40. which is true of direct bilirubin? a. excreted in the urine b. toxic c. insoluble d. unconjugated 41. 42. 43. Condition in which gall bladder cannaliculi is filled with clear fluid causi ng chronic obstruction? a. Empyema b. hydrops c. ??????????????? d. porcelain gall bladder 44. Most common liver disease that causes death during early childhood? a. Hepatoblastoma? b. A??? c. Biliary Atresia d. Cholangitis 45. Congenital dilatations of the common bile duct present as: a. Biliary atresia b. Strictures c. Choledochal cysts d. Cholangitis 46. The following are features of acute pancreatitis except? a. inflammation b. fat necrosis c. interstitial hemorrhage d. abscess formation 47. 48. 49. Pancreatic cancer is most common at which site? a. head b. tail c. d.

50. Trousseau signs and symptoms a. b. Thrombosis c. d. CLINICAL PATHOLOGY 1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. Measures liver integrity ALT Total protein Bilirubin Alkaline phosphatase Biliary obstruction ALT AST Total Protein Alkaline Phosphatase

3. 40 year old alcoholic with the following liver function test results: ?ALT, A ST, ALP, LDH and ?serum albumin Answer: cirrhosis 4. Highly indicative of wilson s disease? Answer: hepatic Cu (250 g) 5. Case Severe jaundice (50mg, unconjugated Bilirubin) Answer: Crigler Najjar 6. What is the primary fault in hemochromatosis? Answer: HFE, HFP? 7. Hepatocellular carcinoma Answer: AFP 8. a. b. c. d. rule out hemolysis: which one? ALT AST LDH ALP

9. ?B1 Answer: hemolysis 10. test to determine compliance by alcoholics Answer: GGT

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