Târgu-Jiu: Romulus Bălășoiu, Grupa 1 Anul 3, Jurnalism

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Romulus Bloiu, Grupa 1 Anul 3, Jurnalism


This is a city lacated in south-western part of Romania. It is the residence of the Gorj county and makes part of the area Oltenia. Trgu-Jiu is right at the midle of orth !ole and "cutor# $eing situated on the %& parallel# right in plein temparate area. It has around '((.((( people li)ing *n it. There are lots of important peoples that werw $orn or li)ed here. The most known of them is +onstantin ,rncu-i# an famous sculptor that $rought modernity to the romanian art. .is most famous sculptures are The Ta$le of /ilence# The 0issing Gate and The Infinity +olumn. 1n also famous person that is from Tg-Jiu is also /ergiu icolaescu# an romanian actor# director and politician that has here a cinema called $y him. There are also lots of important peoples of our contry2s history that li)ed here# like "caterina Teodoroiu# a 3irst 4orld 4ar hero of Romania# or Tudor 5ladimirescu# the leader of the '67' Re)olution and a sim$ol of sacrifice for us# $ecause he risked e)erything for his $eli)es. It is situated on the /outhern /u$+arpa8i# on the $anks of the ri)er Jiu. "ight localities are administered $y the city9 ,rse-ti# :r;goieni# Ie<ureni# !olata# !reaj$a =are# Romane-ti# /lo$o<ia and >rsa8i. he city takes its name from the ri)er Jiu# which runs through it. In anti?uity# there was a :acian )illage in around the location of today2s city surrounded $y forests. The +oat of 1rms of Trgu Jiu consists of a /hield with se)en towers. In the centre of the /hield lies the representation of +onstantin ,rncu-i2s Infinity Column, a sym$ol of Romanian art and culture. In the right and left sides of the shield lies a golden lion holding a $lack sword# @garding@ the +olumn. The Aion is the ancient sym$ol of Oltenia# thought to $e originating from the logo of one Rome2s Aegions station in this aria# the 'Bth Aegion @Gemina@. It represents the $ra)ery and com$ati)e spirit of the city2s inha$itants. The pu$lic transport system of Trgu Jiu represents 7 trolley$us lines and 6 $us lines. 1 ticket for one trip costs around (.BC. The main railway station is situated on icolae Titulescu ,l)d. It was reconstructed within the last 7& years. The city2s road network consists of fi)e $oule)ards9 ,l)d. +onstantin ,rncu-i# ,l)d. icolae Titulescu# ,l)d. Repu$licii# ,l)d. "caterina Teodoroiu# ,l)d. >nirii. The main street of the city is +alea 5ictoriei. The largest $oule)ard in Trgu Jiu is ,l)d. "caterina Teodoroiu. Trgu Jiu is crossed $y many important roads# such as european ones and interna8ional ones. The main soccer team of the city is Pandurii Tg-Jiu. 1lso# the city has one team in The first League#+/ "nergia Ro)inari and one hand$all team in the first di)ision# .+ Aignitul "nergia !andurii Trgu Jiu. The soccer team has some )ery good results now# $ut some years ago it has some eDtraordinary one# winning the a8ional +oup. Eet# they always tried to $eat >ni)ersitatea +raia)a team# that is also from also# $ut they no match for them# $ecause >.+. managed to reach The +hampions Aeague 3inals# the most important championship of soccer.

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