Siem 2 - Log Management Evolved

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SlLM 2.0 - Log ManagemenL Lvolved
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Problem Statement
Enterprises are experiencing an increasing incidence of cyber-attacks on their infrastructure,
applications and data sources. Previous attempts have attempted to categorise these into the
external attacker and the insider threat. Due to increasing attacker sophistication, the
architectural shift to transact information across organisational boundaries, and the growth in
demands such as BYOD, these definitions are coalescing. When searching for signs of a breach, a
security analyst is typically investigating not only the known threat reported by rule-based
systems, but increasingly the unknown threat, previously hidden in credentialed activity,
anomalous behaviours disguised by large volumes of machine-to-machine and human-to-machine
transactions, and is only observable using analytics on large data sets. Security Intelligence
deployment should be incorporated into the overall enterprise security improvement programme,
and care should be give to ensure that information protection risks and privacy concerns are
! The current drive around rapid detection focuses heavily on re-introducing SIEM as a key
tool in the information security architecture. Effective security incident and event
management requires not only strong technological solutions, but also expert analysts to
distill events that matter from the slew of reported information.
! The fundamental challenges of log management do not change, and one of these is that this
is an expensive process that requires a rare breed of analyst, with a mix of technical
security knowledge, business priorities, and focus to derive a complex threat pattern from
multiple sources. Since SIEM is a definable process (inputs, outputs and KPIs) it is suitable
for out-tasking to a specialized company.
! Generation 1.0 SIEM was notorious for failing to deal with a high load of data directed at it,
particularly when endpoint systems (such as workstations) were added. Generation 2.0
specifically sets out to address this, doing away with the concept of normalization, and
instead determinedly embracing the stream of what can decidedly be described as Big Data,
consisting of all internal events across the enterprise.

Business Scenario and Typical Requirements
As the complexity of the overall IT architecture grows, incorporating new and existing (plus legacy)
applications into its overall integration mix, the amount of transactional information has grown
beyond the capability of traditional log recording and SIEM systems. When other security-relevant
sources are included, such as infrastructure components, desktop, and even relevant social media
sources, HR systems, and physical security systems, the amount of data can quickly overwhelm a
traditional SIEM based around relational databases.
While Information Security is decidedly an abstract concept noticeable more by its absence than its
presence (for example during a breach), a mature security organization will have three primary
phases to its security posture.
Plan A - Prevention
Prevention starts with detailed understanding of the threat model that the organization (or
business process) is subject to. Given a good threat model, it is then possible to visualize the
preventive controls that must be applied. Preventative controls are commonly applied during the
architecture, design and implementation phase, although as the threat model changes it is
important that it is possible to modify, add or even remove controls. Operational controls include
patching, penetration testing, firewalling, whitelisting, endpoint security and the like. Increasingly,
the software development lifecycle is coming under scrutiny, with requirements code analysis,
penetration testing being considered a minimum safe standard. Most important of all are
applications made available publicly, including mobile and web these are becoming prime fraud
vectors for a monetised and motivated attack group.
Risk Management can be a thorny and unpleasant task evaluating each threat in the model and
deciding whether there is an effective return on investment in mitigating threats. Because of the
asymptotic nature of the typical impact graph, actuarial approaches such as annualised loss
expectancy are rarely effective in the heat and thunder of an actual breach.
Plan B - Detection
Operationally, it is expected that a publicly launched service will attract users with a wide variety of
motivations, some of with will be malicious. Hence it is important that the design controls are
backed up by robust operational processes. In the context of this paper, it is not enough to design
and specify an effective SIEM, it must be operated competently and diligently, which is a resource-
intensive task requiring skilled staff. The SIEM solution must be able to cope with not only
expected threats, but also Black Swan security events. As an example such events can include a
zero-day vulnerability in WebSphere, Cold Fusion, or Java, or even a flaw in a PIN entry terminal.
Therefore a key part of a detection strategy is anticipating the failure of technical controls, which
then logically follows that the capability to detect early is an advantage. It must be emphasised
that third party notification whether it be key customer, your bank, or a random security
researcher is a failure in the detection strategy. Having the ability to look at one dashboard

showing "wierd" events, and correlating antivirus, system event logs, IDS and vulnerability scans
can massively speed detection, allowing the creation of an intruder's dilemma
and the limitation of
attacks before they become breaches.
Its important to note that detection tools need not necessarily involve huge capital expenditure. A
variety of tools exist in both the open source world, including OSSEC, suricata, Snort, and Syslog-
NG. A limitation of open source has traditionally been the lack of a dashboard, which can highlight
important events and trends using visualisations, however frameworks such as ELSA now provide
this functionality.
Effective detection requires detailed understanding of application design and behaviours, in order
to notice behaviours which are anomalous, such as a sudden access to a file-sharing service.
Plan C - Investigation
With this resilient model for operational security management, it is logical to expect that detection
will fail, and that an attacker will breach the organisation. A generalised failing amongst
inexperienced security managers is to assume that because the prevention and detection stages of
the security model have been apparently effective, then it is safe to neglect the development of an
investigative capability, and even to make bold statements such as If this ever happens, well go
to the market and use external resources - in other words "We never think its going to happen to
It should be emphasised that running a procurement exercise whilst in the throes of a crisis is
extremely challenging, and the temptation to simply take the lowest cost option (or the one
recommended by a third party) can be highly damaging. External resources engaged ad-hoc will
lack the detailed understanding of the enterprise incident and event management strategy, and will
rarely have the focus of bringing the organisation out of a state of crisis and back into normal
operation, focusing instead on tactical delivery points.
Fortunately for the organisation that has effective preventive controls and strong detection
measures, the investigative process is significantly eased and facilitated by these. Edge cases and
unusual behaviours will provide key indicators in establishing a timeline of events leading up to
(and following) a breach event. Like any disaster readiness plan, a good incident response
readiness plan must be dry-tested.
As SIEM evolves into Enterprise Security Intelligence, vendors are touting techniques and tools
used in other Big Data applications, therefore it is important to define what this actually means.
Big Data is defined as a three-V problem, that is:
! Big Volume more than can be handled by traditional SQL based database management

While researching for this article, it emerged that the number of IT managers who are still using PCI DSS as a driver is dramatically

! Big Velocity styled as drinking from the fire hose, indicates that the stream of data is
constant and rapid
! Big Variety data is from a variety of sources, and includes both structured and un-
structured elements
It becomes clear from this example that one constraint on the success of Big Data in security is the
quality of the Big Analytics that can be applied to it. No vendor on the market is making a claim to
reduce the demands for strong analytical and statistical skills from the human analysts who are
responsible for producing actionable intelligence. The errors of false correlation/causation, null
hypothesis errors (both false positive and false negative) are well known in many fields.
Therefore we can define Enterprise Security Intelligence as the collection of data from all IT
systems in the enterprise that could be security relevant and the application of the security teams
knowledge and skill, resulting in risk reduction.
The SANS log management survey (2012) identified the top challenges in log management as:
! Identification of key events from normal background activity
! Correlation of information from multiple sources to meet complex threats
! Lack of analytics capabilities
! Data normalisation at collection
Data sources are many and varied, and may include both internal and external feeds, for example:
! Application data ! Physical Security
! Netflow ! AD/LDAP
! VPN ! Social Media
It is clear from observing the example data sources above, that much of the information in the
analysts scope will have at the very least a personal identifiable information (PII) characteristic to
it. Potentially, application data could include data subject to specific compliance regimes such as
PCI-DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel, or others.

Log Management Challenges
In 2012, the SANS Organisation conducted a
survey of its members asking What are the
top three challenges you face in integrating
logs with other tools in your organisations
overall information infrastructure?
What we can derive from this is that there is
a common pain felt at the inability to get
timely, relevant information amongst the user
community. In addition, log managers are
coming to grips with the unfortunate reality
that having technical solutions in place does
not obviate the need for expert analysts the
tools enhance, and do not replace, human expertise.
Another noticeable issue is that of data reduction and normalization.
A typical SIEM will only report useful information on a subset of all security relevant information in
an organization. SIEMs largely correlate machine-to-machine data into Known events, which
therefore means that Normal user and machine data will be filtered out of the information set,
and hence unknown threats requiring analytics will be missed.
In essence then, traditional SIEM architectures, whether managed internally or externally, require
that the IT manager know what is required for investigation before the need emerges. It is also
true to state that security relevant data can come from anywhere, not just sources specified by the
vendor. The lack of scalability inherent in the funnel SIEM architectural model shown on the left
restricts visibility by design, and means that events generated will tell the IT manager what is
known, but not what is unknown. In the area of cold case forensic investigations, which includes
many fraud investigations and data breaches, the data abstraction means that it is impossible to
examine original data generated at the time, and that
all that is left to the investigator are the event reports
which failed to alert a breach incident in the first place.
Looking at the cold case
As mentioned earlier, much digital forensics work can
be described as a cold case investigation. When a
forensic investigations team is called in, it can be
many months after the original data breach. In many
cases, log event data is simply unavailable due to
failure on the part of IT management to ensure it is
kept (which is a violation of several compliance

standards, including PCI DSS
). This not only impedes the investigation, but also where a
regulatory authority is assessing fines, can have a substantially negative impact.
Another challenge to the investigator is that when
viewing a condensed or normalised event log it is
impossible to sensibly interpolate new data into old
security events. Thus reinvestigating the breach in the
light of new information, such as recently disclosed vulnerabilities, becomes a hard problem.
The emergent mindset in investigative analysis involves a mix of convergent and divergent
thinking, mixing pattern matching, statistical methods, with the traditional method of un-
concealing. Baselines of activity are created, and then standard deviations of these norms are
investigated. Abnormalities in user activity can be investigated using the following combinators:
! Location
! Role ! Data/Asset Type ! Time of Day
! Action Type
! How long did
the action take
! Data/Asset

While researching for this article, it emerged that the number of IT managers who are still using PCI DSS as a driver is dramatically
reducing. IT expenditure boards widely regard PCI DSS as overly prescriptive, unwieldy, and hence it is seen less as an business driver,
more as a regulatory constraint that must be managed to minimize business impact.
Normative statistical analysis is the most
important thing you can do.
- Patrick Reidy, CISO FBI

Architectural Context
In order to effectively utilise and safeguard a security
intelligence programme, it is important to be able to place
this not only within the context of a security improvement
programme but also within a coherent security
architecture. The specifics of security architecture will be
based on the requirements of the enterprise and the IT
services delivered, and also on the capability maturity of
the enterprise at a point in time. As a cautionary note, it is important that a realistic picture of the
enterprises maturity as regards information security is measured and understood. Understating
the enterprise maturity leads to a lack of confidence in the ability to deliver and operate, while
overstatement leads to embarkation on ambitious projects, with over-reliance on vendors,
ultimately leading to abrogation of leadership in the delivery context.
Our data inclusion model will look radically different to one used for traditional SIEM. No up-front
normalisation, time-indexed data, Analytics and Statistics Commands, Correlation, and Pattern
Analysis will all feature in the model, in somewhat sharp contrast to traditional SIEM event
Specific points in the security architecture that will directly support the development and delivery
of security intelligence capability include:
Effective Information Lifecycle Management, in particular data classification. This should
answer the following questions, which will identify key information assets:
! What data is available?
! Where is it located?
! What access levels are currently implemented?
! What protection level is implemented and does it adhere to relevant compliance
Help (and not hinder) privacy efforts. A security intelligence capability will process sensitive
employee-related information, therefore in addition to the usual access controls and data
safeguards, it is important to consider the effect of this capability on employee morale,
management decisions, and indeed on brand identity. A security intelligence capability should not
be used instead of effective management communications, employee leadership and workplace
ethics; instead it should support and enforce strong practices in these areas.
Aid regulatory reporting. Security intelligence should provide actionable reports that improve
the enterprise compliance stance.
Operate within multiple IT security domains. Security intelligence should be able to consume
and rate information from all IT security domains, and incorporate the trust level of the security

domain as a factor. For example, correlation of sentiment on twitter in the time frame before an
attack on the enterprise also correlated with marketing and sales campaigns.
Incorporate lessons learned and best practices, both internally and externally. The SANS
log management survey referenced above reveals several key requirements that may be expected
of a security intelligence programme. In particular, effective security intelligence requires raw data
that has not been subject to normalising at the point of collection. Availability of this raw data
allows for retrospective analysis of incident data, and correlation and analysis with previously
unavailable information sources.

Proposed Solutions
A security intelligence solution can
broadly be seen as an evolution of
the SIEM, addressing the issues of
integration of various point security
products, allowing processing and
correlation of data in real time,
improving the real time security
posture, and reducing the costs of
remediation in the event of a breach
by quickly identifying and mitigating
breach damages.
Gartner have produced their magic
quadrant of SIEM vendors which may
add value to the product research
process. It is not the purpose of this
paper to provide vendor analysis,
although the emergence of visionary product solutions which draw heavily from open source
development is of great interest.
A SIEM deployment framework can be defined as follows:

In the planning stage, we can define the
data sources (in broad sweep)
An ever-present challenge to any enterprise
is the data itself; increasingly the enterprise
runs the risk of being overwhelmed by the
sheer volume of data that may provide
valuable operational and security
information. This struggle is at the heart of the big data issue that has been recently expressed. A
similar struggle exists with the drive to provide timely actionable intelligence from this volume of
data, and hence the growth of next generation SIEM, providing security intelligence.
A prevailing question in IT risk management is the likelihood of a particular security event or class
of events. This becomes important when considering the tolerance of the enterprise to events,
which at first look have an impact that threatens the survival of the business. Security intelligence
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by its nature purports to give insights into the actual risk exposure by determining patterns of
behaviours behind activities and alerting appropriately. However determining the impact and
likelihood of black swan events (high impact, low likelihood) is one that will require skilled
analyst input due to the nature of such an event, statistical information is rarely available.
Data may be acquired from a number of sources both internal and external to the enterprise. Such
sources include (but are not limited to) the following:
IT Infrastructure
! Network Devices: logs from routers, switches, information from network access control
(NAC) tools, and NetFlow data.
! Security Devices: logs from firewalls, IPS, and other security appliances
! Servers: log files from servers in data centres and offices; includes physical, virtual and
public cloud instances
! User end-points: device information, network context, access history, records of
ownership and records losses
! SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) infrastructure: data about the
operation of and access to industrial control systems, their network mapping and access
Access Data
! Databases: Access logs. Tools such as Guardium may be used to monitor and control
access to database resources, and the events recorded from such a tool are key to an early
detection strategy.
! Other data access information: Content use monitoring, data loss prevention, and
content filtration systems
! Business Applications: access logs for both on-premise and on-demand applications.
Application activity logs are frequently overlooked in the rush to SIEM and can provide
key insights into unexpected and potentially unauthorized activity.
! Web access data: includes chokepoint information on web uploads and downloads; feeds
from DLP tools and web filtration are key to ensure that this threat vector is accurately
analysed by the SIEM
! Email records: Who has been sending what to whom? While content analysis is rightfully
frowned upon as a privacy violation, traffic analysis using header information can be carried
out in a warrantless (and thereby unrestricted) manner.

Vulnerability information
! Third party feeds: from other IT vulnerability assessment and mitigation systems such as
Tenable, Rapid 7, Qualys and FireEye.With the rapid growth in automated code analysis, it
is conceivable that vulnerabilities discovered
! Software integrity information: patch state of operating systems, firmware, database
and applications, list of known flaws
! Known malware: Lists of known malware that may be used as part of more complex
attacks. Given the rise in targeted malware and new endpoint attacks (such as PIN entry
devices) it is important that the knowns list is kept up to date as much as possible.
Indeed, it may be that endpoint protection focuses on whitelisting, reporting and preventing
software that does not meet the whitelist criteria.
User Information
! User Information: data from directories that defines authorised users and their assigned
groups, this includes information about current and past job roles. When correlated with
Access data and vulnerability information, this becomes a key resource for identifying actors
in an incident timeline
! Access Rights: current access rights for an individual or class of users
! Privileged Access Rights: records of the temporary or permanent assignment of privilege
to named users
! Guest Access Rights: information from network access control systems about areas of
networks enabled for guest access
! Third Party Access Rights: records of outside organisations and users that have been
authorised to access infrastructure and applications
! Machine access rights: not all access is by humans; software applications and devices
are also regularly assigned access rights; for example to carry out automated system
Other Data
! Change control systems: list approved system administration activity and highlight unpex
! Location Data: IP and cellular geolocation indicating where access requests are originating
! Regulatory/standards based information: As an example, ISO27001, which many
enterprises have adopted as a baseline
! Industry bodies: providing advice to their members on known complex attacks and how
to coordinate defence against them

! Social media feeds: identifying increased levels of sentiment targeting an enterprise. Note
that sentiment may be positive or negative, and still be a powerful indicator of threat
! Weather: unusual weather conditions in a certain area may account for observed large
scale changes in user activity
! Time: accurate coordination is not possible without good timekeeping; an accurate source
of time is needed across different systems and may be added to records to keep them
pertinent over long periods. NTP serves this purpose well however sufficient access controls
must be applied in the configuration.

See Team Cymrus NTP templates at

As can be seen, the apparent sensitivity of the various data feeds described above varies from very
low to very high. However, in aggregate and when combined into a descriptive timeline by a
trained analyst, there is a clear requirement for strong information protection requirements. Using
the classical Confidentiality-Integrity-Availability model, then it can be simply stated as follows:

Table 1 Data Assurance requirements
Data item Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Discrete data record Varies Varies Varies
Aggregate dataset High High Medium
Analyst reports High High Medium
Incident resolution reports High High Medium
The reasoning behind this is that once aggregated, much of the data will form a user-centric
timeline, detailing the activity of human actors through the IT systems in the enterprise. This will
include customer activity, employee actions, as well as malfeasance on the part of external
attackers and disgruntled insiders. The need for privacy (that is, confidentiality) of this data is
therefore high, and governed by various regulations (for example, the UK Data Protection Act, and
in the case of US medical information, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
One of the prime goals for a security intelligence programme is risk reduction, accomplished
through actions instigated by security analyst reports. Some actions will be relatively low-impact
(for example, install malware tools on BYOD laptops at no charge); others may involve significant
incident response intervention and liaison with law enforcement, at far higher cost.
Several solutions exist to the challenge of safeguarding security intelligence source data, resultant
analysis, and archived information. The enterprise can make an explicit choice, based on risk
analysis of their environment, not to safeguard privacy or implement specific information
assurance controls. This may be a sign of the relatively stable and low-risk nature of the business
streams the enterprise is engaged in, or perhaps is a sign of the relative immaturity of the
enterprise with regards to security awareness. It is probable that an enterprise at this low level of
maturity will not fully realise the investment in Enterprise Security Intelligence, and thus it should
be put further along the security improvement programme timeline.
Having made a conscious choice to engage in deployment of Enterprise Security Intelligence, and
having satisfied architectural constraints and pre-conditions, the architect can then make suitable
choices as to storage of information assets relevant to the new system. These will include both

input and output assets as described above, and will include diligent role-based access controls for
analysts, incident responders, IT administrators, risk managers, and IT executive management, all
of whom will have different informational needs from the system. Protection of data in transit
(stream-based cryptographic systems) is unlikely to generate new requirements as a result of
deploying a Big Data system as described, however it should be recognised that existing data
assets that become inputs to the system may have intrinsic protection requirements as a result of
enterprise data classification rules or over-arching regulatory frameworks. It is considered that
once aggregated (or collected), that appropriate measures are used to protect data in storage.
Since Big Data Analytics requires pure raw data to be preserved, the most appropriate protection
mechanism is a cryptographic one, as opposed to one using tokenisation or truncation. It must be
emphasised that while cryptographic techniques are relatively easy to apply, the first-time
enterprise adopter in the field of key management frequently faces operational challenges, and
best practice guidelines such as ISO11568 (for financial services) and ISO11770 (as a more
general model) are recommended. It should also be noted that a security intelligence package can
use access requests to itself as an input item, thus providing a measure of useful self-protection.
Another decision point to be made when deploying Big Data Analytics is how to communicate the
change to stakeholders. Both employee and customer data is in scope of enterprise security
intelligence programmes, and there is a risk of significant negative sentiment, with the
accompanying risk of brand damage and lowered employee morale, should this be seen as
intrusive on privacy. Many enterprises considering the adoption of this technology will be operating
in a tightly regulated and controlled environment such as financial services, and thus the change in
management style and working conditions will be minor. Many online services from retail to
consumer finance make no secret of the extensive tracking of customer activity to drive business
processes, however the all-inclusive use of Big Data analytics specifically to enforce and limit
breach damage and other attacks may create concern. It is recommended that deployment of
Enterprise Security Intelligence is proactively championed by executive management as part of the
enterprise commitment to customer safety and privacy, and to assist the employees of the
enterprise in defending against bad actors, and that the controls over stored data will enhance
employee privacy, rather than lessen it.

Traditional SIEM
SIEM is without doubt a key component in the modern security managers toolbox, and can provide
indicators of operational and security events. Consultants are frequently asked What good is SIEM
to me, and so it is worthwhile examining what typical threats are detected. A sample is shown
below, together with example sources and watch points.
Threat Phase Source SIEM Search Why
Spear Phishing Infiltration Mail logs Affinity of
Spear phishing sender
address is unlikely to
have communicated
previously with the
organisations mail
Bad Mail Links Infiltration Mail logs Domain
URL is unlikely to appear
previously in organization
web servers attackers
can be fingerprinted
Exfiltration Proxy/Firewall logs Average bytes
per GET
Small amounts of data
leaving in many sessions
over time
Form based
Exfiltration Proxy logs Transaction:
POST without
Large amounts of data
leaving in few sessions.
POST without GET
implies an automated
HTTP Command
and Control (CnC)
Exfiltration/CnC Proxy logs Long URL
without a
Botnets commonly
embed CnC messages in
the URL

All these threats are well understood, and indeed could be argued that in the modern IT
environment, pre-emptive and protective controls are put in place to guard against these.
However, some other threats that are still being used to exploit vulnerable IT environments are
detailed below, together with the kind of statistical approach that SIEM 2.0 enables.
SIEM 2.0 Enterprise Security Intelligence
When examining what SIEM has now become, its also worthwhile to examine the threats that the
modern enterprise is experiencing which previously have been below visibility of the SIEM, and
hence ignored.

Threat Phase Source Statistical Search Why
SQL injection Infiltration Weblogs len(raw)+2.5stddev Hackers put SQL
commands in the URL.
Therefore URL length
is standard deviations
higher than normal
Password brute
Infiltration Authentication logs short delta_time Automated password
guessing tools enter
credentials much
faster than humanly

DNS Exfiltration Exfiltration DNS and Firewall
count +2.5stddev Hackers exfiltrate
data in DNS packet;
standard deviations
more DNS requests
from a single IP
Web Crawling Reconnaissance Web/FTP logs count(src_ip)
Web crawlers copying
the web site for
comments, passwords,
email addresses will
be the source IP
behind page requests
standard deviations
higher than normal
Port Knocking Exfiltration/CnC Firewall count(deny) by ip Threat does inside-out
port scan to identify
exfiltration points

As can be seen, the use of statistical methods on data sources that would previously have been
considered too large for a traditional SIEM setup can yield key information on attackers. Using this
threat intelligence wisely allows effective use of incident response resources, including law
enforcement, and minimises the breach window between active penetration and detection.

SIEM 2.0 is likely to be a distributed implementation, with data sources being calculated and
correlated at many discrete points in the enterprise architecture. The amount of event data is
massive and to store it at a central point creates significant O(n
) scalability challenges both in
network and storage infrastructure. Rather, it is preferred that SIEM 2.0 probe points contain
intelligence enough to perform limited correlation, and send back correlation events to a central
point, while retaining sufficient storage to allow more detailed analysis to be performed.

When architecting, designing and implementing Enterprise Security Intelligence, the following
recommendations should be considered:
Ensure infrastructure will cope with increased load
By its nature, large amounts of data will be transmitted and stored in a central point. This will
place higher load on networking and server/storage components, possibly requiring increased use
of direct attached storage (DAS), dedicated network topology, and higher throughput components
such as routers and firewalls.
Ensure data is classified appropriately
Data will be gathered from diverse sources and re-purposed to provide actionable intelligence. In
order to devise appropriate safeguards, this data must be classified effectively. Care must be given
to consider the aggregate effect of new datasets gained by combining previously disparate and
apparently unrelated data sets.
Ensure security intelligence systems are placed in the appropriate
security domain
Since all information within the enterprise can be considered to be potentially within the scope of
the security intelligence process, the systems should be placed in the IT security management
domain, with restrictions and technical controls applied in line with enterprise security policies.
Ensure effective access controls
The information carried within a security intelligence system is deemed highly sensitive. Therefore
care should be taken to ensure that access is granted on a least privilege required basis, with
separation of duties wherever possible. Role based access controls must be defined for IT
executive management, incident responders, IT system administrators, Risk managers, and
auditors, and for any other roles with a legitimate business need to derive output from the security
intelligence system.
Ensure Big Data is handled by trained analysts
Much of the analytical process is based around the use of statistical methods to determine
probability. Given the relative new market presence from vendors, it is assumed that the
requirement for trained data scientists to provide informed input and analysis is accurate. Security
intelligence tools will need to make finely balanced decisions to avoid blocking valid, but unusual
actions by bona fide actors. Therefore, it is important that inexperienced staff not introduce
statistical errors and flaws. This in itself may well be a key business justification to investigate
outsourcing the SIEM process to a solution provider.

Ensure employee communications and customer communications
reinforce the enterprise commitment to customer protection,
employee privacy, and information security hygiene
As with any technical measure intended to improve enterprise information security posture, it
should be deployed as an adjunct to an improvement in process and awareness. Given the wide
ranging scope of a Big Data security intelligence tool, it is strongly recommended that the
corresponding communication, education and awareness programme be equally wide ranging.

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