Friday, January 17, 2014 Edition

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NOISY OPPOSITION Put your acts in order

Deputy Information Minister Kpedeh Tells Opposition Political Parties


pg 10



BUYING THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 , 2014 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2014 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 , 2014 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1

SELLING L$85.00/US$1 L$86.00 /US$1 L$86.00/US$1


These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.

VOL 8 NO.516

ITS BASSA AGAINST NIMBA Thrilling Semi Finals See Off

Grand Gedeh And Bong County




See PG 2

VOL 8 NO.516




Thrilling Semi Finals See Off Grand Gedeh And Bong County
See PG 14





Mae Azango

Spot News
for the ten years of peace in Liberia, one would have thought the young man in the tree was a snapper or a spy from his position. But the young man seated at the top of the kola nut tree, says he was there to get connected to his family in Monrovia. The little signal he was receiving came from the Capital City Greenville, and unless he climbs the tree, he would not have been connected. According to Nathaniel Walker, Communication Officer of the Golden Veroleum Oil Palm Company, Lone Star Cell erected the tower, while the Golden Veloreum Oil Palm Company provides the power to run the tower that is now situated in the compounds of the Oil Palm Company that is considered the central point in Butaw. We thank Lone Star for putting a tower here for us to be able to talk to our people anywhere and at any time and not wait to climb a tree before we know how our family members are doing , Says Student Thomas Nyenpan of the Sinoe High School. And I hope that Lone Star and other cell phone companies would reach to other areas in Rural Liberia such as Boconjely, River Gbeh and other remote areas in the Country.

t is normally said that Communication is good and effective when it makes an impact and create change for the general good. A story published in Frontpageafrica recently titled The connection tree spoke of how people in Butaw, Sinoe County were climbing a particular tree to be connected to family members in Monrovia and other parts of the world. The action prompted one of the GSM service providers in Liberia, the Lone Star Communication Company to beat other cell phone companies to the game and erect a tower to change the situation. The situation became embarrassing when a local radio station carried promotional advertisements for cell phone companies, such as Communication for the nation, Get connected, we are better together, you are always number one, yet the reality in the locality where the advertisements were played presents ` a different picture at the time.. Even at the top of a tree. The tree was called the Connection Tree, because it connected family members, and people had to stand on line to be able to get to the exact spot where they are able to get signal. The photo was taken few months ago by a journalist during a short visit to Sinoe in 2013, when people were seen rushing to communicate with their loved ones, while the man in the tree was considered the lucky one, because of his position. Had it not been

Page 2 | Frontpage

Friday, January 17 , 2014

Barclayville, Grand Kru County he old guard is on his last leg. Cletus Wotorson, 77, will not be on the ballot when voters in one of Liberias least populated and underdeveloped counties head to the polls. The county is located in the southeastern portion of Liberia and is one of 15 counties that comprise the first-level administrative division in the nation. The county is bordered by River Gee to the northeast, Sinoe to the northwest, and Maryland to the southeast. The southern part of Grand Kru borders the Atlantic Ocean. The county was created in in 1984/1985 by the merger of Sasstown Territory and Kru Coast County. Kru coast territory which had previously been part of Maryland County, and Sasstown territory which had previously been part of Sinoe county. As of the 1984 Census, the county had a population of 62,791. A UN Mission in Liberia report issued in April 2005 estimated that the population was 71,000, meaning candidates vying to replace the outgoing Wotorson have a limited amount of votes to work with. More importantly, the lack of farm to market roads have been a key problem for farmers in a county where farming is a key source of livelihood for residents engaging in from among other things, upland rice, cassava, palm nuts, and along the coast, fishing. Feed corn is grown at higher elevations farther inland. Sugar cane and several varieties of banana grow in the wetland areas while cash crops include coffee, cocoa and kola. Locally grown bamboo and piassava palm are widely used for construction, mats and baskets. Many tropical fruits, domestic and wild, grow in the region including oranges, limes, mangos, soursop, breadfruit and coconut. Residents in the area are also enduring pains due to the lack of adequate healthcare making the county one of the highest recorded death rates in Liberia. Death rate remains very high in the county due to the lack of health facilities. According Mr. Albert T. Chie, the only referral hospital, the Rally Time Hospital, lacks basic equipment and logistics to carry out its mandates. Senator Wotorson current age and state of health could be reasons why he is not seeking re-election, it is indisputable Senator Watsons presence in the up-coming election could have been a minus for the rest of those fighting for the senatorial seat but now that he is out, the race is wide open. Due to the distance from Monrovia to Barclayville senatorial

aspirants will have to get their ideas together in time and bad road connections could hamper many aspirants during the rainy season in reaching out to the electorates as with elections, holding all constant expected to be held in October, which is a time when Liberia experiences rain, traveling will become difficult. The number politics in Grand Kru could change come the election as the rush for gold has brought many people from nearby counties who have a strong stake in determining who becomes the next senator. To add to the small population of Grand Kru, there is the presence of people from other counties. In Dwerken, there is a huge presence of Nambians who are involved in gold mining for instance there is gold town called Philadelphia and the town chief of that town is a Nimbaian. Some of the towns and villages are completely inaccessible meaning one has to use ferry or canoe to cross-river to meet the electorates so, apart from the individual challenges facing aspirants, all aspirants will also face a serious challenge in campaigning during the rainy reason. There is just a single radio station, the voice of Grand Kru which will be essential to all the contestants. The station is lagging behind in many things so donations and dollars support could perhaps buy them over to the highest bidder. Names to watch that will come face to face the pending 2014 election in Grand Kru are Albert Tugbeh Chie, Cllr. Fonati Kofffa, Obutee Sarlay, Cllr. Amos Bartue, and Patrick Weah. The politics in Grand Kru is tough meaning that there are many candidates with similar characteristics who are going to battle politically for the senatorial seat. Lavoisier Julu, a student leader, President of the Grand Kru Student Association (GUSU) at the University of Liberia says three candidates will be highly watched during the election. Says Julu We are looking at three principal aspirants. We are looking at Obutee Sarlay, Cllr. Amos Bartue and Albert Chie. Julu continues These are three people Im looking at that got the political potential to cause upset in this coming election. There are other candidates but currently they are not popular compared to those three candidates I mentioned. The student leader says a former representative candidate could also be a force even though Patrick Weah had taken part in election before but currently his popularity has drop so, he has to do more to win the election,. Today, FrontPageAfrica continues our assessment of the upcoming Senatorial elections

field with a look at the county small in number but big on ego and ambition. J. FONATI KOFFA CHANCES: Koffa made an early decision not to contest the 2014 senate race after narrowly losing his 2011 house race by 300 votes. However, pressure from supporters in Grand Kru with a growing momentum, aides say, is leading the

Liberty Party Chairman and consensus politician of the year (by majority of the local newspapers) to consider jumping in the race. Sources close to Liberty Party says that Koffa may announce an exploratory team next week and a decision will be made when he goes home to dedicate his newly renovated grandfather compound in early February. But while Grand Kru watchers acknowledge that Koffa is one of the most popular politicians in the county, the local politics requires much more than popularity. Koffa hails

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Friday, January 17, 2014

from Sasstown, where the current junior senator Dr. Peter Coleman also hails from. It will be an uphill battle to convince the people of Grand Kru that two persons from one area should occupy all of the Senate seats, especially when they resoundingly rejected that notion in 2011 by rejecting Blamo Nelson, who was from the same area as Senator Cletus Wotorson. Additionally, many from the Grebo, the most populous group in the county, belt are adding a new dimension that the seat must be given to a Grebo.


and in Trust for the Liberian shareholders, to the deal which is said to include former Lands, Mines and Energy Minister Mr. Jonathan Mason and his two principal deputies at the time, Albert Chie, and the late Albert (Mulbah) Willie. Chie was Assistant Minister for Exploration & Research, Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy while Willie was a former Deputy Minister for Operations. Senator Cletus Wotorson, was chair of NOCAL at the time Broadway was awarded the block and Mr. Willis Knuckles, was CEO of NOCAL at the time Broadway was granted the block under a cloud of controversy and a lot of unanswered questions. Chie served briefly in the current administration but was relieved of his post in February 2009 as Assistant Minister for Energy. CHALLENGES: Chies is relatively new to politics in Grand Kru and other candidates could overpower him as his challengers, Koffa, Obutee who is popular amongst the young people, Cllr. Bartue who participated and lost in the 2011 election for representative post have all build constituents and the factor of Kru been the dominating elected post so the Grebos this time around are putting that axes together to win the seat. Many of them have argued that those hailing from the Kru tribe have dominated politics in the county and nothing has change referencing the incumbent Cletus Watterson poor performance in addressing issues affecting the county. OBUTEE SARLAY CHANCES: Sarlay is a Former Coordinator of the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) and currently a student in the under graduate program at the University of Liberia reading Agriculture. His profile, may suggest that he is not prepared to fill the void created by the absence of Cletus Wotorson, a veteran but his interaction with the youth and the admiration that he has won from many young people while serving as FLY coordinator may be an embarrassment for other aspirants. He has visited almost all of the villages and towns in Grand Kru and has established youth groups in every district which have given him control over the youth population as compare to the other aspirants. He is perhaps familiar with the happenings in the county than any of his contenders and many young people believe that the older generation has failed with many citing the incumbent as example. Eventhough resources matter but Obutee has sold himself to the people of Grand Kru, GUSA president Lavoisier Julu said. No single village in Grand Kru that Obutee did not enter so he sold himself and one mark of politic is that people should know you that is what Obutee has in his favor. Once people know you they can vote for you, Julu continues. With the level of transformation and impact he has made at FLY in Grand Kru many young people are hoping that he could do the same at the senate. Challenges - His academic credential and financial standing could be serious challenges for him to win the senatorial seat. Money in any election is a major factor, to campaign money is needed and most of those places he visited at that time that made him popular were at the expense of FLY. Amongst the candidates sarlay is academically and financially hes at the bottom of the pyramid and his critics are saying that for a student who is still down in under graduate studies to represent Grand Kru in the senate he may not be a good representation of the people of Grand Kru. Sarlay like others could face the tribal headache as he is a Grebo and many other candidates hail from the same tribe which could divide his votes. Cllr. Amos Bartue Chances: Cllr Amos Bartue- is the legal counsel of the Environmental Protection Agency and a former representative aspirant. In 2011 Bartue The name Cllr. Bartue is not strange to Grand Kru legislative politics and his humanitarian work over the years has given admiration by many locals. Bartue contested the 2005 election as a senatorial candidate obtaining 2,107 votes out of total valid votes of 22,038 representing 9.7% managing fourth spot.


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CHALLENGES: If Koffa elects to contest, this may be one of the most expensive races to watch as it will put oil money from Block 13 of which Albert Chie was a participant against the lucrative finances of the International Law Group, arguably Liberias fastest growing law firm where Koffa is managing partner along with his uncanny ability to raise political money. However, in the end it will boil down to how the tribal councils lined up on the eve of election. ALBERT CHIE CHANCES: Chie, a Professor at the University of Liberia teaching geology hails from Grand Cess and will be making his debut in legislative election. Albert has been involved in humanitarian work in grand Kru over the years and his frequent visit to the county has made him popular in grand Kru. In Monrovia he is also known for his financial contributions to the county and scholarships for students hailing from Grand Kru which has made him popular amongst the youth. The University students are important factor in these

Cllr. Bartue has been on record for advocating for the people of Grand Kru in terms of health, education and roads. Last year Cllr. Bartue accused SSF Construction Company of not building standards roads which was later denied by the company. His strong advocacy and contribution to the people of Grand Kru has placed him in a better position. His participation in the last election was an opportunity for him to sell himself to the people which he did. Many citizens hail for his support to the county though he lost the 2011 election and his supporters and foot soldiers are doing everything possible to land the counselor in the senate any to the contrary may be the end of his political career. The Lawyer of EPA could be financially potent to sponsor his elections especially in these elections where money is a major factor due to hard level of poverty. Challenges: Like Obutee and Weah Cllr. Bartue is a Grebo candidate which could split his votes amongst the Grebo voters. Patrick Weah Chances: Weah, an employee of the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) once contested for the post of representative but was unfortunate. Weah contested the 2005 election on the ticket of the Unity Party obtaining 1,213 votes out of total valid votes of 8,811 representing 14.4%, managing an encouraging third spot. This placed Weah and Cllr. Bartue in better position to contest these elections owing to the fact that Weah has a strong support base from the past election. Weah will be in the race for second time but is now eyeing the senate is prepared to unleash a political and intellectual

elections because they are considered opinions leaders in the town and villages across the county and this could count in Chies favor as the students could opt for their professor to be elected senator. Chie could also benefit the tribal factor which is very common in Liberian politics as many of those contesting are Grebo like Cllr. Bartue, Patrick Weah and Obutee Sarlay and this could place Chie in better position because those candidates will divide the Grebo votes. Chie is constructing a hospital in Grand Kru which will be the second hospital in the county that will ease the difficulties the locals are faced with in getting medical treatment and this project could boost his chances. Chie has built a modern house in Grand Kru which many have hailed him for. As Chie makes his move in the county, the race is also expected to resurrect his role in the controversial oil block 13 saga. When ExxonMobil finally sealed the deal in acquiring the block from Chie and his partners, Broadway, the final breakdown, according to a FrontPageAfrica revealed that Exxon doled out a total of US$120 million. Out of that amount, US$45 million went to the Liberian government's coffers, US$5 million to National Oil of Liberia while US$70 Million was paid to Broadway/Peppercoast. Out of that US$70 million, sources told FrontPageAfrica $US3.1 Million was paid out to Liberia shareholders of the block originally owned by Broadway. It is still unclear how much taxes the group, headed by Cllr. David Jallah, Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia who is also a former President of the Liberia Chamber of Commerce. But FrontPageAfrica has learned that the group is required to pay 15 percent of US$3.1 million into government coffers. On paper, Cllr. Jallah, is the only name listed as local content

strength to secure this position. Weah after losing the elections has visited back home constantly which many people have lauded him for and the fact that he is Grebo and many electorates are pushing for a Grebo to win this election could be an opportunity for the LIPA employee. Weah is popular like any other candidates and cannot be overlooked with history of participating which has made familiar with the body politics of Grand Kru. He is galvanizing all effort and support from the women, elders and youth for victory in this 2014 election. Challenges: Weah unlike other candidates has nothing to show in terms of contribution and this could serve a challenge for him as many electorates are keen to know what their would -be senator has done. The bad roads connections in Grand Kru and the heavy rain fall is a serious challenge for Weah and the rest of the other candidates. Like Lofa, Grand Kru is no exception to this tribal politic Weah is a Grebo, a tribe in the minority and they [Grebo] do have more candidates as this could spilt Weah votes and ruin his chances for senate. Obutee who is a Grebo and has a huge youth support could cause an upset which could be a reason why Weah may not be elected as the next senator of Grand Kru.



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Friday, January 17 , 2014



LIBERIA, the oldest nation in Africa is no doubt a country rich in natural and mineral resources. MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES, plough our fields, mine our counties for diamonds, iron ore and rubber daily and walk away with billions of dollars in profits annually. THE SAD COMMENTARY in all of this is that majority of the countrys citizens are still poor and living on less than a dollar a day. DRIVE THROUGH Monrovia and its environment and you see young children who should be in school improving themselves for a better tomorrow, running after cars in traffic to sell cold water, bread, candies and other mini items just to feed their families. EDUCATION IS A MESS, and so is the financials of a country on the mend from more than a decade of civil war. WITH SO much promise and yet so little effort being done to alleviate poverty, many remain unsure about the direction the country is headed. THIS IS WHY we are appalled at the governments silence in the wake of a recent revelation from Mr. Len Lindstrom, a Canadian investor who unraveled a massive corruption web within the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy and subsequent ruling by the Supreme Court of Liberia. Minister Patrick Sendolo declared Wednesday that he had not received the court opinion in the case. I have not received the opinion of the Supreme Court to know what the court, said or did not say. So to be able to comment on this I will have to receive and read the courts opinion. The Supreme Court handed down its opinion in the case last Friday, ruling that the LME acted illegally by arbitrarily revoking the companys licenses without affording it due process. The court, which is the final arbiter of justice in the country, ruled that the verdict of the trial judge be upheld dismissing the governments assertions that the civil law court does not have jurisdiction over the matter. The court ruled that the mining and mineral regulation make it mandatory that the ministry, in terminating any mineral and mineral license, state in the letter of termination the right of the licensee to appeal from the ruling, something it said the coappellant Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy did not state in its letter of termination to the appellees and hence deprived the appellee of the required notice under the law. WE HOPE Minister Sendolo and his team would really take the time to dissect Mr. Lindstroms book and the Supreme Court ruling in a bid to identify many of the problems highlighted by the investor. SAYS LINDSTROM: To confront the status quo, to battle injustice and to expose corruption, even at the risk of ones own peril, should never be seen as a prerogative but rather a Godordained responsibility, for in so doing one not only maintains their own sense of integrity, but also helps secure a brighter future for the multitudes whose dignity and livelihood have been downtrodden far too long by an abusive system of inequality, bribery, extortion, fraud and deprivation. LIBERIA HAS gone through a recurring theme which was heralded by United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Mon last year when he said that increased perception of impunity in Liberia as result of limited adherence to the over 500 recommendations captured in the 33 audit reports conducted and published by the General Auditing Commission (GAC). THE GOVERNMENT owes much to its citizenry to issue a response to Mr. Lindstrom. Failure on the part of the government to act or at least address these issues suggests to all that it endorses corruption and corrupt officials scheming and intimidating investors of their revenues and taxes. THIS WAS THE basis Liberians elected President Ellen JohnsonSirleaf who declared on January 6, 2006, Sirleaf while delivering her inaugural address declared: We must take on forcibly and effectively the debilitating cancer of corruption. Corruption erodes faith in government because of the mismanagement and misapplication of public resources. It weakens accountability, transparency and justice. Corruption short changes and undermines key decision and policy making processes. It stifles private investments which create jobs and assures support from our partners. Corruption is a national cancer that creates hostility, distrust, and anger.



Failure on the part of the government to act or at least address these issues suggests to all that it endorses corruption and corrupt officials scheming and intimidating investors and their own citizens.

Wonderr Koryenen Freeman, Attorney-at-Law,

Security Agency, Drug Enforcement Agency, and National Bureau of investigation when we have the Liberia National Police? Do we really need and Internal Audit Secretariat when we have the General Auditing Commission? Can Liberia afford US$10 - $20,000 in salaries and benefits for officials, while at the same time permitting officials to purchase US$80,000 cars? As can be seen from the questions raised, these questions are beyond any minister of finance even a minister hired from heaven! It is a question for the Executive, the Legislature and the people of Liberia. One thing is clear: the more of our income we spent on salaries, vehicles, fuels and foreign travels, the less money we have to spend on electricity, roads, healthcare and education. A fiscal policy fixated on recurrent expenditure is a losing strategy, no matter who is president or minister of finance. Points to remember: the Liberia fiscal policy must be overhauled, eliminating unnecessary and superfluous government agencies and other wasteful expenditure so as to free up the millions of dollars needed for electricity, paved road network, agriculture, technical education, healthcare, water among other vital infrastructure projects. Its a tough choice, but its either fiscal policy overhaul or perpetual poverty for the masses! Monetary Policy Misdirection The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has done a brilliant job in convincing the Liberia public that its mission is poverty eradication. In order to hammer home this point, the CBL Governor has been crisscrossing the country doling out money to marketing associations and preaching prosperity. Not surprisingly, wherever the Governor goes, there is singing dancing and waving of tree branches for Liberias latest messiah. But with the LRD:USD exchange rate hitting 85:1 and almost certain to reach 100:1, the days of jubilation for the Governor antipoverty campaign may be over sooner rather than later. Even though the CBL under the leadership of Dr. Jones would want all to believe that the CBLs mission is poverty eradication, the plain truth, there is absolutely no mention of poverty or poverty eradication anywhere in the CBL Act of 1999 and this is not a mistake. The CBL job according to the Act (Part I art 3) is viz: The principal objective of the Central Bank shall be to achieve and maintain price stability in the Liberian economy. To this end, it shall devise and pursue policies designed to: a. preserve the purchasing power of the national currency; b. promote internal and external equilibrium in the national economy; c. encourage and mobilization of domestic and foreign savings and their efficient allocation for productive economic activities; ... Judging by the ever-rising prices and the persistent devaluation of the LRD, its pretty clear that the CBL is falling short. The CBL would do well to scale-down its anti-poverty campaign and instead focus on incentivising access to finance for laborintensive industries, agro-processing industries, export-oriented industries and the possible establishment of a financial market in Liberia. Liberias economy would be much better off if its monetary policy were focused on promoting employment, industrialization and export. Doing so would go a long way in reducing the billion dollar current account deficit [currently sitting at US$1.6 billion (CBL 2012 annual report)]. The CBL makes much ado about its foreign exchange auction as a successful monetary policy instrument, but, what the CBL fails to admit is that, when you have a current account deficit of US$1.6 billion and a trade account deficit of US$650million, offering about US$80 million per annum in FX auction is simply scratching the surface of the problem. The CBL must also address the high level of currency outside the banking system as well as the age-old dual currency policy dilemma, which policy the CBL has insisted it would neither address or open up for debate. Points to remember: the CBL is doing grave harm to the Liberian economy by focusing on microfinance. The CBL should instead be focusing more on positioning the banking system to cater to the financing needs of labor-intensive industries, agroprocessing industries, local manufacturers and export-oriented industries. It must also address the issue of the dual currency policy and the absence of a financial market in Liberia.

s the Liberian dollar (LRD) exchange rate inches to 90:1 against the US Dollar, and prices quoted in Liberian dollars continue to rise, tempers are flaring as to what is wrong and who is not doing his job. Unfortunately however, as the leaders and the public seek answers on the state of the economy, the usual gurus called upon, include the ministry of finance (MOF) and the CBL. But this approach is a double-edge sword. The MOF and the CBL are most likely to tell you all the good news and none of the bad news like how Liberia is among the fastest growing economies in Africa and about how the government budget has leaped from USD98m to USD672m in only 7 years [MOF Budget Framework Paper 2013/14]. But on the streets and in our town and villages, the people are becoming experts in unemployment and poverty and this feedback is reverberating on talkshows and other media outlets. The GOL standard reaction to this disgruntlement is to brand those expressing discontent as the noisy minority. Amidst the hullabaloo, the question of whats wrong with the Liberian economy still must be answered. So in order to get some answers, here is an unsolicited pro bono outsider perspective on the structural issues facing the Liberian economy. How the World Sees Us Liberia has been peaceful for the better part of ten years, and as a natural consequence, it has experienced some significant progress in all spheres of life including the economy. Having said that, however, from an outsiders perspective, Liberia is still seen as one of the poorest countries in the world. You dont have to take my word for it. Just look at some of the indexes of international organizations. Firstly, the UNDP human development index, which tracks many facets of what a decent lifeput Liberia at 174 out of 187 (in 2012). Note that countries at the bottom of the index are deemed to have the lowest levels of human development. Another objective index is from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the internationally renowned organization for economic analysis. The IMF GDP per capita ranking put Liberia 178th out of 182 countries (2012) sitting at the 5th place amongst the world poorest nations. UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) also tracks very poor countries known worldwide as LCDs (least developed countries). The countries listed by UNCTAD as LDCs are noted for three things: (1) low per capita GDP (of US$992 or less) (2) low levels of health, education and literacy etc. (3) vulnerable economy (low industrial output and heavy dependence on primary products). Liberia, along with at least 33 other African countries, has been on that list since the UN began tracking in 1960. In Africa, only Botswana and Cape Verde have graduated from the list in 1994 and 2007 respectively. Points to remember: GDP growth notwithstanding, poverty, unemployment, and undevelopment are still rife in Liberia and it not only ordinary Liberians who see it, its seen the exact same way by many international organizations. To get out of poverty, Liberia needs to embark on a comprehensive economic policy overhaul. Fiscal Policy Overhaul I congratulate the honourable Minister of Finance, Amara Konneh, on his recent award for managing the fiscal policy of Liberia. His focus on infrastructure development, as well as his symbolic cutbacks in recurrent expenditures, is laudable. But the problem of fiscal policy in Liberia is beyond managing. Liberia fiscal policy (especially it spending priorities) needs an overhaul and thats why neither Amara nor Ngafuah [or any other person for that matter] will get Liberia out of the woods until and unless this fiscal policy overhaul takes place. The Executive Mansion and the Capitol Building have a tough decision to make as to what size of government Liberia can afford. No country eliminates poverty by spending the bulk of its income on salaries, vehicles, fuel and foreign travels. Recurrent expenditure constitutes at least 80% of GOL expenditure budget (2013/2014) and this is bad news for development. The GOL must be rightsized and even though this is not a popular thing to do, it is now the only way out. Just think of all the millions of dollars going down the drain on all those many commissions, agencies and bureaus created since 2005. What has Liberia gain from them? Do we really need a Law Reform Commission, when we have the National Legislature? Do we really need and National

You can read the full commentary on www.


Friday, January 17, 2014


Send your letters and comments to:

The Editor: Please consider below the CDC response to NEC Chairman Kokoyah comment made on the interactive radio talk show on the TRuth Breakfast Show hosted on Monday, January 13, 2014. The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) states with dismay, its disappointment over continuous flimsy excuses being provided by the National Elections Commission through its Chairman Mr. Jerome Kokoyah; in his attempt to justify the abrupt eruption, delay, and eventual short-cutting of some of the mid-term elections preparations that technically have the potential to affect all other aspects, and or processes germane to the holding of a free and fair Mid-term Senatorial Elections constitutionally scheduled for October, 2014. The CDC considers this alarming, which calls for immediate stakeholder engagement and review of the Kokoyah's Commission. The CDC is seriously evaluating the potential impact these latest actions of delays, or possible short-cutting of these processes by the NEC will have on the over-all smoothness of these coming elections, especially as they relate to voter education, participation, registration and verification. Consequently, through these evaluations, the party will evolve and advance appropriate course of actions, so as to ensure not only a free and fair mid- term elections that maintain at reasonable level all aspects that lead to polling date, but also to secure that the processes of electioneering meet all standard, and are safe-guarded, so as to avoid suspicion and irregularities, which have affected the party in the past. Obviously, these signs certainly validate the party' s position that Jerome Kokoyah wasn't just too partisan to head the commission, but also lacks the experience to manage this critical aspect of our country's transitional period between 2014 and 2017. Meanwhile, the CDC maintains that Kokoyah excuses amount to nothing, but a clear early sign of ineffectiveness and inefficiency that require urgent attention, and redress by the President of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

The Reader's Page

The editor,


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Samuel Quaywu Tokpa Brooklyn Park, Minnesota I am still waiting for the hair to grow in Milton Teahjay's hand, He said if Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became president during the 2005 election hair should grow in his palm. Wow! this is the same fool walking and smiling with Ellen, Bunch of hustlers damaging that country, nothing to offer but filling their pockets. Ironically without government jobs most of these guys are nothing! Weah H Williams Mr. Teahjay is a small town crook and the people of Sinoe should never give a trifling criminal a chance. Mr. Teahjay crooked me of my money (rent) and even threatening to get his boys to flog me. Winston Swaray Works at Liberian National Police My man, everybody know that Mr. Teahjay is a small town crooked in Liberia. Sueellen Gene Woods Your please leave Sinoe for people who are willing to develop that county...........I need to go and claim my mother rights when the time comes. Degan Ballayan Works at United States Marine Corps Mr. Teahjay has been very consistent from the very beginning about his ambitions. I think he should run for any office he feels qualified for. This is a who man who knows the intricacies of the senseless war that took the lives of over 350,000 Liberian lives. He attended secret meetings, training, etc., etc. Sometimes you have to go through the back door to enter your own house. Weah H Williams He is a crook that cannot be trusted. A small town crook. Degan Ballayan Works at United States Marine Corps If what you have said is true about Mr. Teahjay, then let him hang himself. We would like to know what he knows about the senseless war. He played a very secretive role in that destructive war. Again, sometimes you have to enter your own house through the back door.


Kindly afford me the opportunity to express my concerns on issue that baffles me every day when I see it or hear of it. It is the manner in which criminals or would be agents of crimes are been transported to the Monrovia central prison. Many at times from the temple of Justice through the UN Drive you see state security (Officers of the court) transporting criminals through the principle streets of Monrovia with hand cuff and they walk through the streets with other peaceful citizens around. These people are not transported by any modern or safe manner. They are not put in a state security vehicle (except that person is a high profile individual). I am not a security person, but my little knowledge tells me that there are too many dangers involve. it is possible that one of these criminals could decide to harm himself and another person while enroot to the prison? Why if associates of that criminal(s) decide to rescue their colleague on the way to the prison? Many at times you notice, only one sheriff escort a criminal with a hand cuff from Temple of Justice all the way to the Prison. When will we moved to a modern world? When will we start showing great concern for human life? How much will it cost to purchase vehicles to have it on the stand by to transport these hard core criminal and not walk thru the street and endanger people life. These are grave security measures that need to be attended to.

This ugly and ancient habit need to be inhibits and Ultimately, the right and power to appoint falls within the range embrace a beautiful and modern style of transporting of the President, so certainly she will have to take responsibility criminals.
for Mr. Kokoyah's display lacked of understanding of the impact his latest ineffectiveness and inefficiency can have on these crucial pillars of a fragile Democracy. Sidiki Fofana National Vice-Chairman Political Affairs / CDC

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to raise my suspicions on this antagonistic situation we are face with. James Kollie

Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666; 077-936-138,; Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793 Francis F.B. Mulbah, Layout Editor; 0886639382 REPORTERS Sports Editor, Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@, 0886236528 Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline. com Al-varney Rogers com, 0886-304498 Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay.sombai@, 077217428 COUNTY NEWS TEAM Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042 Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666 Sinoe County, Leroy N.S Kanmoh, leroy.kanmoh@ 0886257528 BUSINESS/ADVERTISING Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

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he Plenary of the Liberian senate Thursday lifted the suspension on Senator Prince Johnson (Independent-Nimba County) as chairman of the Senate Committee on Defense, and Veteran Affairs. The senate plenary took the decision after a investigative report submitted by Senator Frederick Cherue (UP-River Gee County) in which the committee asked plenary to lift the Senator suspension because of the lack of witnesses in the allegation that led to his suspension. Senator Johnson was suspended in September, 2013 days before the closure of the Legislature for their usual agriculture break after it was observed that he allegedly leaked confidential information from the Plenary to Police Inspector General, Chris Massaquoi. Inspector General Massaquoi was invited by plenary of the senate to give reasons why officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) impeded the functions of two lawmakers. Senator Theodore Momo (UPGbapolu County) reported that while on his way to session he was stopped by a police officer for violation of the Traffic and was insulted by



Friday, January 17 , 2014

Henry Karmo (0886522495)

the officer despite identifying himself to the police officer as a lawmaker. After the first incident with Senator Momo, Deputy Police Director Col. AB Kromah appeared before that august body and apologized for the action of the officer against a seating lawmaker and promised to investigate and punish the perpetrator.

Another incident occurred two days after the incident with Sen. Momo where another lawmaker from Gbarpolu County, Armah Jallah legislative function was impeded because of the same issue with traffic which grabbed the attention of the body and prompted the lawmakers to invite the Inspector general. During the Inspector Generals appearance at the Capitol he

trucked several ranking and non-ranking police officers to the capitol to protest the senators action to invite their boss. At that time it was alleged that Senator Johnson advised Director Massaquoi not to appear before the senate plenary because there were plans to pass a vote of no confidence in him. It was believed that based

on Senator Johnsons advise the Police boss delayed on his coming to the senate something that led to a decision by the senators to inform the President to dismiss Police boss Massaquoi because of gross disrespect to the lawmakers. Police officers were seen in the downpour of rain chanting anti lawmakers slogan such as if you want to kill me kill but I

Nigerian Arrested With 53 Tubes of Heroin at RIA
Agency has put its street value at US$23, 250.00 equivalents to L$2,027,850.00. Details of the offense released by the DEA indicated that Johnson Paul was arrested at the Roberts International Airport on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 4:10 p.m with the drugs in his stomach. The DEA says during preliminary investigation with Paul, it was established that Paul is a trafficker who was contacted by one John Okarfor bearing cell number #+923065908794 in Pakistan to transport his drugs to Liberia. Accordingly, Paul said he was told that upon arrival in Liberia one 50-50 to be identified with contact no. 08805631354 will pick him up at the RIA to arrange his accommodation.



will not run from any senator. After the decision by the plenary Thursday, Senator Johnson thanked his colleagues for what he described as the wise decision to exempt him and render special commendation to the Cherue ad hoc committee. Senator Johnson in 2013 was always seen in the midst of controversy ranging from the crisis in his party where he at one point declared that he was not part of the party verbally and later claimed to be the party political leader. He was later suspended as member of the Legislative Caucus of Nimba County for fueling conflict between the county students group and other lawmakers. Meanwhile the Hose of Representative has written plenary to invite Police Inspector General for the limited presence of police officer in Lofa County. Representative Moses Kollie (UP-District#5 Lofa County) in his letter said, there is a high level of insecurity in the county as a result of police absence. He also blamed it on the lack of motivation on the part of administrators why LNP officers continue to abandon rural assignments and return to the city.

Kennedy L. Yangian 077296781

Drug Trafficker Johnson Paul en-route to the Monrovia Central Prison

International Airport (RIA) have nabbed a Nigerian national with 53 tubes of heroin. Johnson Paul is the second Nigerian to be arrested at the country s only international airport in less than a month with such huge quantity of drugs which the Drug Enforcement

or the second time in less than a month officers of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) assigned at the Roberts

According to the DEA Paul told the investigation that he was called in Pakistan by a friend identified as John Okarfor who contacted him to bring the drugs to be paid the amount of US$1,500.00. Paul told the DEA that he received the amount of US$300.00 for pocket change and boarded the Qatar Airway from Pakistan to Qatar and another Qatar Airways flight from Qatar to Kenya and later boarded Kenya Airways from Nairobi to Monrovia. Paul upon arrival at the airport was delayed exit by DEA officers who kept him for hours, where he asked to use the rest room and while in the rest room he toileted with 49 tubes of the cocaine before the officers decided to take him to the National Security Agency headquarters.

While enroute to the NSA Headquarters, Johnson again toileted with another three tubes. Paul is reported to have told the DEA during investigation that he is a Nigerian but used a Ghanaian passport #142501930 in order to get his visa for Pakistan. The Drug Enforcement Agency has alleged that in view of the physical evidence by the seizure of the 53 tubes of Heroin weights 795 grams the investigation resolved to charge defendant Johnson Paul with unlawful possession, trafficking and distribution of dangerous narcotic drug in violation of section 41.23 of the Public Health Law of the country. Defendant Paul who was arraigned before the Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice was sent to jail at the Monrovia Central Prison pending prosecution. The United Nations Panel of expert in a recent report on Liberia indicated that senior security officers in Liberia are aiding and abating drugs trade. Also security officers in Liberia have been caught transporting drugs on several occasions.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Gbarnga, Bong County he year 2014 could be an intriguing one for Bong County especially with the special senatorial election in Liberia expected to take place in October. Already, 2013 left behind some memorable developments: internal war among members of the Bong legislative caucus over alleged squandering of county development funds, with officials of the local administration at odds over political alignment. Putting politics aside, the year 2014 could also bring citizens revolt amid the halt in the construction of the Bong Technical College. Citizens expressing their displeasure threatened to chastise members of the Bong legislative caucus whom they claimed are responsible for the stoppage of the construction. As the outlook for 2014 starts to reveal itself as early as January, FrontPage Africa predicts what impact the coming year could bring to a county amid post-war development. Education: Bong Technical College construction in limbo The status of what is seen as the beacon of hope for underprivileged residents of the county now lies in an unpredictable state. Construction work at the Bong Technical College is now stalled and the reasons for the halt are diverse.The assistant superintendent for development in Bong County, Anthony Sheriff, blamed the stoppage on the national government. The problem is from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The county development fund has not been released yet. We are short on materials and have run out of fund because the Ministry of


Whats in the Cards?
Selma Lomax,, 0886-484666
Africa Examination Council test. 2014 forecast: With the crisis about aggrieved Bong has provoked mixed reactions from senatorial aspirants in the county, especially incumbent Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor. Howard-Taylor has said that the role of a superintendent should be void of politics and as such Polson-Mappy should recuse herself from every political activity to maintain unity in the county. Polson-Mappys alleged political involvement in the county made things increasingly difficult in her first year over claims that it was Jackson former Bong superintendent running the affairs of the county rather than Polson-Mappy. The row stalled development projects funded by the county. 2014 forecast: After the end of 2011, Sirleaf gave the boot to former superintendent Herbert over claims of political maneuvering. Will Polson-Mappy follow Herberts fate after the 2014 election, or could she get the shock before years end, as possibly suggested by reports




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Finance is yet to distribute the county development fund to the 15 counties, Sheriff told FrontPage Africa in September 2013. Members of the Bong legislative caucus, who were at the core of the decision that gave birth to the construction, expressed optimism and said the college would be completed despite a failure to complete and dedicate the school on the two separate dates scheduled for 2013. Even though two dates for the completion of the college have elapse the college will come to an end 2014, said Rep. George Mulbah, the chair of the caucus. More troubling for faith in the colleges completion is its current status despite the county leadership and caucus

claims to have infused 90 per cent of the US$4 million projected cost. Independent engineers in the county who toured the site Monday graded construction work as 50 per cent finished, countering an earlier rating of the caucus of 90 per cent. Also, the relationship between the head of the construction firm, the Liberia-China Construction Company, and members of the caucus and the county leadership has gone from bad to worse, casting a dark cloud over completion of the college. The head of the company, Jim Kin, has threatened to expose lawmakers he claimed have undermined the construction of the college by demanding kickbacks from him. Kins rant at the lawmakers has

watered down the countys attempt to file a lawsuit against the company for undermining the construction of the college. 2014 forecast: Citizens of the county have already sent a caveat, threatening to revolt against members of the caucus if the construction of the college is not complete in 2014. And that could prove pivotal for the re-election chances of caucus members. Teachers persistent strike The year 2013 saw repeated strike actions by teachers of the Bong County school system over salary arrears owed them by government. In 2006 when teachers abandoned classes for salary arrears, the outcome proved catastrophic as Bong produced its worst result in the West

County teachers enlistment on governments payroll still unresolved and a threat of another potential teachers strike, education pundits are predicting perhaps the worstever result from the county in the West African Examination Council test. Politics Crunch year for Supt. Mappy When Selena Polson-Mappy was appointed by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in 2012 as superintendent of Bong County, replacing Lucia Herbert, political pundits saw the move as a boost for senatorial aspirant RanneyBanama Jackson. Polson-Mappy, who contested as a Representative candidate for District 6 but lost to Bill Adam Corneh, was a leading campaigner for Jackson in 2011 and still seems determined to do the same in 2014. Polson-Mappys perceived support for Ranney Jackson

of a potential gang-up by senatorial aspirants to see her out before 2014 is over? Only time will tell. Internal squabble among lawmakers could stall projects Internal bickering among Bong lawmakers took a toll on development projects in the county in 2011. Gbarnga, which had been enjoying 10 hours of electricity per day since the end of July 26 celebrations in the county in 2009, is now back to darkness, no electricity at all, FrontPageAfrica can reveal. Vast majority of caucus members demanded that their districts benefit similarly. Similar issues arise in 2014. The Bong Technical College, which reaped a huge chunk of the county development fund, could miss out because some members of the caucus are demanding a cut in funding going to the college.

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iberias Finance Minister Amara Konneh said he is strengthened by the enormous challenges he faces in Liberia as head of the ministry of Finance. Receiving the award as Finance Minister of the year for Africa given by the Financial Times of London leading magazine The Banker, Konneh said he was gratified for the recognition of his work by the magazine at a time when the challenges seemed insurmountable. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to The Banker Magazine for this honor, he said. Continued Konneh: I have faced several challenges along the way, but each has only strengthened me to make me the Finance Minister I am today; a thorough commitment to service for my country and an ardent reformist; someone who sets his eyes on a goal and does not take them off it unless it is achieved. He said he was greatly humbled and extremely honored to receive such an important award as 'Finance Minister of 2013' for Africa region. He told the Financial Times that somewhere deep inside, did not see it coming. Accepting the award at the FTs offices in London, during a short ceremony, Minister Konneh said Liberia as an emerging post conflict country, fixing the economy is the toughest task that the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf-led government has been faced in the first six years of ascending to power with adding that all the interventions into the economy by the government will yield long term rewards in the near future. As you know we are pursuing an expansionary economic policy in Liberia, we believe we have reached precisely where we were before the war and we need to invest now to diversify the economy to withstand both external and internal shocks so that we dont go back to conflict, he said. He said the government is seeking to invest in the economy while at the same time controlling the deficit spending at a sustainable level. This is tough for a post conflict country but thats what we need to do; so we are working on several programs to ensure that that happens, said Konneh. Road to De-dollarization He said Liberia has been able to clear a huge chunk of its debt, which has allowed it to borrow more money exclusively for economic infrastructure work including energy, which he called the binding constraint to Liberias economic growth. The Finance minister said unfortunately the Liberian budget has not reached a point where it can prevent deficit spending which in turn leads to expenditure overruns but

Finance Minister Konneh Pays Homage to Liberia As He Receives Banker Award in London
am very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable of winning this award. He thanked President Sirleaf for the confidence reposed in him adding: I am even more grateful to the opportunity to be a Finance Minister in HE Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia. The annual awards are regional and Konneh joins luminaries like Cesar Purisima of the Philippines, Luis Videgaray of Mexico and Sultan bin Saeed Nasser Al Mansouri of United Arab Emirates. The decision, which led to the choosing of Konneh as Finance Minister of the year 2014, was taken after discussions among the magazine's editors and a survey of views among bankers and economists. The Banker' is one of the most-read monthly financial magazines in Europe. "We trust that in five years' time, the economies in Liberia and Ireland will have improved enough such that even the locals think that we got it right," said the magazine.




Friday, January 17 , 2014

Minister Konneh accepting the award from the Financial Times in London
the government objective remains to keep the deficit at a sizable percentage of the GDP adding that the government has achieved that to a large extent. Speaking on the foreseeable de-dollarization policy of the government Minister Konneh said it is going to take Liberia three to four years to complete the transition to a single currency. He said the process is critical to Liberias economic growth because when it comes into force, it is going to increase the purchasing power of the ordinary Liberian who earns his/her income in Liberian dollars. While at the same time helping to curtail inflation. The two are necessary in order for people to feel the benefit of this economic recovery that we are registering, he said. The government has put in place an action plan to dedollarize and that plan is going to require first the government doing more transactions in Liberian dollar. We have a policy where we are collecting more tax revenue in Liberian dollars and also spending government expenditure using Liberian dollars. He said for this process to run smoothly, the bottlenecks have to be removed for concessions to run smoothly to allow the government to create the much-needed jobs in the economy. Minister Konneh said the award could not have been achieved without the inspiration he receives from his staff and colleagues at the Ministry of Finance. He said the ministry of finance family for whom he has deep respect, is the secret behind the strength to challenge himself to perform better despite criticisms. I sincerely thank every one of them for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly hold up this award as a mark of our common and shared achievement, he said. I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have received for my service to the Government of Republic of Liberia as Finance Minister, because I


Monrovia overnment of Liberia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will begin the issuance of Service Passports effective February 1, 2014. According to a Foreign Ministry release, a Service Passport is a class of passport whose issuance is based only on the nature of work and activity of the grantee. It is granted to civil servants and lower ranking officials below the rank of Assistant Ministers and Directors. The grantee must be noncommissioned presidential, judicial, legislative or ministerial appointees who are serving in capacities including research personnel, secretaries/clerks, civil servants of autonomous agencies, military and para-military personnel below the rank of lieutenant, athletes and employees of diplomats such as drivers and wards, among others.Meanwhile, the release emphasizes that Diplomatic, Official and Service Passports must be issued by and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The Foreign Ministry release however warns that no Foreign Service Officer or Mission of the Republic of Liberia shall issue Diplomatic, Official and Service Liberian Passports except when specifically authorized by written instructions from the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the President of the Republic of Liberia

Friday, January 17, 2014

(Reuters) -

rcelorMittal will have to share the Liberian rail line it is using to export iron ore with Sable Mining and others miners in Guinea who request access, Liberia's finance minister Amara Konneh said on Wednesday. Liberia, which neighbors Guinea, has an existing rail link to the Buchanan port in the Atlantic and offers a far shorter export route from deposits such as the giant Simandou project and Mount Nimba in Guinea, which is vital for mines to be profitable at current prices. The rail line is currently operated by ArcelorMittal, the world largest steelmaker. "ArcelorMittal is open to the multi-use of the rail because it is enshrined in the mineral development agreement signed with them. The government of Liberia would like to use its rail as much as possible for economic integration that is going to benefit both sides," he told Reuters. "So this year I will be travelling between Guinea and Liberia bringing all the stakeholders together so that we can close this deal (between Sable and ArcelorMittal)." The Guinean government has so far granted permission to export through Liberia only to Sable Mining, which is aiming to start production in 2015 and hit 5 million tonnes per year output after that. To allow more companies to

MOUNT NIMBA The Guinean government granted iron ore miner Sable permission to export through Liberia in October, which could increase the viability of its Nimba project. Sable then signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in November with the Liberian government. "The two government have agreed that they (Sable) will use Liberia and the Buchanan port to export ore from Guinea but just need to get the two companies to agree on the costs," he said. Export through Guinea is also critical for the other Mount Nimba deposit owned by major miner BHP Billiton and gold miner Newmont. BHP has been in talks over its 40 percent stake in the deposit with mining venture B&A Mineracao, co-founded by the former boss of Brazil Vale Roger Agnelli, over the last few months. A source close to the deal said the possibility to have an export route through Liberia is vital to the sale. Konneh said the other




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use the line though works need to be undertaken to expand its capacity and the companies wishing to use such lines will have to pay the bill for that, the minister said. Adding a second rail line is also an option, he added. A spokeswoman for

ArcelorMittal said the firm is willing to discuss availability on the Yekepa to Buchanan railway with third parties who may want to use available surplus capacity without interfering with ArcelorMittal Liberia operations. It is unclear whether

ArcelorMittal currently has spare availability for third parties but the steelmaker is ramping up its iron ore mining operations in Liberia and expect its production will grow from around 4 million tonnes a year to 15 million in 2015.


Julius Kanubah, Deutschwell
of small sacs called alveoli which fill up with air when a healthy person breathes. When an individual has pneumonia, the alveoli are filled with pus and fluid which makes breathing painful and limits the oxygen intake. Prevention is possible Pneumonia is caused by a number of infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria and fungi. It can be prevented by vaccination, adequate nutrition and by addressing environmental factors such as indoor air pollution and parental smoking. The WHO also recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child's life so as to build up its natural defenses against disease. Pneumonia caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotics but globally only 30 percent of children with the disease receive the antibiotics they need. Presidential launch The vaccination campaign was launched in Monrovia by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on January 9, 2014. Meanwhile health officials say they have deployed over 1,000 medical staff in 500 facilities across to administer the vaccine. Emmanuel Lansana is in charge of the outpatient department at Redemption Hospital. He said there has been a surge in the number of patients since they started vaccinating for pneumonia. "A lot of our patients, our mothers, caretakers, being aware of the dangers of pneumonia, the patients' load has grown more and more," he said. Child deaths that could have been avoided Tolbert Nyenswah, assistant minister at Liberia's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, said they were planning to vaccinate more than 100,000 children. "Last year we lost 7,000 children from pneumonia alone. If we had had this vaccine would have averted a lot of those deaths," he said. The vaccination program is being sponsored by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), a public-private global health partnership committed to increasing access to vaccines in poor countries. It brings together governments, the WHO, the vaccine industry and private philanthropists. With this program, Liberia hopes to cut its infant mortality rate. One of the Millennium Development Goals is to reduce infant mortality for under-fives by two thirds between 1990 and 2015.



companies developing the Mount Nimba deposit are also welcome to export through Liberia. "The question is about increasing the capacity so that the coming of these companies doesn't hinder ArcelorMittal operations in Liberia," he said. "We are discussing on how to make that increase happen. The companies who want to use (the rail) will finance that." Rio Tinto had also initially looked at exporting iron ore from its slice of the massive iron ore deposit Simandou through Liberia. Rio Tinto however has late agreed with the Guinean government to develop a transGuinean route which would provide wider benefits to Guinea but would take longer to develop and involve multi billion investment. Guinea's president Alpha Conde said in November he was confident of investor commitments to fund the costly infrastructure. Liberia has "medium-term" plans to launch an international bond but will first seek a debt rating, Konneh told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday.

Monrovia t the Redemption Hospital in the Liberian capital Monrovia, Henrietta Fatoma, is waiting with her son Francis Harmon. "I

brought him for vaccination," she told Deutsche Welle. "We are encouraged to bring our children for vaccination because it is good for them," she said. The World Health

Organization (WHO) says that pneumonia is the single largest cause of death in children worldwide. It is an acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. The lungs are made up

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Friday, January 17 , 2014



Put your acts in order Deputy Information Minister Kpadeh Tells Opposition Political Parties
Henry Karmo (0886522495)
educated, and dedicated opposition political parties. Though Minister Kpadeh claimed that the views expressed are his personal and not that of government through the information ministry, he trumpeted that the current government has done well in creating the environment to enhance democracy. In contrast, Minister Kpadeh an opposition in disarray. To the contrary, this is not what we are seeing, we are seeing the opposition Liberty Party (LP) and the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) involved in a very heated war,of-words where they are using vulgarity and trading insults at each other. We see the National Patriotic Party (NPP) whose headquarters has been turned into a center of turmoil, where people are exchanging fist and the NUDP in crisis. Also where are we heading, we think as a government and citizens to have the type of democracy we yearn for in this country, we must have a solidified, responsible and intelligent productive opposition, he added. The minister called on the opposition to put themselves into a position to provide alternative in moving the country forward because according to him opposition also have a role to play in the forward march of every nation. He called on them to now begin to advance what he called good ideas and recommendations and not to be counterproductive. Pressed as to whether the current government is not happy that opposition political parties are in disarray, Minister Kpadeh said: Our real interest is the survivability of Liberia, the building and solidification of our democracy and so whatever happens in this country that tends to undermine the building of this long-foughtfor democracy, will not be welcomed by us as a government and people of this nation. The minister denied claims by opposition that they have and continue to advance recommendations and solutions aimed at carrying the country; but government has not taken interest in them. Kpadeh called on opposition to see themselves as government and start to put their acts together by advancing good ideas and partnering with the current government, who in few years will be leaving the stage to give way to a new breed of leaders. We are not prepared as citizens to see an opposition which will jam the radio stations in the morning and saturate the newspapers with insults and accusations instead of advancing solutions and ideas for the forward march of the country, he said.

Monrovia -

r. Robert Kpadeh, Deputy Minister of Information for Technical Services has expressed serious disappointment in the manner and form in which opposition political parties are taking on each other. Speaking to FrontPageAfrica Thursday, Minister Kpadeh explained that over the past few months

he has observed with great shame a disjointed and fragmented opposition going at each others throat instead of forging bond and alliances to be able to position themselves for the 2017 presidential elections. Said Kpadeh: I see opposition political parties trading insults; I see them trading war of words, and I believe if there should be a solidified democracy, there is a need for strong and


Monrovia-The ational Elections Commission (NEC) in collaboration with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) will tomorrow, Friday, begin the conduct of a string of regional consultations on the impending Voter Roll UpdateExercise at two locations across Liberia. The consultations will be held in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County and Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County respectively. The consultation in Grand Cape Mount County will bring together, chiefs, elders, district commissioners, county superintendents as well as youth and women groupings from Montserrado, Gbapolu, Bomi and Grand Grand Cape Mounties. In Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County, attendance of similar scope will be drawn from Sinoe, River Gee, Grand Kru, Maryland and Grand Gedeh Counties. More than two hundred persons are expected to attend the consultations. At the gatherings, Presentations will be made on the Legal Basis for the Voter Roll Update, Voter

Roll Update Steps, Civic Voter Education and Communication Strategies for the Exercise, among others. The second and final phase of the regional consultations will be held in Gbarnga, Bong County and Buchanan, Grand Bassa Counties. In Gbarnga, Bong County, the consultations will bring together stakeholders from Bong, Lofa and Nimba Counties, while in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County participants will be drawn from Margibi, Rivercess, and Grand Bassa Counties.

The consultations are part of efforts by the National Elections Commission to elicit the participation of stakeholders in the Voter Roll Update Exercise which is the first of its kind to be conducted in Liberia. The consultations are being held under the theme: Enhancing Increased and Equitable Participation in the (CNN) -- Update Exercise. Voter Roll wo the Consultations stories of Funding for America one is provided by the-- United about its sometimes States Agency for International perverse capacity Development (USAID). for reinvention, the other

Monrovia The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Water Coordinator, Chris Holmes, is in the country to assess the effect of the agencys water and development strategy in Liberia. As part of the assessment Tuesday, Mr. Holmes accompanied by Deputy Agriculture Minister for Administration, Seklau Wiles,and visited a USAIDsponsored Food and Enterprise Program (FED) lowland rice site and two USAID-sponsored Improved Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (I-WASH) project sites in Bong County. At the Arise and Shine Farmers Group lowland Rice Multiplication site in Totota, Bong County, the USAID Global Water Coordinator said the U.S. Government is proud to support the Government of Liberias efforts to increase agricultural productivity, which the farmers group is working to achieve with USAID FED assistance through improved water management and use in conjunction with advanced planting techniques, improved rice varieties and fertilizer application. During a tour of the Moses Lon and Molouquellie communities in Jorquelleh districts Bong County, Mr. Holmes praised community members for working to ensure they had achieved Open Defecation



Free (ODF) status and said this will enable residents, especially children, to be healthy. When children are healthy, they can aspire to be what they want to be in the future.The two towns are among over 150 communities in Bong, Nimba and Lofa counties that have taken the responsibility for their own sanitation and hygiene through the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) process with guidance from the USAIDfunded I-WASH project.Earlier, in a meeting with members of the Natural Leaders Network /CLTS Champions and WASH Entrepreneurs, Deputy Minister Wiles thanked USAID and its partners for buttressing the Governments development efforts and urged the WASH entrepreneurs to form cooperatives and legalize their status, saying that if their businesses are registered, the Liberian Government would be ready and willing to do business with them. The WASH entrepreneurs are trained by the I-WASH project to repair hand pumps and manage small businesses supplying soap and Water Guard (point of use water chlorination) in rural communities.

Friday, January 17, 2014


House Vote Unanimously on District Impact Fund
Henry Karmo (0886522495)
(legislature or Executive) but said, the appropriation for infrastructural development shall be in what he refer to as ballpark figure and that implementation of each project so identified, be clearly and specifically vetted on a projectby-project basis and approved by the legislature before final appropriation and implementation can be made. Said Speaker Tyler: When one imagines that Gboe-pole Administrative District in lower Grand Gedeh County has never experienced a motor road, makes this proposal belated but this is one of the ways or means we believe that the much needed development can reach and impact our people in rural Liberia, Tyler added. The House speaker also called for protection for the three branches of government in the National budget in exercising its constitutional mandate. The Money, if concurred by the Senate and signed by the President will mean each member of the House of Representative will have one million United States dollars going to his district to be used for a specific project outside the County Development Fund and managed by the executive Branch of government. At Thursdays plenary a communication written by Representative Mariamu Fofana (UP-District #4 Lofa County) and sponsored by speaker Tyler, was read on the floor for deliberation for subsequent approval or rejection. In her communication Fofana said she supported the Tyler Proposal because of experience from the recent nationwide tour on the countrys draft petroleum law, where lawmaker saw firsthand experience and the appalling conditions citizens are living in rural Liberia due to the failure of the executive to implement projects that have been allocated for in the budget. Said Fofana: Given that the budget is crafted by the Executive branch of government and submitted to this honorable assembly before seeking direct citizens participation which due to time limit deprives districts of some key project recommendations. Many politicians and opposition candidates wanting to unseat current lawmakers may not see this as welcoming. Not because it does not intend to help the people of various districts but because it could serve as guarantor for incumbent lawmakers to be re-elected as many times as possible. In one instance, if one lawmaker receives four million United states dollars in the next four year to carry out projects that will positively impact the lives of residents of their constituents, it could serve as a reason for citizens to see the need to re-elect that lawmaker.




Page 11

Monroviahe House of Representative Thursday unanimously endorsed a proposed US$73,000,000.00(SEVENTYTHREE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS) Direct District Impact Fund proposed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. On Monday during programs marking the resumption of the legislative working activities after the bodys three-month constitutional break, Speaker Alex Tyler revealed plans by his office to propose a US$ 73 Million into the National budget separate from the County Development Fund to be used for developmental project in each district. Though the speaker did not say who will manage the funds


made by some pregnant women during her visit to the center in November 2013. Each time I asked these pregnant women what is the major challenge confronting them, they just say FOOD , FOOD, but the policy of UNFPA is not to provide food but this is my personal contribution Madam Ratidzai Ndhlovu said. As part of UNFPA gesture to the Phebe hospital the organization also provided one multipurpose photo copier , and a canon printer to the Phebe Para Medical Training Institution . Receiving the items, Bong County Heath officer Dr. Sambson Arzoaquoi said ,the printer and copier provided to the Phebe Para Medical Training Institution will also ease the difficulties they encountered to help provide teaching materials for medical students particular midwifery . This is not a small donation, and will not be used for the intended purpose in the Liberian sense asserted the Bong County Chief Medical officer as he smile and shower praises on UNFPA . Dr. Arzoaquoi also challenged pregnant women to encourage their friends to attend health centers during their pregnancy and delivery . All that is being done her is to tell you that you benefit a lot when you come to the hospital



Monrovia he United Nations Population Fund UNFPA, has provided delivery kits to mothers and children at the James Davids Hospital in Paynesville and the Phebe Hospital in Gbarnga , Bong County . The Mama and baby kits include cloth, bucket, food and other essential materials for women and children. UNFPACountry Representative RatidzaiNdhlovu said, the delivery kits is to ease the

difficulties women encounter to obtaining these materials when they give birth at hospital. According to the UNFPA boss, it is important that pregnant women are attracted to health centers aimed at reducing high deaths rate during delivery. She said UNFPA supports institution delivery and as such her organization will improve the condition of health facilities to ease the many difficulties women encounter particular during delivery. Whatever we do, whether it be family planning, whether it

be fistula, whatever it is, our aim is to ensure that no woman die during child birth, asserted the UNFPA boss. According to her maternal health is a major concern to the organization and as such they will continue looking for funding to help pregnant women and children in Liberia. The UNFPA boss said, the organization will ensure that medical institutions are attractive and conductive aimed at encouraging women to attend health center and give comfort

to the unborn. We dont want pregnant women to hesitant to come to health institutions said the UNFPA boss and noted that the organization will make health institutions attractive to encourage pregnant women to these centers. In Gbarnga Bong County, the UNFPA boss personally provided several begs of rice and ago oil to pregnant women at the PhebeMaternal waiting center at the Phebe hospital. According to her the gesture was as a result of a request

to deliver, we hope you will used this experience to go to you villages, towns, and tell people that the best place to go for deliver is at a hospital lamented the Bong County Health Officer . Currently Liberia has a high death rate amongst child bearing mothers. It is estimated that for every one thousand births, there are one hundred and ten deaths reported . Another institution which benefited from UNFPA gesture was the James David Hospital in Paynesville. At the center the Medical Director of the Hospital Dr. Yatta Sackie Wapoe lauded UNFPA for their gesture but pointed out that the institution is catering to over two hundred fifty thousand residence from neighboring communities . She identify the issue of space to accommodate patience as a major factor confronting the institution . Also speaking, Deputy Minister Health Services Bernice Dahn appealed to UNPFA to support the government of Liberia effort to improve the condition of the hospital. UNFP also rehabilitated the James Davis Health Center and promise to provide more assistant to the institution and patience.

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Friday, January 17 , 2014

Ministry of Finance P. O. Box 9013 Broad & Mechlin Streets 1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia

VALUATION OF MOUNT NIMBA MINNING The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance has ii. Market appropriated funds in the FY13/14 National Budget and intends to apply iii. Assets part of this to payments under the contract for Consultancy Services for Valuation of Mount Nimba Mining Project. The complete valuation of the project will also include calculations based upon either one or combinations of the following valuation models including but not limited to: Background a) Cash Flow/ Net Present Values , b) Comparable Transactions, In 2005, the Government of Liberia (GOL) entered into a Mineral c) Cash Flow Multiples/ Comparable P/Es and Development Agreement (MDA) with ArcelorMittal (AML) for the d) IRR re-development of Mount Nimba at Tokadeh, Nimba County. The Agreement has been amended twice: First in 2006 and then in 2013. The The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance now invites project is a joint venture between the Government of Liberia (30%) and eligible Firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. It is AML (70%) with the corresponding initial capital amounts of $15 and proposed that the valuation exercise will take not more than 90 days $35 million respectively. to complete with a written report presented to the Government of Liberia. Interested Firms must provide information indicating that they When the original feasibility was conducted, it was estimated that the are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar re-development of the mine would cost approximately US$900 million. assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate In 2011, AML completed new feasibility study that puts the estimated skills among staff, past performance history, etc.) project cost to US$2. 1 billion with the project divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 which is still ongoing involves the shipping of direct ship ore The Expression of Interest should also include at a minimum the cost, (DSO) with iron (Fe) content around 58%. Phase 2 which is expected to description of the methodology to be employed, the CVs of the Team start in 2015 will involve the shipping of palletized concentrate. Members, proposed timeframe, if a differs from the required time as set forth in the Terms of Reference, brochures, description of similar Currently, AML is producing and shipping nearly 4 MT pa of DSO. By assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate 2015, the project is expected to be shipping approximately 15 MT pa. skills among staff, past performance history, etc. Based on the financial model, the companys ramped up operations were slated for years 2010 through 2015 at which time, the shipment of DSO A consultancy firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures would cease. set out in the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission Act, of the Republic of Liberia. Only shortlisted Firms will be sent the Request As the project aggressively moves to phase 2 based upon the in initial for Proposals. projected financial model, AML has indicated the need for increased financing through the injection of capital by its shareholders. The Interested Firms may obtain further information at the address below Government of Liberia in an attempt to meet its financial obligations from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM GMT at the Procurement Unit, 3rd Floor as a minority shareholder, needs to hire an internationally recognized Room 045, Ministry of Finance, Broad & Mechlin Streets, Monrovia, and competent third party to work with a competent local entity in Liberia. undertaking a quick valuation of the project in order to provide both a book and fair market value of its equity stake in AML as at December Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 2:00 31, 2012. Accordingly, the GOL will use the valuation as a basis for the PM on or before February 14, 2014. determination raising capital to finance its position. Scope Attn. William J. Hagba Accordingly, the Government of Liberia is seeking a company that will Director of Procurement perform, among other things, the following tasks: 3rd Floor Room 045 Ministry of Finance 1. Analysis of mines financial statements, cash flows and projections P. O. Box 9013 2. Review of projected expenditures (capitalized VS. expensed) Broad & Mechlin Streets 3. Analysis of supply, demand and future price for iron ore, along 1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia with transportation costs Tel: +231886563518/0880753568 4. Review and confirm existing resource information to determine/ confirm: i. Extent of reserve and resources (Rule 7,43-101 and/ or JORC) ii. Ability to expand reserves Signed: ________________________________________ iii. The level of economic ore extraction Procurement Director iv. Mine plan 5. Explore and advise on strategic financing options for the GOLs equity position in the project base upon either one of the following Approved: _______________________________________ globally accepted methodologies: Deputy Minister for Administration i. Income
For the Provision of

Friday, January 17, 2014





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CAIRO (Reuters) gypt's new constitution was overwhelmingly approved in a referendum, state media reported on Thursday, an expected victory that nudges army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ever closer to a bid for the presidency. The vote advances a transition plan the army-backed government unveiled after deposing Islamist president Mohamed Mursi last July following mass protests against his rule. The next step is expected to be a presidential election for which Sisi - wildly popular among his supporters - appears the only serious candidate. He has yet to declare he will run. Some 90 percent of the people who voted approved the constitution, state-run media reported. Al-Ahram, the state's flagship newspaper, said the constitution was approved by an "unprecedented majority", citing early results. The constitution won wide support among the many Egyptians who backed the army's removal of Mursi. The Muslim Brotherhood had called for a boycott, saying the vote is part of a coup that deposed an elected leader and revived a brutal police state. Rights groups criticised the detention of seven activists from a moderately Islamist party campaigning for a "no" vote. In a statement, the foreign ministry said they were arrested on suspicion of lawbreaking and all but one of them, held in relation to a past conviction, had been released. It added that there was no ban on campaigning for a "no" vote. An Interior Ministry official said turnout appeared to be more than 55 percent in the first vote since Mursi's removal. A decree is expected within days setting the date for presidential and parliamentary elections, Al-Ahram reported. The official result is expected to be announced on Saturday. Some of the Islamists' opponents pointed to the result as proof of a popular mandate for Mursi's removal. "The Egyptians write the Brotherhood's death certificate," Al-Youm AlSabea, a privately owned newspaper, declared on its front page.

(CNN) --

grandson of former South African President Nelson Mandela has been charged with assault on suspicion of drawing a firearm against someone last month, a prosecutor in South Africa said Thursday. Mandla Mandela is accused of drawing a firearm after a man crashed a car into a vehicle driven by one of Mandela's guests in October, according to a senior prosecutor in Mthatha. Mandela appeared in a Mthatha magistrate's court, and his case was postponed until February 24.

Lagos, Nigeria (CNN) -igerian authorities arrested 10 people believed to be gay men under a bill signed this week that bans samesex marriages, a human rights group said. Police detained men in various states and have dozens of pending arrests based on perceived sexual orientation, according to Amnesty International. "Those arrested under this draconian new legislation must be released immediately and the charges against them dropped. Locking someone up for their sexual orientation violates the most basic human rights standards," Makmid Kamara, a researcher for the rights group, said in a statement Wednesday. Nigerian police spokesman Frank Mba angrily suggested no one had been arrested due to the new law. "I challenge Amnesty International to publish details of persons alleged to have been arrested in connection with the new antigay law, stating clearly when they were arrested, where they were arrested, the police station or department that carried out the arrest, etc.," Mba told CNN Thursday. "The new anti-gay law is primarily designed to prevent same sex marriages and unions in Nigeria. So far, (to the best of our knowledge) no Nigerian has come out to declare his intention of engaging in such an illicit union. Therefore, the question that naturally arises is: how can the police arrest 'suspects or offenders' not known to them or to the law?" In Bauchi state, Amnesty said an assistant commissioner of police confirmed that authorities had placed "a list of suspected gay people" under surveillance. The group said police arrested the men in Anambra, Enugu, Imo and Oyo states. "Reports that the police in one state are apparently drawing up lists of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community to target are extremely worrying," Kamara added. Mba took issue with that claim as well. "Who is this assistant commissioner of police? Amnesty International should provide his name and designation. Without providing details of the sources of their stories, third parties like

CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity or accuracy of such stories. The anonymity of the story raises a big credibility question. "Bauchi State Police Command alone has a total of seven assistant commissioners of police. There are hundreds of ACPs nationwide. Thus, without properly identifying the ACP in question, I will treat the story as mere fiction." President Goodluck Jonathan signed the bill Monday after parliament passed it last year, despite international pressure against it. It bans same-sex marriages and civil unions, and includes sentences of up to 14 years in prison for gay couples. The bill also forbids the operation of gay clubs, societies or meetings in Nigeria. The punishment for such acts is 10 years in prison. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry joined the United Nations in condemning the bill. "This law dangerously restricts freedom of assembly, association and expression for all Nigerians," Kerry said. "People everywhere deserve to live in freedom and equality. No one should face violence or discrimination for who they are or who they love." U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon expressed concerns, saying he was alarmed by reports of arrests and torture. He said he fears the bill will lead to violence and discrimination. . Last month, the Ugandan parliament passed controversial legislation that would make some gay acts punishable by life in prison. President Yoweri Museveni has not signed it yet. Homosexuality is illegal in most African nations based on remnants of sodomy laws introduced during the British colonial era. The laws are perpetuated by cultural and religious beliefs. Punishments across the continent range from fines to years in prison. Last year, a Pew Research Center report found African and Muslim nations are the least accepting of homosexuality. Of the 39 countries surveyed, Nigeria was the most intolerant. At least 98% of respondents in the nation said homosexuality is unacceptable.


CAIRO (AP) ndeterred after a day of sporadic violence, Egyptians on Wednesday lined up to vote on the second, final day of a key referendum on the country's new constitution. The vote is a milestone in a military-backed political roadmap toward new elections for a president and a ballotbox test of public opinion on the coup that removed Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood from power last July.The charter is almost certain to win a majority approval, following an intense endorsement campaign in the mostly promilitary media. Nearly all voters interviewed by The Associated Press said they backed the new constitution. Those who campaigned against the draft have been arrested and now face criminal charges. Monitors suspected of Brotherhood ties were not given permission to oversee the vote, and judges in charge of supervising the vote were carefully selected to weed out those suspected of links to the group.Hours after polls reopened at 9:00 a.m Wednesday, the turnout appeared lighter than on the first day but the mood was upbeat. In Cairo's upscale eastern district of Heliopolis, patriotic songs about the military blared from loudspeakers mounted on pickup trucks.


(CNN) --

wo stories of America -- one about its sometimes perverse capacity for reinvention, the other about the most tragic period in the country's history -- were among the leaders Thursday for the nominations for the 86th Academy Awards. "American Hustle," a story about con artists based loosely on the late 1970s

Abscam scandal, tied for the lead with 10 nominations. The movie was nominated in several major categories, including picture, director (David O. Russell), actor

(Christian Bale), actress (Amy Adams), supporting actor (Bradley Cooper), supporting actress (Jennifer Lawrence) and adapted screenplay. And "12 Years a Slave," based on Solomon Northup's 19th-century narrative about being taken from freedom into slavery, earned nine nods, including picks for best picture, best director

(Steve McQueen), best actor (Chiwetel Ejiofor), best supporting actor (Michael Fassbender) and best supporting actress (Lupita Nyong'o)."This has been an amazing ride, and to receive nine nominations from the academy is testament to all of the hard work. And for that I am truly grateful," McQueen said.

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Friday, January 17 , 2014

A. Macaulay Sombai-0777217428

Monrovia he 2013/2014 edition of the annual National County Sports Meet comes to a climax Sunday at the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville with heavyweights Nimba and Grand Bassa completing the tournament following weeks of entertaining soccer matches. Nimba was first to qualify following a fascinating 4-2 win over arch rivals Grand Gedeh while Grand Bassa managed a hard fought 2-1 victory over Bong County in the second semifinal match. Musa Fofana, head of Nimba County says his side convincing 4-2 triumph over Grand Gedeh County in the first semifinal clash clearly signals that his county is going to win the championship of the football version at the tournament. Musa Fofana said based on his players excellent performance since the resumption of the tournament against their opponents especially the playmaker Sam Johnson he can assure the people of Nimba the championship on Sunday. I am pleased to paid reverence to my striker Johnson along with his fellow players because it was through their tactical experience we have reached this tournament grand finale but I am urging them do more then what they did today against Grand Gedeh, Coach Fofana said. The Nimba vs Grand Gedeh match started off to an entertaining start, not lacking goals with Lewis Yarpleh of Grand Gedeh getting the match curtain raiser in the first two minutes through spacing. But Grand Gedeh could not withstand the tactical and forceful ball control of Nimba County and in the fourth minute Alex Bedel punched in the equalizer after Grand Gedeh Goalkeeper failed to properly hold on to the ball in his penalty box. Nimba second goal was scored by Emmanuel Williams in the 15th minute through spacing after he received the most splendid in swinger yet in the tournament from the man of the match, Striker Johnson. Johnson himself hit in the third


goal in the 18th minute from the penalty spot after one of his teammates was brought down in Grand Gedeh penalty box. Upon resumption of the second half, Liberty Jarlo pull one back for Grand Gedeh to reduce the score line, setting up a close contest in the final 30 minutes of the match. With Grand Gedeh mounting pressure in search of an equalizer, they were caught unaware by the skills of Striker Johnson. Not satisfied with his goal tally, Johnson again scored the fourth goal for Nimba in the 87th minute after disorganizing the entire defense of his opponent, putting the match to bed and sending Nimba through to the final. The Head Coach of Grand Gedeh County, Matthew Julutweh attributed his side defeat to his players failure to follow instructions. We as technical officials try our possible best for the team to make a comeback but they, the players could not just stand

the strength of our opponents and I think Nimba county deserve the victory because they put the majority of their opportunities in the good use and that why they carried the day, the coach said. Soccer analysts who watched the match between Nimba and Grand Gedeh attributed

Grand Gedeh defeat to the poor performance by their goalkeeper Emmanuel Henry. The two sides created some substitution but coach Julutweh of Grand Gedeh began his changes in the first half bringing in Piston Cooper in place of Leroy Jolo, and Wroto Williams replacing

Madsion Tayu. On Nimba squad, Coach Fofana brought in Prince Wilson in place of Emmanuel Williams while Prince Charplaye went in for Alvin Gboto. In the day last semifinal encounter, Grand Bassa County came from one goal

down to defeat Bong 2-1. Bernal opened the score for Bong in the first half but could not maintain that lead and Varney Sanoh got the equalizer for Bassa with Ramsey Gee hitting Grand Bassas winning goal in the second half. Grand Bassa had defender Varney Sando red carded for going contrary to the rules of the game. The tournament football grand finale will be played between Nimba and Grand Bassa while the kickball grand finale will be between Margibi and Bong Counties. In the Kickball version, Margibi County made it to the tournament grand finale after a 6 to 5 home runs success over Gbarpolu County in the first semifinal battle and Bong booked her grand finale spot through a 5 to 1 home runs triumph over Nimba County in the second semifinal clash.

Friday, January 17, 2014



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Basketball Stars funeral marred by confusion By: Danesius Marteh,0886 236 528

LFA moves extraordinary congress from January 25 to January 18


Delegates at the ordinary congress on October 5, 2013 at the Monrovia City Hall

Danesius Marteh,

Those vying for any of the 12 executive committees positions must have at least a high school diploma. Several individuals have been nominated for the various committees. Malcolm Joseph is poised to become chairman of the elections committee with Abraham Kaydea and Papa Kamara as co-chairman and member respectively. Former Supreme Court Justice Karmo Soko Sackor will be confirmed as chairman of the election appeals committee while Lloyd B. Kennedy and ex-LFA vice president Siaka Sheriff will become co-chairman and member respectively. Attorney-at-law Medina Wesseh will sail through as chairperson of the ethics committee along with attorney-at-law Agatha Yowah Kollie and Albert Jaja as co-chairperson and memberrespectively. Attorney-at-law Joseph Kollie, Willis D. Knuckles and Tarplah Doe are poised to take-over the appeals committee as chairman, co-chairman and member respectively. The disciplinary committee will be made-up of Cllr. Izetta Wesley, David Forkpa and Joseph Farkollie as chairman, co-chairman and member respectively. Liberia Bank for Development and Investment president John B. S. Davies,Finance Ministry comptroller-general Boom Wilson andVarney Sherman (not the Unity Party chairman) have been earmarked on the external audit committee as chairman, co-chairman and member respectively. The LFA is desperate to ratify the new statutes 30 days before the ordinary congress in March but it woefully failed to notify stakeholders of the place, date and agenda and to distribute documents a month before the congress in keeping with article 36, section 36.3 of the 2010 statutes.
growth and development with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I have worked with my colleagues in leadership to ensure that our beloved organization is second to none. And let the words go forth that I remain fervently committed to doing what I love to do bestto serve Swal and no amount of distraction, lies and cheap talk will sway me away from achieving such goal. We are fully aware that all these false allegations by our detractors are campaign tactics intended to take our attention from the real issue.And the real issue is the election. These belly driven detractors are scare of our potential, ability and capability. They know who we are and the qualities we possess, she pointed-out. Brooks, who became the first female vice president of Swal, will face stiff competitions from incumbent secretary-general Roland Mulbah of Champions Sports newspaper, Leroy M. Sonpon of Daily Observer newspaper and Richard Manuba of ELBC. ELBCs Moses Kollie Garzeawu and Kolubay Zayzay have declared their intentions for the vice president and secretary-generals positions respectively. Edwin Boy Dolo of Insight newspaper is so far the lone candidate for the assistant secretary-generals position while incumbent treasurer Momoh Siryon could be challenged by Boakai Fofana of the Voice of Firestone in Margibi County.

he Liberia Football Association (LFA) has hastily rescheduled its extraordinary congress. The congress, meant to adopt the newly-approved Fifa statutes for the LFA, has been moved from January 25 to January 18 with the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) venue unchanged. Key among the amendments made were the setting-up of several committees that will be nominated by the executive committee and approved by congress. It includes the disciplinary and ethics, appeals and election committees in continuation of Fifa standardization drive. LFA president Musa Bility has been accused of altering key provisions in the Fifa-approved statutes of March 2010, putting the elective congress in March in jeopardy. But Bility and LFA officials reportedly met Fifa representatives, Primo Sergio Corvaro, head of administration and Salome Stahli of the legal department to harmonize the two statutes at the RLJ Kendeja resort from December 14-15, 2013. An LFA release on Thursday on facebook by communications director Henry Flomo said the congress will address the adoption of the statutes and approve the nomination of the judiciary bodies and electoral committee members nominated by the executive committee. One of the contentious issues in the two statutes had been the qualification of presidential, vice presidential and executive committee candidates. Article 58 of the proposed statutes say those vying for the presidency or vice presidency must be at least 25 years old, president of a club within the LFA for the past two years leading up to elections, a bachelor's degree holder, a Liberian resident and holds a Liberian nationality and without any criminal record.

Brooks declares her intention for the presidency in Swal elections


Danesius Marteh,

NMIL Radio producer and presenter Martina Brooks has formally declared her intention to contest for the presidency in the pending elections of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia (Swal) on January 24. Brooks told a news conference on Thursday at the Liberia National Table Tennis Association on Broad Street that she wants to pick-up from where outgoing president Fombah Kanneh left it. Distinguished colleagues, our quest for the betterment of Swal is still and will always remain unflinching. We started a journey two years ago as vice president to ensure that we achieve this unflinching desire. And looking back two years on, I would say that we have made some strides but again, more still needs to be done.Due to my relentless desire to take our association to the next level, I am today announcing that I will contest the ensuing Swal elections as president. This is a well thought and calculated decision. Our impeccable record of dedicated service to the institution speaks for us.More so, we understand the internal workings of Swal and are prepared and well equipped for the

task. This is our territory. Let me borrow the words of President [Ellen Johnson] Sirleaf to inform you that I will be a candidate and I will be a more formidable candidate.May God bless us and safe our darling Swal, she declared. Kanneh, together with the leadership, launched the first-ever membership drive in Harbel, Margibi County and also established a charity program, Helping Todays Kids Become Tomorrows Stars. Under this initiative, Swal distributed sporting materials to several schools, orphanages and slum communities. The group also worked with Margibi County Representative Ballah Zayzay, drafter of the sports academy bill, for its passage by the National Legislature and awaiting President

Sirleafs signature. Prior to her formal declaration, news surfaced that Brooks was indebted to Swal. And although the air was cleared by Kanneh on January 6, Brooks didnt allow sleeping dogs to lie. If you think you will use my name to carry out your cheap propaganda that you believe will make me to stay away from the process, you are getting it all wrong. Like our dynamic President Fombah Lassana Kanneh rightly put it the other day, I have never owed Swal a penny. And the records are available for verification. All I have done over the years is to love Swal and work for its overall

t was on December 20, 2013 when news surfaced that Ishmael Dickerson was in an intensive care unit (ICU) at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center. Wrapped in a blanket, Dickerson, in an apparent hope of survival, mustered the courage to say a few words: Gentlemen, your [you will have to] please do something to help me. I am going slowly oh. Lord, why am I like this? But the fear of Augustine Tuo that his buddy, who had been ill for about two months, would not make it if urgent steps werent taken to save his life became true four days later when Dickerson gave-up the ghost. We need to save the life of our brother now or there will be never for him, said Tuo at the time. But it turned out for the worst and Dickersons mortal remains were taken to the Borough Funeral Home in New Kru Town. The Royal Family Church where he had been a regular worshipper refused his body for fears that his funeral would have been chaotic and a bad public relations for the church. So the service was set for the funeral homes chapel where, true to the prediction of the church, all hell broke loose on January 11. Drama at the service Onlookers wrapped their hands and shook their heads in shame as the sisters and wife of the fallen basketball player traded insults. It was a scene that disrupted the service thus prompting the management of the funeral home to order the coffin out of their chapel. We cannot allow this noise to go on in this chapel, a staff of the funeral home remarked as he ordered the undertakers to take the casket out of the chapel. As the undertakers were perfecting the order, Dickersons sisters and wife, joined by her family members, spewed unpleasant comments at each other. You are the cause of our brothers death. You ate his money and abandoned him to die. My brother was left to me to cater for him. When he was working, he was spending his money on you. But when he lost his job, you were nowhere to be found, they said one after the other. But Dickersons mother-in-law retorted: You are the ones that killed your brother. You people should not put false blame on my lovely daughter Ruth. The tension boiled uncontrollably with the two groups entering a near fist fight. The noise drew the attention of people in the community with some running to the scene saying, They equal [and], no parting. With the casket out of the chapel, the preacher man quickly offered brief prayers and it was the end of service. This is not the kind of farewell our brother deserves, said Arthur Becker, a friend of Dickerson, as he broke down in tears. This is bizarre, he added. What is this happening? This is not a good reflection of the simple and quiet life brother Ishmael lived, remarked Wellington Bright, president of the Beverly Hill, a social group that Dickerson was a member of, with his hands wrapped around his chin in an apparent mood of shock and sadness. This should be a lesson for all young people, added Solo Karmbor, a childhood friend of Dickerson. As the coffin was being lowered to the ground for burial, the phone of Dickersons widow rang with the musical tone Let them talk oh that them get their mouths. This prompted a sudden and sturdy response from a sister of Dickerson saying, Yes, we will continue to talk for the rest of our lives on how you frustrated our brother to death! Dickerson was born in 1979 and passed-away on the eve of Christmas following months of struggle with an illness described as psychological depression. He got married in December 2012 and according to his family, he was abandoned by his wife since their matrimony. Dickerson, known as Leaflets by fellow basketballers, broke onto the national scene in the mid-1990s following starring performances for the Foxes of the College of West Africa High School. He went onto become a household name for his stylish performances for Bushrod Bull, LPRC Oilers and Uhuru Kings. Dickerson was a senior student at the AME Zion University. May God grant him and all faithful departed eternal rest.

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