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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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8a|||na w|||
rec|eve the MacDonagh
1rophy as North 1|pperary C|ub of the ear for
2013 |n 1he Lakes|de note| on Ir|day the 17th
Ianuary. 8a|||na prev|ous|y won th|s award |n 2000.
at Cosgrove w||| rece|ve the North 1|pperary
Intermed|ate nur|er of the ear on the same n|ght.
A|| c|ub members are |nv|ted to attend.
8alllna wlll recelve Lhelr lnLermedlaLe &
Mlnor Medals on Lhe nlghL as wlll Lhe oLher clubs
who won norLh Champlonshlps or League ln 2013.
1o cap a greaL year ln 2013, 8alllna wlll
recelve Lhe norLh 1lpperary club of Lhe ?ear. 8alllna
won Lhe norLh & CounLy lnLermedlaLe & Mlnor 8"
hurllng LlLles, All-lreland lelle na nCael ln Camogle
as well as several CounLy, rovlnclal & All-lreland
handball LlLles & all of Lhese comblned wlLh under-
12 & under-14 successes ln norLh 1lpperary, mean
Lhe club are Lop of Lhe plle.
Cff Lhe fleld, Lhe work of Lhe varlous
commlLLees from flnance Lo communlcaLlon Lo fleld
developmenL were also ma[or facLors ln aLLalnlng
Lhls accolade for Lhe second Llme ln Lhe club's
hlsLory. Coachlng, Cn Lhe fleld presenLaLlon of
Leams & dlsclpllne
also come lnLo
hls dlsplay's aL
full-back Lhls year
- aLrlck Cosgrove
has been chosen
as Lhe norLh
lnLermedlaLe Purler of Lhe ?ear. aL has been ever
conslsLenL Lhrough ouL Lhe year & a sLalwarL of
8alllna for a number of years. CongraLulaLlons Lo
1hls also puLs aL on a ShorL-llsL of 3 for Lhe
nenagh Cuardlan norLh 1lpperary Purler of Lhe
?ear. 1he oLher conLenders are Lhe wlnners from
Lhe Senlor, !unlor, under & Mlnor. 1hese are llsLed
Senlor: uarragh Lgan (klldangan)
!unlor: ueclan CosLello (knockshegowna)
under-21: nlall C'Meara (kllruane
Mlnor: 8arry Peffernan (nenagh Llre Cg)
1he uarrell uarcy norLh 1lpperary
looLballer of Lhe ?ear wlll also be presenLed on Lhe
nlghL and wlll be chosen from
AdulL: Ceorge Pannlgan (Shannon 8overs)
under-21: 8rlan uavls (8orrlsokane)
Mlnor: Wlllle Connors (klldangan)
As well as wlnnlng Lhe norLh 1lpp club of
Lhe ?ear ln 2000, 8alllna players have won norLh
lndlvldual player of Lhe year awards ln Lhe pasL &
Lhey are:
kevln Cosgrove (lnLermedlaLe looLball 2003)
uavld Plckey (under-21 looLball 2003, Cvera||
& lnLermedlaLe looLball 2004)
eLer klng (Cvera|| & !unlor looLball 2003)
uomhnall Mckeogh (Mlnor looLball 2001)
Sean Mckeogh (Cvera|| looLball 2000 & !unlor
Purllng 2007)
Shane C'8rlen (Mlnor Purllng 2004)
SLephen C'8rlen (Cvera|| & Mlnor looLball
Cerry C'8rlen (under-21 looLball 2004)


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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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North 1|pperary C|ub of the ear 2013 1
What's In the kev|ew 2
Cther C|ub Aff|||at|ons 2014 3
kev|ew dates 2014 3
8a|||na Camog|e C|ub 3
C|ub Membersh|p 4
Iundra|s|ng 4
1hanks: S
keep up to date S
2014 Lvents S
Mouthguards: 7
nea|thy C|ub ro[ect 7
1|pperary Munster Champ|onsh|p Dates 2014 8
S|xty Seconds (we|| maybe a b|t |onger) w|th....
atr|ck Cosgrove 9
DVD on Sa|e: 10

?*;("# @/#.(;A 345B
now LhaL 2014 ls ln, aLLenLlon wlll lnevlLably
Lurn Lo Lhe playlng flelds & plans are belng puL ln
place for 2014.
8alllna wlll compeLe ln Lhe new look Senlor
Purllng Champlonshlp ln 2014. eople may be
sllghLly confused over Lhe 2014 & hopefully Lhls wlll
clarlfy some blL.
1he norLh champlonshlp (14 Leams) wlll be
knock-ouL/Losers Croup. 8alllna wlll be [olned ln Lhe
haL by 8orrls-llelgh, 8orrlsokane, 8urgess, klldangan
(norLh Champlons), kllruane Macuonaghs,
Lorrha/uorrha, Moneygall, nenagh Llre Cg, orLroe,
8oscrea, Sllvermlnes, 1emplederry kenyons and
1he norLh Champlons wlll compeLe ln Lhe
CounLy Champlonshlp rellmlnary CuarLer llnals.
16 Leams wlll play ln 8olnn l of Lhe CounLy
Champlonshlp & 16 Leams wlll play ln 8olnn ll.
Lach of Lhese 16 wlll be dlvlded lnLo 4
groups of 4 (1 Leam from each seed ln 8olnn l & 2
Leams from each seed ln 8olnn ll).
ko|nn I ko|nn II
Seed 1
- 8orrls-llelgh
- klldangan
- Loughmore/CasLlelney
- nenagh Llre Cg
Seed 2
- ClonoulLy/8ossmore
- urom/lnch
- Llre Cg AnnacarLy
- klllenaule
Seed S
- 8alllngarry
- CappawhlLe
- C.!. klckhams,
- Polycross/8allycahlll
- !.k. 8rackens
- kllruane Macuonaghs
- knockavllla/uonaskelgh
- orLroe
Seed 3
- Carrlck Swan
- 8oscrea
- Sllvermlnes
- 1oomevara
Seed 4
- 8urgess
- Moycarkey/8orrls
- 1emplederry kenyons
- upperchurch/urombane
Seed 6
- 8oherlahan/uualla
- 8orrlsokane
- Carrlck uavlns
- Cashel klng Cormacs
- Lorrha/uorrha
- Moneygall
- 1hurles Sarsflelds
1he Lop Lwo Leams ln each 8olnn l group (8)
& each group wlnner (4) from 8olnn ll wlll go lnLo
Lhe rellmlnary CuarLer llnals (lasL 16). 1he 4
dlvlslonal champlons wlll make up Lhe remalnlng 4
Leams ln Lhe lasL 16.
1he boLLom Leam ln each 8olnn l group wlll
be regraded Lo 8olnn ll 2013, whlle Lhe boLLom
Leam ln each 8olnn ll group wlll play-off, wlLh 2
belng relegaLed Lo lnLermedlaLe 2013.
lf a Leam wlns lLs ulvlslonal champlonshlp
and also flnlshed ln a quallfylng spoL from lLs group
games, Lhen 3rd place from 8olnn l or 2nd or 3rd
place from 8olnn ll wlll also quallfy for Lhe
rellmlnary CuarLer llnals.
lull deLalls of boLh Lhese draws wlll be
made avallable as soon as Lhey are known.

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Whlle Senlor Purllng ls already dealL wlLh -
8alllna wlll also enLer Leams as follows ln Lhe
varlous 2014 norLh 1lpp Champlonshlps:
Senlor Purllng
!unlor 8" Purllng
!unlor A" looLball
under-21 8" Purllng
under-21 8" looLball
Mlnor A" Purllng
Mlnor A" looLball
under 16 8" Purllng
under 16 8" looLball
under 14 8" Purllng
under 14 8" looLball
under 12 Purllng - 2 1eams
under 12 looLball - 2 1eams

Iu|| ||st of teams |n 8a|||na's Grade

Under-16 "8" nur||ng (8)
8alllna, 8orrls-llelgh, 8orrlsokane, Sllvermlnes,
8urgess, Moneygall, orLroe & Shannon 8overs

Under-14 "8" nur||ng (8)
8alllna, 8orrls-llelgh, 8orrlsokane, 8urgess,
kllruane Macuonaghs, newporL Caels, orLroe &
Shannon 8overs (Lorrha)

Under-16 "8" Iootba|| (9)
8alllna, 8orrls-llelgh, 8orrlsokane, 8urgess, orLroe,
8overs/Lorrha, Sllvermlnes, 1emplederry kenyons &
Under-14 "8" Iootba|| (10)
8alllna, 8orrls-llelgh, 8orrlsokane, 8urgess, kllruane
Mac uonaghs, Moneygall/1emplederry, newporL
Caels, orLroe, Shannon 8overs (Lorrha) &
<*=(*> E+$*9 345B
lL ls hoped Lo lssue Lhe revlew on a monLhly
basls ln 2014, hopefully on Lhe 3rd lrlday of each
monLh. As such Lhe planned lssue daLes wlll be:
17Lh !an 21sL leb
21sL Mar 18Lh Apr
16Lh May 20Lh !un
18Lh !ul 13Lh Aug
19Lh Sep 17Lh CcL
21sL nov 19Lh uec

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Camog|e presentat|on n|ght |s on Ir|day
Ian 31st at 8pm |n Lakes|de note|. resenLaLlon for
players of Lhe year from under-10 Lo under-16
Also Lhe Camogle club wlll have Leams from
under-6 up Lo !unlor ln 2014
under-10 & under-12 enLer go game
under-14, under-16, under-18 and !unlor
for champlonshlp and league as below:
!unlor 8
Mlnor C
u16 C
u14 A
under-14/16 Lralnlng resumed 1hursday
16Lh. uaLes for older glrls Lo be conflrmed asap
AGM 27th Ian at 8pm
Club have recenLly seL up facebook a/c
no flxLures avallable yeL

handball ls sLarLlng
back up aL Lhls
Llme. More deLalls Lo follow.

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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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Membersh|p for 2014 w||| fa|| due short|y. Why not [o|n now, so that |t does not get forgotten about.
Ir|ends of 8a|||na
We are conLlnulng Lo geL greaL supporL from our lrlends of 8alllna CAA conLrlbuLors. 1hls scheme
remalns open and people are always welcome Lo [oln.
8emlnder Lo any A?L conLrlbuLors LhaL Lhe club can beneflL from a slgnlflcanL Lax rebaLe bonus lf Lhey
compleLe Lhe forms senL ouL wlLh Lhelr acknowledgemenL leLLers and reLurn Lhem Lo
Lhe club. lease conLacL a commlLLee member lf addlLlonal forms are requlred.

Str|ct|y Come danc|ng
1hlnk you can dance? Well your blg opporLunlLy has arrlved. 1he club ls holdlng
a SLrlcLly Come uanclng" evenL ln March ln parLnershlp wlLh orLroe CAA Club.
We need dancers Lo Lake parL, so conLacL club offlcers lf lnLeresLed.
1ralnlng/racLlce beglns ln !anuary.

8a|||na GAA & 8a|||na ] 8oher ar|sh Lotto
t200 ls added
each week lf
Lhe [ackpoL ls
noL won.
kecent 30 Lucky D|p W|nners
13]01]14 (M|||s) - No Iackpot W|nner,
Numbers Drawn: 04 / 03 / 14 / 23
1. Mgt Rooney c/o Roundhill
2. Marzena Kanik c/o J Stritch
3. Pat Gleeson, Grange, Ballina
4. Elaine Corcoran, Crana
S. Eamon Power On-line winner.

06]01]14 (I|anagans) - No Iackpot W|nner,
Numbers Drawn: 06 / 08 / 18 / 19
1. Moira Walsh c/o Walsh's
2. Sadie McKeogh c/o Collins Pharmacy
3. Helen Corcoran c/o Roundhill
4. Margaret Mc Keogh,c/o Mike Hurley
S. Siobhan Hunt On-line winner.
30]12]13 - No Iackpot W|nner,
Numbers Drawn: 14 / 20 / 21 / 23
1. Des Coonan c/o Mills
2. Gertie McNamera c/o John Stritch
3. Sean Fennelly,Boher
4. John Travers c/o Seanchaoi
5. Ted ORahelly On-line winner.
16]12]13- No Iackpot W|nner,
Numbers Drawn: 07 / 09 / 21 / 23
1. Breda Hurley, Garryneal
2. JJ OKeeffe, Shallee
3. Pamela Mills c/o Mills
4. Mary Horenberg c/o JD's
5. John Bowman On-line winner.
Extra Draws of !50 each
1. John Travers, c/o Seanchaoi
2. Maura Nolan Ballina N.S.
3. Denis OMeara.c/o TJ's.

Lotto Venues Ianuary ] Iebruary 2014
20/01: !u's, 8alllna, 27/01: Llam C'8laln's, 8alllna,
03/02: 8oundhlll, 8oher, 10/02: , 17/02:


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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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1he club ACM wlll be held on Ir|day 24th Ianuary 2014 at 8pm ln Lhe club house.
1he club offlcers for 2014 wlll be apoolnLed/ elecLed aL Lhls lmporLanL meeLlng & all members are asked
Lo aLLend
vlslL www.balllna.Llpperary.gaa.le for more deLalls.
1he !uvenlle club ACM wlll be held on 1hursday 30th Ianuary 2014 at 8pm ln Lhe club house.
Agaln Lhe club wlll be looklng for volunLeers Lo acL as offlcers or menLors. Agaln lf you are a parenL /
guardlan please make every efforL Lo aLLend
A blg Lhanks Lo everyone who supplled maLerlal for Lhls newsleLLer, especlally Carmel 8radshaw,
Mlchael keely, !ohn Cleeson, 1heresa nevln, Lamonn ower & 8onnle ower.
1hanks Lo Lhose who suppplled phoLos & compleLed proflles.
We hope Lo run Lhls newsleLLer agaln monLhly and any named phoLo's or arLlcles you wlsh Lo see
lncluded should be emalled bealanaLharevlew[ or Lo any club offlcer clearly marked 8eal An Lha
8evlew" Any observaLlons or feedback on Lhls lssue can also be emalled Lo Lhe same address.
lease feel free Lo emall Lhls newsleLLer Lo any member of Lhe wlder 8alllna CAA communlLy whom you
feel would be lnLeresLed or prlnL lL for Lhose noL on emall.
nappy New ear to you a||.
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Cur 8C Carmel 8radshaw ls a very busy lady & Lhanks Lo her work you can keep up Lo
daLe wlLh Lhe acLlvlLles ln Lhe club. Per noLes appear weekly ln Lhe local nenagh Cuardlan". Cur webslLe:
www.balllna.Llpperary.gaa.le ls ln need of a blL of aLLenLlon as Lhe CAA recenLly changed plaLforms. Powever we wlll
brlng lL up Lo daLe as soon as posslble. We have a facebook page: balllna.gaaLlpperary whlch always has plenLy of
acLlvlLy, phoLos & posLs. Cur LwlLLer accounL ([balllngaa) also provldes brlef snlppeLs of games.
lor up Lo daLe CAA news ln 1lpperary lncludlng llxLures & 8esulLs you can vlslL www.Llpperary.gaa.le or
www.norLh.Llpperary.gaa.le. 1he naLlonal webslLe ls www.gaa.le

345B N=*;$9
We have some Lrallers of Llmber Lo raffle ln !anuary/lebruary.
1here wlll be a medal presenLaLlon nlghL for our lnLermedlaLe and mlnor Leams ln Lhe Lakeslde PoLel on Lhe
13Lh lebruary. Look ouL for furLher deLalls on our webpage or facebook.
We propose Lo 8lke for 8alllna agaln over Lhe !une weekend.
WlLh 8alllna klllaloe celebraLlng Lhe 8rlan 8oru mlllennlum ln 2014 Lhere are loLs of of exclLlng sporLlng and culLural
evenLs planned, An opporLunlLy here for Lhe. Club Lo geL lnvolved and run an evenL of our own.


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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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The GAA held the Games Development
Conference in Croke Park recently. There were
some really insightful talks on the best practice
in coaching children. All talks will be posted to Below are some notes from the
On a related note former Wexford hurler &
footballer George OConnor along with Pat Daly
(Croke Park) spoke on Newstalk on January 4
If anyone gets a chance to listen to it, you will
find some very insightful thoughts.
Saturday January 11

The childs needs must be the core focus.
Mol an ige agus tiocfaidh s.
Adult models of sport/competition are not
appropriate for children
Success is player retention and
development of the whole player (holistic
approach).Giving children positive
memories and fostering a lifetime love of
participation in sport.
From a skills viewpoint, at Under 12,
children should be equally competent
playing off either side of the body.
Coaches must understand childrens needs,
why do children play sport? Coaches should
ensure that childrens needs are the top
priority (not the Coaches needs!).
Children have a very strong need to belong.
Coaches must be as inclusive as possible to
all children of all abilities and backgrounds.
Children need to have fun with their friends.
Training sessions should be structured,
disciplined but not overly serious, there
should be laughter!
Children need a challenge which is
appropriate for their individual ability.
Learning and improving is the drug.
Coaching sessions should be based on
80% games. A game is any activity that can
be counted. Focus should be on
cooperative-competitive games.
Children have very limited capacity for
verbal instruction. Theres no point in
coaches making speeches! Only one coach
should speak briefly (no more than 60
Coaches need to communicate to Parents
the philosophy of Go Games to minimise
over competitive parents.
Coaches to ask the boys opinion...did they
enjoy the training?
Teams are successful because of
cooperation (Messi passes the ball over 150
times in a match, Chicago Bulls best
passing team in basketball history). Selfish
play is to be strongly discouraged...boys
must pass!
Golden rules for coach: kindness is key,
patience, trust...have a positive attitude, use
positive language, create positive habits.
Coaches should not over instruct from side
line, let the boys play ... give positive
encouragement and support. Dont be
shouting and roaring!

Aussie Rules
Research from Aussie Rules shows its
more beneficial for children of all abilities to
diversify, ie play multiple related sports at child
level. Specialisation should only occur aged 16-
Further research from Aussie Rules is
that the best way to teach a skill is to guide and
shape not to dictate. Coach should explain
broad parameters of the skill. There is no one
way to perform the perfect skill, let the boys
explore and develop the technique of the skill
which best works for them within certain
parameters. Best way to do this is games based
Coaching should embrace a holistic
approach. The All Blacks philosophy: The best
people make the best All Blacks. For
example: All Blacks always tidy a dressing room
after a match...sweep the shed.
4 key elements, all of which are equally
! Technical: skills

!"#$%& ( )*+$*,- ./01 2*3& 6
balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

! Physiological: fitness, nutrition,
recovery, rehab
! Psychological: values, character,
! Tactical: decision making
AFL focus on
! Fun
! Diversify
! Allow boys to explore skill
! Coach the whole player

Paudie Butler
Children Under 12 are the optimum age
to learn the fundamental movement skills which
are key to ensuring long term enjoyment and
participation in sport. After 13/14 it is too late for
children to learn these skills.
By U12s boys should be able to play off
either side
Analogy to building a house:
" Foundation: Agility, balance,
coordination, speed (footfall)
" Walls: Running, jumping, throwing
" Roof: Catching, passing, kicking, striking
" Windows: Fun
" Doors: Games
" Coachs role is to make this house a
Positivity: Thoughts- words-actions-habits-

Eamon Ryan
Know what children want and make sure
thats incorporated into your training
" Coach must prepare in advance
" Be enthusiastic and positive
" Develop knowledge
" Evaluate and reflect...continuous

Joe Brolly
" Winning at all costs (cynical play) should
be avoided at all costs
" Let boys play game like the Dubs and
Kerry (not Donegal!)
" Let boys play the game in the right spirit,
strong competitive focus, mastery of
skills, positivity, take risks, express
themselves... to give them a strong
sense of self-esteem and fulfilment


Twitter: @GAAlearning


All footballers are reminded that
mouthguards are compulsory since January 1st
2014 for all games and training sessions at all
levels and age groups in the Gaelic Football.
Players will not be covered under the GAA
player injury scheme if they do not comply with
the mouthguard rule. For information on
mouthguards see Medical and players Welfare
section on

@*+.$%, -./0 Q#"R*J$

Nenagh Eire Og is organising a talk on
depression and healthy living on the 24th
January in the Abbey Court Hotel commencing
at 7.30pm. This is part of the Nenagh Eire Og
Healthy Club Project.
Three guest speakers will give a talk.
Cork man, Conor Cusack (brother of former
Cork goalkeeper, Donal Og Cusack) will speak
on his own experience when suffering from
depression and those who live with people
suffering from depression. Fr Tony Butler S.M.A
Missionary will reveal how he found a way
through his depression and how he now helps
others in dealing with the illness. Seamus
Hennessey will challenge us to participate in
building a strong local community where caring,
health and hope are priorities.
Club PROs are advised to take note and
ask their members to support the venture. The
invitation is open to all to come.


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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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Senior Hurling
01/ 06/ 2014 16:00 Tiobraid rann v Luimneach (TV);
Stid Semple;
Replay - 22/ 06/ 2014
13/ 07/ 2014 16:00 (TV);
Replay - 20/ 07/ 2014

Intermedi ate Hurl i ng
Semi -fi nal
01/ 06/ 2014 14:00 Tiobraid rann V Luimneach (E.T
if necessary) Stid Semple;
Replay - 11/ 06/ 2014
25/ 06/ 2014 19:30 (E.T if necessary);
Replay - 09/ 07/ 2014

Under 21 Hurling
Extra Time in all games INCLUDING Final
Semi-final (B)
16/07/2014 Time TBC Tiobraid rann v Winner of A
(An Clir or Luimneach) Pirc Chiosg/Pirc Na nGaeil
Replay - 23/07/2014
30/07/2014 Time TBC

Mi nor Hurl i ng
Extra Time in all games EXCEPT Final
Quarter Fi nal (A)
09/ 04/ 2014 Time TBC Luimneach v Tiobraid rann
Pirc Na nGaeil;
Replay - 12/ 04/ 2014
Semi -fi nal Pl ay-off 2 (D)
30/ 04/ 2014 or 07/ 05/ 2014 Time TBC Losers of A v
Winner of Semi Final Play-off 1;
Replay - 03/ 05/ 2014 or 10/ 05/ 2014
Semi -fi nal (E)
25 or 26/ 06/ 2014 Time TBC Winners of A v
Winner of B (Ciarrai or Corcaigh);
Replay - 28/ 05/ 2014 or 05/ 07/ 2014
Semi -fi nal (F)
25 or 26/ 06/ 2014 Time TBC Winners of C (An
Clir or Portlirge) v Winner of D;
Replay - 28/ 05/ 2014 or 05/ 07/ 2014
13/ 07/ 2014 Time TBC
Replay TBC

Senior Football
Quarter Final (A)
31/ 05/ 2014 19:00 Luimneach v Tiobraid rann; Pirc
Na nGaeil; Replay - 07/ 06/ 2014
21/ 06/ 2014 19:00 Corcaigh v Tiobraid rann /
Luimneach; Pirc U Chaoimh; Replay - 28/ 06/ 2014
06/ 07/ 2014 14:00; Replay - 19/ 07/ 2014 (TV)

Juni or Footbal l
Quarter Fi nal
31/ 5/ 2014 17:00 Luimneach v Tiobraid rann; Pirc
Na nGaeil; Replay - 07/ 06/ 2014
Semi -fi nal
21/ 6/ 2014 17:00 Corcaigh v Tiobraid rann /
Luimneach; Pirc U Chaoimh (E.T if necessary);
Replay - 25/ 06/ 2014
02/ 07/ 2014 19:30 (E.T if necessary); Replay -
09/ 07/ 2014

Under 21 Football
Extra Time in all games INCLUDING Final
Quarter Final (B)
12/03/2014 Time TBC Portlirge v Tiobraid rann; Pirc
An Fhearchair
Replay - 15/03/2014
Semi-final (C)
19/03/2014 Time TBC An Clr v Winner of B; Pirc
Chiosg, Inis
Replay - 26/03/2014
09/04/2014 Time TBC

Mi nor Footbal l
Extra Time in all games EXCEPT Final
Quarter Fi nal (A)
16/ 04/ 2014 Time TBC Portlirge v Tiobraid rann
Pirc An Fhearchair;
Semi -fi nal Pl ay-off 2 (D)
30/ 04/ 2014 Time TBC Losers of A v Winner of Semi
Final Play-off 1;
Replay - 03/ 05/ 2014
Semi -fi nal (E)
07 or 14/ 05/ 2014 Time TBC Winners of A v
Winner of B (An Clir or Ciarrai);
Replay 17/ 05/ 2014
Semi -fi nal (F)
07 or 14/ 05/ 2014 Time TBC Winners of C
(Corcaigh or Luimneach) v Winner of D;
Replay 17/ 05/ 2014
06/ 07/ 2014 Time TBC
Replay TBC

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balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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at Cosgrove gave h|s
thoughts on 2013 & h|s
hopes for 2014.

Congratu|at|ons on
w|nn|ng North
1|pperary Intermed|ate
nur|er of the ear.

Are you looklng
forward Lo 2014 &
Senlor Purllng?
es I th|nk a||
the p|ayers are |ook|ng
forward to p|ay|ng
Sen|or hur||ng and test
ourse|ves aga|nst the b|g teams |n the Sen|or

Looklng aL Clara & Sllvermlnes and how
Lhey goL on ln Senlor 2014, does lL lnsLlll confldence
LhaL 8alllna are as good as any Senlor slde?
W|nn|ng the North & County Intermed|ate
Champ|onsh|p has def|n|te|y |nst|||ed a sense of
conf|dence |n the pane| and I th|nk we now have
the be||ef |n ourse|ves that we can be compet|t|ve
at Sen|or |eve|. We a|so have an exce||ent set-up so
I am sure 8rendan and the management team w|||
have us |n good shape for whoever we meet |n the
Sen|or Champ|onsh|p.

1ralnlng has sLarLed back already, ls
everybody eager for acLlon agaln?
We had a n|ce break after the Munster
I|na| so everyone |s happy to be back out tra|n|ng
aga|n. I th|nk the management and part|cu|ary the
p|ayers are eager to cap|ta||se on the momentum
we bu||t up |n 2013.

uoes hurllng so laLe lnLo 2013 mean LhaL
you have some resldual flLness from lasL year &
does lL sLand Lo you ln !anuary/lebruary?
nur||ng |ate |nto 2013 means that our
f|tness |eve|s are def|n|te|y far h|gher than they
wou|d be norma||y when we start back tra|n|ng |n
Ianuary so hopefu||y that w||| stand to us |n 2014.
Cver the next month or so we wou|d a|so hope to
get our hur||ng and f|rst touch back up to the |eve|

2013 was a greaL year for Lhe club - any
parLlcular momenL or game LhaL sLands ouL & why?
1here was a coup|e of moments that stand
out |n my m|nd from 2013. 1he scenes after
w|nn|ng both the North I|na| ans the County I|na|
were amaz|ng, but the outpour|ng of emot|on on
the p|tch after the f|na| wh|st|e |n the County I|na|
|s someth|ng that I don't th|nk I w||| ever forget.
nowever the standout moment |n my
op|n|on was after our |ast m|nute w|n over
Drom|n-Ath|acca |n the Munster Champ|onsh|p,
we stayed out on the f|e|d to do our warm down
but the 8a|||na supporters wa|ted on and c|apped
& cheered us off the f|e|d as we made our way
back to the dress|ng room. I th|nk a|| the p|ayers
were rea||y gratefu| for that show of support from
the peop|e of 8a|||na.

lavourlLe 8ook?
Matterhorn: A Nove| of the V|etnam War
by kar| Mar|antes

lavourlLe lood?
Steak & Ch|ps

lavourlLe Muslc / 8and?
8ruce Spr|ngste|n

lavourlLe lllm / 1v Serles?
1he W|re

lavourlLe oLher sporL(s)
Gae||c Iootba||, Soccer & kugby

WhaL SporLs evenL would you mosL llke Lo
ULIA Champ|ons League I|na|.

!"#$%& ( )*+$*,- ./01 2*3& 0/
balllna.gaaLlpperary [balllnagaa

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8alllna players are lnvolved ln Lhe MunsLer
under-18x 8 Purllng Champlonshlp.
1he Lwo maln Leams of lnLeresL are: SL.
Anne's klllaloe & SL. Mary's newporL.
SL. Mary's beaL SL !oseph's 1ulla by 1-14 Lo
0-9 Lo reach Lhe seml-flnals. unforLunaLely SL.
Anne's losL Lo 8oscrea CC 1-13 Lo 4-11
8esL wlshes Lo newporL ln Lhe seml-flnals
agalnsL 8oscrea CC.
PXP "; ?+.*L
8emlnder LhaL Lhe 3 uvu seL of Lhe counLy
lnLermedlaLe & Mlnor llnal as well as Lhe MunsLer
lnLermedlaLe llnal ls sLlll avallableConLacL club
offlcers or local shops.
1he club shop wlll re-open as players reLurn
Lo Lralnlng. uon'L forgeL LhaL Lhe shop sLock varlous
lLems of club merchandlse & playlng equlpmenL.
1he shop ls also a source of flnance for Lhe
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