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SAP AG 2007

SAP CRM WebCl i ent

UI Phi l osophy
SAP CRM 2006s
SAP AG 2007
Pur pose of Thi s Doc ument
This document will help you:
Understand the new CRM Web UI
SAP AG 2007
What Wel l Cover
Why a new SAP CRM UI ?
A det ai l ed l ook at t he SAP CRM WebCl i ent UI
SAP AG 2007
What Wel l Cover
Why a new SAP CRM UI ?
A det ai l ed l ook at t he SAP CRM Web Cl i ent UI
SAP AG 2007
Cont i nuous Foc us on Usabi l i t y: The SAP CRM UI Roadmap


SAP AG 2007
SAP CRM Onl i ne Fr ont Ends
Avai l abl e f r ont ends f or user s w i t h a f ul l -t i me
net w or k c onnec t i on
SAPGUI for Windows
Available for users comfortable with the SAP R/3 look and feel
Traditional, thick-client SAP UI
Available with SAP CRM versions 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, and 2005
People-Centric SAP CRM (also known as the PCUI)
Role-based portals deployed through SAP NetWeaver

Enterprise Portal
Browser-based look and feel
Available with SAP CRM versions 3.1, 4.0, and 2005
IC WebClient
Browser-based version of the SAP CRM IC
SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal optional
Available with SAP CRM versions 3.1, 4.0, and 2005
SAP CRM WebClient
Harmonized online user interface available with SAP CRM 2006s
Role-based portals with browser-based look and feel
SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal optional
SAP AG 2007
Cust omer Feedbac k as a Our Mai n Gui danc e
Ex ampl es of c ust omer / end user
f eedbac k :
Users tend to read a screen from left to right
Screens are crowded, and Too much
information on one screen
Providing information on TABs is not intuitive;
users cannot find this information
Make all important information or functions
available with one or two clicks wherever
you are
Show all information relevant to me on
one screen
Scrolling horizontally is a showstopper,
and Scrolling vertically is already standard
Facilitate searching while providing flexible search
possibilities based on users needs
Facilitate maintenance of data
It has to be clear to the user what has to be entered
SAP AG 2007
SAP CRM Web Cl i ent : New w i t h SAP CRM 2006s
CRM Web Cl i ent CRM Web Cl i ent
SAP harmonized the online SAP CRM
2006s UIs with SAP CRM Web Client
The CRM Web Client is designed for the
business user providing a role-based
workspace that is easy to use and
Lessons learned from
existing UI
SAP CRM on-demand
is the first step
Customer feedback
(E.g., ASUG, DSAG,
usability tests)
Market analysis
SAP AG 2007
Cont i nued Foc us on Usabi l i t y The SAP CRM Web Cl i ent UI
Dr i ve r api d user adopt i on and
pr oduc t i vi t y vi a one w eb-based,
easy-t o-use and easy-t o-c onf i gur e
UI f or al l SAP CRM on-l i ne user s
Equal focus on
New UI interaction and navigation concept
Easy and flexible UI configuration
Appealing Web application style, visual design
consistent across on-demand and on-premise
Based on proven IC WebClient technology:
No changes have been made to the general
architecture of the SAP CRM server or the business
process customization
The UI layers have been completely changed,
however the basic UI technology has not changed,
and is still based on Business Server Pages (BSP)
Dr i ve r api d user adopt i on and
pr oduc t i vi t y vi a one w eb-based,
easy-t o-use and easy-t o-c onf i gur e
UI f or al l SAP CRM on-l i ne user s
Equal focus on Equal focus on
New UI interaction and navigation concept New UI interaction and navigation concept
Easy and flexible UI configuration Easy and flexible UI configuration
Appealing Web application style, visual design
consistent across on-demand and on-premise
Based on proven IC WebClient technology:
No changes have been made to the general
architecture of the SAP CRM server or the business
process customization
The UI layers have been completely changed,
however the basic UI technology has not changed,
and is still based on Business Server Pages (BSP)
SAP AG 2007
What Wel l Cover
Why a new SAP CRM UI ?
A det ai l ed l ook at t he SAP CRM Web Cl i ent UI
SAP AG 2007
New UI Conc ept Sc r een St r uc t ur e
C work area
A header area
B navigation area
= L-shape (fixed)
SAP AG 2007
New UI Conc ept Sc r een St r uc t ur e
SAP AG 2007
UI El ement : L-Shape
The L-Shape provides easy global navigation through the entire SAP CRM
application. It includes generic short cuts for fast data entry or data access.
The L-Shape consists of the header (top) and navigation (left) area.
L-Shape c har ac t er i st i c s
Static regarding position and
Specific content of L-Shape can
be configured per business role
L-Shape c ont ai ns
1) System links
2) Saved searches
3) Work area title
4) History back / forward
5) Navigation bar
6) Quick create links
SAP AG 2007
Work Centre 2
Work Centre 3
Work Centre 4
Work Centre 1
Work Centre 6
Work Centre 5
Navi gat i on Ar ea: Navi gat i on Bar
The navigation bar allows direct navigation to all entry pages and the most
important searches. It provides a maximum of two levels in navigation.
Click on the triangle area to open the second-level navigation area.
Fi r st -l evel navi gat i on ent r i es
Selection leads to corresponding entry page
Standard navigation targets (E.g., Home, work list, calendar,
reports) and additional work centers that are role-specific
Sec ond-l evel navi gat i on ent r i es
Second-level navigation opens via a click and vanishes
automatically after selection or another click on the triangle area
Second-level entries represent searches for the most frequently
used or needed applications
The navi gat i on bar c an i nc l ude
Application search launches
An URL link
SAP BI reports and analysis
Transactions in other systems
SAP AG 2007
Navi gat i on Ar ea: Navi gat i on Bar Wor k Cent er s
A work center is a flexible grouping of applications and information that
logically belong to each other from the point of view of a business role
Work center page
Search page
Wor k c ent er s
Display a work center page or directly open a search
Example: Various objects are grouped together under sales operations work
In the second-level menu, five direct search pages can be accessed directly
Additional application searches, direct creation options, and links to related reports are
available on the work center page
The grouping of work centers and the content of a work center page are
configurable per role
SAP AG 2007
Wor k Ar ea: Ent r y Pages
Entry pages are first-level navigation entries that lead to a specific type of
page with a specialized layout (normally without further 2nd-level navigation)
St andar d ent r y pages:
Provides the most important
information the user needs to see
when entering the SAP CRM
Inbox for alerts and workflow
MS Outlook-like, different time
focuses, tasks
Online view into groupware inbox
Transfer emails to SAP CRM
Collection of all reports available
for a role
SAP AG 2007
Sear c h Pages
Provide the user with comprehensive, flexible, and easy to understand
(operator-based) search capabilities individually for every SAP CRM
The sear c h pages
Allows definition and saving of search models
Search result list optimized for quick overview and easy navigation to detailed information
Offers options such as create, delete, mass update, and XLS export
Multiple ways of navigating to the search pages
SAP AG 2007
Sear c h Page Capabi l i t i es
SAP AG 2007
Sear c h Page Capabi l i t i es
SAP AG 2007
The OVP provides all important information regarding a single object in a
scrollable format
Over vi ew Page (OVP)
Mai n Det ai l s
The OVP is non-editable
The OVP consists of header
information that allows detailed
object identification and a set of
related information
The information in assignment
blocks can be displayed in various
Form views
The OVP is the target page when
following a hyperlink to an object
The OVP contains the hyperlinks for
cross navigation to related
SAP AG 2007
OVP i n Det ai l
SAP AG 2007
OVP El ement s: ABs
Capabi l i t i es:
1) AB title To identify the
content of the AB
2) Personalize icon
(in table-based AB)
and Back to Top link:
The visibility /
sequence of
columns can
be changed
Width of columns
can be set
3) Column headers in tables are used for sorting
4) One-click actions for fast and easy deletion or editing of an object
5) Expand Appears if default number of visible rows is exceeded; opens up to 50,
then it shows pages
6) Lazy load Less important ABs are first shown closed; the content is displayed
on request
SAP AG 2007
Edi t i ng an Assi gnment Bl oc k (AB)
There are several alternatives for editing information in an AB.
1) Edit list
Available for table AB only
Switches complete list to edit mode on separate page allowing a change of existing or addition of new
2) Edit
Available for form-based AB only
Switches the form view to edit mode on a separate page
3) One-click action: edit
Optionally available for table AB
Switches only the corresponding table row into edit mode (as form view) on separate page
4) New
Generally triggers the creation of a new entry in this assignment block
Exactly how this occurs depends on the content. Options include launch of search help to search and
identify an existing object to be filled into an AB or real creation of a new related object.
SAP AG 2007
Edi t Page
Edit pages (EP) allow users to create or maintain objects. They are linked to
an assignment block of the corresponding overview page.
Mai n det ai l s
The EP presents all the editable
fields of an assignment block
In edit mode, search helps and
drop down list boxes facilitates
the data entry
The layout of edit pages is
synchronized with the
corresponding layout on the OVP
Editable fields do not contain
hyperlinks Focus on editing
Table-based maintenance can
contain single-select, multi-select
as well as single or multiedit
(based on the corresponding use
After editing, the back button
leads to the overview
SAP AG 2007
Mai n I nt er ac t i on Conc ept f or Obj ec t s
Coming from the OP which contains all information relevant for an
object the user can edit all information of the object in a separate edit
General navigation is therefore always navigation between the overview
page and the edit page and back to the overview page
page (OP)
Edit Page
Edit Page
assignment block X
Edit Page
assignment block Y
SAP AG 2007
SAP CRM Rol es
SAP CRM business roles are used to package the main business
content needed to perform a specific job function
Rol es i n SAP CRM 2006s:
Provide a perfect starting
Defining a role influences the
complete content visible to a
user assigned to this role
Navigation bar
Available applications
Entry page content
Role assignment to users via
positions in the
organizational model
Standard roles delivered
Interaction Center
Partner Channel
SAP AG 2007
Fut ur e Out l ook
CRM 2006s St at us Quo
Big first step into a new era of SAP CRM UI made
Round off of already known issues
Validate with end users how well we did and
identify most important areas for enhancements
Investigate future usability and technology trends
e.g. AJAX, Microformats, Flex
SAP AG 2007
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