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Balbiggan, Museum,and Ne


Suspension of Standing Orders That the Council do not move the Balbriggan Library from its present location until an alternative proposal is before this Committee for consideration. This motion was carried 6 votes to votes.

! voted for the above motion at a recent area meeting"#6th $an% of &ingal Co Council. ! am aware there are concerns in Balbriggan about a draft proposal to open a 'useum and (ew Library at a new location in Balbriggan. The people of Balbriggan are rightly proud and attached to the current library in the Balbriggan town hall building and in the Carnegie Building. ! have received appro)imately *+ emails on the issue, ! have read the comments on &aceboo-, reviewed the recent meeting.presentation at Balbriggan town council online and read the minutes of the recently well attended public meeting in Balbriggan on this issue. No decision !as been made to mo"e t!e library in Balbriggan# The manager /eter Caulfield made a verbal presentation at the recent Balbriggan 0words area meeting. 1e has confirmed that there are e)ploratory tal-s and negotiations ongoing to open a new 'useum and (ew larger library at a new location and to install a new !(T234 office in the original town hall offices in Balbriggan. !t is proposed to retain the Carnegie building as a public building open to the community and serviced by &ingal staff to provide information and meeting rooms to the citi5ens of Balbriggan. ! welcome an !(T234 office by the 6epartment of 0ocial /rotection in Balbriggan which will assist the many unemployed people in Balbriggan in accessing services and return to woroptions and training.!ntreo offers practical, tailored employment services and supports for 7obsee-ers and employers ali-e. ! am awaiting further information from &ingal Co Council. !f this pro7ect was to proceed the people of Balbriggan would want to be satisfied that they are getting a bigger and better Library in a satisfactory location. ! welcome the plans for a museum in Balbriggan to improve the tourism product there and help in the regeneration of the town. There are serious financial savings and gain for the Council in this proposal, and anyone ignoring that , are not dealing with reality. Councillors have a duty to prudently manage the ratepayers and ta)payers money and this is particularly relevant now in the era of local property ta). There is a serious information deficit out there for elected Councillors but more importantly the residents of Balbriggan. The council management need to address that and communicate all the facts on this proposal to Balbriggan residents.

&inally if this is to move forward, the management of &ingal Co Council who are driving this pro7ect, will have to go through a /art ## public consultation process. That means the &ingal Councillors will have to vote to put * proposals out on public display, initially at the Balbriggan 0words area meeting and then at a full council meeting. 4pinions will be sought from the public, who will have full information and sight of detailed plans, and then finally it will come bac- to &ingal Co Council for a final vote. 8t this point ! am undecided as ! and Balbriggan residents do not have full information. ! await sight of drawings which are being prepared by &ingal Co Council and further consultation with the residents of Balbriggan

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