Chapter II

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2.1 The Concept of Gerund Werner (1985:316) says that gerund is the simple form of a verb + -ing. It may replace nouns or pronouns as subject, objects or complements. According to Hartanto (2003:349), gerund is the - ing form of a verb used as a noun. So, the form of gerund is similar with the form of present participle; both of them are verb + - ing. But the difference between them is verbs in present participle are used as adjectives. For example: 1. Sleeping is necessary for our health. Sleeping is a gerund because it is used as noun 2. Mountains are inspiring to me. Inspiring is a present participle because it is used as adjective. Fuchs (2003: 199) has the same opinin with Hartanto that gerund is a verb that function like a noun. For example: a. Drinking too much coffee is bad for your health. b. Smoking is also unhealthy. From two examples above, drinking and smoking are the example of gerund as subject. From the theories above it can be concluded that gerund is the -ing form of a verb that functions as a noun. It can be subject, object (object of preposition and object of verb) or complement.

2.2 The Function of Gerund As stated above, gerund has the function as noun; therefore, gerund may perform all the functions that nouns are capable of fulfilling such as it may be the subject, the object of verb, object of preposition and complement 1. The^gerund as subject For example: - Sleeping is necessary to live. - Smoking is not god for Our health. - Reporting the news is the job of televisin, radio, magazine and newspaper. 2. The gerund as object of verb For example: - Reggie enjoys working for the evening paper. - She likes shopping. - He dislikes joking. a. Common verbs often followed by gerund If a verb form follows these verbs, it must be the gerund form (Wemer and church, 1985: 320)

Verbs Appreciate Avoid Be worth Can't help Consider Enjoy

Examples Everyone appreciates getting news from home. Some people avoid writing because it's difficult. Good books are worth reading. I can't help worrying about him. He is considering applying for a news paper job. He enjoys writing.

Finish Imagine Involve Resist

He's fnally fnished writing his frst story. Can you imagine working on a book? It would involve doing a lot of research. Some people resist geting involved in big projects like that.

Spend time

They would rather spend time doing other things.

She likes to go swimming. Go*

Table 1. The list of verbs followed by gerund

Go is followed by gerund usually for recreational activities, such as

shopping, swimming, camping. (Fuch, 2003 : 199) b. Common verbs often followed by either infnitive or gerund. Infnitives like gerund may be used as objects of verbs. Either an infnitive or a gerund object may follow these verbs with little or no difference in meaning Werner and church, 1985: 320) Verbs Begin Examples Tve begun to vnderstand most news stories. Or Tve begun understanding most news stories. Can't stand I can't stand to read late at night. Or I can't stand reading late at night. Continue Tve continued to read several papers. Or Fve continued reading several papers Dislike He dislike to read the paper. Or He dislikes reading the paper

Hate Like

I hate to be uninformed. Or I hate being uninformed All of us like to spend hours with the Sunday paper. Or All of us like spending hours with the Sunday paper


My brother loves to read the comics frst. Or My brother loves reading the comics first


My sister prefers to read the editorial page. Or My sister prefers reading the editorial page


Tve started to read several different. Or Tve started reading several different

Table 2. The list of verbs and example followed by either infinitive or gerund with no difference in meaning c. Common verbs often followed by infinitive or gerund The following verbs may take either an infinitive or a gerund object, but the meaning of the verb changes, depending on which is used. (Wemer andchurch, 1985: 336) Verbs Gerund with the word stop Infinitive with the word stop Gerund with the word forget Examples She stopped smoking (she smoked before, but then she stopped, Now she does not smoke) She stopped to smoke (she was doing something, and then she stopped that, and smoke instead) She forgot telling me our plans (she did not tell me, though she should have)

Infmitive with the word forget Gerund with the word remember Infmitive with the word remember Gerund with the wordtry

She forgot to tell me our plarts (she told me, but then forgot having done so) I remembered going to work (I remembered the action of previously going to work) I remember to go to work (I remembered that I needed to go to work, and so I did) I tried calling the heather, going to the box office, and asking all my friends for extra tickets (when try followed by a gerund, it means "experiment" with different possibilities or altematives)

Infnitive with the word try Gerund with the word regret Infnitive with the word regret

I tried to buy several tickets (when try is followed by infnitive it means "attempt") I very much regret saying what I said (I wish I hadn't said that) i

We regret to inform you that you have failed your exam(a polite or formal form of apology)

Table 3. The list and example of verbs followed by gerund and infnitive with difference in meaning 3. The Gerund as Object of a Preposition For example: - She is always fond of talking - He gave up smoking - They went on arguing

A gerund can follow a phrasal verb or verb-preposition combination. The preposition can have an object in addition to the gerund. Here are some common verb-particle combinations (Kirn and Jack, 1985:273) Believe in Success in Approve of Dream of Hear of Get out of Care about dream about forget about talk about worry about count on plan on work at object to look forward to decide against put off rule out

Table 4. The list of common verb-particle combination followed by gerund

In addition, gerund goes after adjective -preposition combination, for example (Kirn and Jack, 1985:272-273)

Good at Adequate for Enough for Famous for Good for Necessary for Sorry for Suitable for

Successful in Content with Careful about Happy about Afraidof Aware of Capable of Conscious of

Guilty of Innocent of Jealous of Proud of Tired of Preferable to Similar to r

Table 5. the list of adjective-preposition combination

4. The gerund as a complement Complement is a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction. Forexamples: His job is researching stories His hobby is hunting Her favorite sport is skating

From explanations above, it can be concluded that there are four functions of gerund, they are; gerund as subject, gerund as object of verb, gerund as object of preposition, and gerund as complement.

2.3 Writing Sentences Sentences are, by definition, grammatically well - formed (Lyons, 1995:134). There is no suchthing, therefore, as an ungrammatical sentence. For example: "John climbs the tree" is a grammatical sentence and "John climb the tree" is not grammatical sentence. In writing sentences, we must have a subject and a verb both the subject and the predcate (verb) may have modifiers. Sentence structure is the key to have good writing. The grammar and punctuation of sentences are inextricably linked in written language. The grammar of English determines the way to put words together to crate mearngful sentences: spoken sentences and written sentences. Grammar tells how to crate meaningful messages ott of strings of words.

Punctuation conveys grammatical structure and meaning in written language. For example; full stop, question mark, commas, semicolons and colons. In writing sentences the people may write simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences or compound - complex sentences. Before the people write it, they should know about the components of each kind of sentences, for example they should know about dependent and independent clauses. And all of them should be written grammatically.

In conclusin, there are sme advantages that can be got from writing, for example: writing can improve students' language and stimulate the students' ability in learning English. They can practice their grammatical rules. Furthermore they can express their ideas and knowledge.

2.4 Types of Sentences Megginson (1996: 1-3) categorizes four types of sentence: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence. The most basic type of sentence is simple sentence, which contains only one clause. A simple sentence can be a short as one word, e.g. Run! A compound sentence consists of two or more clauses (or simple sentence) joined by conjunction like "and", "but", and "or", e.g. Canad is a rich country, but still it has many poorvpeople. A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause, e.g. "Although my friend invited me to a party, I do not want to go". A compound-complex sentence is the sentence that joins two

simple and complex sentences together, e.g. "The package arrived in the morning, but the courier leftbefore I could check the contents." Blythe (2003:1) says that when you classify sentences structurally, you do so according to the number and type of indpendent and dependent clauses in any sentence. Four types usually appear in language handbooks: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Simple sentences consist of only one indpendent clause. For example; more mobile phones will become web-enabled smart phones. Compound Sentences consist of two or more indpendent clauses. In the foliowing examples, the clauses are surrounded by brackets [ ]. [All soil samples havebeen taken], and [they have been dried in the lab to remove any remaining water] Complex sentences consist of one indpendent clause and at least one dependent clause. For example: [Although Stan was supposed to collate the data and complete the report on Tuesday (DC)], [the data were unavailable until Thursday (IC)]. And compound-complex sentences consist of two or more indpendent clauses and at least one dependent clause. For example: [We submitted our

calculations (IC)], and [we included several drawings (IC)] [even though both types of information were not required (DC)]. Zamora (2004:1) says that English has three main sentence types: declarative sentence, interrogative sentence and imperative sentence. Declarative sentences are used to form statements, such as "Mary is here", "My ame is Mary." Interrogative sentences are used to ask questi'on, such as "Where is

Mary?" What is your ame?" Imperative sentences are used for command, like "Come here!" "Tell me your ame!" From many kinds of sentences above, the writer will focus her study on writing simple sentences. This choice is based on the fact that the simple sentence is the most basic type of sentences. If the people want to write the other kinds of sentences (compound, complex or compound-complex sentence) they shouid know the simple sentence first.

2.5 Evaluation of Sentence Writing There are some components that shouid be available in evaluating writing sentence (Foltz, Laham and Landauer, 2006: 3), they are: grammar, punctuation, and spelling. But in this study the writer modified component of grammar became consist of concurrent, tense, and gerund. And punctuation consist of full stop.

Components Grammar

Sub components - Concurrent / subject agreement -Tense - Gerund - Full stop

Punctuation Spelling

Table 6. Component in evaluating writing sentences


This chapter focuses on the design of the research, population and sample, instrumentation, the technique of collecting data, and the technique of analyzing data.

3.1 The Design of the Research This study was designed to describe the second year students' ability to write declarative simple sentences by using gerund. It used descriptive method. As stated by Gay (1987: 189) descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer qustion concerning the current status of the subject of this study.

3.2 Population and Sample The population of this study was the second year students of English Department ofFKIPBung Harta University; They were distributed into three classes (A, B and C). The total number of population was 80 students. The writer chose these students because it was assumed that they had a basic knowledge in grammar, they had studied gerund in Grammar II and they had also studied Writing I and Writing II. The writer took the sample by using cluster random sampling technique. Cluster random sampling is sampling in which groups, not individuis, are

randomly selected (Gay, 1987:110). This choice was based on the reason that the sample was homogeneous and Gay (1987:110) also says that cluster sampling usually involves less time and less expense and is generally more convenient. In choosing the sample, the writer provided three papers and wrote the ame of class for each paper, the writer closed her eyes and take one paper. And the writer got class A as the sample of this study.

3.3 Instrumentaron The instrument that was used to collect the data in this research was writing sentences test. This test consisted of 20 items. In this test, the sample was asked to write 5 sentences by using gerund as subject, 5 sentences by using gerund as object of verb, 5 sentences by using gerund as object of preposition and 5 sentences by using gerund as complement. So the total number of the item is 20. To know the reliability of the test, the writer tried out the test to the students out of the sample. In this case the writer tried out the instruction of the test to fmd out whether the students understood or not what they would do with the test. And the writer had tried out the instruction twice. In the first try out, most of the students could not understand the instruction, so the writer revised the instruction and tried it out again. And some of them still did not understand, the writer revised if again with advisors and then gave the test to the sample. To know the validity of the test, the writer used content validity. The writer constructed the test materials based upon the syllabus and curriculum.

3.4 The Technique of Gathiring Data The sample did the test in 60 minutes. After the students collected their work, the writer gave the score by doing several steps; 1. The writer read each item of the test, 2. The writer evaluated the students' answer to get the result 3. The writer gave score. Based on Harris' idea (1969:78) in scoring students' writing, the starting point is to decide on the weight or emphasis that will be given of the various writing factors. So, the writer used the following criteria:



Sub components

Criteria of scoring each item



- Gerund - Tense

If the use of gerund was correct If the use of tense was suitable with the context

2 0.5

- Concuxrent 7 Punctuation 3 Spelling Total Score - Full stop

If the sentence has right concurrent If full stop used correctly If spelling used correctly


1 1 5

Table 7. Criteria of scoring Based on the criteria of scoring the test above, the total score of each item was 5 and the highest score was 100.

3.5 The Technique of Analyzing Data In analyzing the data, the writer used criterion reference evaluation. Dick and Carey( 1985:108) say that criterion referenced test is the test designed to measure an explicit set of objectives. Criterion - referenced evaluation was used to know students' mastery of the material. Because the writer wants to know the abity of the students and based on the criteria of evaluation that is used by Bung Hatta Universiry, the writer used criterion - referenced evaluation in analyzing the data. The writer used the procedures as foliows: 1. The writer counted the total scores of each student. The writer calculated students1 grade by using the formula

3.5 The Technique of Analyzing Data In analyzing the data, the writer used criterion reference evaluation. Dick and Carey( 1985:108) say that criterion referenced test is the test designed to measure an explicit set of objectives. Criterion - referenced evaluation was used to know students' mastery of the material. Because the writer wants to know the abity of the students and based on the criteria of evaluation that is used by Bung Hatta Universiry, the writer used criterion - referenced evaluation in analyzing the data. The writer used the procedures as follows: 1. The writer counted the total scores of each student. 2. The writer calculated students grade by using the formula

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