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Data WareHouse Interview Questions Informatica Group URL for Real Time Problems:

com/group/informaticadevelopment/ imbel Ralph URL!s:" !"d#$.html!d#$.html #T$R " #%&'($ :""#'ystems/Halpin&"#(rd&"#ed/Infosys&"#)h!.pdf )*# *esign:" http://www.compa*.nl/products/servers/alphaserver/pdf/'+D,-D'&"#'ervice,.!.#.pdf,-,.-//+arehouse-0-.shtml1database -.%an 2 3act Tables share same dimensions Tables1 &o+ many *imension tables are associated +ith one 3act Table ur pro4ect1 /ns: 5es 2.6hat is R)L$P7 ()L$P7 and *)L$P...1 /ns: 0-1/+ 8Relational )L$P97 2-1/+ 8(ultidimensional )L$P97 and *)L$P 8*es:top )L$P9. In these three )L$P architectures7 the interface to the analytic layer is typically the same; +hat is <uite different is ho+ the data is physically stored. In 2-1/+3 the premise is that online analytical processing is best implemented by storing the data multidimensionally; that is7 data must be stored multidimensionally in order to be vie+ed in a multidimensional manner. In 0-1/+3 architects believe to store the data in the relational model; for instance7 )L$P capabilities are best provided against the relational database. D-1/+3 is a variation that e=ists to provide portability for the )L$P user. It creates multidimensional datasets that can be transferred from server to des:top7 re<uiring only the *)L$P soft+are to e=ist on the target system. This provides significant advantages to portable computer users7 such as salespeople +ho are fre<uently on the road and do not have direct access to their office server. /.6hat is an (**>1 and 6hat is the difference bet+een (**>s and R*>(#s1 /ns: 2ultidimensional Database There are t+o primary technologies that are used for storing the data used in )L$P applications. These t+o technologies are multidimensional databases 8(**>9 and relational databases 8R*>(#9. The ma4or difference bet+een (**>s and R*>(#s is in ho+ they store data. 0elational databases store their data in a series of tables and columns. 2ultidimensional databases7 on the other hand7 store their data in a large multidimensional arrays. 3or e4ample7 in an (**> +orld7 you might refer to a sales figure as #ales +ith *ate7 Product7 and Location coordinates of -2"-"2,,-7 %ar7 and south7 respectively. /dvantages of 2DD5: 0etrieval is very fast because The data corresponding to any combination of dimension members can be retrieved +ith a single I/). *ata is clustered compactly in a multidimensional array. ?alues are caluculated ahead of time. The inde= is small and can therefore usually reside completely in memory. 'torage is very efficient because The bloc:s contain only data. $ single inde= locates the bloc: corresponding to a combination of sparse dimension numbers. @. 6hat is (*> modeling and R*> (odeling1 /ns: A. 6hat is (applet and ho+ do u create (applet1 /ns: $ mapplet is a reusable ob4ect that represents a set of transformations. It allo+s you to reuse transformation logic and can contain as many transformations as you need. %reate a mapplet +hen you +ant to use a standardiBed set of transformation logic in several mappings. 3or e4ample7 if you have a several fact tables that re<uire a series of dimension :eys7 you can create a mapplet containing a series of Loo:up transformations to find each dimension :ey. 5ou can then use the mapplet in each fact table mapping7 rather than recreate the same loo:up logic in each mapping. 6o create a new mapplet: -. In the (applet *esigner7 choose (applets"%reate (applet. 2. 'nter a descriptive mapplet name. The recommended naming convention for mapplets is mplt(appletCame.

/. %lic: ) . The (apping *esigner creates a ne+ mapplet in the (applet *esigner. @. %hoose Repository"#ave. .. 6hat for is the transformations are used1 /ns: Transformations are the manipulation of data from ho+ it appears in the source system8s9 into another form in the data +arehouse or mart in a +ay that enhances or simplifies its meaning. In short7 u transform data into information. This includes Datamerging3 )leansing3 /ggregation: , Datamerging: Process of standardiBing data types and fields. #uppose one source system calls integer type data as smallint +here as another calls similar data as decimal. The data from the t+o source systems needs to rationaliBed +hen moved into the oracle data format called number. )leansing: This involves identifying any changing inconsistencies or inaccuracies. 'liminating inconsistencies in the data from multiple sources. %onverting data from different systems into single consistent data set suitable for analysis. (eets a standard for establishing data elements7 codes7 domains7 formats and naming conventions. %orrect data errors and fills in for missing data values. /ggregation: The process +here by multiple detailed values are combined into a single summary value typically summation numbers representing dollars spend or units sold. Generate summariBed data for use in aggregate fact and dimension tables. Data 6ransformation is an interesting concept in that some transformation can occur during the De=tract7E some during the Dtransformation7E or even F in limited cases""" during DloadD portion of the 'TL process. The type of transformation function u need +ill most often determine +here it should be performed. #ome transformation functions could even be performed in more than one place. >GBe many of the transformations u +ill +ant to perform already e=ist in some form or another in more than one of the three environments 8source database or application7 'TL tool7 or the target db9. H. 6hat is the difference bt+een )LTP I )L$P1 /ns: -16+ stand for )nline Transaction Processing. This is standard7 normaliBed database structure. )LTP is designed for Transactions7 +hich means that inserts7 updates7 and deletes must be fast. Imagine a call center that ta:es orders. %all ta:ers are continually ta:ing calls and entering orders that may contain numerous items. 'ach order and each item must be inserted into a database. #ince the performance of database is critical7 +e +ant to ma=imiBe the speed of inserts 8and updates and deletes9. 6o ma4imi7e performance3 we typically try to hold as few records in the database as possible. -1/+ stands for )nline $nalytical Processing. )L$P is a term that means many things to many people. &ere7 +e +ill use the term )L$P and #tar #chema pretty much interchangeably. 6e +ill assume that star schema database is an -1/+ system.8 This is not the same thing that 2icrosoft calls )L$P; they e=tend )L$P to mean the cube structures built using their product7 -1/+ 'ervices9. &ere7 +e +ill assume that any system of read,only3 historical3 aggregated data is an )L$P system. $ data +arehouse8or mart9 is +ay of storing data for later retrieval. This retrieval is almost al+ays used to support decision" ma:ing in the organiBation. That is +hy many data +arehouses are considered to be D'' 8Decision,'upport 'ystems9. >oth a data +arehouse and a data mart are storage mechanisms for read,only3 historical3 aggregated data. >y read,only7 +e mean that the person loo:ing at the data +onGt be changing it. If a user +ants at the sales yesterday for a certain product7 they should not have the ability to change that number. The 9historical: part may 4ust be a fe+ minutes old7 but usually it is at least a day old.$ data +arehouse usually holds data that goes bac: a certain period in time7 such as five years. In contrast7 standard )LTP systems usually only hold data as long as it is DcurrentE or active. $n order table7 for e=ample7 may move orders to an archive table once they have been completed7 shipped7 and received by the customer. 6hen +e say that data +arehouses and data marts hold aggregated data7 +e need to stress that there are many levels of aggregation in a typical data +arehouse. J. If data source is in the form of '=cel #pread sheet then ho+ do use1 /ns: Po+er(art and Po+er%enter treat a (icrosoft '=cel source as a relational database7 not a flat file. Li:e relational sources7 the *esigner uses )*>% to import a (icrosoft '=cel source. 5ou do not need database permissions to import (icrosoft '=cel sources. 6o import an ;4cel source definition3 you need to complete the following tas<s: Install the (icrosoft '=cel )*>% driver on your system. %reate a (icrosoft '=cel )*>% data source for each source file in the )*>% /2"bit $dministrator. Prepare (icrosoft '=cel spreadsheets by defining ranges and formatting columns of numeric data.

Import the source definitions in the *esigner. )nce you define ranges and format cells7 you can import the ranges in the *esigner. Ranges display as source definitions +hen you import the source. K. 6hich db is R*>(# and +hich is (**> can u name them1 /ns: 2DD5 e4. )racle '=press #erver8)'#97 'ssbase by &yperion #oft+are7 Po+erplay by %ognos and 0D52' e4. )racle 7 #LL #erver Metc. -,. 6hat are the modules/tools in >usiness )b4ects1 '=plain theier purpose briefly1 /ns: 5- Designer7 >usiness Luery for '=cel7 5- 0eporter7 Infovie+7'=plorer76'>I3 5- +ublisher3 and >roadcast $gent7 5=/5->. Info.iew: IT portal entry into 6ebIntelligence I >usiness )b4ects. >ase module re<uired for all options to vie+ and refresh reports. 0eporter: Upgrade to create/modify reports on L$C or 6eb. ;4plorer: Upgrade to perform )L$P processing on L$C or 6eb. Designer: %reates semantic layer bet+een user and database. 'upervisor: $dminister and control access for group of users. WebIntelligence: Integrated <uery7 reporting7 and )L$P analysis over the 6eb. 5roadcast /gent: Used to schedule7 run7 publish7 push7 and broadcast pre"built reports and spreadsheets7 including event notification and response capabilities7 event filtering7 and calendar based notification7 over the L$C7 e" mail7 pager73a=7 Personal *igital $ssistant8 P*$97 #hort (essaging #ervice8#(#97 etc. 'et /naly7er , $pplies set"based analysis to perform functions such as e=eclusion7 intersections7 unions7 and overlaps visually. Developer 'uite ? >uild pac:aged7 analytical7 or customiBed apps. --.6hat are the $d hoc <uries7 %anned Luries/Reports1 and &o+ do u create them1 8PlB chec: this pageMM%N:>)b4ectsNLuriesN*ata 6arehouse " $bout Lueries.htm9 /ns: The data +arehouse +ill contain t+o types of <uery. There +ill be fi4ed *ueries that are clearly defined and +ell understood7 such as regular reports3 canned *ueries 8standard reports9 and common aggregations. There +ill also be ad hoc *ueries that are unpredictable7 both in <uantity and fre<uency. /d Hoc Query: $d hoc <ueries are the starting point for any analysis into a database. $ny business analyst +ants to :no+ +hat is inside the database. &e then proceeds by calculating totals7 averages7 ma=imum and minimum values for most attributes +ithin the database. These are unpredictable element of a data +arehouse. It is e=actly that ability to run any <uery +hen desired and e=pect a reasonable response that ma:es the data +arhouse +orth+hile7 and ma:es the design such a significant challenge. The end"user access tools are capable of automatically generating the database <uery that ans+ers any Luestion posed by the user. The user +ill typically pose <uestions in terms that they are familier +ith 8for e=ample7 sales by store last +ee:9; this is converted into the database <uery by the access tool7 +hich is a+are of the structure of information +ithin the data +arehouse. )anned *ueries: %anned <ueries are predefined <ueries. In most instances7 canned <ueries contain prompts that allo+ you to customiBe the <uery for your specific needs. 3or e4ample7 a prompt may as: you for a #chool7 department7 term7 or section I*. In this instance you +ould enter the name of the #chool7 department or term7 and the <uery +ill retrieve the specified data from the 6arehouse.5ou can measure resource re<uirements of these <ueries7 and the results can be used for capacity palnning and for database design. The main reason for using a canned <uery or report rather than creating your o+n is that your chances of misinterpreting data or getting the +rong ans+er are reduced. 5ou are assured of getting the right data and the right ans+er. -2. &o+ many 3act tables and ho+ many dimension tables u did1 6hich table precedes +hat1 /ns: -/. 6hat is the difference bet+een #T$R #%&'($ I #C)6 3L$ ' #%&'($1 /ns: -@. 6hy did u choose #T$R #%&'($ only1 6hat are the benefits of #T$R #%&'($1 /ns: >ecause itGs denormaliBed structure 3 i.e.7 *imension Tables are denormaliBed. 6hy to denormaliBe means the first 8and often only9 ans+er is : speed. )LTP structure is designed for data inserts7 updates7 and deletes7 but not data retrieval. Therefore7 +e can often s<ueeBe some speed out of it by denormaliBing some of the tables and having <ueries go against fe+er tables. These <ueries are faster because they perform fe+er 4oins to retrieve the same recordset. Ooins are also confusing to many

'nd users. >y denormaliBing7 +e can present the user +ith a vie+ of the data that is far easier for them to understand. 5enefits of #T$R #%&'($: 3ar fe+er Tables. *esigned for analysis across time. #implifies 4oins. Less database space. #upports DdrillingE in reports. 3le=ibility to meet business and technical needs. -A. &o+ do u load the data using Informatica1 /ns: Using session. -.. 8i9 6hat is 3TP1 8ii9 &o+ do u connect to remote1 8iii9 Is there another +ay to use 3TP +ithout a special utility1 /ns: 8i>: The @6+ 83ile Transfer Protocol9 utility program is commonly used for copying files to and from other computers. These computers may be at the same site or at different sites thousands of miles apart. 3TP is general protocol that +or:s on UCIP systems as +ell as other non" UCIP systems. 8ii>: 0emote connect commands: ftp machinename e4: ftp !"9.A".B$.!A! or ftp iesg If the remote machine has been reached successfully7 3TP responds by as:ing for a loginname and password. 6hen u enter ur o+n loginname and pass+ord for the remote machine7 it returns the prompt li:e belo+ ftpQ and permits u access to ur o+n home directory on the remote machine. U should be able to move around in ur o+n directory and to copy files to and from ur local machine using the 3TP interface commands. Cote: U can set the mode of file transfer to /')II 8 default and transmits seven bits per character9. Use the /')II mode +ith any of the follo+ing: , Ra+ *ata 8e.g. R.dat or R.t=t7 codeboo:s7 or other plain te=t documents9 , #P## Portable files. , &T(L files. If u set mode of file transfer to 5inary 8the binary mode transmits all eight bits per byte and thus provides less chance of a transmission error and must be used to transmit files other than $#%II files9. 3or e4ample use binary mode for the follo+ing types of files: , #P## #ystem files , #$# *ataset , Graphic files 8eg.7 R.gif7 R.4pg7 R.bmp7 etc.9 , (icrosoft )ffice documents 8R.doc7 R.=ls7 etc.9 8iii>: 5es. If u r using 6indo+s7 u can access a te=t"based 3TP utility from a *)# prompt. 6o do this3 perform the following steps: 1. 3rom the #tart Programs (#"*os Prompt ". 'nter Dftp $ prompt +ill appear 8or9 'nter ftp to get ftp prompt ftpQ open hostname e4. ftpDopen 8It connect to the specified host9. (. 'nter ur yahooS Geo%ities member name. B. enter your yahooS Geo%ities p+d. 5ou can no+ use standard 3TP commands to manage the files in your 5ahooS Geo%ities directory. -H.6hat cmd is used to transfer multiple files at a time using 3TP1 /ns: mget EED To copy multiple files from the remote machine to the local machine. 5ou +ill be prompted for a y/n ans+er before transferring each file mget F 8 copies all files in the current remote directory to ur current local directory7 using the same file names9. mput EED To copy multiple files from the local machine to the remote machine. -J. 6hat is an 3ilter Transformation1 or +hat options u have in 3ilter Transformation1 /ns: The 3ilter transformation provides the means for filtering records in a mapping. 5ou pass all the ro+s from a source transformation through the 3ilter transformation7 then enter a filter condition for the transformation. $ll ports in a 3ilter transformation are input/output7 and only records that meet the condition pass through the @ilter transformation.

Cote: Discarded rows do not appear in the session log or reGect files To ma=imiBe session performance7 include the 3ilter transformation as close to the sources in the mapping as possible. Rather than passing records you plan to discard through the mapping7 you then filter out un+anted data early in the flo+ of data from sources to targets. 5ou cannot concatenate ports from more than one transformation into the 3ilter transformation; the input ports for the filter must come from a single transformation. 3ilter transformations e=ist +ithin the flo+ of the mapping and cannot be unconnected. 6he @ilter transformation does not allow setting output default values. -K.6hat are default sources +hich +ill supported by Informatica Po+ermart 1 /ns : Relational tables7 vie+s7 and synonyms. 3i=ed"+idth and delimited flat files that do not contain binary data. %)>)L files. 2,. 6hen do u create the #ource *efinition 1 %an I use this #ource *efn to any Transformation1 /ns: 6hen wor<ing with a file that contains fi4ed,width binary data7 you must create the source definition. The *esigner displays the source definition as a table7 consisting of names7 datatypes7 and constraints. 6o use a source definition in a mapping7 connect a source definition to a 'ource Qualifier or Cormali7er transformation. The Informatica #erver uses these transformations to read the source data. 2-. 6hat is $ctive I Passive Transformation 1 /ns: /ctive and +assive 6ransformations Transformations can be active or passive. $n active transformation can change the number of records passed through it. $ passive transformation never changes the record count.3or e4ample7 the 3ilter transformation removes ro+s that do not meet the filter condition defined in the transformation. /ctive transformations that might change the record count include the following: $dvanced '=ternal Procedure $ggregator 3ilter Ooiner CormaliBer Ran: #ource Lualifier Cote: If you use Po+er%onnect to access 'RP sources7 the 'RP #ource Lualifier is also an active transformation. /F Hou can connect only one of these active transformations to the same transformation or target7 since the Informatica #erver cannot determine ho+ to concatenate data from different sets of records +ith different numbers of ro+s. F/ +assive transformations that never change the record count include the following: Loo:up '=pression '=ternal Procedure #e<uence Generator #tored Procedure Update #trategy Hou can connect any number of these passive transformations7 or connect one active transformation +ith any number of passive transformations7 to the same transformation or target. 22. 6hat is staging $rea and 6or: $rea1 /ns: 'taging /rea : , , &olding Tables on *6 #erver. , Loaded from '=tract Process , Input for Integration/Transformation , (ay function as 6or: $reas , )utput to a +or: area or 3act Table Wor< /rea: , , Temporary Tables

, (emory

2/. 6hat is (etadata1 8plB refer *$T$ 6&ICG IC T&' R'$L 6)RL* >)) page T -2A9 /ns: Defn: D*ata $bout *ataE (etadata contains descriptive data for end users. In a data +arehouse the term metadata is used in a number of different situations. 2etadata is used for: *ata transformation and load *ata management Luery management Data transformation and load: (etadata may be used during data transformation and load to describe the source data and any changes that need to be made. The advantage of storing metadata about the data being transformed is that as source data changes the changes can be captured in the metadata7 and transformation programs automatically regenerated. @or each source data field the following information is re*d: 'ource @ield: Uni<ue identifier 8to avoid any confusion occurring betn 2 fields of the same anme from different sources9. Came 8Local field name9. Type 8storage type of data7 li:e character7integer7floating pointMand so on9. Location " system 8 system it comes from e=.$ccouting system9. " ob4ect 8 ob4ect that contains it e=. $ccount Table9. 6he destination field needs to be described in a similar way to the source: Destination: Uni<ue identifier Came Type 8database data type7 such as %har7 ?archar7 Cumber and so on9. Tablename 8Came of the table th field +ill be part of9. 6he other information that needs to be stored is the transformation or transformations that need to be applied to turn the source data into the destination data: 6ransformation: Transformation 8s9 , Came , Language 8name of the lan4uage that transformation is +ritten in9. " module name " synta= The Came is the uni<ue identifier that differentiates this from any other similar transformations. The 1anguage attribute contains the name of the lnguage that the transformation is +ritten in. The other attributes are module name and synta4. Generally these +ill be mutually e=clusive7 +ith only one being defined. 3or simple transformations such as simple #LL functions the synta4 +ill be stored. 3or comple4 transformations the name of the module that contains the code is stored instead. Data management: (etadata is re<d to describe the data as it resides in the data +arehouse.This is needed by the +arhouse manager to allo+ it to trac: and control all data movements. 'very ob4ect in the database needs to be described. 2etadata is needed for all the following: Tables " %olumns " name " type Inde=es " %olumns " name " type ?ie+s " %olumns

" name " type %onstraints " name " type " table " columns $ggregations7 Partition information also need to be stored in (etadata8 for details refer page T /,9 Query Ieneration: (etadata is also re<uired by the <uery manger to enable it to generate <ueries. The same metadata can be used by the 6house manager to describe the data in the data +arehouse is also re<d by the <uery manager. The <uery mangaer +ill also generate metadata about the <ueries it has run. This metadata can be used to build a history of all <uries run and generate a <uery profile for each user7 group of users and the data +arehouse as a +hole. 6he metadata that is re*d for each *uery is: " <uery " tables accessed " columns accessed " name " refence identifier " restrictions applied " column name " table name " reference identifier " restriction " 4oin %riteria applied MM MM " aggregate functions used MM MM " group by criteria MM MM " sort criteria MM MM " synta= " e=ecution plan " resources MM MM 2@. 6hat :ind of Uni= flavoures u r e=perienced1 /ns: #olaris 2.A #un)s A.A 8)perating #ystem9 #olaris 2.. #un)s A.. 8)perating #ystem9 #olaris 2.J #un)s A.J 8)perating #ystem9 /IJ B.#.( A.A.- 2.A.- 2ay 9 sun@c7 sun@m7 sun@d7 sun@u7 =J.7 ppc A.. 2.. /ug. 9% sun@c7 sun@m7 sun@d7 sun@u7 =J. A.H H -ct. 9A sun@c7 sun@m7 sun@d7 sun@u7 =J. A.J J "### sun@m7 sun@d7 sun@u7 =J. 2A. 6hat are the tas:s that are done by Informatica #erver1 /ns:The Informatica #erver performs the follo+ing tas:s: (anages the scheduling and e=ecution of sessions and batches '=ecutes sessions and batches ?erifies permissions and privileges Interacts +ith the #erver (anager and pmcmd. The Informatica #erver moves data from sources to targets based on metadata stored in a repository. 3or instructions on ho+ to move and transform data7 the Informatica #erver reads a mapping 8a type of metadata that includes transformations and

source and target definitions9. 'ach mapping uses a session to define additional information and to optionally override mapping"level options. 5ou can group multiple sessions to run as a single unit7 :no+n as a batch. 2.. 6hat are the t+o programs that communicate +ith the Informatica #erver1 /ns: Informatica provides 'erver 2anager and pmcmd programs to communicate +ith the Informatica #erver: 'erver 2anager. $ client application used to create and manage sessions and batches7 and to monitor and stop the Informatica #erver. 5ou can use information provided through the #erver (anager to troubleshoot sessions and improve session performance. pmcmd. $ command"line program that allo+s you to start and stop sessions and batches7 stop the Informatica #erver7 and verify if the Informatica #erver is running. 2H. 6hen do u reinitialiBe $ggregate %ache1 /ns: ReinitialiBing the aggregate cache over+rites historical aggregate data +ith ne+ aggregate data. 6hen you reinitialiBe the aggregate cache7 instead of using the captured changes in source tables7 you typically need to use the use the entire source table. @or e4ample7 you can reinitialiBe the aggregate cache if the source for a session changes incrementally every day and completely changes once a month. 6hen you receive the ne+ monthly source7 you might configure the session to reinitialiBe the aggregate cache7 truncate the e=isting target7 and use the ne+ source table during the session. /K Cote: 6o be clarified when server manger wor<s for following K/ To reinitialiBe the aggregate cache: -.In the #erver (anager7 open the session property sheet. 2.%lic: the Transformations tab. /.%hec: ReinitialiBe $ggregate %ache. @.%lic: ) three times to save your changes. A.Run the session. The Informatica #erver creates a ne+ aggregate cache7 over+riting the e=isting aggregate cache. /K 6o be chec< for step L step % after successful run of sessionM K/ ./fter running the session3 open the property sheet again. %.)lic< the Data tab. J.%lear ReinitialiBe $ggregate %ache. K.%lic: ) . 2J. 8i9 6hat is Target Load )rder in *esigner1 /ns: 6arget 1oad -rder: , In the *esigner7 you can set the order in +hich the Informatica #erver sends records to various target definitions in a mapping. This feature is crucial if you +ant to maintain referential integrity +hen inserting7 deleting7 or updating records in tables that have the primary :ey and foreign :ey constraints applied to them. The Informatica #erver +rites data to all the targets connected to the same #ource Lualifier or CormaliBer simultaneously7 to ma=imiBe performance. 2J. 8ii9 6hat are the minimim condition that u need to have so as to use Targte Load )rder )ption in *esigner1 /ns: U need to have 2ultiple 'ource Qualifier transformations. To specify the order in +hich the Informatica #erver sends data to targets7 create one #ource Lualifier or CormaliBer transformation for each target +ithin a mapping. To set the target load order7 you then determine the order in +hich each #ource Lualifier sends data to connected targets in the mapping. 6hen a mapping includes a Noiner transformation7 the Informatica #erver sends all records to targets connected to that Noiner at the same time3 regardless of the target load order. 2J8iii9. &o+ do u set the Target load order1 /ns: 6o set the target load order: -. %reate a mapping that contains multiple #ource Lualifier transformations. 2. $fter you complete the mapping7 choose (appings"Target Load Plan. $ dialog bo= lists all #ource Lualifier transformations in the mapping7 as +ell as the targets that receive data from each #ource Lualifier. /. #elect a #ource Lualifier from the list. @. %lic: the Up and *o+n buttons to move the #ource Lualifier +ithin the load order. A. Repeat steps / and @ for any other #ource Lualifiers you +ish to reorder. .. %lic: ) and %hoose Repository"#ave. 2K. 6hat u can do +ith Repository (anager1 /ns: 6e can do follo+ing tas:s using 0epository 2anager : , 6o create usernames7 you must have one of the follo+ing sets of privileges:

" $dminister Repository privilege " #uper User privilege 6o create a user group7 you must have one of the follo+ing privileges : " $dminister Repository privilege " #uper User privilege 6o assign or revo<e privileges 3 u must hv one of the following privilege.. " $dminister Repository privilege " #uper User privilege Cote: 5ou cannot change the privileges of the default user groups or the default repository users. /,. 6hat u can do +ith *esigner 1 /ns: The *esigner client application provides five tools to help you create mappings: 'ource /naly7er. Use to import or create source definitions for flat file7 %obol7 'RP7 and relational sources. Warehouse Designer. Use to import or create target definitions. 6ransformation Developer. Use to create reusable transformations. 2applet Designer. Use to create mapplets. 2apping Designer. Use to create mappings. Cote:The *esigner allo+s you to +or: +ith multiple tools at one time. 5ou can also +or: in multiple folders and repositories /-. 6hat are different types of Tracing Levels u hv in Transformations1 /ns: Tracing Levels in Transformations :" 1evel Description 6erse Indicates +hen the Informatica #erver initialiBes the session and its components. #ummariBes session results7 but not at the level of individual records. Cormal Includes initialiBation information as +ell as error messages and notification of re4ected data. .erbose initialiBation Includes all information provided +ith the Cormal setting plus more e=tensive information about initialiBing transformations in the session. .erbose data Includes all information provided +ith the ?erbose initialiBation setting. Cote: >y default7 the tracing level for every transformation is Cormal. To add a slight performance boost7 you can also set the tracing level to Terse7 +riting the minimum of detail to the session log +hen running a session containing the transformation. /-8i9. 6hat the difference is bet+een a database7 a data +arehouse and a data mart1 /ns: "" $ database is an organiBed collection of information. "" $ data warehouse is a very large database +ith special sets of tools to e=tract and cleanse data from operational systems and to analyBe data. "" $ data mart is a focused subset of a data +arehouse that deals +ith a single area of data and is organiBed for <uic: analysis. /2. 6hat is *ata (art7 *ata 6are&ouse and *ecision #upport #ystem e=plain briefly1 /ns: Data 2art: $ data mart is a repository of data gathered from operational data and other sources that is designed to serve a particular community of :no+ledge +or:ers. In scope7 the data may derive from an enterprise"+ide database or data +arehouse or be more specialiBed. 6he emphasis of a data mart is on meeting the specific demands of a particular group of :no+ledge users in terms of analysis7 content7 presentation7 and ease"of"use. Users of a data mart can e=pect to have data presented in terms that are familiar. In practice7 the terms data mart and data +arehouse each tend to imply the presence of the other in some form. &o+ever7 most +riters using the term seem to agree that the design of a data mart tends to start from an analysis of user needs and that a data warehouse tends to start from an analysis of what data already e4ists and how it can be collected in such a way that the data can later be used. $ data +arehouse is a central aggregation of data 8+hich can be distributed physically9; a data mart is a data repository that may derive from a data +arehouse or not and that emphasiBes ease of access and usability for a particular designed purpose. In general7 a data +arehouse tends to be a strategic but some+hat unfinished concept; a data mart tends to be tactical and aimed at meeting an immediate need. Data Warehouse: $ data warehouse is a central repository for all or significant parts of the data that an enterprise!s various business systems collect. The term +as coined by 6. &. Inmon. I52 sometimes uses the term Oinformation warehouse.O Typically7 a data warehouse is housed on an enterprise mainframe server. *ata from various online transaction processing 8)LTP9 applications and other sources is selectively e=tracted and organiBed on the data +arehouse database for use by

analytical applications and user <ueries. Data warehousing emphasi7es the capture of data from diverse sources for useful analysis and access7 but does not generally start from the point"of"vie+ of the end user or :no+ledge +or:er +ho may need access to specialiBed7 sometimes local databases. The latter idea is :no+n as the data mart. data mining3 Web mining3 and a decision support system 8D''> are three :inds of applications that can ma:e use of a data +arehouse. Decision 'upport 'ystem: $ decision support system 8*##9 is a computer program application that analyBes business data and presents it so that users can ma:e business decisions more easily. It is an Uinformational applicationU 8in distinction to an Uoperational applicationU that collects the data in the course of normal business operation9. 6ypical information that a decision support application might gather and present would be: %omparative sales figures bet+een one +ee: and the ne=t Pro4ected revenue figures based on ne+ product sales assumptions The conse<uences of different decision alternatives7 given past e=perience in a conte=t that is described $ decision support system may present information graphically and may include an e=pert system or artificial intelligence 8$I9. It may be aimed at business e=ecutives or some other group of :no+ledge +or:ers. //. 6hat r the differences bet+een &eterogeneous and &omogeneous1 /ns: Heterogeneous Homogeneous 'tored in different #chemas )ommon structure 'tored in different file or db types 'ame database type 'pread across in several countries 'ame data center Different platform n &/6 config. 'ame platform and &/6are configuration. /@. &o+ do you use **L commands in PL/#LL bloc: e4. $ccept table name from user and drop it7 if available else display msg1 /ns: To invo:e **L commands in PL/#LL bloc:s +e have to use Dynamic 'Q17 the +ac<age used is D52'P'Q1. /A. 6hat r the steps to +or: +ith *ynamic #LL1 /ns: )pen a *ynamic cursor7 Parse #LL stmt7 >ind i/p variables 8if any97 '=ecute #LL stmt of *ynamic %ursor and %lose the %ursor. /.. 6hich pac:age7 procedure is used to find/chec: free space available for db ob4ects li:e table/procedures/vie+s/synonymsMetc1 /ns: The Pac:age is D52'P'+/); The Procedure is QCQ';DP'+/); The Table is D5/P-5N;)6' Cote: #ee the script to find free space V c:NinformaticaNtbl0free0space /H. *oes informatica allo+ if 'mpId is P ey in Target tbl and source data is 2 ro+s +ith same 'mpI*1If u use loo:up for the same situation does it allo+ to load 2 ro+s or only -1 /ns: WQ Co7 it +ill not it generates p:ey constraint voilation. 8it loads - ro+9 WQ 'ven then no if 'mpId is P:ey. /J. If 'name varchar28@,9 from - source8siebel97 'name char8-,,9 from another source 8oracle9 and the target is having Came varchar28A,9 then ho+ does informatica handles this situation1 How Informatica handles string and numbers datatypes sources1 /K. &o+ do u debug mappings1 I mean +here do u attac:1 @,. &o+ do u <ry the (etadata tables for Informatica1 @-8i9. 6hen do u use connected loo:up n +hen do u use unconnected loo:up1 /ns: )onnected 1oo<ups : , $ connected Loo:up transformation is part of the mapping data flo+. 6ith connected loo:ups7 you can have multiple return values. That is7 you can pass multiple values from the same ro+ in the loo:up table out of the Loo:up transformation. )ommon uses for connected loo<ups include: ED 3inding a name based on a number e4. 3inding a *name based on deptno ED 3inding a value based on a range of dates ED 3inding a value based on multiple conditions

Qnconnected 1oo<ups : , $n unconnected Loo:up transformation e=ists separate from the data flo+ in the mapping. 5ou +rite an e=pression using the :L P reference <ualifier to call the loo:up +ithin another transformation. 'ome common uses for unconnected loo<ups include: ED Testing the results of a loo:up in an e=pression ED 3iltering records based on the loo:up results ED (ar:ing records for update based on the result of a loo:up 8for e=ample7 updating slo+ly changing dimension tables9 ED %alling the same loo:up multiple times in one mapping

@-8ii9. 6hat r the differences bet+een %onnected loo:ups and Unconnected loo:ups1 /ns: /lthough both types of loo<ups perform the same basic tas<3 there are some important differences: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )onnected 1oo<up Qnconnected 1oo<up """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +art of the mapping data flo+. 'eparate from the mapping data flo+. )an return multiple values from the same ro+. 0eturns one value from each ro+. Hou lin: the loo:up/output ports to another Hou designate the return value +ith the Return port 8R9. transformation. 'upports default values. Does not support default values. If there!s no match for the loo:up condition7 the If there!s no match for the loo:up condition7 the server server returns the default value for all output ports. returns CQ11. 2ore visible. #ho+s the data passing in and out 1ess visible. 5ou +rite an e=pression using :L P to tell of the loo:up. the server +hen to perform the loo:up. )ache includes all loo:up columns used in the )ache includes loo:up/output ports in the Loo:up condition mapping 8that is7 loo:up table columns included and loo:up/return port. in the loo:up condition and loo:up table columns lin:ed as output ports to other transformations9. @2. 6hat u need concentrate after getting e=plain plan1 /ns: The / most significant columns in the plan table are named )P'R$TI)C7)PTI)C#7 and )>O'%T0C$('.3or each step7 these tell u +hich operation is going to be performed and +hich ob4ect is the target of that operation. '=:" RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR T) U#' 'PPL$IC PL$C 3)R $ LR5... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR #LLQ 'PPL$IC PL$C 2 #'T #T$T'('CT0I* W !P $R,2! / 3)R @ #'L'%T O)>7($P8#$L9 A 3R)( '(P . GR)UP >5 O)> H &$?ICG ($P8#$L9 QW A,,,; '=plained. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR T) LU'R5 T&' PL$C T$>L' :" RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR #LLQ #'L'%T RTRI(8I*9XX! !XX 2 LP$*8! !7 2R8L'?'L"-99XX)P'R$TI)C / XX! !XX)PTI)C# @ XX! !XX)>O'%T0C$(' #T'P0*'#%RIPTI)C A 3R)( PL$C0T$>L' . #T$RT 6IT& I* W , $C* #T$T'('CT0I* W !P $R,2! H %)CC'%T >5 PRI)R I* W P$R'CT0I* J $C* #T$T'('CT0I* W !P $R,2! K )R*'R >5 I*; #T'P0*'#%RIPTI)C

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" , #'L'%T #T$T'('CT - 3ILT'R 2 #)RT GR)UP >5 / T$>L' $%%'## 3ULL '(P

@/. &o+ components are interfaced in Psoft1 /ns: @@. &o+ do u do the analysis of an 'TL1 /ns: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW @A. 6hat is #tandard7 Reusable Transformation and (applet1 /ns: (appings contain t+o types of transformations7 standard and reusable. #tandard transformations e=ist +ithin a single mapping. 5ou cannot reuse a standard transformation you created in another mapping7 nor can you create a shortcut to that transformation. &o+ever7 often you +ant to create transformations that perform common tas:s7 such as calculating the average salary in a department. #ince a standard transformation cannot be used by more than one mapping7 you have to set up the same transformation each time you +ant to calculate the average salary in a department. 2applet: $ mapplet is a reusable ob4ect that represents a set of transformations. It allo+s you to reuse transformation logic and can contain as many transformations as you need. $ mapplet can contain transformations7 reusable transformations7 and shortcuts to transformations. @.. &o+ do u copy (apping7 Repository7 #essions1 /ns: To copy an ob4ect 8such as a mapping or reusable transformation9 from a shared folder7 press the %trl :ey and drag and drop the mapping into the destination folder. To copy a mapping from a non"shared folder7 drag and drop the mapping into the destination folder. In both cases7 the destination folder must be open +ith the related tool active. 3or e4ample7 to copy a mapping7 the (apping *esigner must be active. To copy a #ource *efinition7 the #ource $nalyBer must be active. )opying 2apping: To copy the mapping7 open a +or:boo:. In the Cavigator7 clic: and drag the mapping slightly to the right7 not dragging it to the +or:boo:. 6hen as:ed if you +ant to ma:e a copy7 clic: 5es7 then enter a ne+ name and clic: ) . %hoose Repository"#ave. 0epository )opying: 5ou can copy a repository from one database to another. 5ou use this feature before upgrading7 to preserve the original repository. %opying repositories provides a <uic: +ay to copy all metadata you +ant to use as a basis for a ne+ repository. If the database into +hich you plan to copy the repository contains an e=isting repository7 the Repository (anager deletes the e=isting repository. If you +ant to preserve the old repository7 cancel the copy. Then bac: up the e=isting repository before copying the ne+ repository. To copy a repository3 you must have one of the following privileges: $dminister Repository privilege #uper User privilege 6o copy a repository: -. In the Repository (anager7 choose Repository"%opy Repository. 2. #elect a repository you +ish to copy7 then enter the follo+ing information: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )opy 0epository @ield 0e*uired/ -ptional Description """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 0epository 0e<uired Came for the repository copy. 'ach repository name must be uni<ue +ithin

Database Username Database Pass+ord -*>% *ata #ource Cative %onnect #tring )ode Page

0e<uired 0e<uired 0e<uired 0e<uired 0e<uired

the domain and should be easily distinguished from all other repositories. Qsername re<uired to connect to the database. This login must have the appropriate database permissions to create the repository. +ass+ord associated +ith the database username.(ust be in U#"$#%II. Data source used to connect to the database. )onnect string identifying the location of the database. )haracter set associated +ith the repository. (ust be a superset of the code page of the repository you +ant to copy.

If you are not connected to the repository you want to copy3 the 0epository 2anager as<s you to log in. /. %lic: ) . $. If as:ed +hether you +ant to delete an e=isting repository data in the second repository7 clic: ) to delete it. %lic: %ancel to preserve the e=isting repository. )opying 'essions: In the #erver (anager7 you can copy stand"alone sessions +ithin a folder7 or copy sessions in and out of batches. 6o copy a session3 you must have one of the following: %reate #essions and >atches privilege +ith read and +rite permission #uper User privilege 6o copy a session: -. In the #erver (anager7 select the session you +ish to copy. 2. %lic: the %opy #ession button or choose )perations"%opy #ession. The #erver (anager ma:es a copy of the session. The Informatica #erver names the copy after the original session7 appending a number7 such as session0name-. @H. 6hat are shortcuts7 and +hat is advantage1 /ns: #hortcuts allo+ you to use metadata across folders +ithout ma:ing copies7 ensuring uniform metadata. $ shortcut inherits all properties of the ob4ect to +hich it points. )nce you create a shortcut7 you can configure the shortcut name and description. 6hen the ob4ect the shortcut references changes7 the shortcut inherits those changes. >y using a shortcut instead of a copy7 you ensure each use of the shortcut e=actly matches the original ob4ect. @or e4ample7 if you have a shortcut to a target definition7 and you add a column to the definition7 the shortcut automatically inherits the additional column. #hortcuts allo+ you to reuse an ob4ect +ithout creating multiple ob4ects in the repository. @or e4ample7 you use a source definition in ten mappings in ten different folders. Instead of creating -, copies of the same source definition7 one in each folder7 you can create -, shortcuts to the original source definition. 5ou can create shortcuts to ob4ects in shared folders. If you try to create a shortcut to a non"shared folder7 the *esigner creates a copy of the ob4ect instead. Hou can create shortcuts to the following repository obGects: #ource definitions Reusable transformations (applets (appings Target definitions >usiness components Hou can create two types of shortcuts: 1ocal shortcut. $ shortcut created in the same repository as the original ob4ect. Ilobal shortcut. $ shortcut created in a local repository that references an ob4ect in a global repository. /dvantages: )ne of the primary advantages of using a shortcut is maintenance. If you need to change all instances of an ob4ect7 you can edit the original repository ob4ect. $ll shortcuts accessing the ob4ect automatically inherit the changes. 'hortcuts have the follo+ing advantages over copied repository obGects: 5ou can maintain a common repository ob4ect in a single location. If you need to edit the ob4ect7 all shortcuts immediately inherit the changes you ma:e. 5ou can restrict repository users to a set of predefined metadata by as:ing users to incorporate the shortcuts into their +or: instead of developing repository ob4ects independently. 5ou can develop comple= mappings7 mapplets7 or reusable transformations7 then reuse them easily in other folders.

5ou can save space in your repository by :eeping a single repository ob4ect and using shortcuts to that ob4ect7 instead of creating copies of the ob4ect in multiple folders or multiple repositories.

@J. 6hat are Pre"session and Post"session )ptions1 8PlBB refer &elp Using #hell %ommands n Post"#ession %ommands and 'mail9 /ns: The Informatica #erver can perform one or more shell commands before or after the session runs. #hell commands are operating system commands. 5ou can use pre" or post" session shell commands7 for e4ample7 to delete a re4ect file or session log7 or to archive target files before the session begins. 6he status of the shell command3 whether it completed successfully or failed3 appears in the session log file. 6o call a pre, or post,session shell command you must: -. Use any valid UCIP command or shell script for UCIP servers7 or any valid *)# or batch file for 6indo+s CT servers. 2. %onfigure the session to e=ecute the pre" or post"session shell commands. 5ou can configure a session to stop if the Informatica #erver encounters an error +hile e=ecuting pre"session shell commands. @or e4ample3 you might use a shell command to copy a file from one directory to another. 3or a Windows C6 server you +ould use the follo+ing shell command to copy the #$L'#0 $*O file from the target directory7 L7 to the source7 &: copy L:NsalesNsales0ad4 &:Nmar:etingN 3or a QCIJ server7 you +ould use the follo+ing command line to perform a similar operation: cp sales/sales0ad4 mar:eting/ 6ip: 'ach shell command runs in the same environment 8UCIP or 6indo+s CT9 as the Informatica #erver. 'nvironment settings in one shell command script do not carry over to other scripts. To run all shell commands in the same environment7 call a single shell script that in turn invo:es other scripts. @K. 6hat are 3older ?ersions1 /ns: In the 0epository 2anager7 you can create different versions +ithin a folder to help you archive +or: in development. 5ou can copy versions to other folders as +ell. 6hen you save a version7 you save all metadata at a particular point in development. Later versions contain ne+ or modified metadata7 reflecting +or: that you have completed since the last version. (aintaining different versions lets you revert to earlier +or: +hen needed. >y archiving the contents of a folder into a version each time you reach a development landmar:7 you can access those versions if later edits prove unsuccessful. 5ou create a folder version after completing a version of a difficult mapping7 then continue +or:ing on the mapping. If you are unhappy +ith the results of subse<uent +or:7 you can revert to the previous version7 then create a ne+ version to continue development. Thus you :eep the landmar: version intact7 but available for regression. Cote: 5ou can only +or: +ithin one version of a folder at a time. A,. &o+ do automate/schedule sessions/batches n did u use any tool for automating #essions/batch1 /ns: 6e scheduled our sessions/batches using #erver (anager. 5ou can either schedule a session to run at a given time or interval7 or you can manually start the session. U needto hv create sessions n batches +ith Read n '=ecute permissions or super user privilege. If you configure a batch to run only on demand3 you cannot schedule it. Cote: 6e did not use any tool for automation process. A-. 6hat are the differences bet+een @.H and A.- versions1 /ns: Ce+ Transformations added li:e P(L Transformation and (L #eries Transformation7 and Po+er(art and Po+er%enter both are same from A.-version. A2. 6hat r the procedure that u need to undergo before moving (appings/sessions from Testing/*evelopment to Production1 /ns: A/. &o+ many values it 8informatica server9 returns +hen it passes thru %onnected Loo:up n Unconncted Loo:up1 /ns: %onnected Loo:up can return multiple values +here as Unconnected Loo:up +ill return only one values that is Return ?alue. A@. 6hat is the difference bet+een Po+er(art and Po+er%enter in @.H.21

/ns: If Hou /re Qsing +ower)enter Po+er%enter allo+s you to register and run multiple Informatica #ervers against the same repository. >ecause you can run these servers at the same time7 you can distribute the repository session load across available servers to improve overall performance. 6ith +ower)enter7 you receive all product functionality7 including distributed metadata7 the ability to organiBe repositories into a data mart domain and share metadata across repositories. $ Po+er%enter license lets you create a single repository that you can configure as a global repository7 the core component of a data +arehouse. If 5ou $re Qsing +ower2art This version of Po+er(art includes all features e=cept distributed metadata and multiple registered servers. $lso7 the various options available +ith Po+er%enter 8such as Po+er%enter Integration #erver for >67 Po+er%onnect for I>( *>27 Po+er%onnect for #$P R//7 and Po+er%onnect for People#oft9 are not available +ith Po+er(art.

AA. 6hat :ind of modifications u can do/perform +ith each Transformation1 /ns: Qsing transformations3 you can modify data in the following ways: """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""" 6as< 6ransformation """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""" %alculate a value '=pression Perform an aggregate calculations $ggregator (odify te=t '=pression 3ilter records 3ilter7 #ource Lualifier )rder records <ueried by the Informatica #erver #ource Lualifier %all a stored procedure #tored Procedure %all a procedure in a shared library or in the '=ternal Procedure %)( layer of 6indo+s CT Generate primary :eys #e<uence Generator Limit records to a top or bottom range Ran: CormaliBe records7 including those read CormaliBer from %)>)L sources Loo: up values Loo:up *etermine +hether to insert7 delete7 update7 Update #trategy or re4ect records Ooin records from different databases Ooiner or flat file systems A.. '=pressions in Transformations7 '=plain briefly ho+ do u use1 /ns: '=pressions in Transformations To transform data passing through a transformation7 you can +rite an e=pression. The most obvious e=amples of these are the ;4pression and /ggregator transformations3 +hich perform calculations on either single values or an entire range of values +ithin a port. Transformations that use e=pressions include the follo+ing: """"""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6ransformation How It Qses ;4pressions """"""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '=pression %alculates the result of an e=pression for each ro+ passing through the transformation7 using values from one or more ports. $ggregator %alculates the result of an aggregate e=pression7 such as a sum or average7 based on all data passing through a port or on groups +ithin that data. 3ilter 3ilters records based on a condition you enter using an e=pression. Ran: 3ilters the top or bottom range of records7 based on a condition you enter using an e=pression. Update #trategy $ssigns a numeric code to each record based on an e=pression7 indicating +hether the Informatica #erver should use the information in the record to insert7 delete7 or update the target. In each transformation7 you use the '=pression 'ditor to enter the e=pression. The '=pression 'ditor supports the transformation language for building e=pressions. The transformation language uses #LL"li:e functions7 operators7 and other components to build the e=pression. 3or e4ample7 as in #LL7 the transformation language includes the functions %)UCT and #U(. &o+ever7 the Po+er(art/Po+er%enter transformation language includes additional functions not found in #LL.

6hen you enter the e=pression7 you can use values available through ports. 3or e4ample7 if the transformation has t+o input ports representing a price and sales ta= rate7 you can calculate the final sales ta= using these t+o values. The ports used in the e=pression can appear in the same transformation7 or you can use output ports in other transformations. AH. In case of 3lat files 8+hich comes thru 3TP as source9 has not arrived then +hat happens16here do u set this option1 /ns: U get an fatel error +hich cause server to fail/stop the session. U can set 'vent">ased #cheduling )ption in #ession Properties under General tab""Q$dvanced options.. """"""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""" ;vent,5ased 0e*uired/ -ptional Description """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""" Indicator 3ile to 6ait 3or )ptional Re<uired to use event,based scheduling. 'nter the indicator file 8or directory and file9 whose arrival schedules the session. If you do not enter a directory7 the Informatica #erver assumes the file appears in the server variable directory YP(Root*ir. AJ. 6hat is the Test Load )ption and +hen you use in #erver (anager1 /ns: 6hen testing sessions in development7 you may not need to process the entire source. If this is true7 use the Test Load )ption8#ession Properties General Tab Target )ptions %hoose Target Load options as Cormal 8option button97 +ith Test Load che:ed 8%hec: bo=9 and Co.of ro+s to test e=.2,,, 8Te=t bo= +ith #crolls99. 5ou can also clic: the #tart button. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" AK. #%* Type 2 and #GT difference1 .,. *ifferences bet+een @.H and A.-1 .-. Tuning Informatica #erver for improving performance1 Performance Issues1 /ns: #ee /R ):Rp<arRInformaticaR+erformance Issues.doc R/ .2. 6hat is )verride )ption1 6hich is better1 ./. 6hat +ill happen if u increase buffer siBe1 .@. +hat +ill happen if u increase commit Intervals1 and also decrease commit Intervals1 .A. 6hat :ind of %omple= mapping u did1 $nd +hat sort of problems u faced1 ... If u have -, mappings designed and u need to implement some changes8may be in e=isting mapping or ne+ mapping need to be designed9 then ho+ much time it ta:es from easier to comple=1 .H. %an u refresh Repository in @.H and A.-1 and also can u refresh pieces 8partially9 of repository in @.H and A.-1 .J. 6hat is >I1 /ns: .K. >enefits of >I1 /ns:"benefits.shtml H,. >I 3a< /ns:"fa<.shtml H-. 6hat is difference bet+een data scrubbing and data cleansing1 /ns: #crubbing data is the process of cleaning up the 4un: in legacy data and ma:ing it accurate and useful for the ne=t generations of automated systems. This is perhaps the most difficult of all conversion activities. ?ery often7 this is made more difficult +hen the customer +ants to ma:e good data out of bad data. This is the dog +or:. It is also the most important and can not be done +ithout the active participation of the user. D/6/ )1;/CICI " a t+o step process including DETECTION and then CORRECTION of errors in a data set H2. 6hat is (etadata and Repository1 /ns: 2etadata. D*ata about dataE . It contains descriptive data for end users.

%ontains data that controls the 'TL processing. %ontains data about the current state of the data +arehouse. 'TL updates metadata7 to provide the most current state. 0epository. The place +here you store the metadata is called a repository. The more sophisticated your repository7 the more comple= and detailed metadata you can store in it. Po+er(art and Po+er%enter use a relational database as the repository.

H/. #LL R L)$*'R1 /ns: http://do+nload",-0doc/server.K,-/aK,-K2/ch,/.htmT-,,@.HJ H@. *ebugger in (apping1 HA. Parameters passing in A.- vesion e=posure1 H.. 6hat is the filename +hich u need to configure in Uni= +hile Installing Informatica1 HH. &o+ do u select duplicate ro+s using Informatica i.e.7 ho+ do u use (a=8Ro+id9/(in8Ro+id9 in Informatica1

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