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January 14, 2014

NEXT MEETING January 21st, Noon Meeting Soda Center

THE PROGRAM Our program today was a spirited Rotary Adventure lead by our District Governor, Steve Lack. President Nora introduced Steve to the group. Prior to retiring, Dr. Steve Lack spent many years in public administration specializing in fraud detection. He also has supported the Boy Scouts for many years. He has been a Rotarian in the Pleasant Hill Club since 2002. Steves talk centered around our personal adventures in Rotary. He spent the first few minutes describing the early adventures of Paul Harris prior to founding Rotary. He noted that Paul wanted to call the organization the Conspirator Club. Steve showed us a book used for Rotarian education in 1949 called Adventure in Service. Paul then talked about the status of our current international adventure Polio Plus. The current goal is polio eradication by 2018. He went on to talk about possible follow-on projects in the area of sanitation. Steve then discussed the education project at work in Burkina Faso in Africa. He shared a few pictures of his first visit there and talked about the schools that Rotarians hope to open there soon. He talked about Miriam Krale (sp) a resident in the area describing the hope that this support brings to students in the region. Steve talked about three other initiatives in the district. 1) Rotarytrading where Rotarians can offer goods and services for sale 2) the District Conference where 18,288 meal packets were assembled and 3) a new Rotary Beer Fellowship that he feels is key to the organization.

Program: Andy Scheck Backyard Beekeeping

We are meeting in our normal room, ORINDA ROOM Greeter & Invocation Al Simonsen

Jan. 20 Nite at the Races Committee Meeting 5:30 PM at the Dochterman residence. *Jan. 21 Andy Scheck Backyard Beekeeping Jan 21 Board Meeting Trinity Church 5:30 PM *Jan. 28 Club Assembly Feb. 4 No Meeting at Soda Center (attend tomorrow at Rossmoor. Feb. 5 Annual 5 Club Meeting at Rossmoor. **Feb 11 Brother Dominic The Winemaking History of St. Marys College *Indicates a regular Tuesday noon luncheon meeting **Indicates our monthly evening meeting at 6pm

~GUESTS~ Steve Lack District 5160 Governor and our speaker for today Jose Avelar Assistant District Governor Marcella Avelar Wife of Jose and Noras mother Mary Sue Erickson Honorary Club Member Ray Kan Honorary Club Member May Kan Wife of Ray Lou Roessler _ Honorary Club Member Yelena Mucovich Wife of member Ron Linda Campbell Honorary Member Ann Damaschino Wife of member Doug. Mary Caburi- Guest of Herb Wehmeyer Ron Schopke Spouse of member Louise

Frank May, John Erickson and Governor Steve Lack

Steve also awarded our club with the Every Rotarian Every Year award for our 100 percent participation in the Rotary Foundation. He also

awarded John Erickson with a well-deserved Unsung Hero Award. Frank May received an Energizer pin for his participation in club projects. President Nora Avelar received a picture of her superhero alter ego, X-Man Rogue. Steve asked us to just say yes to helping in our club events. To keep up the good work that Moraga Rotary is doing and continue to build our own Rotary Adventures. Thank you, Steve, for a wonderful energizing Rotary evening.

Nora also described our work with the Christmas stockings and the Employee of the Month program. Dianne Wilson received her Blue Badge for completing the initiation tasks to learn about our club. The badge was presented by Governor Steve. Congratulations, Dianne.

The Rest of the Meeting

Our meeting began with an invocation and pledge lead by Debbie Roessler. Debbie read a poem about success by Emerson. She also lead a Moment of Silence in memory of Pat Renworth, wife of charter member George Renworth, who passed away last week. Our condolences go out to George and his family. We will let everyone know any service or memorial details as they become available. **FUN STUFF!** Happy Bucks Gary Irwin offered a buck for the win by the Kansas Jayhawks. For some unknown reason he asked John Erickson to pay the dollar!! Rich Render offered a buck for the end of the OMPA chicken packets. These packets have been feeding the Rotary dog, Montie, for several months. Jim Campbell offered a dollar for a fortune cookie that prophesized him being involved in many service projects. Ann Damaschino offered a buck for her granddaughter getting into the sorority that she wanted.
President Nora Avelar, Dianne Wilson with her Blue Badge, ADG Jose Avelar, Governor Steve Lack, Marcella Avelar and Debbie Roessler

Nite at the Races Our planning for our major fundraiser, Nite at the Races, continues. We need everyone to pitch in to help make this event a success. Our next committee meeting is at the Dochterman residence next Monday evening at 5:30 PM. We, the entire club, are all on this committee so come out and lend a hand!! E-Waste Rich Render announced that our September EWaste project has earned $685.05 for the club. Thank you, Rich for your leadership in organizing and running this event. Mark the next E-Waste date on your calendar, April 26th. THE ROTARY RENO TRIP 2014 Jose Avelar announced that the annual Rotary Reno Trip will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 28 to March 2. Special features include: John Ascuagas Nugget Hotel; Vistadome Sightseeing Car; meals served on car both ways; Rotary Clubs Dinner on Saturday night; coupon book for buffets and casinos; Total fee $375 per person for double and $445 single room. This promises to be more fun and enjoyable than any previous trip in recent years! Signup deadline is January 27. Jose also announced that the Orinda Rotary Crabfeed is this Saturday January 18th. The donation for this fundraiser is $50. Give Jose a call if you would like to attend.

Other Goings On..

President Nora highlighted a few of the recent projects that we have been involved with in Moraga Rotary. These included the magazines donated to Moraga 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. She highlighted an article about the kids at Rheem reading an article in the magazine and raising over $600 for Philippines relief.

Moraga Valley Kiwanis Crabfeed Feb 1 The Annual Kiwanis Crabfeed will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1st at St Marys College in the Soda Center. Last year we had two Rotary tables supporting our Kiwanian friends and they reciprocated with a table at Nite at the Races. Frank May will coordinate our tables this year. The event donation is $50. We plan on attending a Kiwanis meeting in a few weeks to promote our Nite at the Races event. Call Frank on 376-8195 to reserve your place at our table. We have a few places left. Give Frank a call by January 21st to assure you a place at our tables!!
President...........Nora Avelar President-Elect....Debbie Roessler Past President ....Frank May Secretary....Kevin Reneau Treasurer......Lad Lynch Community Service Chair...Barbara Bruner New Generations Chair.........Rich Render International Service Chair..Tony Schoemehl Membership....Frank & Debbie Public Relations..Gary Irwin Director at Large.....Cliff Dochterman Director at Large.........John Erickson


MONDAY Danville @ Noon.......Faz, Danville TUESDAY Diablo View @ 5:30pm...Lift Lounge, Walnut Creek WEDNESDAY Orinda @ Noon......Orinda Country Club Berkeley @ Noon..His Lordships Restaurant Rossmoor @ Noon.Hillside Clubhouse, Rossmoor THURSDAY Pleasant Hill @ Noon......St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Lafayette @ Noon....Oakwood Health Center Oakland @ Noon......California Ballroom FRIDAY Lamorinda Sunrise @ 7am....Celias Mexican Restaurant Concord @ Noon.....Concord Hilton


Jan. 20 Nite at the Races Committee Meet at the Dochterman home at 5:30 PM Feb. 5 Annual 5 Club Meeting at Rossmoor April 26 E-Waste Fundraiser Mar 15 A Nite at the Races Fundraiser May 10 Moraga Community Faire



Editors Comment
I would like to thank Governor Steve Lack for coming to our club this week. Steve communicated the spirit of Rotary today and our commitment to Adventures in service. He illustrated how Rotary is doing real work throughout the world and in individual communities. Thank you, Steve, for your enthusiasm and leadership in regenerating the energy in our Rotary Club!!

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This months editorFrank May February editor... Gary Irwin

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