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Lahore University of Management Sciences MKTG 342 Marketing Research

Spring 2013

Instructor Room No. Office Hours Email Telephone Secretary/TA TA Office Hours Course URL (if any)

Dr Farrah Arif 164, Small and Medium Enterprise Center, Academic Block Tuesday & Friday (12:00 1:00 pm) 042 3560 8039

Course Basics Credit Hours Lecture(s) Recitation/Lab (per week) Tutorial (per week) Course Distribution Core Elective Open for Student Category Close for Student Category COURSE DESCRIPTION

4 Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week

1 1

Duration Duration Duration

1 hour 50 minutes each 1 hour 50 minutes each

Yes Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores All Freshmen

In todays competitive business environment, it is increasingly the case that those companies that better understand their customers are more competitive and gain a differential advantage in the market. This occurs because this understanding enables these companies to provide more value to their customers and develop stronger long-term relationships. Quite simply, the key goal of marketing is to influence consumer behavior (i.e., we hope to influence consumers to purchase our product or service over those of the competitors). In order to do so, marketers must understand how consumers process information and make decisions. This forms the basis of an understanding as to how various marketing activities such as introduction of new products/services, and advertising, and sales promotion impact on consumers. The course will cover marketing research aspects for translating this understanding of consumers into making effective managerial decisions. Thus, this course is formulated as a toolkit for developing and executing successful marketing strategies.
COURSE PREREQUISITE(S) Principles of Marketing (MKTG 201) or Marketing, Branding, Advertising (MKTG 202) or any marketing elective Statistics / Introduction to Statistics

Lahore University of Management Sciences

COURSE OBJECTIVES & LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. Marketing Research Process: Translating the understanding of consumers into managerial action through marketing research process. Research Design Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Learning specific research design strategies as a part of marketing research process. Use of Multivariate Data Analyses: Learning the techniques to ask the right questions, collect relevant data, analyze it, interpret it, and make competitive decisions based on insights gained from the research. This course builds on the core course in marketing and is complementary to the other marketing elective courses. Grading Breakup and Policy Individual/Group Home and Class Assignments:10 Class Participation and Quizzes:15 Attendance:5 Midterm Examination:25 Project (Team Based):15 Final Examination:30

Examination Detail Yes/No: Yes Combine Separate: Combine Duration: 60 minutes Preferred Date: Exam Specifications: Objective + Subjective

Midterm Exam

Final Exam

Yes/No: Yes Combine Separate: Combine Duration: 120 minutes Exam Specifications: Objective + Subjective

Teaching Methodology The objectives of this course would be achieved through the combined and integrated application of lectures (designed to introduce the relevant marketing research concepts and methods), mini case study analysis (which will provide a context in which to apply these concepts and methods), class group exercises, and lab sessions/exercises. Students are encouraged to use class sessions as an opportunity to probe, extend and apply the course material. All students should read and think about the assigned material before coming to class. Please remember that although active class participation is important, quality is more important than quantity. Students will be given some individual assignments that they will use for group class exercises. It is recommended to submit the assignments in time.

Expectations: No late entry in the class after 5 mins Students are not allowed to leave the class before the end of the session without a prior permission from the instructor Zero tolerance towards PLAGIARISM Students are expected to follow Class Decorum No use of mobile phones and laptops in class. Assignments should be typed (other than class assignments). No late assignment is acceptable

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Research Project (Team based) The group project will require students to conduct a marketing research on a topic of their interest. There are books on Handbook of Marketing Scales available in library to find out scales that can be used in your research. In a group of 5-6 students, teams will work on the research project starting week 1. The course revolves around research project and project deliverables are divided into three assignments, i.e., research proposal, research presentation and final report. The students will have frequent meetings with the instructor to solicit verbal feedback on the assignments. WHAT IS THE INSTRUCTOR LOOKING FOR? 1. Amount of effort put in. 2. Amount of intelligence/creativity put in. (Discussion of results, development of a coherent story/picture). 3. Relevance of methodology to objectives. 4. Amount of contact time with real Pakistanis. 5. Application of the concepts learnt in Marketing Research course.

Lahore University of Management Sciences


Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Formation of groups, Tentative project ideas (Submit two ideas; indicate your preference; the idea will be finalized after discussing with the instructor)

Finalize proposal with objectives, scope and methodology( not more than 1,000 words)

Proposal Due

Secondary Research, Data Collection, and Analysis (Questionnaire will be finalized after discussing with the instructor)

Presentation (10-15 min presentation, not more than 10 slides) Report Writing (not more than 20 pages including text (not more than 10 pages), exhibits and references; font 12 with Times New Roman; 1.5 lines spacing; refer to Chapter 23 of recommended book) Project Report Due

Lahore University of Management Sciences

COURSE OVERVIEW Session Topics Recommended Readings/Assignments/Quizzes Objectives/ Application

Introduction to Marketing Research 1.

Chapter 1 (Text) Note on Market Research (Entrepreneurial perspective)


Defining Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach Research Design Exploratory Research Design: Secondary Data Exploratory Exploratory Research Design: Qualitative Research Lab Session: Data Preparation Issues Exploratory Research Design: Qualitative Research

Chapter 2 (Text) Two-member Class Activity



Chapter 3 (Text) Two-member Class Activity Chapter 4 (Text) Chapter 5 (Text) Individual Assignment (not more than 400 words) Quiz 01 Chapter 13 and 14 (Text) Lab Exercise Chapter 5 (Text) Case 3.4 (Text) Group Assignment (not more than two pages A4 size four sides) Chapter 15 (Text) Lab Exercise Chapter 6 (Text) Class Exercise Chapter 16 (Text) Lab Exercise Class Assignment Chapter 7 (Text) Class Assignment Quiz 02 Chapter 17 (Text) Lab Exercise Chapter 8 (Text) Group non-graded assignment Chapter 18 (Text) Lab Exercise Chapter 9 (Text) Quiz 03

Highlighting the importance of consumer research suggesting that it is a valuable tool that helps marketers design better marketing programs and promotes our general understanding of how consumers behave, and why. Defining marketing research problem and approach to resolve the problem from the perspective of both marketing decision makers and researcher. Developing an effective research design. Distinguishing between secondary and primary data and evaluating different sources and use of secondary data. Distinguish Between qualitative and quantitative research Learning Coding and Structuring Data in SPSS


Understanding Different forms of Qualitative Research




Lab Session: Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation and Hypothesis Testing Descriptive Research Design: Survey and Observation Lab Session: Analysis of Variance and Covariance Casual Research Design: Experiments Lab Session: Correlation and Regression Measurement and Scaling: Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling Lab Session: Discriminant Analysis Measurement and Scaling: Noncomparative Scaling Techniques

Learning Data Mining



Learning about Survey Methods(such as, telephone, personal, mail, electronic interviewing, online) and Observation Understanding the Scope of Analysis of Variance and its Relationship with t-test and Regression. Understanding Casual Relationships and Conducting Causal Research Highlighting Importance of Correlation and Regression in Marketing Research. Understanding the Concept of Measurement in Marketing Research. Understanding the Concepts of Discriminant Analysis, its Objectives, and its Application in Marketing Research. Learning Noncomparative Scales and understanding Reliability and Validity of Scales





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Lab Session: Factor Analysis 15. Designing Questionnaire Lab Session: Cluster Analysis 17. 18. Sampling: Design and Procedures Lab Session: Multidimensional Scaling (A) Chapter 19 (Text) Case 3.6 Lab Exercise/Individual Class Assignment Chapter 10 (Text) Group Class Exercise Chapter 20 (Text) Lab Exercise Individual Class Assignment Chapter 11 (Text) Quiz 04 Chapter 21 (Text) Class Assignment/Lab Exercise Home Assignment (Case Reading) Case: Burger Hub Quiz 05 Learning about the Use of Factor Analysis in Marketing Decision-making process. For example how to establish underlying factors of a marketing phenomenon. Learning the Process of Developing an Effective Questionnaire. Using Cluster Analysis in Marketing Decisionmaking Process. For-example how to establish segments which share similar characteristics. Learning How to Develop a Sampling Design Learning Perceptual Maps for Segmentation and Positioning of Products/Brands.



Multidimensional Scaling (B) 20. Lab Session: Conjoint Analysis (A) 21.

Conjoint Analysis (B) 22. Lab Session: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (A) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (B) Group Presentation Group Presentation Report Preparation Customer Satisfaction The Role of Marketing Research

Chapter 21 (Text) Class Assignment Lab Exercise Home Assignment (Case Reading) Case 3.7 (Text)

Learning How to Use Extensive Market Research Data to Develop a Holistic Marketing Strategy Including Product Positioning, Pricing, Packaging, and Product Development. Learning Conjoint Analysis for Product Development and Market Share Estimates.


24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Chapter 22 (Text) Case 3.10 (Text) Lab Exercise Chapter 22 (Text) Case 3.10 (Text) Class Exercise Chapter 23 (Text) Chapter 23 (Text) Home Assignment (Read Case) Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service Quiz 06

Understanding Conjoint Analysis for Price Sensitivity Analysis and New Product Development. Introducing SEM and its Application in Practical Marketing Research Studies.

Writing Professional Marketing Research Reports. Learning about the role of marketing research in critical managerial decision making.

Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings

Text: th Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Naresh K. Malhotra and Satyabhushan Dash, 6 Edition, Pearson Readings Note on Market Research (2003) Alicia Selger, Standford Gradute School of Business Case: Burger Hub, unpublished Case: Starbucks Delivering Customer Service (2004) Youngme Moon & John Quelch, Harvard Business School

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