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Ecuador Report

C r i s a n d D a n i e l a J o n e s
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 4

Decisions for Christ at camp New Young Life clubs starting in Puyo and Quito Long-term missionary status with CornerStone International

Greetings to all from Wilmore, Ky. Daniela and I have spent the last couple of months in the United States visiting friends and family and raising support for our ministry in Ecuador. We have experienced Young Life in different parts of the U.S. and met with leaders of the ministry here. It has been an great time of refreshment for us in which the Lord has been teaching us and helping us both to grow. In November (before leaving for the US) we had our second annual youth camp outside of Shell. For four days we had games, music, clubs and the presentation of the gospel. Though exhausting, it was highly rewarding as 33 of our 36 kids made a first time decision to follow Jesus. It sounds like an incredibly high number, however, without care many of them will slide back into a lifestyle no different than they had before the camp. Therefore, the most important work that Young Life Ecuador does is the discipleship that must follow each decision for the Lord. It is also the hardest work. Sometimes, despite all we do to develop relationship and try to care for a new believer, eventually he or she will stop coming to meetings and clubs and we start to hear that they are back in with the same old friends doing things that they shouldn't. The parable of the sower constantly comes to mind and we know that a great part of the work can only be done in the place of prayer. It is a great encouragement when even one, who hears and accepts the message, begins to grow and desire to know more. We are excited to report that we have applied as and been accepted by the CI board as long term missionaries. Until now I have had a short-term status. We met with the leaders of CornerStone and shared the story of Young Life Ecuador, what we do and what our vision is for the future. Until recently, Daniela has been working in the HCJB mission hospital in Shell. This last year, HCJB decided to shut down their operations in Shell, the hospital was closed in December and the employees were all let go. There is a push towards getting a new hospital up and running but it will likely be awhile till they can afford to hire Ecuadorian employees. We feel that now is God's timing for Daniela and I to work together, full-time in the ministry. (continued)
at Young Life camp in Colorado

Leadership Discipling Funding

Vehicle Monthly support

Make checks payable to and send to: CornerStone International PO Box 192 Wilmore, KY 40390 Please write Unto Life, our support project name, ULOutreach or UL-Vehicle on the memo of your check.

Automatic monthly donations are available!

Donate by Paypal or credit card from our website:

wwwcornerstoneinternational. org/staff-jones/

P a g e

We will be returning to Ecuador on the 25th of this month and are looking forward to what God has planned for this year. We will open a new Young Life chapter in the neighboring city of Puyo and possibly the capital, Quito. Daniela and I will assist the leaders of Young Life Puyo to begin weekly clubs. We are hoping to raise the necessary funds so that Daniela will be free to work full time in the ministry. We are truly grateful for your support in 2013. God is always faithful and has provided for all that we needed this year. Many blessings to you for the new year!

Cris and Daniela

Young Life camp 2013

From Daniela...
I would like to share part of my testimony of how I came to Jesus and what He has done and is doing is my life. I am a physical therapist and I worked in the mission hospital in Shell for 5 years. When I first started, I worked with a missionary PT named Barbara. We were together 3 months and I always thought that she was so different than all the other friends that I had. God had a plan and used her life as a testimony for me of who He is. I knew I wanted to have what she had because I didn't have the peace that I felt when I was around her. So on October 1st 2008 I committed my life to Jesus and little by little He has been transforming me. As Psalms says, I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouthPraise to our God! Psalm 40:1-3 Since then, my only desire has been to surrender my life for Him to use, how and where He desires to use it. What incredible promises I found in His word. Even though I was a sinner, He loved me and forgave me without asking anything in return. Every day I prayed that God would do His work in me. Sometimes it was hard and sometimes I cried but I am so happy that He is doing it because I can feel that He is changing me. I am so thankful! Six months after beginning my walk with the Lord, a friend invited me to help start an outreach to the youth of Shell who need to know about the love of Jesus for them. We decided to call it Young Life though we didn't know that Young Life existed as an international ministry or what the ministry actually was, but God has a way of causing things to happen according to His will and a few years later we became officially connected with Young Life International! It has been incredible to see the growth of what started as a small weekly club to what has become a group of more than 50 youth with camps and many meetings during the week. We are the first official Young Life ministry in Ecuador! Two years after accepting Jesus, God answered the prayers of my heart and on December 14, 2010 sent me the man I needed, who is now my husband, best friend and coworker. Together we are working to serve the youth in Ecuador. We are praying that God will continue to guide us as leaders and continue working so that every youth in Ecuador will have the chance to know Him.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
1Cor 2:9

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