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Pre Cum Treatment Website

So... Can Pre Cum get you Pregnant?

It is a question found all over sex education sites on the internet, Can pre cum get you pregnant? The answer is YES !re cum can get you pregnant The Cowpers gland is responsi"le for the production of pre cum, which is also called pre#e$aculate, pre seminal fluid, or pre#nut %hile this gland does not produce any sperm itself, the pre#e$aculate it does produce can pic& up sperm left over inside the urethra from a previous e$aculation If this is then discharged from the tip of the penis, the active sperm can "e passed to a female which can lead to pregnancy

Some facts to consider

To give an indication of the level of ris& involved, let me put it into figures for you' (round )*+ million sperm cells are produced in an average healthy e$aculation ,nly around -./ of sperm is actually discharged from the urethra This leaves a"out * million active sperm still inside the "ody It only ta&es 0 sperm to fertili1e an egg, and cause pregnancy (nother thing to remem"er is that the function of pre cum is to create a healthy environment for sperm 2uring e$aculation pre#e$aculate "inds with semen and sperm and travels into the vagina to create a healthier environment So a discharge of pre cum doesn3t $ust flush out sperm Sperm li&es pre cum Sperm wants to get into the healthy environment offered "y pre cum If you search around "a"y forums, and sexual health forums, in answer to the question 4Can pre cum get you pregnant?4 you will find many stories of pre cum "a"ies

How long does the risk last?

It is widely "elieved that the left over sperm remains active in the urethra until the man urinates which flushes it all out, and ends the danger of pregnancy from pre cum I strongly "elieve that this is not 0++/ guaranteed Ta&e a loo& at this image of the male reproductive system

Pre Cum Treatment Website

5rine is released from the 6ladder down the urethra and out of the tip of the penis 7otice the $ourney sperm ta&es from the Testis, through the 2uctus 2eferens and into the prostate The sperm doesn3t enter the urethra until a little further down (ny sperm caught in these areas "efore entering the urethra will "e safe from "eing flushed out during urination If it then lea&s into the urethra, the man will have active sperm that can "e transferred to a woman There are valves in the reproductive system to prevent this lea&age, "ut it is wea&ened valves that produce discharges of pre cum, and so there is a possi"ility of wea&ened valves in other areas The chances are minimal The urine will flush out virtually all left over sperm, "ut when you loo& at the figures discussed earlier, it only ta&es one stray sperm to cause pregnancy ,n a personal level, I have noticed on many occasions that when I have urinated shortly after an e$aculation, within a"out 0+ minutes I experience a discharge that loo&s li&e pre cum from the tip of my penis %hile this is an untested area, it seems quite un"elieva"le to me that anyone could state categorically that this could not contain active sperm In any event, the solution is clear If you do not want a "a"y, use a condom The withdrawal method &nown as coitus interruptus is not a safe form of contraception Can pre cum get you pregnant? # Yes it most definitely can 8ead more, is there sperm in pre cum?

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