Who Are Qadyane

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Who Are Qadyanes

Most Of The Articles Are Written By Maulana Yousuf Ludyanvi Rahmatullah Alaihi


1) What does Quran Say About the inality of !ro"het #ood$S%A%W&% 2) inality of !ro"het$S%A%W& in the li'ht of Ahadihts% 3) What is Qadyanism% 4) Ahmedi or Qadyani% 5) Qadyani (ebase the )slamic *alimah% 6) (ifference Bet+een Qadyani and Muslims% 7) ,haracter of Mir-a .hulam Ahmed Qadyani% 8) ,ould #e be a !ro"het% 9) Messa'e to Muslim /mmah% 10) )dentification of !romised Messiah% 11) )dentification of )mam Mahdi%

12) inal Re0oinder of Mir-a Tahir% 13) (r% Abdul Salam and #is 1obel !ri-e. 14) The Qadyani uneral. 15) Re"ly to Mir-a Tahir ,hallen'e 16) T+o )nterestin' Mubahalas% 17) 2erdicts on Qadyanis% 18) Maloon Mir-a .hulam Ahmed Qadyani in the mirror of his o+n Writin's%

W#AT (O3S T#3 #OLY Q/RA1 SAY ABO/T )1AL)TY O !RO!#3T#OO( The holy Quran and the holy Pro het!s "had#th $Trad#t#ons) elo%uently ro&e that ro hethood $!nu'u((at! and !r#salat!) )a*e to an end (#th our Pro het +uha**ad $,"-). There are de)#s#&e &erses to that e..e)t. /e#n0 the last Pro het #n the )ha#n o. ro hethood no one e&er shall no( su))eed h#* to that status or d#0n#ty

1+uha**ad #s not the .ather o. any *an a*on0 you2 'ut he #s the +essen0er o. "llah and the ,eal o. the Pro hets3 and "llah $,-T) #s "(are o. all th#n0s.1 $Quran. "4-"h5a' 33:40). 46T78P87T"T496 9: T;7 ;9<= Q>8"6 "ll the #nter reters o. the ;oly Quran a0ree on the *ean#n0 o. !?hata*-un-6a'#een! that our Pro het $,"-) (as the last o. all the ro hets and none shall he e@alted to the lo.ty os#t#on o. ro hethood a.ter h#*. A% By )mam #afi- )bn4e4*hateer

;#s e@ lanatory re*arAs on the a'o&e &erse are as .ollo(s: 1Th#s &erse #s )on)lus#&e o. the re)e t that our Pro het #s the last ro het and that there shall 'e no Bna'#! a.ter h#*. -hen there shall 'e no !na'#! to .ollo( h#* the orda#n*ent o. a Brasool! )annot ar#se 'y lo0#) o. anter#or#ty 'e)ause the status o. a Brasool! #s *ore e@)lus#&e than that o. a Bna'#!. 7&ery Brasool! #s a Bna'#! 'ut e&ery Bna'#! #s not a Brasool!. There e@#sts a )ont#nuous and un'roAen )ha#n o. )#tat#ons o. "had#th .ro* a lar0e nu*'er o. &enera'le Bsaha'ah! or Co* an#ons o. the Pro het $"llah 'e leased (#th the*)2 that2 there shall 'e no !na'#! or Brasool! a.ter +uha**ad.1 (Tafseer Ibn-e-Khateer, Vol.3)

B% By )mam Qartabi 4*a* Qarta'# )o**ents on the %uoted &erse as .ollo(s: 1,a#d 4'en-e-"t#ya that the (ords $?hata*-un-6a'#een) a))ord#n0 to the learned *en o. the >**ah o. the resent and the ast #nd#)ate er.e)t )o* rehens#&eness and s#0n#.y2 #n )onsonan)e (#th the Quran#) #nCun)t#on2 that there shall 'e no Pro het a.ter +uha**ad $,"-).1 ,% #u00at ul )slam )mam .ha-ali ;uCCat ul 4sla*2 4*a* Dha5al# e@ la#ns the sa#d &erse #n these (ords: 16o dou't the >**ah has unan#*ously understood .ro* th#s (ord $?hata*-un-6a'#een) and #ts )#r)u*stant#al re.eren)e to *ean non-e@#sten)e o. a Bna'#! or Brasool! e&er a.ter +uha**ad $,"-) and that $th#s (ord )alls .or) no reser&at#on or ta)#t #nter retat#on #n #t3 hen)e #ts d#ss#dent #s )erta#nly the one (ho reCe)ts $u**ah!s) unan#*#ty.1 (Al Iqtisad fil Etiqad, p.123)

T#3 B3L)3 O ?;"T+7 6>/>--"T (FI A!I" #F $%#$&ET&##') In !i(ht of &adiths

"<<"; $The Creator) 'e0an the syste* o. 0u#den)e to hu*an#ty throu0h ;#s &enere('al +essen0ers and Pro het hood 'e0#nn#n0 (#th ;a5arat "E"+ $Pea)e 'e u on h#*)2 and .#naly end#n0 (#th the last ro het o. all t#*e ;a5arat +uha**ed $sal3l "laho "layh# -assala*). There a.ter no ne( hro het #s to 'e. "ll ty es o. nu'u((at #s )losed e02 F4<<42 /uro5#2 Tashrer#2 or non-Tashreh#.

,#*#larly2 the re&elat#on throu0h ro hethood #s +uha**ed $, " -)2and l#Ae(#se any re&elat#on o. 4,<"+ #s )la#*ed. The Quraan #s the last )o* re&elat#on 2(h#)h #s unaltera'le. The )ontents o. "<<"; h#*sel..

also )losed a.ter ;a5arat throu0h (h#)h the re.or*at#on lete and *ost er.e)t 'ooA o. th#s 'ooA are sa.e0aurded 'y

4t #s the unan#*ous de)#s#on 'y e&#den)e o. )ountless Quran#) re&elat#ons and hundreds o. "had#th o. the hro het +uha**ed $, " -)2 the )on)en)ues o. saha'as $"<<"; 'e leased (#th the* ) and the >le*as and #ntelle)tual s)holers that +>;"++7E $, " -) #s the last hro het and *essen0er o. "<<";2 th#s ,har#at #s the last ,har#at2th#s u**ah #s the last u**ah. The a'o&e *ent#oned state*ents and the#r 'el#e.s and ad*#ss#on 'y heart are the eessent#al ele*ents o. .a#th #n 4,<""+.4n 4,<""+ th#s .a#th #s )alled the .a#th o. ?hat*e 6u'u((at.4t #s the )on)e)us o. the *usl#* >**ah that a.ter +>;"++7E $, " -) 2 any erson (ho )la#*s to 'e a hro het and )la#*s to 'e a *esen0er #s a ?"FF"/$l#ar) and EaCCal$de)#e&er)2#s an #* oster and .alse. ;e has no relat#on (#th 4,<""+ 2 s#*#larly a 'el#&er o. su)h a l#ar also 'e)o*ed ?a.#r $non-'el#e&er). ;ere are so*e re.eren)es .ro* Quraan and "had#th relat#ed to ro het +>;"++7E $, " -) 'e#n0 the ?;"T7+ >6 6"/4=776.$.#nal#ty o. ro hethood) 8e.eren)es :ro* Quraan )*+&A**E' is not the the father of an, -an a-on( ,o., b.t is the -essen(er of A!!A& and is the seal on the prophets /and A!!A& is a0are of all thin(s.) $Para 21 ,ur "l "h5a' 33-40) )This da,,I ha1e perfe2ted ,o.r faith and 2o-pleted all -, fa1o.rs .pon ,o./ and ha1e 2hosen I3!AA* for ,o. as ,o.r reli(ion) $Para 6 ,ur +ad#a 5) R3 3R31,3S ROM A#A()T# ;a5arat a'u ;ura#rah $"<<"; 'e leased (#th h#*) narrated that "<<";!s *essen0er $, " -) sa#d 3 1 Certa#nly *y e@a* le and the e@a* le o. ro hets earl#er than *e #s l#Ae the e@a* le o. a ala)e *ost ela0ently and *ost 'eaut#.ully )onstru)ted 'y a erson e@)e t $that he le.t #n' #t ) a $s a)e) .or a 'r#)A #n one o. #ts )orner and that *ade the eo le $(ho (ere) 0o#n0 around #t (onder $at #ts 'eauty) and e@)la#*e $ #n er le@#t#on) (hy #s there no 'r#)A #nla#d here G the Phro het $, " -) 3 4 a* that $)orners last ) 'r#)A and # a* the last o. the hro hets 1. $,hah#h al /uAhar#2'ooA "l +una%#'2Cha ter 3 ?hate* un na'#yeen 501 &ol 1) 4ts narated 'y ;a5arat Tahu'an $"<<"; 'e leased (#the h#*) that our hro het $, " -) sa#d 3 )In -, +**A& there shall arise thirt, liars ,ea2h of

the- 0ill pretend that he is a phrophet, b.t I a- the last of the prophets / there is no prophet after -e). $"'u Ea(ood Hol . 2 .2282T#r#*#5# Hol 2 .45 ) ;a5arat 4'ne +asood $"<<"; de leased (#th h#* ) has narrated that the ro het $, " -) sa#d 3 1The doo-sda, 0o.ld not happen .ntil 34 Ka55abbs (liars) ha1e arisen all 0ho 2lai- to be prophets Altho.(h I a- last of the prophets and their is none after -e) $Muslim Sharif Tirimi-i Sharif 5 Abu (a+ood Sharif& There are so *any roo.s .or +>;"++"E $, " -) 2 the *esen0er o. "<<"; to esta'l#sh the last ro het that #t #s #* os#'le to (r#te the* here. Eur#n0 the last 14 years thousands o. 'ooAs ha&e 'een u'l#shed (here #n su)h ost#&e roo.s are )#ted that no sens#'le erson dare re.ute or reCe)t the*. Pro het +>;"++"E $, " -) sa#d that 1 I a- the last prophet there is no prophet after -e 1 and #nstantly (arned h#s >++"; that there (ould 'e l#ars )la#*#n0 ro hethood. The *usl#* >++"; not only stron0ly re.uted retens#ons o. su)h l#ars 2 'ut sa)ra.#)ed the#r l#&es .or the rote)t#on and honour o. ?;"T>+ >6 6"/4=776. ;ere are so*e e&ents o. the ast. ",-"E "6,4 "s(ad ans# (as a res#dent o. =e*en. ;e )la#*ed ro hethood dur#n0 the #lustr#ous l#.et#*e o. +>;"++"E $, " -). he *ar)hed on to )on%ur 6"I8"6 #n the .#rst #nstan)e3 then turned to(ards ,"64". Then all =e*en )a*e #nto h#s su5era#n#ty. 4t 'e)a*e Ano(n that *ost o. =e*en had 'e)o*e #n.#dels and a))e ted the .a#th o. "s(ad!s ro hethood. Pro het +>;"++"E $, " -) des at)hed a *e*orandu* to the =er*n#es 2 (ho reCe)ted the .a#th o. "s(ad!s ro hethood to e@e)ute "s(ad. :ero5e Ealee*# 2 one o. the *ost ro*#nent saha'as de.eated and e@e)uted "s(ad #n h#s h#stor#)al )on%uest. Pro het +>;"++"E $, " -) had re)#e&ed the ne(s o. "s(ad!s e@e)ut#on throu0h re&elat#on. The =e*n#es ;ad sent a *essen0er to ro het +>;"++7E $, " -) (#th ne(s o. "s(ad!s e@e)ut#on #n )o* l#an)e (#th orders3 'ut the ro het +>;"++7E $, " -) assed a(ay 'e.ore the *essen0er )ould rea)h +ad#nah. +>,,7<4+" ?"FF"/ +ussel#*ah (as a res#dent o. =a*a*ah. ;e )la#*ed ro hethood 'e.ore the de*#se o. the ro het +>;"++7E $, " -). Peo le #n lar0e nu*'ers 'e)a*e #n.#dels2 and su orters o. +ussel#*a. The 'attel o. =a*a*ah tooA la)e dur#n0 the )al# hate o. ;a5arat "'u /aAar ,#dd#%ue $*ay "<<"; 'e leased (#th h#*) . #n th#s 'attel +ussel#*ah ?a55a' (as )onde*ed to hell.;#s 202000 .ollo(ers d#ed as (ell. 4n th#s 'attle Cust o&er 12200 saha'as 2 #n)lud#n0 ;ay..a5 and those (ho had art#)# ated #n the 'attle o. /adr 2 (ere a*on0st the *ayters2 and #n th#s (ay the re&olt )a*e to #ts #ne&#tta'le end.

M)R6A .#/LAM A#M3( QA()A1) " res#dent o. %ad#yan2 (h#)h #s a to(n #n PunCa' $ resently #n 4nd#an art o. PunCa')2 +#r5a Dhula* "h*ed )la#*ed ro hethood #n 1901 dur#n0 the /r#t#sh rule #n 4nd#a. ;e .ell &#)t#* to )holera2 an e #de*#) des#ese and d#ed #0no*#ously #n <ahore PaA#stan. ;#s #n.#del 'el#.es had a short l#st. ,#n)e then all the ><7+", ha&e e@)luded h#* and h#s .ollo(ers .ro* the .old o. 4,<""+ . The desea)ed +#r5a Qad#an#!s .#rst su)sessor #s ?hal#.a ;aA#* 6oor >d E#n2 se)ond +#r5a +ah*ood th#rd #s +#r5a 6as#r2 and .ourth #s +#r5a Tah#r res#d#n0 #n <ondon #n ol#t#)al asyle*. "ll Qad#an#s are re)o0n#sed and treated 'y the +>,<4+ >++"; as#n.#dels. 4n PaA#stan all Qad#an#s had 'een o..#)#ally de)lared as 1O14 M/SL)MS #n 1974. ,u'se%uently #n 1984 an ant# Qad#an# 98E46"6C7 (as en.or)ed as a result o. (h#)h +#r5a Tah#r .led .ro* PaA#stan and sou0ht re.u0e #n 7n0land and res#des #n <ondon. Qad#an#s re0ard the* sel&es as a 0rou o. +usl#*s. They en0a0e the* sel&es #n a)t#&#tes (#th the ro.#le o. 4,<""+ 'y (h#)h so*e #0norant and s#* le +usl#*s 'e)o*e &#)te*s o. the#r de)e t#on. "ll +usl#*s need to 'e a(are o. the#r *a)h#nat#ons #n rel#0#ous or other so)#al en0a0e*ents.

-;"T 4, Q"E4"64,+G /y +aulana +uha**ad ,alee* Eohrat QA()YA1)SAM%%%%%

%%%%dishounours ALLA# $SWT&7 the creator

-here )an the hu*an es)a e .ro* that 'e#n0 #n (hose hands #s e&ery ato*. ;e says: 4 (#ll )o*e se)eretly l#Ae the#&es. (%oohani Kha5aa6in $a(e 37, Vol. 24) %%claims divinity for Mir-a .hulam Ahmad%

4 $+#r5a) sa( #n a drea* that 4 a* Dod. 4 ha&e 'el#&ed that 4 a* Dod. (%ohanni Kha5aa6in $a(e 89:, Vol 8) %%%teaches that the door of "ro"hethood is o"en7 even after the final "ro"het Muhammad $SAW&

Th#s .a)t #s esta'l#shed l#Ae the day that the door o. ro hethood #s o en a.ter

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