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Instruction for fixing your player problemms v1.1 1. Synchronization problems.

OK, so you have downloaded FASM release, tried to play it on your favorite player and it failed, because they have synchronization problems between video and audio. You thin that if you have never before e!perienced such problems, the player is OK, but the video is not. "#O$%&&& FASM releases contain a bit different stream and it is nown that even if its M'(%) specification correct, some players don*t handle it properly and DISPLAY A SI!"I#I$IA" %&'S( )*ALI Y. +t happens mostly with older players and sometimes update fi!es problem, so you do not need to chan,e your favorite player completely, but if you wish to try a player i consider the best read below. #emember you are doin, this on your own ris , so don*t blame me if for un nown reason somethin, f.... up. +. Do,nloa-ing the copy of the best player i .no,. -he official version of Media 'layer .lassic /ome cinema (dition you can find here0 http011mpc2hc.sourcefor,e.net1 but if you are loo in, for latest A3'/A version 4#(.OMM($5(56 ,o here0 http011www.! /. $onfiguring the 0e-ia Player $lassic 1ome $inema (-ition. OK so the ne!t step is to confi,ure your fresh player properly. +t is ,ood to do one thin, before start usin, this player. +t is nown that old confi,uration of it 4in case you used it before6 can cause stran,e problems, so + recommend run re,edit.e!e, then find and delete completely this ey. /K(Y7.8##($-78S(#9Software9%abest Start the player and ,o to O'-+O$S2+$-(#$A3 F+3-(#S. -hen enable all filters, li e below

$e!t double clic on AA. to ,o into its properties. First thin, you need to set is :);it Output Sample Format, then you can decide you want to have stereo or <.= sound.

For S-(#(O S'(AK(#S

For <.= S'(AK(#S -hen ,o to audio switcher and set the proper >olume %ain. For un nown reason for me the internal AA. filter of M'. /.( is not as loud as 5-S one. -his ,ives the impression of bad dynamics, but can easily be fi!ed. Set the level you thin is ,ood for you. You can also1instead use #(%A+$ >O38M( with ;OOS- function.

$e!t if you do have different sound cards in your system you can choose which one can play it here. You can also enable proper renderer for video enablin, you to use Subtitles

+f you are usin, S8;-+-3(S it is a ,ood idea to limit the resolution here, as there are some ,raphics card which does not operate correctly otherwise.

At the end ma e sure you have enabled your player as the default player of your system here.

2. $re-its + want to than everybody who have created this wonderful pro,ram. Keep up the ,ood wor & 4c6 :?== FASM

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