East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church: Job Description - January 2014

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

Job description - January 2014


Nursery Attendant To care for the infants and toddlers of the church and to facilitate, enable and encourage children and families into the life of the church. Director of Childrens Ministry for work e aluation and assignments. !"# Committee for work $erformance. %$hold and su$$ort the mission and ision of the church.

"ES!#%SI&ILITIES A. Nursery Duties 1. #es$onsible to facilitate the nursery each !unday from & am to 1'()* $m, or arious weekdays+e enings as scheduled for ,ible studies '. %$on a ailability facilitate additional ser ices and church-wide e ents throughout the year including( Christmas . e, .aster, Thanksgi ing, Ash /ednesday, 0oly Thursday, 1ood 2riday, church conferences ). !u$er ise all infants and toddlers that come into the nursery, attending to their needs a. Changing dia$ers when soiled or wet before the conclusion of ser ice+acti ity b. "ro iding a snack and 3uice in moderation at the snack table c. 4ee$ all children in the nursery rooms 5. !u$er ise all youth hel$ers or olunteers, making sure rules are read and understood 6. 7nteract with $arents a. make sure they fill out emergency cards b. $arents should be instructed on using the sign-in book and $agers on all isits c. make sure the nursery attendants and olunteers ha e the s$ecific instructions for the care of each child including na$ schedule, snack allowance, and any know allergies or s$ecial needs d. $arents must be notified if a child is beha ing unusual or feeling sick. e. $arents are to be notified immediately if an accident occurs. ,. 2acilitation Duties 1. /hile children are in the nursery care, in order to maintain a safe en ironment, toys and other baby items must be ke$t off the floor and $ut into their $ro$er areas. '. !heets, blankets, and toys should be washed on a weekly basis along with light acuuming. The other areas of the nursery should be saniti8ed on a weekly basis. ). Dis$osal of all dia$ers should be sealed in a bag and taken to the dum$ster after the close of each nursery care session. 5. !u$$lies must be in entoried and restocked by the attendant as needed. The church office will reimburse for the cost of the su$$lies. 9Dia$ers, wi$es, snacks, and cleaning su$$lies:

C. Administrati e Duties 1. 7f unable to work, contact must be made with the Nursery Director or Director of Childrens Ministry at least ) days $rior to ser ice. 7f unable to attend due to an emergency on a !unday, the nursery director should be notified as soon as $ossible so other arrangements can be made for a substitute. '. 7f an accident occurs with or without an ob ious in3ury, a re$ort should be filed with the office immediately. ). The nursery attendant is re;uired to read the em$loyee manual in regard to em$loyment, which will gi e general information on church $olicies. 'U$LI(IC$TI#%S "E'UI"E) - 0eart for children and a $assion to hel$ children grow in their faith %nderstanding of child de elo$mental le els and $rocesses Demonstrated record of strong organi8ational skills, fle<ibility, creati e, self- moti ation and team work A Child Abuse and Criminal #ecord A$$lication must be com$leted and cleared. 2orms a ailable through the church office. Must be current in certification in 7nfant and Child C"#.


.m$loyee 7nitials acknowledging re ision


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