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January y 2014 Fortune School (916)-287-4470 0

Thank Yo ou for y your Don nations

Th he following stu udents have ma ade generous donations d of s supplies to their classroom MikiahCa arraway TerrellWhiting W IyanaWil lliams Chriszelle eVillanueva EdwardBroughton B MariettJu uaregi MakaylaMcKenzie Simardip pSingh DildeepSingh S DianaSin ngh AdiyahRhodes R Fernanda aSolorzano Colin arkham AngelMa SelaYang g JourneyAshford A AlayaCla ay JahsunJo ohnson Anastasia aNadal

Princ cipals Corner C r.. Princ ciples corner c r..

Bullying; The Bystand ders Role A parent t informed me m her child came home e from schoo ol upset because kids were picking on a classmate c an nd wouldnt let her play m. with them advice e should I give my daugh hter? Q: She than asked, What A: Tell your youngst ter that her classmate was w being bulliedand th hat h stop it. she may be able to help T There are se everal things s she can do. If she feels safe, she could say y something like, Thats s not nice, and then wa alk away. Sh he might inv vite the child d who is bein ng bullied to o join her game or schoo ol project. Also, A remind d your youn ngster to rep port bullying to a teacher or adult when she se ee it. Let her r know this is not tattlin ng, but a way y to help someone s wh ho is being hurt. You ca an explain: A Asking an ad dult to help a child who is i being bullied is like ask king the nur rse to help a child wit th a scraped knee.

Dre ess Co ode Re eminde ers

Fortune e Scholars must be in proper uniform u daily y. Uniform includes Khaki pants s or shorts, or skiirts for girls and an Orange Fortune Po olo Shirt. You will be b called if your y child is not in proper un niform. a in need of Khaki ***We are pants and a shorts in all sizes. Please donate d any unwanted u Khakis and a Fortune Polos to our office.** *

Fo ortune Sch hool

nuary Newslette er Pg. 2 Jan 2 TYPE TITLE HERE H

Will you y be e there e???

What ha W appened d in Dece ember?

P Pennies for Patients P Le eukemia Lym mphoma So ociety- The scholars s did a amazing job. an Fo ortune Scholars have ra aised almost t $3,000.00 Parenthood d meetinghere were 39 9 families in Th a attendance. We would lik ke to see all 275 families in n attendance for our m meeting on January 8th. Holiday Perf formanceO singing sc Our cholars did a amazing job! an Donuts for DadD Once a again a wond derful turn o out. We had 33 fa athers/Uncle es/ g grandparents s attend. Se ee you all ag gain Jan. 31st. e the Strikes- We ended holiday seaso on with a un time bow wling at fu St trikes.

Its th hat time of f year TEAM Mthe Ma artin Luthe er King Ho oliday! MLK Day D represe ents a gran nd opportun nity to conn nect with our o local com ommunity members m fo the sake for e of Fortun ne School ac cross Sacram mento Coun nty. This year ye lets flo ood the stre reets with Orange O spirit as we comm memorate Dr. D Kings legacy. l Spr read the wo ord!
Mark yo our calendar! Plan to o join Fortu une School at the MLK Day th h March on o Jan 20 . Starts at a Sac City College at 8:00am.

Please e sign up in your Sch holars class sroom!

School attendance is importan nt to studen nt succes ss. We will recognize classes c with stellar attendance with a Hot Cocoa Party y ays. You ca an help your r childs clas ss on Frida earn a Hot Cocoa Party by br ringing your r child to o school on-time every day. Heres s how it t works. Cla asses with four days of perfec ct attendanc ce during the week will earn a yummy cup of hot coc coa for each h day! scholar in class on Frid

Box x Tops for f Edu ucation

January 6th Welcome Back January 8th Parenthood d/ School Site Councill Meeting
h January 20th No School Martin Luther King, Jr. Day h January 20th MLK March h/Parade Sac City Co ollege 8am

th January 24t Moms N Mu uffins

t January 31st Donuts with Dad

K Keep th he Box Tops T co oming!

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