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ISM HS Modern Languages

Written Production Rubrics

Level of Proficiency Level
Vocabulary, Grammar, Spelling/characters/punctuation use, Use of introduced language items

10/9 Exemplary
a) b) Varied range of vocabulary is used. Varied range of grammar is used and errors very rarely interfere with the message. Spelling/ use of characters/ punctuation is accurate. Demonstrates mastery of introduced language items. Effective responses to the task given. Demonstrates connection with the target culture or products. Style of production effectively contributes in the communication. Demonstrates awareness of audiences. The message is comprehensible and clear. The production handles relavent, creative, inventive ideas effectively. The production is purposefully structured and flows freely using cohesive various devises. Message is supported by a variety of examples; illustrations and personal reaction contribute to the message effectively. a) b)

8/7 Proficient
Some variety in the vocabulary is used. Some variety in the grammar is used and errors rarely interfere with the message. Spelling/ use of characters/ punctuation seldom interfere with comprehension. Demonstrates understanding introduced language items. a) b)

6/5 Developing
Basic range of vocabulary is used. Basic range of grammar is used and errors at time interfere with the message. Spelling/ use of characters/ punctuation occasionally interferes with comprehension. Shows some understanding in introduced language items. a) b)

4/3 Emerging
Limited range of vocabulary is used. Limited range of grammar is used and errors frequently interfere with the message. Spelling/ use of characters/ punctuation often interferes with comprehension. Shows limited understanding in introduced language items.

2/1 Insufficient Evidence

a) b) Inadequate range of vocabulary. Inadequate range of grammar and errors constantly interfere with the message. Spelling/ use of characters/ punctuation constantly interferes with comprehension. Shows luck of understanding in introduced langueage items. Responses inappropriately. Shows luck of understanding in the target culture or products. Style of production does not show purpose of communication. Communication is not successful due to luck of audience awareness. The message is mainly incomprehensible Irrelevant ideas. No attempt at a structure and no linkage between sentences and/or paragraphs. There is no message supported by examples, illustrations and personal reaction found in the production.


Criteria 1











Responses, Connection with the target culture, variety, Style, Audience awareness

a) b) c) d)

Culture & Connection


Criteria 2


Mostly appropriate response to the task given. Shows understandings of the target culture or products. Style of production is comprehensive. Shows awareness of audiences.

a) b)

c) d)

Occasionally appropriate response. Identifies difference between own and the target culture or products. Style of production is adequate. Shows some awareness of audiences.

a) b)




Mainly inappropriate response. Shows limited understanding in the target culture or products. Style of production shows purpose of communication but may not be persuasive. Shows limited awareness of audiences.

a) b)




a) b) c)

Message & Organization

Comprehensibility, Ideas, Structure, Examples and illustrations





The message is mostly comprehensible. The production handles relevant ideas with some creativety. The production is well structured and flows coherently with appropriate use of cohesive devises. Message is mostly supported by examples; illustrations and personal reaction contribute to the message appropreately.

a) b)

Criteria 3



The message is sometimes comprehensible. The production handles mostly relevant ideas that may be inventive / creative at times. There are some lapses in the coherence and flow of the production due to its structure and cohesive devices. Message is sometimes supported by examples; illustrations and personal reaction contribute to the message.

a) b)



The message is only barely comprehensible. The production handles many irrelevancies and basic ideas. The production does not flow coherently due to its inadequate structure. Message is only barely supported by examples; illustrations and personal reaction hardly contribute to the message.

a) b) c)


3rd August 2010

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