Treatment and Management of Anemia - Teaching Plan

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Submitted by: Santos, Anna Dominique B. BSN IV A2 January 2014

Submitted to: Sir Blas Blasil Purganan SLU HSH Palliative Ward

DESCRIPTION OF THE LEARNER: A.B.N., a 74 year old male was admitted in the medical due to soft tissue contusion secondary to fall, and anemia last January 2014. He was born on ____________ at ___________ and currently resides at. He is a high school graduate, married and a roman catholic. He prefers tagalog as the medium for instruction. LEARNING NEED: Management of Anemia. LEARNING DIAGNOSIS: Knowledge deficit: Management of Anemia related to lack of exposure. GOAL: The patient will be able to enumerate all the possible management of anemia. BLOS At the end of 10 minutes of health teaching, the client will be able to: 1. Identify correctly the causes of anemia. Learning Content Teaching Strategy/Method/Activities Time Allotment and Resources Needed Method of Evaluation

Anemia: Causes (Debellis, R., (2007). Anemia in critical care patients: Incidence, etiology, impact, management, and use of treatment guidelines and protocols. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 64 (2), pp.S14-S15)

One-on-one lecture discussion

3 minutes Pamphlet

Instant oral feedback The client will be able to identify correctly the causes of anemia.

2. Enumerate correctly the symptoms of anemia.

(Joseph E Maakaron, MD (2013). Anemia Treatment & Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 18 January 2014]) Anemia: Symptoms One-on-one lecture discussion Pale and cold skin Yellowish discoloration of the eys and skin Shortness of breath

2 minutes Pamphlet

Instant oral feedback The client will be able to enumerate correctly the symptoms of anemia.

Muscle weakness and fatigue Dizziness and fainting Low blood pressure Palpitations and rapid heart rate Chest pain and angina

(Lasch, K.F., Evans, C.J., & Schatell, D. (2009). A qualitative analysis of patientreported symptoms of anemia. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 36(6), 621 - 633.) (Coyer, S., and Lash, A.A., (2008). Pathophysiology of Anemia and Nursing Care Implications. Medsurg Nursing. 17 (2), pp.82) (Joseph E Maakaron, MD (2013). Anemia Treatment & Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 18 January 2014]) Anemia: Treatment and Management One-on-one lecture discussion Blood Transfusion Ferrous Sulfate supplementation Iron-rich food Vitamin B12 rich food Folic Acid rich food Bed rest (Debellis, R., (2007). Anemia in critical care patients: Incidence, etiology, impact, management, and use of treatment guidelines and protocols. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 64 (2),

3. Enumerate all the possible treatment and management of anemia.

5 minutes Pamphlet

Instant oral feedback The client will be able to enumerate allthe possible treatment and management of anemia.

pp.S16-S19) (Joseph E Maakaron, MD (2013). Anemia Treatment & Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 18 January 2014]))

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