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Rail/Road and the Economy of Yucatn and Mxico Summary: These texts have been selected to inform my awareness

of transportation in Yucatn and Mxico !t focuses specifically on trains" but also bus networ#s and other forms of transportation" as well as the history of transportation" particularly in re$ards to the state and the economy %f special importance is how these forms of transport connect and separate people" both fi$uratively and literally &ndrews" &nthony ' " Rafael (ur$os )illanueva" and *uis Millet +mara ,-../0 The 1istoric 'ort of El Real de 2alinas in +ampeche" and the Role of +oastal Resources in the Emer$ence of +apitalism in Yucatn" Mxico International Journal of Historical Archaeology ,3.0 -: 3456-.7 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ,-.3-0 The 1ene9uen 'orts of Yucatan:s ;ilded &$e International Journal of Historical Archaeology ,3/0 -76</ &rnold" +hannin$ and =rederic# > Tabor =rost ,35.50 The American Egypt: A Record of Travel in Yucatan ?oubleday 'a$e and +ompany" @ew Yor# (a#lanoff" Eri# ,-..A0 Yucatn: Mexico:s %ther Ma9uiladora =rontier !n Yucatn in an Era of Globalization. Eric (a#lanoff and Edward 1 Moseley" eds 0: 5-63330 Bniversity of &labama 'ress (aCos RamDreE" %thFn ,-...0 *a penDnsula de Yucatn en la ruta de la modernidad ,354.635570 Revista Mexicana del +aribe" 7,50: 3/<635. (uCuel" *uis ,357-0 Mexican (us Ride/ 2ubida al +ielo 'roducciones !sla 2 & " Mexico" ? = +amissa" Rebecca ,-..50 !hich !ay "ome. ?ocumentress =ilms" Middlebury" )ermont +ampos" >avier and >uan *uis >imneE ,-..G0 Evaluatin$ rail reform in *atin &merica: +ompetition and investment effects Conference on Railroad Industry Structure, Competition and Investment" Toulouse" =rance +astaCeda" HuetEil ,355/0 #n the $u%eum of $aya &ulture: Touring &hich'n #tz . Bniversity of Minnesota 'ress +astellanos" M (ianet ,-..40 &dolescent Mi$ration to +ancIn: Reconfi$urin$ Maya 1ouseholds and ;ender Relations in MexicoJs Yucatn 'eninsula !n Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies -A,G0: 36-4 66666666666666666666666666 ,-.3.0 A Return to Servitude: Maya Migration and the Tourist Trade in Cancun. Bniversity of Minnesota 'ress +oatsworth" >ohn 1 ,354<0 Railroads" *andholdin$" and &$rarian 'rotest in the Early 'orfiriato he Hispanic American Historical Revie! 7<,30: <A643 88888888888888888,35450 !ndispensable Railroads in a (ac#ward Economy: The +ase of Mexico Journal of "conomic History# G5,<0: 5G56/.

+oatsworth" > ,35A30 Gro(th Again%t )evelopment: The Economic #mpact of Railroad% in *orfirian $e+ico. @orthern !llinois Bniversity 'ress" ?eKalb Lhttp://9uod lib umich edu/c$i/t/text/text6idxMcNaclsOidnoNheb.-4<GP +ollins" +harles ,35450 2ite and 2ituation 2trate$y in Tourism 'lannin$: & Mexican +ase 2tudy Annals of ourism Research ,4/50: G736// +rist" Raymond E and *ouis & 'a$anini ,35A.0 'yramids" ?erric#s and Mule Teams in the Yucatn 'eninsula: & 2econd Effort in -"7.. Years American Journal of "conomics and Sociology G5,G0: -346-/ +ullar" &lfredo ( ,35G/0 Railroad 'roblems of Mexico of $olitical and Social Science 3A4,35G0: 35G6-./ he Annals of the American Academy

?altabuit" Ma$alD and %riol 'i62unyer ,355.0 Tourism ?evelopment in Huintana Roo" Mexico !n Cultural Survival %uarterly ,3<03: 5637 ?umond" ?on ,35540 $achete and the &ro%%: &ampe%ino Rebellion in Yucatan. Bniversity of @ebras#a 'ress" *incoln Eiss" 'aul ,-.3.0 #n the ,ame of El *ueblo: *lace- &ommunity and the *olitic% of "i%tory in Yucatn ?u#e Bniversity 'ress" ?urham" @+ =ellin" *uis and 2tephen =uller ,355A0 'rivatiEation of MexicoJs Railroad 2ystem and !mplications for B 2 /Mexico ;rain/%ilseed Trade A&RC International &ar'et Report (o# I& )*+, Retrieved 2eptermber" -.3G Lhttp://a$rinet tamu edu/tamrc/pubs/!m35A htmP =ic#er" 2andra KuntE ,-...0 Economic (ac#wardness and =irm 2trate$y: &n &merican Railroad +orporation in @ineteenth6+entury Mexico 1ispanic &merican 1istorical Review" A.,-0: -/46 5A =orero" %scar & " %scar =orero" Michael R Redclift and Michael Redclift ,-../0 The Role of the Mexican 2tate in the ?evelopment of +hicle Extraction in Yucatn" and the +ontinuin$ !mportance of +oyotaQe !n Journal of -atin American Studies" GA,30: /765G =u#una$a" +ary ,-..50 Sin ,ombre +reando =ilms 2 & de + ) " Mexico" ? = =ulwider" (enQamin ,-..50 ?rivin$ the @ation Road Transportation and the 'ostrevolutionary Mexican 2tate" 35-7635/. 'h? ?issertation" ;eor$etown Bniversity Retrieved 2eptember" -.3G Lhttp://repository library $eor$etown edu/bitstream/handle/3.A--/77G3-G/fulwider(en pdfM se9uenceN3P ;oldfran#" Ralter * ,354/0 The ambi$uity of infrastructure: Railroads in prerevolutionary Mexico# Studies in Comparative International .evelopment" 33,G0: G6-< ;old#ind" )ictor ,35/70 2ocial 2tratification in the 'easant +ommunity: RedfieldJs +han Kom Reinterpreted American Anthropologist, (e! Series" ,/40 <: A/G6A< ;onEleE ;FmeE" %vidio ,355.0 +onstrucciFn de carreteras y ordenamiento del territorio !n Revista &e/icana de Sociolog0a 7-,G0: <56/4

1ardy" %s$ood ,35G<0 The Revolution and the Railroads of Mexico $acific Historical Revie! G,G0: -</6/5 1arvey" 'enny ,-..70 The Materiality of 2tate6Effects: &n ethno$raphy of a road in the 'eruvian &ndes !n: State .ormation: Anthropological E+ploration% ,+ Krohn61ansen and K @ustad" eds 0: 3-G6<30 'luto 'ress" *ondon 1erranE*oncn" &lfonso ,-..50 The +ontribution of Railways to Economic ;rowth in *atin &merica before 353<: the cases of Mexico" (raEil and &r$entina &sociaciFn EspaCola de 1istoria EconFmica Retreived 2eptember -.3G Lhttp://www aehe net/-..5/.4/dt6aehe6.5.G pdfP 1u6?ehart" E ,354<0 ?evelopment and rural rebellion: 'acification of the Ya9uis in the late 'orfiriato !n Hispanic American Historical Revie!" ,7<0: ld633 >oseph" ;ilbert Michael ,35AA0 Revolution .rom !ithout: Yucatn- $e+ico- and the /nited State%- 011230456. ?u#e Bniversity 'ress" ?urham Kane" 2tephanie ,-.3-0 !here River% $eet the Sea: The *olitical Ecology of !ater Temple Bniversity 'ress" 'hilidelphia Keller" &n$ela ,-../0 & Road by &ny %ther @ame: Trails" 'aths" and Roads in Maya *an$ua$e and Thou$ht 'repared for -andscapes of &ovement: rails and $aths in Anthropological $erspective" & 'enn Museum !nternational Research +onference Retrieved 2eptember" -.3G Lhttp://ccat sas upenn edu/Sceric#so/Roads/'apers/Keller838-<May./ pdfP Khan" @aveeda ,-../0 =laws in the =low: Roads and Their Modernity in 'a#istan Social e/t -<,<0: A4633G Knox" Thomas Rallace ,3A5.0 The 7oy Traveller% in $e+ico8 Adventure% of T(o Youth% in a 9ourney to ,orthern and &entral $e+ico- &ampeachey- and Yucatan. 1arper and (rothers" @ew Yor# *abrec9ue" Marie =rance ,-..70 +ultural &ppreciation and Economic ?epreciation of the Mayas of @orthern Yucatn" Mexico !n : -atin American $erspectives G-,<0: A463.7 *atin &merican 1erald Tribune ,-.3G0 Mexico &nnounces 1i$h62peed Rail 'roQect in Yucatan # -atin American Herald ri1une Retrieved @ovember" -.3G: Lhttp://laht com/article aspM &rticle!dN/7A--3T+ate$ory!dN3<.53P *ee" Rosemarie *ouise ,354A0 The Tourist Industry in Yucatn: A Case Study in the Interaction Between Class Structure and Econo ic !evelo" ent 'h? ?issertation" Bniversity of +alifornia6!rvine" Bniversity Microfilms" &nn &rbor *oewe" Ron and 2arah Taylor ,-..A0 @eoliberal ModerniEation &t The Mexican 'eriphery: ;ender" ;eneration &nd The +onstruction %f & @ew" =lexible Ror#force !n 2r1an Anthropology ,G40 G6<: 36G/ *ombardo Toledano" )incente ,35<.0 The *abor Movement &nnals of the &merican &cademy of 'olitical and 2ocial 2cience -.A: <A67<

Miller" Rilliam ,3AA50 & >ourney from (ritish 1onduras to 2anta +ruE" Yucatan !n $roceedings of the Royal 3eographical Society and &onthly Record of 3eography 33 ,30: -G6A McMahon" &rthur R ,35<30 The Mexican Railways under Ror#ersJ &dministration $u1lic Administration Revie! 3,70: <7A6<43 Miroff" @ic# ,-.3G0 'resident of Mexico outlines plan to reQuvenate passen$er rail service Washington $ost Retreived @ovember" -.3G: Lhttp://articles washin$tonpost com/-.3G6.-6 .</world/G/4<<-75838pe6a6nieto6passen$er6rail6service6rail6lineP Moseley" Edward 1 and 1elen ?elpar ,-..A0 Yucatn:s 'relude to ;lobaliEation !n Yucatn in an Era of Globalization. Eric (a#lanoff and Edward 1 Moseley" eds 0: -.6<30 Bniversity of &labama 'ress Moseley" Edward 1 and 1elen ?elpar ,-..A0 Yucatn:s 'relude to ;lobaliEation !n Yucatn in an Era of Globalization. Eric (a#lanoff and Edward 1 Moseley" eds 0: -.6<30 Bniversity of &labama 'ress %ropesa" 2alvador & ,-..A0 'roxemics" 1omo$eniEation" and ?iversity in Mexico:s Road Movies: $or la li1re ,-...0" Sin de4ar huella ,-...0" and 5 tu mam6 tam1i7n ,-..30 Hispanic Issues 8nline# Retrieved 2eptember" -.3G Lhttp://hispanicissues umn edu/assets/pdf/%ropesa pdfP 'eCa @ieto" Enri9ue ,-.3G0 Tren Rpido Transpeninsular Retrieved @ovember" -.3G: Lhttp://www presidencia $ob mx/autor/epn/P 'letcher" ?avid ,357.0 The (uildin$ of the Mexican Railway Hispanic American Historical Revie! G.,30: -/6/'ostma" Re$an *ee ,-.330 =reeways and =ree 2peech" Rail +ars and Rancheras: ;eo$raphic and *in$uistic Mobility in +ontemporary Mexican and Mexican6&merican +ultural 'roduction 'h? ?issertation" Bniversity of Kansas Retreived 2eptember" -.3G Lhttp://#uscholarwor#s #u edu/dspace/bitstream/3A.A/A344/3/'ostma8#u8..55?833/G/8?&T&8 3 pdfP 'owell" =red Rilbur ,35-30 The Railroad% of $e+ico 2tratford +ompany 'ublishers" (oston 'rentice" (arry E " Rade ?er#son and &rnold MaltE ,-...0 Rail 1armoniEation in Mexico and @orth &merica: !mplications for &$riculture !n *olicy "armonization and Ad:u%tment in the ,orth American Agricultural and .ood #ndu%try. ,?r R M & *oyns" ?r Ronald ? Knutson" ?r Karl Meil#e" ?r &ntonio YuneE6@aude" eds 0: 3-A6<3 ; =riesen 'rinters" Rinnipe$ Redfield" Robert" and &lfonso )illa RoQas ,35G<0 Chan #o : A Maya $illage. The Bniversity of +hica$o 'ress Re +ruE" &licia ,355/0 The T(o $ilpa% of &han <om. A Study of the Socioeconomic and *olitical Tran%formation% in a $aya &ommunity 2tate Bniversity of @ew Yor# 'ress" &lbany Reed" @elson ,35/<0 The &a%te !ar of Yucatn. 2tanford Bniversity 'ress

Rees" 'eter R ,35470 %ri$ins of +olonial Transportation in Mexico 3eographical Revie! /7,G0: G-G6G< Ross" ?elmer" ; ,35440 The +onstruction of the !nteroceanic Railroad of ;uatemala !n he Americas GG,G0: <G.67/ Rudolph" Rilliam E ,35<G0 2trate$ic Roads of the Rorld: @otes on Recent ?evelopments 3eographical Revie!" GG,30: 33.6G3 Rulfo" >uan +arlos ,-../0 #n the *it= En el hoyo. *a Media *una 'roducciones 2 & de + ) " Mexico" ? = 2ncheE MeQorada" >avier ,35<.0 +ommunications and Transportation !n Annals of the American Academy of $olitical and Social Science -.A,G0: 4A65G 2chivelbusch" Rolf$an$ ,35A40 The Rail(ay 9ourney: The #ndu%trialization of Time and Space in the 04th &entury Bniversity of +alifornia 'ress" (er#eley 2chmidt" &rthur ,35A40 The %ocial and economic effect of the railroad in *uebla and >eracruz- $e+ico- 01?@30400 ;arland" @ew Yor# 2mith" >effrey 2 ,-..50 Three ;enerations of !nternational Tourist Resorts in Mexico 3eographische Rundschau 9International "dition: ,70 3: <63. 2chell" Rilliam >r ,355.0 &merican !nvestment in Tropical Mexico: Rubber 'lantations" =raud" and ?ollar ?iplomacy" 3A546353G !n he ;usiness History Revie! /<,-0: -3467< 2tephens" >ohn *loyd ,3A<G0 Incidents o% Travel in the Yucatan. >ohn Murray" *ondon 2uareE6'otts" Rilliam ,-.330 The railroad stri#e of 35-4: labor and law after the Mexican Revolution -a1or History 7-,G0: G556<3/ Theroux" 'aul ,-.330 The Ald *atagonian E+pre%%: 7y Train Through the America% ,'en$uin Modern +lassics0" 'en$uin" @ew Yor# 888888888888 ,-..50 Gho%t Train to the Ea%tern Star: An the TracB% of the Great Rail(ay 7azaar. 1ou$hton Mifflin 1arcourt " (oston Torres" Rebecca Maria and >anet ? Momsen ,-..70 ;rin$olandia: The +onstruction of a @ew Tourist 2pace in Mexico !n Annals of the Association of American 3eographers 57,-0: G3<6G7 TreQo ?elarbe" Raul and &nibal YaneE ,354/0 !mperialism and the Ror#in$ +lass in *atin &merica *atin &merican 'erspectives ,G03: 3GG67G Traven" ( ,35/50 The &otton *icBer%. 1ill and Ran$ 'ublishers" @ew Yor#. B K =orei$n %ffice ,35.40 Report on the Mexican !sthmus ,Tehuantepec0 Railway /.<. .oreign Affice. Retrieved @ovember" -.3G: Lhttps://archive or$/stream/cuG35-<.3.<7G3.-Upa$e/nG/mode/-upP

)an 1oy" Teresa M ,-...0 *a Marcha )iolentaM Railroads and *and in 35th6+entury Mexico ;ulletin of -atin American Research 35,30: GG6/3 88888888888888888 ,-..A0 A Social "i%tory of $e+icoC% Railroad%: *eon%- *ri%oner%- and *rie%t% Rowman T *ittlefield 'ublishers" *anham" Maryland )irilio" 'aul" ,-..40 Speed and *olitic% 2emiotext,e0" *os &n$eles Rells" &llen ,355-0 &ll in the =amily: Railroads and 1ene9uen Monoculture in 'orVrian Yucatn Hispanic American Historical Revie! 4- ,-0: 375W-.5 Rest" Robert + and >ames > 'arsons ,35<30 The Topia Road: & Trans62ierran Trail of +olonial Mexico 3eographical Revie! G3,G0: <./63G Rirth" +lifford > ,35540 Transportation 'olicy in Mexico +ity: The 'olitics and !mpacts of 'rivatiEation" 2r1an Affairs Revie! GG,-0: 37763A3 Yoder" Michael 2 ,-..A0 ;lobaliEation and the Evolvin$ 'ort *andscape of 'ro$reso !n Yucatn in an Era of Globalization. Eric (a#lanoff and Edward 1 Moseley" eds 0: <36/A0 Bniversity of &labama 'ress

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