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Copyright (c) 2014 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

FADE IN: EXT. PIZZA STORE/ENTRANCE - NIGHT A group of kids loiter. A happy couple leave the store with their pizza. One of the kids runs to the window and does a blowfish on the glass. The PIZZA GUY (late 20s) knocks on the window from inside. PIZZA GUY (muffled by glass) Stop that you little punk! Go on, all of you get! The kids leave, they give the Pizza Guy insulting gestures. He changes the Were Open sign on the door to Were Closed. INT. PIZZA STORE/KITCHEN - NIGHT Employees GARY (early 20s) and SAM (early 20s) chat. The Pizza Guy enters and empties rubbish into a trash bag. The MANAGER (early 40s, short, balding) walks from the office to the Pizza Guy, Gary and Sam see him and get back to work. MANAGER Youre in charge tomorrow night. Im taking my wife out to dinner. PIZZA GUY A special occasion, sir? MANAGER No, shes been on my back for weeks to take her some place nice. PIZZA GUY Where to? MANAGER Somewhere too expensive! (checks cell phone) Its her, I better get home. PIZZA GUY Alright, good night sir.




The manager rushes off with his cell phone at his ear. Gary and Sam look up from their work. The Pizza Guy collects a trash bag and goes out the back way. SAM (scoffs) What a suck up! GARY It makes me sick. SAM That gives me an idea. GARY What idea? INT. PIZZA STORE/SERVICE AREA - NIGHT SUPER: The Next Evening The Pizza Guy walks from the kitchen. The Manager and a trainee with the name tag BILLY (17) enters. MANAGER (points to trainee) This is Billy. Billy and the Pizza Guy shake hands. PIZZA GUY Welcome aboard! MANAGER (sighs) Im being summoned by her highness. Remember if Mr Johnson calls to order you make sure hes made a top priority. The Manager rushes off, his cell phone at his ear. PIZZA GUY Okay sir, I will. You have a great night! Billy looks around. PIZZA GUY Ill give you a quick tour before you start.




Billy nods and smiles weakly. The phone rings and the Pizza Guy rushes to answer it. PIZZA GUY (CONTD) (to Billy) Ill be with you shortly... (into phone) Hello this is Delicious Pizza, can I take your order? GARY (VO) (filtered) Gary here, listen...I got the flu, dont want to pass it around...wont be in tonight. PIZZA GUY Okay... um, you get better...bye. (to himself) Bugger! Another employee, JIM (early 20s), comes out of the kitchen. The phone rings again. PIZZA GUY Jim, can you give Billy a tour of the place? JIM (friendly) Sure thing. (to Billy) Right this way. Billy and Jim leave. The Pizza Guy answers the phone. PIZZA GUY Delicious Pizza. SAM (VO) (filtered) Its Sam, sorry to do this to you but I have a family dinner that popped up at the last minute and I cant get out of it. The Pizza Guy rolls his eyes. PIZZA GUY (sarcastic) Great. No problem at all Sam. Have a...nice night wont you.


CONTINUED: SAM (VO) Thanks man, bye. The Pizza Guy looks to the sky and throws his hands up. PIZZA GUY What else is going to go wrong tonight!? The phone rings again. PIZZA GUY Delicious Pizza, can I take your order? MR. JOHNSON (VO) (filtered) This is Mr. Johnson. PIZZA GUY How may I help you, sir? MR. JOHNSON (VO) (filtered) Id like a Mexican Fireball. PIZZA GUY Certainly sir, did you want any changes made to the topping? MR. JOHNSON (VO) (filtered) No. PIZZA GUY Delivery or pick up sir? MR.JOHNSON (VO) (filtered) Delivery within an hour. PIZZA GUY Of course sir, nothing but the best for our most important customer. MR. JOHNSON (VO) (filtered) Goodbye. PIZZA GUY Goodbye sir.


The Pizza Guy hangs up and checks his watch which says the time is 7:30pm. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: PIZZA GUY (to himself) One hour or his pizza is free. (yells to kitchen) A Mexican Fireball for delivery! JIM (OS) (yells) Coming up!


A CUSTOMER enters the store and walks to the counter. The Pizza Guy smiles and they smile back. PIZZA GUY Good evening and welcome to Delicious Pizza can I take your order? CUSTOMER Yeah, Id like a Mexican Fireball but can I make some changes to the topping? PIZZA GUY Sure, fire away. INT. PIZZA STORE/SERVICE AREA - NIGHT SUPER: Fifteen minutes later... Billy comes out with a Mexican Fireball and places it in the cabinet for pizzas that are ready to go. The other Mexican Fireball has a note attached that says Without changes. The phone rings. Billy looks around nervously then answers. BILLY Uh, this is pizza delicious, can I take your order? The Customer from earlier returns. CUSTOMER Im here to pick up the Mexican Fireball. BILLY (CONTD) (to customer) Uh, Ill get it for you. Billy walks to the cabinet and absent mindedly takes the one with the note over to the customer. He exchanges money with them and gives out the change. (CONTINUED)



BILLY (to phone) Uh, okay it will be ready for pick up in about ten minutes. The Customer leaves. Billy hangs up the phone. The Pizza Guy collects the remaining pizza. PIZZA GUY Be back soon Billy! Billy waves. The Pizza Guy checks his watch. He takes a deep breath and leaves. EXT. STREET - NIGHT The Pizza Guy rides a motorcycle with the pizza secured on the back. A loud bang grabs his attention over the sound of the bike and he pulls over. He checks the back wheel. The tyre is flat. He checks his watch which now reads 7:50pm. PIZZA GUY Damn! EXT. MECHANICS SHOP - NIGHT The Pizza Guy goes to the shop window. He looks at the phone number on the sign, takes out his cell phone and dials. EXT MECHANICS SHOP - NIGHT SUPER: Twenty minutes later... The tyre has been changed and the Pizza Guy pays the unimpressed MECHANIC (late 30s). MECHANIC Look, after hours will cost ya more than that...extra twenty bucks on top. The Pizza Guy dips into his wallet once more and hands the Mechanic the money. The Mechanic watches as the Pizza Guy gets on the motorcycle and rides away.

7. EXT. STREET - NIGHT The Pizza guy starts to wince. PIZZA GUY Oh no... He sees a block of public toilets ahead and rides towards them. He pulls over and rushes inside. EXT. PUBLIC TOILETS - NIGHT Nearby is the same group of kids from the night before who see the motorbike with the pizza on it and look at one another with mischievous grins. The Pizza Guy rushes out. PIZZA GUY I can still make it... He gets to the motorbike and realizes the pizzas gone. He turns to see the group of kids running and laughing. PIZZA GUY Hey! He chases them. EXT. STREET - NIGHT The Pizza Guy catches up but they throw the pizza away and manage to escape. A couple of pieces of pizza fall onto the ground. The Pizza Guy scoops them up into the box. He doesnt notice that a few bites have been taken. EXT. MR JOHNSONS HOUSE - NIGHT The Pizza Guy arrives at Mr. Johnsons. He stops the bike, gets off and checks his watch. The time is 8:25pm. PIZZA GUY (panting) Five minutes left... He takes a deep breath to compose himself. He knocks on the door. A few moments later MR JOHNSON (mid 50s) appears. (CONTINUED)



MR JOHNSON You were almost late. PIZZA GUY Customer satisfaction is our guarantee sir! He presents the pizza to Mr. Johnson who accepts and pays the exact amount. MR JOHNSON Good night. The Pizza Guy walks away with a proud look on his face. MR JOHNSON (OS) (outraged) This is preposterous! The Pizza Guy makes a movement as if he was prodded in the back with a sharp implement. He slowly turns around, gulps and walks to Mr Johnson. PIZZA GUY Uh, whats the problem sir? Mr Johnson thrusts the pizza under the Pizza Guys nose. MR JOHNSON Look at it! The Pizza Guy looks down to see that pieces have bites taken out of them. MR JOHNSON Someone has already eaten from my pizza! PIZZA GUY You see, Mr. Johnson sir, uh, well...I had some setbacks along the way...flat tyre, toilet emergency MR JOHNSON Toilet emergency?! PIZZA GUY - yes, you see I had to go, sir and when I got back some kids had made off with your pizza and, uh, I didnt see the bite -




MR JOHNSON How could you not?! PIZZA GUY I, uh...Im sorry sir... MR JOHNSON To add insult to injury this pizza is not what I ordered! The Pizza Guys eyes go wide. PIZZA GUY Uh, you ordered the Mexican Fireball didnt you sir? MR JOHNSON Yes but no changes. You were the one who asked me in the first place! PIZZA GUY There was probably a mistake MR JOHNSON Get out of my sight! Mr Johnson throws the pizza at the Pizza Guy and slams the door. The Pizza Guy walks back to his bike, defeated and ashamed. EXT. PUB - NIGHT The Pizza Guy parks his motorcycle and enters. INT. PUB - NIGHT He has his head down. When he puts his head back up his face contorts in anger and frustration. Gary and Sam are at the bar, telling jokes and laughing. The Pizza Guy gets closer and closer, fists clenched. PIZZA GUY (to Gary) I guess these people want your sickness. (to Sam) I cant seem to see your family anywhere. (CONTINUED)



Sam and Gary slowly turn around with an oh shit expression on their faces. The Pizza Guy storms out. INT. PIZZA STORE - NIGHT The Pizza Guy returns and is greeted by Billy and Jim. BILLY Um, theres another delivery for you. JIM Whats up? PIZZA GUY I did my first and last delivery for the night...perhaps my life. JIM Why do you say that? PIZZA GUY It seems the wrong pizza was in the box. BILLY Um, what happens now then? PIZZA GUY Im going to lose my job, thats what happens now Billy boy. BILLY Um, cant you deliver him another one? JIM (to Billy) The thing is hes our best customer and he and the boss are friends. Billy and Jim cast their eyes away. The Pizza Guy stares past Billy and Jim with wide eyes, not blinking. PIZZA GUY (still staring, not blinking) If I go down...two people are going with me. Billy and Jim look at each other with an expression of worry on their faces. Billy gulps. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: BILLY (worried) Um, you mean us? PIZZA GUY (still staring, not blinking) Gary and Sam...theyre at a pub getting drunk...a hangover wont be their only worry in the morning.


Billy and Jim stare at The Pizza Guy who is still staring ahead without blinking. The Customer from earlier enters the store. CUSTOMER Whos in charge here? I was given the wrong pizza and because Im allergic I had a reaction and had to go to the hospital! The Pizza Guy rolls his eyes up, shakes his head and sighs before facing the Customer. PIZZA GUY Delicious Pizza, Im the manager tonight. The Customer folds their arms and gives the Pizza Guy the death stare. INT. PIZZA STORE - MANAGERS OFFICE - MORNING The Pizza Guy, Gary and Sam stand in front of the desk where the Manager is seated, not looking at any of them. MANAGER Mr. Johnson was furious. I have no choice but to fire you! They all nod and walk out. MANAGER You stay here. They all turn around. MANAGER Not you two. (pointing to Pizza Guy) You, stay. Gary and Sam leave. (CONTINUED)



MANAGER Since it was not entirely your fault you are getting off the hook with a warning. The Pizza Guy takes a deep breath, relieved. MANAGER But thats not all...Mr. Johnson and I have made an arrangement. PIZZA GUY What sort of arrangement, sir? EXT. MR. JOHNSONS HOUSE - DAY The Pizza Guy is washes Mr. Johnsons car. MR JOHNSON You missed a spot. The Pizza Guy stops for a second, nods and then gets back to it. MR JOHNSON When youre done with my car clean my toilet. The Pizza Guy sighs and nods. FADE OUT: THE END

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