Maeliza Jayne A. Apit

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1. Enumerate 2 basics parts of a comp. CPU Power supply

2. Differentiate ROM to RAM Different between ROM and ROM is a class of storage medium used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM cannot be modified, or can be modified only slowly or with difficulty and it only refers to memory that is hard-wired. While RAM is a form of computer data storage. A random-access device allows stored data to be accessed directly in any random order. 3. What is CPU? CPU (Central Processing Unit) is hardware within computer that processes the instruction in computer program e.g how to compute basic mathematical problem. 4. Diff. CD, USB, FLOPPY in terms of reading capability and processing capability. The different between CD, USB and FLOPPY in terms of reading capability is in CDs processing capability is typically up to 700 MiB (up to 80 minutes audio) with a reading capability of 780 nm wavelength (infrared and red edge) semiconductor laser, 1200 Kib/s (1). While USB has a capability of up to 512 gigabytes (GB) were available. And last is FLOPPY, it has a capability of 150/200 MB. 5. Diff. hardware and peripherals. The different between hardware and peripherals is hardware is the physical parts that are connect inside your computer. While peripherals are any device you attach to your computer whish is not central to your computers standard operation. 6. List down some common hardware of typical computer. CPU

Mother board Monitor Power supply Keyboard Mouse

7. List down some common peripherals attached to a computer. Speaker Scanner Printer Joystick

8. What is the proper way of turning of your comp.? use a diagram Click the Start button when menu appears, click on Turn Off Computer then click Turn Off 9. List down basic input devices. 11. Uses ALT key- used to change (alternate) the function of other pressed keys. For example, simply pressing "A" will type the letter a, but if you hold down either Alt key while pressing A, the computer will perform an Alt + A function, which varies from program to program Mouse Monitor CPU Keyboard

10. List down basic output device. Speaker Scanner Printer Joystick

Shift key- used to type capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters Control key- when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special operation (for example, ^ Ctrl + C ); similar to the Shift key, the Control key rarely performs any function when pressed by itself

12. Enumerate practical application of comp. in everyday lives. Facebook Skype Twitter Yahoo messenger Google mail

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